DNA evidence seems to validate Dr. Hoeh’s origin of native North Americans
Shawnee Leader Tecumseh
A news report indicates that native American ‘Indians’ had more of their origin in Europe and West Asia than East Asia:
November 20, 2013
American Indians may have a more complex pool of ancestors than scientists once thought, according to a 24,000-year-old arm bone found in Siberia. A DNA sample from the bone showed it belonged to a boy who was more closely related to American Indians and people living today in Europe and Western Asia than to East Asians, according to a paper published today in the journal Nature. The finding may mean that American Indians have European genes that predate Christopher Columbus and subsequent western migrations to the Americas. Most experts have thought that American Indians came from east Asia…http://www.sfgate.com/business/bloomberg/article/American-Indians-Origins-May-Trace-Back-to-4996389.php
Thus, many in the Western Hemisphere who are considered to be indigenous peoples, like the Native Americans, Carib, and the Mayans and Aztecs, (and likely Incas and others in South America) have genetic links to Europe and West Asia (many of the ancestors of the peoples in Europe also traveled through West Asia to get to Europe).
Although some are now starting to consider this possibility, this is not the first time many in the Church of God have heard this.
Decades ago, in the 2nd volume of his Compendium of World History (originally submitted in 1963, but revised in 1969), the late Dr. Herman Hoeh wrote:
For the first time, in this second volume, the early history of Europe will be made plain. Its connection with the New World, with American Indian civilization…
The Key to the history of the New World has been lost. Not a single historian or archaeologist knows the true origin of American Indian civilization. And no wonder! They have thrown away the keys to that history. One of those keys will be found in Danish history. The other — and most important — key in the checkered history of rugged Scotland…
In after ages the Cruithne came to be known, falsely, as Picts. The true Picts were another people altogether — an uncivilized people w ho painted themselves. Because the Cruithne ruled over the Picts who lived in the Scottis h highlands, later writers called them both “Picts.” The wild, unsettled Picts later disappeared from Scotland…
The previous volume of the Compendium established the significant fact that the symbol of the line of Easru and Mileadh was the Crimson or Red Branch — signifying the royal line Zarah, Judah’s son (Genesis 38:30). Now open the Bible to the genealogy of Judah. “And the sons of Zarah: Zimri, and Ethan, and Heman, and Calcol, and Dara …. And the sons of Ethan: Azariah” (I Chronicles 2:6, 8). Here is an Azariah, of the family of Judah — and of Zarah, the Red Branch. Azariah was of the same generation as Moses — both were great-great-grandsons of Jacob (compare with Exodus 6:16-20). Notice also that Azariah’s descendants did not enter Palestine. His genealogy is not continued beyond the Exodus. That is significant. Further, the name Azariah in Hebrew is often shortened to Ezra (see any Biblical encyclopaedia). Its Old Irish form would be Easru. So here we have an Azariah (or Ezra), of the same generation as Moses, Living at the time of the Exodus, whose descendants did not settle in Palestine, and who was of the Crimson Branch. At the same time Irish history reveals an Easru — Old Irish for Azariah or Ezra — living in Moses’ day, crossing the Red Sea, but not settling in Palestine, whose descendants in after generations used the symbol of the Crimson Branch! Here is the line of Zarah — Judah! Easru is Azariah, Judah’s great-great-grandson.
The origin of the American Indian has puzzled Europeans from the day Columbus’ sailors set foot on the Caribbean isle. Yet, just four centuries earlier, the New World was common knowledge to the educated in North Europe and the Iberian Peninsula…
White Europeans did not become Indians by merely settling in the New World and becoming lost! The American Indians are not the “Lost Tribes of Israel,” or Egyptians. The American Indian looks as he does because his ancestors appeared that way before they traversed the waters of the Atlantic.
It may come as a surprise to learn it, but Europe and the Mediterranean world was early — and comparatively late — inhabited by “Red Men.” Everyone has heard of the famous Phoenician sailors of the ancient Mediterranean world. They are known to have traveled far out into the Atlantic and to Northwestern Europe. The Greeks called them Phoenicians because that is what they were — “Red Men.” The word “Phoenician” is derived from the Greek word for reddish dye. The ancient Egyptians painted the Phoenicians on their walled tombs and on papyri. Their skin color? Reddish. The Egyptians painted other peoples of Palestine white and black. They recognized three races of men living in Palestine in early ages. Julius Firmicus, an early writer, stated that “in Ethiopia all are born black; in Germany, white; and in Thrace, red.” Thrace was north of Greece and originally populated by the children of Tiras, son of Japheth (Gen. 10:2).
It was from Thrace that Odin led the Agathyrsi and other tribes to Northwestern Europe when he founded the Danish kingdom. Many of the warriors employed by the early princes of western Europe were fierce, of swarthy skin, naked and often tatooed and painted. Strabo, the Roman geographer, wrote that areas of Ireland and Britain were inhabited “by men entirely wild.” Jerome, writing in one of his letters in the fifth century, characterizes some of them as cannibals: “When they hunted the woods for prey, it is said they attacked the shepherd, rather than his flock; and that they curiously selected the most delicate and brawny parts, both of males and females, for their horrid repast.”…
The common idea that American Indians had no means of preserving their history is a fiction based on the assumption that all Indians were on the same level of culture. Wild, rude tribes there were. But civilized nations existed too. They carefully preserved, among other things, the history of their journeys, and the duration of their habitation in the New World.
When the Spanish conquistadors arrived in the New World they were amazed to find the Maya and Aztecs using bark paper to preserve history and daily records. It was obtained from the FICUS, a tree related to the mulberry. Bark was peeled off, beaten with a rubber mallet, and folded into sheets to make books. In Moctezuma’s palace Bernal Diaz followed an “accountant” who showed him “all the revenue that was brought … (and recorded) in his books which were made of paper which they call “amatl”, and he had a great house full of these books” (pages 184-185 of “The Ancient Sun Kingdoms of the Americas”, by von Hagen). Only a few escaped the book burning of the Spanish zealots, who sought to wipe out all vestiges of the previous culture and the lineage of their royal houses. Some rare codices have been preserved, however.
One is the “Popol Vuh”, a sacred book of the ancient Quiche Maya. In it are recorded the migrations and wanderings of their ancestors. It traces their origin eastward across the Atlantic Ocean to the Old World. Other Indians had similar origins of having to cross a great body of water from the northeast to reach their present land. (Later migrations, once they had arrived from the east, could take any direction.) The writer of the Popul Vuh declared: “They also multiplied there in the East …. All lived together, they existed in great numbers and walked there in the East …. There they were then, in great numbers, the black man and the white man, many of many classes, men of many tongues …. The speech of all was the same. They did not invoke wood nor stone, and they remembered the word of the Creator and the Maker The Maya record continues: “… they came from the East … they left there, from that great distance …. they crossed the sea” (pp. 181, 183). When they sought to establish their kingdom “they decided to go to the East …. It had been a long time since their fathers had died East, there whence came our fathers.’ Certainly they crossed the sea when they came there to the East, when they went to receive the investiture of the kingdom” (pp. 206-207). To what line of great kings in the east were these Quiche Maya journeying? To the successors of the great ruler who conducted them, about 1000 B.C., to the Usumacinta River in Mexico.
The Mayas claim that their kingdom was founded by a great eastern ruler named Votan or Oden or Dan by various tribes. He was a white man who came by sea from the east and settled them in their new land. The time of their migration, according to Ordonez, was ten centuries before the present era. This Votan — who was also worshipped as a god — was famous for having himself journeyed to a land where a great temple was being built. Do we have a king in Europe, living at the time Solomon’s temple was being built (around 1000 B.C.), who had dominion over the seas, who was worshipped as a god, and whose name sounded like Votan? Indeed — Woden or Odin, king of Denmark from 1040-999. He was worshipped later as a great god. Scandinavian literature is replete with accounts of his distant journeys which took him away from his homeland for many months, sometimes years. Just as king Odin or Danus gave his name to Denmark — Danmark — so Odin gave his name to the “forest of Dan” in the land of the Quiche Indians. (See pages 549 and 163 of volume V, “Native Races of the Pacific States”, by Hubert H. Bancroft.) “Dan … founded a monarchy on the Guatemalan plateau” (Bancroft, vol. I, p. 789). His capital, built for the Indians and their white suzerains, was named Amag-Dan. Here we have the records of Danish kings, as early as 1000 years before the birth of Christ, sailing to the New World and planting colonies of Red Men from Europe in the Yucatan and Guatemalan highlands. Is it any wonder that it was the Danes, of all nations of Europe, who continued to communicate with the New World in the days of Eric the Red? It was the king of Denmark who ruled over Iceland in the days of Christopher Columbus. Before Columbus awakened the sleepy Mediterranean world by his important journey across the Atlantic, he first sailed to Iceland where he obtained information for his fateful voyage. And is it not significant that it was an Icelandic nobleman, Eric Gnupson, who was consecrated by Pope Pascal II as Bishop of Greenland and the neighboring regions (“regionumque finitimarum”) in 1112? (See “Conquest by Man”, Paul Herrmann, p. 287.)
Tradition universally assigns white leadership to every major recorded historic migration of the American Indian from far to the northeast. The later history of Mexico commences with the establishment of a monarchy by the Toltecs of Mexico. The Toltecs were of white descent. They led and ruled over the Indians and spoke their languages. Charnay wrote in the “North American Review”, October 1881, “Physically Veytia describes the Toltec as a man of tall stature, white, and bearded.”
A carved head of a “noble Aztec,” on display in the National Museum, may be seen on plate 40 in George C. Vaillant’s “Aztecs of Mexico”. The noble Aztec was not an Indian at all, but a Norseman! Little wonder that wherever the Spanish journeyed they found the ruling classes much lighter than the people over whom they ruled. On occasion the conquistadors thought their women as fair or fairer than their Spanish women. “The Annals of the Cakchiquels — Lords of Totonicapan” contains direct reference to the racial descent of the nobles who led and governed the natives to the New World. “These, then, were the three nations of the Quiches, and they came from where the sun rises, descendants of Israel, of the same language and the same customs …. When they arrived at the edge of the sea, Balam-qitze (a native title for one in a religious office) touched it with his staff and at once a path opened, which then closed up again, for thus the great God wished it to be done, because they were the sons of Abraham and Jacob. So it was that those three nations (the “mixed multitude” of Exodus 12:38) passed through, and with them thirteen others called Vukamag” — meaning the 13 tribes. Israel had altogether 13 tribes including Levi. “We have written that which by tradition our ancestors told us, who came from the other part of the sea, who came from Civan-Tulan, bordering on Babylonia” page 170. Page 169 says they “…. came from the other part of the ocean, from where the sun rises.” (Translated by Delia Goetz; published by University of Oklahoma Press, 1953.)
Was the mysterious Civan-Tulan — meaning in Indian dialects a place of caves or ravines — the region of Petra, where Moses led the Children of Israel? Petra is famous for its caves. Canaanite Hivites, mixed with Egyptian stock, dwelt at Petra, or Mt. Seir, at the time of the Exodus (Genesis 36:2, 20, 24). They lived at peace with the Hebrews. This settlement of Hivites was a region dominated by Midian. A high priest who visited the land of Midian and Moab in Moses’ day was named Balaam — almost the exact spelling in the Quiche-Maya title Balam used for priests! The people led by Odin or Votan across the Atlantic to the New World were not exclusively the sons of Tiras from Thrace; some tribes were called Chivim, reports Ordonez the early Spanish writer. It is the very Hebrew spelling used for the English word Hivites, some of whom once lived in Mt. Seir, the land of caves, near Babylonia! So the Mexican Indians were a mixed people. http://www.originofnations.org/HL_Hoeh/COMPENDIUM%20OF%20WORLD%20HISTORY%20-%20Vol.%202%20-%20Herman%20Hoeh.pdf
As far as the Popol Vuh goes, it was one of the Mayan items I became familiar with when doing research for my ‘2012’ book.
Dr. Hoeh was correct that the scholars of his day did not understand a lot about the ethnic origins of the indigenous peoples of North America. Even today, scholars do not seem to realize who the descendants of the Germans, other Americans, and various ones are.
While neither I, nor Dr. Hoeh (towards the end of his life he indicated various concerns) agree with everything that he wrote in his Compendium, DNA evidence proves that his idea that native Americans had origins in Europe and West Asia has merit (though some of his specific reasons can be challenged).
Dr. Hoeh was also a big proponent of the idea that the modern descendants of the ancient Assyrians were the Germanic (and possibly other) peoples of central Europe.
Everyone had to come from somewhere, and much about the origins of nations is not known by the so-called ‘experts’ even today.
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