Egyptian Election Results: Islamist Parties Fare Well
جامعة الدول العربية
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Egypt has finally announced the results of the first round of its election:
Cairo (CNN) — Two major Islamist political parties prevailed in the first round of Egypt’s parliamentary elections, an election official told CNN Saturday.
The Freedom and Justice Party, the political wing of the Muslim Brotherhood, received 40% and Al Noor Salafi Movement won 20% of the said Yousri Abdel Kareem, head of the executive office of the Higher Judicial Election council…
The Islamist movements made their strong showing after similar parties recently won elections in Morocco and Tunisia.
Cairo’s ruling Supreme Council of the Armed Forces was reportedly “vexed and concerned” by the apparent Islamist victory.
The London-based Arabic-language newspaper al-Hayat reported Saturday that Egypt’s Military Council was very displeased with polls suggesting that the radical Islamist parties have the majority vote in the first round, and was concerned of a similar achievement in the second and third rounds of the elections…In a statement issued on Saturday afternoon, the Muslim Brotherhood called on its rivals to “accept the will of the people”: “We call upon everyone, and all those who associate themselves with democracy, to respect the will of the people and accept their choice. Those who weren’t successful … should work hard to serve people to win their support next time,” the Brotherhood added.,7340,L-4156376,00.html
Notice, however, part of what has been called the election platform of the Muslim Brotherhood:
FrontPage Magazine – Nov 29, 2011
We got a taste of what is to come from the Muslim Brotherhood’s co-sponsored “kill the Jews” pep rally held last Friday in Cairo.Jewish Telegraphic Agency – Nov 27, 2011
JERUSALEM (JTA) — The Muslim Brotherhood held an anti-Israel rally in a Cairo mosque that reportedly called to “one day kill all Jews.” Some 5000 people participated in the Nov. 25 rally, during which they made the call about killing Jews — a quote from the Koran — a reporter for Israel’s daily Yediot Achronot reported from the Egyptian capital.
Yet, certain Western countries, like the USA, have cautiously supported the Muslim Brotherhood (see Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood Satisfies US Government). The public reason for that seems to be that the Muslim Brotherhood is considered to be easier to work with and more “moderate” than Islamist groups like the Al Noor Salafi Movement (that group, for example, seems to encourage persecution on non-Muslims more publicly than the Muslim Brotherhood does).
However, it should be clear that, as a rule, Islamist groups want an Islamic empire (called a caliphate) that will require its subjects to have less secular choices than the non-Islamist party backers want.
Notice a translation of what some, who are part of it, write that the Muslim Brotherhood wants:
…the Islamic Ummah [nation] can regain its power and be liberated and assume its rightful position which was intended by Allah, as the most exalted nation among men, as the leaders of humanity…
He [Hassan al-Banna] felt…the urgent need and obligation which Islam places on every Muslim, man and woman, to act in order to restore the Islamic Caliphate and to reestablish the Islamic State on strong foundations…and to spread the Da’wa (Islamic missionary activity) of Islam in the world and to establish this great religion, which Allah wanted for his servants…
the goals which the [Muslim Brotherhood] Society was established for, that is, establishing the State of Islam, headed by the Islamic Caliphate, in order to establish Allah religion on Allah’s land…(Source: The Muslim Brotherhood – in its own words Translation of “Jihad is the way” by Mustafa Mashhur Leader of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, 1996-2002 by Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik. viewed 04/30/11)
To bring enough Arab nations together, I have felt that some type of “strongman” needed to rise up. One who Arabs would tend to respect–who might use or not use the title Imam Mahdi. The time may be now for him to rise up and the Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamist groups may play an important role.
Notice also the following from the Living Church of God:
Right now…various Islamist groups—often foolishly called “moderate” by the mainstream media—are coming to power in Egypt, Tunisia and other African and Middle Eastern nations after the uprisings of the “Arab Spring.” The prophesied “King of the South” will soon emerge as these nations seek a “Mahdi”—a powerful religio/poltical leader who will bring them together under Islam. This “King of the South” predicted in Daniel 11:40 will no doubt be headquartered in Egypt or Saudi Arabia, not in Iran as some confused people foolishly predict. (Meredith RC. TW Subscriber letter, November 10, 2011)
Morocco was one of the more moderate Western-leaning Islamic lands and it is now becoming more supportive of Islamic goals, while the likely next prime minister of Tunisia announced last month that he believes that the caliphate has just begun (see Tunisia’s Expected Prime Minister Claims to be part of the Sixth Caliphate). And since we in the Living Church of God believe that Egypt is likely to be a major player in this (cf. also Daniel 11:42; Ezekiel 30:1-9,), the election results announced today suggest that Egypt is moving towards its prophesied role.
The Bible shows that a time is coming when the confederation with Egypt will be destroyed and it is in the FUTURE:
1 The word of the LORD came to me: 2 “Son of man, prophesy and say: ‘This is what the Sovereign LORD says:
“‘Wail and say,
“Alas for that day!”
3 For the day is near,
the day of the LORD is near-
a day of clouds,
a time of doom for the nations.
4 A sword will come against Egypt,
and anguish will come upon Cush.
When the slain fall in Egypt,
her wealth will be carried away
and her foundations torn down.5 Cush and Put, Lydia and all Arabia, Libya and the people of the covenant land will fall by the sword along with Egypt.
6 “‘This is what the LORD says:
“‘The allies of Egypt will fall
and her proud strength will fail.
From Migdol to Aswan
they will fall by the sword within her,
declares the Sovereign LORD.7 “‘They will be desolate
among desolate lands,
and their cities will lie
among ruined cities.
8 Then they will know that I am the LORD,
when I set fire to Egypt
and all her helpers are crushed.9 “‘On that day messengers will go out from me in ships to frighten Cush out of her complacency. Anguish will take hold of them on the day of Egypt’s doom, for it is sure to come (Ezekiel 30:1-9, NIV).
And this seems to be the destruction of the King of the South by the King of the North in Daniel 11:40-43.
As there already is a flag for the Arab League, the idea within the Arab world that some type of confederation is a good idea exists even amongst many of the more secular Arabs. The Arab League has mainly currently turned away from Syria. Syria is a nation whose capital Damascus is prophesied to see destruction (Isaiah 17:1), and such destruction may precede Syria’s coming back into the Arab League fold much more closely (despite their views towards Assad, many in Syria favor an Islamic confederation). Some Islamic prophecy supports the idea that the King of the South may end up in Damascus, and this may be consistent with certain biblical prophecy (Jeremiah 49:24-27)–but the verses in Jeremiah might instead happen about when or after Damascus is eliminated (Isaiah 17:1)–we will see.
We are getting closer for an Islamic confederation to form consistent with the biblical prophecies about the final King of the South (Daniel 11:40). However, somewhat like the final Beast/King of the North power (Daniel 11:41-42), it looks like the Bible teaches that there will be some fragility and lack of total cohesiveness as the King of the South will apparently not be totally unified (cf. Daniel 11:42; 11:26).
Events for the rise of the final King of the South appear to be lining up. Watch (Mark 13:37).
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