Russia expects to share a currency with Europe
Vladimir Putin, Official Photograph
While Russia and China have decided to drop the US dollar for their bilateral trade (see Russia and China dropping US dollar for their trade), Russia also apparently expects to be in the same “currency zone” with Europe:
Russia’s Vladimir Putin said on Friday that closer ties with Europe were unavoidable, a day after his proposal for a free trade zone “from Lisbon to Vladivostok” met with a cool German response.”I do not know what forms our cooperation should acquire — will it be a common free market or will it be our associated membership in the EU,” the Russian prime minister said in the German capital Berlin.
“But a rapprochement between Russia and Europe is unavoidable, if we want to be preserved as a civilization, if we want to be successful and competitive.”
“Can we assume that Russia together with Europe will one day be in a single currency zone? I can assume that.”
Putin, who is scheduled to have talks with Chancellor Angela Merkel later on Friday, floated a bold idea of a vast free-trade zone from Russia’s eastern tip to Europe’s western extremities.
Putin proposes Russia-EU unionEUobserver – Nov 26, 2010Ahead of his two-day visit to Germany, Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin has projected a vision of a ‘harmonious economic community stretching from Lisbon to Vladivostok’ in reaction to the economic crisis. Chancellor Angela Merkel, however, said she will “pour some cold water” on the idea.
It needs to be pointed out, however, that the Europeans have not embraced either the idea of Russia being part of Europe’s free-trade zone or its currency zone.
Yet, Europe has mentioned that it would entertain something like an expanded free-trade zone if Russia changes some of its policies.
But my point is that the world is moving more and more away of relying on the US dollar. Russia seems to be one of the major public proponents of dropping the dollar as the world’s reserve currency–and almost everyone looking to move away from the US dollar seems to at least partially be looking at Europe.
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