There is one private Roman Catholic prophetic writing that, if taken at face value, points to seemingly Pope Francis as being the last pope. And this is the famous list of popes that an Irish Bishop claimed to get from a vision. And the last one named on the list, is the one that is supposed to follow Pope Benedict--this last pontiff is referred to (in English) as Peter the Roman.
In the 12th century, a bishop (who was later canonized as a saint by Rome) named Malachy predicted, with what some believe is complete accuracy, every pope since 1143. When Malachy’s list became public in the 16th century, it was considered to have been so accurate in predicting the 12th – 16th century pontiffs, that some thought it that it had not been written until the 16th century. Some still claim that today.
Here is what The Catholic Encyclopedia reported about it:
The most famous and best known prophecies about the popes are those attributed to St. Malachy. In 1139 he went to Rome to give an account of the affairs of his diocese to the pope, Innocent II, who promised him two palliums for the metropolitan Sees of Armagh and Cashel. While at Rome, he received (according to the Abbé Cucherat) the strange vision of the future wherein was unfolded before his mind the long list of illustrious pontiffs who were to rule the Church until the end of time. The same author tells us that St. Malachy gave his manuscript to Innocent II to console him in the midst of his tribulations, and that the document remained unknown in the Roman Archives until its discovery in 1590 (Cucherat, "Proph. de la succession des papes", ch. xv). They were first published by Arnold de Wyon, and ever since there has been much discussion as to whether they are genuine predictions of St. Malachy or forgeries. The silence of 400 years on the part of so many learned authors who had written about the popes, and the silence of St. Bernard especially, who wrote the "Life of St. Malachy", is a strong argument against their authenticity, but it is not conclusive if we adopt Cucherat's theory that they were hidden in the Archives during those 400 years.
These short prophetical announcements, in number 112, indicate some noticeable trait of all future popes from Celestine II, who was elected in the year 1143, until the end of the world. They are enunciated under mystical titles. Those who have undertaken to interpret and explain these symbolical prophecies have succeeded in discovering some trait, allusion, point, or similitude in their application to the individual popes, either as to their country, their name, their coat of arms or insignia, their birth-place, their talent or learning, the title of their cardinalate, the dignities which they held etc. ... It has been noticed concerning Petrus Romanus, who according to St. Malachy's list is to be the last pope, that the prophecy does not say that no popes will intervene between him and his predecessor designated Gloria olivæ. It merely says that he is to be the last, so that we may suppose as many popes as we please before "Peter the Roman".(Devine, Arthur. "Prophecy." The Catholic Encyclopedia. Vol. 12. Nihil Obstat. June 1, 1911. Remy Lafort, S.T.D., Censor. Imprimatur. +John Cardinal Farley, Archbishop of New York. New York: Robert Appleton Company, 1911. 10 Mar. 2009 <>)
While its original date is hard to absolutely prove (I tend to accept the 12th century date), many of the post 16th century predictions on Malachy's list have apparently come true. Some Catholics have written the following about it:
...a list…attributed to St. Malachy…has given fitting descriptions of every pope since the 16th century, when it was discovered. (Dupont, Yves. Catholic Prophecy: The Coming Chastisement. TAN Books, Rockford (IL), 1973, p.19)
...the vast majority of Malachy's predictions about successive Popes is amazingly accurate. (Bander P. The Prophecies of St. Malachy. Originally written in 1969. TAN Books reprint, Rockford (IL), 1973, p. 11)
St. Malachy named all the popes from the year 1130 to the end of time…On St. Malachy’s 1966 schedule, we will only have four more popes to follow Paul. (Culligan, E. The Last World War and the End of Time. The book was blessed by Pope Paul VI, 1966. TAN Books, Rockford (IL), p. 118)
Since Pope Paul VI in 1966, there have been four popes: John Paul I, John Paul II, and Benedict XVI, and Francis (I).
Though various Roman Catholics believe that the list was divinely inspired, and this also seems to have been the position of the Protestant prophetic writer Hal Lindsey, many (including this author) do not believe that the list was from God. Many make light of the list for a variety of reasons.
Even the expression “malarkey” seems to have originated as a derivative of the word Malachy, possibly because of how some viewed Malachy’s writings. Malarkey signifies worthlessness.
Many researchers and theologians currently do not believe that the Malachy list was actually produced by him. Some claim that it was not even written until shortly before its discovery in the 16th century. Various ones claim that the list is not authentic (Sieczkowski C. St. Malachy Last Pope Prophecy: What Theologians Think About 12th-Century Prediction. Huffington Post, February 14, 2013., viewed 02/27/13). Certain, but not all, modern Roman Catholic sources have claimed “the list attributed to St. Malachy, probably a forgery” (Donavon CB, STL. Catholic Q&A Our Lady of Garabandal and the next pope: Question from Marie on 04-17-2005. EWTN. viewed 02/25/13).
This is partially based upon the fact that it seems odd to many that if the list was compiled in the 12th century that it would be unknown for so long and/or that it suggests the destruction of the Church of Rome prior to the return of Jesus. The list does not seem to be referred to in other writings from or about Malachy prior to the 16th century, so this has cast many doubts. Some believe that the list itself was put together by supporters of a 16th century pope in order to resolve certain papal controversies at the time. Some have also suggested that the list was too accurate for the popes in office the first few centuries after it was claimed to have been produced, and thus had to be written after they were in office.
But others point out the overall accuracy of the list.
Yet, it needs to be understood that Malachy's list includes several leaders that the Roman Catholics call antipopes (e.g. Clement VII, Benedict XIII, Felix V, Alexander V, etc.). Those are inserted sometimes together as opposed to always being in strict chronological order. The fact that Malachy’s list is NOT completely accurate should show people that the list was not inspired by God. The fact that its accuracy is at least partially dependent upon the inclusion of antipopes in the 15th century, however, suggests that the list was not likely to have been composed in the 16th century (including antipopes would seem to not have been particularly helpful for the supporters of a pontiff at the time).
However, the Malachy list is accurate enough that it would seem possibly that some supporters of the False Prophet may (for a time) point to it as further proof that the final Church of Rome is the proper church, especially if they do not accept that “Peter the Roman” is being warned against (which, from a biblical perspective he seems to be). This could be factor in many people being deceived.
Jesus warned that "many false prophets would arise and deceive many" (Matthew 24:11).
The Apostle Paul warns that " Satan" tries to "take advantage of us," yet Christians "are not ignorant of his devices" (2 Corinthians 2:11).
So, despite certain accuracy of the Malachy list, we need to be on guard that we are not deceived that the list is from God or that those on the list are God's represents on the earth.
It seems that the False Prophet (like most other Roman Catholic bishops have) may (based more on tradition than fact) claim that there was an unbroken succession of bishops in Rome from Peter onwards, that there have been bishops of Rome from the 2nd through 21st centuries (which is essentially true, though some were in France), and that since Malachy’s list has somewhat accurately predicted every pope since the middle of the 12th century (which is not quite true as the list includes what Roman Catholics would consider to be false or “antipopes” without indicating that most of them would be false), that therefore the final changed Roman Catholic Church is the one true Christian faith (and none should believe that, though many will).
(To see an alternative succession list, check out the free e-book: Beliefs of the Original Catholic Church: Could a remnant group have continuing apostolic succession?)
In 1966, Peter Bander produced a book titled The Prophecies of St. Malachy. The inside cover of it claims:
Peter Bander…Through the good services of Archbishop Cardinale, he has received the cooperation of the Vatican Archives, and the result is the most authoritative and enlightening edition of the prophecies ever to appeared.
Archbishop H.E. Cardinale was one time “Apostolic Nuncio to Belgium and Luxenbourg” and former “Apostolic Delegate to Great Britain” wrote the Forward in the book which he calls a “fascinating study” which also discusses “antipopes.”
At the time, Pope Paul VI was pope and he identified him with the 108th statement from Malachy FLOS FLORUM and stated:
Malachy’s legend appears to be an obvious allusion to the Pope’s amorial bearings which show three fleurs-de-lis.
The above does not immediately strike one as totally obvious as it could apply to many others. Peter Bander then immediately wrote:
The following four prophecies have yet to be fulfilled.
Recall that the above was published in 1966. The three popes since Paul VI, were John Paul I, John Paul II, Benedict XVI, and the fourth is remaining.
Here is what was the 109th prediction in the Malachy list with a translation supplied by Peter Bander:
Of the half moon
While Peter Banders “speculations” (which involved the Muslims) about what this might mean did not come to pass. The reality is the Pope John Paul I became pontiff on August 26, 1978 near a half moon (August 25, 1978) and died a month later on September 28, 1978 slightly after the half moon (September 24, 1978). Some have suggested that this means his pontificate may have somewhat fulfilled this Malachy prediction.
Here is what was the 110th prediction in the Malachy list:
Here is the translation and a comment from Peter Bander about the above Malachy writing, beginning with two translations:
The election of this Pope will probably take place within the next two decades.
Since Pope John-Paul II was born on the day of a solar eclipse and apparently was buried on the day of a solar eclipse, he definitely had something in common with the number 110 predicted pontiff. He was elected in 1978.
The apparent accuracy of the Malachy predictions for John Paul I and John Paul II are one of the reasons I do not believe that the list was merely a human forgery as neither pontiff choose the timing of their death or burial.
Here is what was the 111th prediction in the Malachy list with a translation by Peter Bander:
The glory of the olive
Notice what was written decades prior to Joseph Ratzinger becoming Pope Benedict XVI by Peter Bander:
The Order of St. Benedict has claimed by tradition that this pope will come from within the Order…The Order of St. Benedict is known as the OLIVETANS…
Although Joseph Ratzinger did not come from the Benedictine order, the choice of the name “Benedict” could be seen to be consistent with the Malachy prediction about pope number 111.
While some may argue that Josephy Ratzinger could have picked the name Benedict on purpose to fulfill the Malachy prophecy, the fact that he has claimed on 2/28/13 that he would unconditional obedience to the pontiff that would replace him—one who could be an antipope and who is supposed to reign during the period that leads to the destruction of Rome—suggests that perhaps he did not pick the name “Benedict XVI” to intentionally fulfill the Malachy prophecy as it would not seem that he holds great credence in the list. He claimed he picked the name because of Benedict XV. But some within the Benedictine order still considered that his choice of the name Benedict added glory to their order.
While Malachy himself seemed to indicate that his list included all the future popes, it should be noted that decades ago, Peter Bander wrote that Malachy's list could allow that there would be other popes, not on the list, prior to the last one. Notice:
Some medieval interpreters have gone out of their way to stress that Malachy in his prophecies does not specifically mention that no Popes reign between Gloria Olivae and the last Petrus Romanus; nor on the other hand does he mention that there will be others.
So, the above (which is also consistent with something in The Catholic Encyclopedia) does give the Malachy list supporters “wiggle room” for there to be a pope after Francis.
Notice also:
Priest Gaudentius Rossi (19th century): According to St. Malachy, then, only ten, or at most eleven, popes remain to be in future more or less legitimately elected. We say more or less legitimately elected, because out of those future popes it is to be feared that one or two will be unlawfully elected as anti-popes.(Rossi, Gaudentius. The Christian Trumpet: Or, Previsions and Predictions about Impending General Calamities, the Universal Triumph of the Church, the Coming of the Anti-Christ, the Last Judgment, and the End of the World; Divided Into Three Parts, 4th edition. Patrick Donahoe, 1875. Original from Oxford University. Digitized Sep 1, 2006, p. 203)
There have not been any recognized “antipopes” since Felix V’s time in 1439-1449. Thus, if Priest Rossi’s understanding on those points is correct, it would seem then that Francis and/or the last pope on Malachy’s list would be an anti-pope as there are no others left on the Malachy list.
The most famous name on the Malachy list is probably the last one. Commonly referred to in English as "Peter the Roman." Some have also called him Peter II.
Malachy’s list was written in Latin. Here is what he wrote about the last pope on his list:
In persecutione extrema SRE sedebit. Petrus Romanus, quipascet oves in multis tribulationibus: quibus transactis civitas septicollis diruetur, et Iudex tremendus iudicabit populum suum. Finis.
Here is an English translation from The Catholic Encyclopedia:
"In the final persecution of the Holy Roman Church there will reign Peter the Roman, who will feed his flock amid many tribulations, after which the seven-hilled city will be destroyed and the dreadful Judge will judge the people. The End."
Here is a slightly different version of it (with the word “Rome” inserted by Catholic Priest Culleton):
St. Malachy (12th century): During the persecution of the Holy Roman Church, there will sit upon the throne, Peter the Roman…the City of Seven Hills (Rome) will be utterly destroyed and the awful Judge will then judge the people. (Culleton, R. Gerald. The Prophets and Our Times. Nihil Obstat: L. Arvin. Imprimatur: Philip G. Scher, Bishop of Monterey-Fresno, November 15, 1941. Reprint 1974, TAN Books, Rockford (IL), p. 138)
Notice that the final Pope sits on the City of Seven Hills (which the Roman Catholic writer G. Culleton labeled Rome above), obviously the same one that Babylon the Great sits on in Revelation 17:9, that God has destroyed in verses 14-18.
Here is some of what Roman Catholic writer A. Gurugé wrote about the Peter the Roman matter:
There are many, around the world, who, thanks to this prophecy, are totally convinced that the next pope will indeed call himself ‘Peter’–most not considering or caring what the implications of this could be.
In the considered opinion of the author, it is highly improbable that the next pope will be ‘Petrus Romanus‘ or even ‘Petrus II.’
For a start, given the Last Judgment implications, many respected Catholic sources have tried to point out, for quite a long time, that the pope talked about in motto 112 does not have to necessarily be the pope who follows the one described by motto 111; this 111th pope now being the current pope, Benedict XVI (#266). The justification for this “hedging’ is that the mottos were not numbered in de Wyon’s 1595 Lignum Vitae. The numbering, to facilitate manageability, came later. Consequently, it can be contented that the author of this prophecy, whoever it was, did not necessarily mean that the pope described in the last motto would come immediately after the one identified in the previous motto. Basically, the last, very long, atypical motto describes the last pope. This last pope may come to be at a much later time–with an indeterminate number of intervening popes between him and the one described by motto 111. Therefore, this last motto may not actually apply to the next pope, in which case, the expectation of ‘Petrus Romanus‘ becomes mute.
But what the proponents of the ‘Petrus Romanus‘ belief do not appear to appreciate is that the next pope, by the sheer necessity of the duties confronting him, is not going to be naive. Naiveté…is not a characteristic that one readily associates with today’s cardinals. They know the ways of the world and are world politic. There will be none amongst them who is not familiar with the Malachy prophecy. They all understand what the ramifications would be if the next pope surprised them all by stating that he will be called ‘Petrus Secundus.’
The protodeacon announcing ‘Petrus Secundus‘ from the balcony of St. Peter’s would be worse than shouting ‘fire’ in a crowded theater. There would be mayhem in what is likely to be another jam-packed St. Peter’s Square. People would panic. There could be a stampede, people could get hurt. The authorities in Rome and the Italian government would be forced to take immediate action to quell the understandable alarm. It would be considered, quite rightly, a security threat! For the first time in over a century there could be troops, Italian, NATO or both, surrounding the Vatican. There would be no celebrations, The Urbi et Orbi blessing, if it was to take place, would be viewed with understandable askance.
It is difficult to imagine the next pope doing anything this reckless. It is difficult to envision the cardinal electors permitting him to do anything this reckless. Hence, it is extremely unlikely that the next pope will be ‘Petrus Secundus,’ let alone ‘Petrus Romanus.’ If he is, head for the hills, and hope for the best. (Gurugé A. The Next Pope. Anura Guruge, 2010, p. 221)
On August 18, 2012, in a news post, I wrote the following about the above:
Now, I agree that the next pope (who could be the last pope) may not chose the name Peter II or anything similar–but that does not mean that he could not fulfill that prophecy. It needs to be clear, whether he does or not pick that name, the last pope will be a destructive antipope. Malachy’s list generally did not name pontiffs, but give descriptions. And while some have concluded that Petrus Romanus is a name, it could instead be a description. The description could signify that he is a pebble (or “rocky” which is what the term petrus signifies) supporting the final Roman empire.
It should be noted that while some Roman Catholic writers believe that Peter the Roman may personally be a problem, others (who also accept the Malachy prophecies) see him as a prophesied faithful leader. While that latter view seems to be the opinion of various ones, I would again state that differs from what I see written in the Bible.
Notice what Pope Francis reportedly felt when he became pope:
The Pope granted the interview to the Rev Antonio Spadaro, the editor of La Civilta Cattolica, a Jesuit journal based in Rome. It was conducted in Casa Santa Marta, the plainly decorated Vatican guesthouse where he lives in room 201. He was asked how he felt when it dawned on him, during the conclave of 115 cardinals in the Sistine Chapel, that the voting was going his way and he was going to be elected Pope. "He felt a deep and inexplicable inner peace and comfort come over him, along with a great darkness," said Spadaro, "and those feelings accompanied him until his election later that day." (Francis: 'The Church could fall like a house of cards.' New Zealand Herald, September 21, 2013. viewed 09/21/13)
A feeling of great darkness--this should set off warning bells, as this pontiff may very well have been affected by the demonic powers of darkness (cf. Ephesians 6:12). But this does not, of itself, prove that he is the 'last pope,' but is consistent with the idea that we could be.
Now the choice by former Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio to be known as Pope Francis did not contradict my previous position that the post after Benedict XVI did not need to include the name Peter to possibly be the last pope. One author has postulated that picking the name Francis, because it was because of Francis of Assissi is evidence that the former Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio is Peter the Roman:
So is Pope Francis indeed the “last pope”? The prophecy’s moniker for his papacy is “Petrus Romanus,” or “Peter the Roman.”
In the documentary, Tom Horn, co-author of “Petrus Romanus,” says he believes the motto fits just fine.
Explains Horn in the film: “We had given interviews [prior to the election of Pope Francis] saying it would be a mistake to try to nail down the last pope having the Christian name Peter, that in fact the only thing that it would take to fulfill the prophecy would be a cardinal of Italian descent. And low and behold Jorge Bergoglio, Italian descent, parents full-blooded Italians, or in the old language ‘Romans.’
“But he names himself after Francis of Assisi. Now this is a Catholic friar who lived in the late 1100s and the early 1200s, but his name of birth Giovanni Di Pietro Di Bernardone, Peter. He was an Italian, or Roman in the old language, a man whose name can be literally translated as Peter the Roman.'" (Uncanny! Popes' coats of arms back up prophecy. WND, July 27, 2013.
The fact that he is now in Rome/Vatican City and has Italian heritage qualifies him to be a Roman (in at least some sense of the word). Also, since the Bible describes “clay” (pulverized rock) as part of the end time empire that God will destroy per Daniel 11:41-44, in that sense Pope Francis could be considered "Peter the Roman," but again, just because he followed Pope Benedict XVI does not mean he must be the one that Malachy was referring to or that Malachy's list is right. But because of steps he has taken and statements he has made, Pope Francis could be this individual. Yet his age and some of his comments suggest that he might not be (see Francis not planning on being around too much longer).
Roman Catholic writers have pointed to the successor of Emeritus Pope Benedict XVI to be a candidate for that role. Some questioned whether Francis could have been pope since Benedict was then alive:
Was Pope Benedict XVI Forced to Resign?
October 20, 2017
Almost five years since his momentous resignation from the papacy on February 11, 2013 for health reasons, the undeniable fact is that Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI remains in the peak of health and in full control of his faculties. He has also chosen to remain in the Vatican. He has also chosen to retain the title of “pope”, as Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI.
In his last general assembly on February 27, 2013, 2 weeks after announcing his intent to resign, Benedict XVI said that the petrine ministry is “always” and “forever”:
He who assumes the Petrine ministry no longer has any privacy. He belongs always and totally to everyone, to the whole Church. His life is, so to speak, totally deprived of the private sphere. […] The “always” is also a “forever”—there is no returning to private life. My decision to forgo the exercise of active ministry, does not revoke this. I do not return to private life, to a life of travel, meetings, receptions, conferences and so on. I do not abandon the cross, but remain in a new way near to the Crucified Lord.
And we have to ask: Why did Benedict XVI resign in the first place, if the petrine ministry “is forever”? Was his resignation out of his own full volition and will? Was it valid in the first place?
New revelations have come to light which give us more information on the circumstances surrounding Benedict’s mysterious resignation.
Leaked Emails Show Political Plot to Oust Benedict
A group of Catholic leaders cite new evidence uncovered in emails released by WikiLeaks that the conservative Pope Benedict did not actually resign on his own initiative, but was pushed out of the Vatican by a coup that the group of researchers are calling the “Catholic Spring.”
The group of Catholic leaders includes Christopher A. Ferrara, President of The American Catholic Lawyers Association, Michael J. Matt, Editor of The Remnant, David L. Sonnier, LTC US ARMY (Retired), Chris Jackson of, and Elizabeth Yore, Founder of YoreChildren.
Last January 20, 2017, the group wrote and published a letter to U.S. President Donald Trump, formally requesting him to to launch an official investigation
Call for Investigation
In their letter to President Trump, the group of Catholics leaders write: “After this e-mail discussion, which was never intended to be made public, we find that Pope Benedict XVI abdicated under highly unusual circumstances and was replaced by a pope whose apparent mission is to provide a spiritual component to the radical ideological agenda of the international left. The Pontificate of Pope Francis has subsequently called into question its own legitimacy on a multitude of occasions.” ...
Two Popes in the End Times
In a message dated April 12, 2012, Jesus said that His Second Coming will happen very soon, and that Benedict XVI was the last true pope on earth:
My beloved Pope Benedict XVI is the last true pope on this Earth…I must warn you that many new self-proclaimed prophets will now emerge, who will contradict My Holy Word given to you, the end time true prophet…They, My daughter, are being sent to prepare God’s children to accept the next pope, who comes after My beloved Vicar, Pope Benedict. This pope may be elected by members within the Catholic Church, but he will be the false prophet. His electors are wolves in sheep’s clothing and are members of the secret Masonic and evil group led by Satan. This is how Satan will try to destroy My Church.
We recall here the remarkably accurate prophecy of the popes by St. Malachy.
(Simeon, Paul. Was Pope Benedict XVI Forced to Resign? Veritas Vincit, October 20, 2017. accessed 03/13/18)
So, some believe that Francis may not be the legitimate successor of Benedict. Now, if Francis is not counted in the Malachy list, the one who comes after him may be the antipope of certain Roman Catholic prophecies.
Euronews published the following:
900-year-old Vatican doomsday prophecy resurfaces amid Pope Francis’ illness
14 March 2025
According to a 900-year-old book in the Vatican, ‘Judgement Day’ may be upon us soon, and Pope Francis might be the last leader of the Church.
The health of Pope Francis has led to renewed interest in a 900-year-old book known as “The Prophecy of the Popes” (“Prophetia Sancti Malachiae Archiepiscopi, de Summis Pontificibus” – or “Prophecy of Saint-Archbishop Malachy, concerning the Supreme Pontiffs”), which claims to predict the year of Judgement Day.
For those of you who need brushing up on your scripture, Judgement Day – also known as “The Final Judgement” or “the second coming of Jesus Christ” – is the day that Jesus returns to Earth to judge humanity and destroy Earth and Heaven.
Essentially, the day we find out who will be saved and who will be damned.
According to the 12th-century book credited to Irish bishop Saint Malachy, it’s going to take place in 2027. …
The book contains a series of Latin phrases in 112 mysterious sections which purport to predict the Catholic popes, beginning with Celestine II up to the Church’s current leader.
One passage, attributed to Pope Sixtus V, reads: “Axle in the midst of a sign”.
Pope Sixtus’ tenure began 442 years after the first Pope’s rule, and the passage suggests he is in the ‘middle’ of the papal lineage – thus indicating the end of the world would come 442 years later, in 2027.
The last passage of the book reads: “In the final persecution of the Holy Roman Church there will reign Peter the Roman, who will feed his flock amid many tribulations, after which the seven-hilled city will be destroyed, and the dreadful Judge will judge the people. The End.”
The “seven-hilled city” refers to Rome and some interpret the last passage as Peter taking over as the Pope from Francis due to the latter’s chronic lung disease, making Francis the last Pope.
First, let me state that the end will NOT come in 2027 as that is much too soon–though the last pope could be in place that year.
Second, the idea that the year Pope Sixtus V began as pontiff is not necessarily relevant in the Malachy list. Nor is the number of years to get to 2027 necessarily relevant.
As far as when the end may come, check out the following: When Will the Great Tribulation Begin?
As mentioned earlier, there seem to be several similarities between the prophecy of Bishop Malachy and the last pope and statements in the chapter 17 of the Book of Revelation (also known as the Apocalypse).
Let us look at the entire prediction of the final pope by Bishop Malachy as reported in The Catholic Encyclopedia again:
"In the final persecution of the Holy Roman Church there will reign Peter the Roman, who will feed his flock amid many tribulations, after which the seven-hilled city will be destroyed and the dreadful Judge will judge the people. The End."
Now let us notice that the Bible warns about something happening in the end time that is consistent with parts of the Malachy prophecy.
1 And there came one of the seven angels, who had the seven vials, and spoke with me, saying: Come, I will shew thee the condemnation of the great harlot, who sitteth upon many waters, 2 With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication; and they who inhabit the earth, have been made drunk with the whine of her whoredom.
3 And he took me away in spirit into the desert. And I saw a woman sitting upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns. 4 And the woman was clothed round about with purple and scarlet, and gilt with gold, and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand, full of the abomination and filthiness of her fornication. 5 And on her forehead a name was written: A mystery; Babylon the great, the mother of the fornications, and the abominations of the earth. 6 And I saw the woman drunk with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus. And I wondered, when I had seen her, with great admiration.
7 And the angel said to me: Why dost thou wonder? I will tell thee the mystery of the woman, and of the beast which carrieth her, which hath the seven heads and ten horns. 8 The beast, which thou sawest, was, and is not, and shall come up out of the bottomless pit, and go into destruction: and the inhabitants on the earth (whose names are not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world) shall wonder, seeing the beast that was, and is not.
9 And here is the understanding that hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, upon which the woman sitteth, and they are seven kings: 10 Five are fallen, one is, and the other is not yet come: and when he is come, he must remain a short time. 11 And the beast which was, and is not: the same also is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into destruction.
12 And the ten horns which thou sawest, are ten kings, who have not yet received a kingdom, but shall receive power as kings one hour after the beast. 13 These have one design: and their strength and power they shall deliver to the beast. 14 These shall fight with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them, because he is Lord of lords, and King of kings, and they that are with him are called, and elect, and faithful.
15 And he said to me: The waters which thou sawest, where the harlot sitteth, are peoples, and nations, and tongues. 16 And the ten horns which thou sawest in the beast: these shall hate the harlot, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and shall burn her with fire. 17 For God hath given into their hearts to do that which pleaseth him: that they give their kingdom to the beast, till the words of God be fulfilled.
18 And the woman which thou sawest, is the great city, which hath kingdom over the kings of the earth. (Revelation 17:1-18, DRB)
In both Malachy’s list and the Book of Revelation we see:
The persecution that the Bible tells of is of the truly faithful (Revelation 17:6 and seemingly others per 17:16-17). And the judgment that the Bible shows happens, will also come from God (Revelation 17:1,14; cf. 6:10; 18:10).
Whether or not Pope Francis is the last pope, the fact is that the last pope on the Malachy list seems to be warned against in the Holy Bible. Satan very well could have influenced the voting to add at least one extra pontiff between numbers 111 and 112 on the list. Many of us will be watching Pope Francis to see if he is the pontiff that the Bible seems to warn against.
Since becoming pontiff, Francis has taken steps some Roman Catholics have wondered about. One Cardinal hinted that Francis could be an antipope, while one critical of Francis' policies was demoted and another forced out.
The ecumenical, inter-faith, and economic agenda of Pope Francis is consistent with being an antipope. But he, still, does not have to be the last one, though if he is counted, he is #112 on Malachy's list.
But since Pope Benedict XVI was alive when Francis was voted in, then perhaps Francis should not be counted in that list.
Those interested in more information, may want the type of details in the following:
Anti-Pope Francis? Some cardinals and other members of the Roman Catholic clergy are concerned that Pope Francis has deviated from its traditional positions on matters such as homosexuality, salvation, fornication, remarriage, and other doctrines. Australian Cardinal George Pell even mentioned ‘antipopes’ when discussing Pope Francis. North American Cardinal Raymond Burke has raised many concerns about Francis’ pontificate. Did Catholic saints teach that popes could become heretics? Will the final pope not be Catholic? Is an ecumenical pontiff possibly the final Antichrist? What do both biblical, and even Roman Catholic, prophecies warn about? Could Pope Francis be an antipope and final Antichrist?A written article of related interest is: Australian Cardinal hints Francis could be an antipope; US Cardinal also expresses doubts about Pope Francis.
Why Should American Catholics Fear Unity with the Orthodox? Are the current ecumenical meetings a good thing or will they result in disaster? Is doctrinal compromise good? Here is a link to a related video Should you be concerned about the ecumenical movement?
United Nations: Humankind’s Last Hope or New World Order? Is the UN the last hope for humanity? Or might its goals end up with sinister results? How is Pope Francis involved? A related video would be United Nations and Vatican Are Planning the New World Order.
Beware: Protestants Going Towards Ecumenical Destruction! What is going on in the Protestant world? Are Protestants turning back to their ‘mother church’ in Rome? Does the Bible warn about this? What are Catholic plans and prophecies related to this? Is Protestantism doomed?
Do You Know That Babylon is Forming? How is the final Babylon forming? Are Protestants such as Joel Osteen and Kenneth Copeland are endorsing something dangerous? Could Pope Francis be the ‘False Prophet’ that the Bible warns against? Is an antipope expected to endorse a one-world religion? Here is a link to a related written article In Vatican City: New Babylon more openly forming!
Pope Francis: Could this Marian Focused Pontiff be Fulfilling Prophecy? Pope Francis has taken many steps to turn people more towards his version of ‘Mary.’ Could this be consistent with biblical and Catholic prophecies? This article documents what has been happening. There is also a video version titled Pope Francis: Could this Marian Focused Pontiff be Fulfilling Prophecy?
The Last Pope: Do Biblical and Catholic Prophecies Point to Pope Francis? Amazon Book What does the Bible say about a pope near this time? Is the final pope to be an antipope and antichrist? Does Catholic prophecy point to Pope Francis as being the dreaded "Peter the Roman"? This 186 page book provides information and answers.
The Last Pope: Do Biblical and Catholic Prophecies Point to Pope Francis? Kindle This electronic version of the printed book which is available for only US$2.99 and thus you can have the content in minutes. And you do not even need an actual Kindle device to read it. Why? Amazon will allow you to download it to almost any device: Please click HERE to download one of Amazon s Free Reader Apps. After you go to for your free Kindle reader and then go to The Last Pope: Do Biblical and Catholic Prophecies Point to Pope Francis? Kindle.
Pope Francis: Could this Marian Focused Pontiff be Fulfilling Prophecy? Pope Francis has taken many steps to turn people more towards his version of 'Mary.' Could this be consistent with bibical and Catholic prophecies? There is also a video version titled Pope Francis: Could this Marian Focused Pontiff be Fulfilling Prophecy?
Beliefs of the Original Catholic Church: Could a remnant group have continuing apostolic succession? Did the original “catholic church” have doctrines held by the Continuing Church of God? Did Church of God leaders uses the term “catholic church” to ever describe the church they were part of? Here are links to related sermons: Original Catholic Church of God?, Original Catholic Doctrine: Creed, Liturgy, Baptism, Passover, What Type of Catholic was Polycarp of Smyrna?, Tradition, Holy Days, Salvation, Dress, & Celibacy, Early Heresies and Heretics, Doctrines: 3 Days, Abortion, Ecumenism, Meats, Tithes, Crosses, Destiny, and more, Saturday or Sunday?, The Godhead, Apostolic Laying on of Hands Succession, Church in the Wilderness Apostolic Succession List, Holy Mother Church and Heresies, and Lying Wonders and Original Beliefs. Here is a link to that book in the Spanish language: Creencias de la iglesia Católica original.
Thiel B. The Malachy Prophecies and "Peter the Roman." 2013, 2014, 2015, 2018, 2025 0319