ZH: “Will Of The Country”: Huge Victory For Scottish Nationalists Sets Up Next Independence Clash With UK; NM: Johnson Calls for UK Talks After Scottish Nationalists Win
??????? With our big economy, highly educated population, innovative industries and vast natural resources, Scotland has what it takes to thrive with independence.
? Scotland must, and will, have a choice. #Marrpic.twitter.com/KMi1MGJgEu
— The SNP (@theSNP) May 9, 2021
Logo of the Scottish National Party
Enthusiasm for Scotland to be independent has grown as the results of the latest election showed increased strength for the SNP:
“Will Of The Country”: Huge Victory For Scottish Nationalists Sets Up Next Independence Clash With UK
May 9, 2021
The last hugely controversial Scottish referendum on independence took place in September 2014 and showed that the Scottish population’s desire to leave its three-centuries old union with England and Wales was gaining momentum. At that time it was approaching half – with the 2014 result being 55% voting to remain with 45% in favor of independence.
It’s now widely believed that if the UK allowed another vote today, that margin would be much narrower, and it looks like that showdown will now come sooner than thought after Saturday’s decisive election victory by First Minister Nicola Sturgeon’s Scottish National Party (SNP). Sturgeon’s first declaration was aimed squarely at London and Boris Johnson, as she called another independence referendum the “will of the country”.
Her SNP won an unprecedented 64 seats in the Scottish Parliament, which falls just one seat short of a majority, marking a slight increase even over 2016, which ensures a legal and constitutional battle for the future of the United Kingdom will be sparked once again.
Given that the pro-independence Scottish Greens also made huge gains in what’s widely considered their best performance ever, the result is a firm pro-independence majority. https://www.zerohedge.com/political/will-country-huge-victory-scottish-nationalists-sets-next-independence-clash-uk
Johnson Calls for UK Talks After Scottish Nationalists Win
May 9, 2021
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson on Sunday invited the leaders of the U.K.’s devolved nations for crisis talks on the union after Scotland’s pro-independence party won its fourth straight parliamentary election.
Nicola Sturgeon, leader of the Scottish National Party, said the election results proved that a second independence vote for Scotland was “the will of the country” and that any London politician who stood in the way would be “picking a fight with the democratic wishes of the Scottish people.”
The United Kingdom is made up of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, with devolved governments in the latter three.
Johnson congratulated Sturgeon on her re-election, but said to the leaders of the devolved governments that the U.K. was “best served when we work together.” https://www.newsmax.com/newsfront/britain-politics-scotland-independence/2021/05/09/id/1020669/
Boris Johnson looks to hope to ease the tension in Scotland. Based on his statement above, that may backfire.
The idea of an independent Scotland is not new. Back in 1969, the old Worldwide Church of God published the following:
Scottish Nationalism Surges
Scottish Nationalists seek “Home Rule by 1970,” headlines a prominent newspaper. And no wonder! Scottish Nationalist party membership has zoomed from 2,000 to 128,000 in just seven years. Their claim? If they obtain a majority of seats in the next general election in 1970, they will take it as a mandate from the people to secede from the London-dominated Union of England and Scotland which was set up in 1770. Scottish Nationalists demand that Scotland become an independent nation within the British Commonwealth — as Canada, Australia and New Zealand. … no amount of reform will quell the growing unrest in Ireland, Scotland and Wales. … the Scots have sent to Parliament in London nationalist representatives … Many Scots want to go their own way.(Martin E. THE Celtic REVOLUTION. Plain Truth, April 1969)
Yes, more than in 1969, “Many Scots want to go their own way.”
Furthermore, the SNP is not looking just to be a possibly independent member of the Commonwealth anymore. It wants to be independent of the UK and, if possible, a member of the European Union.
While seven years ago, the Scots voted to stay part of the UK (see Scotland stays, UK pays–but division will still come), the fact of Brexit upset many Scots. So, if there were a vote again to leave the UK, more might support it.
Whether or not Scotland ever votes to leave the UK, the United Kingdom will ultimately be divided and ruled by Europe.
But not in ways that the Scots will like.
That being said, we may well expect to see civil unrest in Scotland and in other parts of the United Kingdom. Yes, riots and civil unrest will hit.
National repentance is the only hope in this age for people in those lands. Although that is not likely, personal repentance still is an option.
Independence is not going to solve all the problems, those in Scotland and elsewhere need the Kingdom of God.
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