USA’s Biden rejects China’ fly zone requirements and confirms plan for more focus on Asia-Pacific
US Vice President Biden
US VP Joseph Biden rejected China’s new fly zone requirements and says that the USA is committed to its pivot towards Asia:
Biden Rejects China’s Air Defense Zone, Reaffirms Asia Pivot
December 6, 2013
SEOUL — U.S. Vice President Joe Biden has rejected China’s self-declared Air Defense Identification Zone in the East China Sea, saying it raises tensions in the region and the possibility of miscalculation. Biden made the comments while in South Korea where he reaffirmed a U.S. plan to re-focus on the Asia Pacific and urged North Korea to give up its nuclear weapons.
U.S. Vice President Joe Biden Friday made his strongest comments yet on China’s sudden expansion of its Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ).
Beijing in November declared its aviation security area in the East China Sea extended over islands disputed with Japan and a reef disputed with South Korea. China demanded that all aircraft intending to enter the zone first submit a flight plan and Chinese officials reserved the right to deny access.
China has dismissed calls by officials in Washington, Tokyo and Seoul to roll back the defense zone, which it calls legal and within its rights.
In a speech at South Korea’s Yonsei University, Biden said China’s actions risk the possibility of mistakes with profound consequences. “I was absolutely clear on behalf of my president: We do not recognize the zone. It will have no effect on American operations. None. Zero,” he stated.
The vice president’s firm stance came a day after he expressed deep concerns on the zone to China’s President Xi Jinping in Beijing.
Biden, on a week-long trip in Asia, met in Japan earlier in the week with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe who said the new security area would not be tolerated.
Japan, South Korea, and the U.S. defied Beijing’s demands and flew military planes through the zone.
But while Washington suggested U.S. commercial airliners abide by Beijing’s demand Seoul and Tokyo have completely refused.
Japanese and South Korean commercial carriers have also been told by their governments to ignore the rules. Three U.S. airlines, acting on government advice, are notifying China of plans to transit the zone.
Xi took on board what Biden said, according to a senior U.S. administration official travelling with the vice president.
“From our perspective, it’s up to China. And we’ll see how things unfold in the coming days and weeks,” said the official…
Biden said Washington had an enormous interest in what happens in the region.
“The United States has a profound stake in what happens here because we need, and we are, and we will remain a Pacific power, diplomatically, economically and militarily,” he said.
As I mentioned before about this situation, some believe that China’s President Xi Jinping is testing the USA to see how committed it is to defending Asia. The “islands” that China is trying to claim air territory over are basically small uninhabited rocks that Japan has had for over a century; the reef in South Korea that China wants is actually a submerged rock. This incident from China has more to do with posturing and probing the USA’s commitment to its allies than the islands themselves.
When the USA instructed commercial airlines to abide by China’s demands, it appeared that the USA had ‘blinked’ and would tolerate China’s demands. But today’s comments by VP Biden suggest that perhaps the USA did that as a show of good faith to attempt to privately discuss this with China’s President Xi Jinping. The USA, for now, looks like it does not intend to back off.
Xi Jinping
As I have mentioned before, from a prophetic standpoint what this likely means is that the USA will conclude that it must relocate military resources away from other potential threats and move them to dealing with the potential threat from China. China through down a major threat to the USA and its Asian allies, so it appears that the USA will, as Voice of America (a US government news agency) reported, “re-focus on the Asia Pacific.”
But, as the USA continues to make cuts in future military programs and defense budgets, it will not be able to deal with threats it will face from other areas. USA generals have already basically said that the USA is losing its ability (or has already lost it) to fight two large scale wars at the same time.
So what will the USA do?
The USA will likely decide that it can/must further trust the Europeans. It will encourage Europe to develop more of its own military capabilities, as well as share more of its military technology with Europe.
It is clear that, according to Bible prophecy, China will have an end-time militaristic role, but is not destined to rule the world either economically nor militarily. And, according to Bible prophecy, there will be some type of confederation of the “kings of the sunrise,” translated as “kings from the east” (Revelation 16:12-16).
But that does not happen until well after the start of the time of Jacob’s trouble (Jeremiah 30:7), which coincides with the start of the Great Tribulation (Matthew 24:21).
While China does and will have a certain amount of military power, it will not be the primary power that will takeover the USA (see Is China THE Threat to the United States of America?). The Bible is clear that the nation with the ‘strongest fortresses’ will be taken over by a European power (Daniel 11:39), biblically referred to as the King of the North (Daniel 11:40). And that is not China.
While Australia and New Zealand are likely pleased to hear that the USA plans to fulfill its re-focus commitments to the Asia-Pacific region, the reality is that this will not last indefinitely.
Some of the USA’s Anglo-Saxon allies like Australia and New Zealand may end up being dominated by China, Japan, and/or other Asians. The USA’s pivot towards Asia will not prevent what is going to happen.
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Continuing Church of God The group striving to be most faithful amongst all real Christian groups to the word of God
CCOG.ASIA We in the Continuing Church of God also have the url which has a focus on Asia and has various articles in Mandarin Chinese as well as some in English, with some in items in the Tagalog language in progress that are intended to be added.
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