Geert Wilders responds to Pope Francis and explains why he feels Islam is violent
Geert Wilders
A reader sent me the following open letter that Geert Wilders addressed to Pope Francis (who he refers to as “Your Holiness”):
Your Holiness,
In your recent exhortation Evangelii Gaudium (Paragraphs 247-248) you draw the world’s attention to the indebtedness of Christianity to the Jews and their faith. The exhortation also contains a sharp condemnation of the terrible persecutions which the Jews have endured from Christians in the past.
Your words are words which might inspire many.
Unfortunately, they are in sharp contrast to the expressions of hatred which were voiced last October by the spiritual leader of Sunni Islam, Ahmad Al-Tayeb, the Grand Imam of the Al-Azhar Institute in Cairo.
During an interview, aired on Egyptian television on October 25, Grand Imam Ahmad Al-Tayeb reaffirmed the relevance of Koranic verse 5:82, which states that of all people the Christians are closest to the Muslims, while the Jews are strongest in enmity towards them. This verse has inspired centuries of Islamic hatred of Jews.
Al-Tayeb’s invocation of Koranic Jew-hatred is in line with fourteen centuries of Islamic teaching. Grand Imam Al-Tayeb’s predecessor at Al-Azhar, Muhammad Sayyid Tantawi, even wrote a book, entitled The Children of Israel in the Koran and the Sunna, in defense of Jew-hatred based on Koranic teachings.
The current suffering of Christians from Islamic persecution in Syria, Iraq, Egypt, Sudan, Nigeria, Pakistan, Indonesia, and so many other countries, clearly indicates what Christians have to endure from the followers of the Koran. What atheists and Jews, who are considered the worst enemies, have to endure from Islam is even worse.
In your exhortation Evangelii Gaudium (paragraphs 252-253) you state that “authentic Islam and the proper reading of the Koran are opposed to every form of violence.”
Reality does not confirm this statement.
The Koran is full of bellicose and hate-mongering verses against non-Muslims. Your Holiness will be able to find them if he reads the Koran, but I will name just a few:
2:191-193: “And slay them wherever you come upon them, […] Fight them, till there is no persecution and the religion is Allah’s.”
4:89: “If they turn their backs, take them, and slay them wherever you find them; take not to yourselves any one of them as friend or helper.”
5:33: “This is the recompense of those who fight against Allah and His Messenger, […]: they shall be slaughtered, or crucified, or their hands and feet shall alternately be struck off; or they shall be banished from the land.”
8:60: “Make ready for them whatever force and strings of horses you can, to terrify thereby the enemy of Allah and your enemy.”
9:5: “When the sacred months are drawn away, slay the idolaters wherever you find them, and take them, and confine them, and lie in wait for them at every place of ambush.”
9:29: “Fight those who believe not in Allah.”
9:30: “The Christians call Christ the son of God. That is a saying from their mouth; they but imitate what the unbelievers of old used to say. Allah’s curse be on them.”
9:123: “O believers, fight the unbelievers who are near to you; and let them find in you a harshness; and know that Allah is with the godfearing.”
47:4: “When you meet the unbelievers, smite their necks.”I hope that the Holy Father will help us defend the West’s Judeo-Christian and humanistic civilization, to which even atheists and agnostics owe their freedom and democracy.
Nothing will be gained by a refusal to face reality.
We must speak the truth about Islam — the largest threat to mankind in this present age.
Very respectfully,
Geert WildersMember of the Dutch Parliament
Leader of the Party for Freedom (PVV)
Geert Wilders’ Party for Freedom is an anti-Islamic Netherlands’ political party. Now it is true that various passages of the Koran incite violence. I will add, however, it was a Roman Pontiff that called for the Crusades and sent military forces to fight and kill those who followed Islam. And the Bible suggests that something similar to that will happen again when the final King of the North (a European power who will feign some loyalty to the Church of Rome) and the final King of the South (who is the leader of Arabic and some other lands that are currently dominated by Islam. And it will not end well for the King of the South according to Daniel 11:40-43–and this is also taught in certain Islamic and Catholic ‘private prophecies.’
Since no later than August 2009 (see Muslims: European Wake-Up Call) I have been following some of the actions and statements of Geert Wilders. While I do not believe at this time (nor did I years ago) that Geert Wilders will be the “king of the north,” the fact that he keeps having influence in Dutch politics and is trying to have an international voice suggests that at least some of the Europeans are inclined, even in the 21st century, to accept a more radical top leader than many would have thought possible.
There are changes happening in Europe. And according to the Bible, more economic (Revelation 13: 14-17) and political ones must come to pass (Revelation 17:12-13).
As far as the anti-Islamists go, the Bible shows that a European military leader will line up with a religious leader from the city of seven hills (Revelation 17) and ultimately defeat the forces of various nations that are currently dominated by Islam (Daniel 11:40-43), despite having earlier made one of more deals with the those nations (cf. Psalm 83:3-8; Daniel 9:27; Daniel 11:27).
Irrespective of one or more temporary political deals with those of the Islamic faith, the anti-Islamic sentiment that Geert Wilders and others have tapped into in Europe is real. And according to the Bible, it will be resolved in ways differently than Geert Wilders and others like him publicly state (Daniel 11:40-43, Ezekiel 30:1-9).
For more on what is expected to happen, please see the following:
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