Google files for a patent to identify “misinformation” on social media
Googleplex (photo from )
The Washington Examiner posted the following:
December 28, 2023
Normal political debate involves one side making a claim or argument and the other side using facts, logic, and argumentation in order to rebut the first side. …
Misinformation or disinformation is a knowingly false claim that causes harm. If something is an outright lie and is harmful, then it could be claimed to fall outside the safe harbor of free speech. Thus, the would-be censors on the Left like to brand the claims and arguments of the Right as misinformation and disinformation.
Some of the folks throwing this term around actually believe that they are witnessing conservatives telling harmful lies. Some folks using this term are just trying to work the refs and come up with excuses to censor their opponents — say, by getting Facebook, Twitter, and Google to throttle access, or getting news reporters to treat one side as simply flat wrong.
Political scientist Brendan Nyhan accused Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) of peddling “misinformation” on the origins of the coronavirus. The Washington Post news pages flatly stated, “Tom Cotton keeps repeating a coronavirus conspiracy theory that was already debunked.”
Got it? Tom Cotton isn’t simply saying something we experts and reporters disagree with — it is objectively false and harmful. …
This wasn’t misinformation, this wasn’t a conspiracy theory, and this hadn’t been debunked.
These days, it’s clear that the U.S. intelligence community was divided on whether it believed the virus came out of a lab or not. …
So remember this the next time some reporter, academic, or politician calls an argument or claim “misinformation” or “disinformation” — the “misinformation” may be true, but the person using the word would rather not have to argue against it, and would like Big Tech and Big Media to dismiss this competing argument out of hand.
With that in mind, consider the following:
Google’s New Patent: Using Machine Learning to Identify “Misinformation” on Social Media
December 27, 2023
Google has filed an application with the US Patent and Trademark Office for a tool that would use machine learning (ML, a subset of AI) to detect what Google decides to consider as “misinformation” on social media.
Google already uses elements of AI in its algorithms, programmed to automate censorship on its massive platforms, and this document indicates one specific path the company intends to take going forward.
The patent’s general purpose is to identify information operations (IO) and then the system is supposed to “predict” if there is “misinformation” in there. …
The tech giant specifically states that others (mentioning X, Facebook, and LinkedIn by name in the filing) could make the system train their own “different prediction models.”
Machine learning itself depends on algorithms being fed a large amount of data, and there are two types of it – “supervised” and “unsupervised,” where the latter works by providing an algorithm with huge datasets (such as images, or in this case, language), and asking it to “learn” to identify what it is it’s “looking” at. …
The ultimate goal here would highly likely be for Google to make its “misinformation detection,” i.e., censorship more efficient while targeting a specific type of data.
Yes, Google and others are developing tools for censorship and surveillance.
The “predictive” aspect of this reminded me of the 2002 movie ‘Minority Report.’ In it, government agents would arrest people for crimes that the government said they would commit in the future. Here is some information about it:
Minority Report is a 2002 American neo-noir science fiction action film[5] directed by Steven Spielberg, starring Tom Cruise, and loosely based on the 1956 short story “The Minority Report” by Philip K. Dick. The picture is set primarily in Washington, D.C., and Northern Virginia in the year 2054, where PreCrime, a specialized police department, apprehends criminals based on foreknowledge provided by psychics called “precogs“. (Wikipedia, retrieved 05/22/21)
We are getting closer to that type of thing in many parts of the world–but instead of ‘precogs” being used, police profiles, internal espionage, use of ‘political’ & religious words, and ‘artificial intelligence ‘ are getting involved.
Now consider what the Bill of Rights in the US Constitution states:
6th Amendment
These rights are given to all men or women under trial for any sort of wrongdoing. They establish the “innocent until proven guilty” mantra that is present in the United States legal system.
Yet on this point, the USA has been changing. Federal agencies such as the Department of Homeland Security and the Internal Revenue Service long ago put the burden of proof of innocence on the accused–despite the 6th amendment.
And utilizing places like Google help those in the government of the USA to get around what is supposed to be a constitutional protection in the USA.
That said, what Google is working on would likely get shared with the European Union (which keeps pushing laws related to that) as well as the United Nations which has been developing its own system.
Michael Snyder posted the following this past June:
The UN’s New Fact-Checking System Called “iVerify” Will Be Used To Crack Down On “Misinformation” All Over The World
June 19, 2023
Our world is becoming a creepier place with each passing day. … And a new tool that was just introduced by the UN will make it much easier for them to control what we write on the Internet…The iVerify System Is Here
The UN’s new fact-checking system is going to be a game changer, but so far the mainstream media is being really quiet about it.
Perhaps that is because they don’t want millions of us to object to this sort of tyranny.
The UN developed iVerify in conjunction with big tech companies and Soros-funded organizations, and it will be used to crack down on “disinformation” and “hate speech” all over the globe…
The United Nations has unveiled an “automated” fact-checking service to counter so-called disinformation and hate speech on the internet in a project partnered with Big-Tech and Soros-funded organisations.
In response to what they brand as “online information pollution”, which they claim is a “global challenge”, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) has launched its iVerify platform to counter alleged disinformation and hate speech online.
The global body’s “automated fact-checking tool”, was developed in partnership with the United Nations International Computing Centre (UNICC), Facebook and Google-funded fact checker Meedan, the Meta-owned CrowdTangle, and the Soros-funded International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN).
Needless to say, this tool will not be used to crack down on points of view that Big Tech and George Soros agree with.
Increased censorship endorsed by the UN is not a surprise.
Totalitarianism will be implemented within a decade or so.
Various algorithms are being developed to enable the coming Beast power to accomplish that.
As Artificial Intelligence and totalitarian controls go, the Continuing Church of God (CCOG) put out the following video on our Bible News Prophecy YouTube channel years ago:
Billionaire Elon Musk declared he was worried that artificial intelligence (AI) may lead to the rise of an “immortal dictator,” a “godlike” entity that could take over the world. Is this accurate, or at least, close in some ways? Does Bible prophecy foretell of the rise of an immoral leader who considers himself above all gods? Will this result in great destruction? What is AI? How might it fit in with various prophecies? Was the increase in technological knowledge we now have prophesied over 2000 years ago? Will 666 control over buying and selling involve any form of AI? Dr. Thiel goes over many scriptures, including prophetic ones, that involve human knowledge–which is the basis of AI. He also points out that when various prophesies were made, there was no technology capable of fulfilling them, but that because of computers, such ability exists now. Dr. Thiel also points out what Jesus will do about it.
Here is a link: Artificial Intelligence and Prophecy.
The above was made PRIOR to COVID-19.
The UN, Big Tech, various governments, and others are using algorithms and AI to censor and block information–and they claim that this is good.
Biblically, we know that more censorship is prophesied as the prophet Amos warned:
11 “Behold, the days are coming,” says the Lord God,
“That I will send a famine on the land,
Not a famine of bread,
Nor a thirst for water,
But of hearing the words of the Lord.
12 They shall wander from sea to sea,
And from north to east;
They shall run to and fro, seeking the word of the Lord,
But shall not find it. (Amos 8:11-12)
Notice that the Bible tells of a time that will come when the word of God will not be found. I do not believe that this means that there will be no more Bibles–but preaching aspects of it will be made illegal and that those wanting to better understand it will have trouble finding explanations.
There are statements and doctrines in the Bible that many in Big Tech do not want publicized. We are more and more seeing the development of a massive censorship industrial complex.
The Continuing Church of God (CCOG) also put out the following video on our Bible News Prophecy YouTube channel related to that:
666, the Censorship Industrial Complex, and AI
We are seeing more and more censorship, particularly on the internet. Matt Taibi has termed the coordination of this from governments, academia, Big Tech, and “fact checkers,” the ‘Censorship Industrial Complex.’ Is more censorship prophesied to happen? What did the prophet Amos write in the 5th and 8th chapter of his book? What about writings from the Apostle Peter? Is the USA government coercing censorship in violation of the first amendment to its constitution according to federal judges? What about the Digital Services Act from the European Union. Is artificial intelligence (AI) being used? What about for the video game ‘Call of Duty’? Has Google made changes that are against religious speech? Has YouTube, Facebook, Twitter (X), and others in Big Tech been censoring factually accurate information? Is the US government using AI to monitor social media to look for emotions in order to suppress information? What is mal-information? Is a famine of the word of God prophesied to come? Will the 666 Beast and the Antichrist use computers and AI for totalitarian censorship and control?
Here is a link to our video: 666, the Censorship Industrial Complex, and AI.
We are getting closer to the day, with technologies unheard of when God inspired Amos and John to warn what would happen–like computers and AI–that the totalitarian Beast of Revelation will be able use to assist his 666 reign as well as enforce the coming ‘famine of the word’ of God.
More censorship and more persecution is coming.
Some items of possibly related interest may include:
Internet Censorship and Prophecy Are concerns about internet censorship limited to nations such as Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea. But what about the USA, Canada, and Germany? What about the European Union? What about internet media companies such as Facebook, Google, YouTube, or email services like MailChimp? Has the attempt to control information been made by various ones over the centuries? Was the New Testament affected by it? What about the church throughout the centuries? Has the Bible already been partially censored? Which Bible prophecies point to coming Internet censorship? What about the Book of Amos? What about the coming 666 Beast and final Antichrist? Is there anything that can be done about this? Should Philadelphian Christians be working on anything now? Will preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom of God vs. a highly media-supported alternative lead to a ‘famine of the word’? More internet censorship is coming as various statements in the Bible support.
United Nations: Humankind’s Last Hope or New World Order? Is the UN the last hope for humanity? Or might its goals end up with sinister results? Two related videos include UN’s ‘New Universal Agenda’ is a False Gospel! and United Nations and Vatican Are Planning the New World Order.
Persecutions by Church and State This article documents some that have occurred against those associated with the COGs and some prophesied to occur. Will those with the cross be the persecutors or the persecuted–this article has the shocking answer. There are also three video sermons you can watch: Cancel Culture and Christian Persecution, The Coming Persecution of the Church, and Christian Persecution from the Beast. Here is information in the Spanish language: Persecuciones de la Iglesia y el Estado.
Orwell’s 1984 by 2024? In 1949, the late George Orwell wrote a disturbing book about a totalitarian government called “nineteen-eighty four.” Despite laws that are supposed to protect freedom of speech and religion, we are seeing governments taking steps consistent with those that George Orwell warned against. We are also seeing this in the media, academia, and in private companies like Google, Facebook, and Twitter. With the advent of technology, totalitarianism beyond what Orwell wrote is possible. Does the Bible teach the coming a totalitarian state similar to George Orwell’s? What about the Antichrist and 666? Will things get worse? What is the solution? Dr. Thiel answers these questions and more in this video.
Canadian censoring of the Bible In 2017, Lauri Skori of the Battle River School board told a religious school in Alberta, Canada that it could not teach/read certain portions of the Bible. In 2002, a court in Canada ruled against one who referred to certain scriptures that some homosexuals objected to. In 2017, there was “An Act to Amend the Canadian Human Rights Act and Criminal Code” related to those who wish to be considered transgendered. Government officials in Canada and elsewhere have been ruling against the Bible. Is any of this prophesied? Will this get worse? What was the prophet Amos inspired to write? This is a video.
Internet Control, Famine of the Word, and 666 Is the internet going to be used to suppress the teaching of the word of God?
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