US Army Plans To Cut 24,000 Jobs
The US Army, after having failed to meet various recruiting goals, has announced that it needs less soldiers:
US Army Plans To Cut 24,000 Jobs …
February 27, 2024
The US Army faces the most challenging recruiting environment in decades, if not ever, as America’s Generation Z doesn’t want to fight foreign wars driven by neocon warmongering politicians in Washington, the military-industrial complex, NATO, and mega-corporations.
For several years, the Army has been coming to terms with a recruiting crisis of historic proportions. …
Given the soaring threat of World War III, the Army is about to undergo a major restructuring, according to a document obtained by Fox News.
The service calls for reducing its force by about 24,000, or about 5%….
Fox noted cavalry squadrons, Stryker brigade combat teams, infantry brigade combat teams, and security force assistance brigades, amounting to about 10,000 jobs, will also be axed.
The document described the service as “significantly over-structured” as a push for a much leaner and meaner force.
Here’s from from Fox:
The service is currently structured to have up to 494,000 soldiers, but the total number of active duty soldiers is about 445,000. The new plan has Army leaders looking to recruit enough troops through Fiscal Year 2029 to reach a goal of 470,000 active-duty soldiers.
Despite the cuts, the service plans to add another 7,500 troops for air defense and counter-drone units.
So, less soldiers.
Last summer, it was reported that the US Army was giving transitioning soldiers exemption from meeting physical requirements:
Army exempts trans service members from physical fitness standards
July 6, 2023
Diversity is our strength. Except, apparently, the more diversity the military seeks, the less strength it requires.
That seems to be the lesson of the Army’s physical fitness standards, which do not apply to people who are getting “gender-affirming” care. …
Apparently, the military doesn’t believe that transgender soldiers are just like everybody else, and in order to keep them on active duty they have thrown standards out the window.
The military is going through a crisis with weight–since 2001 the number of soldiers who are classified as overweight has skyrocketed by over 400%, and much of that has to do with accommodating a more “diverse” military. …
“Diversity is our strength” seems the opposite of the truth, at least as the military seeks to achieve it.
One of the lies we are being told, relentlessly, is that when the military makes efforts to expand the types of people admitted into the services the standards applied will remain the same. This has been clearly false forever. This has been particularly true when it comes to sex differences. As we know, different standards of physical fitness are applied to men and women, in opposition to what we were told when recruitment opened up, and now we see that the standards have been changed even more drastically for transgender people.
A woke, out-of-shape army is not a particularly strong one. But that is the trend for the military of the USA.
Related to females, the US military used to have a 2% maximum of women, as it used to be concerned that having more females would hurt combat-readiness. Then in the late 1970s, they increased that to more like 15%, then they later dropped the limit. Military readiness has less and less been important to top leaders related to the troops of the USA.
The Biden-Harris Administration is pushing wokeness over military readiness. In 2022, the Army also reduced its size, partially because of missing recruitment goals (see US Army pushes wokeness, cannot get enough acceptable recruits, cuts size, and punishes anti-vaccine troops).
Reducing the size of its military, while it also becomes more ‘woke,’ as well as changing standards, makes the USA a weaker target.
That being said, the USA is prophesied to lose militarily in the relatively near future (cf. Daniel 11:39).
Policy issues, health issues, and ignoring biblical prophecies will end up being factors for the coming defeat of the USA.
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