Violent conflict erupts in eastern Ukraine!
Donetsk Rally (Andrew Butko)
There is violence in the land of Ukraine:
April 13, 2014
Ukraine’s interior minister says government security forces have launched what he called “an anti-terrorist campaign” in the eastern city of Slovyansk where pro-Russian militants have seized control of official buildings.
Interior Minister Arsen Avakov said on his Facebook page Sunday that gunmen had opened fire on the advancing forces, and that there are dead and wounded on both sides…
In addition to Slovyansk, armed militants with Russian weapons seized police headquarters Saturday in the largely ethnic Russian cities of Donetsk and Kramatorsk.
Around a dozen Berkut, or special forces police, appeared at the Donetsk headquarters, saying they would secure the weapons arsenal in the building…
The takeover of police facilities in Donetsk prompted the city’s police chief to resign.
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, in a telephone call with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, expressed “strong concern” the attacks on Saturday were orchestrated and synchronized, similar to previous attacks in eastern Ukraine and Crimea.
April 13, 2014
A Ukrainian special forces officer was killed and five others wounded Sunday in a gunbattle with heavily armed pro-Russian forces who had commandeered a police station in the eastern city of Slovyansk, Ukraine’s top police official said.
The firefight erupted early Sunday as Ukrainian forces moved to clear the building where approximately 20 men dressed in camouflage had seized control the day before. Interior Minister Arsen Avakov said an unspecified number of the pro-Russian activists had been wounded in the exchange.
In addition to the dead and wounded at the police station, Russia’s Interfax news agency reported one person was killed and four others wounded in a gunfight at a checkpoint that appeared to have been set up by pro-Russian forces along the road leading from Slovyansk to the regional capital of Donetsk.
The bloody standoff comes as Kiev faces increasing unrest in the eastern, majority ethnic Russian part of the country that had been the base of support for recently ousted President Viktor Yanukovych. Ukraine’s new government and the West have accused Russia of helping instigate the protests.
Reports I read earlier indicated that many of the police in Donetsk and eastern Ukraine support those who prefer either independence from Kiev or joining the Russian Federation.
Russia wants as much of Ukraine as possible. It has thousands of troops on the border to intervene if it feels it wants to. This is sending a signal to those in Kiev that if they take much military action, Russia may invade.
It is well known that Russia’s President Vladimir Putin wants Ukraine as part of his proposed Eurasian Union. He is watching this situation and expects to gain territory and/or a buffer zone from the West from all of this.
Many in Ukraine are scared and frightened and need our prayers. While many in western Ukraine seem to be placing their hope in the European Union, that too will not turn out well according to many biblical prophecies (e.g. Revelation 18-19).
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