BIN: Betelgeuse Supernova: Pre-Messiah Star of Jacob to Herald Gog Magog War With Iran
Image showing Betelgeuse (top left) and the dense nebulae of the Orion Molecular Cloud Complex
(Photo by Rogelio Bernal Andreo)
Breaking Israel News (BIN) reported the following:
Betelgeuse Supernova: Pre-Messiah Star of Jacob to Herald Gog Magog War With Iran
December 29, 2019
“Before the great and terrible day of Hashem comes,* I will set portents in the sky and on earth: Blood and fire and pillars of smoke.” Joel 3:3 (The Israel Bible™)
Betelgeuse, a relatively close star, is acting strange and astronomers are worried. The star, usually one of the brightest in the night sky, has visibly dimmed to its weakest in at least a century. Astronomers are unsure of the significance but one possible scenario is quite alarming: the star may go supernova, dying out in a blaze of glory.
Betelgeuse, classified as a red super-giant approximately ten times bigger than the sun. Due to its size and proximity, a mere 640 light-years away, Betelgeuse is generally the eleventh-brightest star in the night sky and second-brightest in the constellation of Orion. …
Yuval … Ovadia, a religious Jew from Jerusalem, befriended a former NASA scientist who left the organization when he witnessed telescopic observations of a star that threatened the planet. … In the course of his religious studies, he confided to Ovadia that the NASA observations closely resembled what he was learning in the Zohar about the Star of Jacob that heralded the Messiah.
I see him, but not now; I behold him, but not nigh; there shall step forth a star out of Yaakov, and a scepter shall rise out of Yisrael, and shall smite through the corners of Moab, and break down all the sons of Seth. (Numbers 24:17)
This verse was interpreted by Rabbi Moses ben Maimon, known as Maimonides and by the acronym Rambam who was the foremost Torah authority of the 12th century. In his book, Mishneh Torah, the Rambam brings this verse about a star appearing as proof that the Messiah will come.
In addition, the Zohar, the foundational work of Jewish mysticism, describes in detail the stars that are prophesied to appear as a precursor to the Messiah. …
Ovadia noted that while both superpowers are actively preparing for the end-of-days, they are doing so in very different manners.
“The U.S. is spending massive amounts of money on high-end bunkers,” Ovadia said. “Russia, on the other hand, is investing in actual defensive mechanisms and early warning.”
This reflects different strategies for Gog and Magog, which, according to Ovadia, will coincide with the arrival of the destructive Nibiru star.
“The war will begin with Rome against Persia, that is to say, the U.S and its allies against Iran and its allies. None of the nations will be exempt from the War of Gog and Magog but God will also enter the fray,” Ovadia said. “It is prophesied that in the end-of-days, nations will
“The timing is very important,” Ovadia emphasized. “First, the War of Gog and Magog will begin and then, when it is at its peak which will happen very quickly, Nibiru will arrive.”But God’s army will be the forces of nature. And one of those forces will be Nibiru and its accompanying stars.”
Military maneuvers with Iran, China, and Russia are have been taking place in the Indian Ocean and Gulf of Oman for about a couple of days and were scheduled to last until tomorrow (see
But Ezekiel 38 war involving Gog and Magog is NOT pre-Messianic nor is what is happening with Betelgeuse.
First of all, the Messiah has already came. For proof, check out the free online book: Proof Jesus is the Messiah. (As far as Nibiru is concerned, check out the article Comets, Wormwood, and Planet Nibiru.)
Second of all, the timing of Gog and Magog is not until well AFTER Jesus’ second coming (cf. Revelation 20:7-8). For more scriptural details, check out the article: Ezekiel 38: For Russia & Iran in Our Day?
For now, let’s look at a few verses from Ezekiel 38:
1 Now the word of the Lord came to me, saying, 2 “Son of man, set your face against Gog, of the land of Magog, the prince of Rosh, Meshech, and Tubal, and prophesy against him … 8 After many days you will be visited. In the latter years you will come into the land of those brought back from the sword and gathered from many people on the mountains of Israel, which had long been desolate; they were brought out of the nations, and now all of them dwell safely. 9 You will ascend, coming like a storm, covering the land like a cloud, you and all your troops and many peoples with you.”
Verse1 mentions Gog and Magog and verses 8-9 refer to a regathering of Israel. Why do certain prophecy watchers say that it is for now?
In addition to misapplications of scripture by some rabbinical writers, some Protestants believe that the creation of the nation of Israel in 1948 fulfills verse 8. Yet, this is not really the fulfillment for several reasons (watch also the video Israel, 1948, and Prophecy).
One reason is that even today most Jews do not live in the nation of Israel. The Jewish diaspora is scattered throughout the world. But the other reason is that many do not realize that there are multiple millions of the descendants of Israel that are not of the tribe of Judah. The Bible shows that Israel split into the kingdoms of Judah and Israel after the reign of Solomon and that later the ten tribes that were part of Israel (cf. 1 Kings 11:31,35; 12:16-17; 12:20-23) were carried into captivity (2 Kings 17:21-23). Those tribes represent hundreds of millions of people currently alive, and as there are less than 6,000,000 Jews in Israel, most simply have not been regathered (more information on the tribes of Israel is in the article Anglo – America in Prophecy & the Lost Tribes of Israel).
Furthermore, pay close attention to the part of verse 8 about people dwelling safely. That is NOT the case in Israel today.
Additionally, notice verses 10-13:
10 ‘Thus says the Lord God: “On that day it shall come to pass that thoughts will arise in your mind, and you will make an evil plan: 11 You will say, ‘I will go up against a land of unwalled villages; I will go to a peaceful people, who dwell safely, all of them dwelling without walls, and having neither bars nor gates’ — 12 to take plunder and to take booty, to stretch out your hand against the waste places that are again inhabited, and against a people gathered from the nations, who have acquired livestock and goods, who dwell in the midst of the land. 13 Sheba, Dedan, the merchants of Tarshish, and all their young lions will say to you, ‘Have you come to take plunder? Have you gathered your army to take booty, to carry away silver and gold, to take away livestock and goods, to take great plunder?’”‘
Israel has its walls and “iron dome” and military weaponry. Notice that it is against a ‘peaceful people’ in unarmed villages that the prince of Rosh is going against. This cannot happen until AFTER the return of Jesus. Furthermore, there simply is not a plan to take a lot of gold and silver out of Israel right now by the power of the far north, nor does the current nation of Israel have enough of it to likely justify an attack for that purpose (unless perhaps some hidden gold/silver mines or remaining treasure of David).
Regarding Ezekiel 38, Gog, and Magog, the Continuing Church of God (CCOG) put together the following video on our Bible News Prophecy YouTube channel:
In April and September 2018, there were meetings involving top leaders of Russia, Iran, Syria, and Turkey. Some Protestant prophecy watchers have suggested that the meeting of these leaders could be a prelude to what is known as the Gog and Magog war as discussed in Ezekiel 38. Some have claimed that this battle must take place before ‘Armageddon’ and before Jesus returns. Some have wondered if the Gog/Magog war is Armageddon. Some believe that the existence of the modern State of Israel means the fulfillment of Ezekiel 38 is soon. Is that possible? Does the modern state of Israel currently meet the criteria needed for Ezekiel 38 to be fulfilled? While many agree that the lands occupied by Russia and Iran are involved, are assertions about Turkey being identified as Togarmah possible or in serious error? Will the Gog/Magog war be soon or is it for a time far into the future? Dr. Thiel addresses these issues and more.
Here is a link to the sermonette video: Ezekiel 38 Gog and Magog War: Is it Soon?
Ezekiel 38 is NOT for our time.
Believe the Bible and its prophecies, NOT the view of Jewish, Messianic Jewish, or Protestant teachers when they are in conflict with scripture.
For more on Gog and Magog, check out the video: Ezekiel 38 Gog and Magog War: Is it Soon?
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