Cartwright’s Journal out: Joe Tkach, Allie Dart, William Dankenbring, UCG Hurricane Harvey, RCG, and Billingsley ad
The latest issue (says #198, print date August 31, 2017) of The Journal: News of the Churches of God was just posted online.
There was information regarding Joe Tkach, deaths, Hurricane Harvey, RCG, an advertisement from Don Billingsley, and Feast of Tabernacles’ sites.
Here is some of what The Journal reported about Joe Tkach:
GLENDORA, Calif.—Joseph Tkach, president of Grace Communion International (GCI), announced on Aug. 16, 2017, his plans to retire from the active GCI ministry on Jan. 1, 2019. On that date Greg Williams, currently GCI vice president, will become president. Mr. Tkach will continue as chairman of the church’s board of directors, and Russell Duke will continue as vice chairman. Before those changes, GCI’s headquarters will move from Glendora to Charlotte, N.C., in April 2018. GCI was founded in 1933 by Herbert W. Armstrong in Oregon as the Radio Church of God, which became the Worldwide Church of God in 1968.
Joseph Tkach was and is an apostate. He did NOT “contend earnestly for the faith once for all delivered to the saints” (Jude 3; see also Continuing History of the Church of God). Not only did he turn away from the truth, he also helped turn his father and others against it. As far as his retirement, that was covered here earlier (see Joseph Tkach announced his retirement; Greg Williams to be new GCI president).
Here is some of what The Journal reported about Allie Dart:
TYLER, Texas—Allie Dart, who with her hus- band Ronald founded Christian Educational Ministries in 1995, died Aug. 9, 2017, at a hospice facility in Tyler. The former Allie Driver was 83. She was born Nov. 15, 1933, in Arp, Texas, to James Henry and Mollie Chappell Driver. She married Ronald Dart Feb. 21, 1953. For many years Mrs. Dart was a successful real-estate agent in Tyler. In 1995 the Darts founded Christian Educational Ministries to share the gospel with the world, to evangelize and to make disciples for Jesus.
As far as her death, that was covered here earlier (see CEM’s Allie Dart died). As far as the ministry she was involved in, see Teachings of Christian Educational Ministries.
Here is some of what The Journal reported about William Dankenbring:
OMAK, Wash.—William “Bill” Dankenbring of Triumph Prophetic Ministries ( died Aug. 28, 2017. After graduating from Ambassador College in 1963, he became a prolific writer for the Worldwide Church of God’s Plain Tr uth, Good News and Tomorrow’s World magazines and was appointed as an associate editor. His articles didn’t always meet with the approval of senior staff, and in 1974 he was fired, although a few more of his articles were published later. He remained a member of the WCG, but he founded Triumph Publishing and started writing independently, commercially marketing his books during the WCG’s Feast of Tabernacles. Many expressed astonishment that Mr. Dankenbring was not prevented from doing this, especially because his material was not entirely in harmony with the WCG’s teachings. His Triumph Publishing grew until 1980, when he published an article that proposed a new explanation of the 2,300-days prophecy of Daniel. As a result, the WCG disfellowshipped him. He then established Triumph and published a monthly magazine, Prophecy Flash, since that time. Mr. Dankenbring over the years wrote several articles, including advertisements, that appeared in THE JOURNAL. He had suffered from heart and kidney problems but continued to broadcast on the Sabbath. His final broadcast was Aug. 12.
As far as his death, that was covered here earlier (see TPM’s William Dankenbring died). As far as his unique prophetic teachings, they were repeatedly shown to be wrong. The Journal should not, in my opinion, have accepted his ads. More on his teachings can be found in the article: Teachings of Triumph Prophetic Ministries.
This edition of The Journal had an article from UCG president Victor Kubik and UCG’s involvement in assistance related to Hurricane Harvey:
MILFORD, Ohio—This week [the last week in August 2017] has been all about Hurricane Harvey. Devastation from the hurricane winds and record rain- fall in Southeast Texas is beyond description. Watching the Weather Chan- nel and other news, I am very sad to see people with their homes under water as they are rescued in boats or helicopters. Their homes will never be the same. As I write this Thursday morning, thou- sands are in shelters, with nearly 50,000 homes destroyed. Stepping up In the midst of this suffering it has been heartwarming to see people step up to help victims in this catastrophe. People are helping their neighbors. In the United Church of God we are doing our part. I have been in contact with pastor Gary Smith in Houston, as well as elder Mark Sappington, by phone and E-mail. I have also been in contact with pastor Tom Kuver and wife Pam in Corpus Christi. Our pas- tors are still assessing the damage that’s taken place.
This edition of The Journal had some information related to RCG:. That can be found is a post dated today at the following link: News of those once associated with the Global Church of God.
This edition of The Journal had the following in an advertisement from CGFF’s Don Billingsley:
Eclipse — The recent total solar eclipse was an exact replica of the 1918 eclipse. It covered a 70-mile swath from Oregon to South Carolina for 90 minutes and was observed by millions of people ecstatically viewing it, not realizing its foreboding significance to this country, Manasseh. The 1918 eclipse began in Bend, Oregon, very close to Eugene, Oregon, where Jesus Christ began using Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong in 1933 ( Eugene = Good Birth ). …
The Number Nine — The Companion Bible, Appendix 10, The Spiritual Significance of Numbers, states the following: “ NINE . Denotes finality of judgment . It is 3 × 3, the product of Divine completeness. The number nine, or its factors or multiples, is seen in all cases, when judgment is the subject.” Case in Point — Mr. Joseph Tkach Sr. died after reigning over the WWCG nine years and nine months, 1986-1995). God then struck him with an excruciating painful cancerous death ( cf. Acts 12:21-23 ). In contrast, Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong died a peaceful death at home. …
President Trump — The 44th president ( President Cleveland served two separate terms, 22nd and 24th ). Companion Bible , Appendix 10, the number four denotes creative works—a reference to the material creation . . . Doubling that number would be eight: it has the meaning of regeneration; a new beginning, or commencement. The eighth is a new first . . .” This fits President Trump perfectly: His ongoing purpose is to “Make America Great Again.” Like King Josiah, never has there been a president like him ( II Kings 23:25).
President Hillary Clinton ( ? ) — She will be the 45th president (cf. Isaiah 3:12; Nahum 3:13). This adds up to the number NINE and has the meaning of divine judgment; the final president before being conquered by the Holy Roman Empire.
Don Billingsley made an inaccurate prophecy about Hillary Clinton in the past and then changed its timing (see CGFF’s Don Billingsley glosses over his error regarding Hillary Clinton, then switches to why God allowed Donald Trump to win). He is wrong on that, as well as the relevance of the two eclipses he mentioned as well as his application of the number nine. Another of his errors is mentioned in the article: The Elijah Heresies.
This edition of The Journal also had festival site information. Here is what I sent its editor several months ago:
Dear Dixon:Saw you would like a list of Feast of Tabernacles sites to be sent in.So, here is our current expected list (and yes, Oscar’s email and last name are intentionally spelled differently) in no particular order:San Diego, California, USA. Continuing Church of God, contact Dr. Bob Thiel, email cogwriter@aol.comWichita, Kansas, USA, Continuing Church of God, contact Richard Close email closesr@comcast.netOntario or Quebec Canada. Continuing Church of God, contact Herb Haddon email hwhaddon@gmail.comUzice, Serbia. Continuing Church of God, contact Aleksandar Veljic, email aveljic@protonmail.comRotorua, New Zealand. Continuing Church of God, contact John Hickey, email City, Philippines. Continuing Church of God, contact Oscar Mediavilla, email hansmeidavilla@rocketmail.comGambella, Ethiopia. Continuing Church of God, contact Koang Deng, email koangdeng5@gmail.comAshanti, Suame-Kumasi, Ghana contact Samuel Ofosu Gyeabour fosusamuel81@gmail.comNdhiwa, Kenya. Continuing Church of God, contact Evans Ochieng, email evochieng74@gmail.comBomet, Kenya. Continuing Church of God, contact Evans Ochieng, email evochieng74@gmail.comKitui, Kenya. Continuing Church of God, contact Evans Ochieng, email evochieng74@gmail.comMau, Kenya. Continuing Church of God, contact Joseah Kipngetich, email joseahts@gmail.comNairobi, Kenya. Continuing Church of God, contact Evans Ochieng, email evochieng74@gmail.comTransmara, Kenya. Continuing Church of God, contact Evans Ochieng, email evochieng74@gmail.comMigawi, Malawi. Continuing Church of God contact Radson Mulozowa email radsonmulozowa@gmail.comMozambique, Continuing Church of God contact Radson Mulozowa email radsonmulozowa@gmail.comUtegi, Tanzania. Continuing Church of God, contact Martin Wanga, email matinwanga@gmail.comBest regards,Bob Thiel
Since the above letter, the CCOG site in Canada was finalized to be in Kingston, Ontario and there were some changes related to sites in Africa. More on sites can be found in the link: Feast of Tabernacles’ Sites for 2017.
As far as The Journal goes, it also had the usual letters to the editor and other advertisements, various comments, and opinion articles. The advertisements mainly seem to be from possibly Laodicean groups and/or individuals (not all seem to be COG) who seem to think that the ads are somehow doing the work of God. More of the real work that the COGs should be doing are in the article The Final Phase of the Work.
The Journal itself is available by paid subscription (though Dixon Cartwright says some subscriptions are free to those who cannot afford it). It tends to have a non-Philadelphian approach to many, but not all, matters.
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