Red Heifers, 2 disqualified, 3 potentially left–might one be sacrifices in 2025?
Massive white ‘altar’ from CBS video (via Michael Snyder)
A reader sent me a video yesterday, which I watched, that showed the five red heifers that were brought to Israel a couple of years ago.
2 of the red heifers have been disqualified by the Jews, so there are potentially three left.
However, since many Jews believe such red heifers are so rare (supposedly only 9 others in the past 3,000 or so years), at the most, it would seem they would accept is one of them.
Here are a couple of reports from a Protestant source about the red heifers:
December 19, 2024
In an exclusive interview with Charisma Media, Byron Stinson gave an update on the red heifer ceremony, and what we need to be on the lookout for next. …
“In Numbers 19, there’s a law that says you are to bring this red cow, and the red cow is the offering or ceremony of purification. And what you do is you take the ashes of this cow and you mix it with the living water from the Gihon Spring and it brings purification, physically away from death,” Stinson explains. “Everyone’s suffering under death. Anything you can see, touch, smell, anything, it’s death.”
Byron Stinson, who has been deeply involved in bringing red heifers to Israel, shares an exciting update on their progress as the historic ceremony draws near. “The rabbis have had possession of the cows now,” Stinson says, noting that the heifers reached the required age earlier this year. “They became of age back in February and March, and they’ve been preparing the things they need to be able to do the ceremony.” …
Of the five cows originally brought to Israel, three still meet the strict requirements for the sacred ritual. “Out of the five, three are still pure and could be used for the ceremony. Two have started growing a couple of white or black hairs that disqualify them,” Stinson shares. However, these two heifers may still play a vital role in the future. “They’re still very good animals that could produce another red heifer.”
Stinson continues to emphasize the significance of the red heifer ceremony, which holds deep biblical and prophetic meaning in Jewish tradition. …
“It’s only one needed for the ceremony,” Stinson explains, underscoring the rarity and importance of finding a heifer that fully meets the stringent requirements laid out in the Torah. The process has been carefully monitored, and while the selection has narrowed, hope remains strong that the upcoming ceremony could mark a monumental event in Israel’s spiritual landscape.
The heifers are currently in Shiloh, where previous red heifer ceremonies took place in ancient times.
The ceremony itself is planned to take place on the Mount of Olives, a site steeped in religious history and significance. “We have the property on the Mount of Olives… it’s in our possession,” Stinson says. 09/27/24
Presuming a red heifer was not privately sacrificed already and a substitute put in place in Shiloh, it is likely that if one is to be publicly sacrificed it would happen early in the Hebrew month of Nisan/Abib. That would be the last day or so of March or the first day in April in 2025. As far as the Mount of Olives goes, there is something that was reported by CBS which would be used to sacrifice a red heifer there earlier this year in a video (see CBS: What these red cows from Texas have to do with war and peace in the Middle East. Red Heifer to be killed on the Mount of Olives?)–that is what is shown at the photo at the beginning of this post above.
Although it has not announced that it has actually sacrificed a red heifer, the Temple Institute did a related ceremony on what is called the Temple Mount. Here is a report:
Israeli Group Practices Red Heifer Ritual In Front Of Al-Aqsa Mosque
August 8, 2024
A group of religious Israelis have been pictured practicing the ritual of the red heifer, which is meant to herald the building of a new Jewish temple on the site of Al-Aqsa Mosque.
According to Jewish tradition, the ashes of a perfectly red heifer cow are needed for the ritual purification that would allow a third temple to be built in Jerusalem. That temple, say radical Jewish groups, must be constructed on the raised plateau in Jerusalem’s Old City known as the Temple Mount, where Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock shrine stand today.
Some believe this will herald the arrival of the messiah and possibly even the end of the world.
“Temple worshipers are now practicing the mitzvah [religious duty] of a red cow in front of the Temple Mount, which will enable the return of purity and the observance of all the temple mitzvahs,” posted journalist Yinon Magal on Tuesday, along with a picture of activists from the Temple Institute.
In 2022, five red heifers arrived in Israel from a Texas ranch and are now kept in an archaeological park next to Shilo …
The Temple Institute imported the heifers for the eventual purpose of using them in a ritual after years of searching for blemish-free cows, without a stray white or black hair.
Their eventual slaughter on the Mount of Olives will – according to advocates – allow Jewish people to be purified so they can perform rites and worship on the site of Al-Aqsa Mosque. …
The Chief Rabbinate of Jerusalem has also, since 1921, officially banned Jews from entering the Temple Mount. It ruled that Jews are forbidden to enter the site unless “ritually clean”, which is impossible without the ashes of a red heifer.
Over the past century, religious Zionist groups – including the Temple Institute – have advocated for the return of Jewish prayer at Al-Aqsa, with some even advocating the demolition of the mosque and reconstruction of the temple.
Let me state that Hamas and some other Muslims are concerned about this red heifer matter.
Israel365 News reported the following earlier this year:
Hamas Spokesman: Oct 7 attack launched to stop the red heifers
January 17, 2024
The Hamas spokesman gave a rare speech on the 100 day anniversary of the war against Israel. In his speech, he cited the arrival of the red heifers in Israel as one of the motives for the massacre of Jews on October 7.
Abu Obeida, the military spokesman for the Izz ad-Din Al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of the Palestinian Hamas terrorist organization, made a televised appearance on the 100th day of the Israeli war on Gaza. …
The Palestine Chronicle translated his speech. In the third paragraph, Abu Obeidah listed the motives for the Hamas attack on Israel:
“We look back 100 days to remember the educated, the complicit, and the incapacitated among the world powers governed by the law of the jungle, reminding them of an aggression that reached its peak against our path (Al-Quds) and Al-Aqsa, with the start of its actual temporal and spatial division, and the ‘bringing of red cows’ as an application of a detestable religious myth designed for aggression against the feelings of an entire nation in the heart of its Arab identity, and the path of its prophet (the Night Journey) and Ascension to heaven.”In his speech, he referred to the October 7 attack as “ the Al Aqsa flood”. …
Arab-language media covered Abu Abeidah’s speech extensively, focusing on the red heifer while noting that five red female calves were brought to Israel in September 2022. After the announcement of the arrival of the cows, Hamas reacted almost immediately, warning that the potential Jewish ritual posed a threat to Al Aqsa.
Yes, many Muslims are concerned about Jewish plans for a red heifer and what is known as the Temple Mount.
Here is some information from two webpages of the Temple Institute related to that:
In our own times, the commandment of the red heifer takes on more and more significance. For without it, the Divine service of the Holy Temple cannot be resumed. There is a spiritual renaissance today in Israel; after almost 2,000 years, Israel is clearly moving towards the time when the Holy Temple on Mount Moriah – the prophesied Third Temple – will be rebuilt. accessed 03/11/24
Geo-politically, the Temple Mount has to be cleared of the Dome of the Rock and the mosques which are presently located upon it before the physical rebuilding of the Holy Temple can begin. Many scenarios can be imagined which would accomplish this, the most promising, and not necessarily the most far-fetched, would entail Moslem recognition of the Mount as the intended location for the rebuilt Temple. With the acquiescence of the Moslem world the Moslem structures currently on the Mount would be disassembled and reassembled elsewhere. accessed 03/17/24
By saying that the area must be cleared of the mosques that are presently on the area called the Temple Mount, the Temple Institute is clearly including the Al-Asqa Mosque, which Muslims hold to be sacred.
The sacrifice of a red heifer may even become a factor in an expanded regional war that could ultimately result in the confirmation of the deal of Daniel 9:27 and the countdown to the start of the Great Tribulation approximately 3 1/2 years later as well as the return of Jesus seven years after the deal is confirmed by someone that the Bible refers to as a prince in Daniel 9:26. So, in that sense, a red heifer may be a sign of the countdown to ‘the end of the world.’
Now, it should be pointed out the Jews do not need a massive temple in order to re-implement animal sacrifices. All they need is an altar and possibly a tent, which they have.
This was confirmed with me personally by a member of the Temple Institute as well as by the reconstituted Sanhedrin.
We have a video on our Bible News Prophecy YouTube channel related to the Temple Institute, the red heifers, and Hamas:
Temple Institute, Heifers, Hamas, and a Tent
In March 2024, the Temple Institute recently pointed out that how God blessed the Sabbath, He also blessed the construction of a tent tabernacle. They pointed out progress from the ancient Israelites. Should Christians be making spiritual progress each year before Passover? The Temple institute has stated that the area called ‘the Temple Mount’ needs to be cleared of Muslim mosques, etc. so that a ‘third temple’ can be built. It also claims that it has four thriving red heifers, one of which it want to sacrifice before the implementation of regular animal sacrifices. Has Hamas claimed that the existence and possible use of a red heifer was a factor in its attack in Israel on October 7, 2023? Does the Temple Institute believe it must have a massive temple in order for sacrifices to resume? Or is having a priesthood, an altar, and a tent enough? What does the Sanhedrin say about that? Did Ezra write that animal sacrifices were made after the first temple was destroyed, but before the second temple was started? Is that believed by numerous modern Jewish rabbis and scholars? Does the Bible teach that regular animal sacrifices will be resumed? Could there be any relationship to the stopping of them and the return of Jesus? Is the day of Jesus coming getting much closer? Dr. Thiel and Steve Dupuie address these issues.
Here is a link to our video: Temple Institute, Heifers, Hamas, and a Tent.
It is possible that we will see a red heifer sacrificed between now and the Day of Atonement in 2025.
We will see.
But what we know for sure is that the objectives of the Temple Institute and many Muslims are in serious conflict–and that the Temple Institute keeps taking steps.
The red heifer matter remains something to “Watch” as Jesus indicated in Mark 13:37.
Some items of possibly related interest may include:
The ‘Peace Deal’ of Daniel 9:27 This prophecy could give up to 3 1/2 years advance notice of the coming Great Tribulation. Will most ignore or misunderstand its fulfillment? Here is a link to a related sermon video Daniel 9:27 and the Start of the Great Tribulation. A short video is also available titled Trump’s Deal of the Century and Daniel 9 27? Here is a link to something related in the Spanish language: Estados Árabes emiratos unidos y el tratado de paz en el medio este.
Iran in Prophecy Is Iran in Bible prophecy? If so, what does the Bible teach? What names, other than Persia, may be used to describe Iran? There are also two related videos: Iran In Prophecy and Iran and Israel Conflict.
Why is a Jewish Temple in Jerusalem Not Required? Although people like Timothy LaHaye teach a third Jewish temple is required, who is ‘the temple of God” in the New Testament? Does the Bible require a rebuilt Jewish Temple? Here is a related item in the Spanish language ¿Por qué no se requiere un templo judío en Jerusalén? Here is a link to two sermons The Temple, Prophecy, and the Work and God’s Temple in Prophecy. And here is a version of the latter one in the Spanish: El templo de Dios en profecía.
Nascent Sanhedrin and Prophecy The reconstituted Sanhedrin wants the reimplementation of animal sacrifices. A related video is titled Sanhedrin pushing animal sacrifices. And a newer one is: Sanhedrin makes burnt offering to dedicate altar!
The Red Heifer, Jewish Beliefs, and the End of the World The Temple Institute is watching a ‘red heifer.’ Why might this be important in the sequence of end time events? Here is a related link in the Spanish language Novilla roja descubierta en EE.UU. e Instituto del Templo está interesado en ella. Here are links to three related videos in English: Red Heifers and the Fate of the World and The Red Heifer and the End of the World and 5 Red Heifers and Year 5783?
When Will the Great Tribulation Begin? 2025, 2026, or 2027? Can the Great Tribulation begin today? What happens before the Great Tribulation in the “beginning of sorrows”? What happens in the Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord? Is this the time of the Gentiles? When is the earliest that the Great Tribulation can begin? What is the Day of the Lord? Who are the 144,000? A short video is available titled: Great Tribulation Trends 2025.
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