TW: Will the BRICS gain economic domination?
1630 Depiction of Beasts of Daniel 7
Today’s TW News & Prophecy from the Living Church of God has the following:
Will the BRICS gain economic domination?
Two weeks ago in New Delhi, the BRICS nations of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa held their annual meeting. Critics note that “nothing appreciable” resulted from the meeting. Others wonder what future effects this alliance between nations representing almost half of the world’s population might have.
One meeting resolution was to “press ahead with plans to create a ‘south-south’ development fund that might one day rival the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank.” They also agreed to push for greater IMF voting rights for developing countries, and to oppose western military intervention in Iran (, March 29, 2012).
The creation of a “development fund” is interesting because Russia, China and India already have military ties and perform joint military exercises annually. Although the BRICS are unlikely comrades, future joint economic ventures might draw these nations closer together.
Bible prophecies reveal that near the end of the coming “great tribulation,” a vast army from north and east of Jerusalem will “trouble” the European Beast power, which will overrun the king of the South (Daniel 11:44-45). This 200 million-man army will ultimately destroy one-third of mankind (Revelation 9:13-19; 16:12-16). These “kings of the East” will likely spring from alliances of several very populous nations.
For more information on this topic, review our free booklet Armageddon and Beyond.
And while they are objecting to the powers of the West, the reality is that the BRICS tend to somewhat trust the Europeans. The BRICS are starting to try to form a stronger alliance and that is consistent with the rise of the times of the Gentiles that the Bible refers to (cf. Luke 21:24). But the primary dominant economic power then will be Europe (Revelation 13:1-4; 16-17)–the Beasts that Daniel saw (Daniel 7:2-7; 19-25) were compromised mainly of people of which now are considered to have European, not BRICS, heritage.
As far as the BRICS go, they will try to maneuver take steps to replace the US dollar as well as US influence. And while they have not yet succeeded, the time will come when Europe, and not the USA, is the major economic player in the world (cf. Revelation 13:16-17).
And while all the BRICS will apparently cooperate with Europe for a time, it is likely that Russia, China, and probably India and perhaps South Africa will turn against Europe (Brazil is possible, but seems prophetically to be the least likely). BRICS cooperation now is probably helping set the stage for that.
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