US Military Clearly No Longer Supports ‘Freedom of Speech’
Unless somehow changed, it appears the US Marine who criticized US President Barack Obama on Facebook will be discharged for doing so:
25 April 2012
SAN DIEGO (AP) – A sergeant will be discharged for criticizing President Barack Obama on Facebook in a case that called into question the Pentagon’s policies about social media and its limits on the speech of active duty military personnel, the Marine Corps said Wednesday.
Sgt. Gary Stein will get an other-than-honorable discharge and lose most of his benefits for violating the policies, the Corps said.
The San Diego-area Marine who has served nearly 10 years in the Corps said he was disappointed by the decision. He has argued that he was exercising his free-speech rights.
The USA has tended to be proud of is its “bill of rights” which supposedly protect “freedom of speech,” yet this ‘freedom’ has more and more restrictions and apparently penalties.
This punishment would seem to be a Constitutional outrage. The members of the US military all take an oath to defend the Constitution of the USA, yet many apparently have the opinion that freedom of speech and/or expression is lost if one is a member of the armed forces. I should also add that more and more, citizens of the USA are losing more of their constitutional rights and freedoms, but most simply do not realize that this is happening pretty much every day.
More and more “freedoms’ are being curtailed as the government continues to expand its role. The days of the USA are numbered. The only hope for Americans (including Canadians) is national repentance that probably will not happen, but personal repentance still can.
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