Pope Francis politely pushes his agenda before a joint session of the US Congress
United States Capital building (Photo by Martin Falbisoner)
Pope Francis spoke before a joint session of the US House of Representatives and Senate today:
September 24, 2015
Pope Francis, a symbol of unity for the world’s 1.2 billion Catholics, on Thursday became the first pontiff in history to address Congress, speaking to America’s elected representatives about preserving “the dignity of your fellow citizens in the tireless and demanding pursuit of the common good.”
On the third day of his first visit to the United States, the pope, himself a son of immigrants, implored America’s leaders to put aside political differences and accept immigrants as their own children.
“Each son or daughter of a given country has a mission, a personal and social responsibility,” the pope said in heavily accented English. “Your own responsibility as members of Congress is to enable this country, by your legislative activity, to grow as a nation.” …
John A. Boehner (R-Ohio), a devout Roman Catholic … and Vice President Biden (D), who is also Catholic, sat behind the pope. In front of him were four justices of the Supreme Court — including three of the six Catholics who currently sit on the nine-member court. …
At least one Catholic congressman, Rep. Paul Gosar (R-Ariz.), has announced he would skip the pope’s appearance, to protest Francis’s advocacy for strong action against global climate change and what Gosar sees as the pope’s failure to speak out “with moral authority against violent Islam.”
“When the pope chooses to act and talk like a leftist politician, then he can expect to be treated like one,” Gosar wrote in a column on Townhall.com. https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/pope-francis-to-address-divided-congress-in-washington-on-thursday/2015/09/23/971b0a9e-6260-11e5-b38e-06883aacba64_story.html
September 24, 2015
Francis’s speech…
The Golden Rule also reminds us of our responsibility to protect and defend human life at every stage of its development.
This conviction has led me, from the beginning of my ministry, to advocate at different levels for the global abolition of the death penalty. …
In Laudato Si’, I call for a courageous and responsible effort to “redirect our steps” (ibid., 61), and to avert the most serious effects of the environmental deterioration caused by human activity. http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2015/09/24/pope-franciss-speech-to-congress-annotated/
I saw a live portion of the pontiff’s speech on the news today, and heard the ending of it live on the radio when I was driving to pick up some booklets today. He basically came across as concerned, polite, and kindly, but with an agenda.
While the Catholic Republican Speaker of the House John Boehner originally invited the pontiff to come, he is likely not pleased with some of what Pope Francis’ agenda means.
Pope Francis has a view of the economy, immigration, and the environment closer to that of US President Barack Obama, than that of Speaker Boehner. But Speaker Boehner was moved to tears when Pope Francis spoke. The whole chamber burst into thunderous applause when Pope Francis ended his speech with ‘God bless America.’
Of course, the Bible allows for the death penalty, and that is NOT a violation of what is known as the “golden rule.”
Tomorrow, Pope Francis is scheduled to speak before the United Nations. According to the Secretary General of the United Nations, the UN and that Vatican have the same agenda (for some specifics on that, see United Nations: Humankind’s Last Hope or New World Order?). Later this month, the United Nations is expected to formally adopt its ‘New Universal Agenda” which I have also called the ‘New Catholic Agenda’ (for more on that, watch UN’s ‘New Universal Agenda’ is a False Gospel!).
The Bible warns that the world will follow and worship the final Beast power in Revelation 13:4,8. The Bible warns that a false religious leader who looks like a lamb, but has the words of a dragon will encourage this to happen:
11 Then I saw another beast coming up out of the earth, and he had two horns like a lamb and spoke like a dragon. 12 And he exercises all the authority of the first beast in his presence, and causes the earth and those who dwell in it to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed. 13 He performs great signs, so that he even makes fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men. 14 And he deceives those who dwell on the earth by those signs which he was granted to do in the sight of the beast, telling those who dwell on the earth to make an image to the beast who was wounded by the sword and lived. (Revelation 13:11-15)
The two-horned beast leader will lead people to an ecumenical/interfaith religion. And whether or not Pope Francis is that leader, he most certainly has advocated an ecumenical/interfaith agenda consistent with what the Bible warns about (Revelation 13:1-18, 14:12, 18:4; Zechariah 2:6-7). Pope Francis has worked with Protestants, the Eastern Orthodox, the United Nations, Muslims, Jews, and others to encourage this.
The Bible warns that God’s people need to not be part of that system (Revelation 14:9-12; 16:2; 18:4). Jesus warned that most people would be deceived (Matthew 24:24) as did the Apostle Paul (2 Thessalonians 2:9-12).
While not all that Pope Francis advocates is bad, he is NOT advocating the Kingdom of God, but the formation of a modern tower of Babel. And end time Mystery Babylon that will harm the world before it is destroyed.
Biblical prophecies show that Rome (cf. Revelation 17:1-9, 18) will be betrayed (Revelation 17:16-17) and that the Antichrist/False Prophet will survive that betrayal until Jesus returns (Revelation 19:19-20).
The Feast of Tabernacles begins this Sunday evening. It helps picture the millennial kingdom of God–this is something that the Church of Rome teaches strongly against. Yet, it is the return of Jesus and the establishment of the kingdom of God that will solve the problems facing the world–not the agenda being pushed by Pope Francis.
Some items of related interest may include:
Will the Interfaith Movement Lead to Peace or Sudden Destruction? Is the interfaith movement going to lead to lasting peace or is it warned against? A video sermon of related interest is: Will the Interfaith Movement lead to World War III? and a video sermon is also available: Do You Know That Babylon is Forming?
United Nations: Humankind’s Last Hope or New World Order? Is the UN the last hope for humanity? Or might its goals end up with sinister results? Two related videos include UN’s ‘New Universal Agenda’ is a False Gospel! and United Nations and Vatican Are Planning the New World Order.
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The Last Pope: Do Biblical and Catholic Prophecies Point to Pope Francis? Amazon Book What does the Bible say about a pope near this time? Is the final pope to be an antipope and antichrist? Does Catholic prophecy point to Pope Francis as being the dreaded “Peter the Roman”? This 186 page book provides information and answers.
The Last Pope: Do Biblical and Catholic Prophecies Point to Pope Francis? Kindle This electronic version of the printed book which is available for only US$2.99. And you do not need an actual Kindle device to read it. Why? Amazon will allow you to download it to almost any device: Please click HERE to download one of Amazon s Free Reader Apps. After you go to for your free Kindle reader and then go to The Last Pope: Do Biblical and Catholic Prophecies Point to Pope Francis? Kindle.
The Malachy Prophecies and “Peter the Roman” An Irish bishop allegedly predicted something about 112 popes in the 12th century. Pope Benedict XVI was number 111. Francis would seem to be number 112–if he is that one–and if so, he is to reign until Rome is destroyed. May he be an antipope/final Antichrist?
Did The Early Church Teach Millenarianism? Was the millennium (sometimes called chiliasm) taught by early Christians? Who condemned it? Will Jesus literally reign for 1000 years on the earth? Is this time near? A related sermon is titled The Millennium.
Why Should American Catholics Fear Unity with the Orthodox? Are the current ecumenical meetings a good thing or will they result in disaster? Is doctrinal compromise good? Here is a link to a related video Should you be concerned about the ecumenical movement?
Beware: Protestants Going Towards Ecumenical Destruction! What is going on in the Protestant world? Are Protestants turning back to their ‘mother church’ in Rome? Does the Bible warn about this? What are Catholic plans and prophecies related to this? Is Protestantism doomed? As far as some changes affecting Protestantism and Pope Francis, watch the video Charismatic Kenneth Copeland and Anglican Tony Palmer: Protestants Beware!
Which Is Faithful: The Roman Catholic Church or the Continuing Church of God? Do you know that both groups shared a lot of the earliest teachings? Do you know which church changed? Do you know which group is most faithful to the teachings of the apostolic church? Which group best represents true Christianity? This documented article answers those questions.
Pope Francis: Could this Marian Focused Pontiff be Fulfilling Prophecy? Pope Francis has taken many steps to turn people more towards his version of ‘Mary.’ Could this be consistent with biblical and Catholic prophecies? This article documents what has been happening. There is also a video version titled Pope Francis: Could this Marian Focused Pontiff be Fulfilling Prophecy?
Could Pope Francis be the Last Pope and Antichrist? Former Argentinian Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio is now Pope Francis. According to some interpretations of the prophecies of the popes by the Catholic saint and Bishop Malachy, Pope Francis is in the position of “Peter the Roman,” the pontiff who reigns during tribulations until around the time of the destruction of Rome. Do biblical prophecies warn of someone that sounds like Peter the Roman? Could Francis be the heretical antipope of Catholic private prophecies and the final Antichrist of Bible prophecy? Could a Jesuit be “the black pope”? Watch also the video Anti-Pope Francis?
The Gospel of the Kingdom of God was the Emphasis of Jesus and the Early Church Did you know that? Do you even know what the gospel of the kingdom is all about? You can also see a YouTube video sermon The Gospel of the Kingdom.
The Feast of Tabernacles: A Time for Christians? Is this pilgrimage holy day still valid? Does it teach anything relevant for today’s Christians? What is the Last Great Day? What do these days teach? A related sermon video is Feast of Tabernacles from Israel.
The Last Great Day: Shemini ‘Azeret What is the ‘eighth day’ of the Feast? What does it help picture? A sermon on this topic is also available: Shemini Azaret: The Last Great Day.
Christians are to Be Strangers and Pilgrims? Should Christians sojourn? What does the Bible and Feast of Tabernacles teach? A related video sermon is titled Christian Pilgrims.
The Feast of Tabernacles: A Time to Learn the Law The Bible teaches that every seven years that the law should be read at the Feast of Tabernacles. This is what I did at the first Feast site were I gave an actual sermon (as opposed to a sermonette) in 2006.
Feast of Tabernacles’ Sites for 2015 This is information on the planned Feast of Tabernacles’ sites for the Continuing Church of God in 2015. The Feast in 2015 begins the evening of September 27th.
Holy Day Calendar This is a listing of the biblical holy days through 2024, with their Roman calendar dates. They are really hard to observe if you do not know when they occur In the Spanish/Español/Castellano language: Calendario de los Días Santos. In Mandarin Chinese: 何日是神的圣日? 这里是一份神的圣日日历从2013年至2024年。.
Hillary Clinton, Prophecy, and the Destruction of the United States This is a 188 page book for people truly interested in prophecies related to Hillary Clinton and the United States, including learning about many that have already been fulfilled and those that will be fulfilled in the future. It also discusses Republicans. The physical book can be purchased at Amazon from the following link: Hillary Clinton, Prophecy, and the Destruction of the United States: Is Hillary Clinton Fulfilling Biblical, Islamic Catholic, Hopi, and other America-Related Prophecies? $11.99.
Hillary Clinton, Prophecy, and the Destruction of the United States-Amazon Kindle edition. This electronic version of the 188 page print edition is available for only US$3.99. And you do not need an actual Kindle device to read it. Why? Amazon will allow you to download it to almost any device: Please click HERE to download one of Amazon s Free Reader Apps. After you go to for your free Kindle reader and then go to Hillary Clinton, Prophecy, and the Destruction of the United States-Amazon Kindle edition.
Barack Obama, Prophecy, and the Destruction of the United States-Second Edition for Second Obama Term This is a 160 page book for people truly interested in prophecies related to Barack Obama and the United States, including learning about many that have already been fulfilled (which the book documents in detail) and those that will be fulfilled in the future. It also has a chapter about a Republican choice. This book is available to order at www.barackobamaprophecy.com. The physical book can also be purchased at Amazon from the following link: Barack Obama, Prophecy, and the Destruction of the United States: Is Barack Obama Fulfilling Biblical, Islamic Catholic, Kenyan, and other America-Related Prophecies? What About Republican Leaders? Second Edition for Second Obama Term.
Barack Obama, Prophecy, and the Destruction of the United States-Second Term-Amazon Kindle edition. This electronic version is available for only US$2.99. And you do not need an actual Kindle device to read it. Why? Amazon will allow you to download it to almost any device: Please click HERE to download one of Amazon s Free Reader Apps. After you go to for your free Kindle reader and then go to Barack Obama, Prophecy, and the Destruction of the United States-Second Term-Amazon Kindle edition.
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