Franklin Graham on Obama’s ‘Christianity’
Franklin Graham, son of Billy Graham, made statements related to Obama’s faith :
21 February 2012
Graham, the CEO and president of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, told a Morning Joe panel he couldn’t say for certain that Obama is a Christian.
“You have to ask him. I cannot answer that question for anybody…He has said he’s a Christian, so I just have to assume that he is.”
But Graham also said he couldn’t “categorically” say Obama wasn’t a Muslim, in part, because Islam has gotten a “free pass” under Obama. Graham also said the Muslim world sees Obama as a “son of Islam,” because the president’s father and grandfather were Muslim.
The biblical definition of a Christian is one who has God’s spirit. True Christians have the Holy Spirit of God:
9 But you are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God dwells in you. Now if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he is not His. 10 And if Christ is in you, the body is dead because of sin, but the Spirit is life because of righteousness. 11 But if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who dwells in you (Romans 8:9-11).
True Christians have repented of their sins, accepted Christ, have been properly baptized, strive to live as Christ did, and possess God’s Holy Spirit (Acts 2:39; Romans 8:9-11).
Here are some reasons that thinking, biblically-oriented Catholics and Protestants, may conclude Barack Obama is not a real Christian:
- He stopped regularly attending outside church services after becoming elected President of the United States (except for some public events; cf. Matthew 23:6-7)–so his sincerity is doubted.
- He has pushed the homosexual agenda. “Though President Obama opposed gay marriage during the 2008 election” ( he now supports and advocates it (see also Obama Announces He Wants to Repeal Defense of Marriage Act and Increase Debt).
- One of his first acts after taking office was to increase international funding for abortions. He makes various public statements supporting abortion (notice, for example, last month Obama’s Latest Defense of Abortion).
- On an international trip, he referred to the Muslim book as “the Holy Quran.” Real Christians do not consider the Quran as holy.
- While in office, he attended the first “feeding” for Ramadan at least one year. Christians are not supposed to observe holy days of other religions.
- He has been found to carry a Hindu monkey god (see Barack Obama Carries Hindu Monkey God). No Christian intentionally carries around pagan idols.
- His initial, fairly clear sounding support, for the “ground-zero” mosque.
- His two US Supreme Court appointees are both believed to be supporters of on-demand abortion.
- He seems to support “freedom of worship” as opposed to “freedom of religion” (Obama Administration Changing Freedom of Religion?). This has carried forward in his stance on forcing the paying for various forms of contraception, including abortive pills, as he seems to feel that his form of morality should trump those who have religious beliefs to the contrary. And even though the beliefs of the Living Church of God on family planning are closer to those held by the Eastern Orthodox, than Roman, Catholics, I believe that the President has crossed a line that should concern all who profess Christ.
- He seems to claim that political forms of covetousness are consistent with his “Christian Faith” values (see Obama Claims His Economic Policies are Linked to His ‘Christian Faith’).
- He seems to advocate class warfare (see Obama: ‘You Can Call this Class Warfare‘).
- He has increased the regulatory burden on some Americans excessively (cf. Jesus’ warnings Matthew 23:4-5).
We in the Living Church of God could add many other items to the above list, but the dozen reasons above should give all concerns about Barack Obama’s faith.
It is basically because Barack Obama’s own statements and practices that have caused many to think he not a real Christian. Furthermore, his relatively close relationships with Muslims (having a Muslim father/grandfather and growing up in predominantly Muslim Indonesia) in his early years, his statements in Cairo and elsewhere, and his distancing himself from the State of Israel have had some wonder if he had remained a Muslim despite public denials.
Those who are not biblically-oriented, those who do not believe that they have to live their lives by what the Bible says, etc. seem confused, that many doubt the President’s claimed faith.
Muslim Charge?
Furthermore, notice the following item:
Barack Obama joined Muslim prayers at school, teacher saysThe Australian – Nov 8, 2010AS a schoolboy in Jakarta, Barack Obama attended Muslim prayer sessions with his classmates against the wishes of his mother. The US President’s former grade three teacher said that Mr Obama – who was known as “Barry” when he attended the Menteng One school in Jakarta – studied the Koran and went to classes on Islam, despite the objections of Ann Dunham, a Catholic. (The Times.
Whether he attended prayer sessions to learn about Islam or to fit in, apparently Barack Obama was more involved in Islam that his mother wanted him to be.
What religion is Barack Obama?
Barack Obama seems to be a supporter of a Constantinian religion (comes out of the Greco-Roman tradition, not the Church of God) which claims Christ. Yet, he does not seem to be highly involved with it. Whether he makes the public appearances in religious settings to give the impression he is Christian or if this is what he believes is not clear to me.
Many have wondered if Barack Obama is a Muslim sympathizer? The answer to that question is that he seems to be. Since he did grow up in Muslim Indonesia and had more early Muslim contacts than anyone else ever elected as President of the United States, he would probably have more reasons than most U.S. presidents to have sympathy for Muslim perspectives. Here is some of what Barack Obama’s “Fight the Smears” website quotes about this:
Newsweek…Obama’s only personal contact with Islam came as a boy when he moved to Jakarta, Indonesia, with a stepfather who mixed his Islam with Hindu and Animist traditions…
Boston Globe…His Kenyan paternal grandfather and Indonesian stepfather were Muslim…
Thus, while the selected quotes seem to have been intended by Obama supporters to minimize his ties to Islam, Barack Obama had more early ties to Islam than any ever elected to becoming President of the United States. He also repeated his full name, Barack Hussein Obama, the 2 times I heard him on his inauguration as USA president (seemingly emphasizing the common Islamic name “Hussein”).
Barack Obama has made public gestures supportive of Islam (like participating in Ramadan-related activities) and the Hindu faith (he carries and monkey-god charm and in November 2010 danced at a Diwali celebration). This suggests that he is neither Muslim or Christian as one true to either of those faiths would not carry a pagan deity as a good-luck charm.
Those of us who do take the Bible literally do not understand how one can support abortion on demand, carry idols, etc. then expect others to believe that they are Christian.
I have never believed that Barack Obama was a real Christian and still do not.
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