Netanyahu Frustrated by USA and Others, Wants Clearer Determination Against Iran
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu wants the international community to take clearer action regarding Iran:
September 2, 2012
JERUSALEM (AP) — Israel’s prime minister is urging the international community to get tougher against Iran, saying that without a “clear red line” Tehran will not halt its nuclear program.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told his Cabinet Sunday that Iran does not see international determination to stop its nuclear activities.
The U.N. nuclear agency last week concluded that Iran has expanded its nuclear activity at a heavily fortified underground site and effectively shut down inspections of a separate site suspected of being used for weapons-related experiments.
Israel has threatened to attack Iran if it believes international sanctions and diplomacy are failing to curb Tehran’s disputed nuclear program. Iran says its program is solely for peaceful purposes.
Netanyahu’s latest comments reflect Israel’s stance that time for military action is quickly running out.
Netanyahu’s remarks suggested a growing Israeli impatience with its main ally, the United States, and other countries that have been pressing him to give diplomacy and sanctions more time to work and hold off on any go-it-alone Israeli strike on Iran.
“I believe the truth must be stated: The international community is not placing a clear red line for Iran and Iran does not see international resolve to stop its nuclear programme,” Netanyahu told his cabinet.
“Unless Iran sees this clear red line and this clear resolve it will not stop moving forward with its nuclear programme, and Iran must not have nuclear weapons,” he said in broadcast remarks.
Although Netanyahu did not single out the United States or U.S. President Barack Obama in his criticism, Israeli officials have said they hope for stronger language from the president about possible U.S. military action.
Obama, who has had a frosty relationship with Netanyahu, has insisted he will not allow Iran to build atomic weapons and that all options are on the table.
I believe that the Israeli Prime Minister really believes that he wants an attack prior to the November 2012 US presidential election as he suspects that is the best way to pressure the USA to support his plans. He may be right about that.
While Israel does face a real threat from Iran, it has long been my view that its Prime Minister has been a bit too optimistic about the difficulties that an attack against Iran could pose for his country (as well as that of the United States). The position of the Obama Administration of the dangers is closer to the reality of the situation. The situation in Syria, for one example, is quite tense and fighting Israel may be perceived to be in Syria’s best interest (Syria is a strong Iranian ally). Syrian involvement with Iran could, of course, backfire on Syria and result in major losses (cf. Isaiah 17:1), but that does not mean that its President Assad will not fight Israel (technically, his nation is still at war with Israel) if he feels he and Iran need to do so.
While USA President Obama hopes not to have a major war if Israel strikes Iran, I suspect that a regional war in the Middle East could get out of control. Both sides have electromagnetic pulse and certain other weapons that have not been used in quite the same way that they have the potential to be used now.
According to the Bible, the King of the South (Daniel 11:40) will rise up and we will see if this happens sometime after an Israeli conflict with Iran. Since Iran is not destined to be the King of the South, I have long written that it will somehow be neutralized (through a conflict involving Israel and/or internal strife, etc.)–thus Iran would likely suffer major damage (though a limited strike is possible, by Israel, but that view may prove to be optimistic).
This does not mean that I believe that Israel (or the USA and/or its allies for that matter) will end up without potentially severe losses (actually I do think that Israel and/or one of its allies will), only that Iran and Syria may start to feel so desperate that they will conclude that military conflict with Israel is their best option–if so, this would be a mistake on those nations’ part.
But Israel, and or the USA, are also at risk. Iran and/or Syria have chemical and biological weapons that could affect Israel and the USA, as well the potential for emp type bombs (see LCG: Middle East About to Explode? COGwriter Reports EMP Threat to Iran and USA), “dirty” bombs, and other nuclear-type bombs that Israel and/or the USA may have underestimated. Terrorist and other attacks are also possible–and any could hurt the USA, perhaps more seriously than many Americans think.
Wars do not always go as planned, for either side (or their allies).
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