News of Those Once Affiliated with the Global Church of God

Since the takeover of the old GCG by the board in the U.S., those once with GCG went to many places. Nearly 80% went with the Living Church of God (LCG), 8-15% went with the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship (CGCF) and smaller percentages went with David Pack's Restored Church of God (RCG), Harold Smith's Church of God Fellowship, Northwest (CGFnw), and other groups (at least one which is outside the U.S. uses the term Global Church of God). On July 1, 2001, eight ministers resigned from CGCF and formed the Church of the Eternal God (CEG), similar in name, but not related, to the Eternal Church of God (ECG--founded by a minister removed from the original GCG ministry for impropriety) about a month later CGCF (USA) dissolved and most still with it ended up in the United Church of God (UCG). One former GCG minister (Ronald Laughland) became pastor of the Wholeworld Church of God. One group that split from UCG (and never was part of GCG or LCG), then COGaic, called Church of God, Established in Modesto (COG-eim, Steve LeBlanc) has some former GCG members and maintains a relationship with the GCG Belgians (who had supported the original GCG takeover); in 2002, COG-eim split, and its leading minister (Don Billingsley) formed a new group called COG-Faithful Flock (COG-ff). In 2004, Raymond McNair, having been in GCG, CGCF, LCG, then went on his own and formed Church of God, 21st Century (COG21). Don Haney, once in GCG/LCG, formed the Church of God In Peace and Truth. In 2005, Ben Faulkner, who was in GCG and LCG formed the Church of the Sovereign God (CotSG). In 2006, Charles Bryce who was in GCG and LCG left, and formed the Enduring Church of God.

03/18/07 a.m. In its latest update, LCG reported:

Perspective is Important:  The Living Church of God has more than one hundred and forty elders around the world.  Over the last two years or so, about a dozen elders have decided to leave the Living Church of God—some over doctrinal issues and some for personal reasons—to start their own organizations or to join someone else.  This is hardly the “mass exodus” that some Internet sites want to assert.  What has been encouraging is that few people have followed these departing elders.  In fact, some who have left are also beginning to trickle back after seeing the lack of fruits in other organizations.   Overall, most congregations around the world are positive and focused, while here and there some few individuals are confused and negative—especially if they spend a lot of time on the Internet.  Most of the brethren in the Living Church of God see where the Work is being done, and are grateful to be part of the team that God is using to do His end-time Work.

Sadly, some have left LCG. However, LCG is not falling apart and is not facing immanent collapse. Its gospel proclaiming efforts are reaching millions and it is striving to continue the work of the Philadelphia Church.

03/16/07 a.m. In this week's co-worker letter, LCG's RC Meredith reported:

In addition to our media growth, we are also busily preparing to launch an on-line university this coming autumn! This will be an outstanding opportunity for thousands of young people—and for some of you “older” ones—to obtain more “in-depth” training in theology and in the liberal arts than most of you have ever had. Many of you know that I, personally, was used by Christ to teach more theology classes at Ambassador College than any other man. Along the way, I was blessed in obtaining a doctorate in Theology from Ambassador College. I thank God for those opportunities which I did not deserve, but which He provided. I sincerely want to share much of that knowledge and teaching experience with thousands of additional students by personally teaching a number of the Theology classes offered by the Living University. Other classes will be taught by another very experienced Theology teacher from Ambassador College, Mr. Richard Ames—very familiar to most of you as the other major presenter on Tomorrow’s World program.

Many of the liberal arts classes will be taught by our Director of Church Administration and major writer for Tomorrow’s World magazine, Dr. Douglas Winnail. He earned his Ph.D. at the University of Mississippi. Taking the lead in the entire program, and also teaching a number of classes, will be Dr. Michael Germano—who holds an Ed.D. from the University of Southern California and a Doctor of Jurisprudence degree from the University of La Verne. Other very qualified faculty are being lined up now.

This “on-line” university (many prestigious universities are beginning to offer on-line classes) should truly enable us to impart much more in-depth knowledge of the Bible and of true education in the liberal arts to all who wish to enroll. More information will be forthcoming on the website (www.livinguniv.com) within a few weeks. Questions can be sent to the email address university@lcg.org. This is an exciting development! It should genuinely strengthen God’s people and God’s Work. It should help prepare more leaders for the future of God’s Work as it grows. Your prayers are solicited that God will guide and bless this exciting endeavor.

A predominantly on-line school is probably the most cost-effective way for LCG to meet many of its future leadership objectives.

On other matters, as of this morning, Charles Bryce of Enduring Church of God, still has no functional website.

Speaking of websites, I noticed that Raymond McNair's CG21's site still lists as "New" photos from the FOT 2005. CG21's site has had almost no updates in the past year, probably related to Raymond McNair's health problems.

03/15/07 a.m. RCG's David Pack wrote:

Copying the liberals of the 1970s, and the WCG apostates who succeeded Mr. Armstrong, the second largest splinter is creating an online “university” to be accredited by worldly educational institutions. This reflects much more than administrative error—it is doctrinal error with far-reaching implications! Mr. Armstrong saw this thinking comes from rebellious minds who want to remove the true Christ and the Government of God.

The above is more proof that RCG and David Pack do not get it. In spite of the quotes that DP provided from HWA later in the above article, the plain truth is that HWA supported accreditation if it was handled properly--the problem was that some of those he had involved with it turned out to be liberal and did not handle it properly. HWA even wrote that he supported accreditation on more than one occasion. Here is one such time:

As you probably know, we are now in process of pursuing accreditation. Already two visits have been made to our campus by accreditation committees. (Armstrong HW. Letter 1/21/71).

Perhaps I should mention that even my high school was accredited. Thus, most in the COGs in the USA have some type of accredited education. Having an accredited degree gives graduates more options than they normally have when they have degrees from non-accredited institutions. Having an institution being accredited does not affect an institution's ability to teach biblical Church of God theology. Apparently DP does not understand that and can't stand the fact that LCG has plans to develop future ministers--why else would he write about this?

DP has brought up his accreditation error in the past and in the past I mentioned that he was wrong about it (and this is long before I had any idea that LCG was looking to have an accredited institution). Please see the article Why Not the Restored Church of God?

03/14/07 a.m. COG-eim reported:

1. The number of subscribers to the weekly e-mail update for the WWT web site has grown to 3,533, an increase of almost 200 new subscribers since the last update.

2. The number of subscribers to our bi-monthly newsletter, Tomorrow's News, has grown to 1465 - an increase of 141 new subscribers (including subscribers who receive an electronic edition) since the mailing of the last edition in December.

3. Since the FOT the Church has distributed in hardcopy form, 1137 booklets and bible studies.

4) Currently, the Wonderful world tomorrow program is heard on stations in the following areas:

COG-eim is a small group founded by people who were once part of UCG, and has long had some ties to the GCG Belgians.

03/11/07 a.m. Since several who departed in the past six months have publicly rationalized it by claiming they needed to do this because LCG is not teaching the true gospel and that this is not what HWA taught. Well, the facts differ and even though many have left have seemingly overlooked them, let's first look at what LCG's Official Statement of Fundamental Beliefs teaches and see what the Bible and HWA himself actually taught.

First, here is what LCG officially and actually teaches (note that these are not recent changes):


The Gospel of Christ is the "Good News" of the forgiveness of our sins through Christ’s sacrifice, and of the soon-coming Kingdom and government of God. Christ’s Gospel of the Kingdom of God reveals the means by which we are to be qualified by God to be ruling members of His Kingdom (Acts 2:38-39; Mark 1:14-15; Matthew 24:14; Acts 8:12; 17:7; 28:30-31; Revelation 2:26-27). (Living Church of God. Official Statement of Fundamental Beliefs. November 2002--also the same as the current version).


1. To preach the true Gospel of the Kingdom of God (Mark 1:14; Matthew 24:14; Ezekiel 3 and 33), and the name of Jesus Christ (Acts 8:12) to all nations as a witness (Official Statement of Fundamental Beliefs. Living Church of God).

The following is from Herbert Armstrong's What is the True Gospel? booklet:

Which Gospel Did Jesus Preach?...

Notice, Jesus said, "Believe THE GOSPEL!"

WHAT Gospel? the one He was proclaiming—"the Gospel of the Kingdom of God."

But, one may ask, don't we need to believe on Jesus? Of course. Other scriptures teach that. but at this particular time Jesus said we must believe Him --believe what He said—believe the Gospel of the Kingdom of God!

Some believed on Jesus, but not not believe Jesus --did not believe what He SAID (John 7:31; 8:30, 31, 46).

What About the Gospel of Jesus Christ?

But if the one and only TRUE Gospel is the Gospel of the Kingdom of God, what about the Gospel of Jesus Christ? Is that a false gospel?

Not at all. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is the Gospel He brought as God's Messenger—the Gospel He proclaimed is the Gospel of the Kingdom of God.

The Gospel of Jesus Christ IS NOT man's gospel ABOUT THE PERSON of Christ. It is CHRIST'S Gospel—the Gospel Jesus PREACHED—the Gospel GOD SENT by Him, and therefore it is also called, in Scripture, the Gospel of God. The Gospel of God is God's GOSPEL—His Message—His Good News which He sent by Jesus.

Also the Gospel of Jesus Christ is Christ's Gospel—the Gospel Christ brought from God—the Gospel He proclaimed.

We hear a great deal today of the gospel of MEN about the PERSON of Jesus Christ—confining the message solely to the things ABOUT Jesus. As a result, millions believe on Christ, who do not BELIEVE CHRIST! But Jesus' Gospel IS HIS MESSAGE!...

Conditions of Entering

Now, HOW do we enter into that glorious KINGDOM? Jesus came preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom of God, and saying, "REPENT," and "BELIEVE THE GOSPEL."

Just TWO things we do—REPENT, and BELIEVE. We must BELIEVE the Gospel, and that means also believing on JESUS CHRIST, the KING of the Kingdom of God, and coming KING of kings over all the families of the earth. It means believing in Him as personal SAVIOUR, as High Priest now, and as coming KING.

But to repent is to completely CHANGE THE MIND in respect to SIN, and "sin is the transgression of the LAW" (I John 3:4)—the law of God by which God RULES the Kingdom.

It means a total, complete CHANGE OF MIND AND OF LIFE. It means we REPENT of transgressing the rule, the will, the laws, of GOD. What did Jesus say to the young man who asked Him HOW to inherit eternal life? He said, "IF thou wilt enter into life, KEEP THE COMMANDMENTS" (Matthew 19:17) (Armstrong HW. What is the True Gospel? WCG booklet, 1972, p.6).

HWA clearly taught that Jesus was part of the message in that booklet. Furthermore, LCG does teach that Christians do need to do what Christ taught--LCG clearly teaches the ten commandments--hence to suggest that LCG is somehow close too or actually teaching a false gospel is in error.

Notice that what HWA taught in 1972 is the same as what LCG teaches.

In many writings HWA explained the gospel had various parts of Jesus' involvement. Notice:

Jesus constantly preached the good news about the coming Kingdom of God (Matthew 4:23; 6:10; 7:21; Mark 1:15; 4:11; 14:25; Luke 4:43; 8:10; 9:2, 11, 62, etc.). He pictured Himself as the young nobleman going away (to heaven) to be coronated, and to return to earth (Luke 19:12-27). Repeatedly Jesus said He would return to earth (Matthew 24:27, 30-31, 42; 25:13; Mark 13:26; Luke 12:42-43; 17:24; 18:8; 19:12; 21:27; John 14:3, etc.). "If I go and prepare a place [position, office, habitation] for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself, that where I am, there ye may be also" (John 14:3). He will then be on the earth -- Zechariah 14:3-4 with I Thessalonians 4:16. The living Christ is coming in all the power and glory of Almighty God, as "King of kings and Lord of lords" (Revelation 19:11-21), to put down the rebellion of warring nations (Revelation 17:14), and establish God's world-ruling Government over all nations (Daniel 2:44; 7:9,13-14, 18, 22, 27; Isaiah 9:7) (Armstrong HW. The Wonderful World Tomorrow What it Will be Like. Everest House, New York, 1979 p. 100).

And it involved our personal conversion and keeping Jesus' works:

The Purpose of the Christian Life

WHY do people not understand the very Gospel Jesus Christ taught? He taught the Kingdom of God. So did the apostles, including Paul. Jesus spoke mostly in parables. Take a quick look at one or two. Notice what Jesus revealed. Notice the awe-inspiring TREMENDOUS potential that is ours.

Take the parable of the nobleman going to a far country, later to return. It is in Luke 19:11-27. Jesus is the Nobleman. He was going to a far country -- to the heaven of God's throne, seat of the government of the entire universe...

Back to Luke 19. On his return, his servants, to whom he had given the money -- that is, the beginning unit of GOD'S SPIRIT at conversion -- are to be called to an accounting, "that he might know how much each man had GAINED" while he was gone. This means each Christian is expected to GROW spiritually -- in spiritual KNOWLEDGE and grace (see II Peter 3:18). The Christian life is a life of spiritual GOING TO SCHOOL -- of training for a POSITION IN GOD'S KINGDOM, when and after we shall be changed from mortal to immortal -- when we shall be no longer flesh-and-blood humans, but composed of SPIRIT, with eternal life inherent...

The nobleman (Christ) said to him, "Well, thou good servant: because thou hast been faithful in very little, have thou AUTHORITY over TEN CITIES.

He had qualified to RULE. He had been obedient to God's commands -- God's government. We have to BE RULED before we can learn to RULE.

The second servant had increased his spiritual stock of goods five times. He had qualified, in this life, for HALF as much as the first servant. He was given HALF the REWARD.

The Kingdom of God...

Jesus said: "And he that overcometh, and keepeth MY WORKS unto the end, to him will I give POWER over the nations: and he shall RULE THEM with a rod of iron (Revelation 2:26-27) (Armstrong HW. Just What Do You Mean...Conversion? WCG Booklet, 1972, pp.8-11).

In addition, in various writings, HWA made it clear that the gospel of the kingdom of God included more than simply proclaiming that God's governing kingdom would be established upon the earth. Notice what Herbert W. Armstrong wrote:

I say Christ's gospel - the message He brought from God - was the advance good news of the establishment of the Kingdom of God. But just what does that include?...

Actually, Christ's message of God's coming Kingdom is directly concerned with world conditions as they are - with human nature - its source and origin - with world evils, suffering, unhappiness - with world peace. It's concerned with government - with the reason present human governments fail to be the benefactors of their peoples they are supposed to be. His message hits directly at the very roots of individual personal happiness and at the awesome transcendent potential of each human life. It is concerned with the CAUSES of present conditions that affect every human and with the WAY that will solve all problems.

But it is concerned with far, far more. It is concerned with God's tremendous, overwhelming, over-all purpose as Creator of the entire universe. It's concerned with the entire vast universe, filled with its uncountable galaxies, nebulae, suns, stars, planets, and with God's purpose for them...

God's message is concerned with overall truth. What has been covered so far should be considered as merely the introduction to the entire story of Christ's gospel message (Armstrong HW. Incredible Human Potential. Everest House, New York, 1978, pp.20-21).

What is Christ's Gospel?  What is the message God sent to mankind by Jesus Christ?  It is the GOOD NEWS of the KINGDOM OF GOD!...Of course that power-filled message INCLUDES THE KNOWLEDGE ABOUT THE SAVIOR, High Priest and coming King!  Of course, it INCLUDES the true way of salvation, which the churches seem to have lost! (Armstrong, HW. Good News, Jan. 1980, p. 9). 

Now, HOW do we enter into that glorious KINGDOM? Jesus came preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom of God, and saying, "REPENT," and "BELIEVE THE GOSPEL."

Just TWO things we do—REPENT, and BELIEVE. We must BELIEVE the Gospel, and that means also believing on JESUS CHRIST, the KING of the Kingdom of God, and coming KING of kings over all the families of the earth. It means believing in Him as personal SAVIOUR, as High Priest now, and as coming KING.

But to repent is to completely CHANGE THE MIND in respect to SIN, and "sin is the transgression of the LAW" (I John 3:4)—the law of God by which God RULES the Kingdom.

It means a total, complete CHANGE OF MIND AND OF LIFE. It means we REPENT of transgressing the rule, the will, the laws, of GOD. What did Jesus say to the young man who asked Him HOW to inherit eternal life? He said, "IF thou wilt enter into life, KEEP THE COMMANDMENTS" (Matthew 19:17) (Armstrong HW. What is the True Gospel? WCG booklet, 1972, p.6).

We must believe the GOSPEL, and THAT MEANS ALSO believing on JESUS CHRIST, the King OF the Kingdom of God, and coming King of kings over all the families of the earth. IT MEANS believing in Him as personal Saviour, as High Priest, now and as coming King" (Armstrong HW. What is the True Gospel? 1972 booklet, p.10.)

If those who claim to preach a gospel of SALVATION understood and proclaimed WHAT salvation really is...it might be A PART OF the gospel" (Armstrong HW. Incredible Human Potential, 1978 hardback edition, page 16)

I must call the reader's attention again at this point to the fact that a full and complete understanding of the MESSAGE sent by God TO ALL MANKIND, by His Divine Messenger Jesus Christ, involves a vast comprehension of God's great purpose, and of events, prehistoric, historic, present and future.    "I might say it means an overall understanding of EVERYTHING!" (ibid, p.15).

The true GOSPEL, when viewed with ALL THAT IT EMBODIES---the reason for it, the prehistoric truth of earth's first inhabitants, the reason humans were created and put on earth, the CAUSE of all the earth's evils and sufferings, the nature of the human mind, the need for spiritual salvation and what it is, the coming world tomorrow of peace, what lies on beyond, and man's ultimate incredible potential---becomes the MOST ALL-ENCOMPASSING SUBJECT that can enter the mind of man (ibid, p.11)

Sadly, some who have left us have subtly changed the gospel to attempt to remove Jesus more from it. HWA clearly did not teach that.

LCG has responded to this charge before and stated:

Notice how the following scriptures define the Gospel: 

Mark 1:14-15 – Jesus said the Gospel was about the coming Kingdom of God
Mark 16:15 – Jesus commissioned his disciples to preach the Gospel to the world
Acts 8:12 – Philip preached the Gospel of the Kingdom and the name of Jesus Christ  
Acts 20:20-27 – Paul preached the “whole counsel of God” including repentance toward God and faith toward Jesus Christ, the Gospel of grace and the Kingdom of God (grace involves forgiveness, unmerited pardon)
Acts 28:23 – Paul preached about the Kingdom of God and about Jesus
Acts 28:30-31 – Paul preached of the Kingdom of God and things concerning Jesus Christ
I Corinthians 2:2 – Paul’s main focus was on “Jesus Christ and Him crucified”
I Corinthians 15:1-8 – Paul preached “the gospel…by which you are saved…that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures…and that He rose again on the third day”
Ephesians 1:13 – Paul wrote of trusting in Christ “after you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation”

These scriptures clearly indicate that the Gospel includes not just a message about the coming Kingdom of God, but also the sacrifice of Jesus Christ for our sins.   That sacrifice, when accompanied by repentance and spiritual growth on our part, will result in our ultimate salvation—receiving eternal life in the Kingdom and family of God (see John 3:16, etc.).   The Gospel is also about the exciting news that Jesus Christ is going to return to this earth as King of kings to establish the Kingdom of God and bring peace and justice to all (Isaiah 9:6-7; Revelation 11:15).  To separate the Gospel of the Kingdom of God from the good news of the opportunity for salvation through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ is simply not biblical or factual. 

What the critics of the LCG doctrinal statement also overlook is the fact that Mr. Armstrong understood the Gospel encompassed more than what he addressed in certain writings that critics have chosen to quote.  Notice these statements from the Good News, December 1984, p. 5 – “The Gospel of Christ is Christ’s own Gospel—not a story about His person… The Gospel of Christ ‘is the power of God to salvation’ (Romans 1:16)… What is Jesus Christ’s Gospel?… It is the Good News of the Kingdom of God!... It is the message of divine government—government by God’s Laws!... Of course that message includes the knowledge about the Savior, High Priest and coming King!  Of course, it includes the true way of salvation, which the churches have lost! [Emphasis ours].  And it includes also knowledge of the location of the territory to be ruled over by the King of the coming Kingdom—the fact it is this earth and not heaven.   Mr. Armstrong clearly understood that the true Gospel included much more than just a story about the person of Jesus Christ.  However, he also clearly understood the Gospel included that Jesus was the promised Messiah who came to give his life as a sacrifice for mankind and to explain the way of salvation that is outlined in the great plan of God pictured by the Holy Days.  When we study all the scriptures on the subject, there is no need to be confused about the Gospel.  Even the critics should remember that Mr. Armstrong repeatedly stated, “Don’t believe me, believe your Bible.”  The Bible must be our ultimate authority in this vital subject.  (Confused Critics Limit the Gospel. The World Ahead Weekly Update  December 14, 2006).

LCG teaches what the Bible teaches and what HWA actually taught. The fact that HWA specifically taught that the gospel includes belief in Jesus and His role in our salvation as well as His role as King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

So what is the false gospel that some have charged that LCG teaches?

Well according to HWA, it is NOT including Jesus Christ as part of the Gospel. HWA taught that the false gospel was ONLY teaching about the person of Christ, WITHOUT teaching about the Kingdom of God, while ALSO doing away with the ten commandments. The gospel of Christ, the kingdom of God, includes understanding who the King of the Kingdom actually is. Notice what HWA really considered to be the false gospel:

For 1,900 years traditional Christianity has failed to preach about Jesus as coming KING and world ruler in the coming kingdom of God to replace Satan on the throne of the whole earth (Armstrong HW. Are We Living in the Last Days?).

Jesus' true gospel had been suppressed and supplanted with a false gospel--not the gospel of Christ (the kingdom of God) but man's false gospel about a Christ who did away with his Father's commandments (Armstrong HW. Mystery of the Ages, Chapter 7, 1985).

The plain truth is that LCG does teach about the Kingdom of God, understands that Jesus is part of the Gospel message, and that the ten commandments need to be kept. Here is LCG's official position on the ten commandments, lest there be any doubt on that point:


God’s basic spiritual law is summed up in the "Ten Commandments" (Exodus 20:1-17; Deuteronomy 4:13; 10:4). In the "Sermon on the Mount" and elsewhere, Jesus magnified God’s law (Matthew chapters 5-7; Isaiah 42:21), showing His followers that they must obey both the letter and the "spirit." "Wherefore the law is holy, and the commandment holy, and just, and good" (Romans 7:12). It is practicing this way of life—through Christ living in us (Galatians 2:20)—that makes one a true "saint" (Revelation 14:12) (Living Church of God. Official Statement of Fundamental Beliefs).

LCG clearly has not done away with the ten commandments.

The claims against LCG on this gospel point are just another example of how some associated with the Laodicean Church era do not really understand what HWA and the Bible actually teach. Nor do I expect any of the Laodicean groups to significantly and fully proclaim the gospel of the kingdom to the world as a witness, which is what LCG does powerfully on television and radio throughout the world.

It is precisely true that what LCG teaches is NOT a departure towards Protestantism as some have charged, but simply a clear version of what HWA and the Bible actually teaches.

I simply believe that the "gospel changing charge" is simply an excuse that many non-Philadelphians use to persuade themselves that the real reason why they are not part of LCG (which probably varies by individual) is a valid one.

03/10/07 a.m. Some have asked about the Monson situation. Yes, former-LCG minister Eng Monson left for EnCOG. His California-based son (who is not a minister) also left LCG. Sheldon Monson is an LCG minister and remained with LCG.

Sadly, I expected the departures for some time.

03/09/07 p.m. The following is from a long-time reader of the COGwriter page who attended with Charles Bryce's Enduring Church of God:

I now have some very disturbing information that you might want to pass on in hope of sparing some from following after an individual who may only be concerned with having his own following. (Acts20:30)  -below is what I am in reference to.

C. Bryce claimed that his separation from LCG was to get back on track with what HWA taught and that "Enduring COG" would be doing that. He has stated that vocally and in writing. But it now appears that he is already deviating from both scripture and what HWA taught, in a recent letter sent out from him. Here is what is stated by him, emphasis mine:

"The focal point of all the current trouble is clear and concise -- Are we going to follow Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong, as he followed Christ, or not?"--  2)  Eph. 1:13 -- Verse 13 says, the Word of truth is the good news (GOSPEL) of your salvation.  This is not only good news, it is the BEST news.  But it is not the gospel of the Kingdom of God  These are two different messages for two different times.  Salvation is for those who are called--now and later.  The gospel message is for a witness of what is coming for the whole world, in the future." 


He essentially repeats this again later in the same letter in connection with another passage of scripture that he is now dividing into “Different messages” concerning the Gospel of the Kingdom and salvation. Now I just have to ask this question—Is what he has said above, following what HWA taught? Now notice this, from the "what do you mean--Kingdom of God" booklet on Pg.10: “This is THE TRUE GOSPEL! It is the very Gospel Christ preached! It is intended for you and me TODAY! It is vital that you UNDERSTAND!” 


(This was not said for the benefit of the church only, those called now as Mr. Bryce says, but was going out to those being witnessed to then and those being called in the later half of the 20th century. The same and only gospel message for both!) Notice something else from HWA in his booklet on the gospel, Pg. 4. (The words underlined were already emphasized  by him and I just put further emphasis on them by the bolding and underlining.)


“Jesus Christ said it is necessary to believe the Gos­pel to be saved! (Or Have Salvation!) Yet the many — the hundreds of millions— today, do not know what that Gospel is! Again, His parting commission to His apostles, being sent out as His ministers to build His Church, was this: "Go ye into all the world, and preach the Gospel." They were to preach the Gospel. Jesus then said: "He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned" (Mark 16:16). Notice! Jesus said, "He that believeth." Believeth what? Why, believeth that which they preached, of course — the Gospel! Not a gospel. Not any gospel. The Gospel! On the authority of Jesus Christ, it is necessary to believe that precise identical Gospel in order to be saved! (For SALVATION) And to believe the true Gospel, we must first come to know what it is!”                                                                                                                                                                 

HWA has stated WHAT it is, over and over—through the many years of his preaching--that it is the Gospel of the Kingdom of God, also the gospel of salvation, being the same gospel, and not different messages as Mr. Bryce now claims, just as many scriptures reveal, so what more proof do we need? Mr. Bryce seems to have forgotten this and is not preaching the truth of what HWA did, as he claims to, nor is he sticking to the teaching of scripture! He has even begun to teach that there is more than one gospel which is something the Apostle Paul warned against. This is from the RSV translation:  Gal 1:6-9          “I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting him who called you in the grace of Christ and turning to a different gospel—7      not that there is another gospel, but there are some who trouble you and want to pervert the gospel of Christ."


This is not just a matter of switching from one organization to another in the body of Christ, this is a matter of our Salvation! Are those who are still struggling to be Philadelphians going to let themselves be pulled down now, by someone who is clearly off track from scripture in this Laodicean era and is watering down the teachings of scripture and an Apostle of Jesus Christ?  I attended with Enduring for a short time searching for the fruits of what they were to be like as a church and I found them. They are not the fruits that will help me or anyone else make it into the kingdom of God! (1John4:1) I hope he will wake up and repent, before it is too late!

EnCOG is not a place for Philadelphians (please read the article Are the Laodiceans the Modern Sadducees and Pharisees?). It simply will not have the fruits and is not destined to be the spearpoint for the Philadelphia work. I hope all will realize this.

03/09/07 a.m. Some additional non-Philadelphians have left LCG again. While I had hoped that nearly all of this happened with the GCG takeover, in the past six months, this has been occurring with some regularity. Apparently many who had been with us and supporting us now feel that being self-righteous about makeup is more important than fulfilling Matthew 24:14 (Note: LCG's position on make-up is the same as it was from its inception).

Four articles of related interest may be:

Are the Laodiceans the Modern Sadducees and Pharisees?
Makeup and the Philadelphia Era of the COG
Should the Church Still Try to Place its Top Priority on Proclaiming the Gospel or Did Herbert Armstrong Change that Priority for the Work?
The Philadelphia Church Era

03/03/07 a.m. The anti-COG AW site posted a letter purportedly from Charles Bryce which states:

The unoriginal, tired, worn-out old catch-phrase "majoring in the minors" is used frequently to water down clear Bible teaching...

Mr. Armstrong's name is then dropped into the mix in an effort to validate the accusations.

The question is--which Mr. Armstrong? Certainly not Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong! Here are some excerpts from a sermon about sin he gave on Dec. 5, 1981 where he addresses "majoring in the minors":

...You were majoring in the minors if you spoke on health foods, on prohibition and prohibited anything to do with birthday parties and insisted on modest apparel among the women...and no long hair among the boys or men.

Perhaps I should point out that LCG does not celebrate birthdays, endorses eating healthy foods, insists on modest apparel for women (actually, that was the part of the subject of the last HQ sermon I listened to), and teaches against long hair for men and boys. Actually, you are majoring in the minors if the top priority of the your church is not to proclaim the true gospel to the world as a witness (please see the article Should the Church Still Try to Place its Top Priority on Proclaiming the Gospel or Did Herbert Armstrong Change that Priority for the Work? ).

But look at what the emphasis on CB's purported latest letter is:

1) Mr. Jerry Stewart has located a fine place for holding all-day combined services in the Dallas area for the Last Day of Unleavened Bread on Monday April 9...
2) The Family Summer Camp is in the organizational phase right now. It will be held at Lake of the Ozarks State Park from July 22-29...
3) Our location for the Feast of Tabernacles 2007 is now set. We will meet at the beautiful Tan-Tar-A Resort at Lake of the Ozarks, MO...
4) We are getting favorable feedback from the CD sermon package we sent out recently...
5) I just got off of the phone with our website coordinator and he said that it is about 50% finished.

The above focus is much more similar to how UCG got started than how GCG/LCG were started.

Within two months of the formation of GCG, RC Meredith was on the radio proclaiming the gospel message (and he had only started with 19 people)--he put out a magazine just a few weeks later.

LCG formed in early December 1998 and was on nation-wide television by the end of January 1999 and put out its first magazine shortly thereafter.

The problem that Laodicea has is that it has a different work than the Philadelphia Church, and its people decide that other priorities are more important.

Jesus taught, "But why do you call Me 'Lord, Lord,' and do not do the things which I say?" (Luke 6:46). Charles Bryce should know that RC Meredith, Dibar Apartian, and Richard Ames knew HWA well and perhaps they did understand what he taught and what he meant better than CB does. Again an article of related interest would be Should the Church Still Try to Place its Top Priority on Proclaiming the Gospel or Did Herbert Armstrong Change that Priority for the Work?

I suspect that this post will ultimately result in EnCOG making some type of gospel-work statement, but what it has done (and not done so far), in my opinion, shows its priorities.

03/01/07 a.m. Yesterday, RCG announced:

(1) A beautiful new 3-story World Headquarters building is leaving the planning stages. Groundbreaking will likely occur late this year. (When ready, we will post dramatic architectural renderings of the building, probably in interactive 3D, with zoom-in and virtual tour capability.)

(2) To address an ever-growing need, a significant number of full-time ministers will be hired simultaneously across the United States and other parts of the world, greatly expanding our full-time ministry.

RCG never has much of a full-time ministry Perhaps that will change.

02/25/07 a.m. In order to address some issues raised by some once affiliated with GCG, LCG sent the following:

TO:        Weekly Update Recipients

FROM:  Roderick C. Meredith

DATE:   February 22, 2007 

Dear fellow ministers, 

After talking with a few of our brethren who have been partially disoriented because of accusations about us from Dave Pack, Charles Bryce and others I feel it would be good to straighten out a couple of issues. Very few of you are troubled by these ideas, I know. But my comments may help you to be aware of what is being said and help you with a few “pointers” on how to answer these types of accusations. 

First, some are saying, in affect, “Rod Meredith is changing a lot of things and is becoming liberal!” 


That is almost “good news” in one sense. Because, as most of you know, I was accused for decades of being “too conservative” and most brethren follow me because they knew—by my “fruits” of some 54 years now in the ministry—that I was not liberal and even tended to be conservative. I have always deeply respected and followed Mr. Armstrong as he told us to. That is, he always said, “follow me as I follow Christ” (1 Cor. 11:1). That is the way he told us the way to follow him. And that’s the way I have tried to do—though not perfectly, as I don’t do anything perfectly. But I try, as I know most of you do to.  

No, brethren, we are not becoming liberal. We who really knew Mr. Armstrong—Mr. Apartian, Mr. Ames and I and a few others—we know that he always was innovative and forward looking and did not think that his writings or his sermons were “set in stone”—as some now seem to think. Mr. Armstrong did change on literally dozens of things including:  makeup, divorce and remarriage, healing, interracial understandings, counting Pentecost, and a number of other things. He always told us to continue “growing” in understanding and knowledge. Therefore, now that we are in an entirely different generation than Mr. Armstrong’s generation, it is good for us to broaden out our perspective and knowledge about certain things or certain social customs—just as he would do if he were alive today! That does not mean that we are going to change or “water down” any of our understanding on the Ten Commandments, the Sabbath, the Holy Days or any other basic doctrine!  

Next, some are saying, “Mr. Meredith and LCG are changing the Gospel. They are not saying that the Gospel is the Gospel of the Kingdom of God anymore, but are sometimes calling it, ‘the Gospel of Christ.’ That is dangerous! That might lead us back into Protestantism!” 

Is it really dangerous to call Christ’s message the Gospel of salvation? What I would ask all of you to do is to get out a concordance and look up the term “gospel” in Strong’s or Young’s Concordance and see how many times it is called “the Gospel of Christ, the Gospel of salvation” or other similar terms. It is called these things—not by “liberals”—but by the inspired Word of God! 

As we have pointed out before, read again 1 Cor. 15:1-5. And then skim the rest of the chapter. Here, the Apostle Paul stated clearly that the “Gospel which I preach to you” involved Christ’s death, His resurrection and those things about Jesus Christ, His sacrifice and His resurrection! Most of you realize that this information is one of the most vital parts of the Gospel—the “Good News” that we can be forgiven of our sins and that Christ is alive as our living Savior and High Priest!  

Is that just a “tiny” part of the Gospel? No way! It is a major aspect of the true Gospel. As you read Acts 2:36-40—describing the very first time the Gospel was preached publicly, you see that is exactly what God inspired Peter to preach about. Near the end of his life, you see the Apostle Paul—who was sent to preach to “Gentiles and kings” (Acts 9:15)—you find him preaching to King Agrippa about Christ’s death and resurrection (Acts 26:8-9). 

In Acts 20:24-27, we read about Paul’s recital to the elders at Ephesus as to what Christ called them to do. He describes, “The ministry which I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God “! Then, he also mentions that he had gone among them preaching the “Kingdom of God.” Then, in verse 27, he states, “For I have not shunned to declare to you the whole counsel of God.” Brethren, that is what we all need to do. That is, not to limit the Gospel to the Kingdom of God but to acknowledge that a major part of the “Good News” always in your own Bible involved preaching and teaching about Christ’s death, resurrection and His promise to send the Holy Spirit to live within us! This is wonderful Good News! And, as you read carefully through the book of Acts, you will see that this was the major aspect of the Gospel that was actually talked about the most.  

Does that mean we are going to talk about it more than the Kingdom of God? No way! Why not? Because—at that time—Christ’s Second Coming was far off, and Christ’s death and resurrection were very near and were very close in time and vital to them at that time. So they talked more about that. Now that we are nearing the end of the age and reaching entire nations—some of them totally cut off from the Bible—we certainly will talk more about the “Kingdom of God”—the government to be set up soon under Jesus Christ at His soon coming!  

Yes! We will continue to do that and if you will read our articles in the Tomorrow’s World magazine and view our telecasts you will see that that is exactly what we have been doing all along! So there is no “watering down” being practiced or even anticipated.  

But, as Paul stated, we certainly should strive for the whole “counsel of God” and try to include both major aspects of the Gospel in our preaching, teaching and writing as well as in our own thoughts and prayers. That is what the Bible clearly indicates and it is what we should do. As Phillip went down to non-Jewish Samaritan people you read, “But when they believed Philip as he preached the things concerning the kingdom of God and the name of Jesus Christ, both men and women were baptized”(Acts 8:12). So you see Phillip was inspired to preach to these Gentiles about the Kingdom of God and the name of Jesus Christ.  

At the very end of his life, you find that he was preaching the same thing in his own rented house where he received all who came to him, “preaching the kingdom of God and teaching those things which concerned the Lord Jesus Christ with all confidence, no one forbidding him” (Acts 28:30-31).  

Are we, perhaps, striving for a broader understanding of the Gospel and how to emphasize it to the world in our time? Yes! Is that something “against” Mr. Armstrong and what he taught? No way! But it is, perhaps, a little bit of “growing in grace and in knowledge.” And that is exactly what Mr. Armstrong taught us to do. He would want us to broaden our understanding of things as we go along in our Christian lives and as we reach an entirely new generation of people—most of whom never heard of Herbert W. Armstrong in any manner whatsoever.  

So, fellows, we are called on to preach the name of Jesus Christ—not the “name” of Herbert Armstrong! That is the way Mr. Armstrong himself would want it! That is what he, personally, taught me and Dibar Apartian and others to do. We will honor Mr. Armstrong more by “growing” spiritually than we would be “stagnating” and simply trying to “recreate” a certain version of Armstrong which may never have existed, but if it did, may not be exactly what Mr. Armstrong would do or preach today in an entirely new generation.  

However, rest assured we have not and will not change the basics. We will continue to preach the “whole counsel” of God—including emphasizing the Kingdom of God as well as the name of Jesus Christ! It is all part of the same gospel!  I have done this for over 54 years as an evangelist of Jesus Christ. Rest assured that I will not water down these basics! 

Roderick C. Meredith

I have been in contact with some in various areas that seem to not understand the truth about the gospel or the Philadelphia portion of the COG. Apparently, so has Dr. Meredith.

Anyway, as far as "changes" an article of related interest may be Did Roderick C. Meredith Really Make 26 Doctrinal Changes? also an article to deal with David Pack and his followers "changed gospel" claims is Why Not the Restored Church of God?

02/24/07 a.m. In its latest member-co-worker letter, CEG reported:

...our annual conference in San Diego focused on the all-important duty and two-fold commission of the Church of God to preach the gospel and to feed the flock. We would like to thank all of you for your prayers for a successful conference, and we are pleased to say that your prayers have been answered.

We decided during the conference to buy new equipment, including an additional camera, a duplication machine for CDs and DVDs, as well as a laptop and software. These purchases will be necessary to improve the quality and dynamics of our StandingWatch programs, and to continue broadcasting our Church services live and posting our video-recorded sermons on the Internet. We also set aside specified amounts for Internet advertisement campaigns in the UK, USA and Canada, and we committed to conducting at least one additional Public Bible lecture by the end of June—this time in the San Diego area...

During the conference, we were sadly reminded of the fact that Edwin Pope is no longer with us, and his presence was greatly missed.

With the exceptions of its approach to governance and the king of the South perhaps the most obvious, CEG appears to have relatively few doctrinal differences from LCG. Though historically, it has not appeared to place its top finanical priority on publicly proclaiming the gospel (an article of general interest may be Should the Church Still Try to Place its Top Priority on Proclaiming the Gospel or Did Herbert Armstrong Change that Priority for the Work?).

02/19/07 a.m. CG-ff announced:

On January 7, 2007, a New Magazine was born and made its debut on the world's stage exactly 73 years from January 7, 1936, when the Work God had given Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong, his apostle, and the Elijah to come, made its debut on the world’s stage for the endtime!...

This is being written on January 16, 2007, 21 years from the date of the death of Mr. Armstrong...

Famine of the Word; a time when God’s true teachings can no longer be heard (Amos 8:11-12). This will be a time of trying to obtain oil for their empty lamps and not able to find any (Matthew 25:10).

The Door was Closed

 It was at the time of Mr. Armstrong’s death that Jesus Christ began CLOSING THE DOOR to the Work He had given him to do at the endtime for a space of time (Revelation 3:7).

This interim of time would make possible the fulfilling of prophecies, such as the falling away of the tares (over 50,000 of them, Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43; II Thessalonians 2:1-3, 10-12), and also the scattering of the true members of the Church of God (Daniel 12:7; Ezekiel 34; Jeremiah 23).

Those prophecies would NOT have been fulfilled had he lived! He had to be taken out of the way by his death to make the fulfillment of them possible (II Thessalonians 2:7). 

 The Door Opened Once Again

Since these prophecies have for the most part been fulfilled, Jesus Christ has begun REACTIVATING those same Works -- the very Works of the Endtime Elijah just shortly before the beginning of the famine and disease epidemics begin having a vice-like deadly grip on the lives of the people of the House of Joseph!...

No Other Elijah to Come

In view of the Scriptures, it only makes sense that Christ would use the same man’s recorded works to finish the Work He had raised him up to do in human life (Revelation 10:11; Zechariah 4:9, in type).

Though the Two Witnesses will be in type of both the original Elijah and Moses, neither one is to be the Elijah of the endtime...

Who Are We?

Please know this little flock is insignificant!...

Your brother and servant in Christ Jesus our Lord,

Don Billingsley

CG-ff teaches that it is insignificant. Sadly, CG-ff seems to promote one or more of The Elijah Heresies. Also, how dare they teach that the door was closed and now it is open! The door was never closed! CG-ff, like RCG, taught that the door was probably closed when they had little public gospel message, but then teach now that they think they should support the work that it is now open.

Anyway, the door was never closed. Please read the article Should the Church Still Try to Place its Top Priority on Proclaiming the Gospel or Did Herbert Armstrong Change that Priority for the Work?

02/13/07 p.m. A reader sent me a link to the website of Don Haney's Church of God In Peace and Truth. I had not intentionally not linked (nor did the sender suggest that), it is that for a while after Don Haney left, he still did not have a website.

Don Haney left LCG shortly after the Brookfield shooting. I believe that Charles Bryce put him out, but my memory may not be fully accurate about that.

02/11/07 a.m. A sermon summary from CGFnw's Harold Smith states:

The records of the Church of God going back to the American Civil War have shown that the Church of God has taught that Christians should not bear arms, nor be involved in the taking of human life, either directly or indirectly in the military. The Church of God is on record as saying this: to take human life would be in violation of the Sixth Commandment. It is very clear from scripture: you shall not murder. This means that Christians should not voluntarily become engaged in military service.

Unfortunately, there are some members of God’s Church who have lived in or currently live in countries which have forced Christians into the military; some African nations require all young men to serve—or face death or the deaths of family members. In such cases where a Christian is required to
involuntarily serve, with no hope of appeal, a Christian should still refuse to bear arms, and seek a noncombatant role.

One of the basic premises we need to understand is that Christians belong to the Kingdom of God and their primary loyalty is to that kingdom and its laws. That is our primary loyalty. Any other loyalties we may have must be subservient to our primary loyalty!

Actually, there are records back to the Revolutionary War in the USA, but his main points are still valid.

An article of related interest may be Military Service and the COGs.

02/10/07 a.m. Here are the more formal, and publicly available details, on the Enduring website:

Created On: 15-Jul-2003 14:40:09 UTC
Last Updated On: 21-Jan-2007 14:04:08 UTC
Expiration Date: 15-Jul-2008 14:40:09 UTC
Sponsoring Registrar: Tucows Inc. (R11-LROR)
Registrant ID: tuoIjJKyvgfczHWv
Registrant Name: Host Master
Registrant Organization: Enduring Church of God

In my previous post, I simply had verified prior to posting that the site existed for at least two years. And as the above shows, it was longer. Now I am not trying to say that Charles Bryce reserved it in 2003, as I have no idea if he acquired it before 2007. Once his site is up, perhaps he will comment on when, why, and how he acquired that URL.

02/09/07 a.m. As of this morning, C Byrce's website is still not up. Perhaps I should mention here that a reader reported that the URL they are using was purchased in 2005 (I have not personally verified this). How or when CB acquired it is not clear.

CEG reported the following:

Pagan Christians or Christian Pagans?

Der Spiegel Online reported on February 7:

"The old natural religions continue to thrive in Africa. While Christianity and Islam vie for supremacy in many countries, they have failed to banish the rain gods and spirits south of the Sahara. Frequently the pagan rites have fused with a faith in Jesus Christ...

"In Kenya, for example, the modernminded Kikuyu, flashing cell phones and Ray-Bans, happily journey to Mount Kenya and pray to Ngai, the supreme God of the animists - despite often being members of one of the numerous Christian sects, such as the Pentecostals or the gospel churches. In this way... Christianity and the pagan belief in nature deities and demons mutually impact one another. The existence of a god of creation in nearly all pre-Christian African religions encourages this process. This cross-fertilization is not as strange as it may sound, even to Christians in the West. Something quite similar occurred there centuries ago, 'when pagan Germanic customs mingled with Christian rites,' says [religious scholar Fritz] Stenger [from the Catholic University of East Africa in Nairobi]. 'Even Christmas - that most traditional of Christian celebrations - has ancient Germanic roots."

A review of articles on the History of Early Christianity page shows that what now passes for mainstream Christianity differs greatly from the faith of Jesus, the Apostles, the Bible, and early true Christians. Pagan practices were adopted and adapted. How else, for example, can one explain the liturgical vestments now used by those Roman Catholics and Eastern Orthodox (for documentation of its late development, please see the article What Were the Early Duties of Elders/Pastors?).

02/05/07 a.m. Yesterday, Eva McNair sent Frank Olive the following:

Many have contacted us letting us know that we are in their daily prayers. We are very grateful for their thoughtfulness and concern. 

I just want to let you know that for the first time in over a year, last night my husband slept non-stop, through the whole night.

02/04/07 a.m. Last night, Frank Olive sent out the following email:

Evangelist Raymond F. McNair is suffering much pain, prayers on his behalf regarding this matter and continued prayers for his recovery would be much appreciated by the McNair's.

Feel free to email Mrs. McNair with letters of support (she reads them to Mr. McNair).  To send an email CLICK HERE   or copy and paste littleserver@verizon.net

Or you may send a card or letter to: Raymond F. McNair   PO Box 893909, Temecula, CA 92589 

Please feel free to forward this email to others in the greater COG.

The few reports I have received about Raymond McNair in the past month have not been positive concerning the state of his health.

02/03/07 a.m. C. Bryce's website, as of late this morning, is still not up.

I also went to Raymond McNair's website, and the last "Important Letter" is the following one: Dear Brethren Letter, 04/05/06

Raymond McNair still is having health problems and his site has not had many updates.

02/02/07 a.m. In today's update, CEG reports:

What are the origins of Valentine's Day which is celebrated on February 14?

Centuries before Christ, the ancient Romans celebrated the evenings of February 14th and February 15th as an idolatrous and sensual festival in honor of Lupercus, the "hunter of wolves." The Romans called the festival "Lupercalia." In her book, "Customs and Holidays Around the World," Lavinia Dobler states on page 172: "It was not until the reign of Pope Gelasius that the holiday became a 'Christian custom.' As far back as 496, Pope Gelasius changed Lupercalia on February 15th to St Valentine's Day on February 14th."

An article of related interest may be Valentine's Day: Its Real Origins.

CEG also noted:

This Update is an official publication by the ministry of the Church of the Eternal God in the United States of America; the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship in Canada; and the Global Church of God in the United Kingdom.

It is not clear to me, what, if any, connection CEG has with the Belgians who supported the GCG takeover when those in CEG did.

01/29/07 a.m. Contrary to the apparent hopes of Charles Bryce (see 01/25/07 update on this page), as of this morning, the website for his group is not up yet.

This is not really a surprise nor is it likely to be a major problem for him. Web issues often take longer than anticipated.

01/26/07 a.m. In his latest ad in The Journal, CG-ff's Don Billingsley writes:

Dear Brethren: I seriously wonder if we really grasp the seriousness of the times in which we now live. THINK ABOUT IT! World news is now reporting in headlines what God’s end-time apostle and the Elijah to come preached and wrote about for over 50 years concerning the endtime prophecies being perilously close to being fulfilled! Few Church members seem to really be able to comprehend this fact!

In the Mystery of the Ages, HWA wrote:

Also Malachi 4:5-6 pictures the Elijah to come at the very end of the Church age" (Mystery of the Ages. 1985, p. 349).

HWA died over 21 years ago, and the church-age has not yet ended. While HWA did "an Elijah-like work", HWA and scripture allowed that there could be another Elijah. Instead of focusing on calling HWA Elijah, groups like CG-ff should try to follow HWA's example and continue the work. Three articles of related interest may be:

Do You Believe God Used Herbert Armstrong to Raise Up the Philadelphia Era of the Church of God? Nearly everyone while in WCG used to believe this, most do not seem to anymore.
The Elijah Heresies Does the Bible teach that there will be a future Elijah? Must it be Herbert W. Armstrong?

Should the Church Still Try to Place its Top Priority on Proclaiming the Gospel or Did Herbert Armstrong Change that Priority for the Work? Some say the Church should mainly feed the flock now as that is what Herbert Armstrong reportedly said. Is that what he said? Is that what the Bible says? What did Paul and HWA expect from evangelists?

Astoundingly, in the ad, DB also wrote:

At this point, I want to introduce a brand-new Church magazine that is scheduled for its premier issue that can be downloaded from our website, www.cog-ff.com, in January 2007. For those who do not have a computer, we hope to be financially able to mail published copies to those who request it. The purpose of the new magazine will be made known by the articles that can be found in it. Its trademark name is The Philadelphia Remnant. It will be dedicated to the scattered members of God’s Church, whoever and wherever they may be.

Sadly, CG-ff will mislead many as it does NOT have the Philadelphia work, hence is NOT truly The Philadelphia Remnant. Three related articles of interest may be:

What is a True Philadelphian? Many claim to be part of the Philadelphia era of the Church, but is claiming enough? This article has biblical and historical evidence about who really are the Philadelphians.
The Philadelphia Church Era was predominant circa 1933 A.D. to 1986 A.D.
There is a Place of Safety for the Philadelphians. Why it May Be Petra This article discusses a biblical 'place of safety' and includes quotes from the Bible and HWA on this subject.

01/25/07 a.m. AW reported a link with the following, claimed to be from C. Bryce:

The start-up content for the Enduring Church of God website will be finished this weekend, God willing. The project of building, formatting and publishing the site has been slowed a bit by the wintry blast of last week. However, it should be up and running in a matter of days. The address
has been secured, which is *http://www.enduring.org.*

Sharon and I will be scheduling several visiting tours, once the weather moderates. Possible trips include Canada , California , North Carolina , Arkansas , Alabama and Ohio -plus others as needed.

We anticipate raising up several congregations by the Feast of Tabernacles, based on the continuing interest and growth now taking place in the Church and Work. Festival preparation, a youth and family summer camp and a ministerial conference are also in the works...

In closing, I want to re-emphasize what our focus must be. We are relentless in our determination to get back to the faith once delivered-all the way back. This must include getting back on the track laid down by Mr. and Mrs. Herbert W. Armstrong as they were guided to do by Jesus Christ-all the way back...

Your fellow laborers in Christ,

Charles and Sharon Bryce

The above, which I presume is true, sort of reminds me of what David Pack originally stated when he started RCG. I doubt, however, that C. Bryce will be as large, but with Raymond McNair being ill and Edwin Pope's death, it is possible.

Speaking of Edwin Pope, CEG reported:

...the Memorial Service for Edwin Pope will be held on Sunday, February 11, 2007...The Memorial Service will begin at 11:30 am, followed by a potluck. The services will be held at the facilities of the Seventh Day Adventist Church, at 102 4th Avenue, Chula Vista, CA 91910-2520. The facilities are located at the corner of 4th Avenue and D-Avenue.

01/21/07 a.m. Yesterday, I watched HWA's 1983 FOT Behind the Work film titled A History of the Church of God--The Transition from Sardis to the Philadelphia Era. Those who have criticized LCG's (and my) position on Church eras simply do not remember what HWA taught concerning more than one church era existing at the same time. In that film, HWA specifically taught that the Philadelphia era began in 1933, but that he himself still preached at one Sardis congregation until 1942. Thus HWA clearly agrees with LCG position that there can be part of a previous church era existing during the time of the next church era.

Furthermore, notice what was taught in 1959 about Laodicea existing while Philadelphia did (and notice the admission that Sardis still existed in 1959):

Just as the remnants of the Sardis era of the Church exist side by side with the Philadelphia era, SO WE WILL CONTINUE OUR WORK to the very "end time" when another group will appear -- a group not accounted worthy to escape the coming tribulation. Another separate work is yet to arise -- made up of begotten individuals who are spiritually lukewarm! WOE BE TO ANY OF US IF WE TAKE PART IN SUCH A WORK! Here is a work, yet to arise because of our preaching" (True History of the True Church, 1959).

An article of related interest may be The Philadelphia Church Era.

On other matters, here is what LCG's Official Statement of Fundamental Beliefs has long stated is the mission of LCG:

1. To preach the true Gospel of the Kingdom of God (Mark 1:14; Matthew 24:14; Ezekiel 3 and 33), and the name of Jesus Christ (Acts 8:12) to all nations as a witness.

01/19/07 a.m. xCG's Gary Scott reported that RCG's David Pack stated the following about its Google ads in an audio message (I rarely listen to DP's audios):

Our ads have been shown over 700 million times. Other groups will talk about that, they don’t talk about it quite as much because they understand how big we are. And they’ve been clicked on, by the end of this month, 4 million times. Now, if you put a billboard up […] you get about one percent response. […] We’re finding that of the people who are seeing our ads, are coming to our site, and we’re only paying for those.

I knew that RCG's Alexa rankings were greatly improved by Google ads before this. But this is the first time that I recall that DP mentioned the extent of the results of those ads.

01/14/07 a.m. LCG's latest update included the following:

Does the Gospel Include Salvation? 

     Most people associated with the Churches of God understand that Jesus came preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God (Mark 1:14-15).  However, some apparently do not realize that the Scriptures also speak of other important dimensions of the gospel.  In fact, some self-appointed leaders today are actually preaching a different gospel than Jesus and the apostles preached.  Notice carefully the following scriptures. 

     Jesus Christ commissioned His disciples to “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15).  The Scriptures record that the disciples preached “concerning the kingdom of God and the name of Jesus Christ” (Acts 8:12; 28:23, 31).  They clearly show the Apostle Paul “preaching the kingdom of God” and testifying “to the gospel of the grace of God” (Acts 20:24-25).  Paul also preached about “the gospel of your salvation” (Ephesians 1:13).  He clearly explained that the gospel was also about salvation through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.  Paul states, “I declare to you the gospel which I preached unto you… by which you are saved… that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, and that He was buried, and that He rose again the third day according to the Scriptures” (I Corinthians 15:1-5).   

     The biblical words translated as “salvation” mean to be saved from destruction, delivered or rescued from dangerous circumstances, or to be released from the penalties of sin.  This theme—the good news of salvation—runs through the Bible.  David wrote, “Sing to the Lord, all the earth; proclaim the good news of His salvation from day to day” (I Chronicles 16:23).  David also wrote, “Blessed is the Lord, who daily loads us with benefits, the God of our salvation! Selah. Our God is a God of salvation; and to God the Lord belong escapes from death” (Psalm 68:19-20).  Jesus Christ came to promote this same message of salvation.  Regarding the birth of Jesus, an angel proclaimed, “you shall call His name Jesus [Savior], for He shall save His people from their sins” (Matthew 1:21).  Later, Jesus stated, “I did not come to judge the world, but to save the world” (John 12:47).  The Apostle Paul preached the good news that “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am chief” (I Timothy 1:15), and that Jesus was “the Savior of all men” (I Timothy 4:10).  Paul also wrote of “the sufferings for the gospel according the power of God, who has saved us… according to His own purpose and grace which was given to us in Christ Jesus… who has abolished death and brought life and immortality to light through the gospel” (II Timothy 1:8-11).  This is good news!   

     When the apostles preached “the name of Jesus Christ” and “the things which concern the Lord Jesus Christ” (Acts 8:12; 28:23, 31), they were preaching the good news of salvation, about grace (unmerited pardon) and how to receive the gift of eternal life.  To ignore or eliminate these important dimensions of the gospel message is to preach a different gospel.  This is why Paul warned the Galatians, “I marvel that you are turning away so soon from Him who called you to the grace of Christ, to a different gospel… there are some who trouble you and want to pervert the gospel of Christ… if anyone preaches another gospel… let him be accursed” (Galatians 1:6-9).  We need to make sure we understand and are following the biblical gospel proclaimed by Jesus Christ and His disciples.  No one should ever tamper with the true gospel!

Sadly, several in leadership positions in the past several months have not understood that.

01/12/07 a.m. Although he left out his income and membership figures, RCG's David Pack claims:

The Church grew officially 31.4 percent in 2006! But let me explain why the growth was actually 46.3 percent!

He also wrote:

The hymnal is still on track to arrive for the February regular mailing. But, if delays prevent it being mailed then, we will create a special mailing the day it arrives. Remember, every member household will receive a copy, the guidelines for use and maintenance of which will be included with the hymnal.

Most COGs have come up with their own hymnals, while others essentially use copies of WCG's older hymnals. Two articles of possible interest may be Praises to Jesus Christ or Biblical Hymns: Which Should Christians Primarily Sing? and Why Not the Restored Church of God?

01/11/06 a.m. I learned that the link to the previous GCG news page was not loaded, so that should now work (you can click here for previous GCG news).

01/06/07 p.m. Today Charles Bryce reported:

  1. He now is the Enduring Church of God.
  2. He gave an address for tithes and offerings.
  3. He plans a website.
  4. He thinks that harsh attacks against him are continuing, but that he plans to not attack back.
  5. He has a P.S. that he plans to have a hymnal similar to the old 1974 one of the old WCG.

Charles Bryce played a major role in LCG getting its current hymnal. It is sad that he decided to leave for the reasons he gave a while ago.

01/05/07 a.m. RCG's David Pack reported:

Recently, I was publicly named by Living Church of God leaders for “limiting” the gospel to a message solely about the kingdom of God...


It is no accident that the kingdom of God was mentioned 63 times in just 18 short quotes. Mr. Armstrong sometimes seemed to speak of nothing else but the kingdom of God.

After so many plain statements—I had many more, equally clear, from which to choose—no commentary should be necessary. (We will revisit later more from Mr. Armstrong.) I will simply repeat the question about being deceived: “Have YOU? Better make SURE!”

Ask: Why did Mr. Armstrong never take even one occasion to include Christ in the gospel? Did you see a shred of evidence in any statement that he considered Jesus Christ or His sacrifice, death, burial and resurrection to be part of the gospel? The answer is an emphatic NO!

Sadly David Pack has some selective memory, or did not even read carefully what the Bible and HWA have written.

Notice again what LCG announced about this last month:

Notice how the following scriptures define the Gospel: 

Mark 1:14-15 – Jesus said the Gospel was about the coming Kingdom of God
Mark 16:15 – Jesus commissioned his disciples to preach the Gospel to the world
Acts 8:12 – Philip preached the Gospel of the Kingdom and the name of Jesus Christ  
Acts 20:20-27 – Paul preached the “whole counsel of God” including repentance toward God and faith toward Jesus Christ, the Gospel of grace and the Kingdom of God (grace involves forgiveness, unmerited pardon)
Acts 28:23 – Paul preached about the Kingdom of God and about Jesus
Acts 28:30-31 – Paul preached of the Kingdom of God and things concerning Jesus Christ
I Corinthians 2:2 – Paul’s main focus was on “Jesus Christ and Him crucified”
I Corinthians 15:1-8 – Paul preached “the gospel…by which you are saved…that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures…and that He rose again on the third day”
Ephesians 1:13 – Paul wrote of trusting in Christ “after you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation”

These scriptures clearly indicate that the Gospel includes not just a message about the coming Kingdom of God, but also the sacrifice of Jesus Christ for our sins.   That sacrifice, when accompanied by repentance and spiritual growth on our part, will result in our ultimate salvation—receiving eternal life in the Kingdom and family of God (see John 3:16, etc.).   The Gospel is also about the exciting news that Jesus Christ is going to return to this earth as King of kings to establish the Kingdom of God and bring peace and justice to all (Isaiah 9:6-7; Revelation 11:15).  To separate the Gospel of the Kingdom of God from the good news of the opportunity for salvation through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ is simply not biblical or factual. 

What the critics of the LCG doctrinal statement also overlook is the fact that Mr. Armstrong understood the Gospel encompassed more than what he addressed in certain writings that critics have chosen to quote.  Notice these statements from the Good News, December 1984, p. 5 – “The Gospel of Christ is Christ’s own Gospel—not a story about His person… The Gospel of Christ ‘is the power of God to salvation’ (Romans 1:16)… What is Jesus Christ’s Gospel?… It is the Good News of the Kingdom of God!... It is the message of divine government—government by God’s Laws!... Of course that message includes the knowledge about the Savior, High Priest and coming King!  Of course, it includes the true way of salvation, which the churches have lost! [Emphasis ours].  And it includes also knowledge of the location of the territory to be ruled over by the King of the coming Kingdom—the fact it is this earth and not heaven.   Mr. Armstrong clearly understood that the true Gospel included much more than just a story about the person of Jesus Christ.  However, he also clearly understood the Gospel included that Jesus was the promised Messiah who came to give his life as a sacrifice for mankind and to explain the way of salvation that is outlined in the great plan of God pictured by the Holy Days.  When we study all the scriptures on the subject, there is no need to be confused about the Gospel.  Even the critics should remember that Mr. Armstrong repeatedly stated, “Don’t believe me, believe your Bible.”  The Bible must be our ultimate authority in this vital subject. 

Furthermore, here are additional quotes from HWA:

What is Christ's Gospel?  What is the message God sent to mankind by Jesus Christ?  It is the GOOD NEWS of the KINGDOM OF GOD!...Of course that power-filled message INCLUDES THE KNOWLEDGE ABOUT THE SAVIOR, High Priest and coming King!  Of course, it INCLUDES the true way of salvation, which the churches seem to have lost! (Armstrong, HW. Good News, Jan. 1980, p. 9). 

Now, HOW do we enter into that glorious KINGDOM? Jesus came preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom of God, and saying, "REPENT," and "BELIEVE THE GOSPEL."

Just TWO things we do—REPENT, and BELIEVE. We must BELIEVE the Gospel, and that means also believing on JESUS CHRIST, the KING of the Kingdom of God, and coming KING of kings over all the families of the earth. It means believing in Him as personal SAVIOUR, as High Priest now, and as coming KING.

But to repent is to completely CHANGE THE MIND in respect to SIN, and "sin is the transgression of the LAW" (I John 3:4)—the law of God by which God RULES the Kingdom.

It means a total, complete CHANGE OF MIND AND OF LIFE. It means we REPENT of transgressing the rule, the will, the laws, of GOD. What did Jesus say to the young man who asked Him HOW to inherit eternal life? He said, "IF thou wilt enter into life, KEEP THE COMMANDMENTS" (Matthew 19:17) (Armstrong HW. What is the True Gospel? WCG booklet, 1972, p.6).

We must believe the GOSPEL, and THAT MEANS ALSO believing on JESUS CHRIST, the King OF the Kingdom of God, and coming King of kings over all the families of the earth. IT MEANS believing in Him as personal Saviour, as High Priest, now and as coming King" (Armstrong HW. What is the True Gospel? 1972 booklet, p.10.)

If those who claim to preach a gospel of SALVATION understood and proclaimed WHAT salvation really is...it might be A PART OF the gospel" (Armstrong HW. Incredible Human Potential, 1978 hardback edition, page 16)

I must call the reader's attention again at this point to the fact that a full and complete understanding of the MESSAGE sent by God TO ALL MANKIND, by His Divine Messenger Jesus Christ, involves a vast comprehension of God's great purpose, and of events, prehistoric, historic, present and future.    "I might say it means an overall understanding of EVERYTHING!" (ibid, p.15).

The true GOSPEL, when viewed with ALL THAT IT EMBODIES---the reason for it, the prehistoric truth of earth's first inhabitants, the reason humans were created and put on earth, the CAUSE of all the earth's evils and sufferings, the nature of the human mind, the need for spiritual salvation and what it is, the coming world tomorrow of peace, what lies on beyond, and man's ultimate incredible potential---becomes the MOST ALL-ENCOMPASSING SUBJECT that can enter the mind of man (ibid, p.11).

How then can David Pack actually ask and answer:

Why did Mr. Armstrong never take even one occasion to include Christ in the gospel? Did you see a shred of evidence in any statement that he considered Jesus Christ or His sacrifice, death, burial and resurrection to be part of the gospel? The answer is an emphatic NO!

Apparently his mind is closed to understand what the Bible and HWA's writings actually state. Those who follow him are following a self-appointed apostle who clearly does not understand basic statements in the Bible. That is certainly not a sign of a true teacher from God. Sadly, David Pack seems to be fulfilling the following prophecy written by Peter:

But there were also false prophets among the people, even as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Lord who bought them, and bring on themselves swift destruction. And many will follow their destructive ways, because of whom the way of truth will be blasphemed (2 Peter 2:1-2).

Also in his latest letter, David Pack claims that since certain Protestants have some of the biblical truth in their statements about the gospel, that this somehow proves that LCG is wrong. He once again sadly does not understand what either the Bible or HWA taught.

So what is the false gospel that David Pack and others in RCG talk about?

Well according to HWA, it is NOT including Jesus Christ as part of the Gospel. HWA taught that the false gospel was ONLY teaching about the person of Christ, WITHOUT teaching about the Kingdom of God, while ALSO doing away with the ten commandments. Notice what HWA really considered to be the false gospel:

For 1,900 years traditional Christianity has failed to preach about Jesus as coming KING and world ruler in the coming kingdom of God to replace Satan on the throne of the whole earth (Armstrong HW. Are We Living in the Last Days?).

Jesus' true gospel had been suppressed and supplanted with a false gospel--not the gospel of Christ (the kingdom of God) but man's false gospel about a Christ who did away with his Father's commandments (Armstrong HW. Mystery of the Ages, Chapter 7, 1985).

The plain truth is that LCG does teach about the Kingdom of God, understands that Jesus is part of the Gospel message, and that the ten commandments need to be kept. The gospel of Christ, the kingdom of God, includes understanding who the King of the Kingdom actually is.

More information can be found in the article Why Not the Restored Church of God?

On other matters, I hear that Raymond McNair is still quite weak.

Click here for the previous news of those once affiliated with GCG

COGwriter, 2007