Concerns from ‘Armageddon’
Top of Megiddo and Related Valley (Joe Freeman)
Not all in Israel support an attack against Iran, though some do. Here are basically four views from some who live in the area many call Armaggedon:
It is just an 18-mile journey from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s private residence in luxurious Caesarea on the shores of the Mediterranean, to Har Megiddo – Armageddon, the hilltop ancient ruins of one of King Solomon’s palaces from where the Bible suggests the final battle between good and evil will be viewed…
A man who identified himself as Mordechai, who was giving away copies of a free newspaper outside local shops in Caesarea, said he fears the seemingly inevitable confrontation.
“I’m frightened” Mordechai said. “I don’t think we should attack Iran; it will start another world war. It’s also a big mistake to be talking about it here in the media.”…
Just a short drive down the road, in the Arab village of Baqa-Al-Gharbieh, few people were prepared to speak their mind. ‘Eid’, a shopkeeper, gave an insight into local Arab opinion.
“If he (Netanyahu) attacks Iran it will be a very big mistake,” Eid said. “The Jewish people don’t want to face facts. If the Palestinian problem was solved, Iran would have no reason or support to threaten Israel. We (Arabs) want peace. In life it is give and take, not like the Israelis, who take and take.”
At a gas station in another Arab town of Umm El Fahm, Samir bemoaned what war could do the already high cost of a gallon of gas. “If Netanyahu starts a war, $8 will seem cheap!” he observes. “It would be an economic disaster.”…
In the souvenir shop ‘Maya’ and ‘David’ (not their real names), gave the perspective of 30-something Israeli Jews.
“I believe Iran is close to getting the bomb,” David said. “Israel must not allow another Holocaust to happen. We must act first.”
Maya agreed: “I do” she said. “We must be sure though to bomb Iranian military targets and not civilian areas. And we must do it soon; before it’s too late.”
Let us briefly look at each of those views.
First, if Israel attacks Iran it will not be World War III. Nor will this be directly related to the troop gathering in Armageddon that the Bible tells of. Notice what the Bible, in the only place that mentions the word Armageddon, actually says:
12 Then the sixth angel poured out his bowl on the great river Euphrates, and its water was dried up, so that the way of the kings from the east might be prepared. 13 And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs coming out of the mouth of the dragon, out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet. 14 For they are spirits of demons, performing signs, which go out to the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty.
15 “Behold, I am coming as a thief. Blessed is he who watches, and keeps his garments, lest he walk naked and they see his shame.”
16 And they gathered them together to the place called in Hebrew, Armageddon. (Revelation 16:12-16)
Since the above does not happen until more than 3 years AFTER the start of the Great Tribulation, and the Great Tribulation itself cannot start for years, if Israel launches an attack against Iran within the next several years, this is not ‘Armageddon’ as that event cannot occur until probably at least seven years from now.
Second, it is not true that the Palestinian issue is what drives Iran. The leaders of Iran believe that it is their destiny to help usher in a leader that they call the Imam Mahdi, and that Iran needs to cause chaos/war for this to happen. Palestine is really only a side issue for the Iranian leadership–it is not the driving force for Iran’s military and/or nuclear development.
Third, it is true that inflation economic, and other problems face Israel if it gets involved in a conflict with Iran. The cost to Israel will exceed what many of the Israeli leaders seem to want to believe it will be.
Fourth, Israel most certainly is at risk if Iran acquires nuclear weaponry. However, the cost to Israel will likely be higher than those who advocate attacking Iran realize. Furthermore, considering the situation in Syria, Syria itself is likely to release chemical and/or biological weapons during such a conflict, which would increase the cost and damage.
As I have long warned, the cost to Israel (and likely the USA) for a regional war involving Iran and/or Syria will be higher than many in the USA or Israel believe. Israel, and possibly the USA, will be weakened by a regional conflict involving Iran. Between terrorist acts, sustained resistance, chemical weapons, biological weapons, emp-type bombs, and/or even disruptions of the internet, Iran and/or Syria can inflict significant damage to their enemies. Yet, the USA and the tiny of nation of Israel would not be “eliminated” by that–it will come later, by the King of the North (cf. Daniel 11:39) before he takes on the King of the South (Daniel 11:40). But since Iran will not be the King of the South and Syria apparently will support that King, the situation in those countries will change–and this certainly could happen from an attack involving Israel. But this would not be the battle associated with Armageddon in the Bible.
Some items of possibly related interest may include:
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