TW: 2011 Earthquakes, Weather, and Floods
(Choo photo)
In LCG’s latest TW News & Prophecy, there was the following:
Floods and earthquakes.
Typhoon Washi swept through the Philippines two weeks ago. Flash flooding devastated a southern region and two cities, killing over 1,100 people. According to one official, “Mortuaries have been unable to cope and authorities have started digging mass graves to bury victims” (Reuters, December 20, 2011). Tens of thousands of displaced persons are crowded into evacuation facilities with sanitation problems and little water. Over 330,000 people are now unable to return to their homes (AFP, December 24, 2011).
Meanwhile in New Zealand, Christchurch was hit by yet another series of earthquakes Friday afternoon, December 23. The first registered a 5.8 and the second a 5.9 on the Richter scale. Although the airport was closed for several hours and minor damage occurred, including liquefaction in some residential areas, no wide-spread damage was done. However the earthquake did bring back powerful emotional reminders of the stronger and frightening quakes earlier this year (Bloomberg, December 25, 2011).
Christ revealed that as the end of the age approaches, earthquakes will occur in “various places,” and the winds and seas will roar─resulting in the hearts of people becoming faint (Luke 21:25-26). We should expect to see increasing natural disasters as we draw closer to Christ’s return.
For more information, review our booklet Fourteen Signs Announcing Christ’s Return.
And in 2011, the huge earthquake that hit Japan was the largest of the quakes.
In 2011, there were a lot more earthquakes in the of 5.0-6.9 range than normal per the statistics from the USGS (
In terms of weather, there were floods, droughts, and other disturbing weather events. The USA set a record for “extreme weather events” (see NRDC: All US States Had Extreme Weather; Confirms 2012 Book Prediction). And that flood in the Philippines was its deadliest (the most recent death toll is about 1500 now).
Jesus, of course, warned about a time earthquakes and troubles:
8 … And there will be earthquakes in various places, and there will be…troubles. These are the beginnings of sorrows. (Mark 13:8)
We may be at this prophetic point as all the earthquakes and other problems that have happened in the past year or so could be considered as “troubles.”
Perhaps the earthquake and weather problems can serve as another wake-up call to people everywhere that the world can change very quickly and that the time to repent is now:
30 Truly, these times of ignorance God overlooked, but now commands all men everywhere to repent, 31 because He has appointed a day on which He will judge the world in righteousness by the Man whom He has ordained. He has given assurance of this to all by raising Him from the dead. (Acts 17:30-31)
There are troubles and repentance is needed. Things are going to get much worse than this.
Some articles of possibly related interest may include:
Are You Saved? Do You Love Jesus? What is a True Christian? What is the Gospel? Evangelist Richard Ames answers those important questions.
Can the Great Tribulation Begin in 2012, 2013, or 2014? Can the Great Tribulation begin today? When is the earliest that the Great Tribulation can begin? What is the Day of the Lord? What is “the beginning of sorrows”? Have we begun or are we about ready for “the beginning of sorrows” to begin.
Physical Preparation Scriptures for Christians. We all know the Bible prophecies famines. Should we do something?
Earthquakes Today and Bible Prophecy Contains a cool up-to-the-hour update of earthquakes around the world from USGS. It also explains what did Jesus teach about earthquakes and how the Bible describes “the big one” (as well as when it is expected).
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