Israel fears Iran becoming stronger, USA fears conflict becoming larger
Israel has concerns that Iran’s nuclear program is close to being too well protected:
USA TODAY – 19 March 2012JERUSALEM (AP) – Israel views the threat posed by a nuclear-armed Iran with greater urgency than the rest of the world, Israel’s defense minister said Monday…Barak sent jitters through the world two months ago, when he first coined the “zone of immunity” phrase — a reference to Iran’s movement of sensitive nuclear operations deep underground in heavily fortified bunkers, in an effort to compromise any military strike.
Earlier this month, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Israel hasn’t yet decided whether to attack, but senior officials who advocate a pre-emptive strike say Israel, with relatively limited firepower, would have to strike by summer to be effective.
Notice also:
WASHINGTON — A classified war game held this month to assess the American military’s capabilities to respond to an Israeli attack on Iran forecast that the strike would lead to a wider regional war, which could draw in the United States and leave hundreds of Americans dead, according to American officials…When the exercise had concluded earlier this month, according to the officials, General Mattis told aides that an Israeli first-strike would likely have dire consequences across the region and for United States forces there.
As I have been stating, an attack by Israel would likely have devastating effects on Iran, yet it could also cause the USA debt, terrorist, and other problems–there are limits to the USA’s military strength (if the USA’s military is stretched too much, it makes attacks against the USA itself easier). An attack by Israel could eliminate Iran as a major force in the Islamic world as it is something that either needs to happen directly (through war) and/or indirectly (civil unrest and change in Iran).
I remain convinced that a regional war in the Middle East could get out of control, especially presuming Syria is involved. The assessment of the US military has confirmed some of my concerns here (I suspect that it could get a lot worse than what General Mattis has publicly indicated).
Of course, according to the Bible, the King of the South (Daniel 11:40) will rise up and we will see if this happens sometime after a conflict with Iran (or even starts to happen during!). The Bible also seems to tell of a peace deal in the Middle East in Daniel 9:27 which needs to happen–and it may well take a regional war for such a deal to take place.
With the end of 6,000 years of human rule coming closer, and the apparent peace deal in Daniel 9:27 not yet confirmed, it may be that a war involving Israel will be soon. Israel has been planning for the likelihood of an Iranian regional war for some time, and may decide that to do so in 2012 is optimal to neutralize Iran, as well as to attain help in a presidential election year in the USA. We will see.
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