Occupy Movement and Rick Santorum
Rick Santorum (Photo by Gage Skidmore)
Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum offended many in the Occupy Movement:
Occupy Wall St. disrupts Okla. Santorum rally
CBS March 4, 2012
OKLAHOMA CITY, Okla. – A rally for Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum was disrupted for 20 minutes on Sunday by Occupy Wall Street protestors chanting, “Get your hate out of our state,” and “Pro-life, pro-war, what are you fighting for?”
This is not the first time that the Occupy Movement has disrupted Rick Santorum:
The State Column – Feb 13, 2012
Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum was confronted by Occupy Tacoma protesters in the state of Washington Monday, the same day that Washington Governor Christine Gregoire signed a same sex marriage bill into law,
So, apparently some of the Occupy Movement are offended about Rick Santorum’s views. And while I will not support many of his views on the military, I support any who support proper biblical morality and am disappointed that some in the Occupy Movement have distanced themselves from biblical truths. Abortion and homosexual marriage are wrong.
In the past, covetousness was one of the problems I raised about Occupy (see CBS: Occupy Protests Go to ‘Chaos’ and Occupy Movement Spreading, and Some Biblical Comments), this moving in to support abortion and homosexual marriage by some of them is also disturbing
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