Riots across the USA: Garner Ted Armstrong on cause of racial strife
Tonight there are protests in:
• boston
• nyc
• atlanta
• LA
• Chicago
• DC
• minneapolis/st. paul
• louisville
• dallas
• sacramento
• bakersfield
• san jose— Nicholas Carlson (@nichcarlson) May 30, 2020
There have been riots as well as peaceful protests across the USA triggered by the death of George Floyd while he was under Minneapolis police custody:
‘Wanton Destruction’ in Minneapolis As Protests Spread Across US
May 30, 2020
Minnesota Governor Tim Walz said early Saturday that the goal of protesters in Minneapolis is “wanton destruction.”
Protests have spread across the U.S. following the death of George Floyd, an African American man who died after a Minneapolis police officer pressed his knee into Floyd’s neck as Floyd lay on the ground. The image has been seen around the world and has sparked outrage.
Walz said the demonstration in Minneapolis is not about grieving but is instead about “absolute chaos.”
Protesters in Minneapolis have burned businesses, cars and at least one police station. The Star Tribune reported that protesters had fired at police.
“We cannot arrest people because of the sheer size of the dynamics,” Walz said. “Shots are being fired back at our people.”
At least 500 National Guard members have already been deployed to the twin cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul. Maj. Gen. Jon Jensen of the Minnesota National Guard said there will be more than 1,700 National Guard in the area by Sunday. The Washington Post reported it would be the largest deployment of civilian law enforcement in the state’s history.
The Associated Press reported that the Pentagon had ordered the Army to put several active-duty U.S. military police units on the ready to deploy to Minneapolis. Soldiers from Fort Bragg in North Carolina and Fort Drum in New York have been ordered to be ready to deploy within four hours if called, according to three people with direct knowledge of the orders, AP said, adding that soldiers in Fort Carson, in Colorado, and Fort Riley in Kansas have been told to be ready within 24 hours.
A peaceful protest in Portland, Oregon, about Floyd’s death turned violent hours later when protesters broke into police headquarters, where they set a fire. The demonstrators also vandalized stores, set other fires and threw projectiles at police, according to an Associated Press report. Police described the turn of events as a “riot” on Twitter.
In Washington, protests Friday at Lafayette Park outside the White House led officials to lock down the building. Reporters said protesters, some spray-painting a nearby building, clashed with Secret Service members. Protesters also removed part of a barricade.
Demonstrators in New York City took to the streets for a second day to protest the death of Floyd, 46. Reports say some in the crowd pushed against metal barricades as police pushed back.
The Los Angeles Police Department declared an unlawful assembly after protesters smashed shop windows and blocked a freeway. Police marched into downtown Los Angeles to remove the demonstrators.
In Atlanta, Georgia, hundreds of protesters confronted police outside CNN headquarters, some throwing water bottles and chanting, “Quit your jobs.” The governor eventually declared a state of emergency and activated the National Guard.
“This is not a protest,” Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms said in an emotional plea to the demonstrators in the Southern city. “This is chaos. A protest has purpose. . . You are disgracing our city. We are better than this as a city. We are better than this as a country.” Five hundred Georgia National Guard are being deployed to Atlanta.
Protests also took place in Las Vegas, Nevada, and in Houston, Texas, where Floyd grew up. More than 60 protesters marched on the freeway in Houston for half an hour, shutting down traffic.
The Midwestern city of Minneapolis, where the killing took place, remains on edge following three nights of protests that started peacefully but gave way to arson and looting. …
Friday, officials in Hennepin County, Minnesota, announced charges against Chauvin, who is seen in cellphone video of the incident kneeling on Floyd’s neck as Floyd pleads that he can’t breathe.
Floyd was pronounced dead shortly after the incident. His family responded to the charges, saying in a statement it wants prosecutors to take a tougher approach.
“The arrest of former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin for the brutal killing of George Floyd is a welcome but overdue step on the road to justice. We expected a first-degree murder charge. We want a first-degree murder charge. And we want to see the other officers arrested. We call on authorities to revise the charges to reflect the true culpability of this officer.”
George Floyd should have been treated better while under police custody. But even though he died, this does not justify violent riots, destruction of property, and theft–which is part of what has been happening.
When I watched how the mainstream media was selectively covering the George Floyd matter early on Thursday, it seemed like it was encouraging riots. And the situation worsened since then.
This is not new. Notice some posts from 2011 and 2016:
Specifically, I expect violent protests in the USA, UK, and Canada … (Thiel B. Riots in London and Spain. COGwriter, August 7, 2011)
For years I have warned that more civil unrest was coming to the USA. … the media certainly has fanned the flames in the past and I expect them to do more such fanning in the future … (Thiel B. ‘Chaos will erupt across America in less than 100 days… no matter who wins the election’. COGwriter, September 5, 2016)
In my view, selective media coverage is related to three factors:
- The media supports the race-baiting agenda of many political leaders (which, in my view, is part of what has led to the protests).
- The media is less interested in a balanced representation of truth, but instead believes it should play more of a political role.
- The media is afraid that if they do not come across as sufficiently sympathetic to the protesters, that they will become targets themselves (and I saw one ‘protester’ assault a reporter on the news) and/or that they will be accused of being racists themselves.
We are in violent times …
Consider the following prophecy for the end times:
1 But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: 2 For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 3 unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, 4 traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, 5 having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away! 6 For of this sort are those who creep into households and make captives of gullible women loaded down with sins, led away by various lusts, 7 always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. (2 Timothy 3:1-7)
(Thiel B. ‘The Charlotte Riots: What They Are Not Telling You’. COGwriter, September 23, 2016)
The flames of violent protest has been fanned by the media, academia, and various government officials.
Jesus spoke of a time of troubles (Mark 13:8) and violence (Matthew 24:6-7). The Book of Revelation tells of the time of the ride of the red horseman of war.
Here is number 7 from my article 20 items to prophetically watch in 2020::
Notice how the Orthodox Jewish Bible translates the first half of Matthew 24:7:
For there will be an intifada of ethnic group against ethnic group, …
We expect to see more wars, rumors of war, and civil unrest.
When I heard a black woman scream out “Kill all the white folks” on the news Thursday evening, her statement ended up bringing the “intifada of ethnic group against ethnic group” translation of Matthew 24:7 to mind. “Intifada” means rebellion or uprising. We have seen that in these recent protests and riots.
Now, not all of this has a racial component, but some does. Notice something from the old Radio Church of God, many decades ago, written by the late Garner Ted Armstrong:
“POLICE BRUTALITY!” “Poverty!” “Unequal opportunity!” “Illiteracy!” “Poor housing!” “Police Chief Parkerl” These are hurled back and forth as causes of the race riots in Los Angeles. Read, in this article, the REAL cause, and the powder keg of violence that could explode where YOU live! …
Th e cause: HUMAN NATURE. And remember, once again, just what IS human nature ! Human nature is a mixture of vanity, jealousy, lust and greed. Jeremiah was inspired to write, “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it” (Jer. 17:9) .
James said it is the NATURE of man to rebel, to riot, to fight wars! ” From whence come wars and fightings among you? come they not hence, even of your lusts that war in your members? Ye lust, and have not: ye kill, and desire to have, and cannot obtain: ye fight and war, yet ye have not , because ye ask not. Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss, that ye may consume it upon your lusts” (Jas. 4:1-3).
The Bible is the book about human nature. It explains what human nature really IS, how it is hostile and angry toward law. The apostle Paul said, “Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be!” (Rom. 8 :7.) And the lusts, jealousies, resentments and frustrations of human nature are not limited to anyone race. But they are most assuredly aggravated by race hatred. …
Racial tensions in the United States are being aggravated during these modern times, not quieted. Bigotry and bias are INCREASING, not decreasing. …
The plain truth of the matter is that the family is breaking down and disintegrating among aU racial com- munities, around the world!
And remember , too, that Almighty God seriously indicts His people ISRAEL, more than any others for this breakdown in the family! He said, through Isaiah , “As for MY people [and he was referring to the House of Israel !], children are their oppressors, and women rule over them, o my people, they which lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths” (Isa. 3:12). ..broken homes-that is, homes in which one or the other parent is absent! And what effect would this have on the moraIs, the character, the education, the economic status of all these children?
The Watts riot is one resounding answer! …
Whether we like to believe it or not, you r Bible prophesies we are headed for some of the bloodiest riots, mass up- ri sings, and rampant crime in our big cities th at th is world has ever seen! …
To a certain degree, the only reason THOUSANDS more humans do not open- ly steal, rob, burn or kill is the FEAR OF REPRISAL! They fear being CAUGHT at it. But when it seems EVERYONE ELSE is suddenly defying the l aw, it’s much easier for many people who normally might not steal to suddenly give vent to their inherent nature! …
Human nature IS hate, animosity toward authority, jealousy, vanity , lust and greed! Human nature IS intolerant. It is biased! It is filled with SELF , and terribly bigoted! And human nature is not limit ed to one race!
Dr . Robert M. Page once said, “So long as we have human nature, we shall have war.”
But God’s Word revealed the basic truth of that statement centuries before. James asks, “From whence come wars and fightings among you? come they not hence , even of your lusts that war in your members? Ye lust, and have not: ye kill, and desire to have, and cannot obtain: ye fight and war, yet ye have not, because ye ask not. Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss, that ye may consume it upon your lusts” (Jas. 4 : 1-3). …
When a white man murders, he is a white murderer. And when a black man murders, he is a black murderer. The color of a man’s skin is only one more description of him as a person, as a human being- like his height, weight, shape, place of birth or age. But whether he is white or black, red, pink, polka dotted or blue-if he breaks the law, if he resists arrest, if he loots, robs, kills or steals, then he is guilty of LAWBREAKING-NOT “guilty” merely because he is a member of one race or another. (Armstrong GT. The RACE RIOTS of the FUTURE! Plain Truth, October 1965)
People are supposed to love one another. But many do not understand how God views race–for details, check out the online sermon: Race and Grace; Do you view race as God does?
As far as riots go, they are expected. Notice the following prophecy:
25 There shall be terror within (Deuteronomy 32:25)
Last night, I saw a protester in Bakersfield, California who was holding a sign advocating making the opposers to the protesters afraid.
That should not be the goal of protesters.
As far as fear goes, the following may be helpful:
Ten Steps to Rid Yourself of Fear This is a vastly expanded version of a shorter article by the late Dr. Herman Hoeh on getting past fear. Here is a link to a related sermon: Ten Plus Steps to Rid Yourself of Fear.
Christian courage vs. cowardice As you courageous? What biblically is cowardice? Do YOU really understand this? Two sermons related to this article are available and are titled Courage and Cowardice and Cowardice and Overcoming Fear. A Spanish language article is also available: Valor Cristiano vs Cobardía.
Faith for Those God has Called and Chosen What is faith? Can faith be increased? Are you saved by faith? What about works? Do Christians need to keep the Ten Commandments? What is the ‘faith chapter’? How do the just live by faith? Is faith one of the weightier matters of the law? How does faith come? Marque aquí para ver el pdf folleto: Fe para aquellos que Dios ha llamado y escogido. In German: Glaube für die von Gott Berufenen und Auserwählten. In French: La Foi pour ceux que Dieu a Appelés et Choisis. Here is a link to a related sermon titled: Faith for the Called and Chosen.and here is a link to another sermon Faith and Courage. Here is a link to shorter version of the written article in Mandarin Chinese N{ÇQsNŽOáNðv„\e‡zà.
Prayer: What Does the Bible Teach? This free booklet contains 28 biblically-based tips on improving the effectiveness of your prayers. This is a pdf. A related two part sermon is available: What Does the Bible Teach About Prayer? and What does the Bible Teach About Prayer (& Healing)?
Jesus said that we would have tribulations in this world, but that we can trust Him (cf. John 16:33).
As far as cities go, notice the following from prophetic writings:
23 ‘Make a chain,
For the land is filled with crimes of blood,
And the city is full of violence.
24 Therefore I will bring the worst of the Gentiles,
And they will possess their houses;
I will cause the pomp of the strong to cease,
And their holy places shall be defiled. (Ezekiel 7:23-24)13 … evil men and impostors will grow worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived. (2 Timothy 3:13)
The tweet at the beginning of this post listed cities across the USA–but even that list was incomplete as protests and violence has been occurring in others not listed in that tweet triggered by the George Floyd matter. Violence tends to beget more violence.
Although there will be some type of lull internationally (see The ‘Peace Deal’ of Daniel 9:27), we will see violence, terrors, and persecution greatly increase before Jesus returns (cf. Daniel 7:25; see also Persecutions by Church and State).
While there can be a time for protests (cf. Ecclesiastes 3:1-8), the results of increased protests will not be good.
Jesus taught:
25 Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation, and every city or house divided against itself will not stand. (Matthew 12:25)
We are seeing more divide in the USA and parts of it certainly appear to be intentional. Much of it is ideological. The USA is becoming less and less united and more polarized.
This will not end well for the USA (cf. Habakkuk 2:6-8; Daniel 11:39).
Violent protests are not the answer.
The Kingdom of God is the Solution.
Watch, repent, and pray (cf. Luke 21:36).
Some items of possibly related interest may include:
God’s Grace is For All Is being Jewish a hindrance to salvation? What about not being a descendant of Israel? What does the Bible really teach? Here is a link to a related sermon titled Race and Grace; Do you view race as God does?
20 items to prophetically watch in 2020 Much is happening. Dr. Thiel points to 20 items to watch (cf. Mark 13:37) in this article. Here is a link to a related sermon: 20 Prophetic Items to Watch in 2020.
Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse What do each of the four horseman of the Apocalypse represent? Have they began their ride? Did Jesus discuss the any of this? Might their rides coincide with the “beginning of sorrows? Do they start their ride prior to the Great Tribulation? Did Nostradamus or any other ‘private prophets’ write predictions that may mislead people so that they may not understand the truth of one or more of the four horseman? There is also a related YouTube video titled The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.
World War III: Steps in Progress Are there surprising actions going on now that are leading to WWIII? Might a nuclear attack be expected? Does the Bible promise protection to all or only some Christians? How can you be part of those that will be protected? A related video would be Is World War III About to Begin? Can You Escape?
Fourth Horseman of the Apocalypse What is the pale horse of death and pestilences? What will it bring and when? Here is a link to a related sermon: Fourth Horseman, COVID, and the Rise of the Beast of Revelation. Some shorter related videos may include Amphibian Apocalypse: Threat to Humans? and Zombie Deer Disease is Here! Are the 10 Plagues on Egypt Coming? Here is a version of the article in Spanish: El cuarto jinete de Apocalipsis, el caballo pálido de muerte y pestilencia.
USA in Prophecy: The Strongest Fortresses Can you point to scriptures, like Daniel 11:39, that point to the USA in the 21st century? This article does. A related sermon is titled: Do these 7 prophesies point to the end of the USA?
Who is the King of the West? Why is there no Final End-Time King of the West in Bible Prophecy? Is the United States the King of the West? Here is a version in the Spanish language: ¿Quién es el Rey del Occidente? ¿Por qué no hay un Rey del Occidente en la profecía del tiempo del fin? A related sermon is also available: The Bible, the USA, and the King of the West.
COVID 19 is NOT the End, but could it be TEOTWAWKI? The novel coronavirus called COVID-19 is wreaking havoc around the world. Many states of the USA as well as countries in Europe are on lockdown with shelter in place /shelter in residence requirements. In France, a form is required when you are not at your house. In Spain, drones are being used to warn people who are outside to got back to their homes–does that bring up feelings of ‘Big Brother’? Italy, France, and other areas are using police and/or military force to encourage people to stay inside. According to the Bible could this be the end? If not, what has to happen first? Have the second and third of the four horsemen of the Apocalypse started their ride? Could COVID-19 be the fourth horseman? Why or why not? Could we be seeing The End of the World as We Know It (TEOTWAWKI) like the R.E.M.’s 1987 single song discussed? Do Christians need to fear? What did Jesus teach? What did the Psalmist teach? This is a video. Here is a link to a version in the Spanish language: Corona 19 no es el final PERO es el TEOTWAWKI.
COVID-19 Leading to 666? The novel coronavirus of Wuhan, China fame, is now called COVID-19. It has also been called the ‘Coronapocalypse.’ Does COVID-19 have any prophetic ramifications? What did Jesus teach about pestilences and sorrows in the Olivet prophecy in Matthew 24? Could COVID-19 be the ride of the fourth horseman of the Apocalypse? Why was this type of disease expected according to the O. Here is a link to a version in the Spanish language: ld Testament prophecies in Deuteronomy and Leviticus? What has the US Centers for Disease Control warned about? What has the CDC reported about the flu? Were there lessons about fear and infections in the 2011 movie ‘Contagion’? Because of COVID-19, the World Health Organization (WHO), nation of Iran, and certain French locations are telling people not to use cash, but instead electronic forms of payment. The US Federal Reserve is now quarantining money repatriated from Asia to reduce the potential spread of the coronavirus on US currency bills. Is COVID-19 worse than we have been told or could this all be a ‘false flag’ event to encourage people to move towards a cashless society? If the thousands of deaths associated with COVID-19 are pushing parts of the world towards cashlessness, how much more likely will the ride of the fourth horseman and over a billion human deaths motivate people to move to making electronic payments that can be monitored? The Bible tells of a soon coming society that controls buying and selling to force allegiance to a coming European Beast power, known as 666 (Revelation 13:16-18). Does the ‘great tribulation’ begin before ride of the fourth horseman or with the opening of the fifth seal of Revelation 6? Do the words of Jesus helps us better understand the sequence of the four horsemen of the Apocalypse and the start of the Great Tribulation? Will the ride of the fourth horseman help lead to the rise of 666? Is that ride very close? Dr. Thiel addresses these issues and more in this video. Here is a link to a version in the Spanish language: El COVID-19 ¿Conduce al 666?
God’s Grace is For All Is being Jewish a hindrance to salvation? What about not being a descendant of Israel? What does the Bible really teach? Here is a link to a related sermon titled Race and Grace; Do you view race as God does?
Is God Calling You? This booklet discusses topics including calling, election, and selection. If God is calling you, how will you respond? Here is a link to a related sermon: Could God be Calling You? A short animation is also available: Is God Calling You?
Christian Repentance Do you know what repentance is? Is it really necessary for salvation? A related sermon is also available titled: Real Christian Repentance.
Just What Do You Mean — Repentance? Do you know what repentance is? Have you truly repented? Repented of what? Herbert W. Armstrong wrote this as a booklet on this important subject.
The Gospel of the Kingdom of God This free online pdf booklet has answers many questions people have about the Gospel of the Kingdom of God and explains why it is the solution to the issues the world is facing. Here are links to three related sermons: The World’s False Gospel, The Gospel of the Kingdom: From the New and Old Testaments, and The Kingdom of God is the Solution.
When Will the Great Tribulation Begin? 2019, 2020, or 2021? Can the Great Tribulation begin today? What happens before the Great Tribulation in the “beginning of sorrows”? What happens in the Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord? Is this the time of the Gentiles? When is the earliest that the Great Tribulation can begin? What is the Day of the Lord? Who are the 144,000? Here is a version of the article in the Spanish language: ¿Puede comenzar la Gran Tribulación en 2018 o 2019? ¿Es el Tiempo de los Gentiles? You can also see the English language sermon videos: The Great Tribulation from the Mount of Olives and Can the Great Tribulation begin before 2020? A shorter and newer video is: Might the Great Tribulation start in 2019?
The Times of the Gentiles Has there been more than one time of the Gentiles? Are we in it now or in the time of Anglo-America? What will the final time of the Gentiles be like? A related sermon is available and is titled: The Times of the Gentiles.
Armageddon Who is involved and when will this gathering happen? Here is also a video from Dr. Thiel, from Tel Megiddo in Israel: Armageddon. Other videos include: Armageddon Will it come on Trump’s watch?, Iraq, Armageddon, & Prophecy, Freemasonry, Armageddon, and Rome, Is China paving roads to Armageddon?, and Jordan, Petra, and Armageddon.
Anglo – America in Prophecy & the Lost Tribes of Israel Are the Americans, Canadians, English, Scottish, Welsh, Australians, Anglo-Saxon (non-Dutch) Southern Africans, and New Zealanders descendants of Joseph? Where are the lost ten-tribes of Israel? Who are the lost tribes of Israel? What will happen to Jerusalem and the Jews in Israel? Will God punish the U.S.A., Canada, United Kingdom, and other Anglo-Saxon nations? Why might God allow them to be punished first? Here is a link to the Spanish version of this article: Anglo-América & las Tribus Perdidas de Israel. Information is also in the YouTube sermons titled Where are the Ten Lost Tribes? Why does it matter? and British are the Covenant People. A short YouTube of prophetic interest may be: Are Chinese threats against Australia for real?
Will the Anglo-Saxon-Celtic Nations be Divided and Have People Taken as Slaves? Will the lands of the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand be divided? What about Jerusalem? What does Bible prophecy teach? Are there non-biblical prophecies that support this idea? Who will divide those lands? Who will end up with the lands and the people? Here is a link to a video titled Will the USA and other Anglo-nations be Divided and Their People Made Slaves? Here is a related item in the Spanish language ¿Serán divididas las naciones anglosajonas?
British are the Covenant People What do ‘British’ and ‘Britain’ mean in Hebrew? Are the descendants of the Anglo-Saxons people of the covenant? Does the British royal family connect to the throne of David? What does the Bible teach? What does history show us? Is there any DNA evidence related to British-Israelism? When did Christianity make it to the British Isles? Could Jeremiah have made it to the British Isles? What type of Christians made it to the British Isles? Did the last King of England believe in British Israelism?
Canada in Prophecy: What Does Bible Prophecy, Catholic Prophecy, and other Predictions Suggest About the Future of Canada? There are prophecies that suggest involvement with Canada. And many are not positive about its future. A sermon of related interest is also available: Canada in Prophecy.
Australia and New Zealand in Prophecy Do biblical prophecies help explain the wealth blessings for Australia and New Zealand? Might cursings from disobedience come in the 21st century? Here is a link to a related sermon: Australia and New Zealand: Origins and Prophecy.
There is a Place of Safety for the Philadelphians. Why it May Be Petra This article discusses a biblical ‘place of safety’ and includes quotes from the Bible and Herbert W. Armstrong on this subject–thus, there is a biblically supported alternative to the rapture theory. There is also a video on the subject: Might Petra be the Place of Safety?
Donald Trump in Prophecy Prophecy, Donald Trump? Are there prophecies that Donald Trump may fulfill? Are there any prophecies that he has already helped fulfill? Is a Donald Trump presidency proving to be apocalyptic? Two related videos are available: Donald: ‘Trump of God’ or Apocalyptic? and Donald Trump’s Prophetic Presidency.
Trump Presidency Magic 8 Ball or Bible Prophecy? BBC reported that one might as well use a ‘Magic Eight-Ball’ to try to predict what will happen in the remaining time of Donald Trump’s presidency. What is a ‘Magic Eight-Ball’? Dr. Thiel not only explains that, but also briefly goes over 10 biblically-based warnings he wrote would happen if Donald Trump were elected that have already began to come to pass. He also goes over something he wrote back in 2008 that the Trump presidency is also helping lead to fulfillment. Should you trust Bible prophecy or not? Dr. Thiel says that Bible prophecy can be trusted, despite the view of skeptics and others that either overlook or despise the Bible. This is a video.
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