Wearable AI, QR codes, implants, and 666
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More and more ways to track people keep coming out and are being used. More is coming:
Technocrats preparing line of ‘wearable’ AI devices that will track data of users and ‘anyone they come in contact with’
‘Smart Earphones’ and other ‘wearables’ are designed to transition humans into the next stage of the surveillance state, which will be even more invasive and potentially linked to mark of the beast. …
World Economic Forum advisor Yuval Harari warned us a couple of years ago what’s coming from the global technocratic movement. The age of surveillance capitalism has arrived, getting jumpstarted by the Covid pandemic and it is designed to replace human free will with artificial intelligence, Harari said. The next step in this burgeoning surveillance society is to place the surveillance “under the skin.” So-called “wearables” are just setting us up for the ultimate invasive technology, representing a transition from the technocrats’ surveillance technology being on our phones to it being on our bodies and finally inside our bodies. This final stage of implanted technology seems to be forecast in Revelation 13 and other end-times’ prophecies. 05/14/24 https://leohohmann.substack.com/p/technocrats-preparing-line-of-wearable
Android Authority reports that according to a report by the Information, Meta is developing AI-powered earphones equipped with cameras, internally codenamed “Camerabuds.” These earphones are designed to leverage AI capabilities for real-time object identification and foreign language translation, potentially revolutionizing how users interact with their surroundings, and providing Meta with an incredible amount of data about the personal lives of wearers–and anyone they come in contact with. …
Moreover, privacy concerns surrounding the use of cameras in wearable devices, reminiscent of the Google Glass controversy, will need to be addressed. Zuckerberg’s Meta has always proven hungry to gather more and more data on consumers which empowers its incredibly profitable advertising business, a Silicon Valley business model nicknamed surveillance capitalism. In a previous example of this approach, Facebook partnered with Ray-Ban to produce creepy sunglasses with video cameras build into the frame.
Meta’s interest in AI wearables is part of a broader trend in the tech industry, with OpenAI and Apple also reportedly exploring similar devices. Startups like Humane and Rabbit have already launched AI wearables with varying degrees of success. https://www.breitbart.com/tech/2024/05/14/zucks-surveillance-dream-meta-working-on-ai-powered-camerabuds-that-gather-audio-and-video/
Of course, already with cellular telephones, people are being tracked. Plus the so-called ‘smart phones’ also have allowed governments and others to want QR codes to restrict and monitor. Notice what is happening in France:
{On May 13} at 20:00 UTC, this alert was received by many residents of Paris…
The message was accompanied by a shrill ringtone even for cell phones that were turned in silent mode …
QR code society is no longer a conspiracy theory… https://strangesounds.substack.com/p/the-qr-code-society-is-no-longer
So, even post-COVID, QR codes are being used to “allow” and monitor travel. Here is more on Paris and QR:
The 2024 Summer Olympics open July 26 in Paris, France, and it will be different from any other Olympic Games.
Spectators traveling to the City of Love will have their movement tracked and restricted through the use of digital QR codes.
The city’s Olympics website states:
“The Paris 2024 Olympic Games are fast approaching, and with them come their share of security measures. These include the introduction of restricted areas accessible only on presentation of a QR code.” 05/15/24 https://leohohmann.substack.com/p/summer-olympics-in-paris-to-construct?utm_source=profile&utm_medium=reader2
Peter Koenig wrote the following during COVID:
The Final Solution. Full Digitization. “The QR Codification of the World”
October 15, 2021
Many of the UN agencies, not all yet, have started mandating vaxxing for their staff… or else.
How come, it hasn’t occurred to everyone yet, that there is something wrong? Badly wrong. Can it be that it is simply cognitive dissonance? You know that there is something horribly wrong, but your comfort zone doesn’t allow you to admit it? That was the case in the Third Reich – that brought forward Hitler’s tyranny. The rest is history. …
In most European countries you are not allowed to go to restaurants or any public evet unless you can show the vaxx-certificate – an infamous QR-code on your cell phone, that would be read by another cell phone, programmed to read your QR-code.
You have no idea what is or what will eventually be put on this QR-code. The goal is all your personal information, from your complete health record to your criminal record, your bank accounts – just everything. But you wouldn’t know. You cannot read what is on the QR-code. “They” can, since it is programmed that way.
The objective is to have in essence this QR-code implanted in your body. That’s pretty much what Klaus Schwab proudly said in his … interview with the French Swiss TV in 2016. He frames it something like this: Humans will become “transhumans”. …
Have you noticed at what speed ATM machines are disappearing? How cashiers in banks disappear? They will soon no longer be necessary, because you don’t control anymore cash. There are entire countries in northern Europe which are almost there: Full digitization. In some countries, among them Sweden, some people have already voluntarily let a nano-chip be implanted under the skin of their wrist. The chip works like a built-in bank account. Young people love it. It’s so cool. You swipe you hand, not even a card anymore – and the payment is made. Except, these people have no idea, how this will be played out in the future. https://www.sgtreport.com/2021/10/the-final-solution-full-digitization-the-qr-codification-of-the-world/
It is true that most people have no idea how electronic payments and tracking will play out in the future as they do not understand, believe, or respect many aspects of biblical prophetic teachings.
QR codes seem to be a step towards a coming totalitarian nightmare–and they have been required for aspects of travel—and more–already.
Now, here is some what was at Wikipedia today about QR codes:
QR code for the URL of the English Wikipedia Mobile main page.A QR code (an acronym for Quick Response code) is a type of matrix barcode (or two-dimensional barcode)[1] invented in 1994 by the Japanese automotive company Denso Wave.[2] A barcode is a machine-readable optical label that contains information about the item to which it is attached. In practice, QR codes often contain data for a locator, identifier, or tracker that points to a website or application. A QR code uses four standardized encoding modes (numeric, alphanumeric, byte/binary, and kanji) to store data efficiently; extensions may also be used.[3]
The Quick Response system became popular outside the automotive industry due to its fast readability and greater storage capacity compared to standard UPC barcodes. Applications include product tracking, item identification, time tracking, document management, and general marketing.[4]
A QR code consists of black squares arranged in a square grid on a white background, which can be read by an imaging device such as a camera, and processed using Reed–Solomon error correction until the image can be appropriately interpreted. The required data is then extracted from patterns that are present in both horizontal and vertical components of the image.[4]
QR codes are part of some so-called “vaccine passports.”
A reader sent a link to the following:
Nokia CEO Says Humans To Be Implanted With 6G Chips, Sets Timeframe
The Chief Executive Officer of Nokia, Pekka Lundmark, has disclosed smart gadgets will be implanted into human bodies in the next eight years, as technological innovation will evolve into the sixth generation (6G) network.
Lundmark said by 2030 the 6G network will replace the 5G wireless connection which is currently being adopted across the world, and planned for the Nigerian market in the second half of 2022.
He projected 6G, which is currently under development, will make smartphones irrelevant upon completion. Nokia’s chief executive made this known at the World Economic Forum, according to multiple media reports. …
“… the smartphone as we know it today will not be the most common interface. Many of these things will be built directly into our bodies.” Money Central quoted Lundmark’s explanation of the future of technology. https://www.primebusiness.africa/nokia-ceo-says-humans-to-be-implanted-with-6g-chips-set-timeframe/
This sounds like another step towards 666.
Years ago, only the very rich elites had cellular telephones. Now, most adults in most parts of the world do.
It is interesting that the elites, who are the ones that attend World Economic Forum conferences, are pushing for the masses to be microchipped.
As far as 6G goes, here is a report:
6G: What It Is & When to Expect It
Beyond 5G, ICT {Information and Communication Technology} industries have already begun to develop the next generation of limitless wireless possibilities: 6G. …
we’ll have such incredibly fast speeds that no progress bars or wait times will be required for any normal amount of data, at least at today’s standards. Everything will just be available…instantly, and we won’t need to keep making new terms to describe it.
When Will 6G Come Out?
It’s been typical for a new mobile network standard to take the spotlight every decade or so. That means 6G networks might roll out sometime around 2030 (or even a bit earlier in Asia and other areas that were first to introduce 5G), or at least that’s when most telecom companies will be running trials and when we’ll see phone manufacturers tease 6G-capable phones.
However, it’s common for work to start as long as a decade prior to any real implementation of a new network technology, which might be why you’ll start hearing about 6G before you even have your hands on a 5G phone! …
Japanese phone operator NTT Docomo predicts 6G will … make it “possible for cyberspace to support human thought and action in real time through wearable devices and micro-devices mounted on the human body.“
Much of what makes 5G so great is its low latency of around 4 ms, but 6G networks might bring this down even further, maybe even to the point that we can safely say that there’s virtually zero latency. https://www.lifewire.com/6g-wireless-4685524
In other words, 6G, whether or not they call it that, will be so fast that it will appear to be instantaneous. No waiting, for example, for downloads or ‘crunching data.’
Notice also:
With 6G, there will be requirements to support trillions of embeddable devices and provide trustworthy connections that are available everywhere.06/07/22 https://www.ericsson.com/en/blog/2022/6/6g-spectrum-why-its-fundamental
Trillions of connections and with embeddable devices–that is mindboggling.
Though convenient, the embeddeness and speed of 6G presents a real threat to privacy. There also may be a variety of health risks as this type of technology tends not to be tested to the point where a real scientist could conclude it is totally safe for humans.
As far as being embedded goes, a while back USA Today put out a picture of a hand and explaining how microchips would work.
Many think being embedded to pay for items is convenient.
But consider the following:
Thousands of Europeans who have had microchips embedded into their hands are at risk of their personal data being ‘used against them’. …
But a scientist has warned the conveniences gained from the procedure by so-called ‘body-hackers’ do not outweigh the risks to their private data.
Ben Libberton, a microbiologist at the MAX IV Laboratory …, told AFP: ‘At the moment, the data collected and shared by implants is small, but it’s likely that this will increase.
‘The more data is stored in a single place as could happen with a chip, the more risk it could be used against us. accessed 05/18/18 http://en.brinkwire.com/330786/3000-swedes-have-electronic-tag-embedded-in-their-hands/
Hacking is one concern, control by governments should be another.
That society will control buying and selling according to Bible prophecy (Revelation 13:16-18). What we see now looks like a prelude to 666.
15 He was granted power to give breath to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak and cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed. 16 He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, 17 and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
18 Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666. (Revelation 13:15-18)
When the Apostle John penned the above, such control of buying and selling was not possible.
However, with computers, digital payments, etc. it is now.
With technologies like 5G and 6G, vast amounts of data can be accessed and processed extremely quickly.
This gives Big Tech and governments massive surveillance potential.
We are at the stage where more and more buying and selling can be controlled.
While that does NOT mean that all microchip implants or wearable AI devices are wrong or that they are the ‘mark of the Beast,’ it means that we have entered a time where technology can help fulfill some 666 predictions.
We also the following related video:
6G, Microchips, and 666
Information and Communication Technology companies are in the process of developing 6G technology intended to replace 5G network technology later this decade. At the World Economic Forum, Nokia CEO, Pekka Lundmark called for microchips with 6G capability to be implemented in human beings–he stated that this would replace ‘smartphones’ as the most common interface. What is 6G? Can it possibly support trillions of connections and cut latency, for downloads, etc., to zero? Could this be another step towards 666 surveillance and control of buying and selling that the Bible prophesies? Dr. Thiel addresses these issues in this video.
Biblical prophecies are in the process of being fulfilled.
Here is a link to our video: 6G, Microchips, and 666.
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