Terrorists Hit India
While many in the West are discussing the upcoming 10th anniversary of 9/11/01, some terrorists took action today in India:
India bombing kills 11 outside New Delhi courthouse
Los Angeles Times – Mark Magnier – 7 September 2011
India’s deadliest bomb attack in three years, which also injures more than 65, underscores the country’s poor response to terrorist threats, analysts say. A Pakistan-linked Islamist group purportedly claims responsibility.
With civil unrest in Greece last weekend, protests in Europe, violence in the Middle East & Africa, flash mobs in the USA & UK, and another bombing in India, has peace been taken from the earth (cf. Revelation 6:3-4)? Pakistan is having its own problems with a variety of factions going in seemingly different directions (including that that seem intent on provoking war).
Since I mentioned 9/11/01, perhaps the following should also be mentioned:
India Still Feels Aftershocks of 9/11More than 30 Indians were killed in the attack on the World Trade Center; some worked in the building, others were aboard the ill-fated airplanes that were flown into the towers….Last, there was little surprise in India that bin Laden had been discovered in a military town in Pakistan, so close to the shadowy halls of power. Indeed, the site of bin Laden’s death was, if anything, even more meaningful than the fact of his death, and stripped bare the naivete of the U.S. decision to make Pakistan an ally in the “war on terror.” http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2011-09-07/india-still-feels-aftershocks-of-9-11-choudhury.html
Since Islamists are supposed to be religious, then presuming that the terrorists are Muslims as claimed for today’s bombing, perhaps they (and those involved with 9/11) should study the Ten Commandments and what the rest of the Bible teaches?
Notice one such teaching from a book the Muslims are supposed to respect:
18 If it is possible, as much as depends on you, live peaceably with all men. 19 Beloved, do not avenge yourselves, but rather give place to wrath; for it is written, “Vengeance is Mine, I will repay,” says the Lord. 20 Therefore
“If your enemy is hungry, feed him;
If he is thirsty, give him a drink;
For in so doing you will heap coals of fire on his head.”21 Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. (Romans 12:18-21)
Terrorists obviously do not believe the written word of God, or they would not ignore what the Apostle Paul was inspired to write there.
We live in perilous times (cf. 2 Timothy 3:1).
Several articles of possibly-related prophetic interest may include:
India, Its Biblical Past and Future: Any Witness? The Bible discusses the origins of those of Indian heritage and discusses some of the witness to them (including those in Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka).
Asia in Prophecy What is Ahead for Asia? Who are the “Kings of the East”? What will happen to nearly all the Chinese, Russians, Indians, and others of Asia? Who has the 200,000,000 man army related to Armageddon?
End of Mayan Calendar 2012–Might 2012 Mean Something? There is a Mayan calendar prediction for change in 2012. 2012 changes were also centuries ago predicted by the Hopi Native Americans (the Hindus may have some predictions for the next decade as well). Do these Mayan/Hindu/Hopi prophecies have any value? Why might Satan have inspired this date? Does the Dresden codex show destruction of the earth by flood? Can the great tribulation start before 2012?
Does God Have a 6,000 Year Plan? What Year Does the 6,000 Years End? Was a 6000 year time allowed for humans to rule followed by a literal thousand year reign of Christ on Earth taught by the early Christians? When does the six thousand years of human rule end?
Can the Great Tribulation Begin in 2011, 2012, or 2013? Can the Great Tribulation begin today? When is the earliest that the Great Tribulation can begin? What is the Day of the Lord?
Are the Ten Commandment Still in Effect? This article quotes the ten commandments and combines some of the previous articles into one article about the ten commandments. The commandments are shown at Mount Sinai, before Mount Sinai, in the teachings of Jesus, after the crucifixion, and in the teachings of Paul. It addresses the most common “traditions of men” regarding them as well.
Were the Pharisees Condemned for Keeping the Law or Reasoning Around it? Many believe that the Pharisees were condemned for keeping the law, but what does your Bible say? If they were not condemned for that, what were they condemned for?
The Ten Commandments Reflect Love, Breaking them is Evil Some feel that the ten commandments are a burden. Is that what Jesus, Paul, Peter, James, and John taught?
Was the Commandment to Love the Only Command? Some have stated that John’s writings teach this, but is that what the Bible really says?
The Ten Commandments and the Early Church Did Jesus and the Early Church keep the ten commandments? What order were they in? Here are quotes from the Bible and early writings.
Military Service and the Churches of God: Do Real Christians Participate in Carnal Warfare? Here are current and historical perspectives on a matter which show the beliefs of the true church on military participation. Is war proper for Christians? Does the New Testament advocate violence or living peaceably for Christians?
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