Britain to Maintain Close USA Ties
American and British Aircraft Carriers in a Joint Exercise
As regular readers are aware, the USA and the UK are prophetically supposed to experience many of the same events. Notice that the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom made it clear that he feels that the two countries will continue remain united in many ways:
22:20 GMT, Wednesday, 4 March 2009
Gordon Brown has urged the US to renew the “special relationship for our generation” in a speech to Congress
Mr Brown, the fifth UK prime minister in history to address both houses on Capitol Hill, urged the US and UK to push for “essential” economic changes.
Neither nation should “succumb” to protectionism “which protects no-one”, but “seize the moment”, he said.
Mr Brown also announced that veteran Senator Edward Kennedy would receive an honorary UK knighthood.
The prime minister paid tribute to the work of US troops in Afghanistan and said terrorists could “not ever destroy the American spirit”.
The partnership between the UK and the US is “unbreakable” and that “no power on earth can ever draw us apart”, he also said.
The speech began and ended to standing ovations and was frequently interrupted for applause – with 17 such pauses counted.
Mr Brown called for agreed “rules and standards for accountability, transparency and reward” in banking.
On the recession, he said: “America and a few countries cannot be expected to bear the burden of the fiscal and interest rate stimulus alone. We must share it globally.
“So let us work together for the worldwide reduction of interest rates and a scale of stimulus round the world equal to the depth of the recession and the dimensions of the recovery we must make.”
Mr Brown added: “An economic hurricane has swept the world, creating a crisis of credit and of confidence.
“History has brought us now to a point where change is essential. We are summoned not just to manage our times but to transform them.”
In addressing Congress, Mr Brown follows in the footsteps of Winston Churchill, Clement Attlee, Margaret Thatcher and Tony Blair.
He said: “Now more than ever the rest of the world wants to work with you…
“And let me say that you now have the most pro-American European leadership in living memory. A leadership that wants to cooperate more closely together, in order to cooperate more closely with you.
“There is no old Europe, no new Europe. There is only your friend Europe…
‘Common interest’
After Mr Brown’s meeting with Mr Obama on Tuesday, the US president said the “special relationship” between the countries would “only grow stronger”.
After about an hour of talks at the White House, Mr Brown and Mr Obama said they agreed that improvements were needed to the regulation of the global banking system.
Mr Obama warned that countries should not “project inwards” by encouraging protectionism during the economic crisis.
Mr Brown said the two countries were pursuing a “common interest” in a “global new deal”.
He is correct that there is a special relationship between the USA and UK.
Yet, contrary to his implications, the “friend Europe” is prophesied to change. Notice the following:
5 Woe to Assyria, the rod of My anger
And the staff in whose hand is My indignation.
6 I will send him against an ungodly nation,
And against the people of My wrath
I will give him charge,
To seize the spoil, to take the prey,
And to tread them down like the mire of the streets.
7 Yet he does not mean so,
Nor does his heart think so;
But it is in his heart to destroy,
And cut off not a few nations (Isaiah 10:5-7).
And when Europe changes, it will ultimately have devastating effects on the USA, UK, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.
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