TW on American Tornadoes
In today’s TW News & Prophecy, LCG reported:
This week some 16 tornadoes spawned by a powerful storm system tore through parts of Kansas, Illinois and Missouri, killing and injuring dozens of people. The resort town of Branson, Missouri, was hard hit with hotels and theaters losing roofs, having windows shattered and losing power. Branson is about 100 miles southeast of Joplin, Missouri, which was “devastated by a monstrous twister last May that killed 161 people” (, Feb.29, 2012). Several small communities in the region were literally leveled. Alabama reported that in January, 95 tornadoes struck the state–before the tornado season even officially began in March!Today, few make any connection between these weather-related disasters and what is going on in our nations–the acceptance and promotion of homosexuality, pornography, rampant divorce, abortion, etc. However, the Bible clearly states that God will bring “disaster upon disaster” upon His disobedient people because they have turned their backs on Him and ignored His laws (Ezekiel 1-7). Unless the Israelite people repent and change, these disasters will only increase–see our booklet Who Controls the Weather?
Since the above was written, there have been other tornadoes. Notice:
USA TODAY – 2 March 2012ATHENS, Ala. (AP) – Powerful storms stretching from the Gulf Coast to the Great Lakes flattened buildings in several states, wrecked a small Indiana town and bred anxiety across a wide swath of the country in the second powerful tornado outbreak this week. Indiana authorities say at least three people have been killed by tornadoes raking the southern portion of the state…Dozens of houses were also damaged in Alabama and Tennessee two days after storms killed 13 people in the Midwest and South.Thousands of schoolchildren in several states were sent home as a precaution, and several Kentucky universities were closed. The Huntsville, Ala., mayor said students in area schools sheltered in hallways as severe weather passed in the morning.‘Enormous outbreak’ of apparent tornadoes tears through US
CNN – 2 March 2012 By the CNN Wire Staff (CNN) — A powerful severe storm system moved across the United States on Friday, causing at least three apparent tornadoes from Alabama to Indiana and threatening even more destruction as the day wore on. National Weather Service meteorologist John Gordon reported Friday afternoon the agency has about “half a dozen reports of tornadoes on the ground,” as well as reports of “significant damage” — stressing all the while that the worst may still be to come…One of the hardest hit Indiana communities was Marysville, which Moore said he’d heard from a county police officer is “gone” — an assessment repeated by Clark County Sheriff’s Department Maj. Chuck Adams to CNN’s Louisville-based affiliate WDRB.
Aerial footage from CNN affiliate WLKY showed structures seemingly torn to shred and large swaths of trees knocked down in Henryville, about 20 miles north of Louisville, Kentucky.
In Tennessee, severe weather was responsible for critical injuries of as many as eight people in the cities of Harrison and Oolteweh, officials there said.
Tornadoes Destroy Homes Across U.S. Midwest, South, Killing Three People Bloomberg 2 March 2012
Dozens of tornadoes cut a path across parts of the U.S. Midwest and South, smashing houses, closing Cincinnati’s airport and killing at least three people.The storms, the second swarm this week, left a trail of destruction across five states, hitting hardest in southern Indiana, northern Kentucky and northern Alabama.
In Clark County, Indiana, a high school was “extensively damaged,” said Major Chuck Adams of the sheriff’s office.
Weather problems and disasters were something that Jesus warned about.
8 … And there will be earthquakes in various places, and there will be famines and troubles. These are the beginnings of sorrows. (Mark 13:8)
We may be at this prophetic point as all the earthquakes and other weather problems that have happened in the past year or so could be considered as “troubles”.
Weather related issues should serve as a wake-up call that the world can change very quickly and that the time to repent is now:
30 Truly, these times of ignorance God overlooked, but now commands all men everywhere to repent, 31 because He has appointed a day on which He will judge the world in righteousness by the Man whom He has ordained. He has given assurance of this to all by raising Him from the dead. (Acts 17:30-31)
There are troubles and repentance is needed.
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