Archive for July, 2013

Popes John Paul II & John XXIII approved for sainthood, but did you notice the Vatican’s criteria?

Saturday, July 6th, 2013

Statue in Fatima, Portugal


The Vatican announced that the late Pope John Paul II had been approved to be canonized as a saint in the Church of Rome:

LONDON — The Vatican has announced that the late Pope John Paul II will be made a saint, after Pope Francis approved a second miracle attributed to the Polish pontiff.  John Paul II led the Roman Catholic Church from 1978 to 2005.

It was in the small Costa Rican town of La Union de Tres Rios where the Vatican says Pope John Paul II performed his second miracle since his death – the criteria required for sainthood.

The late pontiff was credited with curing Floribeth Mora, a woman from the town who had a severe brain injury. Her family prayed to the pope’s memory and says she was cured on May 1, 2011…

John Paul had already been credited with healing a French nun of Parkinson’s disease.

Vatican media reports suggest the canonization ceremony could come as soon as December…

The Vatican announced another former pontiff, Pope John XXIII, will also be made a saint after the current Pope Francis waived the customary rules which require a second miracle.

In a major demonstration of his papal authority, Francis decided to make John XXIII a saint even though the Vatican hasn’t confirmed a second miracle attributed to his intercession. The Vatican said Francis had the power to “dispense” with the normal saint-making procedures to canonize him on his own merit, without a miracle…By canonizing John Paul II along with John XXIII, the Vatican could be seeking to assuage concerns about John Paul’s fast-track sainthood case by tying it together with the 50-year wait since the death of John XXIII.

In the case of Pope John XXIII, who was known as the “good pope”, Francis waived the customary rules requiring a second miracle after beatification, Vatican spokesman Father Federico Lombardi said. John XXIII was beatified in 2000.

Francis, who has tried to instill a spirit of simplicity and reform in the Church since his election in March, is known to have great admiration for the reforming Pope John, who was born of peasant stock in northern Italy.

The current Vatican procedure for making one a saint seems to be that the person be well-known, that people pray to the individual after he/she died, and two reported ‘miracles’ (normally claimed healings) take place after the death credited to the potential saint, which the Vatican makes some attempts to ‘verify.’

Yet, for any other reason, the pope can eliminate the normal criteria.  Or at least Pope Francis did.  There are various ones who have wondered if Pope Francis is truly Catholic (see Is Pope Francis Catholic?).  His move involving John XXIII seems political for many reasons, not the least of which is that Francis is sending a signal that being a reformer of Rome is a sign of a saint–Francis has claimed to be a reformer himself and taking steps consistent with that, hence the Vatican sainthood for John XXIII would seem to be sending a message that Francis considers that he should be treated as a Catholic saint (note: not all popes have been declared saints by the Vatican).

As far as the somewhat traditional Vatican criteria for declaring sainthood compared to the biblical criteria, there are a few points to mention (and I have chosen to use Catholic translations of the Bible to demonstrate that even their versions of the Bible support my points here).

First of all, one does not become a saint after one dies.  The Apostle Paul clearly referred to saints that were alive in his writings.  Here a few examples:

21 Salute ye every saint in Christ Jesus. 22 The brethren who are with me, salute you. All the saints salute you; especially they that are of Caesar’s household. (Philippians 4:21-22, DRB)

1 Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ, by the will of God, to all the saints who are at Ephesus, and to the faithful in Christ Jesus.  (Ephesians 1:1, DRB)

15 And I beseech you, brethren, you know the house of Stephanas, and of Fortunatus, and of Achaicus, that they are the firstfruits of Achaia, and have dedicated themselves to the ministry of the saints:  (1 Corinthians 16:15, DRB)

The Bible does not endorse the Pope or anyone else being able to canonize someone after death.  One becomes a saint, a firstfruit, by becoming a real Christian.  There are literally dozens of scriptures that use the term saints for people living at the time the New Testament was written.

Another is that there is one mediator, and that is Jesus, and no one else:

5 For there is one God, and one mediator of God and men, the man Christ Jesus: (1 Timothy 2:5, DRB)

People are not to pray to dead people.  There is no verse in the Bible that shows that any of God’s people ever did that.

Notice also something that the Apostle Peter stated:

10…the name of our Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom you crucified, whom God hath raised from the dead, even by him this man standeth here before you whole.

11 This is the stone which was rejected by you the builders, which is become the head of the corner.

12 Neither is there salvation in any other. For there is no other name under heaven given to men, whereby we must be saved.  (Acts 4:10-12)

Notice that Peter did not claim he could heal anybody.  Furthermore, he would not allow people to bow down before him:

25. And it came to pass, When Peter was come in, Cornelius came to meet him, and falling at his feet adored.  26. But Peter lifted him up saying, Arise, myself also am a man. (Acts 10:25-26, DRB)

Christians are not supposed to pray dead humans for intercession.  Notice what the Bible teaches that the sick are to do:

14 Any one of you who is ill should send for the elders of the church, and they must anoint the sick person with oil in the name of the Lord and pray over him.

15 The prayer of faith will save the sick person and the Lord will raise him up again; and if he has committed any sins, he will be forgiven. (James 5:14-15, NJB)

Those who pray to the dead for healing are not in obedience to these biblical instructions.

As far as John Paul II goes, after the assassination attempt on his life, he was instrumental in getting Catholics to pay more attention to Fatima and “Mary.”  This is in odd contrast to John XXIII.

Pope John XXIII had so many concerns about Lúcia of Fatima (the main person who saw and reported about seeing the apparitions in 1917)  that allegedly he wanted her “silenced” (Socci A. The Fourth Secret of Fatima. Loreto Publications, English Translation 2009, p. 131).  Pope John XXIII apparently did not believe Lúcia’s visions were from “the Madonna” (Socci, p. 105).    In 1960, Pope John XXIII simply did not believe the apparitions were messages from Mary or Heaven.  According to Priest Martin, John XXIII was “hostile” to “the three prophets of Fatima” (Socci, p. 87).  So, there seems to be a contradiction between how two popes viewed Fatima, yet both were declared saints at the same time by Pope Francis.

As far as John XXIII goes, some have suggested that he is an ‘incorruptible’ as his body did not decay much (at least for a while) in his casket.  This used to be a major criteria for sainthood by the Church of Rome.  However, even Vatican officials admit that in John XXIII’s case that this had to do basically with the type of embalming and other physical factors ( Phil Stewart. Vatican not afraid to show Pope’s face of death. Reuters, June 6, 2005. viewed 07/06/2103).

It is my view that the usual criteria for sainthood by the Vatican gets people to look away from what the Bible actually teaches and puts too great of emphasis on signs that appear to be ‘lying wonders’ which deceive many (cf. Matthew 24:11; 2 Thessalonians 2:9).

And this general emphasis towards the pointing to signs and wonders will be a factor in the rise of the Beast and Antichrist, and possibly will involve a female appearing figure (cf. Isaiah 47; Revelation 17 & 18).

But true Christians are to “walk by faith, and not by sight” (2 Corinthians 5:7).  In my view, Pope Francis is walking by signs, wonders, and politics and not biblical criteria.  This does not bode well for the world.

Some items of related interest may include:

Could Pope Francis be the Last Pope and Antichrist? According to some interpretations of the prophecies of the popes by the Catholic saint and Bishop Malachy, Pope Francis I is in the position of “Peter the Roman,” the pontiff who reigns during tribulations until around the time of the destruction of Rome. Do biblical prophecies warn of someone that sounds like Peter the Roman? Could Francis I be the heretical antipope of Catholic private prophecies and the final Antichrist of Bible prophecy? This is a YouTube video.
The Malachy Prophecies and “Peter the Roman” An Irish bishop allegedly predicted something about 112 popes in the 12th century. Pope Benedict XVI was number 111. Francis would seem to be number 112–if he is that one–and if so, he is to reign until Rome is destroyed. May he be an antipope/final Antichrist?
Some Doctrines of Antichrist Are there any doctrines taught outside the Churches of God which can be considered as doctrines of antichrist? This article suggests at least three. It also provides information on 666 and the identity of “the false prophet.” Plus it shows that several Catholic writers seem to warn about an ecumenical antipope that will support heresy. You can also watch a video titled What Does the Bible teach about the Antichrist?
Catholic Prophecies: Do They Mirror, Highlight, or Contradict Biblical Prophecies? People of all faiths may be surprised to see what various Roman and Orthodox Catholic prophets have been predicting as many of their predictions will be looked to in the 21st century.
Mary, the Mother of Jesus and the Apparitions Do you know much about Mary? Are the apparitions real? What happened at Fatima? What might they mean for the rise of the ecumenical religion of Antichrist? Are Protestants moving towards Mary? How do the Eastern/Greek Orthodox view Mary? How might Mary view her adorers? See also the video Marian Apparitions May Fulfill Prophecy.
Feast of the Immaculate Conception? Did early Christians teach Mary had an immaculate conception and led a sinless life?
Origin of the Marian Dogmas: Where Do Catholic Scholars Say The Four Dogmas of Mary Came From?
Assumption of Mary Did Mary die? Was she taken to heaven on August 15th? What is known? What does the Bible show?
Will You Be Deceived by Antichrist? 1964 article by David Jon Hill, originally published in the old Good News magazine.
Two Horned Beast of Revelation and 666 Who is 666? This article explains how the COG views this, and compares this to Ellen White.
Europa, the Beast, and Revelation Where did Europe get its name? What might Europe have to do with the Book of Revelation? What about “the Beast”? Is an emerging European power “the daughter of Babylon”? What is ahead for Europe? Here is a link to a video titled: Can You Prove that the Beast to Come is European?

Proverbs 1-7 Sermon

Saturday, July 6th, 2013


The sermon recommended today from the Continuing Church of God is titled: Proverbs: Practical advice for those who wish to follow God. It is on the ContinuingCOG YouTube channel.

The Book of Proverbs provides practical advice for those who wish to follow God. It expounds on the benefits and value of wisdom and understanding and explains that they are more valuable than gold, silver, or rubies. In this video, Dr. Thiel expounds the first seven chapters of the Book of Proverbs.

The Book of Proverbs basically starts off by essentially saying that what it is teaching is has value:

1 The proverbs of Solomon the son of David, king of Israel:

2 To know wisdom and instruction,
To perceive the words of understanding,
3 To receive the instruction of wisdom,
Justice, judgment, and equity;
4 To give prudence to the simple,
To the young man knowledge and discretion —
5 A wise man will hear and increase learning,
And a man of understanding will attain wise counsel,
6 To understand a proverb and an enigma,
The words of the wise and their riddles.

7 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge,
But fools despise wisdom and instruction.  (Proverbs 1:1-7)

Possibly the portion of it that humans violate the most is the following:

5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
And lean not on your own understanding;
6 In all your ways acknowledge Him,
And He shall direct your paths.  (Proverbs 3:5-6)

I include a paraphrase of the above in my daily prayers.  Christians really need to realize that they need to trust God more than they do and their own misunderstandings less.

For more information, please check out the following:

Proverbs: Practical advice for those who wish to follow God.  The Book of Proverbs provides practical advice for those who wish to follow God. It expounds on the benefits and value of wisdom and understanding and explains that they are more valuable than gold, silver, or rubies. In this video, Dr. Thiel expounds the first seven chapters of the Book of Proverbs.
The Seven Laws of Success Booklet by Herbert W. Armstrong that can help people become successful.
Living as a Christian: How and Why? In what ways do Christians live differently than others. What about praying, fasting, tithing, holy days, and the world? There is also a YouTube video related to that also called: Living as a Christian: How and Why?
Why Were You Born? Why did God make you? Herbert W. Armstrong wrote this as a booklet on this important subject. You may also wish to read the article What is Your Destiny? or watch the video, also titled What is Your Destiny?
What is the Meaning of Life? Who does God say is happy? What is your ultimate destiny? Do you really know? Does God actually have a plan for YOU personally? There is also a video titled What is the meaning of your life?
Just What Do You Mean — Repentance? Do you know what repentance is? Have you truly repented? Repented of what? Herbert W. Armstrong wrote this as a booklet on this important subject.
Do Christians Sin? This is an article by Herbert W. Armstrong.
Overcoming Sin What is sin? How are Christians suppose to overcome it? Here is a link to a version in Mandarin Chinese: 克服是重要的. Here is also a link to a video in English titled How to Overcome Sin.
How to Prevent Sin This is an article by Herbert W. Armstrong. Here is a version in Mandarin: 如何不犯罪 Just What Do You Mean Conversion? Many think that they are converted Christians. But are they? Would you like to know more about conversion. Herbert W. Armstrong wrote this as a booklet on this important subject.

Israeli Minister calls for rebuilding of ‘third temple’

Friday, July 5th, 2013

Remaining Bricks of the Church of God on Jerusalem’s Western Hill


This month, the government of Israel and representatives of the Vatican are to have further discussions on who is to control an area that could have housed the original Christian church building:

July 5, 2013

Minister calls for third Temple to be built

Potentially explosive statement by Jewish Home’s Uri Ariel breaks taboo against damaging status quo on Temple Mount…

“We’ve built many little, little temples,” Ariel said, referring to synagogues, “but we need to build a real Temple on the Temple Mount.”

The Jerusalem site was home to Judaism’s first and second Temples, both of which were destroyed, the second one in 70 CE. The idea of building a third Temple, while popular among some religious and right-wing Jews, is considered outside mainstream Israeli discourse by most.

While many evangelicals believe that a Jewish temple must be rebuilt in Jerusalem before Jesus comes and establishes His kingdom on the earth, the Bible does not actually teach that.

As far as the temple goes, the Bible shows that the Jews do not believe that they need a temple in order to resume animal sacrifices.  Notice:

6 From the first day of the seventh month began they to offer burnt offerings unto the LORD. But the foundation of the temple of the LORD was not yet laid. (Ezra 3:6)

Various Jews understand this as well:

The 71 members of the “Re-established Sanhedrin” say they want to begin sacrificing animals again, despite the absence of the Temple, the ritual altar and all the required implements listed in the Bible. Rabbi Dov Stein of the group admitted…

“We want to do the sacrifice, but we have political problems,” Stein said. “We hope there will come a time when the government will agree. We will push for that to happen.” (Rabbis aim to renew animal sacrifices. Associated Press. Feb 28, 2007.

Several years ago, I contacted that group and asked why it felt that sacrifices can be started before a temple is rebuilt.

The response received was:

Rabbi Yeshayahu Hollander wrote:

רמב”ם, מעשה הקרבנות, פרק יט , הלכה טז והלכה יז:

טז [טו] מִי שֶׁשָּׁחַט קֳדָשִׁים בַּזְּמָן הַזֶּה, וְהֶעֱלָה חוּץ לָעֲזָרָה–חַיָּב: מִפְּנֵי שְׁהוּא רָאוּי לִקָּרֵב בִּפְנִים–שֶׁהֲרֵי מֻתָּר לְהַקְרִיב, אַף עַל פִּי שְׁאֵין בַּיִת, שֶׁקְּדֻשָּׁה רִאשׁוֹנָה קִדְּשָׁה לְשָׁעָתָהּ וְקִדְּשָׁה לָעֲתִיד לָבוֹא, כְּמוֹ שֶׁבֵּאַרְנוּ.
יז [טז] הַשּׁוֹחֵט קָדְשֵׁי גּוֹיִים בַּחוּץ, חַיָּב; וְכֵן הַמַּעֲלֶה אוֹתָן בַּחוּץ. וְהַגּוֹיִים מֻתָּרִין לְהַקְרִיב עוֹלוֹת לַה’, בְּכָל מָקוֹם–וְהוּא, שֶׁיַּקְרִיבוּ בַּבָּמָה שֶׁיִּבְנוּ. וְאָסוּר לְסַיְּעָן, וְלַעֲשׂוֹת שְׁלִיחוּתָן–שֶׁהֲרֵי נֶאֱסַר עָלֵינוּ לְהַקְרִיב בַּחוּץ; וּמֻתָּר לְהוֹרוֹת לָהֶם, וּלְלַמְּדָם הֵיאַךְ יַקְרִיבוּ לְשֵׁם הָאֵל בָּרוּךְ הוּא.


Hichot Maasei HaKorbanot [The Procedures of Offering Sacrifices]

Chapter 19

Paragraph 17:

He who slaughters a Sacrifice in this period [when we have no Temple], and offered the sacrifice outside the Azara [the alloted area of the Temple] – is culpable, because the offering must be performed in the Azara, SINCE IT IS PERMITTED TO PERFORM SACRIFICES despite having no Temple, since the sanctity of the Temple is eternal.

Paragraph 18:

He who slaughters the sacrifice of a gentile outside the Azara is culpable, as is one who performs the offering. NON JEWS are permitted to offer burnt-offerings anywhere, on an alkter which they built. Jews may not help them in the performance of this sacrifice, since Jews may not offer sacrifices outside the Azara. But we may instruct them and teach them how to perform sacrificesto the ASlmighty God, Blessed be He.

Additionally, it is worth noting that on 5766, Rabbi Benyamin Fuss published a 445 page book on Sacrifices of non-jews, of which the text proper is of 372 pages [the rest are indices, etc.] called Torat Habamah: Regarding sacrifices on an Altar outside the Temple. (Email from the Sanhedrin webmaster Abrahamson to Bob Thiel September 17, 2008).

Rabbi Yeshayahu Hollander is the English language spokesman for the nascent Sanhedrin.

The webmaster of the Sanhedrin added the following in a subsequent email:

This quote comes from Maimonides’ (Rambam) work the Mishneh Torah.

The nascent Sanhedrin sees itself as the continuation of rabbinic jurisprudence, and must take into account all halachic works written to date, and proceed from there. (Email from the Sanhedrin webmaster Abrahamson to Bob Thiel September 17, 2008).

Thus, it appears to be a longstanding position of some Jewish scholars that Jewish sacrifices can be started on an altar and, as long as it is in the area of the old temple, that a physical temple is not first required.

This is consistent with Ezra’s previously quoted practice.

Yet, for various reasons, many want a temple anyway.

Was there a “Third Temple’?

Interestingly, there already was a ‘third temple’ in Jerusalem.  It was a Christian building constructed shortly after 70 A.D. and was composed, to a great degree, of stones/bricks from the previous temple.  This building was the Church of God on Jerusalem’s Western Hill and is commonly referred to as the Cenacle.  It is certainly possible that it will play a role in end time prophecy (see Does the ‘Cenacle’ deal have prophetic ramifications?) as there is a chance the man of sin (the Beast of Revelation 13 and King of the North of Daniel 11) may sit in it (Who is the Man of Sin of 2 Thessalonians 2?).

A wall of the building still remains above ground, and various foundational stones below ground.  Since Christians are ‘the temple of God’ in the New Testament, there is not biblical requirement that a Jewish temple must be rebuilt before the millennium begins.

Various ones believe that the Church of God on Jerusalem’s Western Hill could have been the first specific building that Christians built for church services.

Whether or not this is the original Christian church building, the fact that the Church of Rome now has at least tentative permission for the Pope (and others) to have a seat there suggests

Some items of possibly related interest may include:

Why is a Jewish Temple in Jerusalem Not Required? Although people like Timothy LaHaye teach a third Jewish temple is required, who is ‘the temple of God” in the New Testament? Does the Bible require a rebuilt Jewish Temple?
Church of God on Jerusalem’s Western Hill Could this building, often referred to as the Cenacle, possibly have been the oldest actual Christian church building?
Does the ‘Cenacle’ deal have prophetic ramifications?  After a 20 year negotiation, the Church of Rome has negotiated the right to have Catholic mass in the building known as the Cenacle.  It is in the area where the Church of God on Jerusalem’s Western Hill once stood.  This is believed to be the location of the earliest Christian church building.  How does the Bible define the ‘temple of God’ in the New Testament? Could this be the area where the ‘man of sin’ will sit in the “temple of God’ that Bible prophecy discusses in 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4?  This is a YouTube video.
Jerusalem: Past, Present, and Future What does the Bible say about Jerusalem and its future? Is Jerusalem going to be divided and eliminated? Is Jesus returning to the area of Jerusalem? There is also a related YouTube video you can watch titled Jerusalem To be divided and eliminated.
Who is the Man of Sin of 2 Thessalonians 2? Is this the King of the North, the ten-horned beast of Revelation 13:1-11, or the two-horned Beast of Revelation 13:12-16? Some rely on traditions, but what does the Bible teach? Here is a related link in Spanish/español: ¿Quién es el Hombre de Pecado de 2 Tesalonicenses 2? Here is a version in Mandarin: 主编: 谁是’大罪人’?Here is a link to a related YouTube video, in English, titled Who is the Man of Sin?
Continuing Church of God The group striving to be most faithful amongst all real Christian groups to the word of God.

Muslim Brotherhood protests removal of President Morsi; some killed by army.

Friday, July 5th, 2013

Muslim Brotherhood


Supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood and Egypt’s elected President Morsi are protesting in Egypt:

July 05, 2013

Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood…is part of an alliance of Islamist parties calling for peaceful protests to follow afternoon prayers across the country…
He was replaced by Adly Mansour, a top judge who was sworn in Thursday as interim president — a move that was quickly rejected by the Brotherhood.

Islam Abdel-Rahman, who is on the the foreign affairs committee of the Muslim Brotherhood’s Freedom and Justice Party, told VOA that his group will not take part in any military-led political process.

But he says his group is calling for strictly peaceful protests against the move.

“We believe in peaceful means of defying this military coup,” Abdel-Rahman said. “We don’t believe in taking up arms or something like this. We still believe this country can be managed by political means.”

He also rejected regional comparisons that some have made to other countries that experienced widespread unrest following military takeovers.

“Egypt is not like Pakistan. Egypt is not like Algeria,” he said. “Egypt is Egypt and people are very confident and determined that we can give an example of a peaceful challenge to an armed coup.”

Friday’s protests are seen by some as a test of whether the Islamist faction still has the popular support that brought it to power in a series of elections held since the ouster of authoritarian leader Hosni Mubarak in 2011.

There were no signs of mass violence by mid-day Friday. Still, there were fears of retaliation, possibly by fringe Islamist elements, in response to what some consider a military coup against their elected leader.

Early Friday, security officials said “Islamist gunmen” attacked several military and police checkpoints in the lawless northern Sinai, killing an Egyptian soldier and wounding at least two others.

Egypt’s military is calling for reconciliation and playing down concerns of a revenge campaign against the Muslim Brotherhood. A military spokesperson Thursday said no arbitrary measures will be taken against any political group.

But as of early Friday, prosecutors had issued arrest warrants for 300 of the group’s members and detained some of its top leaders. Morsi has also been placed in military custody.
The Brotherhood has also slammed the military for shutting down its official television channel and newspaper, as well as several other Islamist media outlets. In a statement, the group said the moves bring Egypt “back to the era of repressive practices, dictatorship, and corruption.”

Judicial officials say they will open an investigation next week against Morsi and other Brotherhood members on charges of “insulting the judiciary.”…

The military has already suspended the country’s Islamist-backed constitution and dissolved the parliament. It plans to soon set up a panel to review the constitution and set a timetable for new elections.

July 5, 2013

Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood called for a wave of protests Friday, furious over the military’s ouster of its president and arrest of its revered leader and other top figures, raising fears of violence and retaliation from Islamic militants.The first coordinated assault by Islamic militants since the ouster of Mohammed Morsi came in the lawless Sinai Peninsula. Masked assailants launched coordinated attacks with rockets, mortars, RPGs and anti-aircraft guns on el-Arish airport, where military aircrafts are stationed, as well as the Central Security camp in Rafah and five military and police posts.

The military and security forces returned the fire. Military helicopters flew over the area…Military officials denied reports that an official state of emergency had been declared in south Sinai on Friday, but added that troops in the area remained on alert.

The military forced Morsi out Wednesday after millions of Egyptians turned out in four days of protests. After its top leaders were targeted with arrest warrants, the Muslim Brotherhood hotly rejected an appeal by the military to take part in forming a new regime.

A military statement late Thursday appeared to signal a wider wave of arrests was not in the offing. A spokesman, Col. Ahmed Mohammed Ali, said in a Facebook posting that that the army and security forces will not take “any exceptional or arbitrary measures” against any political group.

Egypt is being affected by basically four groups:

  1. The military who correctly suspected that President Morsi wanted to curb its influence and take it in a direction that it did not want to go.
  2. The secularists who correctly suspected that President Morsi was implementing an Islamic agenda.
  3. The Muslim Brotherhood who supported President Morsi’s agenda.
  4. Certain other Islamic groups that did not feel that President Morsi was working enough towards their Islamic agendas.

And of course, there are the Copts and other non-Muslims who faced additional persecution from the Morsi Administration, as well as people simply frustrated by Egypt’s economic state, etc.

Now, the USA has a problem in that it backed Dr. Morsi in the past and recently abandoned him.  Yet since the USA claims it supports democracy, it has in effect supported ‘mobocracy’ (rule by mobs).   This is fairly hypocritical and much of the world can see this.  But the USA has a history of hypocrisy and this will not bode well for the USA (cf. Isaiah 10:5-11, KJV).

But getting back to Egypt, what was the agenda that Dr. Morsi wanted?

Dr. Morsi wanted the establish a nation that firmly backed the Muslim Brotherhood and its objectives.

Which are?

The Muslim Brotherhood wants as its top priority a pan-national Islamic caliphate based upon Sharia law ruled by an Imam/Caliph.

When Dr. Morsi was responsible for the official website of the Muslim Brotherhood, it put up an article that stated the following:

The Muslim Brethren…believe that the caliphate is a symbol of Islamic Union and an indication of the bonds between the nations of Islam. They see the caliphate and its re-establishment as a top priority, subsequently; an association of Muslims people should be set up, which would elect the imam”. (zhyntativ. HASAN AL-BANNA AND HIS POLITICAL THOUGHT OF ISLAMIC BROTHERHOOD. IkhwanWeb, May 13, 2008. viewed 09/22/11)

What is the Muslim Brotherhood?
The world’s largest and most influential Islamist movement…“The Islamic nation,” its charter states, “must be fully prepared to fight the tyrants and the enemies of Allah as a prelude to establishing an Islamic state”—ideally a re-established caliphate, stretching from Spain across the Middle East and Central Asia to Indonesia, to be governed according to Islamic sharia law. (Understanding the Muslim Brotherhood. February 14, 2011. © The Muslim Brotherhood. viewed 11/21/2011)

While the Muslim Brotherhood will not get all the territory it wants, it is likely to end up in some type of confederation with at least most of North Africa and the Middle East.  This appears to be a Sunni Muslim goal and is consistent with the territory that the King of the South of Bible prophecy will lead (Daniel 11:40-43).

The Muslim Brotherhood is a Sunni Muslim group (countries such as Iran and Iraq are mainly Shi’ite Muslims).  A few ago, Egypt’s President Morsi called for Egyptian fighters to begin a war against three Shi’ite ruled nations, including Syria (see Egypt’s Morsi taking ‘King of the South’ steps, but…).  This did not set well with the military in Egypt and it decided that it wanted to see certain changes from President Morsi or it would support the unelected opposition.  When the changes the military wanted did not quickly materialize, after mob protests, it removed President Morsi from office and declared the Chief Justice of its Supreme Court, Adly Mansour, as interim president (Adly Mansour installed as Egypt’s interim president).

So, the Muslim Brotherhood called for protests.

Despite the changes in Egypt this week, there is still going to be a rise of a pan-national Arabic power (with likely support from Turkey and others) similar to what the Muslim Brotherhood wants.

The situation in Egypt will change as this will come to pass.

UPDATE 12:00 pm  PDT/3:00 pm EDT.  Protesters supporting the Muslim Brotherhood have reportedly been killed by the Egyptian army:

Egyptian troops have opened fire on protesters marching in support of ousted President Mohammed Morsi, killing three and wounding dozens.

The shooting came as crowds moved to the Republican Guard headquarters, where Mr Morsi is believed to be held.

Later the Muslim Brotherhood’s leader told supporters that protests would continue until Mr Morsi was reinstated.

The army, which removed Mr Morsi on Wednesday after days of unrest, denied shooting live rounds at demonstrators.

However the BBC’s Jeremy Bowen at the scene says he saw soldiers fire on the protesters.

Army troops opened fire Friday on protesters demanding the reinstatement of toppled President Mohammed Morsi, killing at least one, as supporters of the Islamist leader rallied across Egypt chanting “Down with military rule!”

This incident will hurt the army in the long run, and perhaps sooner.  The situation in Egypt will change as I have been writing and Egypt will be part of a multinational confederation that will be the King of the South of Bible prophecy.

Some items of possibly related interest may include:

The Future King of the South is Rising Does the Bible teach that there will be a future King of the South in Daniel 11? Is this kingdom rising up now? Did the old Worldwide Church of God (WCG) teach that there would be another one? And who is the King of the South? How will this involve Egypt? Is the final King of the South some type of Arab-Muslim confederation? Can Iran be involved? Is there a group that seems to be supporting the goals of the King of the South? Has the Obama Administration supported the rise of this power? This sermon video answers those questions.
The Muslim Brotherhood and the Rise of the King of the South The Bible tells of the formation of a power of nations that are in the Middle East and North Africa that are part of the final “King of the South” (Daniel 11:40-43) The Muslim Brotherhood wishes to have an Islamic empire with basically the same nations. This YouTube video explains what to expect from such a confederation.
Is There A Future King of the South? Some no longer believe there needs to be. Might Egypt, Islam, Iran, Arabs, or Ethiopia be involved? Might this King be called the Mahdi? What does the Bible say?
The Arab and Islamic World In the Bible, History, and Prophecy The Bible discusses the origins of the Arab world and discusses the Middle East in prophecy. What is ahead for the Middle East and those who follow Islam? What about the Imam Mahdi? What lies ahead for Turkey, Iran, and the other non-Arabic Muslims?
What Should You Know About Turkey in Prophecy Do you know the Turkish people descended from? Did the Ottoman Empire possibly fulfill a promise in Genesis? Will Turkey support the European King of the North or Arabic King of the South? Will it betray one of them? Will Turkey be involved in the encouraging the destruction of Israel? Is Turkey going to become Catholic? Is Turkey mentioned in Psalm 83, Daniel 11, and elsewhere in the Bible? This video provides answers.
Damascus and Syria in Prophecy Will Bashar Assad hold power as he has it? Does the Bible show that Damascus, the capital of Syria, will be destroyed? What will happen to Syria? Will the Syrians support the final King of the South that the Bible tells will rise up? Which scriptures discuss the rise and fall of an Arabic confederation? Does Islamic prophecy predict the destruction of Syria. This is a YouTube video.
Is There an Islamic Antichrist? Is Joel Richardson correct that the final Antichrist will be Islamic and not European? Find out.
Barack Obama in Islamic Prophecy? There is actually a 17th century Shiite prophecy that some believe that Barack Obama will fulfill that will lead to a rising up of Islam.
Arabic Nazarenes May Have Kept Original Christian Practices Were their faithful Arabs who held to original Christianity?
Nazarene Christianity: Were the Original Christians Nazarenes? Should Christians be Nazarenes today? What were the practices of the Nazarenes.
Barack Obama, Prophecy, and the Destruction of the United States-Second Edition for Second Obama Term This is a 160 page book for people truly interested in prophecies related to Barack Obama and the United States, including learning about many that have already been fulfilled (which the book documents in detail) and those that will be fulfilled in the future. It also has a chapter about a Republican choice. This book is available to order at The physical book can also be purchased at Amazon from the following link: Barack Obama, Prophecy, and the Destruction of the United States: Is Barack Obama Fulfilling Biblical, Islamic Catholic, Kenyan, and other America-Related Prophecies? What About Republican Leaders? Second Edition for Second Obama Term.
Barack Obama, Prophecy, and the Destruction of the United States-Second Term-Amazon Kindle edition. This electronic version is available for only US$2.99. And you do not need an actual Kindle device to read it. Why? Amazon will allow you to download it to almost any device: Please click HERE to download one of Amazon s Free Reader Apps. After you go to for your free Kindle reader and then go to Barack Obama, Prophecy, and the Destruction of the United States-Second Term-Amazon Kindle edition.

Turkish government blaming the ‘Jews’ for the protests there

Friday, July 5th, 2013

Mosque in Istanbul, Turkey


Top leaders in Turkey are blaming ‘the Jews’ for the protests that Turkey has faced:

Turkey’s Islamist government, frightened by protests that began in Istanbul in May, has decided to use a time-honored technique in order to deflect attention away from the real motivations of the protesters: blame the Jews.

Deputy Prime Minister Besir Atalay said, “There are some circles that are jealous of Turkey’s growth. They are all uniting, on one side the Jewish diaspora. You saw the foreign media’s attitude during the Gezi Park incidents. They bought it and started broadcasting immediately, without doing an evaluation of the [case].”

Atalay also blamed the “international media,” a code phrase for an apocryphal Jewish conspiracy. He echoed Prime Minister Erdogan, who said the protests resulted from “the interest-rate lobby,” a term that the Turkish media uses to reference an alleged conspiracy of Jewish businessmen.

Could this have prophetic ramifications?

It suggests that certain leaders of the Turks are trying to stir up anti-Jewish sentiment in their country.

The Bible shows that Turkey will be part of the destruction of Jerusalem:

7 Remember, O Lord, against the sons of Edom
The day of Jerusalem,
Who said, “Raze it, raze it,
To its very foundation!” (Psalm 137:7)

Notice that Edom wants Jerusalem destroyed (consistent with its desires in Psalm 83).  Turkey apparently will help with and encourage the destruction of Jerusalem/Judea (also captives from that area will apparently be sent to Turkey per Amos 1:6,9).

The Bible indicates that Turkey will suffer mightily for some of its actions, including apparently how it will help destroy the Jewish nation of Israel (perhaps as venegance for what Israel might do if Iran attacks it–which is something that I have suspected in the past):

12 ‘Thus says the Lord God: “Because of what Edom did against the house of Judah by taking vengeance, and has greatly offended by avenging itself on them,” 13 therefore thus says the Lord God: “I will also stretch out My hand against Edom, cut off man and beast from it, and make it desolate from Teman; Dedan shall fall by the sword. 14 I will lay My vengeance on Edom by the hand of My people Israel, that they may do in Edom according to My anger and according to My fury; and they shall know My vengeance,” says the Lord God. (Ezekiel 25:12-14)

15 As you rejoiced because the inheritance of the house of Israel was desolate, so I will do to you; you shall be desolate, O Mount Seir, as well as all of Edom — all of it! Then they shall know that I am the Lord. (Ezekiel 35:15)

19 “Egypt shall be a desolation,
And Edom a desolate wilderness,
Because of violence against the people of Judah,
For they have shed innocent blood in their land. (Joel 3:19)

11 Thus says the Lord: “For three transgressions of Edom, and for four,
I will not turn away its punishment,
Because he pursued his brother with the sword,
And cast off all pity;
His anger tore perpetually,
And he kept his wrath forever. (Amos 1:11)

8 “Will I not in that day,” says the Lord,”Even destroy the wise men from Edom, And understanding from the mountains of Esau? 9 Then your mighty men, O Teman, shall be dismayed, To the end that everyone from the mountains of Esau
May be cut off by slaughter.
10 “For violence against your brother Jacob, Shame shall cover you, And you shall be cut off forever. 11 In the day that you stood on the other side— In the day that strangers carried captive his forces, When foreigners entered his gates
And cast lots for Jerusalem— Even you were as one of them. (Obadiah 8-11)

17 “Edom also shall be an astonishment;
Everyone who goes by it will be astonished
And will hiss at all its plagues.
18 As in the overthrow of Sodom and Gomorrah
And their neighbors,” says the Lord,
“No one shall remain there,
Nor shall a son of man dwell in it. (Jeremiah 49:17-18)

Though, like others, salvation will be available to the Turks. But apparently because of how the Turks are expected to betray Israel, God has a special punishment first.

The current stirrings in Turkey show a conflict between the Islamists and the secularists, but now the supposed ‘Jews’ have been brought into this.

This seems to tie in with end time prophecy.

Some items of possibly related interest may include:

What Should You Know About Turkey in Prophecy Do you know the Turkish people descended from? Did the Ottoman Empire possibly fulfill a promise in Genesis? Will Turkey support the European King of the North or Arabic King of the South? Will it betray one of them? Will Turkey be involved in the encouraging the destruction of Israel? Is Turkey going to become Catholic? Is Turkey mentioned in Psalm 83, Daniel 11, and elsewhere in the Bible? This video provides answers.
The Arab World In the Bible, History, and Prophecy The Bible discusses the origins of the Arab world and discusses the Middle East in prophecy. What is ahead for the Middle East and those who follow Islam? What about the Imam Mahdi?
Is the Future King of the South Rising Up? Some no longer believe there needs to be a future King of the South. Might Egypt, Islam, Iran, Arabs, or Ethiopia be involved? Might this King be called the Mahdi or Caliph? What does the Bible say?
The Muslim Brotherhood and the Rise of the King of the South The Bible tells of the formation of a power of nations that are in the Middle East and North Africa that are part of the final “King of the South” (Daniel 11:40-43) The Muslim Brotherhood wishes to have an Islamic empire with basically the same nations. This YouTube video explains what to expect from such a confederation.

American street preacher arrested in the UK for declaring homosexuality ‘sin’

Thursday, July 4th, 2013

The Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah


Freedom of religion and speech have long been under attack in the UK.  But it appears to be getting worse there as the following suggests:

July 4, 2013

Christian arrested for calling homosexuality a ‘sin’ warns of ‘real-life thought police’

A Christian street preacher has been arrested and questioned about his beliefs after saying that he thinks homosexuality is a “sin”.

The individual arrested was an American street preacher who was arrested in London for his statements.  Apparently some were disturbed by his quoting and explanation of various biblical passages and considered that he was insulting and ‘homophobic.’
Years ago, Canada fined someone who put an ad in a magazine, as well as the magazine’s owner, for simply quoting (without additional comment) anti-homosexual scriptures years ago.  The UK is now getting closer to following Canada’s lead.
There are times to cry aloud and spare not (Isaiah 58:1), and times to not speak.  We are getting closer to the time where we will not be able to publicly speak out against this in media and elsewhere as it is an evil time (cf. Amos 5:13).  However, on nationally-syndicated radio three days ago, I still came out against the sin of homosexuality and quoted various scriptures that were also part of a post that I made that day (see After DOMA overturned, Western USA hit with massive heat wave: any connection?).
The Bible declares that Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed for going after “strange flesh” (homosexuality) and seemingly were proud of their sins:

7 as Sodom and Gomorrah, and the cities around them in a similar manner to these, having given themselves over to sexual immorality and gone after strange flesh, are set forth as an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire. (Jude 7)

6…the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah into ashes, condemned them to destruction, making them an example to those who afterward would live ungodly (2 Peter 2:6)

20 the outcry against Sodom and Gomorrah is great, and because their sin is very grave (Genesis 18:20)

9 The look on their countenance witnesses against them, And they declare their sin as Sodom; They do not hide it. (Isaiah 3:9)

Thus, the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah were to serve as an example to those who would live as they did.

Homosexual acts are clearly prohibited in the Bible:

22 You shall not lie with a male as with a woman. It is an abomination. (Leviticus 18:22)

13 If a man lies with a male as he lies with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination. (Leviticus 20:13)

The Bible prohibits and condemns homosexual behavior.

The Bible also warns against accepting and condoning practices such as homosexuality and lesbianism, which is something that the Anglo-nations seems to be doing:

18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness…

24 Therefore God also gave them up to uncleanness, in the lusts of their hearts, to dishonor their bodies among themselves, 25 who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen.

26 For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature. 27 Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due.

28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a debased mind, to do those things which are not fitting; 29 being filled with all unrighteousness, sexual immorality, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, evil-mindedness; they are whisperers, 30 backbiters, haters of God, violent, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, 31 undiscerning, untrustworthy, unloving, unforgiving, unmerciful; 32 who, knowing the righteous judgment of God, that those who practice such things are deserving of death, not only do the same but also approve of those who practice them. (Romans 1:18,24-32)

The ‘gay’ agenda will end in destruction. Yet various government officials are promoting it. They apparently do not take the warnings of the Bible seriously and do not want others to be too bold in proclaiming what the Bible teaches on this subject.

Some items of possibly related interest may include:

The Bible Condemns Homosexuality “Same-sex marriage” for “gays” and lesbians is becoming more acceptable to many. What does the Bible teach about homosexuality? Can homosexuals change?
Cross-dressing and other assaults against your children. What should you do? Is there an agenda to turn your children and/or grandchildren away from biblical morality and towards practices promoted by homosexuals? What does the Bible teach about cross-dressing? What should parents do? If there is an agenda, what has been going on? There is also a YouTube video on this, titled Cross dressing and Other Assaults Against Your Children.
Love, Marriage, and Sex It is important to get them in the right order.
Anglo – America in Prophecy & the Lost Tribes of Israel Are the Americans, Canadians, English, Scottish, Welsh, Australians, Anglo (non-Dutch) Southern Africans, and New Zealanders descendants of Joseph? Where are the lost ten-tribes of Israel? Who are the lost tribes of Israel? What will happen to Jerusalem and the Jews in Israel? Will God punish the U.S.A., Canada, United Kingdom, and other Anglo nations? Why might God allow them to be punished first?
Will the Anglo-Nations be Divided and Have People Taken as Slaves? Will the lands of the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand be divided? What about Jerusalem? What does Bible prophecy teach? Are there non-biblical prophecies that support this idea? Who will divide those lands? Who will end up with the lands and the people?
Barack Obama, Prophecy, and the Destruction of the United States-Second Edition for Second Obama Term This is a 160 page book for people truly interested in prophecies related to Barack Obama and the United States, including learning about many that have already been fulfilled (which the book documents in detail) and those that will be fulfilled in the future. It also has a chapter about a Republican choice. This book is available to order at The physical book can also be purchased at Amazon from the following link: Barack Obama, Prophecy, and the Destruction of the United States: Is Barack Obama Fulfilling Biblical, Islamic, Catholic, Kenyan, and other America-Related Prophecies? What About Republican Leaders? Second Edition for Second Obama Term.
Barack Obama, Prophecy, and the Destruction of the United States-Second Term-Amazon Kindle edition. This electronic version is available for only US$2.99. And you do not need an actual Kindle device to read it. Why? Amazon will allow you to download it to almost any device: Please click HERE to download one of Amazon s Free Reader Apps. After you go to for your free Kindle reader and then go to Barack Obama, Prophecy, and the Destruction of the United States-Second Term-Amazon Kindle edition.

Adly Mansour installed as Egypt’s interim president

Thursday, July 4th, 2013

Adly Monsour


Egypt’s military installed an interim president today:

July 4, 2013

CAIRO — The chief justice of Egypt’s Supreme Constitutional Court was sworn in Thursday as the nation’s interim president, taking over hours after the military ousted the Islamist President Mohammed Morsi.

Adly Mansour took the oath of office at the Nile-side Constitutional Court in a ceremony broadcast live on state television. According to military decree, Mansour will serve as Egypt’s interim leader until a new president is elected. A date for that vote has yet to be set…

Mansour replaced Morsi, who was Egypt’s first democratically elected president but was overthrown by the military on Wednesday after a tumultuous year in office. Morsi is under house arrest at an undisclosed location.

The military, in a statement read by army chief Gen. Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi on Wednesday evening, also suspended the Islamist-drafted constitution and called for new elections. Morsi has denounced the action as a “full coup” by the generals.

Of course, the elected Egyptian president is Dr. M. Morsi, so the situation in Egypt is still volatile.  Dr. Morsi was part of the Muslim Brotherhood, a group that wants a pan-Islamic empire, similar to one prophesied in the Bible.

An apparently Islamic Empire will form in some type of confederation to include at least most of North Africa and the Middle East. Egypt will be a major part of this:

40 At the time of the end the king of the South shall attack him; and the king of the North shall come against him like a whirlwind, with chariots, horsemen, and with many ships; and he shall enter the countries, overwhelm them, and pass through. 41 He shall also enter the Glorious Land, and many countries shall be overthrown; but these shall escape from his hand: Edom, Moab, and the prominent people of Ammon. 42 He shall stretch out his hand against the countries, and the land of Egypt shall not escape. (Daniel 11:40-42).

1 The word of the LORD came to me: 2 “Son of man, prophesy and say: ‘This is what the Sovereign LORD says:

“‘Wail and say, “Alas for that day!” 3 For the day is near, the day of the LORD is near- a day of clouds, a time of doom for the nations. 4 A sword will come against Egypt, and anguish will come upon Cush. When the slain fall in Egypt, her wealth will be carried away and her foundations torn down.

5 Cush and Put, Lydia and all Arabia, Libya and the people of the covenant land will fall by the sword along with Egypt.

6 “‘This is what the LORD says:

“‘The allies of Egypt will fall and her proud strength will fail. From Migdol to Aswan they will fall by the sword within her, declares the Sovereign LORD. 7 “‘They will be desolate among desolate lands, and their cities will lie among ruined cities. 8 Then they will know that I am the LORD, when I set fire to Egypt and all her helpers are crushed.

9 “‘On that day messengers will go out from me in ships to frighten Cush out of her complacency. Anguish will take hold of them on the day of Egypt’s doom, for it is sure to come (Ezekiel 30:1-9, NIV).

Egyptian involvement with the final King of the South is specifically prophesied.   The rule by those with the same goals of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt is not going to be over for long.

We are likely to see more change, unrest, and protests before the final King of the South rises up. But, according to biblical prophecy, that power will rise up and Egypt will be part of it.

Some articles of possibly related interest may include:

The Future King of the South is Rising Does the Bible teach that there will be a future King of the South in Daniel 11? Is this kingdom rising up now? Did the old Worldwide Church of God (WCG) teach that there would be another one? And who is the King of the South? How will this involve Egypt? Is the final King of the South some type of Arab-Muslim confederation? Can Iran be involved? Is there a group that seems to be supporting the goals of the King of the South? Has the Obama Administration supported the rise of this power? This sermon video answers those questions.
The Muslim Brotherhood and the Rise of the King of the South The Bible tells of the formation of a power of nations that are in the Middle East and North Africa that are part of the final “King of the South” (Daniel 11:40-43) The Muslim Brotherhood wishes to have an Islamic empire with basically the same nations. This YouTube video explains what to expect from such a confederation.
Is There A Future King of the South? Some no longer believe there needs to be. Might Egypt, Islam, Iran, Arabs, or Ethiopia be involved? Might this King be called the Mahdi? What does the Bible say?
The Arab and Islamic World In the Bible, History, and Prophecy The Bible discusses the origins of the Arab world and discusses the Middle East in prophecy. What is ahead for the Middle East and those who follow Islam? What about the Imam Mahdi? What lies ahead for Turkey, Iran, and the other non-Arabic Muslims?
Damascus and Syria in Prophecy Will Bashar Assad hold power as he has it? Does the Bible show that Damascus, the capital of Syria, will be destroyed? What will happen to Syria? Will the Syrians support the final King of the South that the Bible tells will rise up? Which scriptures discuss the rise and fall of an Arabic confederation? Does Islamic prophecy predict the destruction of Syria. This is a YouTube video.
What Should You Know About Turkey in Prophecy Do you know the Turkish people descended from? Did the Ottoman Empire possibly fulfill a promise in Genesis? Will Turkey support the European King of the North or Arabic King of the South? Will it betray one of them? Will Turkey be involved in the encouraging the destruction of Israel? Is Turkey going to become Catholic? Is Turkey mentioned in Psalm 83, Daniel 11, and elsewhere in the Bible? This video provides answers.
Is There an Islamic Antichrist? Is Joel Richardson correct that the final Antichrist will be Islamic and not European? Find out.
Barack Obama in Islamic Prophecy? There is actually a 17th century Shiite prophecy that some believe that Barack Obama will fulfill that will lead to a rising up of Islam.
Arabic Nazarenes May Have Kept Original Christian Practices Were their faithful Arabs who held to original Christianity?
Nazarene Christianity: Were the Original Christians Nazarenes? Should Christians be Nazarenes today? What were the practices of the Nazarenes.

The Bill of Rights and Declaration on the 4th of July 2013

Thursday, July 4th, 2013

The US Bill of Rights


Today is the fourth of July.  It is considered to be ‘independence day’ for the USA as its Declaration of Independence was adopted by the Continental Congress on July 4, 1776.

Typically, on this day, many in the USA will have barbeques,  watch parades, and/or view fireworks.

Yet, those who live in the USA may wish to re-read its Declaration of Independence as its current government not only seems to have a disdain for more of the law of God, it also is probably more guilty than the old British rule for committing many acts that caused the colonists to revolt in the first place.

A few years ago, I read my family much of the Declaration and commented upon how the current USA federal, state, and local governments had committed most of the same actions that the USA’s revolutionary leaders objected to from the British king against our family (directly and/or indirectly) within that year or so.

In order to try to further protect the rights of the citizens of its new nation, the Bill of Rights came into effect as Constitutional Amendments on December 15, 1791.

People such as Edward Snowden, despite whatever flaws he may have, have pointed out some of how the USA violated portions of the Bill of Rights, such as the 4th-6th amendment rights.  So, he has been in hiding for that.  Here is what those amendments were supposed to protect (some of which have been mishandled related to him personally by the US government):

  • Fourth Amendment – Protection from unreasonable search and seizure.
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
  • Fifth Amendment – due process, double jeopardy, self-incrimination, eminent domain.
No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.
  • Sixth Amendment – Trial by jury and rights of the accused; Confrontation Clause, speedy trial, public trial, right to counsel
In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence.

Interestingly, if it was written today and adopted, I suspect that the USA Supreme Court would probably rule the Declaration unconstitutional as it starts out with the following statements:

When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

And the Declaration ends with the following statement:

And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor.

Also, the Bill of Rights has tended to be viewed as intending to provide citizens minimalist protection by the US Supreme Court, which is in violation of its intent.  July 4, 2013 does not include a court system or a country that is particularly keen on keeping the government out of most peoples’ lives.

Let’s look at some of the grievances that the colonists had against King George and his government, from the Declaration:

The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.

He has refused his Assent to Laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good.
He has forbidden his Governors to pass Laws of immediate and pressing importance, unless suspended in their operation till his Assent should be obtained; and when so suspended, he has utterly neglected to attend to them.

Let’s stop here for a moment.  The current US President, Barack Obama, refused to assent to the the Defense of Marriage Act (cf. Obama Announces He Wants to Repeal Defense of Marriage Act and Increase Debt), and the US Supreme Court, nullified that law (which was passed by Congress and signed by then President Bill Clinton) and basically also a proposition against homosexual marriage in California which had been approved by the voters there.  Back in 1973, the US Supreme Court decided that State prohibition against abortions would not stand and that unborn babies could be killed.  Did the government of King George do worse?

Here is more from the Declaration:

He has endeavoured to prevent the population of these States; for that purpose obstructing the Laws for Naturalization of Foreigners; refusing to pass others to encourage their migrations hither, and raising the conditions of new Appropriations of Lands.

The US Courts have told US States that they do not have the right to enforce various immigration laws and now plan (if certain immigration bills pass) to tell the States that they will have to recognize various foreigners in violation of existing laws and historical practices.

Here is more from the Declaration:

He has obstructed the Administration of Justice, by refusing his Assent to Laws for establishing Judiciary powers.

There are enough scandals from Washington, including those involving the current Attorney General Holder and various others that suggest that various ones in the USA government have done this, including ones associated with the Internal Revenue Service.

The Declaration also states:

He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harrass our people, and eat out their substance.

The Bush Administration got Congress to approve the so-called ‘Patriot Act’ and establish the Homeland Security Administration and other offices.  The Obama Administration has added other offices as well and when its healthcare law goes more into effect, it will also create a lot more New Offices, etc.  The Internal Revenue scandal also shows that various officers were harassing people for years.

The Declaration also states:

He has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution, and unacknowledged by our laws; giving his Assent to their Acts of pretended Legislation:

Many US presidents have signed agreements with the United Nations and others that, in theory, are similar to what the colonists revolted against.

The Declaration also states:

For imposing Taxes on us without our Consent:

The above happens all the time, but because it is done through administrative fees and/or with some legislative intent, this is considered acceptable to many.  Yet, the amount of taxes raised, in terms of percentage of income, is MANY times higher than when the colonists revolted.

The Declaration also states:

For abolishing the free System of English Laws in a neighbouring Province, establishing therein an Arbitrary government, and enlarging its Boundaries so as to render it at once an example and fit instrument for introducing the same absolute rule into these Colonies:

Essentially the so-called Patriot Act and other measures supposedly designed to fight terrorism and/or drug-trafficking have resulted in the US government doing this probably much more than the representatives of King George ever would have considered, let alone done.

The Declaration also states:

For suspending our own Legislatures, and declaring themselves invested with power to legislate for us in all cases whatsoever.

The US federal government, including through various of its courts, has effectively done the above many times.

The Declaration also states:

He has abdicated Government here, by declaring us out of his Protection and waging War against us.

This is more subtle.  The USA government treats its citizens as potential terrorists and criminals.  It engages in massive espionage on its citizens, etc.  Additionally, as the Snowden matter brought out, pretty much all communications that the US government can monitor by its citizens is subject to being monitored.

The Declaration also states:

He is at this time transporting large Armies of foreign Mercenaries to compleat the works of death, desolation and tyranny, already begun with circumstances of Cruelty & perfidy scarcely paralleled in the most barbarous ages, and totally unworthy the Head of a civilized nation.

Because it tends to consider itself the world’s policeman, the government of the USA has been engaged in almost non-stop warfare, in one foreign country or other, since the early 1950s.

And while simply restoring practices consistent with the Declaration of Independence will NOT stop the USA from going down the path that will lead it to destruction (nor am I advocating violent revolt), ignoring God as well as documents like the Bible and the ten commandments will insure the destruction of the USA.

National repentance is the only way to prevent it, and that does not look likely. The advocacy of homosexuality and abortion, and increased indebtedness and acceptance of various forms of pornography that we have seen in 2013 suggests that national repentance is about the furthest thing on the minds of the national political leaders and most of the mainstream media in the USA.

Personal repentance, however, is still possible. If you are an American, your personal future can still be much brighter than that of your country.

Some articles of possibly related interest may include:

Just What Do You Mean — Repentance? Do you know what repentance is? Have you truly repented? Repented of what? Herbert W. Armstrong wrote this as a booklet on this important subject.
Anglo – America in Prophecy & the Lost Tribes of Israel Are the Americans, Canadians, British, Scottish, Welsh, Australians, Anglo (non-Dutch) Southern Africans, and New Zealanders descendants of Joseph? Where are the lost ten-tribes of Israel? Who are the lost tribes of Israel? What will happen to Jerusalem and the Jews in Israel? Will God punish the U.S.A., Canada, United Kingdom, and other Anglo nations? Why might God allow them to be punished first?
Will the Anglo-Nations be Divided and Have People Taken as Slaves? Will the lands of the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand be divided? What about Jerusalem? What does Bible prophecy teach? Are there non-biblical prophecies that support this idea? Who will divide those lands? Who will end up with the lands and the people? Here is a link to a video titled Will the USA and other Anglo-nations be Divided and Their People Made Slaves?
There is a Place of Safety for the Philadelphians. Why it May Be Petra This article discusses a biblical ‘place of safety’ and includes quotes from the Bible and Herbert W. Armstrong on this subject–thus, there is a biblically supported alternative to the rapture theory. There is also a video on the subject: Might Petra be the Place of Safety?
Who is the King of the West? Why is there no End-Time King of the West in Bible Prophecy? Is the United States the King of the West?
Cross-dressing and other assaults against your children.  What should you do? Is there an agenda to turn your children and/or grandchildren away from biblical morality and towards practices promoted by homosexuals? What does the Bible teach about cross-dressing? What should parents do? If there is an agenda, what has been going on?  There is also a YouTube video on this, titled Cross dressing and Other Assaults Against Your Children.
The Bible Condemns Homosexuality “Same-sex marriage” for “gays” and lesbians is becoming more acceptable to many. What does the Bible teach about homosexuality?  Can homosexuals change?
Abortion, the Bible, and a Woman’s Right to Choose Do you know what the Bible teaches on this? Has the Roman Catholic Church allowed abortions? What about the real Church of God? Some may also, or instead, wish to view the YouTube video Abortion, the Bible, and US Debt.
Pornography: A scourge on society Is pornography harmless fun? Does the Bible teach anything about it? What are the views of some involved with it?

Belgium’s King abdicates to his son Philippe, any ramifications?

Wednesday, July 3rd, 2013

Philippe of Belgium (Wikipedia)


The King of Belgium is resigning and has abdicated to his son:

BRUSSELS—Albert II, King of the Belgians, abdicated in a televised address to the nation after almost twenty years on the throne, saying he will step down July 21, Belgium’s national day.

“It’s with emotion that I address every one of you today,” he said in the broadcast. “I’m in my 80th year, an age never before reached by my predecessors…my age and health no longer permit me to exercise my functions as I would wish to.”

Albert, 79 years old, will be succeeded by his eldest son, Prince Philippe, 53, who has studied at Oxford and Stanford. He married Mathilde d’Udekem d’Acoz in 1999 and the couple have four children.

“Prince Philippe is well prepared to succeed me, he and Princess Mathilde have my every confidence,” he said. “It’s with serenity and confidence that I share this decision.”

The Belgian monarch has a more political role than many of his European peers.

Some in the past have been critical of Prince Philippe and questioned his ability to lead as his father’s replacement (

Prince Philippe has met with Europe’s President Herman Von Rompuy in the past ( and also has had a lot of involvement in economic matters.

The Bible tells of a time when Europe will reorganize and that “kings” will rule and then turn their authority over to the Beast power:

12 “The ten horns which you saw are ten kings who have received no kingdom as yet, but they receive authority for one hour as kings with the beast. 13 These are of one mind, and they will give their power and authority to the beast.  (Revelation 17:12-13)

While the above may or may not directly involve Prince Philippe, it does show that a different type of government is coming to Europe.

Notice that certain Catholic prophecies tell of a time that Europe’s governments will change and that one of their leaders (the Great Monarch) will rise up:

Rudolph Gekner (died 1675): A great prince of the North with a most powerful army will traverse all Europe, uproot all republics, and exterminate all rebels. His sword moved by Divine power will most valiantly defend the Church of Jesus Christ. He will combat on behalf of the true orthodox faith, and shall subdue to his dominion the Mahometan Empire…Peace will come to the world.

Pseudo-Methodius (7th century):…At that same time the Muslims will be killed and they will know the tribulation…The Lord will give them to the powers of the Christians whose empire will be elevated above all empires…The Roman King (Great Monarch) will show a great indignation against those who will have denied Christ in Egypt or in Arabia.

At least one Catholic writer I saw comment about this said that he felt that the first prophesy meant that the republics in Europe would be replaced with monarchies or something similar.  That may be.  Or they may still use titles such as president or prime minister.  We will see.

The Catholic prophecies about change in Europe are consistent to a degree with biblical ones.  Yet the “Great Monarch” many of them speak fondly of seems to be the one warned against as the Beast of Revelation and the King of the North in Daniel 11 (for details, please see the article Who is the King of the North?).

While it is difficult to know at this stage if or how Prince Philippe may be involved in end time affairs, since Belgium is one of the countries that I believe will support the Beast/Great Monarch power, Prince Philippe may have more involvement than most could now suspect.

More information can be found in the following articles:

Who is the King of the North? Is there one? Do biblical and Roman Catholic prophecies for the Great Monarch point to the same leader? Should he be followed? Who will be the King of the North discussed in Daniel 11? Is a nuclear attack prophesied to happen to the English-speaking peoples of the United States, Great Britain, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand? When do the 1335 days, 1290 days, and 1260 days (the time, times, and half a time) of Daniel 12 begin? When does the Bible show that economic collapse will affect the United States? Here is a link to a video titled: Can You Prove that the Beast to Come is European?
Europa, the Beast, and Revelation Where did Europe get its name? What might Europe have to do with the Book of Revelation? What about “the Beast”? Is an emerging European power “the daughter of Babylon”? What is ahead for Europe?
Might German Baron Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg become the King of the North? Is the German Defense Minister one to watch? What do Catholic, Byzantine, and biblical prophecies suggest?
Germany’s Assyrian Roots Throughout History Are the Germanic peoples descended from Asshur of the Bible? Have there been real Christians in Germanic history? What about the “Holy Roman Empire”? There is also a You-Tube video sermon on this titled Germany’s Biblical Origins.
Germany in Biblical and Catholic Prophecy Does Assyria in the Bible equate to an end time power inhabiting the area of the old Roman Empire? What does prophecy say Germany will do and what does it say will happen to most of the German people?
Catholic Prophecies: Do They Mirror, Highlight, or Contradict Biblical Prophecies? People of all faiths may be surprised to see what various Roman and Orthodox Catholic prophets have been predicting as many of their predictions will be looked to in the 21st century.

Military’s deadline passed for Egypt’s President Morsi to step down and it has stepped in: What is ahead for Egypt?

Wednesday, July 3rd, 2013

Mohamed Morsi, Official Photograph


Egypt’s military demanded that the nation’s President Morsi resolve issues with protesters or step down by around 1500 UTC (5:00 pm Cairo time; 11:00 am EDT; 8:00 am PDT; some believe the deadline was 1/2 hour to one hour earlier or 1/2 hour later, but either way it has passed).

As I write this, President Morsi has not done seemed to have stepped down nor resolved the issues with the protesters:

July 3, 2013

CAIRO — President Mohammed Morsi refused to step down Wednesday and called on the military not to “take sides” even as the army chief of staff met with opposition figures and religious leaders to discuss its “road map” for dramatic political reform.

In a last minute statement before an afternoon deadline imposed by the military, Morsi again rejected army intervention, saying abiding by his electoral legitimacy was the only way to prevent violence…

The meeting between opposition groups and army chief Gen. Abdel Fattah al-Sisi was announced by opposition spokesman Khaled Dwoud in a live telephone interview with state television.

It included Mohamed ElBaradei, Egypt’s leading democracy advocate, who represents the opposition National Salvation Front coalition and the youth groups leading anti-Morsi protesters. Also in attendance to discuss the proposed political “road map” were Sheik Ahmed el-Tayeb, grand imam of Al-Azhar mosque, and Pope Tawadros II, patriarch of Egypt’s Coptic Christian minority.

Mohamed Abou El Ghar, president of the Egyptian Social Democratic party, tells USA TODAY that the opposition is demanding that Morsi must go, and that there should be a “civilian, temporary, honorary president, preferably from the higher constitutional court and a civilian prime minister with a small cabinet to run the country in the coming period.”

July 3, 2013

Egyptian President Mohamed Mursi’s national security adviser said a military coup was under way on Wednesday after an army deadline for the Islamist leader to yield to street protests passed without any agreement.

In a show of force, several hundred soldiers with armored vehicles staged a parade on a main road near the presidential palace, and security sources said Mursi and the entire senior leadership of his Muslim Brotherhood were banned from leaving the country.

July 3, 2013

Just hours before a Wednesday deadline for a resolution to the unrest, opposition and government sources said pro-reform leader Mohamed ElBaradei, the top Muslim cleric of al-Azhar and the Coptic pope are meeting the army chief to discuss the way forward for Egypt.

The talks are taking place ahead of the military’s afternoon deadline for Islamist President Mohamed Morsi to yield to the demands of millions of protesters or face intervention by the army.

Earlier Wednesday, Egypt’s army chief Abdel Fattah al-Sisi said the military is ready to sacrifice its blood to defend the country against what he said were terrorists and fools.

Morsi vows to remain in office

In a speech Tuesday night, President Morsi defended his legitimacy and vowed to remain in office, even if it resulted in his death. He also demanded the military withdraw its threat to intervene in the country’s political crisis.

The army has warned it will impose a “roadmap” for Egypt’s future if differences between Mr. Morsi and his opponents are not resolved by 5:00 p.m. local time (1500 UTC) Wednesday.

Morsi’s Muslim Brotherhood has angrily dismissed the ultimatum as an attempt to stage a military coup. Its spokesman, Gehad El-Haddad, tells VOA the group will not take up arms and go after the military. But he says it will directly interfere in any attempt to force Morsi to leave.

“If the tanks roll up to the president, we’re going to stand in their way,” he warned. “And then the tanks have one of two choices: they roll over us and our dead bodies, or they stand still and respect the legitimacy of our president. There is no third option here.”

Protests continue

Meanwhile, large numbers of Egyptians demonstrated in Cairo for a fourth straight day Wednesday. While many are backing their Islamist president, the large majority of the protesters are demanding he resign.

At one pro-Morsi rally near Cairo University, health ministry officials said 16 people were killed and over 200 wounded during clashes late Tuesday. It was unclear what led to the violence, which was the deadliest of its kind in weeks.

Parts of the military’s plan leaked to Egypt’s state-run news agency and other media indicate that military officials are prepared to suspend the constitution, dissolve the legislature and set up an interim administration.

The army has said it is not interested in long-term political power. But that assurance was rejected by Haddad and other Muslim Brotherhood members, many of whom are suspicious of the military’s backing of decades of harsh, authoritarian rule.

President Morsi has supporters as well as protesters:

July 3, 2013

Even before the military deadline expired, there were signs of a new crackdown on Mr. Morsi’s allies in the Muslim Brotherhood. Police officials said Wednesday that they had arrested six bodyguards protecting the Brotherhood’s spiritual leader.

The police initially reported that more than 40 Islamists were wounded by birdshot, and Islamist witnesses later said that the police had begun shooting at them as well. But after the initial attack, the Islamists began lashing out and beating people suspected of being assailants. Opponents of the Islamists said they too were shooting as the fighting continued through the night…

A sign hung by Mr. Morsi’s supporters declared: “To the coup supporters, our blood will haunt you, and you will pay an expensive price for every spilled drop of our blood.”

Some of the Islamists gathered belong to more conservative factions than the Muslim Brotherhood and said the efforts to oust Mr. Morsi demonstrated that democracy itself could not be trusted. “Isn’t this the democracy they wanted?” asked Mahmoud Taha, 40, a trader. “Didn’t we do what they asked?”

“We don’t believe in democracy to begin with; it’s not part of our ideology. But we accepted it and we followed them and then this is what they do,” he said. “They’re protesting against an elected democracy.”

His friend who gave his name as Abu Hamza, 41, said: “This is a conspiracy against religion. They just don’t want an Islamist group to rule.”

All said they were bracing for a return to the repression Islamists endured under the former government of President Hosni Mubarak. “Of course. What else are they going to do?” said Ahmed Sami, 22, a salesman.

Their opponents were vitriolic. “God willing, there will be no Muslim Brother left in the country today,” said Mohamed Saleh, 52, a laborer armed with long shaft of timber labeled “martyr in the making.”

“Let them get exiled or find rocks to hide underneath like they used to do, or go to prisons, it doesn’t matter,” he said. “No such a thing as ‘an Islamist party’ shall exist after today.”

While various ones have concerns, the reality is that some type of Islamic party will ultimately rule Egypt and support the future King of the South (a coming confederation of peoples in the Arab and Turkish Islamic nations listed in Daniel 11:40-43 and Ezekiel 30:1-8), and this will result in devastation/destruction in Egypt.

Dr. Morsi’s Muslim Brotherhood wants as its top priority a pan-national Islamic caliphate ruled by an Imam/Caliph. Biblically, an apparently Islamic Empire will form in some type of confederation to include at least most of North Africa and the Middle East.  Egypt will be a major part of this, but ultimately will not fare well:

40 At the time of the end the king of the South shall attack him; and the king of the North shall come against him like a whirlwind, with chariots, horsemen, and with many ships; and he shall enter the countries, overwhelm them, and pass through. 41 He shall also enter the Glorious Land, and many countries shall be overthrown; but these shall escape from his hand: Edom, Moab, and the prominent people of Ammon. 42 He shall stretch out his hand against the countries, and the land of Egypt shall not escape. (Daniel 11:40-42).

1 The word of the LORD came to me: 2 “Son of man, prophesy and say: ‘This is what the Sovereign LORD says:

“‘Wail and say, “Alas for that day!” 3 For the day is near, the day of the LORD is near- a day of clouds, a time of doom for the nations. 4 A sword will come against Egypt, and anguish will come upon Cush. When the slain fall in Egypt, her wealth will be carried away and her foundations torn down.

5 Cush and Put, Lydia and all Arabia, Libya and the people of the covenant land will fall by the sword along with Egypt.

6 “‘This is what the LORD says:

“‘The allies of Egypt will fall and her proud strength will fail. From Migdol to Aswan they will fall by the sword within her, declares the Sovereign LORD. 7 “‘They will be desolate among desolate lands, and their cities will lie among ruined cities. 8 Then they will know that I am the LORD, when I set fire to Egypt and all her helpers are crushed.

9 “‘On that day messengers will go out from me in ships to frighten Cush out of her complacency. Anguish will take hold of them on the day of Egypt’s doom, for it is sure to come (Ezekiel 30:1-9, NIV).

Could the final King of the South be an Egyptian?

This has been the position of various COG leaders and even some outside the COG for some time.

Notice a quote from the July 1963 Plain Truth article by Garner Ted Armstrong titled “And when you see the Abomination…” which helps demonstrate that:

Daniel was given specific visions of events to occur in OUR TIME!…Notice! And at the TIME OF THE END (this prophecy, then, is absolutely DATED as pertaining to OUR DAY, NOW) shall the king of the south push at him (the “king of the north”) and the king of the north shall come against him like a whirlwind, with chariots, and with horsemen, and with many ships and he shall enter into the countries, and shall overflow and pass over” (verse 40). Bible scholars have recognized the FIRST, TYPICAL fulfillment of this surprising prophecy, but have failed to see its LITERAL application to OUR TIMES!…

But what of the MODERN powers meant by these designations? Remember-the Bible is written, SPIRITUALLY and GEOGRAPHICALLY, from the point of view of PALESTINE! If you were to look on a map, and try to find two powers fitting this description, you would have a fairly easy task…Who else could this be, then, except the coming UNITED STATES OF EUROPE, a resurrection of the ancient ROMAN EMPIRE, Just as we have been fearlessly proclaiming…A rearmed GERMANY, heading up a final union…IN EUROPE -THIS is the Biblical KING OF THE NORTH!

The king of the South? EGYPT, of course. But not Egypt of today. Egypt of a few more years from now–Egypt as she continues to expand the U.A.R., bringing more and more of the North Africa Mohammedan nations into the same Afro-Arabian power block! (p. 22).

The late CG21’s Raymond McNair (who was also once part of WCG) wrote:

Daniel 11 also mentions some of the Mideast peoples who will be involved in that struggle among the nations at the close of this age. The belligerents will include the “King of the North,” the leader of the European Union (or its final outgrowth, called the “Beast”). The “King of the South” (an Islamic leader—apparently from Egypt {or} some other Muslim state) is also referred to. The following lands/peoples are specifically mentioned: Egypt, the Holy Land (Israel/Palestine), the Ethiopians (modern Cushites, south of Egypt), Libya, Edom, Moab and Ammon. Many descendants of the ancient peoples known as Edomites or Idumeans now live in the West Bank, Jordan, Iraq, Turkey, Syria, Arabia, Yemen, the Persian Gulf states, etc. (McNair R. Solving the Arab-Israeli Impasse! Copyright Raymond F. McNair 2005, Church of God—21st Century).

Notice that Raymond McNair realizes that Egypt or some other Muslim country is where the king of the South will come from and that the term translated as Ethiopians really means the Cushite peoples who live in southern Egypt as well as elsewhere.

It may be of interest to note that the following from the Bible:

6 The burden against the beasts of the South. Through a land of trouble and anguish, From which came the lioness and lion, The viper and fiery flying serpent, They will carry their riches on the backs of young donkeys, And their treasures on the humps of camels, To a people who shall not profit; (Isaiah 30:6, NKJV)

7 Egypt is all show, no substance. My name for her is Toothless Dragon. (Isaiah 30:7, THE MESSAGE: The Bible in Contemporary Language)

Isaiah 30:6-7 seems to tie the “beasts of the South” with “the Egyptians,” which is further support that the Egyptians will most likely have significant involvement with the king of the South.

The United Church of God indicated (Sieglie M. Egypt in History and Prophecy. Good News, May-June 2011, p.11) that the following may be related to the King of the South:

4 And the Egyptians I will give
Into the hand of a cruel master,
And a fierce king will rule over them,
Says the Lord, the Lord of hosts. (Isaiah 19:4)

Additionally, Isaiah 31 lists the destruction of “the Egyptians” (1-3) ahead of “Assyria” (vss. 8-9), just like the Book of Daniel places the destruction of the king of the South (Daniel 11:40-43) ahead of the king of the North (11:45).

Notice more quotes of the scriptures in Isaiah as they point to a time of chaos and then destruction in Egypt:

3 Now the Egyptians are men, and not God;
And their horses are flesh, and not spirit.
When the Lord stretches out His hand,
Both he who helps will fall,
And he who is helped will fall down;
They all will perish together. (Isaiah 31:3)

1 The burden against Egypt.

Behold, the Lord rides on a swift cloud, And will come into Egypt; The idols of Egypt will totter at His presence, And the heart of Egypt will melt in its midst.

2 “I will set Egyptians against Egyptians; Everyone will fight against his brother, And everyone against his neighbor, City against city, kingdom against kingdom. 3 The spirit of Egypt will fail in its midst; I will destroy their counsel, And they will consult the idols and the charmers, The mediums and the sorcerers. 4 And the Egyptians I will give Into the hand of a cruel master, And a fierce king will rule over them,”

Says the Lord, the Lord of hosts. (Isaiah 19:1-4)

Interestingly, the Catholic saint Jerome apparently felt that the King of the South was from Egypt as he wrote about Daniel 11:

As for the Antichrist, there is no question but what he is going to fight against the holy covenant, and that when he first makes war against the king of Egypt, he shall straightway be frightened off by the assistance of the Romans… the Antichrist…shall first fight against the king of the South, or Egypt, and shall afterwards conquer Libya and Ethiopia (Jerome. Commentary on Daniel, Chapter 11. Translated by Gleason L. Archer. (1958). This text was transcribed by Roger Pearse, Ipswich, UK, 2004. viewed 06/05/11)

While Jerome is confused on some points (the Antichrist is not the King of the North, but a supporter of that king; and it is more likely that Americans and not Romans frighten him off in Daniel 11:30), he is correct in indicating that the Beast power will over-power the King of the South and conquer Egypt and Libya.

The King of the South ruling over at least parts of North Africa and the Middle East will happen.

Though Dr. Morsi will have issues, the reality is that something like what the Muslim Brotherhood is working on will happen as it is consistent with biblical prophecy. Egyptian involvement with the final King of the South is specifically prophesied and seems to be in at least partial progress.  Yes, we are likely to see more unrest and protests before the final King of the South rises up.  But, according to biblical prophecy, that power will rise up and Egypt will be part of it.

LATER UPDATE (1915 UTC, 12:15 pm PDT:

Egypt’s army deployed tanks and troops close to the presidential palace in Cairo on Wednesday after a military deadline for Islamist President Mohamed Mursi to yield to street protests passed without any agreement.

Mursi’s national security adviser said a military coup was under way as armed forces commander General Abdel Fattah al-Sisi met political, religious and youth leaders.

The state news agency MENA said they would make a joint announcement of a roadmap for a new transitional period and new elections two years after the overthrow of autocratic ex-president Hosni Mubarak in a popular uprising.

One live feed that I saw (after 12:00 pm PDT) suggests that many Egyptians are happy about the military’s intervention and intended removal of President Morsi–but all will not go, nor end, well for Egypt.

LATER UPDATE (1938 UTC, 12:38 pm PDT:

BREAKING NEWS UPDATE: Egypt’s top military commander says the army is now in full control of the country and President Mohammed Morsi has been replaced by the chief justice of the constitutional court as the interim head of state.

The situation in Egypt will change again.  The Sunni dream of an Islamic confederation will materialize per Daniel 11:40-43 and Ezekiel 30:1-9.

Some articles of possibly related interest may include:

The Future King of the South is Rising Does the Bible teach that there will be a future King of the South in Daniel 11? Is this kingdom rising up now? Did the old Worldwide Church of God (WCG) teach that there would be another one? And who is the King of the South? How will this involve Egypt? Is the final King of the South some type of Arab-Muslim confederation? Can Iran be involved? Is there a group that seems to be supporting the goals of the King of the South? Has the Obama Administration supported the rise of this power? This sermon video answers those questions.
The Muslim Brotherhood and the Rise of the King of the South The Bible tells of the formation of a power of nations that are in the Middle East and North Africa that are part of the final “King of the South” (Daniel 11:40-43) The Muslim Brotherhood wishes to have an Islamic empire with basically the same nations. This YouTube video explains what to expect from such a confederation.
Is There A Future King of the South? Some no longer believe there needs to be. Might Egypt, Islam, Iran, Arabs, or Ethiopia be involved? Might this King be called the Mahdi? What does the Bible say?
The Arab and Islamic World In the Bible, History, and Prophecy The Bible discusses the origins of the Arab world and discusses the Middle East in prophecy. What is ahead for the Middle East and those who follow Islam? What about the Imam Mahdi? What lies ahead for Turkey, Iran, and the other non-Arabic Muslims?
Damascus and Syria in Prophecy Will Bashar Assad hold power as he has it? Does the Bible show that Damascus, the capital of Syria, will be destroyed? What will happen to Syria? Will the Syrians support the final King of the South that the Bible tells will rise up? Which scriptures discuss the rise and fall of an Arabic confederation? Does Islamic prophecy predict the destruction of Syria. This is a YouTube video.
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Is There an Islamic Antichrist? Is Joel Richardson correct that the final Antichrist will be Islamic and not European? Find out.
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Nazarene Christianity: Were the Original Christians Nazarenes? Should Christians be Nazarenes today? What were the practices of the Nazarenes.