Van Rompuy Announces Euro-Zone ‘Banking Supervisor’
Herman Van Rompuy
Today, EU President Herman Van Rompuy announced something of prophetic interest:
EU summit: Compromise deal on eurozone bank supervisor
BBC – Oct 19, 2012 excerpt…
EU leaders have agreed to set up a single eurozone banking supervisor – a major step towards a banking union.
The European Central Bank-led mechanism will have the power to intervene in any bank within the eurozone.
Announcing the result of talks early on Wednesday, European Council President Herman van Rompuy said the 27 EU member states had agreed to set up – by the end of this year – “a Single Supervisory Mechanism [SSM], to prevent banking risks and cross-border contagion from emerging”.
“Once this is agreed, the SSM could probably be effectively operational in the course of 2013,” he said.
The above move greatly increases the power of the European Central Bank (ECB). While steps have been going in that direction for years, this announcement pretty much gives what will become the future beast power more control over buying and selling:
16 He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, 17 and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
18 Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666. (Revelation 13:16-18)
Today’s announcement is another significant step in that direction. Watch (Mark 13:37).
Herman Van Rompuy is that same leader that earlier this year claimed that were would not be a “United States of Europe” (see On ‘Europe Day’ Van Rompuy says EU ‘Never to become the United States of Europe,’ Yet Farage Says Dictatorship Planned). Yet, he keeps promoting more unification in Europe and giving more power to central European authorities. And Europe, despite its bumps, is moving towards greater unity (though ultimately, it will be more of a dictatorship than what has typically been seen in the US of A). And today’s news reports show that, despite a lot of Euro-skeptics, that Europe is moving in the direction that Bible prophecy indicates that it must.
Eventually, Europe will end up with a dictatorial leader (Revelation 13). And while now is not quite yet the dictator’s time, despite expected unification problems (Daniel 2:40-43), a major dictator in Europe (whom I still do not anticipate at this time will be Herman van Rompuy) will rise up (Revelation 13:1-8), Europe will reorganize (Revelation 17:12-13), and become the final King of the North, European Beast power of Bible prophecy (Daniel 11:21-44).
And this will not be good for the United States of America (nor the British), and ultimately not the Europeans.
Some articles of possibly related interest may include:
Who is the King of the North? Is there one? Do biblical and Roman Catholic prophecies point to the same leader? Should he be followed? Who will be the King of the North discussed in Daniel 11? Is a nuclear attack prophesied to happen to the English-speaking peoples of the United States, Great Britain, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand? When do the 1335 days, 1290 days, and 1260 days (the time, times, and half a time) of Daniel 12 begin? When does the Bible show that economic collapse will affect the United States?
Europa, the Beast, and Revelation Where did Europe get its name? What might Europe have to do with the Book of Revelation? What about “the Beast”? Is an emerging European power “the daughter of Babylon”? What is ahead for Europe?
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2012 and the Rise of the Secret Sect This is a link related to a book by Bob Thiel (COGwriter). This also has YouTube videos related to 2012. The book contains documented prophecies as well as an end time sequence of events that Christians should study and understand. Including the prophesied roles of Europe and the Vatican. At least two dozen predictions in the book have already come to pass.
2012 und das Auftreten der geheimen Sekte (German Edition) 2012 Buch von Dr. Thiel in deutscher Sprache.
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