ZH: Globalist “Guru” Claims Trump’s Re-Election Will Mean ‘The Death Of Global Order’
ZeroHedge posted the following:
Globalist “Guru” Claims Trump’s Re-Election Will Mean ‘The Death Of Global Order’
July 18, 2024
Yuval Harari is best known as a globalist “philosopher” or “guru” closely tied to the World Economic Forum. He is infamous for his Ted Talks and summit speeches declaring the coming abandonment of personal individualism and independence while elevating AI as the harbinger of a new technological religion. He joyously preaches about the fusion of AI technology with the human body to give certain elitist groups the power of “gods.” His notions of the supposedly infinite abilities of algorithms to influence culture and politics are so overblown they enter into the realm of children’s fantasy. …
This is where we must address the issue of Donald Trump and how he is viewed by the globalists…
In light of the recent assassination attempt on Donald Trump I think it’s important to revisit the long running globalist narrative on the “world order” and Trump’s position as scapegoat for any and all calamities that befall it.
Their primary assertion is that any movement that values national interests over global centralization is an evil movement that must be suppressed or destroyed. This very rhetoric has permeated leftist political organizations (including Joe Biden’s administration) and the corporate media; it is being used as a justification for subterfuge and extreme violence against conservatives.
In an interview earlier this year, Harari suggested that the return of Donald Trump would mean the “death of the global order.” He then gaslights, claiming that there is no fight between nationalism and globalism and that the idea of a “globalist conspiracy” is entirely a fabrication of populist movements. These people truly expect us to forget the censorship and oppression they attempted during covid. https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/globalist-guru-claims-trumps-re-election-will-mean-death-global-order
No, electing Donald Trump will not result in the death of the globalist plans–it will tend to accelerate them.
The globalists are not giving up.
Notice the following from our free online book Lost Tribes and Prophecies: What will happen to Australia, the British Isles, Canada, Europe, New Zealand and the United States of America?:
The World Worships the Beast
The Book of Revelation teaches:
8 All who dwell on the earth will worship him, whose names have not been written in the Book of Life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. (Revelation 13:8)
The “him” above is the Babylonian European Beast.
The “prince of the power of the air” (Ephesians 2:2) has worked to set the stage for this Beast to have secular and religious supporters of various types.
Secular organizations such as the World Economic Forum (WEF),[i] United Nations,[ii] and the Bilderberg Group[iii] all support a type of a somewhat ecumenical-interfaith-merged religion, allowing for certain differences, yet possibly writing their own holy book with artificial intelligence! [iv] They all promote what could be called a ‘globalist’ agenda, consistent with prophecies (e.g. Revelation 17:1-5).
The European Union does as well, however, its view is that Europe should lead a coming “new world order.”[v]
In May of 2022, World Economic Forum’s founder Klaus Schwab, who is German, said he wanted to make it “clear” — “the future is built by us.”[vi] And the WEF will work with others, like European politicians, to make that happen. WEF Chief Executive Philippe Donnet wrote related to global governance, “The world needs a leader. Europe should step up … Global leadership, especially in socioeconomic terms, could become the shared goal of European citizens.”[vii]
Furthermore, the WEF has wanted Roman Catholic involvement and Pope Francis has, at least twice, sent Klaus Schwab pro-WEF letters.[viii]
In 2020 Prince Charles, now king Charles III, endorsed the WEF’s globalist ‘Great Reset” agenda.[ix] There are prophecies about some of the UK (Ephraim) calling out to Germany (Assyria) after the start of the Great Tribulation (cf. Hosea 5:13). It is likely that at least one or more members of the British royal family will do this, though it will not turn out as they would have hoped (cf. Hosea 5:13b, 11:5).
Former German Defense Minister Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg, who has pushed for more European integration, has personally spoken at a WEF meeting a decade ago[x] and was still listed as part of the WEF on its website in 2023.[xi] Herr Guttenberg also has directly called for Europe to reorganize.[xii]
The WEF has called its version of a reorganized world The Great Reset.[xiii] Many aspects of The Great Reset align with a future the Bible warns against. In 2021, the WEF announced it would work with Big Tech and governments to be able to control and censor the internet[xiv]—such control would seem to contribute to the coming “famine of the word” (Amos 8:11-12).
In 2022, Klaus Schwab told the G20 (a group of the most influential/powerful government leaders of the world) that he believed that “a deep systemic and structural restructuring of our world” was needed.[xv] While a deep European restructuring will occur (cf. Revelation 17:12-13), it is scripturally warned against. In 2023 in a keynote speech at the World Government Summit, Klaus Schwab stated, “I agree, artificial intelligence, but not only artificial intelligence, but also the metaverse, neospace technologies, and I could go on and on … And, who masters those technologies, in some way, will be the master of the world”[xvi]–and that is basically what he called for. Bible prophecy points to computer technologies to be used by the coming Beast power (cf. Revelation 13:16-18).
On the opening day of the WEF meeting in Davos, Switzerland in 2023, Klaus Schwab called for his supporters to “master the future,”[xvii] which looks to be directed towards globalist totalitarianism. On the closing day of that conference “Tanja Fajon, Slovenia’s minister of foreign affairs, complained about countries placing their own sovereignty over the interests of the ‘world order,’ “ [xviii] (the loss of national sovereignty will happen at least in Europe according to prophecies such as Revelation 17:12-13).
Another 2023 WEF Davos speaker, Bilawal Bhutto Zardari (Pakistan’s Minister of Foreign Affairs) stated shortly after Tanja Fajon, “Here at WEF…there’s a lot of discussion about what the new world order will be…” and he also stated that that they needed to continue working towards, “building this new world order.” [xix] Having watched the video clip of this, Bilawal Zardari also looked to be calling for something consistent with the final time of the Gentiles (Ezekiel 30:3). By not appreciating warnings contained in biblical prophecies, many are pushing in a direction that will end in death and destruction that the Bible says to flee from (cf. Revelation 18:2-19).
It needs to be pointed out that this book is not asserting that the United Nations, World Economic Forum, Freemasons, Bilderberg Group, etc. cannot do anything good. They do have many positive goals, yet also some goals that are opposed by scripture. Despite the good, the Bible warns:
1 Unless the Lord builds the house, They labor in vain who build it; (Psalm 127:1)
And, since these groups do not promote the supremacy of the God of the Bible, they, in that sense, labor in vain.
Related to goals of the New Age movement, consider the following:
A number of fundamental beliefs are held by many New Age followers…
- Universal Religion: Since all is God, then only one reality exists, and all religions are simply different paths to that ultimate reality. …
- New World OrderAs the Age of Aquariusunfolds, a New Age will develop. This will be a utopia in which there is world government, and end to wars, disease, hunger, pollution, and poverty. People’s allegiance to their tribe or nation will be replaced by a concern for the entire world and its people.[xx]
This also sounds consistent with what the Freemasons say they want:
What is the Mission of Freemasonry? To promote a way of life that binds like-minded men in a worldwide brotherhood that transcends all religious, ethnic, cultural, social and educational differences; by teaching the great principles of brotherly love, relief and truth; and, by the outward expression of these through its fellowship, to find ways in which to serve God, family, country, neighbors and self.[xxi]
There has, historically, been friction between the Freemasons and the Vatican, though this has lessened under Pope Francis.[xxii] However, Freemasons, and others without strong ties to the Church of the City of Seven Hills (Rome), are likely to be among those that will one day betray it after the Beast is more fully in power and an antipope is in place consistent with Revelation 17:16-18.
[i] Yanklowitz S. Global unity or chaos: Special report from the World Economic Forum! Jewish Journal, September 6, 2011
[ii] Secretary-General briefs Security Council on the situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question. United Nations, January 26, 2016
[iii] Richardson I, et al. Bilderberg People. Taylor & Francis, 2013
[iv] Global Agenda: Role of Faith in Systemic Global Challenges World Economic Forum, June 2016; Campbell M. WEF speaker suggests ‘New Bible’ written by AI. The Counter Signal, June 13, 2023
[v] Balázs P. ed. Europe’s Position in the New World Order. Center for EU Enlargement Studies, 2013
[vi] Klaus Schwab at World Economic Forum: ‘The future is built by us.’ World Tribune, May 23, 2022
[vii] Donnet P. The world needs a leader. Europe should step up. WEF, January 17, 2018
[viii] To Professor Klaus Schwab, Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum. From the Vatican, 12th January 2018; Franciscus PP. Message of His Holiness Pope Francis to Prof. Klaus Schwab. From the Vatican, 17 January 2014
[ix] Alessi C. ‘A golden opportunity’ – HRH the Prince of Wales and other leaders on the Forum’s Great Reset. WEF, June 3, 2020
[x] Stott M. German minister fears “infectious momentum” in Mideast. Reuters, January 28, 2011
[xi] Karl-Theodor Freiherr zu Guttenberg. World Economic Forum https://www.weforum.org/people/karl-theodor-zu-guttenberg accessed 01/21/23
[xii] Centrifugal Force An Interview with Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg. Octavian Report, c. 2017; Octavian Report video on November 15, 2017 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nTL_CgBwmxo
[xiii] Scwab K, Malleret T. COVID-19: The Great Reset. Agentur Schweiz, 2020
[xiv] Hohmann L. World Economic Forum (WEF) Announces Creation of Orwellian ‘Global Coalition for Digital Safety’ Global Research, 1 July 2021
[xv] Florio G. World Economic Forum Chairman Klaus Schwab Announces His Plans For A “Deep Systemic And Structural Restructuring Of Our World” At The G20 Summit. Evie magazine, November 15, 2022
[xvi] Parker T. Klaus Schwab: Those who master new technologies “in some way, will be the master of the world.” Reclaim the Net, February 14, 2023
[xvii] Coglianese V. Editor Daily Rundown: Klaus Schwab Opens 2023 World Economic Forum With Call To ‘Master The Future’Daily Caller, January 17, 2023
[xviii] Dutton J. ‘New World Order’ Remarks at Davos Spark Flood of Conspiracy Theories. Newsweek, January 20, 2023
[xix] Dutton J. ‘New World Order’ Remarks at Davos Spark Flood of Conspiracy Theories. Newsweek, January 20, 2023
[xx] NEW AGE SPIRITUALITY a.k.a. Self-spirituality, New spirituality, Mind-body-spirit. Religious Tolerance.org http://www.religioustolerance.org/newage.htm viewed 07/29/22
[xxi] Reading Lodge No. 254 Free and Accepted Masons of the State of California. https://reddinglodge.org/mission-and-vision-of-freemasonry/ accessed 08/01/22
[xxii] Why do the Freemasons Love Pope Francis? OnePeter5, April 7, 2017
The possible election of Donald Trump will not stop the globalists from moving forward or the fulfillment of biblical prophecies.
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