U.N. to World: Dump the Dollar
Dollars Have Long Been Part of the “Pride of the Power” of the USA
(which will be broken per Leviticus 26:19)
As I have been writing for years, the world is going to shift from an Anglo-American-dominated financial system to one that ultimately will be driven by the Europeans. Notice what the United Nations is expected to advise next week:
U.N. panel says world should ditch dollar
Reuters – March 18, 2009
LUXEMBOURG (Reuters) – A U.N. panel will next week recommend that the world ditch the dollar as its reserve currency in favor of a shared basket of currencies, a member of the panel said on Wednesday, adding to pressure on the dollar.
Currency specialist Avinash Persaud, a member of the panel of experts, told a Reuters Funds Summit in Luxembourg that the proposal was to create something like the old Ecu, or European currency unit, that was a hard-traded, weighted basket.
Persaud, chairman of consultants Intelligence Capital and a former currency chief at JPMorgan, said the recommendation would be one of a number delivered to the United Nations on March 25 by the U.N. Commission of Experts on International Financial Reform.
“It is a good moment to move to a shared reserve currency,” he said…
Persaud said there were two main reasons why policymakers might consider such a move, one being the current desire for a change from the dollar.
The other reason, he said, was the success of the euro, which incorporated a number of currencies but roughly speaking held on to the stability of the old German deutschemark compared with, say, the Greek drachma. http://www.reuters.com/article/newsOne/idUSTRE52H2CY20090318
A related news item I saw was one in which the Russians plan to ask for something similar as well.
There is a major economic power shift happening in the world right now. And despite certain signs of optimism, those who believe that USA President Barack Obama will reverse this trend are in error as recent news reports suggest that instead of reversing, the process of decoupling from the dollar is accelerating. This change MUST COME TO PASS as Bible prophecy will be fulfilled!
The world is changing before our eyes and those that think that the USA will remain on top are ignoring world events as well as biblical prophecies. Though it does not mean too, Europe will rise up as the Babylonian Beast economic power that the Bible has warned about.
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