WCG/GCI Meaning of Christmas
Saw an email today from GCI (Grace Communion International, the group that temporarily ran the new WCG) that stated the following:
Speaking of Life, with Dr. Joseph Tkach
The Meaning of ChristmasMay this Christmas season be a wonderful time of joy in which we remember and celebrate what the birth of Jesus Christ means for all the world.
What is the meaning of Christmas?
GCI’s website, in at least one article, correctly teaches that:
- The date of Jesus’ birth is not mentioned in the Bible.
- No early Christian celebrated Christmas.
- Scholars recognize that December 25th was chosen to compromise with pagan sun god worshippers.
Of course, it is not just GCI who knows this. Even The Catholic Encyclopedia admits that December 25 was Mithras’ birthday and that pagan sun worship practices are tied into a reason for the December 25th date.
GCI itself would not have adopted the December 25th date based upon the Bible, but only because others, like the Church of Rome were observing it.
Christmas was MEANT to be a compromise with pagan sun-god worshippers. Pagans liked the mid-winter partying, and those under that influence of sun-god worshippers picked the date so that they could claim that the celebration was transformed from a pagan holiday to supposedly being a Christian one. People often accept it now as a compromise with the world.
Furthermore, not only did early Christians not celebrate Christmas, they also did not celebrate birthdays. The observance of birthdays, too, was a compromise with a pagan emperor who was a worshipper of the sun god Mithras–the one whose birthday was December 25th.
Satan apparently influenced all of this and it appears that his meaning of Christmas was to water down biblical truth, compromise biblical truth, and incorporate enough paganism into the belief system of most who profess Christ so that they would not bother to properly observe the festivals that the original Christians kept.
The original “yearly Christian festivals” included Passover, the Days of Unleavened Bread, Pentecost, Trumpets, Atonement, Tabernacles, and the Last Great Day (see Is There “An Annual Worship Calendar” In the Bible?).
Most of which most who profess Christianity today either have never heard or know little about. Sadly, the real “meaning of Christmas” is part of the reason.
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