Calculated Calendar Used Since Noah?
A Shofar made from the horn of a Greater kudu.
New months were historically brought in with a blast from a trumpet (Psalm 81:3-4 ).
Carl Franklin (a long-time COG member, an independent researcher, who has had a close working relationship at times with CBCG, but now is more distant) just put out a Theological Research Report (which he dated March 31, 2009, though the final version did not come out until today) which is devoted to an article based upon the fact that the calendar that God uses is essentially a calculated one with postponements. Here is some of what he said about it:
…this issue presents conclusive Biblical evidence of the calculation of the Hebrew Calendar in the days of Noah. This evidence is presented in an article by Don Roth which analyzes the scriptural chronology of the Noachian Flood and demonstrates in a straightforward and factual manner that the year of the Flood was 385 days in length. This year length is the maximum number of days that the Hebrew Calendar allows and occurs only when an intercalary month is added and the rules of postponement are applied. Scriptural and historical evidence that has previously been published demonstrates that the Hebrew Calendar of today was in use at the time of Christ (See The Calendar of Christ and the Apostles, Parts I & 2). The evidence that Don Roth presents demonstrates that this calendar has been in use from the time of Noah. This span of time covers nearly the entire history of mankind.
While I have not attempted to verify Don Roth’s calculations, I do believe that by the time of Christ, the Jews used a calculated calendar.
The old Global Church of God had an article by the late Raymond McNair in which he basically proved that Jesus observed the holy day calender that included postponements–and I do believe that.
While people outside the COGs might think that this is not a big deal, there are several groups with their own differing ways of calculating the holy days. I have never seen any group, however, that taught against the postponements ever reaching the world with the gospel message (their focus and priorities always seem to be elsewhere).
We in the Living Church of God accept the calculated calendar (as do most Jews).
The Holy Days themselves start very soon. Next week actually.
Some articles of possibly related interest may include:
Is There “An Annual Worship Calendar” In the Bible? This paper provides a biblical and historical critique of several articles, including one by WCG which states that this should be a local decision. What do the Holy Days mean? Also you can click here for the calendar of Holy Days.
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