Ukrainian President Objects to Western Interference and Embraces Aid from Russia
Viktor Yanukovich
There have been protests going on in Ukraine:
December 19, 2013
Ukraine’s Russian-backed President, Viktor Yanukovych, has said he strongly opposes Western politicians intervening in the crisis in Ukraine.
He also suggested that Ukraine could adopt parts of Russia’s recently founded Customs Union with other former Soviet republics.
The opposition is furious after he accepted a Russian bailout, seen as a reward for rejecting EU integration.
Russian President Vladimir Putin said he was defending the Russian economy.
“We just want to defend our gates,” he told journalists in Moscow, days after Russia gave Ukraine a $15bn (£9.2bn; 10.9bn euros) bailout and gas discount.
Ukraine, he said, was a fraternal state with close industrial ties to Russia.
December 19, 2013
Russian President Vladimir Putin said Russia’s providing of a financial bailout for Ukraine was done out of “brotherly love,” not for any political gain or to tear Ukraine away from a proposed trade deal with the European Union.
Putin made the comment during an annual news conference after weeks of political turmoil in Ukraine sparked by President Viktor Yanukovych’s refusal to sign a trade pact with the EU.
On Wednesday, Ukrainian Prime Minister Mykola Azarov said his country’s new bailout deal will allow Ukraine to revitalize its economy and avoid collapse. Meanwhile, pro-European Union demonstrations continued in Kyiv and other Ukrainian cities.
According to the terms of the bailout, Putin has promised to reduce the price of natural gas exports to Ukraine by a third and lend the nation $15 billion.
While I believe that politics. more than ‘brotherly love’ was more of a motivation for Russia’s President Putin, I do believe that Ukraine’s President believes that the deal with Russia will not prevent Ukraine from having a possible future deal with the European Union. The EU has stated that despite what has happened recently in Ukraine, that Ukraine is still welcome to be considered for possible EU membership.
The Customs Union that was mentioned in the news article is supposed to turn into the Eurasian Union (see The Eurasian Union, the Kings of the East, and Bible Prophecy)–and at some point in time Ukraine will need to more fully decide between the European Union and the Eurasian Union as currently one could not be a member state in both. The current Ukrainian leadership seems to want to have parts of the benefits of the Customs Union while also getting benefits from the European Union. This could be trickier than many realize.
Biblically (because of prophecies involving the Medes, some of which are in Ukraine, and some in the “north and east” in Daniel 11:44), it would seem that Russia would be close to Ukraine in the end. Yet it should also be mentioned that Bible prophecy indicates that there will be some type of cooperation between Russia and its allies and Europe for a while after the European Beast power has risen up (Revelation 13:3-4).
However, Bible prophecy shows that ultimately Russia and its allies (likely to include Ukraine at some point) will turn against the European Beast power–for biblical details, see Russia: Its Origins and Prophesied Future. Until then, we will see if Ukraine moves away from Russia and towards the EU which is what many protesters apparently want or if it will decide that it needs to move closer to Russia.
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