Israel Calls Up Two Military Divisions for Yom Kippur Concerns
Israel was attacked on Yom Kippur (the Day of Atonement) in 1973. It wants to take less chances in 2011:
Yom Kippur drill: IDF simulates war call-up
In backdrop of changes in region, IDF chief alerts two reserve divisions to test soldiers’ response level, readiness for war
Yoav Zitun
The IDF is taking no chances on the eve of Yom Kippur. In an unusual and rare step, The IDF’s General Staff alerted two reserve divisions as part of an emergency drill in army bases in central and northern Israel. The purpose of the exercise was to test the soldiers’ level of response and readiness for war.,7340,L-4132399,00.html
Yom Kippur begins tonight at sunset.
As I have been writing for a while, there is a real concern that there will be a regional way involving Jerusalem. And this may have to happen before the peace deal that Daniel 9:27 says will happen. We will see.
Watch (Mark 13, Matthew 24).
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