BIN: Turkey: Angel of Peace Ally of the West or Satanic Source of Gog and Magog?; COGwriter: Neither, But . . .
15th century portrayal of ancient Gog and Magog
Breaking Israel News (BIN) reported the following:
Turkey: Angel of Peace Ally of the West or Satanic Source of Gog and Magog?
October 6, 2019
Turkish tanks are grinding across the border into Syria with the intent to crush the Kurdish forces who have allied with the U.S. in its fight against ISIS. Viewed through a political lens, Turkey presents a murky image of a finicky ally of the U.S. but when viewed with the eyes of prophecy, Turkey’s role as a leader in the Gog and Magog pre-Messiah War comes into clear focus. …It is All About Religion
“Most Americans do not understand Turkey and prefer to stick their heads in the sand,” Professor Mordechai Kedar, a senior lecturer in the Department of Arabic at Bar-Ilan University, told Breaking Israel News, pointing out that Turkey’s role in the regional power structure cannot be underestimated as it hosts the largest military in NATO second only to the U.S.
“Ideologically they are absolutely an enemy of the U.S,” Kedar said succinctly. “Erdogan is part of the Muslim Brotherhood and, for him, America is the Big Satan. Practically, they play as if they are friends of the West. Despite being members of NATO, they have never and will never take any role, even indirectly, in any actions against another Muslim nation.”
Dr. Kedar noted that despite seeing the an enemy and buying Russian military hardware, Turkey is no friend of Moscow.
“They side with Russia because Russia does not hesitate to twist their arms, threaten, or follow through with those threats,” Dr. Kedar said, explaining that the only motivation for Erdogan is religion.
“Erdogan sees himself as a leader in the Sunni Islamic world and his actions are focused or restoring the Ottoman hegemony.”
Erdogan and Gog and Magog
Erdogan’s Islamic aspirations may go even further, placing him at the head of the multinational armies of Gog and Magog. Modern-day Turkey was once the Ottoman Empire that ruled over much of the world for over six hundred years. But in Biblical terms, Turkey is known as the location of Mount Ararat, the resting place of Noah’s ark. That region was settled by the descendants of Gomer, the eldest son of Japheth. His descendants formed the nations of Meshech, Tubal, Beth-togarmah, and Gomer, all found in what is now modern Turkey. All of these nations were listed by Ezekiel as being part of the Gog and Magog alliance against Israel.
O mortal, turn your face toward Gog of the land of Magog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal. Prophesy against him… Among them shall be Persia, Nubia, and Put, everyone with shield and helmet; Gomer and all its cohorts, Beth-togarmah [in] the remotest parts of the north and all its cohorts—the many peoples with you. Ezekiel 38:2-6
Rabbi Yekutiel Fish, an expert in Jewish mysticism who blogs in Hebrew under the title ‘Sod Chashmal,’ cited the Aramaic translation of the Bible written by Jonathan Ben Uziel, who studied under Hillel the Elder during the time of Roman-ruled Judea and his commentary on the verse in the Book of Numbers.
Ships come from the quarter of Kittim; They subject Assyria, subject Eber. They, too, shall perish forever. Numbers 24:24
“Jonathan Ben Uziel explains that this prophecy describes how Gog will come out of Constantinople, which was the capital city of the Roman Empire but is now called Istanbul and is one of the major cities in Turkey,” Rabbi Fish explained. “He goes on to say that Italy will join forces with Gog and Magog. He goes on to say that after they join forces, the Moshiach (Messiah) will come and destroy whatever remains of the Turks.”
No, Turkey is not about to the start of the “war of Gog and Magog.” Turkey is not functioning as the Satanic source of Gog and Magog. Let me also add that Turkey is NOT biblical Togarmah as some Protestant prophecy watchers claim (details are in the article: Turkey in Prophecy).
Regarding Ezekiel 38, Gog, and Magog, the Continuing Church of God (CCOG) put together the following video on our Bible News Prophecy YouTube channel:
In April and September 2018, there were meetings involving top leaders of Russia, Iran, Syria, and Turkey. Some Protestant prophecy watchers have suggested that the meeting of these leaders could be a prelude to what is known as the Gog and Magog war as discussed in Ezekiel 38. Some have claimed that this battle must take place before ‘Armageddon’ and before Jesus returns. Some have wondered if the Gog/Magog war is Armageddon. Some believe that the existence of the modern State of Israel means the fulfillment of Ezekiel 38 is soon. Is that possible? Does the modern state of Israel currently meet the criteria needed for Ezekiel 38 to be fulfilled? While many agree that the lands occupied by Russia and Iran are involved, are assertions about Turkey being identified as Togarmah possible or in serious error? Will the Gog/Magog war be soon or is it for a time far into the future? Dr. Thiel addresses these issues and more.
Here is a link to the sermonette video: Ezekiel 38 Gog and Magog War: Is it Soon?
Ezekiel 38 is NOT for our time. Nor is it a prophecy about the Messiah destroying the Turks as Yekutiel Fish asserted.
As far as Turkey goes, personally, my wife and I like Turkey and the Turks we have met.
Now, is Turkey a loyal friend of the West?
Well, it depends partially on how the West is defined.
Prophetically, I have long written that Turkey would be part of an alliance that will go against the USA and its British-descended allies (cf. Psalm 83:3-8; see also Turkey in Prophecy). If the USA and its British-descended allies are to be defined as the West (see also Who is the King of the West?), then Turkey is not prophesied to remain an ally (see also Turkey in Prophecy).
Now, what about the teaching that Numbers 24:24 is a Turkish battle?
That is a major misunderstanding by Yekutiel Fish.
Notice the following from Numbers 24:
14 … Come, I will advise you what this people will do to your people in the latter days. (Numbers 24:14, NKJV)
24 But ships shall come from the coasts of Cyprus, And they shall afflict Asshur and afflict Eber, And so shall Amalek, until he perishes. (Numbers 24:24, NKJV)
24 But ships will come from the direction of Kittim, troubling Asshur and troubling Eber, and like the others their fate will be destruction. (Numbers 24:24. Bible in Basic English, BBE)
24 And — ships [are] from the side of Chittim, And they have humbled Asshur, And they have humbled Eber, And it also for ever is perishing.’ (Numbers 24:24, Young’s Literal Translation)
24 Sea-Peoples, raiders from across the sea, will harass Asshur and Eber, But they’ll also come to nothing, just like all the rest. (Numbers 24:24, The Message).
24 And ships shall come from the coast of Kittim (Cyprus), and shall afflict Asshur (Assyria), and shall afflict ‘Ever (i.e., Region beyond the River [Euphrates]), and he also shall be unto destruction. (Numbers 24:24, Orthodox Jewish Bible, OJB)
The last translation above, including parenthetical comments, was copied in its entirety. And while I, like certain various theologians, believe that Kittim should be translated as “western lands,” it is interesting to see that the OJB refers to the descendants of Eber (called ‘Ever above) as the region beyond the Euphrates river. As far as this Asshur being Assyria, this was also the position of the Commentary of Rashan (as cited in Davidiy Y. The Tribes, 4th edition. Russell-David Publishers, 2011, p.269). Assyria/Asshur is a reference to the Germanic peoples in Europe (see also Germany’s Assyrian Roots Throughout History).
‘Ever/Eber is of interest. Eber was a son of Shem and the children of Israel descended through Eber’s son Peleg (Genesis 11:19-26; Luke 3:34-35), as did most of the Arab peoples (cf. Genesis 25:12-18). At least twice Josephus identified descendants of Israel (including the ten tribes) as being beyond the Euphrates. Yet, this passage in Numbers 24:24 does not necessarily seem to be referring to all the tribes of Israel (though it could be as all might be concerned by what is happening then). As it turned out, Eber had another son, Joktan, who had 13 sons (Genesis 10:25-29). And various descendants of the tribes of Israel, like Simeon (cf. Joshua 19:2), seemed to be in contact with some of Joktan’s descendants (like Sheba of Genesis 10:28) and probably intermingled with them. Hence, it is possible that it is the Israelite-descended nations in Northern Europe that are afflicted when Assyria is. The fact that Havilah, the name of another of Joktan’s sons (Genesis 10:29) was anciently between Egypt and Assyria (Genesis 25:18) suggests that perhaps some migrated along with the Assyrians and could be others in Europe who are not Assyrian (perhaps like the Eastern Europeans). This prophecy in Numbers 24:24 looks to be pointing out some type of alliance between Assyria and some of the descendants of Israel (other than likely Manasseh, who probably is the sea power, or Ephraim, who is likely allied with him).
Numbers 24:24 is not a prophecy related Gog or Magog or Turkey.
Now, let’s see the following commentary from the Cambridge Bible for Schools and Colleges:
24. ships shall come … [Kittim] ships from the side of Kittim. The clause has no verb, and, if the text is right, it must form the subject of the following verb ‘shall afflict,’ the intervening ‘and’ being disregarded. … Asshur will itself be destroyed by invaders from the west. There is, however, no support for this in history,
Yes, a western-based naval force is being discussed. And yes, Numbers 24:24 was not fulfilled in history as it is part of a prophecy for the future as Numbers 24:14 clearly points out.
Anyway, it would not seem that Constantinople is a “western land,” hence Numbers 24:24 should not be interpreted like Jonathan Ben Uziel and Yekutiel Fish have seemingly done.
The Continuing Church of God (CCOG) also put together the following video on our Bible News Prophecy YouTube channel related to the prophesied naval conflict in Numbers which is also discussed in the 11th chapter of the Book of Daniel:
Europe is in the process of building up its own military through the Permanent Structured Cooperation agreement commonly called PESCO. Is Europe trying to develop an empire? What did former Belgian Prime Minister Guy Verhofstadt say about the need for a European empire? Are Europeans, as well as the Vatican’s Pope Francis, working towards a European utopia? Is war coming? Will Europe’s plans result in a Mediterranean maritime conflict with the United States of America? Does Daniel 11:30 tell of such a conflict? Is this consistent with a latter days prophecy in Numbers 24? Is the King of the North European? Do Catholic writings confirm the view that there will be a negative naval encounter coming between Europe and the USA or its British-descended allies? Could the prophesied conflict be a trigger for a false declaration of peace and safety as foretold in 1 Thessalonians 5:3?
Here is a link to our video: A US naval conflict with Europe is prophesied.
Believe the Bible and its prophecies, NOT the view of Jewish, Messianic Jewish, or Protestant teachers when they are in conflict with scripture.
For more on Turkey, check out the article: Turkey in Prophecy. For more on Gog and Magog, check out the video: Ezekiel 38 Gog and Magog War: Is it Soon? For more on the coming naval conflict, watch the video: US naval conflict with Europe is prophesied and/or see the article: Germany in Biblical and Catholic Prophecy.
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