Tension level rising between USA and North Korea
USS Carl Vinson
The tension level is rising between USA and North Korea:
April 24, 2017
BEIJING — President Trump was working the phones Monday morning Asia time, speaking to his counterparts in China and Japan ahead of another key anniversary and potential flashpoint in North Korea.
Just days after marking the birthday of founder Kim Il Sung with a massive military parade and missile test, there are concerns North Korea could stage a provocative missile or nuclear test Tuesday to mark the anniversary of its military’s founding.
Trump discussed the situation with China’s President Xi Jinping, who urged Washington and Pyongyang to meet each other halfway, and with Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, who demanded North Korea stop repeating “dangerously provocative actions.”
The return of a U.S. aircraft carrier strike group to the region could also reignite tensions, especially if it is accompanied by another round of punchy rhetoric from either Pyongyang or Washington. …
Japan’s Abe had a 30-minute call with Trump to discuss North Korea, whose actions he called an “extremely serious threat” to international society and to his country.
“I told him we highly value President Trump’s attitude to show all options are on the table with his words and actions,” Abe told reporters in Tokyo. “We completely agreed to strongly demand North Korea, that has still been repeating dangerous provocative actions, to have self-restraint.”
Naval destroyers from Japan’s Maritime Self Defense Force started drills with the carrier strike group led by USS Carl Vinson in the Philippine Sea on Sunday, and the South Korean navy is expected to do the same as the group approaches the Korean Peninsula. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/trump-gets-on-the-phone-to-as-asia-another-north-korea-flashpoint-looms/2017/04/24/60946f58-28c8-11e7-86b7-5d31b5fdc114_story.html?utm_term=.02cc17172dbf
April 24, 2017
With the threat of a nuclear test in North Korea looming and another U.S. citizen reportedly detained there, China’s President Xi Jinping is urging President Trump to avoid escalating the situation.
The two leaders spoke by phone Monday, according to Chinese state media CCTV, which reports that Xi told Trump he “hopes all parties remain restrained instead of intensifying the situation.”
The phone call comes amid threats from North Korea that it will sink a U.S. Navy strike group that’s led by the USS Carl Vinson aircraft carrier; http://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2017/04/24/525366112/north-korea-threatens-to-sink-u-s-carrier-china-urges-restraint
April 23, 2017
WW3 WARNING: North Korea could ‘END THE WORLD with just THREE thermonuclear bombs’
NORTH Korea could destroy the entire world with just three bombs, the belligerent state’s unofficial “ambassador to the West” has warned.
Honorary North Korean citizen Alejandro Cao de Benos, 43, issued a chilling warning to the world and insisted “no-one would touch” the country governed by tyrant Kim Jong-un. …
“We have the thermonuclear bomb. With three of those the world is finished.” http://www.express.co.uk/news/world/795283/ww3-north-korea-kim-jong-un-thermonuclear-bomb-end-world
Yesterday on the radio, I heard a discussion that three nuclear weapons could, if positioned a certain way, and armed with electro-magnetic pulse (EMP) weaponry, knock out nearly all of the USA’s electrical grid. North Korea is believed to have EMP capability–and yes, it could harm the USA.
As far as the military strike threat, if North Korea were to strike the USS Carl Vinson, the probability of a major strike by the USA is virtually guaranteed. North Korea’s Kim Jong-un would be suicidal to do that. It is also very dangerous if North Korea does decide to conduct a nuclear test tomorrow.
The world is a dangerous place, and if the USA gets involved in a significant military engagement with North Korea, the world will ultimately have issues as to how the Trump Administration handled it. And that will not bode well for the USA.
As I have stated before, the spat between the USA and North Korea is NOT World War III. Nor is the Great Tribulation (Matthew 24:21) about to start (watch Will the Great Tribulation Start in 2017?).
But we are in the period of time Jesus referred to as the beginning of sorrows:
7 But when you hear of wars and rumors of wars, do not be troubled; for such things must happen, but the end is not yet. 8 For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be earthquakes in various places, and there will be famines and troubles. These are the beginnings of sorrows. (Mark 13:7-8)
We are certainly in a time of wars and rumors of wars. And issues related to North Korea could well cause ‘troubles’ for those in the USA.
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