Reuters: US, Canadian navies stage rare joint mission through Taiwan Strait


Reuters reported the following:

US, Canadian navies stage rare joint mission through Taiwan Strait

June 3, 2023

TAIPEI, June 3 (Reuters) – A U.S. and a Canadian warship sailed through the Taiwan Strait on Saturday, the U.S. Navy said, in a rare joint mission in the sensitive waterway at a time of heightened tensions between Beijing and Washington over Chinese-claimed Taiwan.

The U.S. Navy’s 7th Fleet said the guided-missile destroyer USS Chung-Hoon and Canada’s HMCS Montreal conducted a “routine” transit of the strait “through waters where high-seas freedoms of navigation and overflight apply in accordance with international law”.

“Chung-Hoon and Montreal’s bilateral transit through the Taiwan Strait demonstrates the commitment of the United States and our allies and partners to a free and open Indo-Pacific,” it said in a statement.

While U.S. warships transit the strait around once a month, it is unusual for them to do so with those of other U.S. allies.

The mission took place as the U.S. and Chinese defence chiefs were attending a major regional security summit in Singapore.

China will not like this, plus will be offended by the timing.

Related to a European view of a conflict with China, several weeks ago, a reader tipped me off to the following from

The Consequences of a War against China

BERLIN/CANBERRA/BEIJING (Own report) – The EU Foreign Affairs Commissioner, Josep Borrell, calls on European navies to patrol the Taiwan Strait, thus challenging once again China’s red lines. The Taiwan Strait is an “absolutely crucial area,” where “ freedom of navigation” must be guaranteed, Borrell alleged …

In the meantime, the risk of war in East Asia has reached such a level that the public radio ABC in Australia – where the German Bundeswehr is regularly engaged in war exercises – has begun to openly discuss the concrete consequences of a war for the Australian population. Speaking to ABC radio, the military experts agreed that the West could not win such a war, but Australia would have to suffer tremendous losses, be plunged into poverty and even risk nuclear annihilation. They urgently call for preventing a war against China. …

“Best Potential Outcome, a Stalemate”

All four of the experts interviewed by ABC were in agreement that the United States cannot win a war against China.  …

When it comes to the specific war scenarios, the experts disagree. Whereas White assumes that an armed conflict between the USA and China would mainly take place at sea, Fernandes expects, it is more likely that China could block Taiwan, and what would then develop, would depend on whether the United States would seek to end the blockade militarily. On the other hand, they agree that a US war against the People’s Republic of China, with Australian involvement, would lead to enormous loss of human life and other dramatic damage. Fernandes points out that, already the loss of a single frigate means the death of 170 people. White is convinced that such a war “would swiftly exceed the toll in casualties suffered in Vietnam and Korea.” Barrie – who, as a former Chief of the Defense Force, is especially familiar with the consequences of war – urgently warns that war against China would have an impact on all Australians, not least of all economically. Besides the loss of human life, it is likely “to impoverish us all,” in the worst case, it may even kill most of us if it goes nuclear”. 04/24/23

China has long been interested in Taiwan and wants it back under its direct dominion.

Many in Taiwan do not want that.

However, scripturally, I still believe that Taiwan will come under Chinese control, consistent with prophecies in the Book of Revelation:

12 Then the sixth angel poured out his bowl on the great river Euphrates, and its water was dried up, so that the way of the kings from the east might be prepared. (Revelation 16:12)

Perhaps it should be mentioned that instead of “kings of the east,” that part of Revelation 16:12 is more literally, “kings of the sunrise.”

Anyway, Taiwanese territory fits that description.

China is trying to rise up and spread its influence. It is not pleased with interference from the USA or its British-descended allies.

The various conflicts between the USA and China have been tending to drain USA military resources away from Europe. This is making the USA weaker in Europe and has helped motivate the Europeans to strive to become more militarily independent from the USA.

That is actually consistent with something that the old Plain Truth magazine published back in 1984:

Drifting Away from Europe

It is a fact of immense importance, though recognized only faintly by most Americans, that culturally, economically — and soon strategically as well — the United States is drifting out of the Atlantic orbit.

For years now there has been a perceptible shift in the United States away from its historic attachment to Europe into a much closer relationship with the nations of the Pacific basin.

“The overwhelming European influence on our culture is on the wane and giving way to the Orient,” Frederick Allen, Morgan Guaranty Trust Co. vice-president, commented in an interview published early in 1983.

Franc Viviano, an editor of Pacific News Service in San’ Francisco, added that “once the word ‘immigration’ was synonymous with the arrival of Europeans, and later with Latin Americans. Today two of every five newcomers to the United States are Asian.

“Consider the fact,” added Mr. Viviano, in echoing Premier Zhao’s remarks, “that in 1982-83, for the first time in history, overall U.S. trade with Pacific nations exceeded that with Atlantic nations, registering a record $121,200,000,000.”

This shift toward the Pacific, in turn, plays a significant role in the rift now developing between the United States and its Western alliance allies in Europe.

“Our future lies in Asia” is the recurring theme in some influential economic and political circles in the United States. This viewpoint is usually coupled with the call for the United States to eventually cut defense ties to Europe, to pull United States troops out of the Continent.  … then let the Europeans either defend themselves or make their own security arrangements with the Soviet Union.

The end result will be a Europe cut off from America — but a Europe eventually becoming a “third force” superpower of its own rank. (Hogberg G. The “NEW CHINA” Reaches Out. Plain Truth, April 1984)

The USA has been pivoting towards Asia for some time. Yet, Taiwan will one day unite with China, irrespective of what the USA may or may not do. And yes, Europe still is intent on being a “third force,” a superpower in its own right.

China may well push harder for control of Taiwan relatively soon–especially since it knows what places like are reporting.

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