Angela Merkel and Pope Francis speak at Muenster Conference: What are the prophetic ramifications for the USA and the world?
Angela Merkel and Pope Francis
German Chancellor Merkel is not pleased with US President Donald Trump. Notice some things she said at a Catholic conference in Muenster, Germany:
May 11, 2018
One day after Angela Merkel said Europe can no longer rely on the US “to protect it” in the aftermath of Trump’s unilateral withdrawal from the Iran nuclear accord, stating that “It’s no longer the case that the United States will simply just protect us. Rather, Europe needs to take its fate into its own hands, that’s the task of the future”, the German Chancellor has doubled down, and said President Trump’s decision to scrap the Iran nuclear accord was “not right.”
“It’s not right to unilaterally cancel an accord that was negotiated, that was unanimously approved in the UN Security Council,” Merkel said in a speech at a Catholic religious conference in Muenster, Germany “That damages the trust in the international order.”
“What we’re seeing at the moment, which is probably the most alarming, is that multilateralism is in a real crisis” she added. She then echoed her prior warning: “I’ve said this about the U.S. decision on the Iran accord, I could say the same thing about the climate accord, the WTO – if we always say that something doesn’t suit us, and we don’t get a new international order, and everybody simply does what they want – then that’s bad news for the world.”
The USA is being increasingly isolated. Now the USA is being blamed for damaging “the trust in the international order.” It is also being blamed for climate problems–and the United Nations is NOT the solution.
Angela Merkel’s comments are consistent with various biblical prophecies.
Because of various biblical prophecies, as well as statements that Donald Trump made prior to becoming President of the United States, I wrote the following in my book:
Donald Trump’s view of climate change is expected to set up some type of issue between the USA and Europe. Europe will tend to see the USA as an irresponsible polluter of the planet, while Europe will claim to be the protector that the world needs. …
On May 3, 2016, I posted:
Donald Trump will take steps to upset the Europeans. (Thiel B. Savage claims Obama would trash the economy if Trump wins; German press sees USA becoming more rotten. COGwriter, May 3, 2016)
He has done so and caused much anger in Europe.
On November 7, 2016 (the day before his election), I posted:
If Donald Trump is elected, the Germans will see this as proof that they cannot rely on the USA for their defense, etc. Germany will push for a European army. (Thiel B. Germans opposed to Donald Trump, but not too optimistic about Hillary Clinton. COGwriter, November 7, 2016)
(Thiel B. Donald Trump and America’s Apocalypse. Nazarene Books, 2017)
Angela Merkel’s comments are consistent with that.
Pope Francis also spoke at this conference in Muenster. Yesterday, Pope Francis told Germans that peace requires many to agree of different faiths:
Peace continues to grow also when Christians of different confessions manifest themselves publicly united in their witness to Christ and commit themselves together in society, because Christ is our peace (Eph 2:14). Peace requires the respectful coexistence of all people of good will of all religions and of all confessions. …
The equitable participation of all men and women in the welfare of their society is the foundation of lasting peace. However, the equal participation of all also applies to all men of all societies throughout the world. The great help of the Church, the associations and many parishes makes a valuable contribution in this area. …
We also look to Mary, who as Mother of the Church has prayed together with the apostles for the coming of the Holy Spirit. May Mary accompany and support our search for peace. … I cordially impart my apostolic blessing to those of you who have gathered in Münster, and to all the faithful of God’s people in Germany. (Pope’s Message for 101st German Catholic Convention in Munster. May 10, 2018
The Pope expects the Vatican to be involved in major peace deals. Expect Vatican endorsement of the Daniel 9:27 deal (see also The ‘Peace Deal’ of Daniel 9:27).
Pope Francis is an ecumenically-oriented pontiff, and we have seen more ecumenically-oriented Orthodox and Protestant leaders the past several years than have been seen in centuries. Many seem to have similar objectives. Even the head of the United Nations supports their agenda (see United Nations: Humankind’s Last Hope or New World Order?).
So, we see the head of Germany speaking at a Catholic conference, chastising the USA, and also calling for Europe to take its fate in its own hands.
And we see the head of the Church of Rome promoting an interfaith peace program.
The end time final Mystery Babylon is in the process of forming (watch also Do You Know That Babylon is Forming?).
Europe will one day not only stop relying on the military of the USA, it will one day destroy the USA (Daniel 11:39) and its Anglo-Saxon descended allies (Daniel 8:24-25).
Before that, a temporary ‘peace deal’ will be implemented (The ‘Peace Deal’ of Daniel 9:27)–Europe and the Vatican will be involved.
The statements at the Muenster conference are consistent with biblical prophecies.
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