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Ukraine Launches First ATACMS Strike On Russia and Vladimir Putins signs law allowing expanded use of nuclear weapons

Tuesday, November 19th, 2024

M57A1 Army Tactical Missile System missile (U.S. Army photo)


Relatively quickly after getting permission from US President Joe Biden, Ukraine has attacked Russia using US Army missiles such as the type shown in the photo above:

Ukraine Uses Western-Supplied ATACMS For First Time Inside Russia

19 November 2024

Ukraine’s military has hit a target inside Russia for the first time with Western-supplied ATACMS ballistic missiles, targeting a border region military facility, according to a Ukrainian military source.

“Indeed, for the first time, we used ATACMS to strike Russian territory. The strike was carried out against a facility in the Bryansk region, and it was successfully hit,” an informed source from the Ukraine Defense Forces told RBC-Ukraine, the outlet reported Tuesday. …

The strike was the first known attack using Western ATACMS after President Joe Biden’s administration on Sunday said it has agreed that Ukraine would be allowed to use weapons provided by the United States to hit targets inside Russian territory, a drastic change from U.S. policy.

The Ukrainian military source said the missiles were used to target a military facility near the city of Karachev, located in the Bryansk region of Russia. The target was approximately 115 kilometers (71 miles) from Ukraine’s border. …

The hit came as Russian President Vladimir Putin approved an updated doctrine Tuesday lowering the threshold for the use of nuclear weapons.

19 November 2024

The West appears to be working towards escalating the Ukraine conflict, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has said following reports that US-made ATACMS missiles were used in an attack on Russia’s Bryansk Region.

Previously, the Russian Defense Ministry reported that the Ukrainian military had launched six long-range ATACMS missiles on the border region, noting that five of them had been intercepted by Russian air-defense systems, while another was damaged and hit the ground near a military base.

The attack comes after US President Joe Biden reportedly authorized the use of American-supplied weapons for strikes deep inside Russia …

Lavrov stressed that Moscow perceives the launch of long-range missiles controlled by the US as a qualitatively new phase of the war on the part of the West.

He also stated that while Russia remains committed to preventing a nuclear war, the West should closely examine Moscow’s amended nuclear doctrine, which was signed into force by Putin on Tuesday.

“I hope that they [in the West] will read this doctrine. And not the way they read the UN Charter, seeing only what they need, but the doctrine in its entirety and interconnectedness,” Lavrov said.

According to Russia’s updated nuclear doctrine, Moscow will have the option of deploying its weapons of mass destruction if it comes under attack from a non-nuclear state that is being backed by a nuclear one.

Before the launch, but after Joe Biden authorized it, The Economist posted the following:

Firing American missiles at Russia won’t change Ukraine’s fortunes

18 November 2024

THE NAME of the weapon, designed in the late 1980s, was both an acronym—Army Tactical Missile System (ATACMS)—and, when said aloud, an exhortation—“attack ’ems”. But Ukraine could not, in fact, attack ’em—at least not inside Russia, not until November 17th, when American news outlets reported that Joe Biden, America’s president, had changed course and given Ukraine permission to use the advanced long-range missiles on Russian soil. The decision will not dramatically change Ukraine’s flagging fortunes on the front lines, though it will boost morale and strengthen the country’s hand ahead of negotiations pursued by Donald Trump after January 20th.

Instead of really helping Ukraine, the launching of the ATACMS is getting Russia to be willing to take stronger and more destructive military actions:

November 19, 2024

As the war in Ukraine entered its 1,000th day Tuesday, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a revised nuclear doctrine stating that a conventional attack on Russia by any nation supported by a nuclear power is considered a joint attack and could trigger a nuclear response.

The proclamation came a day after U.S. President Joe Biden authorized Ukraine to use long-range weapons from the U.S. to attack military targets in Russia.

When Russian government spokesman Dmitry Peskov was asked if the revised doctrine was issued in response to the U.S. authorization, he said it was put forth “in a timely manner” and that Putin wanted it updated to be “in line with the current situation,” the Associated Press reported.

The doctrine states nuclear weapons could be used in case of a massive air attack involving ballistic and cruise missiles, aircraft, drones and other flying vehicles.

It says an attack against Russia by a nonnuclear power with the “participation or support of a nuclear power” will be seen as their “joint attack on the Russian Federation.”

It doesn’t specify whether such an attack would definitely be met with a nuclear response.

Peskov the aim of the updated policy was to make potential enemies understand the inevitability of retaliation for an attack on Russia or its allies.

It also states that Russia could use nuclear weapons if another country attacks ally Belarus.

19 November 2024

Moscow’s revised nuclear doctrine permits retaliatory strikes against NATO for the kind of attacks that US President Joe Biden reportedly authorized last week, former Russian president Dmitry Medvedev has warned.

Washington has reportedly granted Kiev permission to use ATACMS ballistic missiles deep inside Russian territory. Medvedev, who serves as deputy chairman of the Russian Security Council, warned on Tuesday that such actions would qualify as a threat warranting a nuclear response under the new doctrine, which President Vladimir Putin enacted earlier in the day.

In response to such an attack, “Russia reserves the right to retaliate with weapons of mass destruction against Kiev and key NATO facilities, wherever they may be located,” Medvedev said.

“This would amount to World War III,” he added.

I reported here yesterday that some suggested that Joe Biden is risking WWIII with his decision to allow Ukraine to attack Russian territory with US missiles (see Did Joe Biden push to start to WWIII with Russia before Donald Trump takes office?).

Russia has called its military actions in Ukraine a ‘Special Military Operation,’ and not a war. Russia did want to destroy Ukraine, but the more Ukraine hits Russian territory, the more Russia is considering taking stronger military actions–and perhaps including nuclear ones. Russia could obliterate Kiev, to cite one example, in less than an hour from any time it chooses.

Furthermore, if Ukraine’s leader thinks launching ATACMS is going to push Russia out of Ukraine, he is in error.

Russia is going to have parts of Ukraine support it — that is something that I have warned about for years.

Notice something I posted here in 2019 (see ‘Putin in Crimea as Russia Marks Five Years Since Annexation’ the ‘Kings of the Medes’ will arise –which was also based on 2014 posts) regarding Ukraine, Crimea, Russia, and prophecies related to the Medes:

Back in 2013 there were protests against the democratically elected government in Ukraine. Instead of backing Ukraine’s elected president, the USA backed a coup. A few months later, when Ukraine’s coup government took over in early 2014, one of the first things it did was to pass a bill (that ended up not being signed into law) to make Russian a second-class language in Ukraine. That incensed those in Crimea and various ones in the eastern portion of Ukraine, as many in those regions speak Russian as their native language.

So in 2014, Crimea voted to leave Ukraine and become part of Russia. Russia later accepted the territory, which it had long wanted. Crimea has been a fairly poor region that felt neglected and discriminated against by the western portion of Ukraine.

Many of those in Crimea (other than the Tartars) believed that they would be better off with Russia who wanted them than Kiev who claims to want to keep them, but apparently had not shown them enough signs that it would truly be able to help them.

On March 18, 2014, Putin signed a treaty to make Crimea part of Russia (

The USA would not accept the vote by the Crimeans primarily because it seems to want to stop Russia from expanding. The USA pushed for international sanctions, many of which still remain, in an effort to hope Russia would release Crimea to Ukraine.

The USA’s position seemed to be based mainly on politics as opposed to its professed belief in democracy.

Are there any prophetic implications to what has been happening?

There looks to be, if we can identify the ancient identities of some modern people.

As it turns out, certain records of history indicate that some of the ‘Medes’ dwell in Russia as well as in Ukraine and other parts of the east–like Crimea itself.

In the first century, Josephus wrote:

Japhet, the son of Noah, had seven sons: they inhabited so, that, beginning at the mountains Taurus and Amanus, they proceeded along Asia…they called the nations by their own names…Now as to Javan and Madai, the sons of Japhet; from Madai came the Madeans, who are called Medes, by the Greeks… Thobel founded the Thobelites, who are now called Iberes; and the Mosocheni were founded by Mosoch…And so many were the countries that had the children of Japhet for their inhabitants. (Josephus. Antiquities of the Jews. VI, 1).

As far as the Medes go, they were once in a land called Media, which was near Persia (modern Iran). The Bible uses the terms “Medes” and “Persians” together five times in the NKJV (e.g. Daniel 5:28). The ancient empire of Media contained Persia, but did not go all the way to the land now known as Ukraine.

The Median empire, around 600 B.C. stretched west from the southern center of the Black Sea (Crimea would have been north of that empire, but would have been accessible by a boat that would head straight north in the western portion) and went east almost to India. But there were also various migrations of peoples, which is why it is believed that at least some made it into the area of Ukraine and/or Crimea (and likely Russia itself as well as some of the nearby states). There were also descendants of Israel who were living in the land of the Medes at the time of Jesus. Notice the following account from the New Testament, circa 31 A.D.:

8 And how is it that we hear, each in our own language in which we were born? 9 Parthians and Medes and Elamites, those dwelling in Mesopotamia, Judea and Cappadocia, Pontus and Asia, 10 Phrygia and Pamphylia, Egypt and the parts of Libya adjoining Cyrene, visitors from Rome, both Jews and proselytes, 11 Cretans and Arabs — we hear them speaking in our own tongues the wonderful works of God. (Acts 2:8-11)

So, there were contacts from the descendants of Israel and the Medes in New Testament times.

The Medes and the Russians seem to have shared some history. But it is not clear to many. Notice the following:

The history of the Medes is dark and unknown. — Dmitri Ivanovich Ilovaisky …

In linguistic terms, the Russians are identified as East Slavs, that is, speakers of East Slavic, which eventually evolved into three distinct languages: Greater Russian, often simply called Russian; Ukrainian; and White Russian, or Belorussian (Belarus).

(Riasanovsky NV. Russian Identities : A Historical Survey: A Historical Survey. Oxford University Press, 2005, p.7)

The above is at the beginning of the first chapter in the book cited on the origins of the Russians and Ukrainians. The author, a professor of history emeritus from UC Berkeley.

It should be noted that part of the reason that Dmitri Ivanovich Ilovaisky and others are unclear about the connection is because of multiple migrations or peoples with differing names.

As far as names go, the historian Herodotus claimed that there were six different tribes/families of Medes. Herodotus identified the tribes of the Medes as Busae, Parataceni/Paratakeni, Struchates/Strukhates, Arizanti, Budii, and the Magi (Herodotus: A New and Literal Version with a Geographical and General Index by Henry Cary. Histories, book 1, chapter 101. Translated by Henry Cary. Harper, 1896. Original from the University of Virginia, Digitized Jan 23, 2009, p. 46).

Here is one report about the six tribes:

  • The Busae group is thought to derive from the Persian term buza meaning indigenous (i.e. not Iranian). Whether this was based on an originally Iranian term, or their own name, is unknown.
  • The second group is called the Paraetaceni, or Parae-tak-(eni) in Persian, and denotes nomadic inhabitants of the mountains of Paraetacene. This name recalls the Scythian Para-la-ti, the people of Kolaxis, believed to represent the common people in general, but whom Herodotus calls the “Royal Scythians”.
  • The third group is called Stru­khat.
  • The fourth group is the Arizanti, whose name is derived from the words Arya (noble), and Zantu (tribe, clan).
  • The fifth group were the Budii, found also among the Black Sea Scythians as Budi-ni. Buddha was of the tribe Budha, the Saka (eastern Scythian) form of the name.
  • The sixth tribe were the Magi…They were a hereditary caste of priests of the Zurvanism religion that evolved out of Zoroastrianism. The name Magi implies a link with the Sumerians, who called their language Emegir, over time becoming simplified to Magi. Hungarian tradition also traces pre-European Magyar (Hungarian) ancestry back to the Magi. In time, the Sumerian-influenced religion of the Magi was suppressed in favour of a more purely Iranian form of Zoroastrianism, itself evolved from its somewhat dualist beginnings into the monotheistic faith that it is today (also known as Parsi-ism). (History of the Medes. viewed 08/31/14)

As far as the Russians and Ukrainians go, the late Dr. Herman Hoeh wrote:

Origin of Word “Russia”

What is the origin of the word “Russian” — the “Rosh” of Ezekiel 38:2 (when properly translated)?
The INTERNATIONAL STANDARD BIBLE ENCYCLOPAEDIA gives the answer. Here, under the article “Rosh”, we find that a vast area of the Mesopotamian Valley was called “the land of Rashu!” The word “Russ” or “Rosh” means blonde. And in ancient Mesopotamia lived the blonde children of Keturah and Abraham mentioned in Genesis 25:1-6. They founded the Kingdom of Mitanni, named after Midian and Medan.

In modern times the name “Russ” was first applied to Russia because of the blond people of White Russia who live next to the people of Meshech and Tubal. (See ENCY. BRIT., art. “Russia”.) These blonds are quite different from the Great Russians. The White Russians are related to the Asshurim of North Germany and to the Letushim and other Abrahamic tribes along the Baltic. They are the main body of the people of Medan and Midian who proceeded north into Russia centuries ago! Herodotus mentions that the “Matienians” from the land of Rosh were associated with the people of Meshech and Tubal! (Thalia, 94.) And Pliny the Roman natural historian speaks of the “Matiani” as moving into Russia through the Caucasus (BK. VI, sec. xviii of NATURAL HISTORY). That is the true origin of the word “Russian”.And Little Russians, too!

Not all Russians are Great Russians and White Russians. Some are called “Little Russians”. They live — in the Ukraine and the eastern parts of Romania and Poland. They are often called Ukrainians or Ruthenians. There are about 50 million of them! Who are these people?

The MEDES! The sons of Madai! Here is the proof!
In Genesis 10:2 we have Madai, the son of Japheth listed. Now check in an exhaustive concordance. You will find the original Hebrew word translated into English as “Mede” or “Median” is always Madai. Madai is the father of the Medes. The Medes used to be associated with the Persians. You will read about them especially in the book of Daniel. But by the time of Nehemiah the Persians were much more prominent. Today there are no Medes left in Persia. The Medes are gone. Certainly a great branch of the human family could not suddenly vanish from the earth!

Indeed they did not. Throughout South Russia — in the Ukraine — four centuries before Christ the Medes were beginning to settle. Here is what the historian Herodotus wrote of these people: “They say that they are a colony of the Medes. How they can have been a colony of the Medes I cannot compehend; but anything may happen in course of time” (Terpsichore, 9).

Herodotus, like many moderns, was prone to believe that the people who inhabited Mesopotamia and the “Bible lands” must be living there today. But they are not. The Arabs have taken their place!

The fact that the Medes are the Little Russians today is further amplified by Pliny in his NATURAL HISTORY, bk. VI, sec. xi. He mentions “the river Don, where the inhabitants are… said to be descended from the Medes”!

Media is pictured along with Elam in Eastern Europe as attacking Western Europe in World War III (Isaiah 21:2). (Hoeh H. The TRUTH about the Race Question! Plain Truth, July 1957)

It should also be noted that some others do not believe that Russia or Moscow are close enough to the words in the Bible that some believe they came from. But, the Russian people did descend from one of the sons of Noah and the lands that they possess are mentioned in certain scriptures.

Some of the Russians themselves appear to have been from the Medes. Notice the following account:

But how are we to explain the name Russia? The old-fashioned view was to derive the word from the Rhoxolani. This, however, has long been abandoned. One thing is certain, namely, that these Rhoxolani were of Oriental descent, a Medic or Iranic tribe. They disappear from history, having, like so many other tribes — as, for instance, the Pechenegs and the Khozars—been swallowed up by the huge waves of immigration which overflowed the country (Morfill WR. Russia. Published 1890 by T.F. Unwin, London).

There are many disputes among academics as to who derived from whom, thus it is not completely clear, for example, that the Rhoxolani were Medes who went to Russia. The Bible has several end time prophecies concerning the Medes (Isaiah 13:17-19) and the kings of the Medes (Jeremiah 51:11, 28-29) that involve military action. Various ones in Crimea, Donetsk, Luhansk, Russia, and elsewhere are part of the descendants of the Medes, as likely are some in Moldova.

However, if the Rhoxolani were Medes, then it would seem to be consistent with certain biblical prophecies.

Though Russia continues to indicate it wants closer cooperation with Europe, the time will come that those that are ‘kings of the Medes’ will determine that the power in Europe is not one that they wish to be part of.

Notice that the Bible teaches that the ‘kings of the Medes’ will one day turn against the final end time Babylon power, which will be based in Europe:

1 The burden against Babylon which Isaiah the son of Amoz saw…

17 “Behold, I will stir up the Medes against them,
Who will not regard silver;
And as for gold, they will not delight in it.
18 Also their bows will dash the young men to pieces, And they will have no pity on the fruit of the womb; Their eye will not spare children.
19 And Babylon, the glory of kingdoms,
The beauty of the Chaldeans’ pride,
Will be as when God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah. (Isaiah 13:1, 17-19)

11 Make the arrows bright!
Gather the shields!
The Lord has raised up the spirit of the kings of the Medes. For His plan is against Babylon to destroy it, Because it is the vengeance of the Lord,
The vengeance for His temple. (Jeremiah 51:11)

This will ultimately not end well for Europe, but is not to occur until nearly 3 1/2 years after the start of the Great Tribulation. Notice that this will involve a people from the north (Russia is the only major power north of much of Europe):

50:41 “Behold, a people shall come from the north, And a great nation and many kings
Shall be raised up from the ends of the earth.
42 They shall hold the bow and the lance;
They are cruel and shall not show mercy.
Their voice shall roar like the sea;
They shall ride on horses,
Set in array, like a man for the battle,
Against you, O daughter of Babylon.

43 “The king of Babylon has heard the report about them, And his hands grow feeble;
Anguish has taken hold of him,
Pangs as of a woman in childbirth…”(Jeremiah 50:41-43).

8 O daughter of Babylon, who are to be destroyed,
Happy the one who repays you as you have served us! 9 Happy the one who takes and dashes
Your little ones against the rock! (Psalms 137:8-9)

It remains my view that Crimea and at least parts of eastern Ukraine will ultimately align with Russia.

International sanctions will not stop biblical prophecies from being fulfilled.

Since that was posted, Russia began its special military operation into Ukraine. Even more international sanctions were imposed on Russia.

Sanctions did not stop Russia–instead it has militarily pushed for more territories.

Furthermore, after holding referendums, Russia annexed additional parts of eastern Ukraine:

On 30 September 2022, Russia, amid an ongoing invasion of Ukraine, unilaterally declared its annexation of areas in and around four Ukrainian oblastsLuhansk, Donetsk, Zaporizhzhia and Kherson. The boundaries of the areas to be annexed and their borders were not defined; Russian officials stated that they would be defined later. …

On 20 September, the authorities of the Donetsk People’s Republic, the Luhansk People’s Republic, as well as the occupation administrations of Kherson Oblast and Zaporizhzhia Oblast, announced referendums on joining Russia on 23–27 September.[18]

On 27 September, Russian officials claimed that the accession “referendum” in Zaporizhzhia Oblast passed, with 93.11% of voters in favour of joining the Russian Federation.[19]

… On 30 September, Putin signed accession treaties with the four pro-Russian leaders of the regions, Leonid Pasechnik, Head of the Luhansk People’s Republic, Denis Pushilin, Head of the Donetsk People’s Republic, Yevgeny Balitsky, governor of the Zaporizhzhia Oblast and Volodymyr Saldo, governor of the Kherson Oblast.[26] The exact boundaries of the territories declared annexed were however not legally defined, with the drafts of final annexation documents recursively referring to territories “on the day of the admission to the Russian Federation” and on the day of “the formation of a new constituent entity within the Russian Federation”, both being prospective future events.[26] (Russian annexation of Donetsk, Kherson, Luhansk and Zaporizhzhia oblasts. Wikipedia, accessed 04/06/23)

Russia may negotiate the borders of the annexed regions. However, Russia has no intentions of giving up Crimea or various parts of eastern Ukraine.

The attacking of Russian territory with US missiles is not going to change that.

Some items of possibly related interest may include:

Russia and Ukraine: Their Origins and Prophesied Future Russia in prophecy. Where do the Russians come from? What about those in the Ukraine? What is prophesied for Russia and its allies? What will they do to the Europeans that supported the Beast in the end? There is also a video sermon available: Russia in the Bible and in Prophecy as are two video sermonettes Russia, Ukraine, Babylonian Europe, and Prophecy and Ukraine in Prophecy?
Is Russia the King of the North? Some claim it is. But what does the Bible teach? Here is a link to a video, also titled Is Russia the King of the North?
Ezekiel 38: For Russia & Iran in Our Day? Is Ezekiel 38 about to be fulfilled? Are we close to the battle with Gog and Magog? Four related videos are available: Ezekiel 38 Gog and Magog War: Is it Soon?, Ezekiel 38: For Russia, Ukraine, & Iran Now?, Russia, Iran, Syria, & the Bible (Code), and Gog, Magog, Vladimir Putin, and Ezekiel 38?
Lost Tribes and Prophecies: What will happen to Australia, the British Isles, Canada, Europe, New Zealand and the United States of America? Where did those people come from? Can you totally rely on DNA? What about other peoples? Do you really know what will happen to Europe and the English-speaking peoples? What about Africa, Asia, South America, and the Islands? This free online book provides scriptural, scientific, historical references, and commentary to address those matters. Here are links to related sermons: Lost tribes, the Bible, and DNA; Lost tribes, prophecies, and identifications; 11 Tribes, 144,000, and Multitudes; Israel, Jeremiah, Tea Tephi, and British Royalty; Gentile European Beast; Royal Succession, Samaria, and Prophecies; Asia, Islands, Latin America, Africa, and Armageddon;  When Will the End of the Age Come?Rise of the Prophesied King of the North; Christian Persecution from the Beast; WWIII and the Coming New World Order; and Woes, WWIV, and the Good News of the Kingdom of God.

Does the Bible teach that God’s people will be strangers and pilgrims?

Tuesday, November 19th, 2024


The fourth Thursday in November is the American holiday called Thanksgiving.

According to Wikipedia:

In Canada, Thanksgiving is celebrated on the second Monday in October. It is the only other country outside of the United States that officially observes the day as a holiday.

Unlike most holidays observed in the USA and Canada, this Thanksgiving is not of pagan origin. Hence, the vast majority in the Church of God (COG) consider it an “optional” (not biblically-required) holiday. Jesus Himself seemed to observe a national Jewish, as opposed to a biblical, holiday called the Feast of the Dedication in the New Testament as He went to the Temple during it (John 10:22-23).

As Americans know, the history related to the USA Thanksgiving involves a group of people commonly known as the Pilgrims.

They were a dissenting religious group considered to be outside of mainstream “Christianity”. The Pilgrims felt that the only way to freely practice their religion was to physically separate themselves from the Church of England that had persecuted them. First to flee persecution, these “Separatists,” moved to the English Midlands. Then they went to Amsterdam in 1607. In 1609, more moved into the more religiously tolerant Netherlands. But then they decided that this would not do. Finally, they began their voyage to America in 1620. It took months to cross the ocean and they lost many during that voyage as well as after coming to America. In spite of all their sufferings and the death of half of their company, in October 1621, the Pilgrims celebrated their first harvest. In 1863, US President Lincoln made a proclamation that ultimately led to Thanksgiving becoming a US holiday.

The persecutions of the Pilgrims somewhat remind me of the history of the Church of God (a related article of interest may be Persecutions by Church and State).

Notice something from the old Radio Church of God on this subject:

Dear Friend:

How should we view the American custom or celebrating Thanksgiving Day?

The Thanksgiving holiday was established in comparatively recent years. It is, or course, not mentioned in Scripture — but the principle or attending and celebrating national holidays is made clear in Scripture.

Thanksgiving Day was established by the early colonists, not by any Divine authority. But this in itself does not make it wrong to celebrate with good fellowship. Notice the example or Jesus Christ. In John 10:22 we find that Christ attended the “Feast or Dedication,” which was established by the Jews years before to commemorate the purification of the temple at Jerusalem. That day was celebrated on the anniversary of the day that the reestablishment or Divine worship occurred after Antiochus Epiphanes had been vanquished and the temple purified about 165 B.C.   Jesus’ attendance at that annual holiday clearly illustrated that it is not wrong to attend or celebrate a national holiday established for an honorable purpose. There was nothing wrong in the Jews’ celebrating the dedication of the temple and giving God special gratitude on that day. God led Esther and Mordecai to establish the Feast of Purim in commemoration of the miraculous deliverance or the Jews from bloody Haman (see the last chapter or Esther).

The national holidays celebrated by the Jews have, of course, no special significance for the non-Jew — just as Thanksgiving Day holds no special significance for our non-American brethren scattered around the world. God permits these customs only if they do not get out or hand. What God expressly forbids is the observance of pagan festivals which were intended as deliberate substitutes for the plan and program of God. We are not to adopt in God’s worship those customs which heathen used in serving their gods. But it is proper and fitting for national leaders to set aside time for the whole nation to give God special thanks for His unique bounty to this nation.

Thanksgiving Day was first celebrated by the Pilgrims in 1621 after their first harvest had been entirely reaped. On that day, they paid tribute to God for all their bountiful and undeserved material and spiritual blessings. Thanksgiving Day gradually became neglected and was revived during the Civil War as a day of special national thanksgiving for preserving this nation. This American Thanksgiving Day does not have a pagan origin despite the claims of certain fringe sects. It is not usually celebrated with pagan ceremonial customs in honor of pagan traditions and gods, as are Christmas, Easter and Halloween. If this national holiday becomes corrupted, then it would be high time to reject it — but generally is not so celebrated today.

This day of national thanksgiving can be enjoyed by our brethren in America with an especially deep understanding because we know that our personal and national prosperity have come solely as the result of God’s promise to Abraham — and as a result of His choice of this nation as the springboard for His Church in this generation.

Our brethren in other nations do not celebrate this holiday any more than we celebrate the Jews’ Feasts of Dedication and Purim. What we all do celebrate are those divinely appointed Holy Days and Festivals established by God in His Word for all men. We never regard a national holiday with the same respect, awe and reverence as we do God’s Sabbath and His Holy Days. National holidays are just that — holidays, not Holy Days. They are a time of secular pleasure and gratitude, nothing more.

But in the midst of the Thanksgiving season, let’s not neglect Paul’s command in Ephesians 5:20 to “give thanks always.” Let’s not make a mockery of God’s special blessings to this nation.


Letter Number: 930

Publication Date: 1959

Thanksgiving is an optional national holiday. It is not a biblical holy day, nor is it kept like one.

Anyway, the first verse in the following is the second most common verse some have looked up online:

11 For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope. 12 Then you will call upon Me and go and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. 13 And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart. 14 I will be found by you, says the Lord, and I will bring you back from your captivity; I will gather you from all the nations and from all the places where I have driven you, says the Lord, and I will bring you to the place from which I cause you to be carried away captive. (Jeremiah 29:11-14)

Notice that the plan is exile, and as Christians we live as exiles, strangers, and pilgrims in this world. The Apostle Peter referred to Christians as “pilgrims” in 1 Peter 1:1 and as “sojourners and pilgrims’ in 1 Peter 2:11:

9 But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light; 10 who once were not a people but are now the people of God, who had not obtained mercy but now have obtained mercy.

11 Beloved, I beg you as sojourners and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts which war against the soul, 12 having your conduct honorable among the Gentiles, that when they speak against you as evildoers, they may, by your good works which they observe, glorify God in the day of visitation. (1 Peter 2:9-12)

1 Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ,

To the pilgrims of the Dispersion in Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia, 2 elect according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, in sanctification of the Spirit, for obedience and sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ:

Grace to you and peace be multiplied. (1 Peter 1:1-2)

Peter was referring to the ‘elect,’ the scattered Christians of his day, as “pilgrims of the Dispersion.” They were in various locations (most of which were in Asia Minor; see also Location of the Early Church: Another Look at Ephesus, Smyrna, and Rome).

The Continuing Church of God has the following sermon which is at its ContinuingCOG channel:


Are Christians supposed to be strangers, pilgrims, and ambassadors? Are God’s Holy Days one way they are different from most of the world? What are tabernacles? Did Jesus pray that Christians would be taken out of the world? Are Christians to be in the world, but not of it? Did people like Noah and Abraham forsake wealth to sojourn as God wished them to? Are Christians to follow that example? Do Christians have a permanent city during this age? What festival was considered to be the pilgrim feast? What is an ambassador? Might your conduct help convert people after the second resurrection? Does the world think a small church is a cult? What about seeking first the Kingdom of God? What do the Gentiles of this world focus on? What should Christians focus on? Does the weekly Sabbath and annual Feast of Tabernacles help drive home the point that Christians are strangers and pilgrims sojourning in this life as we look forward to what God has in store for us? Dr. Thiel addresses these issues and more.

Here is a link to this sermon: Christians: Strangers, Pilgrims, and Ambassadors,

Some items of possibly related interest may include:

Christians are to Be Strangers and Pilgrims? Should Christians sojourn? What does the Bible and Feast of Tabernacles teach? Two  related video sermons are available Christians: Strangers, Pilgrims, and Ambassadors and Christian Pilgrims.
Thanksgiving: Can Christians keep it? Is this American holiday appropriate? Why or why not? A sermon related to giving thanks is also available: Ingratitude and Giving Thanks.
Is God Calling You? This is a booklet discussing calling, election, and selection. If God is calling you, how will you respond?
Christians: Ambassadors for the Kingdom of God, Biblical instructions on living as a Christian This is a scripture-filled booklet for those wishing to live as a real Christian. A related sermon is also available: Christians are Ambassadors for the Kingdom of God.
The Ten Commandments: The Decalogue, Christianity, and the Beast This is a free draft/unedited pdf book explaining the what the Ten Commandments are, where they came from, how early professors of Christ viewed them, and how various ones, including the Beast of Revelation, will oppose them. A related sermon is titled: The Ten Commandments and the Beast of Revelation.
Prayer: What Does the Bible Teach? This free booklet contains 28 biblically-based tips on improving the effectiveness of your prayers. This is a pdf. A related two part sermon is available: What Does the Bible Teach About Prayer? and What does the Bible Teach About Prayer (& Healing)?
Should You Keep God’s Holy Days or Demonic Holidays? This is a free pdf booklet explaining what the Bible and history shows about God’s Holy Days and popular holidays. A related sermon is Which Spring Days should Christians observe?
The Gospel of the Kingdom of God This free online pdf booklet has answers many questions people have about the Gospel of the Kingdom of God and explains why it is the solution to the issues the world is facing. Here are links to three related sermons: The World’s False Gospel, The Gospel of the Kingdom: From the New and Old Testaments, and The Kingdom of God is the Solution.
Where is the True Christian Church Today? This free online pdf booklet answers that question and includes 18 proofs, clues, and signs to identify the true vs. false Christian church. Plus 7 proofs, clues, and signs to help identify Laodicean churches. A related sermon is also available: Where is the True Christian Church? Here is a link to the booklet in the Spanish language: ¿Dónde está la verdadera Iglesia cristiana de hoy? Here is a link in the German language: WO IST DIE WAHRE CHRISTLICHE KIRCHE HEUTE? Here is a link in the French language: Où est la vraie Église Chrétienne aujourd’hui?

Iran vows revenge after Israel kills another Hezbollah leader–Israel may want revenge as documents tie Iran with Hamas attack of October 7, 2023; What about the Abraham Accords?

Monday, November 18th, 2024

Iranian Fattah hypersonic missiles (Tasnim News Agency)


Iran again says Israel has taken steps it will avenge:

Iran Militia, Hamas Vow Revenge After Israel Kills Hezbollah Leader | ‘Won’t Remain Silent’

The Axis of Resistance breathed fire after Israel assassinates Hezbollah media chief Mohammad Afif in an air strike on Sunday. Hamas, Hezbollah and Islamic Resistance in Iraq mourn the death of Afif and said his death won’t silence the voice of the resistance.

Last month, Reuters reported the following:

Iran says it will ‘use all available tools’ to respond to Israel’s attack

October 28, 2024

Tehran will “use all available tools” to respond to Israel’s weekend attack on military targets in Iran, Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Esmaeil Baghaei said on Monday.

Iran previously played down Israel’s air attack on Saturday, saying it caused only limited damage, while U.S. President Joe Biden called for a halt to escalation that has raised fears of an all-out conflagration in the Middle East.

Speaking at a weekly televised news conference, Baghaei said: “(Iran) will use all available tools to deliver a definite and effective response to the Zionist regime (Israel)”.

The nature of Iran’s response depends on the nature of the Israeli attack, Baghaei added, without elaborating.

Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said on Sunday that Iranian officials should determine how best to demonstrate Iran’s power to Israel, adding that the Isreli attack should “neither be downplayed nor exaggerated”./blockquote>
Is Iran preparing for likely destruction to parts of Israel? What about great damage coming to Jerusalem which is prophesied?

While Iran, Hamas, and Hezbollah, etc. are upset with Israel, more in Israel may be upset enough against Iran to support another attack soon.


Notice the following:

Documents found in Gaza detail Iranian sponsorship ahead of Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack

Iran provided advance funding for a 2023 war between Hamas and Israel, Hamas planned joint “infiltration actions” with Hezbollah, according to a report published by the Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center

November 18, 2024

Iran was an essential part of Hamas’ preparations for the Oct. 7, 2023, attack on Israel, according to a report released by the Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center on Sunday, based on documents found by the IDF in Gaza over the last year.Though Iran has denied foreknowledge of the Oct. 7 attack, the documents cited by the Meir Amit Center report indicate Tehran’s involvement in Hamas’ preparations.“Hamas documents taken by IDF forces in the ground operation in the Gaza Strip … provide a rare glance at the extent of Iran’s penetration into Hamas as part of building its ‘axis of resistance’ against Israel,” the report states. “The documents teach us about Iran’s strategic process of establishing their foothold and influence in what happens in Hamas specifically and Gaza generally.”

On December 18, 2022, a letter from Marwan Issa, the deputy commander of Hamas’ Qassam Brigades who was killed in March of this year, wrote to Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar — also killed by the IDF this year — that Iran agreed to provide a special budget of $7 million per month for a year to prepare for a war with Israel, but Issa thought Hamas should ask for a three- or four-month advance so that the group could prepare faster.

The letter also states that the sides discussed ways of smuggling weapons from Yemen to Hamas through “a network of smugglers that he totally trusts,” as well as using an Iranian submarine, according to the Meir Amit Center report.

In May 2022, former Hamas leader Khaled Mashal, who is still a senior figure in the terrorist group, wrote to Issa about an Iran-Hamas joint project to prepare to infiltrate Israel. Hamas would establish bases in Lebanon, starting with 2,000 terrorists meant to act under the command of Hezbollah’s elite Radwan force.

“There are two main missions,” the letter reads. “If there is a joint battle and the Radwan force seeks to attack, Hamas will be on the forefront. If there are circumstances similar to [the 11-day Israel-Hamas war in May 2021], there will be independent infiltration actions, meaning groups from Al-Qassam [Hamas] will infiltrate.”

Mashal referred to disputes between Hamas, Hezbollah and IRGC about the chain of command when the groups work in coordination, and wrote that while Hamas wants to keep a “good atmosphere” and not fight with the other groups, “it is our right to keep a high level of secrecy from Hezbollah.”

Iran also trained Hamas terrorists to use drones in the years preceding the Oct. 7 attack.

Israel is expected to take additional military actions against Iran, Hezbollah, Syria, and Hamas.

But Israeli’s may wish to look at one of their sacred book’s prophesies related to what looks to be a Iranian-Syrian-Lebanese military coalition to strike and damage the nation of Israel:

1 The burden against the Valley of Vision.

What ails you now, that you have all gone up to the housetops, 2 You who are full of noise, A tumultuous city, a joyous city? Your slain men are not slain with the sword, Nor dead in battle. 3 All your rulers have fled together; They are captured by the archers. All who are found in you are bound together; They have fled from afar. 4 Therefore I said, “Look away from me, I will weep bitterly; Do not labor to comfort me Because of the plundering of the daughter of my people.”

5 For it is a day of trouble and treading down and perplexity By the Lord God of hosts In the Valley of Vision — Breaking down the walls And of crying to the mountain. 6 Elam bore the quiver With chariots of men and horsemen, And Kir uncovered the shield. 7 It shall come to pass that your choicest valleys Shall be full of chariots, And the horsemen shall set themselves in array at the gate.

8 He removed the protection of Judah. You looked in that day to the armor of the House of the Forest; 9 You also saw the damage to the city of David, That it was great; And you gathered together the waters of the lower pool. 10 You numbered the houses of Jerusalem, And the houses you broke down To fortify the wall. 11 You also made a reservoir between the two walls For the water of the old pool. But you did not look to its Maker, Nor did you have respect for Him who fashioned it long ago.

12 And in that day the Lord God of hosts Called for weeping and for mourning, For baldness and for girding with sackcloth. 13 But instead, joy and gladness, Slaying oxen and killing sheep, Eating meat and drinking wine: “Let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we die!”

14 Then it was revealed in my hearing by the Lord of hosts,”Surely for this iniquity there will be no atonement for you, Even to your death,” says the Lord God of hosts. (Isaiah 22:1-14 NKJV)

Elam is a reference to at least some in Iran. Kir is of interest as it it looks to include Syrians and others in the region. The “House of the Forest” was anciently located in Lebanon (e.g. 1 Kings 7:2, 10:17,21; 2 Chronicles 9:16,20).

In Isaiah 22:8, “Judah” is a reference to those in the land commonly called Israel–God will allow Israel to be attacked! In Isaiah 22:9, consider that “the damage to the city of David” is a reference to at least part of Jerusalem–and notice that the damage will be great.

It is also possible that others, such as supporters in Iran and Yemen and the Palestinians will also support such and attack.

Those in Israel also need to realize that the Bible shows that those of Gaza will end up with territories that Israel now controls (see Gaza and the Palestinians in Bible Prophecy). Even if Gaza itself is mainly cleared of Gazans, biblical prophecies show that they will still be around  (e.g. Jeremiah 47:2-7).

At the beginning of this post, is a photograph of an Iranian hypersonic missile.

Iran said it successfully used two that hit military targets in Israel during its attack last April (see and claimed to use others in its October 1, 2024 attack.

Last month, the Times of India speculated, “Iran To Launch Hypersonic & Ballistic Missiles At Israel To Avenge IDF Attack?”

We will see.

Iran has had some time to analyze and prepare for a future attack.

From a military perspective, Iran is likely thinking the following:

  • It is concerned about Donald Trump again becoming the President of the United States.
  • This could be the time for it to show the Islamic world that Iran wishes to lead the effort to eliminate Israel.
  • Attempt to overwhelm Israeli and USA defenses by encouraging Hezbollah to launch many times the number of rockets/missiles than it ever has.
  • Have the Houthis send out missiles, drones, etc.
  • Send out its own drones and missiles.
  • Include sending hypersonic missiles that it believes will not often be stopped.

It will be a “much more extensive” military attack by Iran and its allies that will fulfill Isaiah 22:6-9 than what happened last April or the beginning of this October. Watch (cf. Mark 13:37).

Last year, the Continuing Church of God (CCOG) put together the following Bible News Prophecy video on our Bible News Prophecy YouTube channel related to Iran and Israel:


Iran and Israel Conflict

European Union foreign policy chief, Josep Borrel, has been brokering the nuclear negotiations involving Iran and said that he thinks the deal is “in danger.” Iran blames the United States, whereas the USA says they are not delaying it. Israeli sources stated that Israel will stop Iran from getting a nuclear bomb. Joe Biden says the USA would use its own military power to prevent Iran from getting such a bomb if need be. In 2021, Iranian lawmakers have submitted a bill seeking the government by law to commit to Israel’s destruction by the year 2040. Does the 22nd chapter of Isaiah point to damage coming to Israel from Iran and possibly Syria? Might Iran be concerned enough about limited progress with the USA to launch some type of attack? Is Iran the prophesied ‘King of the South’? Is it reasonable to think that the prophesied peace deal of Daniel 9:27 will not happen until after a military conflict. like a regional war? Should Christians watch the Middle East? Dr. Thiel and Steve Dupuie discuss these matters.

Here is a link to our video: Iran and Israel Conflict.

We are in a time of wars and rumors of wars as Jesus foretold (Matthew 24:4-8).

The situation in the Middle East is dangerous.

Some see a confederation of Islamic nations and Israel cooperating as the way to bring peace:

The Abraham Accords 2.0 is the only path forward for a peaceful Middle East – opinion

With Trump poised to resume his role as a champion of these accords, we have a window of opportunity to take a bold step.

November 13, 2024

Now, as I look at the current landscape, I’m convinced that the success of the Abraham Accords is only the beginning.

We need an Abraham Accords 2.0, and the urgency has never been more palpable.  Today, Iran’s influence in the region has intensified to a point that demands a decisive response. It has spread its power through Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, and Yemen, arming militias, proxies, and terrorist groups, destabilizing countries across the Middle East. This isn’t just about rivalries or regional tensions; It’s about survival and security for the countries living in the shadow of Iran’s ambitions. And that’s why I believe the Accords must expand, bringing together more nations in a unified coalition against the threat of Iranian hegemony.

Despite the ongoing war in Gaza, the Abraham Accords have held strong. …

Countries such as Saudi Arabia and Oman, both with vested interests in countering Iran, should be brought into the fold. With their inclusion, we wouldn’t just have a patchwork of treaties; we’d have a coalition with the power to deter and defend. …

An expanded Abraham Accords would not just be an alliance; it would be a new balance of power in the Middle East, one that counters Iran’s influence with strength and cooperation. For Arab and Muslim states, aligning with Israel isn’t just a political choice, it’s a strategic necessity. Iran’s shadow has loomed large for too long, and the stakes are simply too high to remain on the sidelines.

The Bible shows that a type of temporary peace deal will come to the Middle East (Daniel 9:26-27)–and it also shows that an Islamic-nation confederation similar to the one advocated above will occur (cf. Daniel 11:40-43).

World events are aligning with properly understood biblical prophecies.

Some items of possibly related interest may include:

Iran in Prophecy Is Iran in Bible prophecy? If so, what does the Bible teach? What names, other than Persia, may be used to describe Iran? There is also a YouTube video titled Iran in Prophecy. Here are links to two related videos Iran In Prophecy and  Iran and Israel Conflict.
Jerusalem: Past, Present, and Future What does the Bible say about Jerusalem and its future? Is Jerusalem going to be divided and eliminated? Is Jesus returning to the area of Jerusalem? There are also two related YouTube videos you can watch: Jerusalem To be divided and eliminated and God’s and Satan’s Plan for Jerusalem.
The ‘Peace Deal’ of Daniel 9:27 This prophecy could give up to 3 1/2 years advance notice of the coming Great Tribulation. Will most ignore or misunderstand its fulfillment? Here is a link to a related sermon video Daniel 9:27 and the Start of the Great Tribulation.
Gaza and the Palestinians in Bible Prophecy What does the Bible teach about Gaza and the fate of the Palestinians? Here is a link to a related video: Gaza and Palestine in Prophecy.
Damascus and Syria in Prophecy Will Bashar Assad hold power as he has it? Does the Bible show that Damascus, the capital of Syria, will be destroyed? What will happen to Syria? Will the Syrians support the final King of the South that the Bible tells will rise up? Which scriptures discuss the rise and fall of an Arabic confederation? Does Islamic prophecy predict the destruction of Syria. This is a YouTube video.

The Arab and Islamic World In the Bible, History, and Prophecy The Bible discusses the origins of the Arab world and discusses the Middle East in prophecy. What is ahead for the Middle East and those who follow Islam? What about the Imam Mahdi? What lies ahead for Turkey, Iran, and the other non-Arabic Muslims? An item of possibly related interest in the Spanish language would be: Líderes iraníes condenan la hipocresía de Occidente y declaran que ahora es tiempo para prepararse para el Armagedón, la guerra, y el Imán Mahdi.
Islamic and Biblical Prophecies for the 21st Century This is a free online book which helps show where biblical and Islamic prophecies converge and diverge. Here are links to related sermons: Seeing Christianity Through Islamic Eyes, Imam Mahdi, women, and prophecy, and Terrorism, Iran, and Fatima, Dajjal, Antichrist, Gold, & Mark of the Beast?, and Jesus and God’s Plan for Muslims. Here is a link to a sermon in the Spanish language: El Imám Mahdi las mujeres y la profecía bíblica
Seeing Christianity Through Islamic Eyes This article has information from the book, Islamic and Biblical Prophecies for the 21st Century, as well as from the old WCG and other sources. Here is a link to a related sermon: Seeing Christianity Through Islamic Eyes. Here is a related sermon in the Spanish language: El cristianismo visto a través de los ojos islámicos.



Did Joe Biden push to start to WWIII with Russia before Donald Trump takes office?

Monday, November 18th, 2024


Are we close to World War III?

The BBC reported the following:

Fury in Russia at ‘serious escalation’ of missile move

18 November 2024

President Biden’s decision to allow Ukraine to strike inside Russia with long-range missiles supplied by the US has sparked a furious response in Russia.

“Departing US president Joe Biden… has taken one of the most provocative, uncalculated decisions of his administration, which risks catastrophic consequences,” declared the website of the Russian government newspaper Rossiyskaya Gazeta on Monday morning.

Russian MP Leonid Slutsky, head of the pro-Kremlin Liberal-Democratic Party, predicted that the decision would “inevitably lead to a serious escalation, threatening serious consequences”.

Russian senator Vladimir Dzhabarov called it “an unprecedented step towards World War Three”.

Let me add that Germany is opposed to Ukraine using long range weapons to attack Russia:

 18 November 2024

What you need to know

In his daily briefing, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy responded to reports on the end of US weapons restrictions by saying “missiles speak for themselves.”

The US is still yet to address the issue on the record in any capacity, however.

A Russian lawmaker commented that the US would be risking World War III with its decision to end the missile ban.

Use of long-range missiles still a ‘no’ from Germany

The office of Chancellor Scholz has said that despite support for the US decision from Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock, Germany had not changed its mind about delivering long-range missiles to Ukraine.

“The chancellor’s decision is unchanged,” a spokesman said when asked about sending German Taurus missiles to Kyiv.

Yesterday, I told my wife that Joe Biden’s decision was dangerous, but even though some would point to WWIII and the USA being nuclearly attacked soon by Russia, that was not the danger.

Here are additional news reports related to concerns about Joe Biden’s decision:

‘Starting world war 3’: Biden accused of pushing ‘aggressive’ policies ahead of Trump presidency

18 November 2024

Donald Trump Jr. is accusing the Biden administration of stoking tensions that could lead to “World War 3” ahead of his father’s return to the White House in January. The claim comes after President Joe Biden authorised the Ukrainian military to use American-supplied long-range missiles to target Russian territory, a move that could escalate tensions between the U.S. and Russia—tensions Trump claims could be handled with ease. …

“The Military Industrial Complex seems to want to make sure they get World War 3 going before my father has a chance to create peace and save lives,” Trump Jr., 46, tweeted on November 18, shortly after reports confirmed that the Ukrainian military was granted permission to use Army Tactical Missile Systems on the northeast border to target Russia.

Joe Biden Risking World War III With Missile Decision: Russian Lawmakers

November 18, 2024

Moscow: Russian lawmaker Maria Butina said on Monday that the administration of President Joe Biden was risking World War Three if it had allowed Ukraine to use US-made weapons to strike deep into Russia.

“These guys, Biden’s administration, is trying to escalate the situation to the maximum while they still have power and are still in office,” Ms Butina told Reuters.

“I have a great hope that (Donald) Trump will overcome this decision if this has been made because they are seriously risking the start of World War Three which is not in anybody’s interest.”

Reuters, citing two US officials and a source familiar with the decision, reported on Sunday that Biden’s administration has made the decision to allow Ukraine to make the strikes with US weapons deep into Russia.

The New York Times also reported that Joe Biden’s administration had made the decision. The Kremlin has yet to comment on the reports.

“The West has decided on such a level of escalation that it could end with the Ukrainian statehood in complete ruins by morning,” Andrei Klishas, a senior member of the Federation Council, Russia’s upper chamber of parliament, said on the Telegram messaging app.

Moscow warns US over allowing Ukraine to hit Russian soil with long-range weapons

November 18, 2024

Russian officials and Kremlin-backed media bashed the West over what they said was an escalatory step, and threatened a harsh response from Moscow.

“Biden, apparently, decided to end his presidential term and go down in history as ‘Bloody Joe’,” senior lawmaker Leonid Slutsky told Russian state news agency RIA Novosti.

Senator Vladimir Dzhabarov, in comments to state news agency Tass, called Biden’s decision “a very big step toward the beginning of the third world war.”

Russian newspapers offered similar predictions of doom. “The madmen who are drawing NATO into a direct conflict with our country may soon be in great pain,” Russia’s state newspaper Rossiyskaya Gazeta told its readers.

18 November 2024

US President Joe Biden wants to railroad President-elect Donald Trump into prolonging the Ukraine conflict, American political commentator Dan Kovalik has told RT.

Multiple news outlets reported on Sunday that the Biden has granted Kiev’s request for permission to conduct long-range strikes on Russian territory with US-supplied ballistic missiles. Moscow has previously warned that any such attack would constitute an act of war between a NATO member and Russia.

”[The Biden administration] wants to back Trump into a corner. They know Trump at least promised to end the war in Ukraine, and they want to make it difficult for him to do that,” said Kovalik, a human and labor rights lawyer, as well as an author.

”The American people want this over, and in the waning days of this presidency, they will do everything they can to keep this war going,” he added.

The decision may have nothing to do with Trump personally and is intended to secure what Biden perceives as his political legacy, Kovalik suggested.

Joe Biden’s decision has consequences, but Russia is not about to launch nuclear weapons at the USA to start WWIII.

Now, Russia also has no intention of losing with its Special Military Operation into Ukraine, and if Russia sees a real threat and/or real damage from Ukraine launching long-range missiles into its territories, it could decide to obliterate Kiev and decide it should take over more, if not all, of the Ukrainian territory. Ukraine is taking a major risk if it does hit Russia hard with long-range missiles.

That said, Protestant writer Michael Snyder seems to think Joe Biden looks to be trying to start a world war before leaving office as he posted the following:

Is Joe Biden Trying To Start World War 3 Before He Leaves Office? The Decision To Use Long-Range Missiles To Strike Targets Deep Inside Russia Is Insane

November 17, 2024

As if everything that Joe Biden has done so far was not enough, now he has decided to push us to the brink of nuclear war. On Sunday, Joe Biden decided to allow Ukraine to use long-range missiles provided by the United States to hit targets deep inside of Russia. This is a bombshell. I don’t know how else to put it. The Russians have already warned us how they will respond if long-range missiles provided by the United States and other NATO countries start raining down on their cities. Sadly, most Americans have no idea what a direct conflict with Russia would mean. …

One of the reasons why I am so upset is because this wasn’t his decision to make.

We just had an election and his side lost.

The American people elected a leader that wants to bring the war in Ukraine to an end, but now Joe Biden is trying to make sure that nobody is going to be able to end this war. …

When Vladimir Putin was asked about the possibility that long-range missiles provided by the U.S. could soon be used to hit targets deep inside Russia, he responded by warning that such a move would mean that “U.S. and European countries are at war with Russia”

“We are not talking about allowing or not allowing the Ukrainian regime to strike Russia with these weapons,” Putin said Thursday in comments to propagandist Pavel Zarubin. “We are talking about deciding whether NATO countries are directly involved in the military conflict or not.”

“This will mean that NATO countries, the U.S. and European countries are at war with Russia,” Putin said. “And if this is so, then, bearing in mind the change in the very essence of this conflict, we will make appropriate decisions based on the threats that will be created for us.”

Joe Biden just called Putin’s bluff.

We just crossed that red line, and there is no going back.

Now we will see if Putin was bluffing or not.

Later in September, Vladimir Putin explained that a “joint attack on the Russian Federation” could trigger the use of nuclear weapons…

The Russians have told us that allowing Ukraine to fire long-range missiles deep into their territory could cause a nuclear war.

But Joe Biden did it anyway. …

Now Joe Biden has brought us to the brink of nuclear war with Russia even though he has very little time remaining in the White House.

It was not his decision to make, but he made it anyway, and it could end up having very serious implications for every man, woman and child on the entire planet.

While Michael Snyder is often an interesting writer and likes to touch on prophetic matters, his long-term insistence over the years that a massive nuclear war against the USA by Russia is wrong.

Jesus warned of “wars and rumors of war” (Matthew 24:6). That is consistent with what we have been seeing between Russia and Ukraine. And that conflict is not WWIII–even if Russia were to drop one or more nuclear weapons in Ukraine.

Jesus’ warning is consistent with a video we put up prior to Russia’s ‘special military operation” into Ukraine:


The situation between Russia and Ukraine has again heated up, although it has been tense since the Euromaiden protests and Russia’s annexation of Crimea. There was later a separation of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church from the Russian Orthodox Church. Is war prophesied for Russia and Ukraine? Are prophecies in the Bible associated with the ‘kings of the Medes’ and a power from the “north country” related to any in Russia and Ukraine? Is a confederation of powers from the north, east, and central Asia prophesied to destroy the coming end time European Babylon? Will the destruction be reminiscent of what happened to Sodom and Gomorrah? How is the King of the North and who will destroy him? Do those in Russia and Ukraine have a hope of salvation? Will Russia and powers of the east be involved in the gathering in Armageddon as prophesied in Revelation 16? Dr. Thiel addresses these issues.

Here is a link to our video: Russia, Ukraine, Babylonian Europe, and Prophecy.

Since 2013, I have been posting that the situation in Ukraine would change and that at least part of that territory would end up supporting Russia. That happened with Crimea in 2014 and has happened with the parts of what had been eastern Ukraine.

Russia is angry at the USA and others for sanctions as well as for sending arms to Ukraine.

Various ones in the USA and elsewhere fear the possibility of World War III with Russia.

Yet, Russia and the USA are not about to get into a war to try to militarily destroy each other because of Ukraine. There could be more skirmishes, but no, not a battle over Ukraine with each nation aggressively trying to destroy the other. The USA and Russia possess enough weapons of mass destruction that they could, in theory, destroy the whole world if they got in a large enough battle.

Despite the view of various Protestant prophecy watchers (many of which misunderstand the timing of the prophecies in the 38th chapter of Ezekiel), the USA is not prophesied to be destroyed by Russia.

However, I do feel that Russia will assist the coming Beast power, who will destroy the USA (cf. Daniel 11:39)–and that is also consistent with Germany’s announcement that it does NOT support the idea of Ukraine using long-range missiles to attack Russia.

Below is something that the late Pastor General of the old Worldwide Church of God, Herbert W. Armstrong, wrote decades ago, during the time of the old Soviet Union, in an article titled Why Russia Will Not Attack the United States:

For decades now, the prospect of war between Russia and the United States has continually heightened and lessened.

Many who claim to be authorities on prophecy assure people a war involving Russia and the United States, Canada and England is prophesied in Ezekiel 38.

The United States, Britain and other democracies of north-western Europe, they recognize, are nations descended from the lost Ten Tribes. Therefore, they conclude, the prophecy of Ezekiel 38 foretells a military invasion of the North American continent from the Soviet Union. But this is not what prophecy says…

But this very fact – that this invasion will not come until after the Second Coming of Christ – will seem preposterous to many, at first thought.

That is because we have been accustomed merely to assume things that are not true. We have blindly assumed that when Christ comes, there will be no opposition. Every person and power on earth, we have thought, will simply submit meekly and instantly to him and his power. But that is not true!

Some gentile nations understandably shall not submit until forced to. The final restoration of the Roman Empire shall be subdued and conquered at a battle commonly called “Armageddon.” But the populous nations of Eurasia that the Almighty God up to this point has not dealt with shall still have to be brought to submission.

“Gog” Identified
“Gog in the land of “Magog” is the vast regions of the U.S.S.R. in northern Eurasia extending from the Baltic to the Pacific. “Meshech” is Moscow, “Tubal” is Tobol’sk.

Notice the allies who come with them in this future battle. You will find “Gomer” “Togarmah,” “Magog,” “Meshech” “Tubal” identified in Genesis 10 as the sons of Japheth, father of the Eurasians. Ethiopia and Phut (mistranslated Libya) are descended from Ham.

Therefore, this prophecy of Ezekiel 38 shows who shall finally succeed in marshaling peoples of each major race into a gigantic invasion upon our people.

When God begins to rule the world, through Christ – with His chosen people restored to prosperity in the land of Israel, the very center of the land surface of the earth (verse 12, Moffatt translation) – this, great Eurasian union of nations shall finally be tempted to use their mighty air force. (Armstrong HW. Why Russia Will Not Attack the United States, article).

Some Bible scholars assert falsely that these prophecies of Ezekiel were fulfilled anciently. They never were. Others believe they are about to occur but some years before Armageddon. Both views are erroneous. The events of Ezekiel 38 and 39 are without question still future – for the “latter days” (38: 16) and “latter years” (38:8). Moreover, Ezekiel 38:14 describes the time setting as being “in that day when my people of Israel dwelleth safely.” This is certainly not the situation in the State of Israel to- day! The Israel described by Ezekiel is a nation that dwells in security, in unwalled villages, totally unprepared for war (38:8, 11, 14). Read it for yourself! (Why Russia Will Not Attack the United States. WCG booklet)

Ezekiel 38 is for the distant future–after the millennium (cf. Revelation 20:7-9; see also Ezekiel 38: For Russia & Iran in Our Day?; a related video is also available titled Ezekiel 38: For Russia, Ukraine, & Iran Now?).

Yet, none of this means that there cannot be military conflict between the USA and Russia now (and there may be some).

Furthermore, what Russia is doing is leading to WWIII, but just in a way many have not realized.

Over 44 years ago, the Pastor General of the old Worldwide Church of God, the late Herbert W. Armstrong, wrote:

What Russia is doing will be the spark to bring the heads of nations in Europe together with the Vatican to form a “United Nations of Europe.” The politicians cannot do this by themselves. Only with the collaboration of the Pope can they do it.

Russia will move slowly—but will keep moving! Other nations and events will move FASTER! (Armstrong HW. Co-worker Letter, January 23, 1980)

What has been happening in Ukraine, as well as with the USA and Donald Trump, has been a wake-up call for the Europeans.

What will happen?

Europe will spend more on its military. Its leaders keep saying so and are taking steps.

Europe will become a militarily successful power (cf. Revelation 13:3-4), with a great army (Daniel 11:25), and many ships (Daniel 11:40).

The Europeans are arming and uniting more because of Russia’s conflict. Germany’s Chancellor Scholz pushed to increase its military spending to a level even much higher than Russia–for more details, watch: Is the European Beast Growing Horns?

There has been more unity in Europe–less want to leave the EU–and more are supporting increased military spending. Russia’s ‘special military operation’ into Ukraine and the devastation Ukraine has faced has persuaded more in Europe that they are better off united and not separate–Ukraine was not, and is not, a member of the European Union.

The arming and semi-unity by the Europeans will lead to WWIII!

This will be the end of the USA and its British-descended allies consistent with Daniel 11:39.

The above destruction is from a European power, called the King of the North, which borders the Great Sea (Daniel 7), not Russia that does not.

As far as the use of nuclear weapons, here was Herbert W. Armstrong’s position:

What is this abomination? This refers to Daniel 11:31 and Matthew 24:15…That will be a time when the UNITED Europe shall appear–the revival of the medieval “Holy Roman Empire.” We shall then be warned, and readied to be taken to a place of refuge and safety from the Great Tribulation. Forty-five days later “the beasts armies” will surround Jerusalem. Thirty days later the Great Tribulation will probably start with a nuclear attack on London and Britain–and possibly the same day or immediately after, on the United States and Canadian cities. The GREAT TRIBULATION, we shall fully then realize, is the time of “Jacob’s Trouble,” spoken of in Jeremiah 30:7. And Jacob’s name was named on Joseph’s sons, Ephraim and Manasseh (Gen. 48:16). At that time a third of the people in our nations will die, or shall have died, by famine and disease epidemics; another third will dies of the war–our cities being destroyed (Ezek. 6:6), and the remaining third will be carried to the land of our enemies as slaves (Ezek. 5:12). (Armstrong HW. The Time We Are In, Now. Pastor General’s Report-Vol 1, No. 15, November 20, 1979, Page 2).

The Bible states:

33 I will scatter you among the nations and draw out a sword after you; your land shall be desolate and your cities waste (Leviticus 26:33).

Nuclear and other high-tech weapons (as well as EMP, electromagnetic pulse, bombs), as well as devastating solar flares, are ways to make land desolate and modern cities waste (for more on EMP-weapons and solar flares see Nuclear EMP Attack on UK Called ‘Quite Likely’).

Events that resemble nuclear or similar devastation are part of the prophesied curses mentioned in the Bible:

23 ‘The whole land is brimstone, salt, and burning (Deuteronomy 29:23).

19 Through the wrath of the LORD of hosts
The land is burned up,
And the people shall be as fuel for the fire; No man shall spare his brother.
20 And he shall snatch on the right hand
And be hungry;
He shall devour on the left hand
And not be satisfied; Every man shall eat the flesh of his own arm. 21 Manasseh shall devour Ephraim, and Ephraim Manasseh; Together they shall be against Judah (Isaiah 9:19-21).

6 In all your dwelling places the cities shall be laid waste (Ezekiel 6:6).

Yes, devastation from some type of weapons of mass destruction (which do not have to be nuclear) will come–and Europe will lead this.

Though Europe will triumph for a time (Revelation 13:3-4; Daniel 11:39-43), prophecies also show matters will not end well for Europe itself (cf. Daniel 11:44-45; Revelation 17:14)–and Russia will be involved (watch also Russia, Ukraine, Babylonian Europe, and Prophecy).

Europe will one day be destroyed by a Russian-led force.

The old Worldwide Church of God published the following about the fate of a coming European power:

This European power will eventually establish its capital and religious headquarters at Jerusalem (Dan. 11 :45) Daniel says that this European conqueror will become troubled by “tidings out of the east and out of the north” (11 :44) . There can be little doubt about the source of the beast‘s trouble. East and north of Palestine are Russia, China and other nations of the vast Asian con-continent. (Why Russia Will Not Attack the United States. WCG booklet)

Although there is not about to be a massive nuclear war between Russia on the USA, Europe one day, is prophesied to be destroyed by a Russian-led force:

8 “Move from the midst of Babylon,
Go out of the land of the Chaldeans;
And be like the rams before the flocks.

9 For behold, I will raise and cause to come up against Babylon
An assembly of great nations from the north country,
And they shall array themselves against her;
From there she shall be captured.
Their arrows shall be like those of an expert warrior;
None shall return in vain. (Jeremiah 50:8-9)

Lasting safety is not to found in military alliances, but in God:

3 Do not put your trust in princes,
Nor in a son of man, in whom there is no help.
4 His spirit departs, he returns to his earth;
In that very day his plans perish.

5 Happy is he who has the God of Jacob for his help,
Whose hope is in the Lord his God,
6 Who made heaven and earth,
The sea, and all that is in them;
Who keeps truth forever,
7 Who executes justice for the oppressed,
Who gives food to the hungry.
The Lord gives freedom to the prisoners. (Psalms 146:3-7)

In this time of wars and rumors of war, put your total trust in God.

Jesus said:

36 Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man. (Luke 21:36)

He also said to pray for God’s Kingdom to come.

Remember to regularly do so.

UPDATE 01/31/23: We just uploaded the following video:


Nuclear WWIII from Russia?

Are we close to a nuclear third world war? Is Russia’s ‘special military operation’ in Ukraine the start of WWIII? what did Ukrainan Defense Minister Guido Crosetto say related to WWIII? Does Ezekiel 38 involves Russia? Are certain Protestant writers correct that it is for our day and that Russia will launch a massive nuclear attack against the USA? Did Herbert W. Armstrong say that Russia would not attack the USA? Is a direct military skirmish between the USA and Russia possible? If the Bible does discuss the destruction of the USA, is this from a power that borders the Mediterranean sea according to biblical prophecies in the books of Revelation and Daniel? Why has the military devastation in Ukraine been a “wake-up call” for Europe? Has Europe been taking military steps? Is Europe prophesied to dominate the world? Are there biblical prophecies pointing to Europe being attacked by Russia? Does the Bible describe anything that sounds like nuclear devastation? Steve Dupuie and Dr. Thiel address these matters.

Here is a link to the video: Nuclear WWIII from Russia?

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The Gospel of the Kingdom of God This free online pdf booklet has answers many questions people have about the Gospel of the Kingdom of God and explains why it is the solution to the issues the world is facing. Here are links to four related sermons:  The Fantastic Gospel of the Kingdom of God!, The World’s False Gospel, The Gospel of the Kingdom: From the New and Old Testaments, and The Kingdom of God is the Solution.
Herbert W. Armstrong, the Philadelphia Church, & the Mantle Herbert Armstrong claims God had him raise the Philadelphia up. Are there reasons to believe that the Philadelphia mantle in now within the CCOG? Here is a link to a related sermon: Herbert W. Armstrong and the Philadelphia Mantle.
There is a Place of Safety for the Philadelphians. Why it May Be Near Petra This article discusses a biblical ‘place of safety,’ Zephaniah 2 to ‘gather together,’ and includes quotes from the Bible and Herbert W. Armstrong on fleeing to a place–thus, there is a biblically supported alternative to the rapture theory. Two sermon-length videos of related interest are available Physical Protection During the Great Tribulation and Might Petra be the Place of Safety?  Here is something related in the Spanish language: Hay un lugar de seguridad para los Filadelfinos. ¿Puede ser Petra?
This is PETRA! This is a 1962 Good News article by the late Dr. Hoeh.
Is God Calling You? This booklet discusses topics including calling, election, and selection. If God is calling you, how will you respond? Here is are links to related sermons: Christian Election: Is God Calling YOU? and Predestination and Your Selection. A short animation is also available: Is God Calling You?
Christian Repentance Do you know what repentance is? Is it really necessary for salvation? Two related sermons about this are also available: Real Repentance and Real Christian Repentance.
Russia and Ukraine: Their Origins and Prophesied Future Russia in prophecy. Where do the Russians come from? What about those in the Ukraine? What is prophesied for Russia and its allies? What will they do to the Europeans that supported the Beast in the end? There is also a video sermon available: Russia in the Bible and in Prophecy as are two video sermonettes Russia, Ukraine, Babylonian Europe, and Prophecy and Ukraine in Prophecy?
Is Russia the King of the North? Some claim it is. But what does the Bible teach? Here is a link to a video, also titled Is Russia the King of the North?
Europa, the Beast, and Revelation Where did Europe get its name? What might Europe have to do with the Book of Revelation? What about “the Beast”? Is an emerging European power “the daughter of Babylon”? What is ahead for Europe? Here is a link to a video titled: Can You Prove that the Beast to Come is European?
European Technology and the Beast of Revelation Will the coming European Beast power would use and develop technology that will result in the taking over of the USA and its Anglo-Saxon allies? Is this possible? What does the Bible teach? Here is a related YouTube video: Military Technology and the Beast of Revelation.
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Anglo – America in Prophecy & the Lost Tribes of Israel Are the Americans, Canadians, English, Scottish, Welsh, Australians, Anglo-Saxon (non-Dutch) Southern Africans, and New Zealanders descendants of Joseph? Where are the lost ten-tribes of Israel? Who are the lost tribes of Israel? What will happen to Jerusalem and the Jews in Israel? Will God punish the U.S.A., Canada, United Kingdom, and other Anglo-Saxon nations? Why might God allow them to be punished first? Here is a link to the Spanish version of this article: Anglo-América & las Tribus Perdidas de Israel. Information is also in the YouTube sermons titled Where are the Ten Lost Tribes? Why does it matter? and British are the Covenant People. A short YouTube of prophetic interest may be: Are Chinese threats against Australia for real?
Will the Anglo-Saxon-Celtic Nations be Divided and Have People Taken as Slaves? Will the lands of the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand be divided? What about Jerusalem? What does Bible prophecy teach? Are there non-biblical prophecies that support this idea? Who will divide those lands? Who will end up with the lands and the people? Here is a link to a video titled Will the USA and other Anglo-nations be Divided and Their People Made Slaves? Here is a related item in the Spanish language ¿Serán divididas las naciones anglosajonas?
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Lost Tribes and Prophecies: What will happen to Australia, the British Isles, Canada, Europe, New Zealand and the United States of America? Where did those people come from? Can you totally rely on DNA? What about other peoples? Do you really know what will happen to Europe and the English-speaking peoples? What about Africa, Asia, South America, and the Islands? This free online book provides scriptural, scientific, historical references, and commentary to address those matters. Here are links to related sermons: Lost tribes, the Bible, and DNA; Lost tribes, prophecies, and identifications; 11 Tribes, 144,000, and Multitudes; Israel, Jeremiah, Tea Tephi, and British Royalty; Gentile European Beast; Royal Succession, Samaria, and Prophecies; Asia, Islands, Latin America, Africa, and Armageddon;  When Will the End of the Age Come?Rise of the Prophesied King of the North, and Christian Persecution from the Beast; and WWIII and the Coming New World Order.
When Will the Great Tribulation Begin? 2023, 2024, or 2025? Can the Great Tribulation begin today? What happens before the Great Tribulation in the “beginning of sorrows”? What happens in the Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord? Is this the time of the Gentiles? When is the earliest that the Great Tribulation can begin? What is the Day of the Lord? Who are the 144,000? Here is a version of the article in the Spanish language: ¿Puede la Gran Tribulación comenzar en el 2020 o 2021? ¿Es el Tiempo de los Gentiles? A related video is: Great Tribulation: 2026 or 2027? A shorter video is: Can the Great Tribulation start in 2022 or 2023? Notice also: Can Jesus return in 2023 or 2024? Here is a video in the Spanish language: Es El 2021 el año  de La Gran Tribulación o el Grande Reseteo Financiero.

Roman Catholic myths about Peter and Paul

Monday, November 18th, 2024

Vatican City (photo by Joyce Thiel)


On November 18th, various Catholics of Rome celebrate the feast of the dedication of the Basilicas of Peter and Paul–both of which I have visited. The one known as St. Peter’s Basilica is in Vatican City and is claimed to have the remains of the Apostle Peter.

Part of this is based upon the claim that Peter died in Rome.

What about Peter’s death? Notice what the Rheims New Testament records that Peter wrote just prior to it:

14. Being certain that the laying away of my tabernacle is at hand, according as our Lord
JESUS Christ also signified to me.
15. And I will do my diligence, you to have often after my decease also, that you may keep
a memory of these things.
16. For, not having followed unlearned fables, have we made the power and ‘presence’
of our Lord JESUS Christ known to you: but made beholders of his greatness.
17. For, he receiving from God his father honour and glory, this manner of voice coming
down to him from the magnifical glory, This is my beloved son in whom I have pleased
myself, hear him
18. And this voice we heard brought from heaven, when we were with him in the holy
mount. (II Peter 1:14-18).

This is problematic as far as Rome is concerned. The reason is that the above passage seems to be teaching that John was still with Peter (John was part of the “we heard”). This is indirectly acknowledged by the ANNOTATIONS from Chapter 1 of I Peter from the Rheims New Testament of 1582 on page 515 as it states:

c By this it is plain, that either John, James, or Peter must be the author of this epistle, for these three only were present at the Transfiguration. Matt. 17:1

Since the particular above, James, is believed to have been killed by 39 A.D. in Judea (Acts 12:1), either the Apostle Peter died near then (which he did not, he died around three or so decades later) or the Apostle John must have still been with Peter. And since there is no evidence that the Apostle John went to Rome in the 60s A.D., the available evidence (including from Roman Catholic sources) suggests that John was in Jerusalem or Asia Minor at that time. Plus, if John was in Jerusalem or Asia Minor then, since Peter seems to be claiming that John was with him, then Peter would have been in Jerusalem or Asia Minor just prior to his death. Hence, to claim that Peter spent much time in Rome or died in Rome seems to be inconsistent with the biblical record.

The place of Peter’s burial is also controversial.

Essentially according to the Quo Vadis legend, Peter was buried in Rome. However, that account was not written until over a century after Peter died.

But there was something else that some have pointed to:

It is not before around 160 CE that we see some kind of interest by Roman Christians in the site by the construction a simple monument that consisted of a niche and a courtyard (the Tropaion Gaii). The monument was probably used for gatherings, but not as a marker as an individual grave, since memory of Peter’s original burying place was lost by the time the Tropaion was erected. The existence of the Tropaion did not result in the development of a Christian burial site, but was integrated into a middle-class non-Christian burial street. Only in the age of Constantine the site was firmly and finally taken over by Christians, thereby obliterating all earlier traces of burial activity apart from the immediate space around the Tropaion. ( Zangenberg, Jürgen; Labahn, Michael. Christians as a religious minority in a multicultural city: modes of interaction and identity formation in early Imperial Rome : studies on the basis of a seminar at the second conference of the European Association for Biblical Studies (EABS) from July 8-12, 2001, in Rome. Volume 243 of Journal for the study of the New Testament Library of New Testament Studies, the Series European studies on Christian origins. Continuum International Publishing Group, 2004, p. 132)

Furthermore that site must not have been accepted originally as, according to the Liber Pontificalis (the Book of Popes), it was Roman bishop Cornelius who supposedly moved the body of Peter to its present location (nearly two centuries after Peter died). Here is one written account:

XXII Cornelius (Pope 251-253)…He during his pontificate at the request of a certain matron Lucina, took up the bodies of the apostles, blessed Peter and Paul up out of the catacombs by night; first the body of blessed Paul was received by the blessed Lucina] and laid in her own garden on the Via Ostiensis, near the place where he was beheaded; the body of the blessed Peter was received by the blessed Cornelius, the bishop, and laid near to the place where he was crucified, among the bodies of the holy bishops, in the shrine of Apollo, on the Mons Aureus, in the Batican, by the palace of Nero, on June 29. (Translated by Louise Ropes Loomis. The Book of the Popes (Liber Pontificalis. Originally published by Columbia University Press, NY 1916. 2006 edition by Evolution Publishing, Merchantville (NJ), pp. 25-26).

Hence, one of the earliest Roman Catholic writings attempting to demonstrate that Rome had a series of early bishops/popes states that Peter was NOT originally buried in Rome. There would be no point in moving Peter’s body if people actually had believed that the Tropaion Gaii marked the spot.

Interestingly the conclusion of the one who supposedly identified the body of Peter in Vatican Hill was that he was not convinced it was Peter:

Antonio Ferrua …was the Jesuit archaeologist responsible for uncovering what is believed to be the tomb of St Peter in the grottoes under St Peter’s Basilica in Rome…Ferrua’s discovery came, however, quite by chance. In 1939 Pope Pius XI died and plans were made to bury him beside Pius X in the crypt below the basilica. But when workmen began to dig under St Peter’s they came upon the floor of Constantine’s original basilica, beneath which was a necropolis, a street of Roman tombs dating from the 2nd century AD…Under the supervision of Monsignor Ludwig Kaas, the Administrator of St Peter’s, the Vatican appointed four archaeologists, including Ferrua, to investigate the tombs…Ferrua’s discovery was shrouded in controversy; in 1953, after the death of Monsignor Kaas, it was revealed by a workman that he had discovered some other bones which Kaas had ordered to be removed from the repository and stored at the Vatican. When these were later identified as the remains of an elderly man, it was concluded that these were the bones of the saint. “The relics of St Peter,” announced Pope Paul VI on June 26 1968, “have been identified in a manner which we believe convincing”; the following day, after a ceremony in front of the aedicula, the remains were restored to the repository.

Ferrua was more circumspect. Aware of the scepticism that surrounded even the analysis of the Greek fragment – which others had read as Petros endei or “Peter is not here” – he recently told the Italian Catholic newspaper L’Avvenire that he was “not convinced” that the saint’s bones had been found…A man of deep faith, Ferrua was a rigorous scholar, much admired for his refusal to allow his beliefs to compromise his work (The Rev Antonio Ferrua. Telegraph, London – May 29, 2003 viewed 07/20/09).

Thus, the one credited for finding Peter’s body was unconvinced by the evidence he had investigated.

It should be noted that there is also the view that Peter died in Judea and was interred in the Mount of Olives—an ossuary box bearing the inscription “Shimon Bar Jonah” has been found and some believe it may be referring to the Simon Bar-Jonah (Fingegan J. The Archaeology of the New Testament. Princeton: Princeton University Press, reprt 1979, pp. 359-375) that became the Apostle Peter as per Matthew 16:17—and although that is inconclusive, it is probably stronger contemporary “evidence” than Rome seems to have as Peter’s original burial site.

Here is some limited information about it written by F. Paul Peterson in 1960, edited by James Tabor, and somewhat shortened by me:

While visiting a friend in Switzerland, I heard of what seemed to me, one of the greatest discoveries since the time of Christ—that Peter was buried in Jerusalem and not in Rome…

After talking to many priests and investigating various sources of information, I finally was greatly rewarded by learning where I could buy the only known book on the subject, which was also written in Italian. It is called, “Gli Scavi del Dominus Flevit”, printed in 1958 at the Tipografia del PP. Francescani, in Jerusalem. It was written by P. B. Bagatti and J. T. Milik, both Roman Catholic priests…

In Jerusalem I spoke to many Franciscan priests who all read, finally, though reluctantly, that the bones of Simon Bar Jona (St. Peter) were found in Jerusalem, on the Franciscan monastery site called, “Dominus Flevit” (where Jesus was supposed to have wept over Jerusalem), on the Mount of Olives…the names of Christian Biblical characters were found on the ossuaries (bone boxes). The names of Mary and Martha were found on one box and right next to it was one with the name of Lazarus, their brother. Other names of early Christians were found on other boxes. Of greatest interest, however, was that which was found within twelve feet from the place where the remains of Mary, Martha and Lazarus were found—the remains of St. Peter. They were found in an ossuary, on the outside of which was clearly and beautifully written in Aramaic, “Simon Bar Jona”…

Then I asked, “Does Father Bagatti (co-writer of the book in Italian on the subject, and archaeologist) really believe that those are the bones of St. Peter?” “Yes, he does,” was the reply. Then I asked, “But what does the Pope think of all this?” That was a thousand dollar question and he gave me a million dollar answer. “Well,” he confidentially answered in a hushed voice, “Father Bagatti told me personally that three years ago he went to the Pope (Pius XII) in Rome and showed him the evidence and the Pope said to him, ‘Well, we will have to make some changes, but for the time being, keep this thing quiet’.” In awe I asked also in a subdued voice, “So the Pope really believes that those are the bones of St. Peter?” “Yes,” was his answer. “The documentary evidence is there, he could not help but believe.” …

I did not have the opportunity to see priest Bagatti while in Jerusalem. I wrote to him, however, on March 15, 1960, as follows: “I have spoken with a number of Franciscan priests and monks and they have told me about you and the book of which you are a co-writer. I had hoped to see you and to compliment you on such a great discovery, but time would not permit. Having heard so much about you and that you are an archaeologist (with the evidence in hand), I was convinced, with you, concerning the ancient burial ground that the remains found in the ossuary with the name on it, ‘Simon Bar Jona’, written in Aramaic, were those of St. Peter.” It is remarkable that in his reply he did not contradict my statement, which he certainly would have done if he honestly could have done so. “I was very much convinced with you – … that the remains found in the ossuary … were those of St. Peter.” This confirms the talk I had with the Franciscan monk in Bethlehem and the story he told me of Priest Bagatti’s going to the Pope with the evidence concerning the bones of St. Peter in Jerusalem. In his letter one can see that he is careful because of the Pope’s admonition to keep this discovery quiet. (Peterson F. Paul. Saint Peter’s Tomb: The Discovery of Peter’s Tomb in Jerusalem in 1953. viewed 02/17/11)

The Jerusalem burial of Peter is not currently taught by the Church of Rome. Thus, it appears to me, at least, that scholars (including Catholic ones) tend to understand that it is questionable if Peter was buried in Rome and if his body is actually in St. Peter’s Basilica in Vatican City (see also What Do Roman Catholic Scholars Actually Teach About Early Church History?).

A while back related to Roman Catholic ‘myths,’, a pro-Vatican news source, reported the following:

Much of the hostility towards the Catholic Church is based on ignorance and prejudice. This is the argument of Christopher Kaczor in his recent book, “The Seven Big Myths About the Catholic Church,” (Ignatius Press). A professor of philosophy at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles, Kaczor started by pointing out that the Church is made up of both saints and sinners and that mistakes in governance can indeed occur…

The first myth examined by the book is the idea that religion and science are in conflict with each other…The second myth is that the Church opposes freedom and happiness by saying no to a number of actions…The idea that the Church hates women is another myth addressed in the book…The issue of homosexuality, and the argument by some that the Church hates homosexuals, is another myth dealt with by Kaczor.

Before going further, I would state that true science and true religion are not in conflict with each other.

Now as far as myths FROM the Roman Catholic Church, there are many (and some are not accepted by its top leadership, though commonly held).

Since Zenit mentioned seven myths about Roman Catholics, let us briefly list eight ‘Roman Catholic’ myths with a comment or so after each:

  1. The Roman Catholic Church is the original church and became that way when the Apostle Peter was in Rome. The Bible never suggests that, nor is there absolute proof the Apostle Peter was ever even in Rome (and even if he was, he spent the bulk of his time elsewhere). For details, please see the article Peter and Rome.
  2. The Church of Rome has apostolic succession from Peter to Linus to Cletus to Clement to Evaristus. The fact is that Roman Catholic scholars know this is essentially wishful thinking based upon later traditions. For details, please see What Do Roman Catholic Scholars Actually Teach About Early Church History? and Apostolic Succession.
  3. The Church of Rome never changes. This is thoroughly disproved by many documents. A detailed article on many doctrinal changes that the Roman Catholic Church adopted are proven in the free online book: Beliefs of the Original Catholic Church.
  4. The Church of Rome gave the world the Bible. No, the Bible as we know it came from Asia Minor and the Hebrews. The fact that it took the Church of Rome centuries to finally settle on the books as the Apostle John finalized and his successors verified, proves that Rome was not the source of the Bible. It was the Church of God, not the Church of Rome, that maintained the proper ‘chain of custody.’ For details, please see: Who Gave the World the Bible? The Canon: Why do we have the books we now do in the Bible? Is the Bible complete?
  5. The Church of Rome is the original “catholic church.” The first time the term “catholic church” is clearly found in theological writings, it was used in a letter to the Church of God in Smyrna and was not a reference to Rome. Yet, even though the Church of Rome teaches that the church in Smyrna was led by a variety of leaders it considers to be saints, the Church of Rome does not hold to the same teachings that the Church of God in Smyrna held to–instead it now strongly condemns some of those beliefs. For details, please see the free online book: Beliefs of the Original Catholic Church.
  6. Christian leaders wore mitres and dressed like the modern Catholic clergy. While the Vatican does not teach this directly, the average member seems to accept the dress of the Catholic clergy as nearly sacred. Yet, no early leader dressed like that and even in St. Peter’s Cathedral in Vatican City, none of the early apostles are portrayed wearing mitres, etc. For additional proof, please see the article Were the Early Duties of Elders/Pastors Mainly Sacramental? What was their Dress?
  7. The Church of Rome has the creed of the apostles. No, history, as verified by Greco-Roman Catholic scholars, disproves this. For details, please see What Was the Original Apostles’ Creed? What is the Nicene Creed?
  8. The Church of Rome has true apostolic succession. No, its claimed early leaders held Church of God, not current Greco-Roman Catholic doctrine. That, along with a Church of God laying on of hands succession list is in the free online book: Beliefs of the Original Catholic Church.

The original faithful Church was in Jerusalem and over time the location of its main leaders shifted to Asia Minor and then elsewhere (this can be demonstrated by studying the historical and biblical references in Location of the Early Church: Another Look at Ephesus, Smyrna, and Rome).

Because many who profess Christ, Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, and Protestant, to name three groups, do not understand the truth about Church history (see The History of Early Christianity for an overview), most believe myths about it (as well as what God’s plan is).

It is only the true Church of God that has the type of spiritual succession and continuity to the original faith of the apostles that those associated with the Roman and Eastern Orthodox Catholic faiths claim to have.

Some items of possibly related interest may include:

Beliefs of the Original Catholic Church: Could a remnant group have continuing apostolic succession? Did the original “catholic church” have doctrines held by the Continuing Church of God? Did Church of God leaders uses the term “catholic church” to ever describe the church they were part of? Here are links to related sermons: Original Catholic Church of God?, Original Catholic Doctrine: Creed, Liturgy, Baptism, Passover, What Type of Catholic was Polycarp of Smyrna?, Tradition, Holy Days, Salvation, Dress, & Celibacy, Early Heresies and Heretics, Doctrines: 3 Days, Abortion, Ecumenism, Meats, Tithes, Crosses, Destiny, and more, Saturday or Sunday?, The Godhead, Apostolic Laying on of Hands Succession, Church in the Wilderness Apostolic Succession List, Holy Mother Church and Heresies, and Lying Wonders and Original Beliefs. Here is a link to that book in the Spanish language: Creencias de la iglesia Católica original.
Peter and Rome He was an original apostle and early Christian leader. Where was Peter buried? Where did Peter die?
The Smyrna Church Era was predominant circa 135 A.D. to circa 450 A.D. The Church led by Polycarp, Melito, Polycrates, etc. Here is a link to a related video sermon: The Smyrna Church Era.
What Do Roman Catholic Scholars Actually Teach About Early Church History? Although most believe that the Roman Catholic Church history teaches an unbroken line of succession of bishops beginning with Peter, with stories about most of them, Roman Catholic scholars know the truth of this matter. Is telling the truth about the early church citing Catholic accepted sources anti-Catholic? This eye-opening article is a must-read for any who really wants to know what Roman Catholic history actually admits about the early church.
Laying on of Hands Succession and List Does the Church of God have laying on of hands succession? Does the Continuing Church of God have a list of leaders from the time of the apostles? Here is a link to a related sermon: Apostolic Laying on of Hands Succession.
Apostolic Succession What really happened? Did structure and beliefs change? Are many of the widely-held current understandings of this even possible? Did you know that Catholic scholars really do not believe that several of the claimed “apostolic sees” of the Orthodox have apostolic succession–despite the fact that the current pontiff himself seems to wish to ignore this view? Is there actually a true church that has ties to any of the apostles that is not part of the Catholic or Orthodox churches? Read this article if you truly are interested in the truth on this matter! Here is a link to a sermon: Claims of Apostolic Succession. Here is a related article in the Spanish language La sucesión apostólica. ¿Ocurrió en Roma, Alejandría, Constantinopla, Antioquía, Jerusalén o Asia Menor?
Early Church History: Who Were the Two Major Groups that Professed Christ in the Second and Third Centuries? Did you know that many in the second and third centuries felt that there were two major, and separate, professing Christian groups in the second century, but that those in the majority churches tend to now blend the groups together and claim “saints” from both? “Saints” that condemn some of their current beliefs. Who are the two groups? A related sermon is also available Christianity: Two groups.
What Was the Original Apostles’ Creed? What is the Nicene Creed? Did the original apostles write a creed? When was the first creed written? Are the creeds commonly used by the Eastern Orthodox or Roman Catholics original?
Who Gave the World the Bible? The Canon: Why do we have the books we now do in the Bible? Is the Bible complete? Are there lost gospels? What about the Apocrypha? Is the Septuagint better than the Masoretic text? What about the Textus Receptus vs. Nestle Alland? Was the New Testament written in Greek, Aramaic, or Hebrew? Which translations are based upon the best ancient text? Did the true Church of God have the canon from the beginning? Here are links to related sermons: Let’s Talk About the Bible, The Books of the Old Testament, The Septuagint and its Apocrypha, Masoretic Text of the Old Testament, and Lost Books of the Bible, and Let’s Talk About the New Testament, The New Testament Canon From the Beginning, English Versions of the Bible and How Did We Get Them?, What was the Original Language of the New Testament?, Original Order of the Books of the Bible, and Who Gave the World the Bible? Who Had the Chain of Custody?
Do You Practice Mithraism? Many practices and doctrines that mainstream so-called Christian groups have are the same or similar to those of the sun-god Mithras. December 25th was celebrated as his birthday. Do you follow Mithraism combined with the Bible or original Christianity? A sermon video from Vatican City is titled Church of Rome, Mithras, and Isis?
Were the Early Duties of Elders/Pastors Mainly Sacramental? What was their Dress? Were the duties of the clergy primarily pastoral or sacramental? Did the clergy dress with special liturgical vestments? Can “bishops” be disqualified as ministers of Christ based on their head coverings?
The Churches of Revelation 2 & 3 from 31 A.D. to present: information on all of the seven churches of Revelation 2 & 3. There is also a YouTube video: The Seven Church Eras of Revelation. There is also a version in the Spanish language: Las Siete Iglesias de Apocalipsis 2 & 3.
Nazarene Christianity: Were the Original Christians Nazarenes? Who were the Nazarene Christians? What did they believe? Should 21st century Christians be modern Nazarenes? Is there a group that exists now that traces its history through the Nazarenes and holds the same beliefs today? Here is a link to a related video sermon Nazarene Christians: Were the early Christians “Nazarenes”?
Location of the Early Church: Another Look at Ephesus, Smyrna, and Rome What actually happened to the primitive Church? And did the Bible tell about this in advance?
Where is the True Christian Church Today? This free online pdf booklet answers that question and includes 18 proofs, clues, and signs to identify the true vs. false Christian church. Plus 7 proofs, clues, and signs to help identify Laodicean churches. A related sermon is also available: Where is the True Christian Church? Here is a link to the booklet in the Spanish language: ¿Dónde está la verdadera Iglesia cristiana de hoy? Here is a link in the German language: WO IST DIE WAHRE CHRISTLICHE KIRCHE HEUTE? Here is a link in the French language: Où est la vraie Église Chrétienne aujourd’hui? Here is a link to a short animation: Which Church would Jesus Choose?
Continuing History of the Church of God This pdf booklet is a historical overview of the true Church of God and some of its main opponents from Acts 2 to the 21st century. Related sermon links include Continuing History of the Church of God: c. 31 to c. 300 A.D. and Continuing History of the Church of God: 4th-16th Centuries and Continuing History of the Church of God: 17th-20th Centuries. The booklet is available in Spanish: Continuación de la Historia de la Iglesia de Dios, German: Kontinuierliche Geschichte der Kirche Gottes, French: L Histoire Continue de l Église de Dieu and Ekegusii Omogano Bw’ekanisa Ya Nyasae Egendererete.
The History of Early Christianity Are you aware that what most people believe is not what truly happened to the true Christian church? Do you know where the early church was based? Do you know what were the doctrines of the early church? Is your faith really based upon the truth or compromise?

Ancient Babylonian Tablet Points to Location of Noah’s Ark

Sunday, November 17th, 2024

Ancient ‘Babylonian map of the World
(Photo by Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin FRCP(Glasg))


There is an ancient Babylonian map that seems to confirm the site of Noah’s Ark. Israel365 News posted the following:

Ancient Babylonian Tablet May Reveal Location of Noah’s Ark

November 17, 2024

In a groundbreaking discovery, scientists have deciphered what is believed to be the world’s oldest map—a 3,000-year-old Babylonian clay tablet that may reveal the location of Noah’s Ark. The artifact, known as the Imago Mundi, has been housed in the British Museum since 1882 after its discovery in what is now Iraq.

According to the Bible, God commanded Noah to build a massive ark to save his family and two of every animal from a devastating flood meant to cleanse the world of wickedness. The flood lasted 150 days, after which the ark came to rest on the “mountains of Ararat.” The Bible specifies the ark’s dimensions as 300 cubits long, 50 cubits wide, and 30 cubits high—approximately 515 feet long, 86 feet wide, and 52 feet high.

The Ancient Tablet’s Secrets

Dr. Irving Finkel, Assistant Keeper of Ancient Mesopotamian script at the British Museum, led the team that unlocked the tablet’s secrets. The Imago Mundi depicts a circular world map showing ancient Mesopotamia at its center, surrounded by a “bitter river” that the Babylonians believed encircled the world.

The tablet’s most intriguing features are found on its reverse side, which contains detailed travel instructions leading to a location called “Urartu”—the Assyrian equivalent of the Biblical “Ararat.” Dr. Finkel explains: “The first place you come to is called ‘Urartu’, it’s drawn on the map. Now, the interesting thing about that is that in the Bible Noah, in his Ark, landed on a mountain where the name is ‘Ararat’ and ‘Ararat’ is the Hebrew equivalent of the Assyrian ‘Urartu’.”

The instructions include specific measurements in “leagues” and references to a “parsiktu-vessel”—a term found in only one other Babylonian tablet, which describes the boat that survived the Great Flood. Dr. Finkel notes, “If you did go on this journey, you would see the remnants of this historic boat which saved all the life of the world for the long-term future.”

Other than in the Bible, many cultures tell of a great flood:

The greatest tale of all is that of the Flood. Noah finds his roots in older legends. Three hundred Flood narratives are known, from the Americas to Australia (from whence comes the tale of the frog that swallowed the world’s water only to spew it out when the other animals made him laugh).

One is in the Epic of Gilgamesh–which is from old Babylon. Many scholars believe that this account was copied from the Akkadian Atra-Hasis, which dates to the 18th century BCE. In the Gilgamesh flood myth, the highest god, Enlil, decides to destroy the world with a flood because humans have become too noisy. The god Ea, who had created humans out of clay and divine blood, secretly warns the hero Utnapishtim of the impending flood and gives him detailed instructions for building a boat so that life may survive. Both the Epic of Gilgamesh and Atra-Hasis are preceded by the similar Eridu Genesis of Sumeria (c. 1600 BCE)—the oldest surviving example of such a flood-narrative, known from tablets found in the ruins of Nippur in the late 1890s and translated by assyriologist Arno Poebel. Here is a link to an article related to the Chinese and the Great Flood: Does ancient Chinese evidence point to the Great Flood?

That said, there is a site in Turkey that some have wondered about as the location of the Ark. Last year, Israel365 News posted the following:

Scientists announce: Site of Noah’s Ark shows human activity between 5500-3000 BCE

November 13, 2023

A team from Istanbul Technical University (İTÜ) and Ağrı İbrahim Çeçen University (AİÇÜ)has been researching an area in which they believe lie the remains of Biblical Noah’s Ark.

A research team from Istanbul Technical University (İTÜ), Andrew University, and Ağrı İbrahim Çeçen University (AİÇÜ) carried out its first study of the site in December 2022. The group, which included academics specialized in geophysics, chemistry and geoarchaeology research, collected 30 samples consisting of soil and rock fragments during their investigations in the region. According to the results, it was determined that there were human activities in the region from the period between 5500 and 3000 BCE.

Professor Faruk Kaya stated, “With the dating, it is not possible to say that the ship is here. Extensive research is required for this to emerge. In the upcoming period, we have reached an agreement to collaborate on joint research led by Istanbul Technical University (İTÜ), Andrew University, and Ağrı İbrahim Çeçen University (AİÇÜ). In the future, these three universities will continue their work in this field.”

The site was first discovered by map engineer Capt. Ilhan Durupınar in 1959 during a reconnaissance flight to map the eastern Anatolia region in Turkey. The site is located 8 miles south of the Greater Mount Ararat summit at an elevation of about 2,000 meters above sea level. The size and shape of the formation led to its promotion by some believers as the petrified ruins of the original Noah’s Ark.

The “boat formation” appears to be the “exact length” of the ark as written in the Bible – which is around 150 meters, or 300 cubits in Biblical terms.

This is how you shall make it: the length of the ark shall be three hundred amot, its width fifty amot, and its height thirty amot. (Genesis 6:15)

Geologists however claim that the mountainous bump that was discovered half a century ago is nothing more than a unique rock formation.

Whether or not this is Noah’s Ark is still unclear. As far as the dating goes, Noah’s Ark was built around 2325 B.C., which means near 4400 years ago.

The Turks have been involved in this research on the Ark for some time. I posted the following here over nine years ago:

July 9, 2014

By the end of March 2014, a team consisting of Turkish, Dutch and Belgian members launched an expedition on Mount Ararat, Turkey and found at an altitude of 4.000 meters remains of a possible wooden structure and also pottery. Jeroen Rensen, a Dutch archaeologist from the team, was pleased with the success of the expedition. He says, “It was very tough. Heavy winds and snowstorms made the first two attempts to reach the site fail. The third and last all-or-nothing attempt succeeded and the team reached the location. There, in a fissure within the icecap under 10 meters of rock, ice and snow we found well-preserved wooden remains and pottery too.” Later this year a major scientific expedition will conduct a follow-up investigation to determine what the artifacts and wooden remains constitute.

Another witness is a Belgian physician, Dr. Marcel Verheyen. In response to the critics that wood and artifacts were deliberately planted, he says, “That is absolutely impossible. The mountain’s terrible terrain is rather inaccessible, let alone to carry beams of wood. You need to be there and see it with your own eyes, before you put forward any hypothesis. I am 100% sure that it is impossible to plant such a structure there.”

Recent reports of discovery of wood remains on Mount Ararat were made in 2010 by a Hong Kong based Christian group, NAMI (Noah’s Ark Ministries International), yet the finding has been overshadowed by lot of criticisms. The site documented by Rensen and Verheyen in March is in the vicinity of the claim made a few years back. Participating in the expedition as independent investigators, Rensen and Verheyen do not want to engage into the controversy, but conduct a step-by-step scientific exploration with a multi-disciplinary scientific team. Rensen says, “The question of whether there are any wooden remains at all on Mount Ararat has been answered. But so many questions still remain. The main question to be answered now is: What type of site do the remains at this location represent?”

I have long felt that the day may come when Noah’s ark is conclusively found.

However, because both biblical (e.g. Revelation 13:4,8) and non-biblical prophecy warn of a time when an ecumenical religion will take over much of the world, if Noah’s Ark is ever conclusively accepted, this could represent part of a major turning point in getting more of humanity to accept a coming world religion that claims to be Christian. The movie Noah may get more interest in the ark and finding it. Since many cultures have a tale of the flood (see 300 Versions of the Flood), this will make the coming ecumenical religion acceptable even to certain cultures that do not normally refer to the Bible for their beliefs.

Jesus warned that the end times would be like the time PRIOR to the flood of Noah’s time:

36 “But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only. 37 But as the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be. 38 For as in the days before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, 39 and did not know until the flood came and took them all away, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be. 40 Then two men will be in the field: one will be taken and the other left. 41 Two women will be grinding at the mill: one will be taken and the other left. 42 Watch therefore, for you do not know what hour your Lord is coming. 43 But know this, that if the master of the house had known what hour the thief would come, he would have watched and not allowed his house to be broken into. 44 Therefore you also be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect. (Matthew 24:36-44)

Many will not understand end time prophecies and not pay sufficient attention (see also Is there a need for a prophet now?).

We know the great flood happened. There is evidence in many cultures, plus, there is scientific evidence that there was enough water on the Earth for it to happen (see also Water, Noah’s Flood, and Chinese Characters).

Perhaps Noah’s Ark will be conclusively found. But if it is, its finding may be used by the forces of Satan to put forth his end time agenda.

Some items of potentially related interest may include:

Do we have scientific evidence of many biblical accounts? Here is a link to that July-September 2017 edition of Bible News Prophecy magazine. Its front cover shows an ancient stela that mentions King David, and contains more information about why true science supports the Bible.
Have the Turks and Chinese Just Found Noah’s Ark? Some have so claimed. If true, this could change how much of the world views events from the Bible.
Biblical Archaeology This is a website that has more information on biblical archeological as is sometimes known as the Bib Arch site.

Yanis Varoufakis: Donald Trump sees the European Union as a clear and present danger to the United States … and wants Brexits in EU; Germans looking to massively raise military spending

Sunday, November 17th, 2024



A reader sent me a link to a video, which I watched, titled, Trump wants to ‘aggressively’ spread Brexit throughout Europe | Yanis Varoufakis 11/13/24

In it, Yanis Varoufakis, former Minister of Finance for Greece, asserted that “Donald Trump sees the European Union as a clear and present danger to the United States.” He also asserted that Donald Trump wants more Brexit actions (other nations to leave the EU). He also asserted that Europe needs to see Donald Trump as a threat and take action.

Many in Europe are outraged that Donald Trump is back in office.

They not only did not like him the first time, they were not pleased with his support of the United Kingdom leaving the European Union. Donald Trump was perhaps the best known non-Brit that supported Brexit (the BRitish EXIT from the European Union).

In my book 2017, Donald Trump and America’s Apocalypse, I wrote the following:

It is my position that trade disputes will be a factor in Europe taking military action against the U.S.A. one day. …

Donald Trump has often encouraged increased military spending by the Europeans. And while American taxpayers may see this as a good thing, this increased spending will help lead to the rise of the prophesied King of the North, who is to be the final leader of the Beast of Revelation (Revelation 13:1-10). Unlike his predecessors, Donald Trump has threatened to not defend nations in Europe if they will not increase their military spending. This approach has greatly concerned various leaders in Europe. Donald Trump is helping enable the rise of the King of the North/Beast power who will be in league with the final Antichrist.

Donald Trump’s rise has also spurred the Europeans to further unify among themselves, especially when combined with the Brexit vote that Donald Trump encouraged. While the Bible shows the Europeans will have difficulties being together (Daniel 2:41-43), it also shows that they will reorganize and unite (Revelation 17:12-13). Donald Trump has been pointed to by various European leaders as ‘proof’ that Europe needs more unification and distance from the USA. (Thiel B. Donald Trump and America’s Apocalypse. Nazarene Books, 2017)

The EU is upset that Americans voted for Donald Trump and again and it does NOT want other nations to leave it.

Furthermore, its disdain and mistrust for Donald Trump is one reason that Europe has been increasing its military spending.

On that note, a reader sent me a link to the following:

“Think Big and Do Big Things”

Debate intensifies on the new Bundeswehr “Special Funds” or an increase of the military budget up to 3.5 percent of the GDP. New Greenpeace study: NATO countries already invest in the military ten-times more money than Russia.

13 NOV 2024

BERLIN (own report) – In light of the looming new elections, the debate on increasing the German military budget is intensifying. German Economyics Minister Robert Habeck, is insisting on a new “Special Fund” being adopted before elections, reasoning that if the AfD and BSW win together a third of the seats in the next Bundestag, the necessary two-thirds majority can no longer be achieved. …

Surveys on this issue paint a contradictory picture. For example, in a survey taken by the Hamburg-based Körber Foundation, 50 percent of the Germans responded in favor of implementing Pistorius’ plan of spending up to 3.5 percent of the GDP on the Bundeswehr.[7] Fifteen percent even find the percentage too low. At the same time, 56 percent are opposed to the necessary budget cuts in social affairs, ecology, culture and development. It is unclear where else the funds should be taken. Less than half – forty-six percent – favor Germany’s stronger engagement in international crises. Of these, however, 71 percent favor diplomatic activities, 15 percent, financial measures and a mere 10 percent, military engagement. Sixty-five percent rather reject Germany assuming a military leadership role within the EU. Finally, only 35 percent believe that Germany should replace the USA, should the United States under future President Donald Trump,fall short in its function as the leading Western power.

So, at this time ONLY 35% want Germany to rise to lead militarily because of Donald Trump.

Since the majority of Germans dislike Donald Trump, do not be surprised when the percentage for German changes on this.

Furthermore, remember that it was even a smaller percentage of Germans who initially wanted to support Adolf Hitler.

Regarding some German resistance of becoming militaristic, consider also the following prophecy:

5 “Woe to Assyria, the rod of My anger
And the staff in whose hand is My indignation.
6 I will send him against an ungodly nation,
And against the people of My wrath
I will give him charge,
To seize the spoil, to take the prey,
And to tread them down like the mire of the streets.
7 Yet he does not mean so,
Nor does his heart think so;
But it is in his heart to destroy,
And cut off not a few nations.  (Isaiah 10:5-7)

The end time Assyrians are those of Central Europe–the Germanic peoples.


Donald Trump, threats to the EU, economic matters, and concerns about defense will gel into Germany changing.

And if Germany really does increase military spending to 3.5%, that would tend to include military technologies which will one day be used to conquer the United States and its British descended allies (cf. Isaiah 10:5-11; Daniel 11:39).

Some items of possibly related interest may include:

Europa, the Beast, and Revelation Where did Europe get its name? What might Europe have to do with the Book of Revelation? What about “the Beast”? Is an emerging European power “the daughter of Babylon”? What is ahead for Europe? Here is are links to related videos: European history and the Bible, Europe In Prophecy, The End of European Babylon, and Can You Prove that the Beast to Come is European? Here is a link to a related sermon in the Spanish language: El Fin de la Babilonia Europea.
The European Union and the Seven Kings of Revelation 17 Could the European Union be the sixth king that now is, but is not? Here is a link to the related sermon video: European Union & 7 Kings of Revelation 17:10.
European Technology and the Beast of Revelation Will the coming European Beast power would use and develop technology that will result in the taking over of the USA and its Anglo-Saxon allies? Is this possible? What does the Bible teach? Here is a related YouTube video: Military Technology and the Beast of Revelation.
Might German Baron Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg become the King of the North? Is the former German Defense Minister (who is also the former German Minister for Economics and Technology) one to watch? What do Greco-Roman Catholic, Byzantine, and biblical prophecies suggest? A video of related interest would be: Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg and Europe’s Future. Two shorter video are also available: Blockchain, Karl Guttenberg, and 666 and The Middle East, Prophecy, and Karl Theodor zu Guttenberg.
Germany’s Assyrian Roots Throughout History Are the Germanic peoples descended from Asshur of the Bible? Have there been real Christians in Germanic history? What about the “Holy Roman Empire”? There is also a You-Tube video sermon on this titled Germany’s Biblical Origins.
Germany in Biblical and Roman Catholic Prophecy Does Assyria in the Bible equate to an end time power inhabiting the area of the old Roman Empire? What does prophecy say Germany will do and what does it say will happen to most of the German people? Here is a version of the article in the Spanish language: Alemania en la profecía bíblic. Here are links to two English language sermon videos Germany in Bible Prophecy and The Rise of the Germanic Beast Power of Prophecy. Here is one in the Spanish language: Alemania en profecía Biblica.
Donald Trump in Prophecy Prophecy, Donald Trump? Are there prophecies that Donald Trump may fulfill?  Are there any prophecies that he has already helped fulfill?  Is a Donald Trump presidency proving to be apocalyptic?  Two related videos are available: Donald: ‘Trump of God’ or Apocalyptic? and Donald Trump’s Prophetic Presidency.
Trump Presidency Magic 8 Ball or Bible Prophecy? BBC reported that one might as well use a ‘Magic Eight-Ball’ to try to predict what will happen in the remaining time of Donald Trump’s presidency. What is a ‘Magic Eight-Ball’? Dr. Thiel not only explains that, but also briefly goes over 10 biblically-based warnings he wrote would happen if Donald Trump were elected that have already began to come to pass. He also goes over something he wrote back in 2008 that the Trump presidency is also helping lead to fulfillment. Should you trust Bible prophecy or not? Dr. Thiel says that Bible prophecy can be trusted, despite the view of skeptics and others that either overlook or despise the Bible. This is a video.
Donald Trump and America’s Apocalypse This 188 page book is for people truly interested in prophecies related to Donald Trump and the United States, including learning about several that have already been fulfilled and those that will be fulfilled in the future. The physical book can be purchased at Amazon for $12.99 from the following link: Donald Trump and America’s Apocalypse.
Donald Trump and America’s Apocalypse-Kindle Edition This electronic version of the 188 page print edition is available for only US$3.99. And you do not need an actual Kindle device to read it. Why? Amazon will allow you to download it to almost any device: Please click HERE to download one of Amazon s Free Reader Apps. After you go to for your free Kindle reader and then go to Donald Trump and America’s Apocalypse-Kindle Edition.
Lost Tribes and Prophecies: What will happen to Australia, the British Isles, Canada, Europe, New Zealand and the United States of America? Where did those people come from? Can you totally rely on DNA? Do you really know what will happen to Europe and the English-speaking peoples? What about the peoples of Africa, Asia, South America, and the islands? This free online book provides scriptural, scientific, historical references, and commentary to address those matters. Here are links to related sermons: Lost tribes, the Bible, and DNA; Lost tribes, prophecies, and identifications; 11 Tribes, 144,000, and Multitudes; Israel, Jeremiah, Tea Tephi, and British Royalty; Gentile European Beast; Royal Succession, Samaria, and Prophecies; Asia, Islands, Latin America, Africa, and Armageddon;  When Will the End of the Age Come?Rise of the Prophesied King of the North; Christian Persecution from the Beast; WWIII and the Coming New World Order; and Woes, WWIV, and the Good News of the Kingdom of God.

BibleNewsProphecy: Donald Trump – Now What? & Donald trump y eventos para observar

Sunday, November 17th, 2024


The Continuing Church of God put together the following video on our Bible News Prophecy YouTube channel:


Donald Trump – Now What?

Donald Trump won the election again. Will he fix everything wrong in America and bring in a golden age as he claims? Why or why not? What are concerns from the international community? Will Russia end up with territory that was once part of Ukraine? Might we see a regional war involving Iran? What about the peace deal of Daniel 9:26-27? Can the Great Tribulation begin in the next US presidential term? What are some of the 20+ predictions Dr. Thiel made before Donald Trump’s last presidential term that have been confirmed? Will US debt be a problem in the future per Habakkuk 2:6-9? What are some of the unintended consequences of a Donald Trump presidency? What about Europe? Dr. Thiel and Steve Dupuie go over these matters.

Here is a link to our video: Donald Trump – Now What?

Here is a related video in the Spanish language:

Here is a link to a Spanish language version of this message: Donald trump y eventos para observar.

Some items of possibly related interest may include the following:

Donald Trump in Prophecy Prophecy, Donald Trump? Are there prophecies that Donald Trump may fulfill?  Are there any prophecies that he has already helped fulfill?  Is a Donald Trump presidency proving to be apocalyptic?  Two related videos are available: Donald: ‘Trump of God’ or Apocalyptic? and Donald Trump’s Prophetic Presidency.
Trump Presidency Magic 8 Ball or Bible Prophecy? BBC reported that one might as well use a ‘Magic Eight-Ball’ to try to predict what will happen in the remaining time of Donald Trump’s presidency. What is a ‘Magic Eight-Ball’? Dr. Thiel not only explains that, but also briefly goes over 10 biblically-based warnings he wrote would happen if Donald Trump were elected that have already began to come to pass. He also goes over something he wrote back in 2008 that the Trump presidency is also helping lead to fulfillment. Should you trust Bible prophecy or not? Dr. Thiel says that Bible prophecy can be trusted, despite the view of skeptics and others that either overlook or despise the Bible. This is a video.
Donald Trump and America’s Apocalypse This 188 page book is for people truly interested in prophecies related to Donald Trump and the United States, including learning about several that have already been fulfilled and those that will be fulfilled in the future. The physical book can be purchased at Amazon for $12.99 from the following link: Donald Trump and America’s Apocalypse.
Donald Trump and America’s Apocalypse-Kindle Edition This electronic version of the 188 page print edition is available for only US$3.99. And you do not need an actual Kindle device to read it. Why? Amazon will allow you to download it to almost any device: Please click HERE to download one of Amazon s Free Reader Apps. After you go to for your free Kindle reader and then go to Donald Trump and America’s Apocalypse-Kindle Edition.
Lost Tribes and Prophecies: What will happen to Australia, the British Isles, Canada, Europe, New Zealand and the United States of America? Where did those people come from? Can you totally rely on DNA? Do you really know what will happen to Europe and the English-speaking peoples? What about the peoples of Africa, Asia, South America, and the islands? This free online book provides scriptural, scientific, historical references, and commentary to address those matters. Here are links to related sermons: Lost tribes, the Bible, and DNA; Lost tribes, prophecies, and identifications; 11 Tribes, 144,000, and Multitudes; Israel, Jeremiah, Tea Tephi, and British Royalty; Gentile European Beast; Royal Succession, Samaria, and Prophecies; Asia, Islands, Latin America, Africa, and Armageddon;  When Will the End of the Age Come?Rise of the Prophesied King of the North; Christian Persecution from the Beast; WWIII and the Coming New World Order; and Woes, WWIV, and the Good News of the Kingdom of God.


Donald Trump gets religious and PCG support

Saturday, November 16th, 2024

Donald Trump motto banner
(Photo from Pixabay)


Many of the religious who profess Christianity supported the reelection of Donald Trump:

Religion and the election of Trump

November 16, 2024

The U.S. election is over. How did religious people vote?

Exit polls from news outlets found a majority of those who identify as Christians voted for Donald Trump, including 63 per cent of Protestants and 58 per cent of Catholics. For white Protestants, that figure was 72 per cent, while for white Catholics it was 61 per cent. …

Unsurprisingly, 81 per cent of evangelicals overall also voted for him, similar to the figures for 2016 and 2020.

Jews went the other way, with 78 per cent voting for Kamala Harris. So did those who claim no religious affiliation — 71 per cent of the “nones” voted for her. A majority of Muslims voted for her as well (63 per cent), with 32 per cent voting for Trump. Four per cent of Muslims voted for a third-party candidate such as Jill Stein.

About six in 10 members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints supported Trump, while about eight in 10 Black Protestants supported Harris.

Yes, many of the more religious voted for Donald Trump.

Those in PCG are quite pleased with Donald Trump’s reelection:

President Trump Promises New Era of Christian Power

November 14, 2024

Donald Trump is promising to use his second term in the White House to defend biblical virtues. For much of the past 16 years, radical government officials have dismissed Jewish and Christian concerns as irrelevant and used the power of the state to coerce people to act contrary to their faith by subsidizing abortion procedures and participating in homosexual wedding ceremonies. Now the new president-elect is vowing to fight back.

“Remember, every Communist regime throughout history has tried to stamp out the churches, just like every fascist regime has tried to co-opt them and control them,” Mr. Trump said in February. “And in America, the radical left is trying to do both. They want to tear down crosses where they can and cover them up with social justice flags. But no one will be touching the cross of Christ under the Trump administration, I swear to you.” …

Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry has compared Mr. Trump to … Jeroboam ii. Amos 7:13 says King Jeroboam ii was supported by a religious movement known as “the king’s chapel,” which was centered around the cities of Bethel and Dan. This chapel did not worship pagan deities like Baal, but rather used idols and pagan holidays to worship the true God of Israel. In other words, it represented a counterfeit version of the religion practiced at the temple in Jerusalem.

Anciently, the king’s chapel helped save Israel by destroying “Baal out of Israel” and fighting the type of child sacrifice Baal worship involved.

Donald Trump does not understand nor support true Christianity.

PCG’s Gerald Flurry wrote the following:

Trump Victory: Fulfilled Prophecy!

November 14, 2024

Trumpet readers knew that Donald Trump would return to the White House. …

Truly, it is a miracle. God has been protecting and empowering this man.

Prophecy says that Donald Trump is going to lead a resurgence in America. And it looks like this resurgence could be significant and impressive. We must see that this is not the work of a man. It is God’s doing.

Trumpet, March 2021). …. At that time, nobody thought Trump would return to the presidency.

Well, no Gerald Flurry, there were people other than you who thought Donald Trump would return to the presidency.

Furthermore, Gerald Flurry had the following in the July 2021 dated edition of its Philadelphia Trumpet magazine related to Donald Trump:

What Will Happen After Trump Regains Power

Bible prophecy shows that he will return to office to stop some of the destruction being caused by the current administration. …

(2 Kings 14:26-27). … “Now the rest of the acts of Jeroboam, and all that he did, and his might, how he warred, and how he recovered Damascus, and Hamath, which belonged to Judah, for Israel, are they not written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Israel?” (verse 28). This verse marks a new development. It happens after God uses Jeroboam to save Israel. …

How does this verse apply to Donald Trump? Bible prophecy shows that, however it happens, Mr. Trump will return to office.

‘Warred’ to ‘Recover’

Amos 7 contains a prophecy about end-time Israel—most prominently, the superpower America today. It is clearly about the very end of the nation. It shows that at that time, Jeroboam is not only in power, but he is wielding kingly authority.

This prophecy describes a confrontation Jeroboam has with a representative of God. I will explain more about this in a moment. But it’s important to note that Amos 7 looks like one flowing event: There is no hint of a gap or pause in Jeroboam’s reign before this confrontation. Is it possible that this prophecy doesn’t mention an interruption in his rule because in God’s view, there is no gap? I believe that by maintaining the flow of Jeroboam’s rule in this prophecy, God may well be showing that the 2020 election was stolen. Perhaps He looks on Mr. Trump as still being president of the United States! The view that the election was stolen has far more weight if that’s the way God Himself sees it.

But 2 Kings 14:28 gives us insight into what is happening during the pause in Trump’s rule, between his first and second term. …

President Trump could also lead some states to secede from the union. That would lead to some kind of warfare.

Verse 28 of 2 Kings 14 strongly indicates that Mr. Trump recovers his presidency by some kind of warring—not voting.

It seems certain to me that this will happen before the next presidential election in 2024—unless there would be some kind of war and voting combined. But 2 Kings 14:28 does not even hint of an election.

(Flurry G. What Will Happen After Trump Regains Power. Philadelphia Trumpet, July 2021

In 2021, Gerald Flurry was predicting some type of ‘war’ that will put Donald Trump in office before 2024. And that Donald Trump would seemingly come back without a hint of an election. Gerald Flurry was wrong, not right, about Donald Trump in 2o21.

Regarding the Donald Trump Jeroboam matter, in 2021, PCG posted the following:

The story of an ancient king of Israel carries an urgent lesson for Americans and Israelis in 2021. …

Since January 2017, Philadelphia Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry has repeatedly explained the dramatic prophecy in Amos 7, which specifically discusses an end-time Jeroboam and “house of Jeroboam.” Mr. Flurry has shown that United States President Donald Trump is the end-time type of King Jeroboam ii, and that Mr. Trump’s presidency can be compared to the summary of Jeroboam’s reign recorded in 2 Kings 14. …

Under Jeroboam, Israel experienced an economic boom. Its enemies retreated. Its borders expanded. A religious revival swept across the land. The same happened in America under Donald Trump. …

God is resurrecting the history of Jeroboam for us right now. God, in His mercy, is saving Israel one final time. As was the case under Jeroboam ii, the resurgence of the United States under Donald Trump is only temporary. The rapid radicalization of the nation under the Biden administration proves this all the more. When President Trump regains power, God’s purpose in bringing that about is not merely to stabilize the nation or our bank accounts. Its purpose is to provide time—and precious little of it—to repent.

No, a religious revival did not sweep across the USA under Donald Trump.

Right before the election in 2020, Gerald Flurry was NOT teaching that Donald Trump would one day again be President of the United States–he was teaching that Donald Trump had to remain in office now. Here is direct proof as Gerald Flurry wrote the following:

Donald Trump Is Going to Win This Election

November 9. 2020

This past Friday night, Joe Biden held a big parade and made a victory speech. Saturday, the American news media decided to declare him the winner of the election and the president-elect of the United States.

It does appear strongly that this man will be America’s next president. But I absolutely do not believe that at all. Regardless of how things look right now, I am confident that Donald Trump will remain president. …

Unfulfilled Prophecies

The Trumpet has been explaining biblical prophecies that apply to Donald Trump and to America—specific end-time prophecies that must be and will be fulfilled.

We have shown how President Trump is here to stop the destructive spirit that is working to destroy America. …

But looking at this modern-day Jeroboam, you have to say God gave Israel a “savior”—at least to the extent that He wouldn’t let these enemies bring down the nation. He has been blocking this movement to “blot out the name of Israel [which includes America] from under heaven.”

And is his job finished? No, it isn’t. So I don’t believe at all that he is going to disappear from the scene!

The Trumpet has also pointed to a prophecy in Amos 7 that tells us a lot about this end-time Jeroboam. None of that prophecy has yet been fulfilled—but we can be sure that it will be, and President Trump must be in power for this to take place. God is going to fulfill every prophecy of His Bible! …

Donald Trump certainly has his problems, and God sees those—but He chose him as a savior—temporarily—for this nation!

While God will fulfill every prophecy of His Bible, Gerald Flurry has a history of misunderstanding and misinterpreting biblical prophecies. THIS ELECTION meant the one in November 2020. Gerald Flurry wrote that Joe Biden would NOT be President of the USA and he was “confident that Donald Trump will remain president.”

Notice also something from PCG’s Joel Hilliker:

January 19, 2021

Mr. Flurry’s prophecy is out there.

And now only God can back him up.

Watching the news, Mr. Flurry’s statement that Donald Trump will remain America’s president seems impossible. Because even if facts emerge showing incontrovertible election fraud, American media are in lockstep with radical Democrats to block the truth from ever reaching the average American.

This is an up-against-the-sea, trapped-by-the-mountains, army-at-our-backs moment. Nobody can change this except God.

Mr. Flurry continues the work of Herbert W. Armstrong, whom God used as an end-time type of Elijah (Malachi 4:5-6). The original Elijah faced a large group of false prophets who held a lot of power and collusion with the political authorities over the nation. He faced off directly against them, building an altar, laying a sacrifice on it, then pouring on it large amounts of water. Then he prayed only a short prayer. Yet he was absolutely confident God would answer!

What happened? Fire from heaven devoured that sacrifice. God backed up His servant. Imagine what it would have looked like if He didn’t. But He did.

We don’t know how God will intervene. Like many of our readers, we have looked at the Constitution and the political situation and the Bible, and we have thought perhaps God would intervene this way, or that way, or maybe this other way. We don’t know how, but we trust that some way God will intervene so His prophecies will be fulfilled. His ways are higher than our ways. We do not know how God’s prophecies will stand, but we know they will stand!

Many people are watching us closely. If God does not intervene, a lot of people would feel justified in accusing Mr. Flurry of being a false prophet.

Notice that PCG published that Gerald Flurry made a prophecy there.

A prophecy that was false.

According to the Bible, Gerald Flurry is a false prophet.

Notice the following warning from the Bible:

17 “And the Lord said to me: ‘What they have spoken is good. 18 I will raise up for them a Prophet like you from among their brethren, and will put My words in His mouth, and He shall speak to them all that I command Him. 19 And it shall be that whoever will not hear My words, which He speaks in My name, I will require it of him. 20 But the prophet who presumes to speak a word in My name, which I have not commanded him to speak, or who speaks in the name of other gods, that prophet shall die.’ 21 And if you say in your heart, ‘How shall we know the word which the Lord has not spoken?’ — 22 when a prophet speaks in the name of the Lord, if the thing does not happen or come to pass, that is the thing which the Lord has not spoken; the prophet has spoken it presumptuously; you shall not be afraid of him. (Deuteronomy 18:17-22)

While the Bible says people should listen to God’s true prophets, that certainly does not include Gerald Flurry. Gerald Flurry has again been proven false. He did not just make some inadvertent error (like a typo), he presumptuously and repeatedly insisted that Donald Trump would remain in office now. That did NOT happen. Other PCG writers posted to expect the US Supreme Court to change the results–which did not happen (see PCG: Will This Texas Lawsuit Overturn the Presidential Election?) as well as to expect a miracle for Donald Trump to REMAIN in office (see PCG says expect a miracle: Joe Biden will not be president of the USA).

The New Testament teaches:

21 Test all things; hold fast what is good. (1 Thessalonians 5:21)

Gerald Flurry’s insistence that Donald Trump would remain in office shows that he failed the test. His identification of Donald Trump as a modern Jeroboam has always been wrong.

While Christians should heed true prophets and not despise prophecies (1 Thessalonians 5:20), PCG’s Gerald Flurry is not God’s prophet.

Anyway, just because many of the religious voted for Donald Trump, that does not mean that he intends to turn people back to the God of the Bible. He could not do that unless he repented, and since Donald Trump has stated that he never repented do not count on him to turn the USA to God.

Do not let anyone persuade you otherwise with deceptive words.

Some items of possibly related interest may include the following:

Why Be Concerned About False and Heretical Leaders? There have been many false leaders–here is some of why you should be concerned about them. Here is a related article in the Spanish language ¿Por qué estar preocupado acerca de falsos y heréticos líderes?
Does the CCOG have the confirmed signs of Acts 2:17-18? Does any church have the confirmed dream and prophetic signs of Acts 2:17-18? Should one? Here is a link in the Spanish language: ¿Tiene la CCOG confirmadas las señales de Hechos 2: 17-18? Here is a link in the French language: Est-ce que l’Église Continue de Dieu confirme les signes d’Actes 2:17-18? A related sermon in the English language is also available: 17 Last Days’ Signs of the Holy Spirit.
21st Century Church of God Prophets Are there any true prophets in the 21st century? What about false prophets? What are scriptures and fruits to identify the true from the false? You you prove all things and test the spirits?
Church of God Leaders on Prophets Have there been prophets throughout the church age? Are any supposed to be around in the last days? What have COG leaders stated or written about prophets? Here is a link to a related sermon: Church of God Leaders on Prophets.
How To Determine If Someone is a True Prophet of God There are many false prophets. How can Christians determine who is a true prophet? There is also a sermon-length video titled How to determine if someone is a true prophet of God. Here is a related link in Spanish/español: ¿Cómo determinar si alguien es un verdadero profeta de Dios?
Herbert W. Armstrong, the Philadelphia Church, & the Mantle Herbert Armstrong claims God had him raise the Philadelphia up. Are there reasons to believe that the Philadelphia mantle in now within the CCOG? Here is a link to a related sermon: Herbert W. Armstrong and the Philadelphia Mantle.
Messianic Judaism Beliefs Differ from the Continuing Church of God Both groups keep the seventh-day Sabbath, but have important differences in doctrines and practices. Here is a link to a related sermon: Messianic Judaism beliefs.
6. The Philadelphia Church Era was predominant circa 1933 A.D. to 1986 A.D. The old Radio Church of God and old Worldwide Church of God, now the remnant of that era is basically the most faithful in the Church of God, like who hold to the beliefs and practices of the Continuing Church of God.
7. The Laodicean Church Era has been predominant circa 1986 A.D. to present. The Laodiceans are non-Philadelphians who mainly descended from the old WCG or its offshoots. They do not properly understand the work or biblical prophecies and will face the Great Tribulation if they do not repent. One video of related interest is 17 Laodicean Errors in Prophecy. See also Do You Hold to Any of These Laodicean Prophetic Errors?
Donald Trump in Prophecy Prophecy, Donald Trump? Are there prophecies that Donald Trump may fulfill?  Are there any prophecies that he has already helped fulfill?  Is a Donald Trump presidency proving to be apocalyptic?  Two related videos are available: Donald: ‘Trump of God’ or Apocalyptic? and Donald Trump’s Prophetic Presidency.
Trump Presidency Magic 8 Ball or Bible Prophecy? BBC reported that one might as well use a ‘Magic Eight-Ball’ to try to predict what will happen in the remaining time of Donald Trump’s presidency. What is a ‘Magic Eight-Ball’? Dr. Thiel not only explains that, but also briefly goes over 10 biblically-based warnings he wrote would happen if Donald Trump were elected that have already began to come to pass. He also goes over something he wrote back in 2008 that the Trump presidency is also helping lead to fulfillment. Should you trust Bible prophecy or not? Dr. Thiel says that Bible prophecy can be trusted, despite the view of skeptics and others that either overlook or despise the Bible. This is a video.
Donald Trump and America’s Apocalypse This 188 page book is for people truly interested in prophecies related to Donald Trump and the United States, including learning about several that have already been fulfilled and those that will be fulfilled in the future. The physical book can be purchased at Amazon for $12.99 from the following link: Donald Trump and America’s Apocalypse.
Donald Trump and America’s Apocalypse-Kindle Edition This electronic version of the 188 page print edition is available for only US$3.99. And you do not need an actual Kindle device to read it. Why? Amazon will allow you to download it to almost any device: Please click HERE to download one of Amazon s Free Reader Apps. After you go to for your free Kindle reader and then go to Donald Trump and America’s Apocalypse-Kindle Edition.
PCG: Teachings Unique to the Philadelphia Church of God Simply calling oneself ‘Philadelphia’ does not make one so (see Revelation 3:7-9), nor does Gerald Flurry calling himself “that prophet” make it so. This article provides many quotes from this group which tries to look faithful.


China’s Belt and Road Initiative has resulted in a mega-port in Peru

Saturday, November 16th, 2024


China’s ‘Silk Road Project,’ renamed the Belt and Road Initiative, is making progress even in the Western Hemisphere:

BEIJING, Nov. 16, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Chinese President Xi Jinping arrived in Lima, capital of Peru, on Thursday for a state visit and the 31st APEC Economic Leaders’ Meeting. Xi held talks with Peruvian President Dina Boluarte and said that China and Peru should improve and upgrade practical cooperation and continuously elevate their comprehensive strategic partnership to new heights to better benefit the two peoples.

In a written statement upon his arrival in Lima, Xi said it gives him great pleasure to once again pay a state visit to the Republic of Peru and attend the 31st APEC Economic Leaders’ Meeting at the invitation of President Dina Boluarte, adding that he feels very close to Peru as he again stepped onto this beautiful and rich land with a long history, according to the Xinhua News Agency.

Xi attended a grand welcome ceremony hosted by Boluarte. The two heads of state held talks, during which Xi called on China and Peru to promote the integration of industrial and supply chains, and said China-Peru ties have become a model of solidarity and cooperation among countries of different sizes, systems, and cultures, and called the Chancay Port another successful project of China-Peru Belt and Road cooperation. The two presidents also attended the opening ceremony of the Chancay Port via video link.

“This is not only an important project under Belt and Road cooperation, but also the first smart port in South America. The first phase of the project, when completed, will reduce the sea shipping time from Peru to China to 23 days, thus cutting logistics costs by at least 20 percent. It is expected to generate $4.5 billion in yearly revenues for Peru and create over 8,000 direct jobs,” Xi wrote in a signed article in Peruvian media outlet El Peruano …

In his written statement upon arrival on Thursday, Xi said China firmly supports Peru’s presidency of APEC and will work closely with Peru to ensure a successful and productive meeting, enhance Asia-Pacific cooperation with a “Lima Imprint,” and make new contributions to building an Asia-Pacific community with a shared future.

China is working to get those in South America to look more towards Asia than North America.

Unlike the USA, China put in a massive investment in South America for commercial purposes.

Notice also something from the BBC:

China megaport opens up Latin America as wary US looks on

15/16 November 2024

As the world waits to see how the return of Donald Trump will reshape relations between Washington and Beijing, China has just taken decisive action to entrench its position in Latin America.

Trump won the US presidential election on a platform that promised tariffs as high as 60% on Chinese-made goods. Further south, though, a new China-backed megaport has the potential to create whole new trade routes that will bypass North America entirely.

President Xi Jinping himself attended the inauguration of the Chancay port on the Peruvian coast this week, an indication of just how seriously China takes the development.

Xi was in Peru for the annual meeting of the Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation Forum (Apec). But all eyes were on Chancay and what it says about China’s growing assertiveness in a region that the US has traditionally seen as its sphere of influence.

As seasoned observers see it, Washington is now paying the price for years of indifference towards its neighbours and their needs.

“The US has been absent from Latin America for so long, and China has moved in so rapidly, that things have really reconfigured in the past decade,” says Monica de Bolle, senior fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics in Washington.

China has had a lot of international influence with its Belt and Road Initiative (BRI)–the USA simply does not have anything of scale like it.

The USA, like the UK before it, is losing influence in many parts of the world where it once dominated.

That said, Europe is taking steps on its own to increase its influence and prophesied dominance.

The European Union has something it calls the Global Gateway project which it believes will increase its influence in trade while blocking some of China’s influence:

Alternative To China’s Belt & Road Initiative, European Union Eyes ‘Global Gateway’ To Counter The BRI

January 9, 2023

Belt & Road Initiative (BRI) is a mega project of China through which it wants connectivity to West Asia and the European world. China has given a vast media hype to the initiative and declared it would undertake a significant financing share in the project.

It tried to convince the Eurasian and European countries that they would benefit highly from the project. In a sense, Beijing wants to revive the mystique of the ancient Silk Road, which remained the main trading route between the East and west in the olden world.

… the EU has finally come up with the Global Gateway at the end of the day. Reverting to December 2021, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen confidently announced in a Brussels rally that the European Union’s new infrastructure drive would be a genuine alternative to China’s Belt and Road Initiative.

She added, “We can do that. Countries made their experience,” she said of Global Gateway, a spending drive that promised to mobilize up to Euro 300 billion (US$318 billion) by 2027 for modern infrastructure projects outside the EU. … in an interview with Politico last week, senior EU officials promised that “the projects would come next year. Once we have rolled out much more substantially the concept of Global Gateway, it will prove to be an attractive option, precisely as Belt & Road has been seen with all the negativity … with all the problems that it was creating,” said Stefano Sanin, Secretary General of the European External Action Service to the publication.

Europe does NOT intend to sit completely on the sidelines as it also wants to have connections into Asia, Latin America, and Africa. While it has been moving slower than China on such infrastructure projects, its supporting of more connectivity is consistent with its goals and plans.

For example, notice the following:


15 November 2024

The Global Gateway Africa – Europe Investment Package aims to support Africa for a strong, inclusive, green and digital recovery and transformation. The Global Gateway is Europe’s offer for connecting the world with investments and partnerships. It is delivered through a Team Europe approach and Team Europe initiatives, bringing together the EU, its Member States and their financial and development institutions. It also mobilises the private sector in order to leverage investments for a transformational impact.

Here is some of what EU News said about the Global Gateway project in the past:

What is new in this Communication and how does it relate to previous initiatives in Connectivity? 

Global Gateway is global in scope, adapting to the needs and strategic interests of different regions. It builds on the achievements of the 2018 EU-Asia Connectivity Strategy, the recently concluded Connectivity Partnerships with Japan and India, as well as the Economic and Investment Plans for the Western Balkans, the Eastern Partnership, and the Southern Neighbourhood, but paying also particular attention to Africa, Central Asia and Latin America.

Global Gateway will be implemented in a Team Europe approach, that brings together funding by the EU, its Member States and European financial institutions, ensuring that investments can be targeted and more effective, strengthening existing initiatives and fostering new ones.

Global Gateway is values driven and based on the Union’s high social, environmental, fiscal and labour standards. It will focus on physical infrastructure – such as fibre optic cables, transport corridors, clean power transmission lines – to strengthen digital, transport and energy networks. It will also provide an enabling environment to make sure projects deliver, by offering attractive investment and business-friendly trading conditions, regulatory convergence, standardisation, supply chain integration and financial services. The EU has put in place financial and other tools to address the investment needs in sustainable infrastructure development across the world. accessed 12/02/21

The EU project is ambitious. It is intended to help insure, that it, and not China or the USA will gain dominance. This is strategically interesting in that Europe is not intending to spend as much as China, but by being more selective about where to spend its funds, it will mainly fill in ‘gaps’ that it expects will benefit it the most. Notice that North America is NOT part of the connectivity plans.

Furthermore, unlike the Chinese plan, the European one involves infrastructure around data and communications technology.

As far as Latin America and Europe go, notice the following:

13 November 2024

The European Commission and Mercosur countries aim to conclude their long-running negotiations on a trade accord at a summit of the Latin American bloc in early December, people familiar with the discussions told POLITICO. …

A round of in-person talks is planned for the week of Nov. 25 in Brazil to close the remaining loopholes, a Commission official said. They declined to give a timeline for the conclusion of the deal but stressed that the Mercosur countries — Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay and newcomer Bolivia — are increasing the pressure to seal it soon.

Uruguay will host a Mercosur summit from Dec. 2-4, when Javier Milei’s Argentina will take over the bloc’s rotating presidency.

The “cows for cars” deal would lift trade barriers and create a common market of nearly 800 million people that accounts for a fifth of global GDP. For its European supporters, led by Germany, the pact is long overdue as China extends its economic footprint across the South American continent and pushes European businesses aside.

“If we don’t do a trade agreement with [Mercosur], then this void will be filled really by China,” incoming EU foreign affairs chief Kaja Kallas said on Tuesday. Between 2020 and 2022, Chinese investment in Latin America increased 34 times, the former Estonian prime minister told a confirmation hearing in Brussels.

Notice that Europe wants the deal, in a hurry, at least partially to keep out China. It is less worried about the USA for that region. Ultimately Latin America will align more with Europe (see Mexico, Central America, South America, Brazil, and the Caribbean in Prophecy), though it will also deal with China.

The Bible shows that economically as the “daughter of Babylon” Europe will rise up in this century–(cf. Revelation chapters 17 & 18)–and  trade deals and the Global Gateway are steps in that direction.

Consider that while China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) itself will face various obstacles, it looks to be supportive of some biblical prophecies.

Since the Bible teaches that it will be Europe that will dominate world trade, the BRI and Europe’s Global Gateway look to be ways that Europe will get access to markets in Asia and Africa. Roads work both ways. Furthermore, Europe has a long history of trading with Asia and Latin America and is biblically prophesied to continue to do so.

Consider that the Bible teaches the following about an end time European power:

2 … Babylon … 3 For all the nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth have become rich through the abundance of her luxury. (Revelation 18:2,3)

The above is referring to the fact that nations of the world are prophesied to get wealthy trading with end time Babylon, which will be a European entity.

Back in 1971, the old Worldwide Church of God (WCG) published the following:

Momentous, historic events are transforming Western Europe. But most Americans are “asleep at the switch” to what is happening. It’s time for a self-centered America to wake up – before her allies become her enemies. Envision the startling future of Western Europe. A … union of perhaps 250 million people, surpassing both the United States and the Soviet Union in economic strength, possessing for the first time worldwide political power and influence. One news source recently called it an “enormous, physically powerful beast.” A new Western Europe controlling perhaps half of all world trade, by exclusive arrangements with dozens of nations who produce raw materials. A “United States of Europe” possessing one single currency – a currency so strong that it will replace the U. S. dollar as the kingpin currency of world trade. (Hogberg G. EUROPE’S COMMON MARKET RISING WORLD COLOSSUS. Plain Truth, 1971)

Now we all know that Europe has its own currency–a currency that some see as the logical replacement for the US dollar for world trade. Now, let me add that less than a decade after the above was published, the WCG publicly announced that Eastern Europe would also be part of this European power. And within a decade of that, Eastern European nations began to officially join in with what has become the European Union (more in Eastern Europe have also applied to become members of the EU). And, in population, the European Union already is actually larger than that of the USA. The Global Gateway project and the EU’s support of the G20 connectivity goals are steps intended to help Europe rise up.

Related to the ‘Global Gateway,’ the Continuing Church of God (CCOG) put together the following video on our Bible News Prophecy YouTube channel:


EU’s Global Gateway, Trade, and War?

The European Union announced that it planned to spend €300 billion ($340 billion) in a program called ‘Global Gateway.’ According to EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen it is a “true alternative” to China’s Belt and Road Initiative, also known as the Silk Road Project. Both the EU and Chinese projects will improve road, ports, and/or other infrastructure to connect with Europe, Asia, the Middle East, Africa, and Latin America. Will this result in increased trade for Europe and Asia during the time of the Gentiles? Will Babylonian Europe dominate trade for a time? Will devastating war hit Europe with Russian and Eurasian involvement? Would infrastructure these projects are involved in be used for war? What about preparation for Armageddon? Dr. Thiel addresses these issues and cites biblical prophecies related to these matters.

Here is a link to our video: EU’s Global Gateway, Trade, and War?

That said, while the USA is talking about tariffs, the Chinese, Latin Americans, Africans, and the Europeans are taking more steps to improve trade among them, and without the USA.

The Chinese and Europeans are building infrastructure in the Middle East, Europe, Africa, and Asia, like roads and ports. India is also involved.

This will facilitate trade, help set up for the gathering at Armageddon (watch Is China paving roads to Armageddon?), but also help the coming Beast power rise up and prosper.

But these projects also show that no matter how boldly some American politicians may talk, the rest of the world is not sitting idly by and relying on the USA.

Some items of possibly related interest may include:

Lost Tribes and Prophecies: What will happen to Australia, the British Isles, Canada, Europe, New Zealand and the United States of America? Where did those people come from? Can you totally rely on DNA? What about other peoples? Do you really know what will happen to Europe and the English-speaking peoples? What about Africa, Asia, South America, and the Islands? This free online book provides scriptural, scientific, historical references, and commentary to address those matters. Here are links to related sermons: Lost tribes, the Bible, and DNA; Lost tribes, prophecies, and identifications; 11 Tribes, 144,000, and Multitudes; Israel, Jeremiah, Tea Tephi, and British Royalty; Gentile European Beast; Royal Succession, Samaria, and Prophecies; Asia, Islands, Latin America, Africa, and Armageddon;  When Will the End of the Age Come?Rise of the Prophesied King of the North; Christian Persecution from the Beast; WWIII and the Coming New World Order; and Woes, WWIV, and the Good News of the Kingdom of God.
Mexico, Central America, South America, Brazil, and the Caribbean in Prophecy [Español: México, América central, Suramérica, Brasil y el Caribe en la profecía] [Português: México, América Central, Ámérica do Sul, e Brasil na profecia] What will happen to those of Latin America? Will they have prosperity? Will they cooperate with Europe? Will they suffer in the future? What role might the various Caribbean nations/territories play? Two videos of related interest are available: Will Mexico Regain USA Territories? and Donald Trump and Mexico’s future. A sermon of related interest is available: Latin America in Prophecy.
China, Its Biblical Past and Future, Part 1: Genesis and Chinese Characters Where did the Chinese people come from? This article provides information showing that the Chinese peoples must have known about various accounts in the Book of Genesis up until their dispersion after the Tower of Babel. Here is a link to a version of this article in Spanish: ¿Prueban los caracteres chinos la exactitud de la Biblia?
China, Its Biblical Past and Future, Part 2: The Sabbath and Some of God’s Witness in China When did Christianity first come to China? And is there early evidence that they observed the seventh day sabbath?
Asia in Prophecy What is Ahead for Asia? Who are the “Kings of the East”? What will happen to nearly all the Chinese, Russians, Indians, and others of Asia? China in prophecy, where? Who has the 200,000,000 man army related to Armageddon? A YouTube video of interest may be Is China THE Threat to the United States of America?
The Times of the Gentiles Has there been more than one time of the Gentiles? Are we in it now or in the time of Anglo-America? What will the final time of the Gentiles be like? A related sermon is available and is titled: The Times of the Gentiles.
Who is the King of the North? Is there one? Do biblical and Roman Catholic prophecies for the Great Monarch point to the same leader? Should he be followed? Who will be the King of the North discussed in Daniel 11? Is a nuclear attack prophesied to happen to the English-speaking peoples of the United States, Great Britain, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand? When do the 1335 days, 1290 days, and 1260 days (the time, times, and half a time) of Daniel 12 begin? When does the Bible show that economic collapse will affect the United States? In the Spanish language check out ¿Quién es el Rey del Norte? Here are links to two related videos: The King of the North is Alive: What to Look Out For and The Future King of the North.
Europa, the Beast, and Revelation Where did Europe get its name? What might Europe have to do with the Book of Revelation? What about “the Beast”? Is an emerging European power “the daughter of Babylon”? What is ahead for Europe? Here is a link to a video titled: Can You Prove that the Beast to Come is European? See also EU’s Global Gateway, Trade, and War?
The Times of the Gentiles Has there been more than one time of the Gentiles? Are we in it now or in the time of Anglo-America? What will the final time of the Gentiles be like? A related sermon is available and is titled: The Times of the Gentiles.