‘Restore the Temple Mount to its Biblical Intent and Usher in Redemption’
Yehuda Glick
This time of the year, we tend to hear about other attempts by certain Jews in Israel to resume animal sacrifices and/or build a temple. WND reported the following:
‘Restore the Temple Mount to its Biblical Intent and Usher in Redemption’
19 August 2018
“The status quo presently and officially is that Jews and Christians are not allowed to pray on the Temple Mount,” Member of Knesset Rabbi Yehuda Glick told Breaking Israel News.
Jews and Christians may visit the Mount at certain times, but are forbidden from praying, singing or making any religious displays or protests.
According to Glick, because Jerusalem is currently experiencing a time of relative calm, rarely do police interfere with quiet prayer “unless the Waqf claims it’s offending them,” whereas previously the Jordanian Waqf (an Islamic religious endowment) was very strict. The Waqf would follow each visitor’s every move and Jewish groups would be accompanied by policemen who watched the visitors’ lips to ensure they were not praying, Glick explained.
In 1967, despite thousands of years of yearning for Jewish sovereignty over Judaism’s holiest sites, Moshe Dayan, then Israeli defense minister, relinquished control of the Temple Mount to the Waqf.
According to Rabbi Pinchas Winston, specialist on the End of Days and geula (redemption), God controls history based on “where the Jewish people are holding,” and said that “1967 could have been a time of geula” if not for Dayan’s actions. …
Glick called the 1967 Temple Mount relinquishment a naïve move, in which Israel incorrectly believed that relinquishing control of a site holy to Muslims as well as Jews and Christians would create a lasting peace between Israel and her Arab neighbors. … said Glick, prayer should be allowed for all, as the Temple Mount is a house of prayer for all nations and prayer there should never be considered offensive. …
Wander said that aspirations should go even farther: The Jews should start building the Third Temple on the Temple Mount.
“It is the goal of the Jewish nation to come back to the land and resurrect what we once had as a nation, including rebuilding the temple,” he said. …
According to Wander, the political environment is ripe for it as well, as “Trump has given us a window of opportunity” of which he hopes the government will take advantage. … According to Wander, the political environment is ripe for it as well, as “Trump has given us a window of opportunity” of which he hopes the government will take advantage. …
Winston urged “righteous gentiles” to continue investing in the State of Israel both spiritually and financially. Without a Temple, he explained, non-Jews cannot send sacrifices as they did in the past, but by taking part in bringing geula, they have an opportunity to bring back Temple times. …
“We are living miracles as prophecies unfolding before our eyes,” Wander said. “It won’t be much longer before we achieve our goals.” https://www.breakingisraelnews.com/112478/restore-the-temple-mount-to-its-biblical-intent-and-usher-in-redemption/
Yehuda Glick is an American-born Israeli rabbi and current Member of the Knesset. He was a target of an assassination attempt in 2014 for his Temple advocacy. He campaigns for expanding Jewish access to the Temple Mount. He used to be the executive director of the Temple Institute and is currently a member of the Knesset for the Likud party. He would like animal sacrifices as well as another Jewish temple. As obviously, do people like Pichas Winston.
But they do not need to rebuild a massive temple in order to implement animal sacrifices.
Notice the following:
The 71 members of the “Re-established Sanhedrin” say they want to begin sacrificing animals again, despite the absence of the Temple, the ritual altar and all the required implements listed in the Bible. Rabbi Dov Stein of the group admitted…
“We want to do the sacrifice, but we have political problems,” Stein said. “We hope there will come a time when the government will agree. We will push for that to happen.” (Rabbis aim to renew animal sacrifices. Associated Press. Feb 28, 2007. http://www.jpost.com)
The “Sanhedrin” group referred to above began to form in 2004 and claims to have “the consent of hundreds of rabbis, scholars and leaders” (http://www.thesanhedrin.org/en/index.php/The_Sanhedrin_Initiative viewed 09/11/08). It also has been working on implements, including those related to having an altar.
Notice something from the leader of the Sanhedrin:
April 19, 2016
Breaking Israel News asked Rabbi Hillel Weiss, secretary of the Nascent Sanhedrin, if the mitzvah of korban pesach is incumbent upon the Jews today by Jewish law, despite the lack of a Temple or an altar. “Of course. There isn’t even a question,” Rabbi Weiss answered. “There is nothing in Jewish law that prevents us from performing this sacrifice. The only obstacle is the government that will not allow the Jews to do this great mitzvah, so the sin is on them, and not, God forbid, on the Jewish people.”
The Sanhedrin established a committee in 2004 concerning the korban pesach to work in cooperation with all religious, legal, and administrative authorities. The committee has attempted several times to obtain the government’s permission. Legal documents were sent to the Prime Minister, the Supreme Court, and the Chief of Police. The Prime Minister did not respond. The Supreme Court appeared to uphold the right to perform the sacrifice, but denied it on grounds of security. This answer was reiterated by the Chief of Police.
Indeed, the korban pesach is not dependent on the presence of a Temple and continued long after the Second Temple was destroyed. http://www.breakingisraelnews.com/66076/passover-sacrifice-makes-comeback-overlooking-temple-mount-photos/#zchLRxxm8yeAtXsO.99
This group has made some attempts to offer sacrifices in the past, but has often run into political opposition. Israeli courts have generally agreed that Jews have the right to perform animal sacrifices, but have repeatedly denied this right as the timing would have excessively negative consequences. And to rebuild a temple in the area that the Muslims consider sacred would be even more problematic politically–especially at this instant. Yet, because the Muslims have a strong presence at the site of the old Temple Mount (Har HaBayit) with their al-Aqsa Mosque, some consider the actual construction of a Jewish temple there to be impossible.
Though it may well take a war, peace deal, and/or political gridlock for animal sacrifices to happen.
But it will come to pass. The Sanhedrin wants it (watch also Sanhedrin pushing animal sacrifices). In late 2016, they appointed Rabbi Baruch Kahane as the next Kohen Gadol–high priest (see Reconstituted Sanhedrin names high priest in preparation for the restoration of sacrifices; to begin as early as the Day of Atonement?). More on the Sanhedrin can be found in the article Nascent Sanhedrin structure and high priest: The plan is to start animal sacrifices–this would fulfill prophecy!
Furthermore, perhaps it should be realized that the government of Israel does have a certain amount of respect for Yisrael Ariel, the founder of the Temple Institute. Yisrael Ariel is also a member of the “Re-established Sanhedrin.” Actually, the Israeli government announced that Yisrael Ariel was winner of the Yaakov Egerst Memorial Award for Jewish Culture by the Ministry of Education for some of his work (Rabbi Yisrael Ariel to Receive the Jewish Culture Award for 5769. Israel National News. Oct 7, 2008).
As far as other ‘obstacles’ to taking actions, the Temple Institute has a moveable altar of unhewn (cf. Deuteronomy 27:5-6) stones (see Temple Institute Completes Altar of Unhewn Stones) as well as implements needed to perform the sacrifices (some of which I personally saw in October 2013).
And since the high priest is not the only one that would be authorized to perform daily sacrifices, in 2016 the Temple Institute announced that it has established a school to train others in the ways of being Levitical priests (see ‘Temple Institute Announces School to Train Levitical Priests’)–it had several pilot programs in the past to be ready. But now it expects more regular training.
The Sanhedrin and the Temple institute keep taking steps aligning with properly understood end time biblical prophecies. Biblical prophecies will come to pass (2 Peter 1:19).
The Temple Institute itself is not planning on building the temple until after what seems to be politically impossible. This is what its website has stated:
When will the reconstruction of the Holy Temple Commence?
There are two approaches to answering this question.
One approach is based on the geo-political dynamics of the Temple Mount, and the other approach is based on the desire of the nation of Israel and her fellow nations to rebuild the Holy Temple.
Geo-politically, the Temple Mount has to be cleared of the Dome of the Rock and the mosques which are presently located upon it before the physical rebuilding of the Holy Temple can begin. Many scenarios can be imagined which would accomplish this, the most promising, and not necessarily the most far-fetched, would entail Moslem recognition of the Mount as the intended location for the rebuilt Temple. With the acquiescence of the Moslem world the Moslem structures currently on the Mount would be disassembled and reassembled elsewhere…
the Temple Institute is not building the Temple offsite. We are building a stone altar offsite so that when the opportunity arrives we can move it to its proper location on the Mount. The Divine service, including the offerings can begin before the building of the Temple itself, once the altar is built and standing in its proper place. (http://www.templeinstitute.org/frequently-asked-questions.htm viewed 11/10/13)
The Muslims are not interested in getting their famous Dome of the Rock and mosques removed. So, that type of change is not likely, even after a war.
The late Herbert W. Armstrong wrote:
God made a prophecy in the third chapter of Malachy…Continuing, “…shall suddenly come to His temple…” What kind of temple is He coming to? Are the Jews going to tear down the Dome of the Rock and build a new temple? Oh, no!… A holy temple! Christ is coming to His church! Christ is coming to His temple! Do we see that? The church is the temple. “…in whom ye are also builded together for an habitation of God through the Spirit.” (Armstrong, Herbert W. Congress of Leading Ministers Hears Defined and Reemphasized Spiritual Organization of Church. Worldwide News, March 6, 1981, p. 10)
While the Jews already have a portable altar and essentially a portable ‘temple’ that they can use for sacrifices, do not expect them to build a massive temple such as Solomon built or that Herod rebuilt.
As far as politics go, many temple advocates are encouraged by actions and statements from US President Donald Trump.
But that does not mean that Donald Trump must support the tearing down of Muslim structures on the Temple Mount so that a massive Jewish temple compound can be constructed.
Earlier this year, the Sanhedrin has decided to issue a special commemorative coin to celebrate Israel’s soon 70th anniversary:
April 15, 2018
The recent effort that created the commemorative “Trump-Cyrus Coin,” sporting images of President Trump and ancient Persian King Cyrus, is now minting a special edition “70 Year Redemption Coin” to raise funds to build Jerusalem’s Third Temple as a house of prayer for all nations.
The organizers, which include Israel’s nascent Sanhedrin, the Mikdash (Temple) Educational Center and the United Temple Movements, have prepared the new coin to honor the 70th anniversary of the nation, which takes place this Thursday, April 19.
They believe the Temple project is the only way to avert the outbreak of another Middle East war.
“The Temple, as a house of prayer for all nations, is the source of true peace,” said Rabbi Hillel Weiss, spokesman for the nascent Sanhedrin, a biblically mandated court of 71 elders, told Breaking Israel News. “It has been presented in the media as a ‘flashpoint,’ the focus of conflict. That is the opposite of the truth and has actually made this lie into a reality.”
The previous project involving the commemorative Trump-Cyrus coin was so successful the organizers of the new effort are optimistic about an international effort to plan and fund the rebuilding of the Temple, a project fraught with controversy even within Israel, because of the Islamic presence of the Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock – two shrines atop the Temple Mount. …
The coin is currently being sold on the Mikdash Education Center’s website. All proceeds from sales will be used for re-enactments of Temple ceremonies, education on the Temple or transferred to the Third Temple when it is built. 04/15/18 http://www.wnd.com/2018/04/new-coin-minted-to-fund-building-jerusalem-temple/#LXIEspz5C9HJLs4i.99
Because of Donald Trump’s decision related to Jerusalem, some think this will make it easier for a ‘Third Temple’ to be built there and that Donald Trump is the biblical ‘Cyrus’ (see Donald Trump reportedly a ‘Cyrus’ preparing the way for a new Jewish temple).
The Sanhedrin released a coin related to that a couple of months ago (see also Sanhedrin Mints Silver Half Shekel With Images of Trump and Cyrus: Is the ‘third temple’ necessary for a successful Trump presidency?):
The Sanhedrin hopes that the sale of the coins will help it raise money for a temple as well as items related to having to operate a temple.
But will the creation of a third Jewish temple in Jerusalem avert war?
The Bible tells of great damage coming to Jerusalem:
6 Elam bore the quiver With chariots of men and horsemen, And Kir uncovered the shield. 7 It shall come to pass that your choicest valleys Shall be full of chariots,And the horsemen shall set themselves in array at the gate.
8 He removed the protection of Judah. You looked in that day to the armor of the House of the Forest; 9 You also saw the damage to the city of David, That it was great; And you gathered together the waters of the lower pool. 10 You numbered the houses of Jerusalem, And the houses you broke down To fortify the wall. (Isaiah 22:6-10)
That damage appears to be from an Iranian (Elam) and Syrian (Kir) power.
What about Bible prophecy about sacrifices?
Well, prophecies related to animal sacrifices will be fulfilled–but that can be done without a massive temple.
In a nation as politically fragmented as modern Israel, the time may come when a ruling coalition will itself have in it some members of a small religious group that will insist on the resumption of sacrifices for it to remain in office. And allowing sacrifices on a small altar certainly would seem politically more plausible than the construction of a Jewish temple with the removal of the Dome of the rock or even otherwise next to the al-Aqsa Mosque. While this may not be seen as viable in every possible Israeli administration, it certainly is a possibility for a future one.
Now let’s notice the view of some Jews about the ramifications of a new temple:
Schwartz, Cohen and Glick are all confident that once the Third Temple is erected, the world will become a fundamentally different place. The Lord would then bestow on Earth great abundance and there would no longer be anyone in need of charity.
“Those who do not feel what is going to happen are either blind or stupid, or ungrateful,” Glick noted, clearly annoyed with me, having noticed the skeptical expression on my face. “There has never been anything like that in the history of the human race; the return of an exiled people to its homeland is unique in human annals. It is all written in the Torah. And the last, supreme stage will be the construction of the temple.” http://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/originals/2013/06/buildng-third-temple-jerusalem.html#ixzz2Zb18AyW6
The above position reminds me of what the Fatimists (people who believe that the messages from the ‘Lady of Fatima’ are divine and reveal God’s new plan to save humanity) say will happen if Russia is consecrated to “the immaculate heart of Mary.” Basically, the Fatimists believe that act would also bring about peace and great abundance. But neither a ‘third’ temple nor consecration to Russia will save humanity–it will take the return of Jesus Christ and the establishment of the Kingdom of God and not some human action to usher in the millennial peace.
As far as animal sacrifices go, even after the first Jerusalem temple was built and left in ruins, the Bible itself specifically shows that they were made in the time of Ezra BEFORE the second temple was ready:
6 From the first day of the seventh month began they to offer burnt offerings unto the LORD. But the foundation of the temple of the LORD was not yet laid. (Ezra 3:6)
One may argue that since it takes the participation of Jewish religious leaders in order for Jewish animal sacrifices to be resumed, that the above scripture, from so long ago, is a moot point.
For formal clarification of the position of Jewish leaders, I (Bob Thiel) contacted the reconstituted Sanhedrin some time ago and asked why it felt that sacrifices could be started before a temple is rebuilt.
The response received was:
Rabbi Yeshayahu Hollander wrote:
רמב”ם, מעשה הקרבנות, פרק יט , הלכה טז והלכה יז:
טז [טו] מִי שֶׁשָּׁחַט קֳדָשִׁים בַּזְּמָן הַזֶּה, וְהֶעֱלָה חוּץ לָעֲזָרָה–חַיָּב: מִפְּנֵי שְׁהוּא רָאוּי לִקָּרֵב בִּפְנִים–שֶׁהֲרֵי מֻתָּר לְהַקְרִיב, אַף עַל פִּי שְׁאֵין בַּיִת, שֶׁקְּדֻשָּׁה רִאשׁוֹנָה קִדְּשָׁה לְשָׁעָתָהּ וְקִדְּשָׁה לָעֲתִיד לָבוֹא, כְּמוֹ שֶׁבֵּאַרְנוּ.
יז [טז] הַשּׁוֹחֵט קָדְשֵׁי גּוֹיִים בַּחוּץ, חַיָּב; וְכֵן הַמַּעֲלֶה אוֹתָן בַּחוּץ. וְהַגּוֹיִים מֻתָּרִין לְהַקְרִיב עוֹלוֹת לַה’, בְּכָל מָקוֹם–וְהוּא, שֶׁיַּקְרִיבוּ בַּבָּמָה שֶׁיִּבְנוּ. וְאָסוּר לְסַיְּעָן, וְלַעֲשׂוֹת שְׁלִיחוּתָן–שֶׁהֲרֵי נֶאֱסַר עָלֵינוּ לְהַקְרִיב בַּחוּץ; וּמֻתָּר לְהוֹרוֹת לָהֶם, וּלְלַמְּדָם הֵיאַךְ יַקְרִיבוּ לְשֵׁם הָאֵל בָּרוּךְ הוּא.Translation:
Hichot Maasei HaKorbanot [The Procedures of Offering Sacrifices]
Chapter 19
Paragraph 17:
He who slaughters a Sacrifice in this period [when we have no Temple], and offered the sacrifice outside the Azara [the alloted area of the Temple] – is culpable, because the offering must be performed in the Azara, SINCE IT IS PERMITTED TO PERFORM SACRIFICES despite having no Temple, since the sanctity of the Temple is eternal.
Paragraph 18:
He who slaughters the sacrifice of a gentile outside the Azara is culpable, as is one who performs the offering. NON JEWS are permitted to offer burnt-offerings anywhere, on an alkter which they built. Jews may not help them in the performance of this sacrifice, since Jews may not offer sacrifices outside the Azara. But we may instruct them and teach them how to perform sacrificesto the ASlmighty God, Blessed be He.
Additionally, it is worth noting that on 5766, Rabbi Benyamin Fuss published a 445 page book on Sacrifices of non-jews, of which the text proper is of 372 pages [the rest are indices, etc.] called Torat Habamah: Regarding sacrifices on an Altar outside the Temple. (Email from the Sanhedrin webmaster Abrahamson to Bob Thiel September 17, 2008).
Rabbi Yeshayahu Hollander was the English language spokesman for the nascent Sanhedrin.
The webmaster of the Sanhedrin added the following in a subsequent email:
This quote comes from Maimonides’ (Rambam) work the Mishneh Torah.
The nascent Sanhedrin sees itself as the continuation of rabbinic jurisprudence, and must take into account all halachic works written to date, and proceed from there. (Email from the Sanhedrin webmaster Abrahamson to Bob Thiel September 17, 2008).
Thus, it appears to be a longstanding position of some Jewish scholars that Jewish sacrifices can be started on an altar and, as long as it is in the area of the old temple, that a physical temple is not first required.
This is consistent with Ezra’s previously quoted practice.
As far as a physical temple in Jerusalem goes, here is what the late Herbert W. Armstrong wrote:
God made a prophecy in the third chapter of Malachy…Continuing, “…shall suddenly come to His temple…” What kind of temple is He coming to? Are the Jews going to tear down the Dome of the Rock and build a new temple? Oh, no!… A holy temple! Christ is coming to His church! Christ is coming to His temple! Do we see that? The church is the temple. “…in whom ye are also builded together for an habitation of God through the Spirit.” (Armstrong, Herbert W. Congress of Leading Ministers Hears Defined and Reemphasized Spiritual Organization of Church. Worldwide News, March 6, 1981, p. 10)
Some no longer agree with him about that, but I believe he was right and that can be shown from what the Bible also teaches (Why is a Jewish Temple in Jerusalem Not Required?).
This does not mean that a Jewish temple cannot be built, only that it is not required to be built before Jesus returns. The Bible (Ezra 3:6) and Jewish religious leaders agree that animal sacrifices (which the Bible says will resume as it teaches that they will later be stopped per Daniel 9:27;11:31) can occur without a Jewish temple. Only an altar in the area is required (cf. Ezra 3:2-6) and the Jews already have one of those (for details, see Why is a Jewish Temple in Jerusalem Not Required?).
While the Jews push for another temple, and may possibly get one, they also tend to push for the ability to do animal sacrifices.
At some point in time, the sacrifices will begin, but will be stopped (Daniel 9:27,11:31). And that will not be a sign of peace and prosperity, but a sign that the Great Tribulation is about to begin (Matthew 24:15-23).
Some items of possibly related interest may include:
Why is a Jewish Temple in Jerusalem Not Required? Although people like Timothy LaHaye teach a third Jewish temple is required, who is ‘the temple of God” in the New Testament? Does the Bible require a rebuilt Jewish Temple? Here is a related item in the Spanish language ¿Por qué no se requiere un templo judío en Jerusalén? Here is a link to a sermon titled The Temple, Prophecy, and the Work.
Jerusalem, Donald Trump, and Prophecy On December 6, 2017, US President Donald Trump fulfilled a campaign promise related to the recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. This brought anger, protests, and rockets from some Palestinians. It also brought condemnation from European allies–it has been claimed to be disruptive and even catastrophic. The Palestinian President (Mahmoud Abbas) said that this pronouncement eliminated the USA as being a fair mediator for a peace deal. Others have claimed that Donald Trump is an end time Cyrus and his pronouncement will lead to a Third Temple in Jerusalem. Is there ever going to be a peace deal? If so, will Europeans be part of it? Is Donald Trump a ‘Cyrus.’ Do the Jews require a Third Temple for sacrifices? Dr. Thiel answers those questions and more.
Evangelical support for Donald Trump’s Jerusalem policy BBC asked, “Why do US evangelicals support Trump’s Jerusalem policy?” BBC provided quotes from some believing it has to do with the ‘last days’ while others saying that is not the reason. Hal Lindsey’s book, ‘The Late Great Planet Earth’ is one of the sources pointed to. In this video, Dr. Thiel addresses scriptures related to Jerusalem as well as prophetic ones. He goes over the common ‘fig tree’ interpretation, belief about a ‘Third Temple,’ and statements about animal sacrifices. He explains biblical statements on those subjects as well as the views of certain modern Jewish organizations. This is a video.
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Jerusalem: Past, Present, and Future What does the Bible say about Jerusalem and its future? Is Jerusalem going to be divided and eliminated? Is Jesus returning to the area of Jerusalem? There is also a related YouTube video you can watch titled Jerusalem To be divided and eliminated.
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The Gospel of the Kingdom of God This free online pdf booklet has answers many questions people have about the Gospel of the Kingdom of God and explains why it is the solution to the issues the world is facing. Here are links to three related sermons: The World’s False Gospel, The Gospel of the Kingdom: From the New and Old Testaments, and The Kingdom of God is the Solution.
When Will the Great Tribulation Begin? 2018, 2019, or 2020? Can the Great Tribulation begin today? What happens before the Great Tribulation in the “beginning of sorrows”? What happens in the Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord? Is this the time of the Gentiles? When is the earliest that the Great Tribulation can begin? What is the Day of the Lord? Who are the 144,000? Here is a version of the article in the Spanish language: ¿Puede comenzar la Gran Tribulación en 2018 o 2019? ¿Es el Tiempo de los Gentiles? You can also see the English language sermon videos: The Great Tribulation from the Mount of Olives and Can the Great Tribulation begin before 2020? A shorter video is: Can the Great Tribulation begin in 2018?
The Times of the Gentiles Has there been more than one time of the Gentiles? Are we in it now or in the time of Anglo-America? What will the final time of the Gentiles be like? A related sermon is available and is titled: The Times of the Gentiles.
Who is the Man of Sin of 2 Thessalonians 2? Is this the King of the North, the ten-horned beast of Revelation 13:1-11, or the two-horned Beast of Revelation 13:12-16? Some rely on traditions, but what does the Bible teach? Here is a related link in Spanish/español: ¿Quién es el Hombre de Pecado de 2 Tesalonicenses 2? Here is a version in Mandarin: 主编: 谁是’大罪人’?Here is a link to a related YouTube video, in English, titled Who is the Man of Sin?
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