Is The US Prepared For A Nuclear EMP To Shut-Down New York City?
Here is an op-ed report by Peter Pry, chief of staff of the Congressional EMP Commission, via ZH:
Is The US Prepared For A Nuclear EMP To Shut-Down New York City?
May 16, 2017
The “international taboo” on nuclear warfare is one-sided and far more likely to have a psychologically paralyzing effect on the U.S. and its allies than on Russia, China, North Korea, or Iran.
An electromagnetic pulse (EMP) attack would be perfect for implementing Russia’s strategy of “de-escalation,” where a conflict with the U.S. and its allies would be won by limited nuclear use. It’s their version of “shock and awe” to cow the U.S. into submission. The same kind of attack is viewed as an acceptable option by China and North Korea as well.
An EMP attack would be the most militarily effective use of one or a few nuclear weapons, while also being the most acceptable nuclear option in world opinion, the option most likely to be construed in the U.S. and internationally as “restrained” and a “warning shot.”
Because EMP destroys electronics instead of blasting cities, even some analysts in Germany and Japan, among the most anti-nuclear nations, regard EMP attacks as an acceptable use of nuclear weapons. High-altitude EMP attack entails detonating a nuclear weapon at 30-400 kilometers altitude — above the atmosphere, in outer space, so high that no nuclear effects, not even the sound of the explosion, would be experienced on the ground, except EMP.
An EMP attack will kill far more people than nuclear blasting a city through indirect effects – by blacking out electric grids and destroying life-sustaining critical infrastructures like communications, transportation, food and water – in the long run. But the millions of fatalities likely to eventually result from EMP will take months to develop, as slow as starvation.
Thus, a nation hit with an EMP attack will have powerful incentives to cease hostilities, focus on repairing their critical infrastructures while there is still time and opportunity to recover, and avert national extinction.
Indeed, an EMP attack or demonstration made to “de-escalate” a crisis or conflict is very likely to raise a chorus of voices in the West against nuclear escalation and send Western leaders in a panicked search for the first “off ramp.”
Russia, China, North Korea, and Iran in their military doctrines and training regard EMP attack as part of all-out cyber warfare, not necessarily as nuclear warfare. …
My book, “The Long Sunday,” explores a dozen possible nuclear EMP attack scenarios that could plausibly happen in the Middle East, Asia, Europe and against North America — tomorrow.
Cyber warfare happens all the time, but if the USA were hit by an effective EMP (electromagnetic pulse) weapon, this would be more devastating than any cyber attacks it has ever received.
Consider the following:
Totally Insane Things That Will Happen If Our Power Grid Goes Down
If our society suffered a widespread power failure that lasted for weeks or months, it would be no different for us than if we were suddenly sent back to the 1800’s. It would be a strange and dangerous world, and for the average person, it would catch them off guard in the following ways:
1. All commerce will cease. The ATMs won’t work, the banks won’t open, and the cash registers won’t…well, register. For a while cash will be king, but if the crisis goes on for more than a few weeks, then people will view it as worthless. We’d be back to a barter economy in short order.
2. Communications will shut down. If you think you can rely on your cell phone to work in a disaster, think again. In a crisis, when everyone instinctively reaches for their phone, that limit is quickly surpassed and the radios on the tower get sluggish, thus causing the fast-busy signal. …
3. Without electricity, all forms of fuel that our society relies on will stop flowing. All of our vehicles will be dead in the water, and more importantly, the trucks will stop delivering food. …
4. And of course many of those farms will lack water, as will your plumbing. For a couple of days after the power goes out, you’ll still have running water since water towers rely on gravity to feed the water to your home. However, electricity is required to clean that water and pump it into the tower. Once it’s out, that means that you won’t be able to flush your toilet. …
5. When the grocery stores are stripped bare, the pharmacies won’t be far behind. …
6. And finally, one of the most shocking things that people will have to deal with, is the lack of GPS. The GPS satellites will probably keep running, but eventually the devices that read those signals will give up the ghost. These days people are pretty reliant on GPS for directions, and there aren’t as many paper maps lying around. The average person is going to be utterly lost if the grid goes down.
In summary, law and order will break down at every level, and death will be around every corner.
The USA is vulnerable to electromagnetic issues, either from natural causes or man-made ones. Iran and North Korea, both of whom the incoming president has riled up to a degree, both allegedly have capability that way.
What if the USA itself were to be hit by one or more EMP weapons in the right areas?
The results of an EMP incident would be catastrophic:
- · The U.S. power grid could be destroyed;
- · Planes would crash;
- · Water and sewerage systems would fail;
- · Banks could not access their records;
- · Transportation systems would be inoperable;
- · The internet would go down;
- · Emergency services would severely be hampered.
Both U.S. and Soviet scientists became increasingly aware of the threat in 1962. A Financial Sense review of the problem noted that 50 years ago, a nuclear test 800 miles away from Hawaii knocked out 300 of the states’ street lights, triggered alarms, and caused damages to a telephone company. The same year, Moscow conducted three tests to discover the precise altitude a nuclear bomb needed to detonate at to destroy electronics on the ground.
There are various economic catastrophes including war, famine, and pestilences (Matthew 24:4-8) and troubles (Mark 13:8; Jeremiah 30:7), like debt, that will cause a massive catastrophe in the future. And a man-made downing of the electrical power grid through hacking and/or an EMP event could be one of the coming troubles as I have warned readers for many years.
Most ignore warning signs (here is a link to a related video: Electrical End of the USA?). We will see what the Trump Administration does.
The USA faces a massive threat from many things that could knock-out its electrical power grid. The USA itself has been developing its own cyber-warfare and EMP technologies), which, of course, also encourages other nations to do so. Plus, the USA is likely to share that technology with Europe.
Jesus taught of a time of “troubles” that would come in Mark 13:
7 But when you hear of wars and rumors of wars, do not be troubled; for such things must happen, but the end is not yet. 8 For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be earthquakes in various places, and there will be famines and troubles. These are the beginnings of sorrows. (Mark 13:7-8)
While most in the USA act like it will go on indefinitely and cannot truly be brought down, the reality is that electrical, weather, pestilence, and other events can devastate the USA. I believe a combination of ‘black swan’ events including terrorism, weather issues, debt problems, and crop failures, which are consistent with Jesus’ words in Matthew 24:4-8, etc. will hit the USA and make it vulnerable to its prophesied takeover (cf. Daniel 11:39).
Consider that in the end times, the Bible tells of a King of the North (Daniel 11:29-45), King of the South (Daniel 11:40-43), and the Kings of the East (Revelation 16:12-16), but no King of the West.
Instead it tells of a time when the power with the strongest fortresses gets taken over by the King of the North (the “he” in the following scriptures):
39 Thus he shall act against the strongest fortresses with a foreign god, which he shall acknowledge, and advance its glory; and he shall cause them to rule over many, and divide the land for gain. (Daniel 11:39)
25 “Through his cunning
He shall cause deceit to prosper under his rule;
And he shall exalt himself in his heart.
He shall destroy many in their prosperity. (Daniel 8:25)
This will cause the world to marvel (Revelation 13:3-4).
It is likely that the USA will have to be in a weakened state to be taken over. And while deceit will be a factor (Daniel 8:25; Lamentations 1:1-2), the fact is that the USA will be hit with troubles and sorrows, beforehand (Matthew 24:4-8) that will weaken it.
Sorrows, such as famines, could happen from a loss of some of the genetically-modified crops (GMOs) that the USA is increasingly becoming dependent on.
But, perhaps some type of electrical problem will also be a factor. The USA is highly dependent upon electricity and its power grid is at risk.
And according to Peter Pry, an EMP attack could happen tomorrow. In other words, do not think it will take years for enemy nations to develop this ability–many already have it.
Are you ready spiritually to deal with what can happen in the USA? Even if you do not live in the USA, consider how its devastation could affect you and the country you are currently living in.
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