Russia’s Putin dimisses possibility of attacking NATO
NATO in Green, Russia in Orange (Crimea should also be orange–Ukraine is one of the grey countries between NATO and Russia)
Russian President Vladimir Putin took steps to assure the West that he has no intentions to strike against NATO:
June 6, 2015
Russia is not a threat to Nato, President Vladimir Putin says.
“Only an insane person and only in a dream can imagine that Russia would suddenly attack Nato,” Mr Putin told Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera.
The Western alliance is bolstering its military presence in its eastern European members in response to their fears of Russian threat, following its involvement in the Ukraine conflict.
Nato says that Russia is backing rebels in Ukraine – a claim denied by Moscow.
Early this month, Nato pledged to counter “hybrid warfare” from Russia – which included a mixture of conventional military tactics, subversive campaigns and cyber-warfare that Russia was using in Ukraine. …
In his interview with Corriere della Sera, Mr Putin said some countries were “simply taking advantage of people’s fears with regard to Russia” in order to receive “some supplementary military, economic, financial or some other aid”.
“There is no need to fear Russia,” Mr Putin said.
“The world has changed so drastically that people with some common sense cannot even imagine such a large-scale military conflict today. We have other things to think about, I assure you.”
Two points: First, is that Ukraine is not part of NATO, which the above BBC article did not make clear.
The second is that I believe Vladimir Putin currently has no intention of attempting to strike NATO (North American Treaty Organization) to provoke some type of all-out conflict.
While Vladimir Putin intentions could change, the biblical reality is that a major conflict between Russia and the alliance called NATO is not prophesied.
While some have improperly concluded that Russia is the prophesied “king of the North” of Daniel 11, that is not the case. Russia, thus, is NOT biblically the power that is prophesied to takeover the USA, the major power behind NATO–Europe, much of which is currently part of NATO, is prophesied to do that (cf. Daniel 11:39), USA and its Anglo-Saxon allies are prophesied to be taken over by friends (Lamentations 1:1-2; see also Anglo – America in Prophecy & the Lost Tribes of Israel), and they do not consider Russia to be a friend. Later, however, Russia prophesied to destroy Europe (e.g. Jeremiah 51:11-32)–but this is AFTER the great tribulation. NATO will not exist then.
Here are some materials from the old Worldwide Church of God that were written decades ago, during the time of the old Soviet Union, concerning whether war between the USA and Russia was prophesied:
For decades now, the prospect of war between Russia and the United States has continually heightened and lessened.
Many who claim to be authorities on prophecy assure people a war involving Russia and the United States, Canada and England is prophesied in Ezekiel 38.
The United States, Britain and other democracies of north-western Europe, they recognize, are nations descended from the lost Ten Tribes. Therefore, they conclude, the prophecy of Ezekiel 38 foretells a military invasion of the North American continent from the Soviet Union. But this is not what prophecy says…
But this very fact – that this invasion will not come until after the Second Coming of Christ – will seem preposterous to many, at first thought.
That is because we have been accustomed merely to assume things that are not true. We have blindly assumed that when Christ comes, there will be no opposition. Every person and power on earth, we have thought, will simply submit meekly and instantly to him and his power. But that is not true!
Some gentile nations understandably shall not submit until forced to. The final restoration of the Roman Empire shall be subdued and conquered at a battle commonly called “Armageddon.” But the populous nations of Eurasia that the Almighty God up to this point has not dealt with shall still have to be brought to submission.
“Gog” Identified “Gog in the land of “Magog” is the vast regions of the U.S.S.R. in northern Eurasia extending from the Baltic to the Pacific. “Meshech” is Moscow, “Tubal” is Tobol’sk.Notice the allies who come with them in this future battle. You will find “Gomer” “Togarmah,” “Magog,” “Meshech” “Tubal” identified in Genesis 10 as the sons of Japheth, father of the Eurasians. Ethiopia and Phut (mistranslated Libya) are descended from Ham. Therefore, this prophecy of Ezekiel 38 shows who shall finally succeed in marshaling peoples of each major race into a gigantic invasion upon our people.
When God begins to rule the world, through Christ – with His chosen people restored to prosperity in the land of Israel, the very center of the land surface of the earth (verse 12, Moffatt translation) – this, great Eurasian union of nations shall finally be tempted to use their mighty air force. (Armstrong HW. Why Russia Will Not Attack the United States, article).
Some Bible scholars assert falsely that these prophecies of Ezekiel were fulfilled anciently. They never were. Others believe they are about to occur but some years before Armageddon.
Both views are erroneous.
The events of Ezekiel 38 and 39 are without question still future – for the “latter days” (38: 16) and “latter years” (38:8). Moreover, Ezekiel 38:14 describes the time setting as being “in that day when my people of Israel dwelleth safely.”
This is certainly not the situation in the State of Israel today! The Israel described by Ezekiel is a nation that dwells in security, in unwalled villages, totally unprepared for war (38:8, 11, 14).
Read it for yourself! (Why Russia Will Not Attack the United States. WCG booklet)
Ezekiel 38 is for the distant future–and and right at/after the millennium (cf. Revelation 20:7-9). But that does not mean that there cannot be military conflict between the USA and Russia now (and there may be some).
Of course now, we will see conflicts and rumors of conflict (cf. Matthew 24:4-8). But while Russia and the USA do not really get along, a major nuclear exchange is not prophesied, so not likely at this stage. Thus, I believe that Vladimir Putin has no current plans to attack NATO as he stated.
But the time will come and NATO will be no more. Europe will turn on the USA (Lamentations 1:1-2, Daniel 11:39; see also Anglo – America in Prophecy & the Lost Tribes of Israel).
The Bible shows, that for a time, there will be cooperation between Russia and Europe (cf. Revelation 13:4,8), but that will end. The Bible also shows that the time will come when the “kings of the Medes” will get together and that ultimately that Russia will turn against Europe (Daniel 11:44-45; Jeremiah 50:41-43; 51:11; Isaiah 13:1-8). Medes were in the areas of Russia and Ukraine. For now, we are seeing some ‘sorting out’ in that part of the world. Those in all the Ukrainian region need our prayers–the situation is tense, and more are likely to die.
Massive war between NATO and Russia is not prophesied, but neither is real peace for this age (cf. 1 Thessalonians 5:3). What is needed is the return of Jesus Christ and the establishment of the kingdom of God.
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