Venezuela and ‘Socialism’s false promise’
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Cal Thomas wrote the following last year:
May 7, 2016
Given its track record, one wonders why socialism is gaining in popularity in the U.S. and what appeal it has to a generation that, apparently, knows little about it.A recent survey from Harvard University has found that 51 percent of young people between the ages of 18 and 29 do not support capitalism. Just 42 percent support the economic system that has allowed even the poorest American to live better and to have more opportunity for advancement than most of the rest of the world. Thirty-three percent of those surveyed support socialism.
Why does socialism receive such strong support among the young? I think it’s partly due to what is being taught in too many public schools and universities and it is partly due to ignorance and human nature, which would rather get a check than earn one.
Three quotes about socialism sum up both its false promise and its danger.
— “Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery.” –Winston Churchill
— “The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people’s money.” — Margaret Thatcher
— “The goal of socialism is communism.” — Vladimir Lenin
There are many modern and older examples of socialism’s failures. A modern one is found in Venezuela, a country rich in oil, but politically and economically poor. It’s funny how spreading the wealth around, which is socialism’s major appeal, didn’t trickle from the corrupt and incompetent Caracas government to the Venezuelan poor.
Under the presidency of the late Hugo Chavez, Venezuela’s gross domestic product has dropped to an all-time low and the country’s misery is continuing under his successor, Nicolas Maduro. It’s gotten so bad the government has taken drastic steps. Unfortunately, none include repudiating socialism.
The latest is a reduction in the workweek to two days, Monday and Tuesday, at least until the end of May. It’s supposed to save energy and electricity, which are in short supply.
Surgical sutures are either unavailable, or of poor quality when they can be found. Food shortages are common and the food that is available often requires one to wait in line for many hours to buy even small amounts.
In the Democratic primary last year, both of the leading candidates (Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton) espoused elements of socialism, with one calling himself a socialist.
Venezuela has continued to fall apart, and this has become more and more noticeable to many this year. Yet, socialism continues to gain in popularity among some segments of US society.
Interestingly in the Fall of 2012, the Russian newspaper Pravda claimed:
Barack Obama…is a Communist without question promoting the Communist Manifesto without calling it so.
How shrewd he is in America. His cult of personality mesmerizes those who cannot go beyond their ignorance. …
Alas, the schools in the U.S. were conquered by the Communists long ago and history was revised thus paving the way for their Communist presidents.(Lerma X. Obama’s Soviet Mistake. Pravda, November 19, 2012.
It is true that most in the USA do not seem to realize that its lurch towards socialism/communism has been happening and that the US education system has many with socialist/communist leanings.
Notice more information about how socialism has impacted Venezuela:
April 3, 2017
Venezuela sits on one of the world’s largest oil reserves. As crude prices have fallen, socialism has run the nation’s economy into the ground.
Inflation is in the triple digits, spreading chaos and instability.
Many hospitals are out of medicine — everything from anti-inflammatory drugs to chemotherapy is unavailable — prompting an emergency appeal to the United Nations.
Some grocery store shelves are bare. Malnutrition is widespread; Venezuelans lost almost 20 pounds on average over the past year.
And as his weakening country limps along, in large part because of his incompetent and ideological rule, Nicolás Maduro, successor to Hugo Chávez, tightens his grip on every lever of power.
Maduro’s intelligence officials function as a form of secret police. Under his edicts, they have detained political prisoners without trial.
May 6, 2016
Life isn’t much fun these days in the world’s socialist paradise. If you had to choose a country you didn’t want to live in, Venezuela would be near the top of the list. Corrupt, dysfunctional, bankrupt, crime-ridden, drug-infested, short of practically every basic commodity, it can’t keep the lights on, keep the government running or brew its own beer. Last weekend six army officers were arrested for stealing goats from a farm because they were hungry.
Venezuela has become the basket case of the western hemisphere, a case study on how not to run a country and a living example of what happens when a left-wing government is let loose with utopian economics. The cruel irony is that Venezuela has the world’s largest oil reserves — 298 billion barrels —the raw material on which to build a pleasant and prosperous nation. Yet it recently began importing oil from the U.S., a country it has spent a decade deriding as a mortal enemy. …
It’s a bitter fate for those who must endure it, but a telling one for anybody tempted to embrace the illusory idealism of left-wing economic theory. Seventeen years ago Hugo Chavez came to power armed with vast oil resources and a populist program based on redistribution of wealth from the richest to the poorest. …
Now the country is among the most violent and crime-ridden in the world. Shopping malls, grocery stores and food trucks are targets of mass looting attacks. Four-hour blackouts are a daily occurrence, and the government recently put public employees on a two-day work week to save energy. (Electrical, not theirs). Schools operate on a four-day week. Many people use the empty days to stand in line for food. A fingerprint system is employed to enforce rationing. …
Venezuelans are understandably tired of the socialist miracle.
May 3, 2016
The economic disaster caused by Venezuela’s 21st Century Socialism continues to reap havoc on the nation’s socioeconomic fabric. We have rolling blackouts due to energy shortages. There’s a lack of access to television, long distance phone service, and toilet paper. And with the government failing to provide, the people have resorted to looting.
Loss of almost 20 pounds per person in Venezuela! That rate of societal weight loss is not sustainable.
Yet, both the United Nations and Pope Francis have repeatedly promoted aspects of socialism for their view of a utopian society. Pope Francis called for a European utopia (watch our newest video: Pope Francis dreams of a Babylonian utopia).
Taking from one group to give to another does not work. Socialism cannot lead to a real utopia.
I will also add that neither does unbridled capitalism, democracy, nationalism, communism, nor the other systems that humans have attempted to implement apart from the God of the Bible.
Venezuela, the USA, and the rest of the world needs the Kingdom of God for the coming utopia (watch also Millennial Utopia).
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