Russia and India Hoping for Jet Superiority by 2015
Vladimir Putin, Official Photograph
Russia and India seem to be expecting to have a more advanced jet than the USA by 2015:
Putin boasts new jet fighter better than U.S. planePrime Minister Vladimir Putin climbed into the cockpit of Russia’s newest fighter jet on Thursday and said it would trump a U.S.-built rival, the F-22 Raptor.Reuters – June 17, 2010Putin watched a test flight of a “fifth-generation” stealth fighter, dubbed the T-50 and billed as Russia’s first all-new warplane since the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991.
“This machine will be superior to our main competitor, the F-22, in terms of maneuverability, weaponry and range,” Putin told the pilot after the flight, according to an account on the government website.
Putin said the plane would cost up to three times less than similar aircraft in the West and could remain in service for 30 to 35 years with upgrades, according to the report…
Russia also plans to manufacture T-50s jointly with India…
Sukhoi has said the plane should be ready for use in 2015.
Whether or not this jet will be technologically ahead at that time remains to be seen. But the fact that the Russian Prime Minister boldly proclaimed it suggests, to me at least, that Russia feels that it will be able to eliminate much of the technological edge that the USA has had for decades.
The USA is declining and Russia and others are arming up. The world is changing and may be changed to an almost unrecognizable degree by the end of 2015.
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