Glen Campbell: A Messianic Jew
Glen Campbell (2004 Photo)
Just read an email related to the faith and practices of singer Glen Campbell (though the story itself is not new, but four years old, but the email to me was new):
(Reuters) – Glen Campbell’s new home…
Grammys in a cabinet? Check.
Movie theater? Check.
Jewish artifacts? Check.
Back up. The Baptist-raised country star, who says he once confused “menorah” with “manure,” displays a Jewish candelabrum on the mantel, and a Hebrew book sits on the coffee table…
“Jesus” appears on the semi-retired singer’s first album in 15 years for Capitol Records, the wryly titled “Meet Glen Campbell” (August 19), in which the 72-year-old singer covers tunes by the likes of U2, Green Day, John Lennon and the Foo Fighters.Amid the jarring juxtapositions, Campbell reveals that he and his wife, Kim, attend the local synagogue every Saturday and celebrate Jewish holidays such as Passover, Rosh Hashanah and Hanukkah, as well as Christmas. Kim cooks a mean brisket but is still working on her matzo balls. And grape juice subs for Manischewitz in the alcohol-free household.
For two decades, the Campbells have been adherents of Messianic Judaism, a religious movement whose members regard themselves as committed Jews but are rejected by mainstream Jewish denominations as following an essentially evangelical Christian theology.
“It’s Jews who believe that Christ is the risen savior,” Campbell said. “I think it will all come around to that.”
Regarding his personal health, Glen Campbell was diagnosed with Alheimer’s about two years ago, which was about two years after the above news item came out.
While I do not report a lot about the religious beliefs of celebrities, I did find this one was interesting. And while I do not believe that Christians should become “Messianic Jews” as those in that group, in my view stray too much away from the Bible, the reality is that in many ways Messianic Jews are closer to the original New Testament faith than many others who profess Christ.
Original Christians most certainly did have church services on Saturday and kept days such as Passover and Rosh Hashana (though none kept Christmas, so this is a deviation from Glen Campbell, as is his alcohol avoidance).
My limited experience with “Messianic Jews” is that they seem to focus a lot on outside appearances and neglect weightier matters of the law (cf. Matthew 23:23-24), misunderstand the Godhead, do not fully truly understand God’s plan of salvation, and misunderstand many aspects of Bible prophecy.
Yet, they do seem to have a zeal, but not always according to knowledge (cf. Romans 10:2-3).
Those who come from Catholic, Protestant, or Eastern Orthodox backgrounds, as well as those who are Messianic Jews and others who profess Christ, may find the following articles of assistance in understanding the doctrines and practices of the original Christians.
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