Secular Europe Still Considered to be ‘Christian’
Crown of the “Holy Roman Empire”
The EU Observer had an article about religious perceptions and Europe:
‘Everybody thinks Europe is a Christian continent’EUobserver – Aug 6, 2012EU institutions avoid God. But for some religious leaders in EU-aspirant countries, member states’ Christian origins are still politicaly important….the Blue Mosque in Istanbul means different things…The voice among the Blue Mosque minarets often belongs to Metin Balci.
When EUobserver spoke to the muezzin and imam at the famous site in a recent interview, he said what some Turkish diplomats privately believe: EU opposition to Turkish membership is based, in part, on Islamophobia.
“What we hear and what they are telling us is that they are not a Christian club. But if you look at their approach to us, then we see and we feel that it is such a club,” Balci said.
The imam’s view of EU-Turkish relations is of two competing civilisations trying to come together…
Balci’s idea of a “Christian club” is anathema to EU policy.Despite Vatican lobbying, the EU Treaty does not mention the word “Christian” on any of its 403 pages.
It begins by saying the Union “[draws] inspiration from the cultural, religious and humanist inheritance of Europe.” Later on, it says that any “European state” can join…
The EU is already home to 13 million Muslims, over 1 million Jews and 370 million people who tell polsters they are Christian. Apart from Turkey, two other majority Muslim places – Albania and Kosovo – are in line to join.
The religious “inheritance” of Europe is the form of “Christianity” that the old Roman Emperor Constantine endorsed in the fourth century. Of course, Islam, having dealt with the later Crusaders (cross-bearers) associated with the old “Holy Roman Empire” considers them to represent Christianity. And what now is in the process of forming in modern Europe, the opposing comments from the EU Observer not-with-standing, is going to be essentially the final “resurrection,” if you will, of that Empire (Revelation 13:1-8).
While the EU Observer does seem to believe that the Vatican will get its way, various Catholic prophecies tell of a leader, who will (for a while) claim to be promoting the Catholic faith, who will re-establish the “Holy Roman Empire.” Here are a few comments from one Catholic writer:
Several private prophecies of canonized Saints specifically state that there will be a latter restoration of the Holy Roman Empire and that there will be at least one last Holy Roman Emperor. The authenticity of the authorship of such prophecies of canonized Saints (e.g., St. Hildegard, St. Vincent Ferrer, St. Francis of Paula, and St. John Vianney) at least over the last eight hundred years is scholastically unquestionable…The Great King will be crowned Holy Roman Emperor by the reigning Pope (Birch, DA. Trial, Tribulation & Triumph: Before During and After Antichrist. Queenship Publishing Company, Goleta (CA), 1996pp. 281, 555).
Notice the following from three Catholic seers/mystics:
Venerable Bartholomew Holzhauser (died 1658):..The reign of the Great Ruler may be compared with that of Caesar Augustus, who became Emperor after his victory over his enemies, thereby giving peace to the world–also with the reign of Emperor Constantine the Great, who was sent by God, after severe persecutions, to deliver both the Church and State. By his victories on water and land he brought the Roman empire under subjection, which he then ruled in peace…This Sixth Epoch of the Church–‘the time of consolation’–begins with the Holy Pope and the Powerful Emperor, and terminates with the reign of Antichrist. This will be an age of solace, wherein God will console His church after the many mortifications and afflictions she had endured in the Fifth period, for all nations will be brought to the unity of the true Catholic Faith.” (Connor, pp.35-36)
Venerable Bartholomew Holzhauser: All heresies shall be banished…the Turkish Empire shall be broken up, and all nations shall come to and worship their God in the true Catholic and Roman faith (Rossi G. THE CHRISTIAN TRUMPET, OR, Previsions and Predictions about Impending General Calamities, The Universal Triumph of the Church, The Coming of Antichrist, The Last Judgment, and The End of the World. Compiled by PELLEGRINO [Gaudentius Rossi], A Missionary Priest with Superior’s permission. Boston, THOS. B. NOONAND & CO., 1873, p. 121)
Venerable Magdalene Porzat (died 1850) (Great Monarch)…shall…restore to their dominions the legitimate kings. A just and pious man born in Galacia shall be the Supreme Pontiff: then the whole world will be united and prosperous. One faith only and one emperor shall reign over the whole earth (Connor Edward. Prophecy for Today. Imprimatur + A.J. Willinger, Bishop of Monterey-Fresno; Reprint: Tan Books and Publishers, Rockford (IL), 1984, p. 38).
St. Francis of Paola (Born in Italy, 15th century). “By the grace of the Almighty, the Great Monarch will annihilate heretics and unbelievers. He will have a great army, and angels will fight at his side. He will be like the sun among the stars. His influence will spread over the whole earth. All in all, there will be on earth twelve Kings, one Emperor, one Pope and a few Princes. They will all lead holy lives.” (Dupont Yves. Catholic Prophecy: The Coming Chastisement. TAN Books, Rockford (IL), 1973, p.38)
St. Francis de Paul (1470):…From your lordship shall be born the great leader of the holy militia…These devout men shall wear on their breasts, and much more in their hearts, the sign of the living God, namely the cross..God Almighty will exalt a very poor man of the blood of Emperor Constantine…who shall on his breast wear a sign which you have seen at the beginning of this letter (a red Cross)…He shall be the great founder of a new religious order different from all the others…By force of arms he shall take possession of a great kingdom. He shall destroy the sect of Mahomet…There will be one fold, one shepherd. He shall reign until the end of time. On the whole earth there will be twelve kings, one emperor and one pope. (Culleton RG. The Prophets and Our Times. Nihil Obstat: L. Arvin. Imprimatur: Philip G. Scher, Bishop of Monterey-Fresno, November 15, 1941. Reprint 1974, TAN Books, Rockford (IL),p. 157-161).
Despite the fact that most Europeans are quite secular, the reality is that once signs and lying wonder come on the scene and accompany (2 Thessalonians 2:8-12) a coming European (Daniel 9:26-27) leader, Europe will be considered to be highly “Christian” by those who consider that the faith of the old Roman Emperor Constantine (who remained a follower of the sun god Mithras until his death) to best represent the “Christian” religion. But instead, it will be a compromised faith (other biblical and Catholic prophecies warn about that).
It should also be noted that many Orthodox and Roman Catholics expect signs and wonders will announce the Great Monarch, as he will be a lesser known leader before coming into power. Here is one from an Orthodox source and two from Catholic sources:
Anonymou Paraphrasis (10th century): The one true King…is destined to become manifest [be revealed]…by means…of signs… The King will hear the voice and instructions by an Angel appearing to him…he has foresight and is cognizant of the text of the prophecies…the name of the King is hidden [concealed] among the nations…And the particular manner of the king’s manifestation to the public [to the world] will take place as follows: A star will appear for three days…And a herald speaking with a very loud voice in the course of the three days will summon and unveil the hoped for one…There will become visible in the sky a ‘nebulous firmament of the sun’…under that image will be suspended a cross…And the invisible herald from Heaven with his thunderous voice will say to the people: Is this man agreeable to you? At that moment everybody will be taken by fear and terror (Tzima-Otto, pp. 30, 31, 32, 50-51,52).
R. Gerald Culleton (20th century): During the reign of the Great Monarch and the Angelic Pastor the Catholic Church will spread throughout the world, conversions will be innumerable…The Blessed Virgin will be the chief one in gaining victory over all heresy…(Culleton, The Prophets and Our Times, p. 50)
Pope Pius IX (died 1878): We expect that the Immaculate Virgin…will gain in influence from day to day among all nations and in all places, prosper and rule from ocean to ocean…to the ends of the earth…there will be one fold and one shepherd. (Connor, p. 31)
But signs accompanying a coming leader is something that the Bible repeatedly warns against (2 Thessalonians 2:8-12; Revelation 13:11-14, 16:13-14, 18:21-24; cf. Matthew 24:24-25); as are signs related to a “Lady” (Isaiah 47:1, 5, 7,8, 12; cf. Revelation 17:1, 18; 18:7-8, 11, 21-24 ). Thus, the fact that those type of signs are expected to announce the “Great Monarch” should warn Catholics and everyone else not to follow such a leader. And while secular Europe does not think it will change to become a religious and warring power, the Bible shows that it will (Isaiah 10:5-12; Revelation 13:1-8).
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