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Donald Trump wants ‘Iron Dome’ to protect USA; How does Israel’s Iron Dome work?; Will these really protect?

Tuesday, August 27th, 2024

‘Iron Dome’ missile (Israel Defense Forces photo)

Donald Trump spoke about a type of defensive system he wants the US to have:

Former President Trump said he would create a national guard for the Space Force and build an “Iron Dome” in the U.S. as he laid out his military plans during a Monday address. …

“And we’re going to build a great Iron Dome for missile defense around our nation. Other countries have said Israel has it. You know, [former President] Ronald Reagan wanted this many years ago, but we didn’t have the technology at that point. But now we have the technology,” Trump said.

Trump has repeatedly vowed to create an Iron Dome-style system, stating on the campaign trail over the past year he would work to build “the greatest dome of them all” due to “a lot of hostile people out there.” 08/26/24

Here is some of what Wikipedia says about the Iron Dome that Israel has:

Iron Dome (Hebrew: כִּפַּת בַּרְזֶל, romanizedKippat Barzel) is an Israeli mobile all-weather air defense system,[8] developed by Rafael Advanced Defense Systems and Israel Aerospace Industries.[7] The system is designed to intercept and destroy short-range rockets and artillery shells fired from distances of 4 to 70 kilometres (2–43 mi) away and whose trajectory would take them to an Israeli populated area.[9][10] From 2011 to 2021, the United States contributed a total of US$1.6 billion to the Iron Dome defense system,[11] with another US$1 billion approved by the US Congress in 2022. (Iron Dome, Wikipedia, accessed 08/27/24)

Israel has mainly used the Iron Dome to deal with rockets from Gaza.

Here is how it works according to the German news source, Deutsche Welle:

How Israel’s air defense system works

24 August 2024

The country’s air defense system comprises three components. David’s Sling, also known as Magic Wand, can intercept medium-range missiles, drones and cruise missiles. The Arrow system targets long-range missiles.

Iron Dome, meanwhile, can intercept and destroy short-range rockets and artillery shells. It has garnered praise on social media for being “Israel’s life insurance.” The system has been in use since March 2011.

How does Iron Dome work?

An Iron Dome battery consists of a radar unit and a control center that can detect projectiles soon after their launch and calculate their trajectory and target. It takes seconds for an approaching projectile to be detected. …

A battery also has three or four rocket launchers with 20 missiles each should projectiles be headed toward populated areas. The interceptor missiles can be maneuvered in the air.

However, they are not designed to strike an approaching projectile but to explode close by and destroy it in the process. Falling debris can, therefore, still cause considerable damage.

There are currently 10 mobile Iron Dome systems in use in Israel. …

According to Rafael Advanced Defense Systems, the “Iron Dome” has a 90% success rate. Its website says the system has intercepted over 5,000 rockets so far. …

Given the costs, the Israeli army wants to replace its Iron Dome system with a new laser defense weapon called the Iron Beam.

The high-energy laser beam will be used to destroy small missiles, drones and mortar shells. The idea is also that it should be capable of neutralizing drone swarms.

Originally, Iron Beam’s deployment was intended for 2025 but according to media reports, it could be brought into operation sooner. …

The advantages of the Iron Beam system over Iron Dome include far lower costs per shot, theoretically unlimited ammunition supplies and lower operating costs.

Israel hopes, between its Iron Dome and USA assistance, it will be able to handle attacks. Israel’s Iron Dome is part of a multi-tiered missile defense system that Israel has which includes what is also called Arrow, Iron Beam, and David’s Sling.

The Bible shows that God will allow what looks to be a Iranian-Syrian confederation to strike the nation of Israel:

1 The burden against the Valley of Vision.

What ails you now, that you have all gone up to the housetops, 2 You who are full of noise, A tumultuous city, a joyous city? Your slain men are not slain with the sword, Nor dead in battle. 3 All your rulers have fled together; They are captured by the archers. All who are found in you are bound together; They have fled from afar. 4 Therefore I said, “Look away from me, I will weep bitterly; Do not labor to comfort me Because of the plundering of the daughter of my people.”

5 For it is a day of trouble and treading down and perplexity By the Lord God of hosts In the Valley of Vision — Breaking down the walls And of crying to the mountain. 6 Elam bore the quiver With chariots of men and horsemen, And Kir uncovered the shield. 7 It shall come to pass that your choicest valleys Shall be full of chariots, And the horsemen shall set themselves in array at the gate.

8 He removed the protection of Judah. You looked in that day to the armor of the House of the Forest; 9 You also saw the damage to the city of David, That it was great; And you gathered together the waters of the lower pool. 10 You numbered the houses of Jerusalem, And the houses you broke down To fortify the wall. 11 You also made a reservoir between the two walls For the water of the old pool. But you did not look to its Maker, Nor did you have respect for Him who fashioned it long ago.

12 And in that day the Lord God of hosts Called for weeping and for mourning, For baldness and for girding with sackcloth. 13 But instead, joy and gladness, Slaying oxen and killing sheep, Eating meat and drinking wine: “Let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we die!”

14 Then it was revealed in my hearing by the Lord of hosts,”Surely for this iniquity there will be no atonement for you, Even to your death,” says the Lord God of hosts. (Isaiah 22:1-14 NKJV)

Elam is a reference to at least some in Iran. The old Worldwide Church of God published the following:

Iranians comprise nearly 70 percent of the country. Iranians, though Islamic, are totally distinct from the neighboring Arab peoples of the Middle East. They are a mixed people of the remnants of Media and Elam and other ancestors of Semitic and Hamitic stock. (Stump K. South Asia in Prophecy. Plain Truth, July/August 1986, p. 5)

Kir is of interest as it it looks to include Syrians and others in the region. For example, the Bible tells that after Tiglath-Pileser king of Assyria took over Damascus, he moved Syrians to Kir. While this does not mean that Kir must (or must only) be a reference to Syria, the fact that Syria is an ally of Iran is interesting. Some believe Kir is an area in the south of Iran (which could then include some in Iraq), while others suggest closer to the Black Sea (which Turkey borders). God’s word has the expression “the Syrians from Kir” (Amos 9:7), which is basically confirmation that Kir of Isaiah 22 would include Syrians. The prophecy that “Kir uncovered the shield” suggests that it will have somehow reduced the effectiveness of Israel’s ‘Iron Dome’ and/or other defensive equipment the nation of Israel will use.

The “House of the Forest” was anciently located in Lebanon (e.g. 1 Kings 7:2, 10:17,21; 2 Chronicles 9:16,20)–see also A Discourse on the House of the Forest of Lebanon, pp: 111-134 in Bunyan J. Stebbing H. The Entire Works of John Bunyan, Volume 4. Virtue and Company, 1860.

In Isaiah 22: 8, “Judah” is a reference to those in the land commonly called Israel–God will allow Israel to be attacked! In Isaiah 22:9, consider that “the damage to the city of David” is a reference to at least part of Jerusalem–and notice that the damage will be great. This, in turn, would be expected to result in a massive Israeli, possibly with US involvement, attack against Iran and its allies, like Syria.the

The fulfillment of Isaiah 22:6-9 could lead to the prophesied peace deal of Daniel 9:26-27 and the countdown to the start of the Great Tribulation.

Again notice verse 8: He removed the protection of Judah.

So, the Iron Dome and other items will not be sufficient.

What about the USA?

It is likely that it will take years for a massive system to be in place that could protect most of the United States.

That said, is the USA prophesied to be attacked by allies that it considers to be friends?


The Bible teaches that it will be the European King of the North that will destroy the USA.

39 Thus he shall act against the strongest fortresses with a foreign god, which he shall acknowledge, and advance its glory; and he shall cause them to rule over many, and divide the land for gain. (Daniel 11:39)

 The “he” is the European King of the North. The two Hebrew words translated as “the strongest fortresses” in verse 39 do not appear together anywhere else in the Bible.

Who has the strongest fortresses?

Looking further down in this chapter in the Book of Daniel, we must eliminate the King of the South, because that King is not attacked until later (the next verse). We must also eliminate those in the North (like Russia) and the East (like China), as they do not get involved until later (cf. Daniel 11:44).

Neither the rest of Africa nor Latin America has anything resembling “the strongest fortresses.” The strongest fortresses belong to the United States, and to a much lesser degree, its English-speaking allies. Thus, in current times, Daniel 11:39 looks to be describing when the Anglo-English-American nations are being destroyed. Some might refer to this as WWIII.

The USA is militarily aligned with much of Europe with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) alliance.

But this alliance will not work as the USA hopes.

Regarding NATO, here is some information in our free online book from 2023 titled Lost Tribes and Prophecies: What will happen to Australia, the British Isles, Canada, Europe, New Zealand and the United States of America?:

Historically, many powerful civilizations have ultimately been destroyed through economic, military, health, environmental, and moral decline. Will alliances like NATO remain helpful through these difficulties?

Scripture says not to despise prophecies (1 Thessalonians 5:20). Yet, many people have. …

The U.S.A. and U.K. have ruled the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) which directly includes the descendants of most (and in a way, all) of the tribes, and plus the U.S.A. and U.K. have also provided some type of protection to all of the other tribes.

That being said, the Bible warns about trusting in Mount Samaria (prophetically, the U.S.A.) in the end times (Amos 6:1)—which Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the UK do militarily. …

For decades, Washington has pushed the Europeans to spend more on their militaries. The U.S.A. needs to be careful about what it has been asking for. Although it is true that the U.S.A. contributes a vastly disproportionate share to NATO, the more the Europeans themselves spend, the more independent they will be about their spending and military priorities.

Since the Bible says that Europe will have a “great army” (Daniel 11:25), we know Europe will end up with a great army. It will also end up with a substantial navy as the Bible says it will have “many ships” (Daniel 11:40). Europe is prophesied be an amazingly marvelous military power that will surprise the world (Revelation 13:3-4).

This will not end well for the U.S.A. or the other Israelitish nations. …

The U.S.A., itself, has repeatedly shown the Europeans that it does not trust them, yet scripture suggests it sometimes will trust them too much. According to the Bible, the time will come when the U.S.A. will find that continental Europe will be an enemy (cf. Isaiah 10:5-11) and not an ally (Ezekiel 23:4,9-10). The Bible warns:

2 All her friends have dealt treacherously with her; They have become her enemies. (Lamentations 1:2)

Europe will cooperate with the U.S.A. as long as it feels the relationship is beneficial, and then (as prophecy foretells) one day turn totally against the U.S.A. …

The King of the North will deceitfully proclaim “peace and safety” while plotting for the sudden destruction of those opposing him (1 Thessalonians 5:2–3). He will destroy the mighty American-British alliance.

Because of not accepting and understanding biblical prophecies, many political and other leaders will be hoping for and believing in a false peace. The sudden destruction to come is likely to include a nuclear or other high tech attack, and could possibly happen in conjunction with a NATO training or other exercise that would catch the U.S.A. and its Anglo-Saxon-Celtic allies off guard (cf. Lamentations 1:1-2). Other nations are likely to also be involved. …

The time will come when the U.S.A. and NATO will be no more. NATO or other arrangements will give the Europeans cover for publicly preparing for a military event, while giving it the ability to publicly state that such preparations are only parts of an exercise. The Germans have historically used the element of surprise to gain military advantage—remember WWII and blitzkrieg? Europe one day will turn on the U.S.A. (Lamentations 1:1-2, Daniel 11:39; Isaiah 10:5-12). Weapons of mass destruction, and not necessarily just nuclear, will be employed.

As long time readers of this COGwriter Church of God News page are aware, I have felt for decades that the Europeans would attack the USA deceptively under the guise of a NATO exercise, and probably will have ground assistance from Mexico.

This is not something that an ‘Iron Dome’ system will be set up for.

Rockets and the Iron Dome are NOT the solution for Israel or the United States.

Repentance would be, but is not expected.

Notice that lack of repentance is listed as a reason that the King of Assyria (the final King of the North) will become Ephraim’s king:

3 I taught Ephraim to walk…5…But the Assyrian shall be his king, Because they refused to repent. 6 And the sword shall slash in his cities, Devour his districts, And consume them, Because of their own counsels. 7 My people are bent on backsliding from Me. Though they call to the Most High, None at all exalt Him. (Hosea 11:3a, 5b-7)

The prophesied shame is starting to come upon the Anglo-American powers. The Assyrian king is also prophesied to eliminate the USA per Isaiah 10:5-12.

Pray as Jesus taught (Matthew 6:10) for establishment of the Kingdom of God.

Some items of possibly related interest may include:

Is God Calling You? This booklet discusses topics including calling, election, and selection. If God is calling you, how will you respond? Here is are links to related sermons: Christian Election: Is God Calling YOU? and Predestination and Your Selection; here is a message in Spanish: Me Está Llamando Dios Hoy? A short animation is also available: Is God Calling You?
Christian Repentance Do you know what repentance is? Is it really necessary for salvation? Two related sermons about this are also available: Real Repentance and Real Christian Repentance.
About Baptism Should you be baptized? Could baptism be necessary for salvation? Who should baptize and how should it be done? Here is a link to a related sermon: Let’s Talk About Baptism and Baptism, Infants, Fire, & the Second Death.
USA in Prophecy: The Strongest Fortresses Can you point to scriptures, like Daniel 11:39, that point to the USA in the 21st century? This article does. Two related sermon are available: Identifying the USA and its Destruction in Prophecy and Do these 7 prophesies point to the end of the USA?
Who is the King of the West? Why is there no Final End-Time King of the West in Bible Prophecy? Is the United States the King of the West? Here is a version in the Spanish language: ¿Quién es el Rey del Occidente? ¿Por qué no hay un Rey del Occidente en la profecía del tiempo del fin? A related sermon is also available: The Bible, the USA, and the King of the West.
Who is the King of the North? Is there one? Do biblical and Roman Catholic prophecies for the Great Monarch point to the same leader? Should he be followed? Who will be the King of the North discussed in Daniel 11? Is a nuclear attack prophesied to happen to the English-speaking peoples of the United States, Great Britain, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand? When do the 1335 days, 1290 days, and 1260 days (the time, times, and half a time) of Daniel 12 begin? When does the Bible show that economic collapse will affect the United States? In the Spanish language check out ¿Quién es el Rey del Norte? Here are links to three related videos: The King of the North is Alive: What to Look Out For, The Future King of the North, and Rise of the Prophesied King of the North.
Europa, the Beast, and Revelation Where did Europe get its name? What might Europe have to do with the Book of Revelation? What about “the Beast”? Is an emerging European power “the daughter of Babylon”? What is ahead for Europe? Here is are links to related videos: European history and the Bible, Europe In Prophecy, The End of European Babylon, and Can You Prove that the Beast to Come is European? Here is a link to a related sermon in the Spanish language: El Fin de la Babilonia Europea.
Lost Tribes and Prophecies: What will happen to Australia, the British Isles, Canada, Europe, New Zealand and the United States of America? Where did those people come from? Can you totally rely on DNA? Do you really know what will happen to Europe and the English-speaking peoples? What about the peoples of Africa, Asia, South America, and the islands? This free online book provides scriptural, scientific, historical references, and commentary to address those matters. Here are links to related sermons: Lost tribes, the Bible, and DNA; Lost tribes, prophecies, and identifications; 11 Tribes, 144,000, and Multitudes; Israel, Jeremiah, Tea Tephi, and British Royalty; Gentile European Beast; Royal Succession, Samaria, and Prophecies; Asia, Islands, Latin America, Africa, and Armageddon;  When Will the End of the Age Come?Rise of the Prophesied King of the North; Christian Persecution from the Beast; WWIII and the Coming New World Order; and Woes, WWIV, and the Good News of the Kingdom of God.

Former Worldwide Church of God member asks which COG to be part of

Tuesday, August 27th, 2024


A while back, I received an email from a former Worldwide Church of God member that included the following:








Actually, I left LCG because it had integrity issues and also broke promises about correcting doctrine that it admitted was wrong. For details, check out the article Why Bob Thiel Left the Living Church of God. Regarding the ‘mark of the beast,’ check out the following:

The Mark of Antichrist What is the mark of Antichrist? What have various ones claimed? Here is a link to a related sermon What is the ‘Mark of Antichrist’?
Mark of the Beast What is the mark of the Beast? Who is the Beast? What have various ones claimed the mark is? What is the ‘Mark of the Beast’?

Anyway, here is what I responded to the former WCG member with:

Dear …:

As I have repeatedly written at COGwriter, I doubt that David Pack or Gerald Flurry are converted.

I consider that the only COG that is Philadelphian is the CCOG–though not all in CCOG are Philadelphian and there are Philadelphians not in CCOG–but no other COG represents the continuation of Philadelphia.

You should use God’s criteria, and none other to decide.

Here are two links you should read and pray about if you are truly serious:

  1. How does the Continuing Church of God differ from other Sabbatarian COG groups?
  2. Does the CCOG have the confirmed signs of Acts 2:17-18?

But most refuse to believe and use their own standards.

Best regards,

Bob Thiel

Many have been confused and used the wrong criteria to assess churches.

Sadly, in the end time, in Revelation 3:14-19 Jesus revealed that even most real Christians would use their criteria, not God’s as they would be part of the “people decide” churches (which is basically what Laodicea means).

P.S. The same former WCG member sent me a follow-up email after I posted this. Here is some of what he wrote (Note: This is a different Mr. … in a different COG than the one alluded to above):



My response to the above was to tell him that the COG he attends as well as a group that came out of it do not teach much about prophecy. They also have a lot of prophetic errors. For details on 50+ prophetic errors that the groups other than CCOG have, check out the article: Do You Hold to Any of These Laodicean Prophetic Errors?

We also have a sermon discussing them: 50+ Laodicean Prophetic Errors.

We also have a short animation related to churches that some may find to be of interest:


Which Church would Jesus Choose?

If you are looking for a true Christian church, how should you choose? Should you choose based upon any building(s) used? Is the criteria in the Bible? What are some widespread ‘doctrines’ that many churches teach that were not part of the original faith? Do Christians go to heaven upon death? Were early Christians militaristic? What about tradition? This animation addresses those issues and more.

Here is a link to the animation: Which Church would Jesus Choose?

More information can be found in the following:

How does the Continuing Church of God differ from other Sabbatarian COG groups? There are scores of different groups claiming to be Church of God. How is the Continuing Church of God different?
Attending the Church of Choice This article discusses whose choice is important to worship God; should you attend the church of your choice or the church of God’s choice?
How Do I Become a Member of the Continuing Church of God? This article has scriptures, links, and other information for those interested in being part of the CCOG. Here is a link to a related sermonette: 10 Steps to Be a Member of the CCOG.
Unity: Which COG for You? Why so many groups? Why is there lack of unity in the Churches of God? Has it always been this way? What can/should be done about it? Here is a link to a related sermon: Church of God Unity. Here is a related article in the Spanish language: Unidad: ¿Cuál Iglesia de Dios para usted?
Why is the Continuing Church of God a corporation sole? What is a ‘corporation sole’ and why is this a better organizational choice?
False Conversion! Have you really been converted? Herbert W. Armstrong wrote an article on this important subject–but more scriptures have been added to it. How can you tell false conversion? A related video is also available: False Conversion.
Is God Calling You? This booklet discusses topics including calling, election, and selection. If God is calling you, how will you respond? Here is a link to a related sermon: Could God be Calling You? A short animation is also available: Is God Calling You?
Hope of Salvation: How the Continuing Church of God Differs from Protestantism The CCOG is NOT Protestant. This free online book explains how the real Church of God differs from mainstream/traditional Protestants. Several sermons related to the free book are also available: Protestant, Baptist, and CCOG History; The First Protestant, God’s Command, Grace, & Character; The New Testament, Martin Luther, and the Canon; Eucharist, Passover, and Easter; Views of Jews, Lost Tribes, Warfare, & Baptism; Scripture vs. Tradition, Sabbath vs. Sunday; Church Services, Sunday, Heaven, and God’s Plan; Seventh Day Baptists/Adventists/Messianics: Protestant or COG?; Millennial Kingdom of God and God’s Plan of Salvation; Crosses, Trees, Tithes, and Unclean Meats; The Godhead and the Trinity; Fleeing or Rapture?; and Ecumenism, Rome, and CCOG Differences.
Which Is Faithful: The Roman Catholic Church or the Continuing Church of God? Do you know that both groups shared a lot of the earliest teachings? Do you know which church changed? Do you know which group is most faithful to the teachings of the apostolic church? Which group best represents true Christianity? This documented article answers those questions. [Português: Qual é fiel: A igreja católica romana ou a igreja do deus?]

Some Similarities and Differences Between the Eastern Orthodox Church and the Continuing Church of God Both groups claim to be the original church, but both groups have differing ways to claim it. Both groups have some amazing similarities and some major differences. Do you know what they are?
Similarities and Differences Between the Jehovah’s Witnesses and the Continuing Church of God
Both groups claim to represent the original Christian faith. Do you know much about them? Both groups have some interesting similarities, but many major differences. Would you like information on how to deal with Jehovah’s Witnesses?
Messianic Judaism Beliefs Differ from the Continuing Church of God Both groups keep the seventh-day Sabbath, but have important differences in doctrines and practices. Here is a link to a related sermon: Messianic Jewish Beliefs.
SDA/CCOG Differences: Two Horned Beast of Revelation and 666 The genuine Church of God is NOT part of the Seventh-day Adventists. This article explains two prophetic differences, the trinity, differences in approaching doctrine, including Ellen White. Did Ellen White make prophetic errors? Did Ellen White make false prophecies? Here is a version in the Spanish language: SDA/COG Diferencias: La bestia de dos cuernos de Apocalipsis y 666. Here is a sermon in the English language: CCOG and SDA differences and similarities.
Seventh-day Adventist President Ted Wilson’s Comments on the Remnant Church Ted N. C. Wilson spoke on the SDAs striving to be the “remnant church”, but what do the related scriptures actually teach?
Some Dissimilarities Between The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (LDS) and the Continuing Church of God The genuine Church of God is not related to the Mormons and this article explains some differences and a couple of similarities. Also, might certain LDS prophecies apply to Mitt Romney?
Differences Between Islam and the Continuing Church of God What are some of the main differences? Are there any similarities? A video of related interest is titled: Islam: Any Christian Concerns or Similarities?
Attending the Church of Choice This article discusses whose choice is important to worship God; should you attend the church of your choice or the church of God’s choice?
Unity: Which COG for You? Why so many groups? Why is there lack of unity in the Churches of God? Has it always been this way? What can/should be done about it? Here is a link to a related sermon: Church of God Unity. Here is a related article in the Spanish language: Unidad: ¿Cuál Iglesia de Dios para usted?
Where is the True Christian Church Today? This free online pdf booklet answers that question and includes 18 proofs, clues, and signs to identify the true vs. false Christian church. Plus 7 proofs, clues, and signs to help identify Laodicean churches. A related sermon is also available: Where is the True Christian Church? Here is a link to the booklet in the Spanish language: ¿Dónde está la verdadera Iglesia cristiana de hoy? Here is a link in the German language: WO IST DIE WAHRE CHRISTLICHE KIRCHE HEUTE? Here is a link in the French language: Où est la vraie Église Chrétienne aujourd’hui?
Continuing History of the Church of God This pdf booklet is a historical overview of the true Church of God and some of its main opponents from Acts 2 to the 21st century. Related sermon links include Continuing History of the Church of God: c. 31 to c. 300 A.D. and Continuing History of the Church of God: 4th-16th Centuries. The booklet is available in Spanish: Continuación de la Historia de la Iglesia de Dios, German: Kontinuierliche Geschichte der Kirche Gottes, and Ekegusii Omogano Bw’ekanisa Ya Nyasae Egendererete.
Why Be Concerned About False and Heretical Leaders? There have been many false leaders–here is some of why you should be concerned about them. Here is a related article in the Spanish language ¿Por qué estar preocupado acerca de falsos y heréticos líderes?
Does the CCOG have the confirmed signs of Acts 2:17-18? Does any church have the confirmed dream and prophetic signs of Acts 2:17-18? Should one? Here is a link in the Spanish language: ¿Tiene la CCOG confirmadas las señales de Hechos 2: 17-18? Here is a link in the French language: Est-ce que l’Église Continue de Dieu confirme les signes d’Actes 2:17-18? A related sermon in the English language is also available: 17 Last Days’ Signs of the Holy Spirit.
Church of God Leaders on Prophets Have there been prophets throughout the church age? Are any supposed to be around in the last days? What have COG leaders stated or written about prophets? Here is a link to a related sermon: Church of God Leaders on Prophets.
5. The Sardis Church Era was predominant circa 1600 A.D. to circa 1933 A.D. Discusses some early history of the Seventh Day Baptists, Seventh-day Adventists, CG7-Salem, Jerusalem 7DCG, and COG-7th Day-Denver. Here are two historical sermons: Sardis Church Era: Beginnings, Doctrines, and Leaders and Sardis: SDBs, SDAs, & CG7s.
6. The Philadelphia Church Era was predominant circa 1933 A.D. to 1986 A.D. The old Radio Church of God and old Worldwide Church of God, now the remnant of that era is basically the most faithful in the Church of God, like who hold to the beliefs and practices of the Continuing Church of God.
7. The Laodicean Church Era has been predominant circa 1986 A.D. to present. The Laodiceans are non-Philadelphians who mainly descended from the old WCG or its offshoots.  They do not properly understand the work or biblical prophecies and will face the Great Tribulation if they do not repent. One video of related interest is 50+ Laodicean Prophetic Errors. See also Do You Hold to Any of These Laodicean Prophetic Errors?

‘Red Alert: Free Speech Is Dead In Europe With Arrest Of Telegram Founder In France. Is Musk Next?’

Monday, August 26th, 2024

Telegram App logo


There are more concerns about the elimination of free speech in Europe after the arrest of the Telegram App’s founder :

Detention of Telegram founder sparks debate about free speech and criminal activity online

Updated August 26, 2024

The detention of the Russian-born billionaire founder of Telegram, a messaging app known for its unfiltered content, has sparked debate about freedom of speech and illegal content on the internet.

Pavel Durov, 39, was detained at Paris’s Bourget Airport Saturday on a warrant related to Telegram’s lack of moderation, which has led to money laundering, drug trafficking and the spread of pedophilic content on the platform, according to CNN-affiliate BFMTV.

Durov was traveling to Paris from Azerbaijan aboard his private jet, the network reported.

Telegram, which has about 900 million users, is a crucial communication tool in many countries, used for everything from day-to-day chatting to disseminating government messages. …

The detention is a sign that France is cracking down on the lack of moderation on platforms like Telegram, Clark said.

European Union regulators have ramped up scrutiny of tech giants and invoked a flurry of new laws designed to rein them in.

Red Alert: Free Speech Is Dead In Europe With Arrest Of Telegram Founder In France. Is Musk Next?

Russia is demanding answers following the arrest Pavel Durov, the billionaire co-founder and CEO of messaging app Telegram. He was detained by French authorities at the Bourget airport outside of Paris Saturday evening after arriving in his private jet.

The Russian embassy in Paris has demanded that the French government explain itself, and has so far said that French authorities are being uncooperative. …

Russian diplomats say there has been no reply from Paris: “The French side has so far been avoiding cooperation on this issue,” a statement said. Russian lawmakers have gone so far as to say he is now a “political prisoner”.

Russian member of parliament Maria Butina said on Sunday, “Pavel Durov is a political prisoner – a victim of a witch-hunt by the West.

“The arrest of Pavel Durov means there is no freedom of speech – it means that freedom of speech in Europe is dead,” she continued. “Now basically they have a hostage and they will try to blackmail Russia, they will try to blackmail all the users of Telegram and not only try to get control but also try to block the network here in Russia.” …

The arrest was characterized by Megaupload founder Kim Dotcom as part of the “crackdown against free speech.”

Other prominent figures have voiced alarm over what this means for free speech, or even the question of who is next to be targeted by Western governments

“Liberté Liberté! Liberté?” Musk added in another post. “Dangerous times.”

Musk added a “FreePavel” hashtag when he shared a video of Durov praising Musk and his pro-free-speech outlook during an interview with Tucker Carlson earlier this year.

“It is vital to the support of free speech that you forward X posts to people you know, especially in censorship-heavy countries,” Musk wrote on X on Sunday.

And in case you wondered, none other than deep state bagman Alexander Vindman makes it clear who the real target is…


August 26, 2024

French judicial authorities have extended the detention of Telegram founder and CEO Pavel Durov following his surprise arrest at Paris’ Le Bourget airport on Saturday.

The list of charges include fraud, drug trafficking, organized crime, terrorism promotion and cyber-bullying on the popular encrypted messaging platform. “It is absurd to claim that a platform or its owner are responsible for abuse of that platform,” the company has said in a fresh statement.

The 39-year old Russian-born Durov, who also holds French and UAE citizenship, is being held for “questioning”. Le Monde is reporting Monday that his detention has been extended by the investigative magistrate. …

Geopolitical analyst Arnaud Bertrand points out that “This is insane.” He goes on to explain:

Pavel Durov actually acquired French nationality in 2021 through an exceptional procedure: the so-called “eminent foreigner” process. Initiated by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, it grants French nationality to “a French-speaking foreigner who contributes through their eminent action to the influence of France and the prosperity of its international economic relations”. 3 years later France arrests the guy for doing the very same “eminent actions” they’d granted him citizenship for 3 years earlier. Make it make sense.

Telegram has stated that “Durov has nothing to hide and travels frequently in Europe.”

Notice also:

The U.K. and Europe have been watching Musk like hawks to censor free speech amid Russia’s war in Ukraine, the ongoing Israeli war on Iranian-backed terrorist proxies Hamas and Hezbollah, and the rise of terrorist and extremist activity endangering public safety.

Also, the EU’s Thierry Breton, a French businessman who is the European Commissioner for Internal Market, sent a letter to Musk warning him against spreading disinformation before an X Spaces interview with Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump earlier this month — which Musk denounced as an anti-Trump election interference attempt.

The latest calls to close in on Musk come after Pavel Durov, the Russian-born billionaire founder and owner of the Telegram messaging app, was arrested at Le Bourget airport outside Paris shortly after landing on a private jet late Saturday, three sources told Reuters.

While free speech is not yet dead in Europe, will we see more such as loss of free speech and of the press?


Notice item 3 of my list of 24 items to prophetically watch in 2024:

3. Media, Internet, and Other Censorship  …

The labeling of things as ‘extremism’ is gaining so much traction that those that do it seem to think that it is normal to label whatever they are not comfortable with as extreme.

Expect more biblically-proper views to be categorized as extremists by more in the media and society.

Even connecting world events to biblical prophetic writings has triggered censorship.

Why stay on platforms like YouTube (which has censored and shadow-banned us), Twitter, and Vimeo (which has censored us) then?

Because they still, usually, are open doors for us to reach people.

We have had a couple of million views on YouTube and still, overall get about a couple thousand views of our videos each week.

YouTube is, overall, more effective than our other video platforms–but it is not reaching as well as it once did because of YouTube’s selective anti-biblical censorship and shadow-banning (which Google, who owns YouTube, also does)..

Furthermore, notice that he Bible teaches:

1 Cry aloud, spare not; Lift up your voice like a trumpet; Tell My people their transgression, And the house of Jacob their sins. (Isaiah 58:1)

Yet, if some are insulted because their sins are called out, various ones want to stifle religious speech!

And this is in places like the USA, Canada, and Europe.

And it is not just the USA that is supporting restricting–And yes, we realize that more censorship is expected.

Was loss of freedom of free speech and of the press prophesied?

Back in 1981, the old Worldwide Church of God correctly pointed out that it was:

THE MOST important work in the world cannot be done without freedom of the press!

What is that work?

It is the work of announcing that God will restore His Government to the whole earth! But before the Government of God is restored, it must first be announced! The good news of that announcement — the Gospel of the Kingdom of God — must be preached (Matthew 24:14) to all nations (Matthew 28:19). And the nations must choose whether they will want it or resist it.

In this day, God has made the MASS media available to accomplish His work. But reaching a mass audience with the good news of God’s soon-coming Government requires the freedom to PUBLISH. Notice Mark 13:10: “And the gospel must first be published among all nations.”

Further, God lays a special duty on his messenger and Church to publicly disseminate certain warnings to certain nations. Ezekiel 33:1-7 describes God’s charge upon the watchman. When the watchman sees “the sword” come upon the land — a prophetic symbol of military devastation — he must “blow the trumpet” or God will hold him personally responsible. …

Governmental Reaction

And yet while the Bible places a duty on God’s servants, it also warns that this world — even now and in the future — will not always allow the freedom to publish.

In the past a government’s excuse for persecution was that God’s message IS TOO DISTURBING to be allowed to circulate freely. …

In the New Testament, the authorities tried to prevent the apostles from preaching the Gospel. The apostles were forcibly brought before the council. The high priest asked them: “Did not we straightly command you that you should not teach in this name? and, behold, ye have filled Jerusalem with your doctrine…” (Acts 5:28).

In other words, the civil and religious authorities were seeking to regulate the content of their message!

In response, the apostle Peter declared the firm rule that “we ought to obey God rather than men” (verse 29). Since Peter and company had a God-ordained duty to say what they were saying, the commands of the civil government of Jerusalem were in direct conflict with God’s.

For the future, the Bible prophecy reveals that the time will come when most of this world’s nations will be led by Satan to abolish freedom of the press — and all related freedoms. Why? To prevent any publishing of God’s message from reaching any substantial number of people!

`Behold, the days come, saith the Lord God, that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the Lord: and they shall wander from sea to sea, and from the north even to the east, they shall run to and fro to seek the word of the Lord, and shall not find it” (Amos 8:11-12).

Elsewhere the Bible reveals how this prophesied press clampdown will take place. Revelation 13 describes a great religious-civil power that will arise in the place of the old Roman Empire. This prophesied power will not allow free speech, a free press or the free exercise of any religion — except the official religion of the state.

(Calkins J. FREE PRESS IN THE BIBLE? Was It Prophesied? Plain Truth. May 1981)

The Philadelphia portion of the Church of God did begin in the USA and its most faithful remnant, the Continuing Church of God, is still based out of the USA and we are proclaiming the Gospel of the Kingdom of God and other biblical truths.

Yet now, in the USA and especially out of it, we are seeing more and more calls for speech restrictions and censorship.

More censorship is coming.

The Bible teaches:

11 “Behold, the days are coming,” says the Lord God,
That I will send a famine on the land,
Not a famine of bread,
Nor a thirst for water,
But of hearing the words of the Lord.
12 They shall wander from sea to sea,
And from north to east;
They shall run to and fro, seeking the word of the Lord,
But shall not find it. (Amos 8:11-12)

That does not mean that there will be no Bibles. But the time will come when those promoting various biblical teachings will no longer to be able to have access to the internet, etc. as before. We are seeing more and more of this.

Jesus said:

4 I must work the works of Him who sent Me while it is day; the night is coming when no one can work. (John 9:4)

7 “And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write, ‘These things says He who is holy, He who is true, “He who has the key of David, He who opens and no one shuts, and shuts and no one opens”: 8 “I know your works. See, I have set before you an open door, and no one can shut it; for you have a little strength, have kept My word, and have not denied My name. (Revelation 3:7-9)

As Philadelphia Christians, we do not give up when when door is closing–we look out for others to be opened. So, in 2023, we greatly increased our radio presence around the world.

So far, radio is NOT subject to the type of censorship Big Tech and many governments around the world have been engaging in–despite the problems we faced.

As far as censorship goes, expect more.

The Bible shows more restrictions are coming.

Consider that Jesus said:

4 … the night is coming when no one can work. (John 9:4, NKJV)

4… the night cometh, when no man can work (John 9:4 KJV)

In an October 23, 1980 co-worker letter, Herbert W. Armstrong wrote:

The Bible warns us the time is just ahead when NO MAN CAN WORK—in the Lord’s Work. We must sacrifice now as never before for this Work that we may FINISH the Work that Christ has called us to do. Pray as never before, for this Work.

In a November 22, 1982 co-worker letter, Herbert W. Armstrong wrote:

… brethren and co-workers, the prophesied Great Tribulation (nuclear World War III) will start soon after the European unification. That means OUR WORK OF SPREADING THE GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM OF GOD WILL BE FINISHED! We have not now much more time. Soon shall come a FAMINE of hearing the Word of the Lord (Amos 8:11). God says, work while it is day, for the night is coming when no man can work – in the Work of God! Nothing else is important in our lives, now, but this all-important Work of God. (, viewed 10/03/13)

So, the Bible tells of a time that will come when the word of God will not be found. And that would seem to be because it will be taken off the internet. In the 21st century, the internet is accessed by people in every country, and thus some type of internet restriction/suspension/site removal is coming.

Europe has already taken steps to push Big Tech to remove speech it does not want to allow–its Digital Services Act is one that has already been threatened against Elon Musk (see EU warns Elon Musk regarding Trump interview–X claims a billion related views and comments).

Notice also the following warning from the Bible:

15 He was granted power to give breath to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak and cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed.

16 He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, 17 and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

18 Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666. (Revelation 13:15-18)

The system above would seem to include monitoring of electronic communications to be sure that all will agree with, and worship, the Beast.

Plus, there has to be something consistent with electronic monitoring to control all buying and selling.

The technology to do so now exists.

The will to do so, by many governments (like the EU and even USA), companies (particularly Big Tech), and other organizations (like the WEF) are becoming more and more apparent.

As I have been warning for years, electronic monitoring, including AI, will be used for things like internet censorship–which is already happening. Elon Musk also raised concerns back in 2018 about where the use of AI could be heading. Related to that, the Continuing Church of God (CCOG) is pleased to announce the following video on our Bible News Prophecy YouTube channel:


Billionaire Elon Musk declared he was worried that artificial intelligence (AI) may lead to the rise of an “immortal dictator,” a “godlike” entity that could take over the world. Is this accurate, or at least, close in some ways? Does Bible prophecy foretell of the rise of an immoral leader who considers himself above all gods? Will this result in great destruction? What is AI? How might it fit in with various prophecies? Was the increase in technological knowledge we now have prophesied over 2000 years ago? Will 666 control over buying and selling involve any form of AI? Dr. Thiel goes over many scriptures, including prophetic ones, that involve human knowledge–which is the basis of AI. He also points out that when various prophesies were made, there was no technology capable of fulfilling them, but that because of computers, such ability exists now. Dr. Thiel also points out what Jesus will do about it.

Here is a link: Artificial Intelligence and Prophecy.

The UK is taking steps (e.g. UK wants to ban silent prayer near abortion clinics; EU wants to censor political opinions). And do not count on the USA to protect free speech in the future.

Restrictions on speech are already here and more restrictions are coming.

Do not place your confidence in any governments in this world, but in Jesus and the coming Kingdom of God.

Some items of related interest may include the following:

Preparing for the ‘Short Work’ and The Famine of the Word What is the ‘short work’ of Romans 9:28? Who is preparing for it? Will Philadelphian Christians instruct many in the end times? Here is a link to a related video sermon titled: The Short Work. Here is a link to another: Preparing to Instruct Many.
24 items to prophetically watch in 2024 Much is happening. Dr. Thiel points to 24 items to watch (cf. Mark 13:37) in this article. Here is a link to a related video: 24 Items to Prophetically Watch in 2024. Here is a link to related video in the Spanish language titled 24 Cosas a tener en cuenta en 2024:
Orwell’s 1984 by 2024? In 1949, the late George Orwell wrote a disturbing book about a totalitarian government called “nineteen-eighty four.” Despite laws that are supposed to protect freedom of speech and religion, we are seeing governments taking steps consistent with those that Geroge Orwell warned against. We are also seeing this in the media, academia, and in private companies like Google, Facebook, and Twitter. With the advent of technology, totalitarianism beyond what Orwell wrote is possible. Does the Bible teach the coming a totalitarian state similar to George Orwell’s? What about the Antichrist and 666? Will things get worse? What is the solution? Dr. Thiel answers these questions and more in this video.
Persecutions by Church and State This article documents some that have occurred against those associated with the COGs and some prophesied to occur. Will those with the cross be the persecutors or the persecuted–this article has the shocking answer. There are also three video sermons you can watch: Cancel Culture and Christian Persecution, The Coming Persecution of the Church, and Christian Persecution from the Beast. Here is information in the Spanish language: Persecuciones de la Iglesia y el Estado.
Could God Have a 6,000 Year Plan? What Year Does the 6,000 Years End? Was a 6000 year time allowed for humans to rule followed by a literal thousand year reign of Christ on Earth taught by the early Christians? Does God have 7,000 year plan? What year may the six thousand years of human rule end? When will Jesus return? 2031 or 2025 or? There is also a video titled: When Does the 6000 Years End? 2031? 2035? Here is a link to the article in Spanish: ¿Tiene Dios un plan de 6,000 años?
Might the U.S.A. Be Gone in 2028? Could the USA be gone by the end of 2028? There is a tradition attributed to the Hebrew prophet Elijah that humanity had 6,000 years to live before being replaced by God’s Kingdom. There are scriptures, writings in the Talmud, early Christian teachings that support this. Also, even certain Hindu writings support it. Here is a link to a related video: Is the USA prophesied to be destroyed by 2028? In Spanish: Seran los Estados Unidos Destruidos en el 2028?
The Great Tribulation: What Happens First? What events have happened? What are some events that are now happening? And what events need to happen for the Great Tribulation to start? Here is a link to a related sermon video: Counting Down to the Great Tribulation. Here is a video in the Spanish language: Contando los eventos y el inicio de la Gran Tribulación.
When Will the Great Tribulation Begin? 2024, 2025, or 2026? Can the Great Tribulation begin today? What happens before the Great Tribulation in the “beginning of sorrows”? What happens in the Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord? Is this the time of the Gentiles? When is the earliest that the Great Tribulation can begin? What is the Day of the Lord? Who are the 144,000? Here is a version of the article in the Spanish language: ¿Puede la Gran Tribulación comenzar en el 2020 o 2021? ¿Es el Tiempo de los Gentiles? A related video is: Great Tribulation: 2026 or 2027? A shorter video is: Tribulation in 2024?
Lost Tribes and Prophecies: What will happen to Australia, the British Isles, Canada, Europe, New Zealand and the United States of America? Where did those people come from? Can you totally rely on DNA? What about other peoples? Do you really know what will happen to Europe and the English-speaking peoples? What about Africa, Asia, South America, and the Islands? This free online book provides scriptural, scientific, historical references, and commentary to address those matters. Here are links to related sermons: Lost tribes, the Bible, and DNALost tribes, prophecies, and identifications11 Tribes, 144,000, and MultitudesIsrael, Jeremiah, Tea Tephi, and British RoyaltyGentile European BeastRoyal Succession, Samaria, and PropheciesAsia, Islands, Latin America, Africa, and Armageddon;  When Will the End of the Age Come?;  Rise of the Prophesied King of the NorthChristian Persecution from the BeastWWIII and the Coming New World Order; and Woes, WWIV, and the Good News of the Kingdom of God.

Martin Armstrong: We’re Looking At Serious Civil Unrest Regardless Who Wins; Jesus: Wars and rumors of war

Monday, August 26th, 2024

Civil War movie poster


Martin Armstrong (no relation to COG Armstrongs) thinks civil unrest will come to the USA no matter who wins the presidential election in November:

“We’re Looking At Serious Civil Unrest Regardless Who Wins” – Martin Armstrong Fears Post-Election Chaos

August 26, 2024

Martin Armstrong says, “We are in a period of great uncertainty. . .. On Trump winning in November, Armstrong says, “Look, the computer says Trump should win.  I don’t know how … they allow that to happen..”

“They have to trap Trump into a war or they kill him, one or the other.  These people are unconscionable…

We are looking at serious civil unrest regardless of who wins in November.  Neither side is going to accept it.”  …

“If there is a big war, the US will default on it’s debt. . .. I am very concerned they will start WWIII before the end of the year and maybe by September.”

While there was movie called Civil War about the USA this year, no, WWIII will not start before the end of this year. But there very well could be civil unrest in the USA. Many have been concerned about the election and the potential for post-election violence.

Of course, the USA is not the only place there are rumors of war and violence.

A reader sent me a link to the following from Victor Davis Hanson:

August 26, 2024

There are three current hot or cold wars: on the Ukrainian border, in the regions surrounding Israel, and in the strategic space between Taiwan and mainland China. All three conflicts could not only expand within their respective theaters but also escalate to draw in the United States.

Various Russian megaphones routinely threaten to use tactical nuclear weapons against Ukraine. Some boast about sending strategic nuclear bombs or missiles against its Western suppliers, especially as the costs of Russian aggression mount and the humiliation of Putin escalates.

Nuclear Israel and near-nuclear Iran have both exchanged attacks on their respective homelands—and promise to do so again.

China likewise on occasion existentially threatens Taiwan. Its freelancing generals and spokesmen periodically warn Japan and the U.S. of dire nuclear consequences should they intervene on Taiwan’s behalf. …

In conclusion, we are entering a very dangerous five-month period.

Iran has again made threats:

August 26, 2024

Iran’s foreign minister again has referenced his country’s planned retaliation over the assassination of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran.

Abbas Araghchi said late Sunday he made the remark in a conversation with Italian Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani by telephone.

“Iran reaction to Israeli terrorist attack in Tehran is definitive, and will be measured & well calculated,” Araghchi wrote on the social platform X. “We do not fear escalation, yet do not seek it — unlike Israel.”

There are also conflicts and threats in the Congo, Yemen, Iraq, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Haiti, and elsewhere.

Troubles are prophesied (Mark 13:8).

Here are parts of numbers 7 and 15 from my article 24 items to prophetically watch in 2024:

7. Strife and the Red Horse of War

Notice the following:

3 When He opened the second seal, I heard the second living creature saying, “Come and see.” 4 Another horse, fiery red, went out. And it was granted to the one who sat on it to take peace from the earth, and that people should kill one another; and there was given to him a great sword. (Revelation 6:3-4)

Somewhat paralleling the ride of the second horseman of Revelation 6:3-4, Jesus warned about wars and disturbances:

6 And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled; for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.  7 For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. (Matthew 24:6-7a)

“Nation … against nation” is literally “ethnos … against ethnos” in the original Greek. Notice how the Orthodox Jewish Bible translates the first half of Matthew 24:7:

For there will be an intifada of ethnic group against ethnic group,

In places like the USA, were are seeing more ethnic strife.

Consider that the opening of the second seal (Revelation 6:3-4) is to result in less peace on the Earth.

While this is commonly called the red horse (or horseman) of war, that is not quite what is stated. Notice that he “takes peace from the earth AND that people should kill one another.” Could it be that events in 2020, such as COVID-19 were consistent with taking “peace from the earth”?

Around the world people are AFRAID. The feeling of normalcy is gone for many around the globe. Consider that the travel restrictions are basically because of fear (and often politics). The media and government officials are saying everything will not go back to how it was and that we need to accept what they have called “the new normal.” Speculatively, could this be related to the opening of the second seal?

Not since World War II have we seen anything affect the entire planet so much. I have had a kind of gnawing feeling that perhaps the second seal was opened the late Spring or early Summer of 2020 (if not in the Fall of 2019) that perhaps we needed to better reconsider the opening of the second seal as possible.

Now in addition to COVID, we have had Russia’s ‘special military operation’ into Ukraine which has devestated Ukraine, killed many Russians, and take the facade of peace off in Europe. Then there is the Hamas-Israel war–that is one to watch as it is likely that we will see a regional war in the Middle East before we see a peace deal consistent with prophecies such as in Daniel 9:26-27.

Plus, we also have the USA presidential election. Should Donald Trump win, there are likely to be violent demonstrations, etc. If Joe Biden or anyone else is declared the winner, we may see protests and violence.

People are afraid or at least uneasy to a degree we have not seen around the world anytime in the 21st century.

Barnes Notes on the Bible states:

The power given to him that sat on the horse: and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another. This would seem to indicate that the condition immediately preceding this was a condition of tranquility, and that this was now disturbed by some cause producing discord and bloodshed. This idea is confirmed by the original words – τὴν εἰρήνην tēn eirēnēn – “the peace”; that is, the previously existing peace. When peace in general is referred to, the word is used without the article: Matthew 10:34, “Think not that I am come to send peace – βαλεῖν εἰρήνην balein eirēnēn – upon the earth.”

So, this rider is not just a rider of war, but taking away THE peace.

The old WCG taught about the time of the red horse:

John was not speaking about the fall of Jerusalem. That war was already some twenty years behind him. John was referring to future events that would bring 6000 years of human history crashing to a cataclysmic close. … John is referring to a time yet ahead of us when “peaceful coexistence” will be a thing of the past. …

It’s no wonder that Jeremiah, in referring to these tumultuous times, stated: “Alas! for that day is great, so that none is like it: it is even the time of Jacob’s trouble …” (Jer. 30:7). (Ritter G. 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse – The Red Horse – War, pp. 48, 52; see also Ritter R. The War that could end it all. Good News, December 1975)

We expect to see more wars, rumors of war, and civil unrest. …

15. Unrest, Terror, and the Dividing of the USA

There have been many protests in the USA.

Some protested racial, economic, and policing matters. Some have called for a “civil war.”

The Bible prophesies, “There shall be terror within” (Deuteronomy 32:25).

Will that happen to the USA?


Jesus taught:

25 Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation, and every city or house divided against itself will not stand. (Matthew 12:25)

We are seeing more divide in the USA and parts of it certainly appear to be intentional. Much of it is ideological. The USA is becoming less and less united and more polarized.

Notice the following from 2022:

WND: Ex-Army generals fear insurrection or ‘civil war’ in 2024

Expect more divide in a nation where half of its people cannot tell the different between males and females and the other half still sticks to some facts about that. And of course, there is the abortion divide and other issues.

More terror is prophesied to hit the USA. The same is true for Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom.

The time of Jacob’s trouble (Jeremiah 30:7), also known as the Great Tribulation (Matthew 24:21), is coming and the USA and its Anglo-Saxon allies (including Canada) will be affected.

National repentance is the only way to prevent it, and that does not look likely. Though for the nation, the Kingdom of God is the solution, but first there will be a horrific 3 1/2 years.

Personal repentance, however, is still possible. Your personal future can still be much brighter than that of your country. Jesus, in addition to being the source of salvation, also offered physical protection to the most faithful (see Philadelphian Christian Great Tribulation Protection and/or watch Great Tribulation Protection).

Jesus, of course, warned about wars and rumors of and referred to them as the beginning of sorrows:

4 Take heed that no one deceives you. 5 For many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will deceive many. 6 And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled; for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. 7 For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places. 8 All these are the beginning of sorrows.  (Matthew 24:4-8)

Related to sorrows, the Continuing Church of God put out the following:

Revelation 6:1-8 shows the opening of four seals and discusses the rides of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Each of which appears to be associated with aspects of the “beginning of sorrows” that Jesus mentions in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke. What do each of the horsemen represent? Did the old Worldwide Church of God teach that these rides were still in the future in the late 21st century? Could any have began in the 21st century? Does the rider of the white horse represent Jesus or false religion? Are there ties to the interfaith and ecumenical movements? What might the bow the horseman has represent? Could this be a tie to Satan the Devil? What about the Beast and False Prophet? Has the “beginning of sorrows” started? Could the first seal be opened? Could COVID-19 have anything to do with the second seal? Has “the peace” been taken from the earth? Could the rider of the red horse have begun with an opening of the second seal? What about riots, looting wars, and rumors of war? Are food inflation, food shortages, and famines associated with the opening of the third seal and rider of the black horse of famine? Could human actions such as evolution teachings, genetically-modified crops, and viral research be factors in the rides of the four horsemen? Is more than death related to pestilences associated with the rider of the pale horse, the fourth seal? Why might this be a factor in 666? Will most people fail to recognize the rides of the four horsemen of the Apocalypse until it is too late to take action? What about the fifth seal and the start of the Great Tribulation? Are there problems with Roman and Eastern Orthodox prophecies concerning the end and the Great Monarch? What about prophecies related to Noah, the King of the North, Armageddon, and Antichrist? Dr. Thiel covers these issues and also includes some speculation and analysis.

Here is a link to the sermon video: Sorrows and the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

We are in a time of wars and rumors of war. But the end is not yet.

Some items of possibly related interest may include:

Could God Have a 6,000 Year Plan? What Year Does the 6,000 Years End? Was a 6000 year time allowed for humans to rule followed by a literal thousand year reign of Christ on Earth taught by the early Christians? Does God have 7,000 year plan? What year may the six thousand years of human rule end? When will Jesus return? 2031 or 2025 or? There is also a video titled: When Does the 6000 Years End? 2031? 2035? Here is a link to the article in Spanish: ¿Tiene Dios un plan de 6,000 años?
Might the U.S.A. Be Gone in 2028? Could the USA be gone by the end of 2028 or earlier? There is a tradition attributed to the Hebrew prophet Elijah that humanity had 6,000 years to live before being replaced by God’s Kingdom. There are scriptures, writings in the Talmud, early Christian teachings that support this. Also, even certain Hindu writings support it. Here is a link to a related video: Is the USA prophesied to be destroyed by 2028? In Spanish: Seran los Estados Unidos Destruidos en el 2028?
Philadelphian Christian Great Tribulation Protection What will the Great Tribulation be like? Does Jesus promise physical protection to some or all Christians? Where might the place of protection be? What about fleeing to the mountains? What did Ezekiel warn? Here is a link to a related sermon: Great Tribulation Protection.
When Will the Great Tribulation Begin? 2024, 2025, or 2026? Can the Great Tribulation begin today? What happens before the Great Tribulation in the “beginning of sorrows”? What happens in the Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord? Is this the time of the Gentiles? When is the earliest that the Great Tribulation can begin? What is the Day of the Lord? Who are the 144,000? Here is a version of the article in the Spanish language: ¿Puede la Gran Tribulación comenzar en el 2020 o 2021? ¿Es el Tiempo de los Gentiles? A related video is: Great Tribulation: 2026 or 2027? A shorter video is: Tribulation in 2024? Here is a video in the Spanish language: Es El 2021 el año  de La Gran Tribulación o el Grande Reseteo Financiero.
Should a Christian Vote? This article gives some of the Biblical rationale on this subject. Would Jesus vote for president/prime minister? Is voting in the Bible? This is a subject Christians need to understand. A video of related interest is available titled: Should Christians Vote? Another video is Biden, Trump, and the Bible.
Crime can be stopped…here’s how! This was a booklet that was edited with some updates by Dr. Thiel. Here is a link to a related sermon: Crime and How it Will be Stopped!
God’s Grace is For All Is being Jewish a hindrance to salvation? What about not being a descendant of Israel? What does the Bible really teach? Here is a link to a related sermon titled Race and Grace; Do you view race as God does? Watch also Mystery of Race.
24 items to prophetically watch in 2024 Much is happening. Dr. Thiel points to 24 items to watch (cf. Mark 13:37) in this article. Here is a link to a related video: 24 Items to Prophetically Watch in 2024. Here is a link to related video in the Spanish language titled 24 Cosas a tener en cuenta en 2024:
The Gospel of the Kingdom of God This free online pdf booklet has answers many questions people have about the Gospel of the Kingdom of God and explains why it is the solution to the issues the world is facing. It is available inover 1,000 languages at Here are links to four kingdom-related sermons:  The Fantastic Gospel of the Kingdom of God!, The World’s False Gospel, The Gospel of the Kingdom: From the New and Old Testaments, and The Kingdom of God is the Solution.
Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse What do each of the four horseman of the Apocalypse represent? Have they began their ride? Did Jesus discuss the any of this? Might their rides coincide with the “beginning of sorrows? Do they start their ride prior to the Great Tribulation? Did Nostradamus or any other ‘private prophets’ write predictions that may mislead people so that they may not understand the truth of one or more of the four horseman? There is also a related YouTube video titled Sorrows and the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Here are links to shorter videos: These Signs of the 4 Horsemen Have Begun and Biological Weapons and the 4th Horseman of the Apocalypse.
USA in Prophecy: The Strongest Fortresses Can you point to scriptures, like Daniel 11:39, that point to the USA in the 21st century? This article does. A related sermon is titled: Do these 7 prophesies point to the end of the USA?
Who is the King of the West? Why is there no Final End-Time King of the West in Bible Prophecy? Is the United States the King of the West? Here is a version in the Spanish language: ¿Quién es el Rey del Occidente? ¿Por qué no hay un Rey del Occidente en la profecía del tiempo del fin? A related sermon is also available: The Bible, the USA, and the King of the West.
Is God Calling You? This booklet discusses topics including calling, election, and selection. If God is calling you, how will you respond? Here is are links to related sermons: Christian Election: Is God Calling YOU? and Predestination and Your Selection; here is a message in Spanish: Me Está Llamando Dios Hoy? A short animation is also available: Is God Calling You?
Christian Repentance Do you know what repentance is? Is it really necessary for salvation? Two related sermons about this are also available: Real Repentance and Real Christian Repentance.
About Baptism Should you be baptized? Could baptism be necessary for salvation? Who should baptize and how should it be done? Here is a link to a related sermon: Let’s Talk About Baptism and Baptism, Infants, Fire, & the Second Death.
Lost Tribes and Prophecies: What will happen to Australia, the British Isles, Canada, Europe, New Zealand and the United States of America? Where did those people come from? Can you totally rely on DNA? Do you really know what will happen to Europe and the English-speaking peoples? What about the peoples of Africa, Asia, South America, and the islands? This free online book provides scriptural, scientific, historical references, and commentary to address those matters. Here are links to related sermons: Lost tribes, the Bible, and DNA; Lost tribes, prophecies, and identifications; 11 Tribes, 144,000, and Multitudes; Israel, Jeremiah, Tea Tephi, and British Royalty; Gentile European Beast; Royal Succession, Samaria, and Prophecies; Asia, Islands, Latin America, Africa, and Armageddon;  When Will the End of the Age Come?Rise of the Prophesied King of the North; Christian Persecution from the Beast; WWIII and the Coming New World Order; and Woes, WWIV, and the Good News of the Kingdom of God.



Jewish view on Dan’s descendants and the location of the Ark of the Covenant; Islamic views of that Ark

Monday, August 26th, 2024

1698 Dutch map relating to Denmark descending from the tribe of Dan
(photo from Wikipedia)


Israel365News posted the following (bolding in source):

The tribe of Dan points us to a treasure that is found in their journeys to the Promised Land.

Dan was the fifth of Jacob’s sons, the first by Bilhah, the maid of Rachel. When he was born, Rachel, who had suffered infertility for some time exclaimed:

“God has vindicated me; he has listened to my plea and given me a son.” Because of this she named him Dan.” Genesis 30:6.

Dan, in Hebrew is translated as “judge” דן, from the verb דין (din), to judge or govern. God had overruled her circumstance and ruled in her favor.

The symbol for this tribe is the scales of justice because they were appointed to be judges, and the eagle because it was on the standard of Dan. Jacob likened him to a serpent because it forecasted idolatry, but when this tribe returns and is redeemed God promises to remove all idolatry and give them a new heart (Ezekiel 36:24), so this image of a serpent no longer applies. The twelve tribes gathered behind the four standards when they gathered around the Tabernacle. …

The Tribe of Dan points to a great hidden treasure – the Ark of the Covenant that has remained hidden since the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD. Men have searched for 2,000 years for this treasure. As a greater interest comes forth in the building of the Third Temple, an interest in finding this great work of the Ark has intensified. …

One of the greatest symbols God (Hashem) gave the Jewish people is the “Ark of the Covenant.” In it were three items: 1) The Ten Commandments written on two tablets of stone, 2) The budding rod of Aaron, and 3) The container of Manna. The Ten Commandments were given as a covenant with the Jewish people at Mt. Saini. They are the basis of morality and law. Most nation’s modern laws are still based on these moral imperatives. The judges of Israel were to carry out these moral mandates.

Dan produced judges for Israel, so they were to be guardians of the law of God. 

As the Ark of the Covenant traveled with them, the law of God was in their midst.  …

In a spiritual sense, HaShem is putting the Ark of His covenant in the hearts of His people, and I believe we will see the literal Ark restored in the Third Temple as well. …

Where is the Tribe of Dan now in the Nations?

You will find the tribe of Dan in several places on this map showing their original assigned land and the new location up north.  Descendants of the tribe of Dan are said to be found in several nations including in modern day Wales, Ireland, Scotland, Northern England, and Denmark (Dan’s Mark). Some scholars have pointed to the first dynasty in Korea as evidence of Dan establishing a presence in North Korea with the Dangun Empire. The founder was considered “The Lord of Heaven.” He established a moral code and laws. ( The remnants of this tribe are scattered throughout the world. August 17, 2023

Since the above mentioned Wikipedia, notice something that it has about the tribe of Dan:

A 15th-century Latin chronicle, “Chronicon Holsatiae vetus”, found in Gottfried Leibniz‘s Accessiones historicae (1698),  states the Danes were of the Tribe of Dan.[13] The antiquarian Henry Spelman in 1620 had made a similar claim that the Danes were the Israelite Tribe of Dan, based on the apparent similarity in name.[14] Additionally, proponents of Nordic and British Israelism have made similar claims about descent from the tribe of Dan. British Israelite authors such as John Cox Gawler and J. H. Allen identified the Tribe of Dan with Denmark.[15] While another prominent British Israelite author, Edward Hine, took the view that the tribe of Dan had colonized Denmark and Ulster in Ireland.[16][17] (Tribe of Dan. Wikipedia, accessed 08/17/23)

More on the tribes of Israel, including Dan, can be found in the free online book: Lost Tribes and Prophecies: What will happen to Australia, the British Isles, Canada, Europe, New Zealand and the United States of America?

As far as the Ark of the Covenant goes, the Temple Institute in Jerusalem believes that the Ark is somewhere under the area called the Temple Mount and seems to suspect it will be found for it to be able to construct a Jewish temple.

In its newsletter of Elul 5, 5781/August 13, 2021, the Temple Institute had the following photo and a link to the following:

(Photo in Temple Mount newsletter)


The square structure seen in the middle of the photo from the Temple Mount is a cap closing off an open passage which leads to a large underground chamber, which was excavated in Temple times. It was forty years today (Elul 4) that Rabbi Yehudah Getz, who for 27 years was the Rabbi of the Western Wall, attempted with the assistance of a number of his students and others, to break through an underground wall which sealed off the chamber in the hope of finding there the Ark of the Covenant. Ancient Jewish tradition maintains that the Ark was hidden away in a specially prepared subterranean chamber by King Josiah in order to keep it safe from the approaching Babylonian army.08/12/21

Previously, the Temple Institute asked if Vendyl Jones found it in April 1992 (see ‘DID VENDYL JONES DISCOVER THE TEMPLE KETORET INCENSE COMPOUND?’ What about ‘Indiana Jones’ and the Ark of the Covenant?).

Let it be noted that the Bible shows that well after Solomon’s sons would have died, that the Ark was still in Jerusalem:

35:1 Now Josiah kept a Passover to the LORD in Jerusalem, and they slaughtered the Passover lambs on the fourteenth day of the first month. 2 And he set the priests in their duties and encouraged them for the service of the house of the LORD. 3 Then he said to the Levites who taught all Israel, who were holy to the LORD: “Put the holy ark in the house which Solomon the son of David, king of Israel, built. It shall no longer be a burden on your shoulders. Now serve the LORD your God and His people Israel (2 Chronicles 35:1-3).

Josiah was the sixteenth king of Judah and reportedly reigned from c. 640–609 BCE. Though some claim it went to Ethiopia before then, scripture contradicts that view.

Anyway, some have also claimed that the Ark of the Covenant is in Ireland. In May of 2022, my wife Joyce and I visited two locations some have thought it may be at. It did not seem to be there for different reasons:

  1. The spot on the Hill of Tara some have claimed it was at had been sufficiently excavated that it would seemed to have been found if it were there.
  2. The other spot we visited, known as Cairn T, had so many pagan symbols it seemed very unlikely it would have been placed there.

That said, PCG points to the location on the hill of Tara. Here is something it published back in 2013:

The ark of the covenant … a fascinating verse in the Bible says that in this modern era, many people will be talking about it. The implication is that very soon, the ark of the covenant is going to be found!

That verse is found in Jeremiah, a book of prophecy that was written for this end time (Jeremiah 30:1-9). So this prophecy about the ark is for us today.

If the ark were found, it would electrify many people around the world!

People don’t know where the ark is, but I believe that the Bible—and a certain nation’s history—tell us in which country it is located today. …

Where Is the Ark?

Irish annals show that when Jeremiah migrated to Ireland, he brought with him more than just the princess of Judah who carried on David’s throne. “Besides the royal family, Jeremiah brought with them some remarkable things,” Mr. Armstrong continued, “including a harp, an ark, and a wonderful stone called ‘lia-fail,’ or ‘stone of destiny’” (op. cit., emphasis mine). …

F. R. A. Glover, who ascertained that the British monarchy was aware of its linkage to King David, wrote extensively about these objects having made their way to Ireland with Jeremiah. His book England the Remnant of Judah and the Israel of Ephraim records this history.

Glover stated that the grave of Queen Tea-Tephi lies in the Hill of Tara, the origin of Irish history. In his research, he found that she had been buried with the two stone tablets of the Ten Commandments, along with the ark of the covenant. (Flurry G. Finding the Ark of the covenant. The Philadelphia Trumpet, December 2013)

Of course the Ark still has not been found. Here is something from PCG’s Gerald Flurry in 2023:

British historians have written that Ireland’s famous Hill of Tara is where the ark of the covenant was placed, and that it is still there, buried with Tea-Tephi. …

Jeremiah arriving with the ark of God on an island populated by Israelites made quite an impression on them. They were from the tribe of Dan, and God had somehow prepared them somewhat for the coming of Jeremiah, Tea-Tephi and her husband, who became king. These people knew from their Hebrew Bibles that God spoke to Israel from that ark. (Flurry G. Jeremiah Builds a Kingdom. The Philadelphia Trumpet, March 2023)

However, while an Ireland location is not necessarily impossible, if the Ark of the Covenant exists on the earth, a location in the land of Israel seems to make the most sense.

One concern that I have had is that if the Ark of the Covenant is found, this could possibly get more of the Jews to support the ecumenical end-time religion that will call itself ‘Catholic.’ This would be consistent with biblical (Revelation 13:4,8; 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12) and Greco-Roman Catholic prophecies (see further below).

The first direct reference to the ark of the covenant in the Bible is in the Book of Exodus:

10 “And they shall make an ark of acacia wood; two and a half cubits shall be its length, a cubit and a half its width, and a cubit and a half its height. 11 And you shall overlay it with pure gold, inside and out you shall overlay it, and shall make on it a molding of gold all around. 12 You shall cast four rings of gold for it, and put them in its four corners; two rings shall be on one side, and two rings on the other side. 13 And you shall make poles of acacia wood, and overlay them with gold. 14 You shall put the poles into the rings on the sides of the ark, that the ark may be carried by them. 15 The poles shall be in the rings of the ark; they shall not be taken from it. 16 And you shall put into the ark the Testimony which I will give you. (Exodus 25:10-16)

The Bible is clear that the Ark of the Covenant is or will be in heaven:

19 Then the temple of God was opened in heaven, and the ark of His covenant was seen in His temple. And there were lightnings, noises, thunderings, an earthquake, and great hail. (Revelation 11:19)

It has been suggested that the physical ark of the covenant that the children of Israel had was patterned on one in heaven, thus it could still be on earth.

The Ark is mentioned in the Quran:

Their prophet further told them, “The sign of Saul’s kingship is that the Ark will come to you—containing reassurance1 from your Lord and relics of the family of Moses and the family of Aaron,2 which will be carried by the angels. Surely in this is a sign for you, if you ˹truly˺ believe.” (Surah 2:248)

But not much else about it is in the Quran. Yet, because it is considered a sign of being faithful, various Muslims have looked for it.

Notice also the following Islamic view of the Ark:

The Book of Revelation says the Ark is in the temple of God in heaven (Rev. 11:19). Muslim scholars say it will be found near the end of times by the Mahdi – a messianic figure in Islam.

Notice also the following claims:

Al Suyuti wrote, “The reason he will be known as the Mahdi is that he will show the way to a hidden thing. He will bring the Ark (of the Covenant) to light from a place called Antioch.” (al-Hawi li’l Fatawa, II, 82,).

•Related by Sulaiman ibn Isa: “I was informed that the Ark of the Covenant will emerge from the Tabariyya Sea through the efforts of Imam al-Mahdi. It will be placed before him at the Holy Ka’aba (Bait al-Haram). When the Israelites see this (Ark), all except a few will embrace Islam.” (Ibn Hammad transmitted in al-Fitan (1:360#1050); and al-Hawi li’l Fatawa (II:83). (The Secret History of the Ark of the Covenant: Hemes, Hagar and the Bloodline of Muhammadﷺ. Presentation by Sayyid Ahmed Amiruddin at the 2013 Symposium put on by the McMaster Association of Religious Studies, February 7, 2013)

It is interesting, however, that many of the Muslims believe that their Mahdi will rise up after the finding of the Ark (the Mahdi of Islamic prophecy seems to be the same one that the Bible indicates will be the final King of the South). Events seem to be happening in the Arab nations that align with the rising up of such a leader. Perhaps, if the Ark is publicly shown, he could point to it as proof that his timing for rising up was prophesied. We will see.

I perhaps should add that certain Roman Catholic prophecies indicate that the two witnesses (which they often consider will be Enoch and Elijah) will rise up after the Ark is found:

Bl. Dionysus of Luetzenberg…prophecies:

After the discovery of the Ark of the Covenant, Enoch and Elias will restore the Holy Sacrament of the Altar; Because of the fact that the Ark of the Covenant will be in the possession of the two holy prophets and not in Antichrist’s hands, the Jews will recognize that Jesus is the true Messias…”

( Luetzenberg, Antichristus Chapter 29 as cited in Birch D.A. Trial, Tribulation & Triumph. Queenship Publishing, Goleta (CA), 1996, p. 509)

Now the Bible is clear that the Ark of the Covenant will be in heaven:

Then the temple of God was opened in heaven, and the ark of His covenant was seen in His temple. And there were lightnings, noises, thunderings, an earthquake, and great hail. (Revelation 11:19)

And it may only be there now.

But since both Islamic and Roman Catholic prophecies suggest that it will be found, and various Jews and Protestants also believe so, it is possible that some of them will point to the Ark in Ethiopia (some believe Ethiopia has the original Ark, while others believe that it has an early copy) or Ireland or one in Jerusalem (or elsewhere) as proof that their prophecies are to be fulfilled. Or Roman Catholics may claim that if the Ark of the Covenant has not been found, that some will claim that this is additional proof that the real two witnesses are not God’s two witnesses. Notice that the Roman Catholics want to place their practices on it (by Holy Sacrament, they seem to mean their Eucharistic practices; here is an article about their origins: Marcus, the Marcosians, & Mithraism: Developers of the Eucharist?), these are the same Roman Catholics that also keep trying to gain control of the Church of God on Jerusalem’s Western Hill.

Others say that Zion was really on the eastern side side of Jerusalem, and thus, that may be where the Ark could be or end up.

Back in October 2013, while attempting to take some photos and to video some of the remains of the Church of God on Jerusalem’s Western Hill, I was approached by a Jewish rabbi named Avraham Goldstein of the Diaspora Yeshiva. He asked why I was there, so I explained it. He then asked me if the Continuing Church of God would like to be involved in an archaeological project related to that general area. He mentioned doing excavations related to what some believe is David’s tomb, located below. Many consider that only a legend and not the real location–though the actual location of David’s tomb has not been verified in many centuries. However a Jewish rabbi who claimed to visit it in 1163 A.D. stated it was below this particular Mt. Zion.

Avraham Goldstein also believes that the ark of the covenant may be directly below or near it via tunnels–hence that Jewish scholar does not agree with the position of the Temple Institute on its location. He offered to take me below in the tunnels on my next visit to Jerusalem. I told him that I was interested, but I have not been to Israel since. Yet, I expect to go again within the next several years.

The following is an interview from a narrator named Joseph (J below) and the Jewish rabbi Gerald Goldstein of the Mount Zion Foundation (RG below).

RG: We are standing on the roof of King David’s Tomb. Look around you at the view. You can understand why David wanted to take out this fortress before attacking Jerusalem itself…Samuel 2…Scripture is also very clear about where Kind David brought the Holy Ark of the Covenant. It says here in chapter 6 that he brought the Ark of the Covenant up to the City of David, that is the fortress of Zion…here to this very place… MOUNT ZION, dancing all in a very ecstatic and wonderful way…

J: So this place really is Mt Zion!

RG: Well there is a real established tradition, first recorded in writing by a student of the Ramban over 800 years ago, which says exactly this. Prior to the building of the Temple, Mt Zion… this very Mt Zion where we are standing…is where the Ark of the Covenant and the Divine presence resided. (Glick N. The Authenticity of Mt Zion and King David’s Tomb. 2010 יום שני, 2 באוגוסט. viewed 11/17/13)

If the ark of the covenant is now below the Church of God on Jerusalem’s Western Hill, known as Mt. Zion, that would have ramifications for the world as well as the Continuing Church of God (see Church of God on Jerusalem’s Western Hill). It possibly could be related to a dream by a lady named Fesilafai Fiso Leaana of New Zealand. She had a dream after going to bed on December 8, 2012 that included a comment about the Ark which will be cited later in this post (see also  Temple Institute claims about the ‘Foundation Stone’ not truly scriptural and differ from Continuing Church of God beliefs and Dreams, the Bible, and the Continuing Church of God).

Now, I should add that I have read other materials that say this Mt. Zion location cannot be, but again no one seems to really know for sure.

The Bible shows at one time the ark was in Mt. Zion:

15 So David and all the house of Israel brought up the ark of the Lord with shouting and with the sound of the trumpet. 16 Now as the ark of the Lord came into the City of David, Michal, Saul’s daughter, looked through a window and saw King David leaping and whirling before the Lord; and she despised him in her heart. 17 So they brought the ark of the Lord, and set it in its place in the midst of the tabernacle that David had erected for it. Then David offered burnt offerings and peace offerings before the Lord. 18 And when David had finished offering burnt offerings and peace offerings, he blessed the people in the name of the Lord of hosts. 19 Then he distributed among all the people, among the whole multitude of Israel, both the women and the men, to everyone a loaf of bread, a piece of meat, and a cake of raisins. So all the people departed, everyone to his house. (2 Samuel 6:15-19)

But it also shows that the ark moved from Mt. Zion:

1 Now Solomon assembled the elders of Israel and all the heads of the tribes, the chief fathers of the children of Israel, to King Solomon in Jerusalem, that they might bring up the ark of the covenant of the Lord from the City of David, which is Zion. 2 Therefore all the men of Israel assembled with King Solomon at the feast in the month of Ethanim, which is the seventh month. 3 So all the elders of Israel came, and the priests took up the ark. 4 Then they brought up the ark of the Lord, the tabernacle of meeting, and all the holy furnishings that were in the tabernacle. The priests and the Levites brought them up. 5 Also King Solomon, and all the congregation of Israel who were assembled with him, were with him before the ark, sacrificing sheep and oxen that could not be counted or numbered for multitude. 6 Then the priests brought in the ark of the covenant of the Lord to its place, into the inner sanctuary of the temple, to the Most Holy Place, under the wings of the cherubim. 7 For the cherubim spread their two wings over the place of the ark, and the cherubim overshadowed the ark and its poles. 8 The poles extended so that the ends of the poles could be seen from the holy place, in front of the inner sanctuary; but they could not be seen from outside. And they are there to this day. 9 Nothing was in the ark except the two tablets of stone which Moses put there at Horeb, when the Lord made a covenant with the children of Israel, when they came out of the land of Egypt. 10 And it came to pass, when the priests came out of the holy place, that the cloud filled the house of the Lord, 11 so that the priests could not continue ministering because of the cloud; for the glory of the Lord filled the house of the Lord. 12 Then Solomon spoke: “The Lord said He would dwell in the dark cloud. 13 I have surely built You an exalted house, And a place for You to dwell in forever.” (1 Kings 8:1-13)

So, the ark was moved and did not stay there forever, as King Josiah had to have it moved it back (2 Chronicles 35:1-3). Also, since the temple that Solomon built was destroyed, the ark did not stay in it forever.

Furthermore, notice:

8 Arise, O Lord, to Your resting place, You and the ark of Your strength. 9 Let Your priests be clothed with righteousness,And let Your saints shout for joy. 10 For Your servant David’s sake, Do not turn away the face of Your Anointed. 11 The Lord has sworn in truth to David; He will not turn from it: “I will set upon your throne the fruit of your body. 12 If your sons will keep My covenant And My testimony which I shall teach them, Their sons also shall sit upon your throne forevermore.” 13 For the Lord has chosen Zion; He has desired it for His dwelling place: 14 “This is My resting place forever; Here I will dwell, for I have desired it. 15 I will abundantly bless her provision; I will satisfy her poor with bread. 16 I will also clothe her priests with salvation, And her saints shall shout aloud for joy. 17 There I will make the horn of David grow;I will prepare a lamp for My Anointed. 18 His enemies I will clothe with shame, But upon Himself His crown shall flourish.” (Psalm 132:8-18)

While Solomon wanted it to be in the temple he built to house the ark forever, God had David write Zion was the chosen location. If the ark of the covenant is found and now is below the Church of God on Jerusalem’s Western Hill, known as Mt. Zion or perhaps another area called Zion, that would have ramifications for the world as well as the Continuing Church of God.

Fesilafai Fiso Leaana of New Zealand had a dream after going to bed on December 8, 2012. Here is a report that Fesilafai Fiso Leaana wrote about her dream:

A few months before my dream, my husband and I noticed a contradiction in practice, regarding the sabbath commandment in LCG, from there we started to pray continuously for God to lead us to where the truth is. It seems God has answered our prayers through the dream.

The dream began with myself and approximately 70 New Zealand Living Church of God brethren, then suddenly LCG vanished (I was wondering where is LCG?) and I was left standing with approximately 10 people excluding myself, on a very high building. We were standing on the very top of the building, where I couldn’t see the bottom, there were no other buildings, just this building. I could not see the bottom of the building but just clouds below the building and clouds surrounding the building which led to a beautiful white mountain – a mountain that had no ends on either side. The building was pretty close to the mountain, I could see the top of the mountain. The mountain was all white and so beautiful. I remember that I began to be filled with joy and peace. But also wondering how we got up on this building and confused why there were no other buildings but the clouds seemed like it was hiding the building and I felt protected or it felt like a safe place. I looked around there were still only about ten people there, the only person I could clearly recognize was Shirley constantly working, the approximate ten others were just sitting and standing around. So I walked around the building looking for the large crowd from LCG, but all I kept returning to was that Shirley was working and doing different types of work alone while the others were still sitting and standing around the building with me. I wondered why she was working a lot. I could not find LCG.

Then suddenly a message came to my mind: “There is a secret in the mountain”. And I was so happy to know that, I was still feeling elated and could still see the beautiful white mountain and wondered about the secret. Then I asked: “What is the secret?” Then the message said, nobody knows the secret in the mountain but only you have received this message that there is a secret in the mountain. Then I asked ‘what is the secret in the mountain?’ I received a message to my mind that told me that “the secret in the mountain is the Ark of the Covenant”. Then the dream abruptly ended because I woke up. And immediately, I woke up my husband and recounted the dream to him, and I told my husband that it reminded me of when God gave Moses the Ten Commandments on the mountain and that the mountain was also covered with clouds.

Within several weeks of the dream, ten people in New Zealand, including Shirley Gestro (the Shirley above) began to attend the newly formed Continuing Church of God.

Biblically, mountains can symbolize government (Psalm 30:7; Isaiah 11:9; Daniel 2:35; Zechariah 4:7) and white purity or cleanness (Isaiah 1:18; Revelation 7:14, 19:14). Clouds around a mountain (or at least the top of it) could show a separation—maybe a separation that keeps many from seeing all of the truth (cf. Job 22:14; Lamentations 3:44) or recognizing top leadership?

The dream seemed to be a signal to confirm that the Philadelphia mantle was not with the Living Church of God, but instead was associated with someone that that had something to do with the ark of the covenant (see also Dreams, the Bible, the Radio Church of God, and the Continuing Church of God).

In the Spring and Fall of 2013 (which is before I learned of Fesilafai Fiso Leaana’s dream), a couple of different people emailed me and asked if the Continuing Church of God might possibly be involved in actually finding the Ark–and those two people knew nothing about the dream that Fesilafai Fiso Leaana of New Zealand had related to the Continuing Church of God when they originally asked me about it as it was not reported publicly until November 2013. We may have future involvement on this ark matter.

Anyway, it remains my view that there is a chance that we will see the Ark or we will see a strong claim that someone has located the Ark within the next decade or so.

We also put together the following video in 2023 related to the Ark of the Covenant:


Where is the Ark of the Covenant?

Protestant writer Michael Snyder says that the Ark of the Covenant from the Bible is about to be found and that he knows exactly where it is. The Temple Institute believes it will be found soon and that it knows where it is. Why, supposedly, has no one uncovered it? Is Daniel 9:27 proof that the Ark of the Covenant is about to be found? What about Vendyl Jones? Is this Ark in Jerusalem in a cave or passage under what is called the Temple Mount? Does the Bible state that Jeremiah the prophet hid it just before the Babylonians took over? What about the Hill of Tara or Cairn T in Ireland? Does a comparison of a 1710 document and scriptures in 2 Chronicles 35:1-3 related to King Josiah eliminate the common view about a possible Ethiopia location? Do Muslim and Roman Catholic prophecies point to it being found? Are there any scriptures that support rabbi Avraham Goldstein’s contention that it is under or in Mt. Zion? How might the Continuing Church of God be involved? Any connection to a dream from someone in New Zealand? Does the Book of Revelation show the Ark of the Covenant being in heaven? Could there be an actual physical Ark that can be found? Dr. Thiel and Steve Dupuie discuss these matters.

Here is a link to our video: Where is the Ark of the Covenant?

Whether or not the Temple Institute knows the location of the the Ark or if the tribe of Dan has anything to do with it now , developments related to the Ark of the Covenant may well have prophetic ramifications.

Some items of possibly related interest may include:

Church of God on Jerusalem’s Western Hill Could this building, often referred to as the Cenacle, which is located on a Mount Zion, possibly have been the oldest actual Christian church building? There is also a video titled Might the oldest church building have prophetic ramifications?
Why is a Jewish Temple in Jerusalem Not Required? Although people like Timothy LaHaye teach a third Jewish temple is required, who is ‘the temple of God” in the New Testament? Does the Bible require a rebuilt Jewish Temple? Here is a related item in the Spanish language ¿Por qué no se requiere un templo judío en Jerusalén? Here is a link to a sermon titled The Temple, Prophecy, and the Work.
Islamic and Biblical Prophecies for the 21st Century This is a free online book which helps show where biblical and Islamic prophecies converge and diverge. Here are links to related sermons: Seeing Christianity Through Islamic Eyes, Imam Mahdi, women, and prophecy, and Terrorism, Iran, and Fatima, Dajjal, Antichrist, Gold, & Mark of the Beast?, and Jesus and God’s Plan for Muslims.
Nascent Sanhedrin and Prophecy The reconstituted Sanhedrin wants the reimplementation of animal sacrifices. A related video is titled Sanhedrin pushing animal sacrifices. And a newer one is: Sanhedrin makes burnt offering to dedicate altar!
The Red Heifer, Jewish Beliefs, and the End of the World The Temple Institute is watching a ‘red heifer.’ Why might this be important in the sequence of end time events? Here is a related link in the Spanish language Novilla roja descubierta en EE.UU. e Instituto del Templo está interesado en ella. Here are links to three related videos in English: Red Heifers and the Fate of the World and The Red Heifer and the End of the World and 5 Red Heifers and Year 5783?
Location of the Prophesied Physical Temple Leroy Neff gives his rationalse for the location of the coming temple.
Solomon’s Temple This is a a 5 minute animated film that shows one artist’s understanding of the details about Solomon’s temple.
Dreams, the Bible, the Radio Church of God, and the Continuing Church of God How has God used dreams in the past? Does God still use dreams? Did He use any involving those in the Continuing Church of God? Here is a link in Spanish: Sueños, la Biblia, la Iglesia de Dios de la Radio, y la Continuación de la Iglesia de Dios. A related sermon is also available: Dreams, COGs, and One Man Rule.
Gr3eco-Roman Catholic Prophecies: Do They Mirror, Highlight, or Contradict Biblical Prophecies? People of all faiths may be surprised to see what various Roman and Orthodox Catholic prophets have been predicting as many of their predictions will be looked to in the 21st century.
Who Are The Two Witnesses? What is their job? What does the Bible reveal? What has the Church of God taught on this subject? Might even Roman Catholic prophecies give some clues here? A related sermon is available: Prophecy and the Two Witnesses. Here is a related link in Spanish/español:¿Quiénes son los dos testigos? Here is a sermon in Spanish: ¿Quienes son los Dos Testigos?
Lost Tribes and Prophecies: What will happen to Australia, the British Isles, Canada, Europe, New Zealand and the United States of America? Where did those people come from? Can you totally rely on DNA? What about other peoples? Do you really know what will happen to Europe and the English-speaking peoples? What about Africa, Asia, South America, and the Islands? This free online book provides scriptural, scientific, historical references, and commentary to address those matters. Here are links to related sermons: Lost tribes, the Bible, and DNA; Lost tribes, prophecies, and identifications; 11 Tribes, 144,000, and Multitudes; Israel, Jeremiah, Tea Tephi, and British Royalty; Gentile European Beast; Royal Succession, Samaria, and Prophecies; Asia, Islands, Latin America, Africa, and Armageddon;  When Will the End of the Age Come?Rise of the Prophesied King of the North; Christian Persecution from the Beast; WWIII and the Coming New World Order; and Woes, WWIV, and the Good News of the Kingdom of God.


Ultra-processed foods, cancer, and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

Sunday, August 25th, 2024

(Pixabay photo)


Ultra-processed foods are highly consumed and are dangerous:

The ultra-processed diet that experts believe gives you cancer: Britain’s top doctors now blame modern foods for unprecedented spike in cancer rates

25 August 2024

This month, a major study found people born in 1990 are three times more likely to develop certain forms of the disease than those over the age of 70. And other types were on the rise in younger age-groups, while rates declined in older people.

So what is fuelling the trend? Numerous theories have been put forward: antibiotic over-use, mobile phone radiation and even invisible particles of plastic in drinking water. But a growing number of experts are pointing to one major cause: ultra-processed foods.

Also known as UPFs, these are ready-made foods – including bread, cereals and even salad dressing – packed with artificial ingredients used to preserve, add flavour and enhance texture.

Some have even gone as far as to say they could be as dangerous as tobacco – and should come with a cigarette-style health warning.

It might sound far fetched. But, increasingly, some of Britain’s top cancer experts believe there is some truth to it.

Professor Charles Swanton, oncologist and chief clinician at Cancer Research UK, has raised the alarm over the ‘disturbing’ rise in cancer in young people and linked it to increased consumption of junk food.

Speaking at the American Society of Clinical Oncology, he said a growing body of research suggests that some bowel cancers could be ‘initiated’ by changes in the gut caused by low-fibre, high-sugar diets.

Prostate oncologist and Queen’s University Belfast professor Dr Joe O’Sullivan puts it more simply. ‘The spike in young cancer rates has to be due to something we’re consuming,’ he said.

‘And ultra-processed foods are the biggest lifestyle change in the last 40 years.’

Britain’s foremost commentator on the topic, Dr Chris van Tulleken, whose book Ultra-Processed People was a best-seller last year has ‘no doubt’ that the two are connected.

‘We have more than a dozen good quality studies indicating a link between cancer and ultra-processed foods,’ he told The Mail on Sunday. ‘Governments took action to reduce the number of people who smoke cigarettes based on far less evidence.’

25 August 2024

We’re all guilty of indulging in ultra-processed foods such as ice cream, sandwich meats, sausages, crisps, mass-produced bread, cereal, biscuits and fizzy drinks.

According to The British Heart Foundation, ultra-processed foods are bad for you as they often contain high levels of saturated fat, salt and sugar leaving less room in our diets for more nutritious foods.

Last Friday, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. made some comments about ultra-processed foods:

August 24, 2024

RFK Jr. informed journalists at his special press conference in the early afternoon of Friday that America’s health crisis stems from ultra-processed foods pushed by giant food/pharma companies that have corrupted various federal agencies:

Autism rates were about one in 10,000 in my generation – in my kids Generation 1 in 34. I’ll repeat in California 1 and 22. Why are we letting this happen? Why are we allowing this to happen to our children? These are the most precious assets that we have in this country how can we let this happen to them.

About 18% of American teens now have fatty liver disease, that’s like one out of every five – that disease when I was a kid only affected late stage alcoholics who were elderly.

Cancer rates are skyrocketing in the Young and the old young. Adult cancers are up 70-79%. One in four American women is on anti-depressant medication. About 40% of teens have a mental health diagnosis and 15% of high schoolers are on Aderall, and half a million children on SSRIs.

So what’s causing this suffering? I’ll name two culprits first and the worst is ultra-processed food. About 70% of American children’s diet is ultra-processed that means industrial manufacturing – these Foods consist primarily of processed sugar, ultra-processed grains, and seed oils.

Scientists who, for many of them, formerly worked for the cigarette industry, which purchased all the big food companies in the 1970s and 80s, deployed thousands of scientists to figure out chemicals new chemicals to make the food more addictive, and these ingredients didn’t exist a 100 years ago. Humans aren’t biologically adapted to eat them. Hundreds of these chemicals are now banned in Europe but ubiquitous in American processed foods.

The second culprit is toxic chemicals in our food and our medicine and our environment pesticides food additives pharmaceutical drugs and toxic waste permeate every cell of our bodies. The Assault on our children’s cells and hormones is unrelenting – name just one problem many of these chemicals increase estrogen – because young children are ingesting so many of these hormone disruptors, America’s puberty rate is now occurring at age 10 to 13, which is six years earlier than girls were reaching puberty in 1900 our country has the earliest puberty rates of any continent on the Earth and no this isn’t because of better nutrition – this is not normal – breast cancer is also estrogen-driven and it now strikes one in eight women. We are mass poisoning all of our children. 

RFK Jr. then touched on the processed food industry lobbyists who have corrupted Washington, resulting in a food supply chain filled with poison that is killing Americans. He said several federal agencies that are supposed to protect consumers have also been corrupted.

He pointed out that the processed food industry has been “destroying small farms, and they’re destroying our soils.”

While some in mainstream act like Kennedy is a bit of a nut, the fact is that, yes, ultraprocessed foods are dangerous.

Earlier this year, NewsMax reported the following:

Ultra-Processed Foods Linked to 32 Illnesses

February 29, 2024

Ultra-processed foods can cause dozens of terrible health problems among people who eat them too often, a new review warns.

Researchers linked diets high in ultra-processed foods to an increased risk of 32 separate illnesses. In particular, these foods are strongly tied to risk with early death, heart disease, cancer, mental health disorders, overweight and obesity, and Type 2 diabetes, researchers said.

For example, ultra-processed foods are associated with a 50% increased risk of heart-related death, a 48% to 53% increased risk of anxiety and common mental disorders, and a 12% risk of type 2 diabetes, researchers said. …

Ultra-processed foods include packaged snacks, sugary drinks, instant noodles, sweet cereals and ready-to-eat meals.

The products undergo multiple industrial processes to make them tasty and shelf-stable, and contain additives like emulsifiers, coloring agents and chemical flavors.

Unfortunately, ultra-processed foods now account for up to 58% of total daily energy intake in some high income-countries, and are proliferating in low- and middle-income countries, researchers said in background notes.

“Notably, over recent decades, the availability and variety of ultra-processed products sold has substantially and rapidly increased” in countries around the world, wrote the research team led by Melissa Lane, …

Alterations in the food made during manufacturing “may affect digestion, nutrient absorption and feelings of satiety,” the researchers wrote.

Emerging evidence in humans also has linked some additives used in the foods — non-sugar sweeteners, emulsifiers, colorants and nitrates or nitrites — with poor health outcomes, researchers said.

Intensive industrial processing of food might also produce harmful substances that contribute to chronic inflammation, and even packaging materials can contain contaminants, they added. … profit motives discourage food makers from switching to nutritious products.

Yet, in the USA, various dietitians are pretending that obesity and processed foods are good and healthy (see General Mills funded dieticians who try to claim being obese is healthy and that ultra-processed foods are good).

But they are not healthy.

The Apostle Paul warned:

10 For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil, (1 Timothy 6:10)

Greed, not health, drives much of the food processing industry.

Last year, the BBC reported the following:

3 June 2023

Twenty years ago, no-one had heard of the term ultra-processed foods – or UPF – but about half the things we now eat in the UK are made that way. …

Ultra-processed convenience foods contain chemicals that UK regulators say are safe, but Panorama investigates emerging scientific evidence of a link between some of these chemicals and cancer, diabetes and strokes. …

Common ultra-processed foods:

  • Mass-produced bread and sweetened breakfast cereals
  • Instant soups, pre-packaged and microwave ready meals
  • Fruit-flavoured yogurts
  • Reconstituted meat – like ham and sausages
  • Ice cream, crisps and biscuits
  • Soft drinks and some alcoholic drinks – like whisky, gin, and rum

The first investigations into mortality and consumption of ultra-processed food started in France at the University Sorbonne Paris Nord, as part of the ongoing study into the eating habits of 174,000 people.

“We have 24-hour dietary records during which they tell us all the foods, the beverages and so on, that they are eating,” explains Dr Mathilde Touvier who heads up the study.

The ongoing research has already published results showing UPF may drive an increased burden of cancer.

In 2022, CNN reported the following:

Cognitive decline linked to ultraprocessed food, study finds

August 1, 2022

Eating ultraprocessed foods for more than 20% of your daily calorie intake every day could set you on the road to cognitive decline, a new study revealed.

We all know eating ultraprocessed foods that make our lives easier — such as prepackaged soups, sauces, frozen pizza and ready-to-eat meals — isn’t good for our health. Nor is gobbling up all the pleasure foods that we love so much: hot dogs, sausages, burgers, french fries, sodas, cookies, cakes, candies, doughnuts and ice cream, to name just a few.

Studies have found they can raise our risk of obesity, heart and circulation problems, diabetes and cancer. They may even shorten our lives.

Now, a new study has revealed eating more ultraprocessed foods may contribute to overall cognitive decline, including the areas of the brain involved in executive functioning — the ability to process information and make decisions.<

In fact, men and women who ate the most ultraprocessed foods had a 28% faster rate of global cognitive decline and a 25% faster rate of executive function decline compared with people who ate the least amount of overly processed food, the study found.

“While in need of further study and replication, the new results are quite compelling and emphasize the critical role for proper nutrition in preserving and promoting brain health and reducing risk for brain diseases as we get older,” said Rudy Tanzi, professor of neurology at Harvard Medical School and director of the genetics and aging research unit at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston. He was not involved in the study.

Eating wrong can increase the production of advanced protein glycation end-products which tend to accumulate in the brain and can contribute to cognitive deterioration. I was the lead scientist on paper published in a major medical journal dealing with that a while ago (see Can Cognitive Deterioration Associated with Down Syndrome be Reduced? Medical Hypotheses, 2005; 64(3):524-532).

It is not good that the youth in the UK and elsewhere are consuming so much ultra-processed foods.

That said, remember Eve in the Garden:

6 So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree desirable to make one wise, she took of its fruit and ate. (Genesis 3:6)

Eve reasoned around God’s restriction. The fruit looked like good and desirable food to her. Ultra-processed foods and many unclean meats that God’s word prohibits look like good and desirable foods to many.

Self-control is something Christians should have (e.g. 2 Peter 1:6).

Highly-processed junk foods may look good, taste good, and seem convenient, but if consumed at all, should be a very small part of anyone’s diet.

Yet most in the West deceive themselves that they are not eating too much of them or that they are fine. Plus there is a lot of advertising that promotes them. That brings to mind another warning from the Apostle Paul:

1 But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: 2 For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, … 13 … evil men and impostors will grow worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived. (2 Timothy 3:1-2,13)

Because the negative effects take time, many are wrongly persuaded by advertisements and availability to eat too much highly processed foods. Many also deceive themselves into falsely believing that they cannot cause serious problems–yet they can.

The following scripture came to mind:

11 Because the sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil. (Ecclesiastes 8:11)

As far as food processing goes, it really started to become a problem in the 19th century. This is when refined flour came out. Then we saw degerminated corn meal and white rice. Grits, which once were made of ground, whole organic corn, are now made with degerminated GMO corn, ‘fortified’ with synthetic vitamins. After corn was ‘degerminated’ many people in the Southern USA died from a disease called pellagra. Instead of going back to whole corn, chemically-derived synthetic vitamins were added, which I consider to be dangerous.

In the 19th century, after natural brown rice became refined on a large scale, white rice became popular. Many preferred white rice because it could be stored longer than natural brown rice, plus it cooked faster.

In the 19th century, a disease called beriberi began to cause many deaths in parts of Asia. Symptoms of beriberi include weight loss, emotional disturbances, impaired sensory perception, weakness and pain in the limbs, and periods of irregular heart rate.

At first no one connected the consumption of white rice in with beriberi. Leading ‘infectious disease’ experts attempted to figure out what caused this beriberi outbreak, without success. The real cause was the greatly reduced consumption of B-vitamins that was in the portion of the rice that was refined away—but no one realized this at first.

Now, we have even more highly processed items in the food supply–and also genetically-modified substances that there is limited data on the possible long-term health consequences of their consumption.

What should you eat? You should eat real food and for most people, at least two or more servings of fruit and three of more servings of vegetables daily, relatively small amounts of meats, whole grains, and olive oil come to mind. Refined grains, sugars (whether natural or artificial), sodas, and GMOs should be highly limited or not consumed at all

God’s word says:

2 … Listen carefully to Me, and eat what is good (Isaiah 55:2).

People should try to eat real, not artificial, foods. And if you take vitamins and minerals, take the type whose nutrients are 100% food (which is what I personally do).

In 2022, the Continuing Church of God put out the following sermon on its ContinuingCOG channel:


The Bible says to eat what is good. Does the Bible give any information on what to eat and not eat? What happened in the Garden of Eden? What about Noah? What are clean and unclean animals? Did early Christians avoid biblically-unclean animals? What are some of the health risks associated with eating pork, shellfish, and bats? Are pigs associated with the flu? Could bats have been involved related to the corona virus pandemic? Should humans consume blood? What are enzymes? Can raw foods aid in health? Is the typical US diet deadly? What about processed foods? Is eating refined sugar necessary? How were vitamins discovered? What about United States Pharmacopeia (USP) vs. food vitamins? Are most mineral supplements composed of processed rocks? What about genetically-modified organisms (GMOs)? What about sodas and other beverages? Dr. Thiel addresses these matters and more.

Here is a link to the sermon: Let’s Talk About Food.

In addition to ultra-processed foods, we also now have genetically-modified foods as well as lab grown and other artificial meats–some of which are evil.

In 2023, the Continuing Church of God put out the following sermon on its ContinuingCOG channel:


Evil is Affecting the Food Supply

God gave humans food and said what He made was good. What about unclean animals? What about genetically-modified organisms (GMOs)? What about ‘bioengineered foods’? What about lab meat? What about human-cloned salami? What about ‘Piggy Sooy’? Are Christians supposed to eat what is good according to Isaiah 55:2? What should we eat? What should Christians avoid eating? Dr. Thiel addresses these matters and more.

Here is a link to the following: Evil is Affecting the Food Supply.

There are personal costs to eating too many things that you should not.

The American and Anglo-Saxon descended nations are not setting the right example when it comes to diet and health and this does not bode well for them in the future (Proverbs 12:24; Daniel 11:39).

Some items of possibly related interest may include:

Christian Health Matters Should Christians be concerned about their health? Does the Bible give any food and health guidelines? Here are links to three related sermons: Let’s Talk About Food, Evil is Affecting the Food Supply, and Let’s Talk About Health.
American foods that gross out foreigners A study done in the Fall of 2014 found out which foods that non-USA Americans considered weird or gross that Americans eat. This video discusses those foods, ingredients in some of those foods, and warns against consuming ‘that which is not bread’ (Isaiah 55:2). Dr. Thiel also warns about synthetic vitamins and some of the issues associated with them. He also discusses something promoted by the late Seventh-day Adventist, Dr. John Harvey Kellogg.
The New Testament Church, History, and Unclean Meats Are foods considered to have been unclean in the Old Testament considered to be food in the New Testament? This article discusses this from the perspective of the New Testament. It also has a list of clean and unclean animals. It also answers the question, is pork healthy or is pork dangerous? There is also a sermon-length video on this: Christians and Unclean Meats; two short videos are also available: Did Jesus declare all animal flesh food? and COVID, Pandemics, and Unclean Meat.
Obesity, processed foods, health risks, and the Bible Does the Bible warn about the consequences of being obese? Is overeating dangerous? Is gluttony condemned? What diseases are associated with eating too much refined foods?
Eating Right, Eating Too Much, and Prophecy Are there disadvantages to being overweight? Is junk food really bad for you? Does the Bible discuss overeating and/or obesity? Is overeating having an effect on the US military? What are the ramifications of personal and national health for overeating? What should you eat? This is a sermonette-length YouTubevideo.
GMOs and Bible Prophecy What are GMOs? Since they were not in the food supply until 1994, how could they possibly relate to Bible prophecy? Do GMOs put the USA and others at risk? Here are some related videos: GMO Risks and the Bible and GMOs, Lab meat, Hydrogenation: Safe or Dangerous?
Chimeras: Has Science Crossed the Line? What are chimeras?  Has science crossed the line? Does the Bible give any clues? A video of related interest is Half human, half pig: What’s the difference?  and Human-Monkey Embryos and Death.
Ten Simple Rules that Lead to Health Herbert Armstrong gives his opinions on this.
Does God Heal Today? What does the Bible teach? Herbert Armstrong tries to explain this.
UK Study Supports Daniel Diet Daniel and his companions looked better eating more vegetables and avoiding strange meats. Has modern science confirmed this?
Lost Tribes and Prophecies: What will happen to Australia, the British Isles, Canada, Europe, New Zealand and the United States of America? Where did those people come from? Can you totally rely on DNA? What about other peoples? Do you really know what will happen to Europe and the English-speaking peoples? What about Africa, Asia, South America, and the Islands? This free online book provides scriptural, scientific, historical references, and commentary to address those matters. Here are links to related sermons: Lost tribes, the Bible, and DNALost tribes, prophecies, and identifications11 Tribes, 144,000, and MultitudesIsrael, Jeremiah, Tea Tephi, and British RoyaltyGentile European BeastRoyal Succession, Samaria, and PropheciesAsia, Islands, Latin America, Africa, and Armageddon;  When Will the End of the Age Come?;  Rise of the Prophesied King of the NorthChristian Persecution from the BeastWWIII and the Coming New World Order; and Woes, WWIV, and the Good News of the Kingdom of God.

Herbert W. Armstrong, Elijah, and Philadelphia

Sunday, August 25th, 2024

Elijah in the wilderness


A reader sent me an email today as follows:

Greetings again,

I was also wondering what are your thoughts on those who claim that HWA was the end time Elijah and the responsibility of the Philidelphia Christian in this day and age is to only listen to material produced by him and not any other minister from worldwide or any other “splinter groups”.
Thank you,

My response mentioned that Herbert W. Armstrong’s writings demonstrated that he was not the Elijah.

While he sometimes thought he was, he specifically expressed doubt to the late Evangelist Dibar Apartian (and who also told me). Dibar Apartian did not believe that HWA was the Elijah when we discussed this several times and he agreed with me about this.

Notice something that HWA actually wrote about this:

I have been asked “Are you the Elijah?”  And I say “No.” (Armstrong, Herbert W.  Congress of Leading Ministers Hears Defined and Reemphasized Spiritual Organization of Church.  Worldwide News, March 6, 1981, p. 10)

Consider that Herbert W. Armstrong also wrote:

Those called into the Church were called not merely for salvation and eternal life, but to learn the way of God’s government and develop the divine character during this mortal life in the Church age … Also Malachi 4:5-6 pictures the Elijah to come at the very end of the Church age (Mystery of the Ages. 1985, pp. 201, 349).

When did Herbert W. Armstrong write that the Church age was over? Notice:

At the end of the Church age and 6,000 years from Adam, Christ would return to earth as King of kings and Lord of Lords, ruling all nations, with the saints, for one millennium. (Armstrong HW. What If Adam Had Taken of the Tree of Life? Plain Truth, March 1983)

The “very end” of the Church age was not decades ago in the 20th century!

The 6000 years has NOT yet been fulfilled (see also Could God Have a 6,000 Year Plan? What Year Does the 6,000 Years End?). Since the “very end of the Church age” has not happened, and HWA died last century, his writings support that there must be another Elijah. So, since Herbert W. Armstrong was not the final Elijah (see also The Elijah Heresies), then another must come to restore all things.

Herbert W. Armstrong did NOT restore all things.

As far as restoration goes, Herbert W. Armstrong taught that God was reproducing Himself through humanity and that Christians would become deified, become God after the first resurrection.

That is true.

Deification itself was taught by early Christians and is still taught by the Roman Catholics and Eastern Orthodox (see What is Your Destiny? Deification? Did the Early Church Teach That Christians Would Become God?).

HWA also taught the way of love and the give way of life (see The Two Trees: Only Two Ways of Life).

But HWA did not clearly teach why God made anything or why God made each individual.

Those are perhaps the two most basic questions of philosophers throughout the ages.

But the WCG, under Hebert W. Armstrong taught parts of it.

At a Bible Study in Pasadena I attended c. 1978, then WCG minister Art Mokarow expressed the position that the purpose for each individual was to be able to give in a unique way.

While in my last COG, in c. 2009 I asked its then top leader why God made each individual and he did not know. So, I told him about the Bible Study and expanded that to “The purpose for each individual is to be able to give love in a unique way.” He concurred with that statement, but never seemed to have taught it publicly.

After leaving that COG, in the CCOG, that purpose statement was expanded to:

Your purpose in this life is to build character so you can maximize your potential and increase how much better you can improve eternity. God made YOU so that you will be able to use your unique talents (Matthew 25:14-23; Luke 19:11-19) to give love in order to make eternity better! … God’s plan for all who will respond to Him is to be able to give love in a unique way to make eternity better for them personally and everyone else. (The MYSTERY of GOD’s PLAN: Why Did God Create Anything? Why Did God Make You?)

Now why did God create anything?

God created what He did so eternity would be better. (cf. Hebrews 6:9, 11:16; Philippians 1:23). (The MYSTERY of GOD’s PLAN: Why Did God Create Anything? Why Did God Make You? )

Those are two BASIC TRUTHS which were not restored by HWA, but were restored via the CCOG.

These are important, even fundamental, truths, not just some ancillary knowledge.

Related to the restoration of truths, the following was in the latest CCOG Letter to the Brethren:

Herbert W. Armstrong once wrote, “1933 … At least 18 basic and essential truths have been restored to the True Church since that year” (Mystery of the Ages, Dodd & Mead, 1985, p. 251).

(UnSplash photo)

In a sermon titled Mission of the Philadelphia Church Era by Herbert W. Armstrong given on December 17, 1983, he started off with the following:

Greetings, everybody! This afternoon I want to speak on the mission of the Philadelphia Era of the Church, this Church today in comparison to the first era of the Church, the Ephesus Era of the Church. It’s been seeming more and more to me, as the years go by, that the Bible was written primarily for the Philadelphia Era of the Church …

During that sermon, he listed 18 truths he felt that the early Church of God held, but that had been lost by the time of the Sardis era of the Church of God.

The CCOG may be the only COG that has ALL the 18 restored truths that Herbert W. Armstrong pointed to as restored to the Philadelphia portion of the COG in its official Statement of Beliefs–see Statement of Beliefs of the Continuing Church of God.

This subject of restoring knowledge is important because Jesus prophesied the restoration of all things when He stated:

11 … Indeed, Elijah is coming first and will restore all things. (Matthew 17:11, NKJV throughout unless otherwise noted)

In Matthew 17:11, the term translated “will restore” is the Greek term apokathistemi which means “to reconstitute” or “restore (again)” (Biblesoft’s New Exhaustive Strong’s Numbers and Concordance with Expanded Greek-Hebrew Dictionary. Copyright (c) 1994, Biblesoft and International Bible Translators, Inc.) and is preceded by the Greek term men which means “truly” in the asseverative sense.

Here is the first historical quote I found in WCG’s literature about an Elijah to come:

The Work of Elijah 1. Did Christ affirm that ‘Elijah’ must come before His own return?  Matt. 17:11…John the Baptist did a one-man work.  But today God works through the Body of Christ — the Church composed of many members (Eph. 4:12, 16)  After Christ’s ministry on this earth, it was no more a single individual that did God’s Work (through the power of His Spirit), but the BODY of Christ…Today the ‘body’ of Christ — the entire CHURCH OF GOD through its voice, its prayers, its tithes and offerings and its various other functions — is heralding Christ’s eminent return (Matt. 25:6)…And the hearts of both parents and children are being turned back to the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.  This is what the ‘Philadelphia’ Era of God’s Church is doing today!…And it is this Church which will be taken to a temporary place of safety just as Elijah was taken to a place prepared by God (Armstrong HW, editor. Lesson 53. Ambassador College Correspondence Course. 1969).

Hence, it was originally Herbert W. Armstrong’s position in WCG that the Philadelphia Era of the Church of God would be involved in the Elijah role. Later, instead of just the Philadelphia era, he felt that it would be just one person, with the assistance of others in the church. Of course, the verses in the Bible clearly are referring to one man; but also one who would have support from the Philadelphia portion of the Church of God.

In a coworker letter dated, August 24, 1982, Herbert W. Armstrong wrote:

John had come in the power and spirit of Elijah, but they did not recognize who he was. “Now why, then was Elijah YET, in the future, to come-just before the ‘day of the Lord?’ Verse 11, Jesus said to ‘restore all things.’ John the Baptist DID NOT do that! … Have WE, through this Work, RESTORED anything? Indeed we have!

So, yes a group can assist in restoration.

In the 20th century, Herbert Armstrong wrote that there would be a final human being as type of Elijah as well.

Since Herbert Armstrong died in 1986, he could not be the final Elijah according to his own writings. For example, he wrote:

Malachi 4:5-6 pictures the Elijah to come at the very end of the Church age (Mystery of the Ages. 1985, p. 349).

When did he write that the Church age was over? Notice:

At the end of the Church age and 6,000 years from Adam, Christ would return to earth as King of kings and Lord of Lords, ruling all nations, with the saints, for one millennium. (Armstrong HW. What If Adam Had Taken of the Tree of Life? Plain Truth, March 1983)

The “very end” of the Church age was not decades ago in the 20th century! The 6000 years has NOT yet been fulfilled (see also Could God Have a 6,000 Year Plan? What Year Does the 6,000 Years End?). Since the “very end of the Church age” has not happened, and Herbert Armstrong died last century, his writings support that there must be another Elijah.

Notice also the following prophecy in the Book of Daniel:

4 … Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book until the time of the end; many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase. (Daniel 12:4)

Yes, with planes, trains, and cars, many go to and fro. And with computers, the internet, etc. knowledge has been increasing. But that prophecy also would seem to support the idea of spiritual knowledge being able to increase.

We have been restoring much of that in the Continuing Church of God–and in more details than others.

In addition to us holding fast to the 18 truths Herbert W. Armstrong said he restored, here is a summary (with links for details) of other matters restored in the CCOG:

Dreams & Signs of Acts 2:17-18
Why God Created Anything
Why God Created Human Beings
Teaching all things Jesus taught (Matthew 28:19-20; see also The Final Phase of the Work)
Church History–and how it supports the COG contending for the original faith
Laying on of Hands Succession and List
Violent Sports (see also Is American Football Evil?
Details and Ramifications of Being Non-Trinitarian (see also Did the True Church Ever Teach a Trinity?)
The Final Phase of the Work and Preparing for the ‘Short Work’ and The Famine of the Word
The Gospel of the Kingdom of God translated into over 1500 languages–while working on more (see also Preaching the Gospel in Over 1500 Languages)–and while distinguishing between the millennial and post-millennial phases of the Kingdom of God
Romans 11:25 and the Full Number of the Gentiles
Prophecy (watch also 50+ Laodicean Prophetic Errors)
Habakkuk 2 and Debt (e.g., see Anglo – America in Prophecy & the Lost Tribes of Israel)
Identity of the Man of Sin of 2 Thessalonians 2
Daniel 11:39 and the Start of the Great Tribulation
USA-Samaria Identification
Mark of the Beast
Why Do Christian People Die?
Information on the Third Resurrection (see also Universal OFFER of Salvation, Apokatastasis: Can God save the lost in an age to come? Hundreds of scriptures reveal God’s plan of salvation
The reason there was a both Passover and Atonement sacrifice representing Jesus (see Should You Keep God’s Holy Days or Demonic Holidays?)

There will be a 21st century Elijah, and that individual would be expected to be part of the Continuing Church of God.

We have also put out information to help, “turn the heart of the fathers to the sons, and the heart of the sons to their fathers” (Malachi 4:6 AFV)–and are working on other ways to better do this.

God has restored last days’ signs to people now in the CCOG (for details, see Does the CCOG have the confirmed signs of Acts 2:17-18?).

Because of Acts 2:17-18 and Daniel 12:4, we can know that the final restoration of “all things” in the last days did not happen in the 20th century, and must therefore happen in the 21st century.

The CCOG has restored more in the 21st century than all other COG groups we are aware of–we are setting the stage for the Elijah fulfilling Jesus’ words in Matthew 17:11.

We in the Continuing Church of God are continuing to support the work of restoring all things–and many truths have been restored in our church. See also the article: Continuing Church of God, Elijah, and Restoring All Things.

The Bible teaches:

1 Let brotherly love continue. (Hebrews 13:1)

The Greek word translated as “brotherly love” is the word Philadelphia. So the following would be an accurate rendering:

1 Let Philadelphia continue. (Hebrews 13:1)

The writer of the Book of Hebrews may have been inspired by God to convey two concepts:

  1. That brotherly love needs to continue amongst those who believe that they are Christian.
  2. And perhaps that Philadelphia itself needs to continue, and it can do so, because of its emphasis on love. It is important for all to realize that despite flaws of Christians, that love is what God’s way of life and His kingdom are really all about.

A Philadelphia remnant needs to continue until the end of this age. And the Continuing Church of God expects to do that and believes it has proven that it is succeeding (see also How does the Continuing Church of God differ from other Sabbatarian COG groups?).

Herbert W. Armstrong also wrote about:

the Philadelphia succession or generation of the true Church of God. … The “Philadelphia era” or succession of God’s Church will be taken on the “two wings of a great eagle”–whatever that symbolizes–to a place of protection where we are to be “fed”–provided for. We need now to begin to be ALERT, for this “flight” may happen suddenly. DO NOT BE DECEIVED BY THE NEGATIVE SNEERING OF EXCOMMUNICATED MINISTERS: Both Revelation 12:13 and 3:10 warn us. (Armstrong HW. Great Significance of Summit Conference. Pastor General’s Report, Vol. 2, No. 26, June 27, 1980).

While the “Philadelphia era” is no longer predominant in this Laodicean time, Herbert W. Armstrong correctly pointed out the existence of its succession–which we can consider to be the remnant.

The late WCG evangelist Dean Blackwell taught that the work would need to be revived and cited the following scripture:

2 O Lord, I have heard Your speech and was afraid; O Lord, revive Your work in the midst of the years! In the midst of the years make it known; In wrath remember mercy. (Habakkuk 3:2)

Here is some of what he wrote:

Why do you think in Habakkuk, God said that He’d “revive His work in the midst of the years”? Would this be said if they were doing the work in all the time of the New Testament Church? …

Habakkuk … said that God would make known what is happening and what’s going to happen in man’s last years, in the day of His wrath. He requested that God remember mercy and hide His people in a place of safety. Notice that he mentions this will be in the last years — in the midst of the last years.

What did we just read there in Habakkuk 3? Did He say, of the Sardis Church, that He gave them an open door; that they were small in number, and that yet He opened the doors that no man could close? He didn’t say that at all about them. He didn’t open a door getting the work done until the Philadelphia church. That’s what your Bible says! No one knew the key of prophecy. No one even knew about Israel. Why, the Sardis church never could have preached the gospel around the world as a witness. (e.g. Blackwell D. A HANDBOOK OF CHURCH HISTORY. A Thesis Presented to the Faculty of the Ambassador College Graduate School of Theology, April 1973, p. 17)

That said, the work has been revived and truths restored in the Continuing Church of God (see also Continuing Church of God, Elijah, and Restoring All Things and The Final Phase of the Work).

The Laodicean Church is the last one mentioned in the book of Revelation (Revelation 3:14-22). As the last, it is the one that will be the most dominant at the time of the end. The word “Laodicea” can be rendered “the people rule”, “judgment of the people” or the “people decide.” Laodicea is characterized by a rejection of the governance accepted by the Philadelphians–the acceptance of church leaders in accordance with scripture (1 Corinthians 12:28; Ephesians 4:11-16), and by a general lukewarm attitude. Thus governance can be seen as a key distinction between Philadelphia and Laodicea. Laodicea places emphasis on self (of the individuals or the leaders as opposed to proclaiming the whole truth including the Gospel), thus it also waters down the Truth-and so is “rebuked and chastened” and counseled “to buy from Me gold refined in the fire” (Revelation 3:18-19). Laodiceans, also, do not truly accept Philadelphian era church governance (see The Bible, Peter, Paul, John, Polycarp, Herbert W. Armstrong, Roderick C. Meredith, and Bob Thiel on Church Government).

Because Laodicea is dominant at the end of the age, Philadelphia cannot be predominant in numbers then. However, a portion of Philadelphia must still exist.

We also know this because Jesus told the Philadelphians: “Because you have kept My command to persevere, I also will keep you from the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth. Behold, I am coming quickly!” (Revelation 3:10-11). The Philadelphians, those of the Philadelphia remnant of the Church of God, are the only ones promised protection! The Philadelphians are “given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness to her place, where she is nourished for a time and times and half a time, from the presence of the serpent” (Revelation 12:14).

That said, since Herbert W. Armstrong was not the final Elijah to come, it is not wise to believe that one should only pay attention to materials from him. And if people actually paid close attention to what he taught, all would realize that he could not have been that Elijah, but that there would have to be one in the 21st century.

Some items of possibly related interest may include:

The Elijah Heresies Does the Bible teach that there will be a future Elijah? Must it be Herbert W. Armstrong? Three related sermons are available Elijah: Prophecies and Heresies, Elijah, Herbert W. Armstrong, and CCOG, and 21st Century Elijah.
Continuing Church of God, Elijah, and Restoring All Things Have all things been restored? Is there restoration going on? Is there supposed to be a 21st century Elijah? Here is are links to two related sermons: 21st Century Elijah and CCOG: Restoring All Things. Here is a link to a related sermon in the Spanish language: La restauracion de todas las cosas.
Herbert W. Armstrong, the Philadelphia Church, & the Mantle Herbert Armstrong claims God had him raise the Philadelphia up. Are there reasons to believe that the Philadelphia mantle in now within the CCOG? Here is a link to a related sermon: Herbert W. Armstrong and the Philadelphia Mantle.
Does the CCOG have the confirmed signs of Acts 2:17-18? Does any church have the confirmed dream and prophetic signs of Acts 2:17-18? Should one? Here is a link in the Spanish language: ¿Tiene la CCOG confirmadas las señales de Hechos 2: 17-18? Here is a link in the French language: Est-ce que l’Église Continue de Dieu confirme les signes d’Actes 2:17-18? A related sermon in the English language is also available: 17 Last Days’ Signs of the Holy Spirit.
Church of God Leaders on Prophets Have there been prophets throughout the church age? Are any supposed to be around in the last days? What have COG leaders stated or written about prophets? Here is a link to a related sermon: Church of God Leaders on Prophets.
How To Determine If Someone is a True Prophet of God There are many false prophets. How can Christians determine who is a true prophet? There is also a sermon-length video titled How to determine if someone is a true prophet of God. Here is a related link in Spanish/español: ¿Cómo determinar si alguien es un verdadero profeta de Dios?
21st Century Church of God Prophets Are there any true prophets in the 21st century? What about false prophets? What are scriptures and fruits to identify the true from the false? You you prove all things and test the spirits?
Who Are The Two Witnesses? What is their job? What does the Bible reveal? What has the Church of God taught on this subject? Might even Roman Catholic prophecies give some clues here? A related sermon is available: Prophecy and the Two Witnesses. Here is a related link in Spanish/español:¿Quiénes son los dos testigos?
There is a Place of Safety for the Philadelphians. Why it May Be Petra This article discusses a biblical ‘place of safety’ and includes quotes from the Bible and Herbert W. Armstrong on this subject–thus, there is a biblically supported alternative to the rapture theory. There is also a video on the subject: Might Petra be the Place of Safety? Here is something related in the Spanish language: Hay un lugar de seguridad para los Filadelfinos. ¿Puede ser Petra?
The Philadelphia Church Era was predominant circa 1933 A.D. to 1986 A.D. The old Radio Church of God and old Worldwide Church of God, now the remnant of that era is basically the most faithful in the Church of God, like who hold to the beliefs and practices of the Continuing Church of God.
The Laodicean Church Era has been predominant circa 1986 A.D. to present. The Laodiceans are non-Philadelphians who mainly descended from the old WCG or its offshoots.  They do not properly understand the work or biblical prophecies and will face the Great Tribulation if they do not repent. One video of related interest is 50+ Laodicean Prophetic Errors. See also Do You Hold to Any of These Laodicean Prophetic Errors?

CNN: Israel launches ‘preemptive’ strikes in Lebanon as Hezbollah fires back hundreds of rockets

Sunday, August 25th, 2024


Israel launched what it called a preemptive strike against Hezbollah, who responded with firing rockets into Israel:

Israel launches ‘preemptive’ strikes in Lebanon as Hezbollah fires back hundreds of rockets

August 25, 2024

The Israeli military launched what it called “preemptive” strikes against Hezbollah in Lebanon, as the Iran-backed militant group said it carried out its own strikes in response to the killing of a top commander.

The overnight strikes are some of the most serious yet between Israel and Hezbollah, who have been exchanging fire for months. The hostilities have raised the specter of a regional conflagration, prompting intense diplomatic efforts to de-escalate tensions.

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said about 100 of its fighter jets “struck and destroyed thousands of Hezbollah rocket launcher barrels” across dozens of launch sites from Lebanon on Sunday. It followed these up with further attacks later in the day.

Israel said it carried out the strikes in self-defense after identifying that Hezbollah was “preparing to fire missiles and rockets toward Israeli territory.” Hezbollah called Israel’s description of its strike as preemptive “baseless.”

In a meeting with his security cabinet Sunday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Israel was “determined to do everything to protect our country,” and vowed to “uphold a simple rule: whoever hurts us — we hurt him.”

Soon after the Israeli raids, the IDF said approximately 200 rockets had been launched from Lebanon towards Israel early Sunday, with no reports of injuries so far. Hezbollah said the “first phase” of its strikes against Israel “has ended with complete success,”claiming that it launched 320 rockets and a barrage of drones toward Israel.

August 25, 2024

Israel carried out its biggest assault on Lebanon’s Iranian proxy group Hezbollah in 10 months of fighting early Sunday, acting on what an Israeli security source told VOA was precise intelligence to stop thousands of rockets and drones from being launched into Israeli territory. …

Israeli reserves Brig. Gen. Jacob Nagel, a former national security adviser to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, told VOA in a text message that Israel’s “precise intelligence worked very well” in detecting Hezbollah plans to strike deep into Israel with the aim of damaging both military and civilian facilities and harming civilians.

The Israeli military said most of the Hezbollah rockets and drones primed for Sunday’s predawn assault were aimed at northern Israel, while some also were aimed at the country’s densely populated center. The group denied that its planned attack was largely thwarted by a preemptive Israeli assault. …

In a separate VOA interview, former Israeli intelligence official Avi Melamed said Sunday’s predawn strikes on Hezbollah also highlight the group’s increasing struggle with maintaining deterrence against Israel.

Melamed, who runs Inside the Middle East, a U.S. nonprofit research group, said Hezbollah already has struggled with Israel using superior intelligence to carry out strikes killing more than 400 of its operatives in Lebanon in 10 months, among them senior commanders like Shukur.

“Sunday’s preemptive Israeli strike disrupted Hezbollah’s attack plan [to avenge Shukur], adding to a deterrence problem that also affects its patron Iran,” Melamed said.

Nagel said he sees Iran’s radical ruling clerics as behind all of the region’s terror activity that targets Israel.

“So the time is approaching for Israel to exercise a relatively new national security strategy and punish the terror leaders there,” he wrote, referring to Iran.

Well, this action by Israel may further motivate Iran to attack.

Regarding matters involving the region, notice the following, which is chapter 4 in my free online book Islamic and Biblical Prophecies for the 21st Century:

  1. Iran, Syria, and Terror

The Hamas-Israel war that began on October 7, 2023, highlighted for many that Iran has been involved in backing Hamas, Hezbollah, and others. And of course, Iran has long been an ally of Syria.

HarperCollins published the following about an Islamic end times sign and Syria:

Another purported sign is the movement into Syria of the pro Assad Hezbollah militia, whose flag is yellow.

 “As Imam Sadeq has stated, when the (forces) with yellow flags fight anti-Shi’ites in Damascus and Iranian forces join them, this is a prelude and a sign of the coming of his holiness,” Rohollah Hosseinian, an Iranian cleric and member of Parliament, explained. [i]

The expression “his holiness” is a reference to the Imam Mahdi—and its use of terms like that make some Sunni’s consider Shiites to be heretics and idolators.

That said, Iranians are Persians and not Arabs. Here is something about their ancestors:

Iranians … are a mixed people of the remnants of Media and Elam and other ancestors of Semitic and Hamitic stock.[ii]

Iran’s closest ally is Syria. While some Arab nations have made peace with Israel, Iran and Syria have not.

Notice the following hadiths:

“At the end of Time there will be a trial in which people will be sorted in a way similar to that in which gold is sorted from metal.”

“So do not rebuke the people of Syria but rebuke the evil people among them because amongst them is Al Abdal.

A flood is about to be sent down upon the people of Syria which will disperse their groups in such a way that if foxes attacked they would be beaten.

At that time a man from the Family of my House will come under three banners; between twelve and fifteen thousand and their password is – ‘Die, die.’ Then, there will come seven banners and under each will be one man seeking the kingdom.

Allah will kill all of them and restore unity and favors upon the hearts of Muslims, and those who were far come close.” [iii]

“Al Mahdi is a man from my children. His face is like a glittering star, his skin is the color of an Arab, and his body is like that of Israel.

He will fill the earth with justice just as it will have been filled by injustice, and the dwellers of Heaven and Earth will be pleased with his Caliphate.” [iv]

Although one of the hadiths above used the term Israel in a non-negative manner, in January 2021, Iranian state media ISNA reported:

Iranian lawmakers have submitted a bill seeking the government by law to commit to Israel’s destruction by the year 2040,” [v]

The Bible points to Iran (Elam below) and its ally Syria (Kir below) causing damage to Jerusalem of the nation of Israel:

5 For it is a day of trouble and treading down and perplexity By the Lord God of hosts In the Valley of Vision — Breaking down the walls And of crying to the mountain.

6 Elam bore the quiver With chariots of men and horsemen, And Kir uncovered the shield. 7 It shall come to pass that your choicest valleys Shall be full of chariots, And the horsemen shall set themselves in array at the gate.

8 He removed the protection of Judah. You looked in that day to the armor of the House of the Forest; 9 You also saw the damage to the city of David, That it was great; And you gathered together the waters of the lower pool. 10 You numbered the houses of Jerusalem, And the houses you broke down To fortify the wall.

11 You also made a reservoir between the two walls For the water of the old pool. But you did not look to its Maker, Nor did you have respect for Him who fashioned it long ago. 12 And in that day the Lord God of hosts Called for weeping and for mourning, For baldness and for girding with sackcloth. (Isaiah 22:5-12)

The Bible tells that after Tiglath-Pileser king of Assyria took over Damascus, he moved Syrians to Kir (2 Kings 16:9-10). While this does not mean that Kir must (or must only) be a reference to Syria, the fact that Syria is an ally of Iran is interesting. The Bible also has the expression “the Syrians from Kir” (Amos 9:7), which is basically confirmation that Kir of Isaiah 22 would include Syrians. The prophecy that “Kir uncovered the shield” suggests that Syria will have somehow reduced the effectiveness of Israel’s ‘Iron Dome’ and/or other defensive equipment the nation of Israel will use. The Bible additionally tells of a time when Kir will be destroyed (Isaiah 15:1b) and also says that Syria’s capital Damascus will be destroyed (Isaiah 17:1). The “House of the Forest” was anciently located in Lebanon (e.g. 1 Kings 7:2, 10:17,21; 2 Chronicles 9:16,20 [vi])–which is where Hezbollah is based out of.

Here is the Catholic Public Domain Version translation of Isaiah 22:8:

8 And the covering of Judah will be exposed, and in that day, you will see the weaponry of the forest house. (Isaiah 22:8, CPDV)

A way for Judah to “see the weaponry of the forest house” would be a massive attack by Hezbollah. In Isaiah 22: 8, “Judah” is a reference to those in the land commonly called Israel–God will allow Israel to be attacked.

In Isaiah 22:9, understand that “the damage to the city of David” is a reference to at least part of Jerusalem, which is the “city of David” (cf. 2 Kings 9:28).

Further notice that Isaiah’s prophecy states that the damage will be great. Also notice part of the reason will be because Judah (modern nation of Israel) would “not look to its Maker,” nor “have respect for Him,” that God will allow this. Just relying on Israel’s own military will not be enough.

It appears there will likely be a regional war involving Israel, who has threatened to take preemptive attacks to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons[vii] as well as retaliatory attacks because of a massive arial attack by Iran announced on April 14, 2024.[viii] Israel has promised retaliation, with Iran’s then President Ebrahim Raisi asserting that even the “tiniest” invasion of its territory would bring a “massive and harsh” response. … and that if Iran had wanted to carry out a bigger attack, “nothing would remain from the Zionist regime.”[ix] While Israel did make what could be considered a tiny response, Iran suggested that the matter was now closed.[x] This author does not believe that, but instead believes that Iran and its allies are biding their time until they launch a massive attack.

Scripture points to an attack with Iranian involvement that will cause great damage to Israel. Despite its posturing, relative military strength, and ability to damage Israel and others, Iran will be somehow effectively neutralized (cf. Ezekiel 32:24). This could perhaps be from an attack involving Israel and other nations and/or internal civil unrest — this could also include electromagnetic (EMP) or similar weapons used against Iran (Jeremiah 49:34-39).

Before going further, certain Protestant and Jewish prophecy watchers believe that Iran, along with Russia, will invade the nation of Israel before Jesus returns based on the 38th chapter of the Book of Ezekiel, which is also related to Gog and Magog (Ezekiel 38:2-6). But that prophecy is NOT for this age. Notice something Russia and Iran are prophesied to say:

11 You will say, ‘I will go up against a land of unwalled villages; I will go to a peaceful people, who dwell safely, all of them dwelling without walls, and having neither bars nor gates’ —  12 to take plunder and to take booty, to stretch out your hand against the waste places that are again inhabited, and against a people gathered from the nations, who have acquired livestock and goods, who dwell in the midst of the land. 13 Sheba, Dedan, the merchants of Tarshish, and all their young lions will say to you, ‘Have you come to take plunder? Have you gathered your army to take booty, to carry away silver and gold, to take away livestock and goods, to take great plunder?’”‘ (Ezekiel 38:11-13)

The tiny nation called Israel does not have any significant amount of gold,[xi] nor is it filled with peaceful people who dwell safely, hence the Ezekiel 38 prophecy is not for this age (it is post millennial per Revelation 20:7-8). Islam tends to use Gog and Magog as representations of evil (Sura 18:94).

For this age, understand that Iran has weapons that can cause damage, including terror. Biblically, we see that terror is associated with Elam:

24 There is Elam and all her multitude, All around her grave, All of them slain, fallen by the sword, Who have gone down uncircumcised to the lower parts of the earth, Who caused their terror in the land of the living; Now they bear their shame with those who go down to the Pit. (Ezekiel 32:24)

Furthermore, the USA itself, as well as the State of Israel, are vulnerable to EMP (electromagnetic pulse) type attacks and even items such as biological weapons, chemical weapons, terrorism, nuclear weapons, dirty bombs, etc. which Iran and Syria could use in a conflict.

But should this attack occur, this would NOT be the final destruction of the USA. Prophetically, Iran would not end up faring well (cf. Ezekiel 32:24-25).

Because of prophecies related to the destruction of Syria’s capital Damascus (Isaiah 17:1), damage to Iran from multiple nations (Jeremiah 49:34-39), and great damage to be done to Jerusalem (Isaiah 22:8-9), one or more of those events may well precede the ‘peace deal’ of Daniel 9:27.

After this author originally wrote basically the paragraph above, he ran across the following:

There is an 800-year-old rabbinic commentary known as Yalkut Shimoni, which he translates: “Paras (Persia-Iran) will be the dread of humanity. The world’s leaders will be frustrated in their futile efforts to save what they can, but to no avail. The people of Israel will also be petrified by the impending danger. And HaShem (God) will say to us, ‘Why are you afraid? All of this I have done in order to bring you the awaited redemption. And this redemption will not be like the redemption from Egypt, which was followed by suffering. This redemption will be absolute, followed with peace.’”[xii]

Yes, presuming we see great damage to Jerusalem, this would seem to set the stage for the peace deal of Daniel 9:27, which is consistent with the above old Jewish commentary.

Interestingly, there is a prophecy that the ‘Great Monarch’ of Greco-Roman prophecy will arise after Iran (Persia) causes damage:

Oracle of Baalbek: And the name of this King is concealed among the nations; and his name is similar to the last day, and it is written from the 18th letter. And when he will receive his empire, his name will be Anastasius, (Anastasois). This king is bald headed, handsome … In his day the Persians will rise up and destroy the cities of the East … [xiii]

The above, which is believed to have been written over a thousand years ago during the Byzantine reign, is a prediction of a leader to rise up that many Greco-Roman Catholic writings look forward to, called the Great Monarch. He looks to be similar to the one that the Bible refers to as the Beast, the final King of the North of Daniel 11. Notice the belief that he will be around when the Persians–the Iranians–have destroyed cities in the East. Jerusalem was east (as well as south) of the old Byzantium Empire. This looks to be in alignment with Isaiah 22:6-9.

Notice something else involving Syrians and the Palestinians, who Iran supports:

8 The Lord sent a word against Jacob, And it has fallen on Israel. 9 All the people will know — Ephraim and the inhabitant of Samaria — … 11 Therefore the Lord shall set up The adversaries of Rezin against him, And spur his enemies on, 12 The Syrians before and the Philistines behind; And they shall devour Israel with an open mouth. (Isaiah 9:8-9, 11-12)

In addition to the nation of Israel, the USA (prophetic Samaria) and its British descended allies (prophetic Ephraim) will have more terrorist attacks. Syrian, Palestinian (called Philistines in Isaiah 9:12) and some other refugees and other migrants within their borders are a potential terrorist problem (Jeremiah 15:6-8; Ezekiel 21:12, 32:24). The Bible clearly warns that there will be “terror within” as (Deuteronomy 32:25).

Isaiah and Ezekiel look to be prophesying problems from Syrians, Palestinians, and Iranians. And this would be expected to include terrorism. And this is also consistent with prophecies in Psalm 83.

In Ezekiel 38, Iran is prophesied to be involved in a battle on the side of Russia and China. But that prophecy will not be fulfilled for over 1000 years.

That said, in 2024, Iran joined the BRICS alliance, which is dominated by Russia, India, and China. All of those appear to be biblical “kings of the east” that will be involved in the gathering at Armageddon (Revelation 16:12-16).

Furthermore, despite Iran’s preference for dealing with Europe over the United States of America, Iran looks to be one of the nations that will align with Russia and China to conquer the Babylonian European Beast power (Jeremiah 50:41-43).

Iran will be involved in the fulfillment of numerous prophecies.

[i] Stern, p. 222

[ii] Stump K. South Asia in Prophecy. Plain Truth, July/August 1986, p. 5

[iii] This hadith was reported by Imam Ali in the references of Ahmad, Abu Dawood, Ibn Majah and At-Tabarani. Accessed 11/06/23

[iv] These hadiths were narrated by Hudhayfah and are found in the references of Abu Nuaym, At-Tabarani, and Abu Amru Ad Dani. Accessed 11/06/23

[v] Iran Parliament to debate bill calling for Israel’s destruction by 2040. i24news, January 6, 2021

[vi] Though many scholars claim Jerusalem was the site of ‘the house of the forest,’ additional details as to reasons why Lebanon should be considered as the location are in the following paper: A Discourse on the House of the Forest of Lebanon, pp: 111-134 in Bunyan J. Stebbing H. The Entire Works of John Bunyan, Volume 4. Virtue and Company, 1860

[vii] Egozi A. With Netanyahu back in charge, is a solo Israeli strike against Iran in the cards? Breaking Defense, November 08, 2022

[viii] Frankel J. Israel says it will retaliate against Iran, despite the risks. ABC, April 16, 2024

[ix] The Latest | Netanyahu says Israel will decide how to respond as Iran warns against retaliation. Associated Pres, April 17, 2024

[x] Hafezi P, Mackenzie J. Tehran plays down reported Israeli attacks, signals no retaliation. Reuters, April 19, 2024

[xi] Kopf S. Jerusalem of Gold. Jerusalem Post, February 16, 2011

[xii] Rabbi: Blood moons mean ‘messianic advancement’. World News Daily, August 30, 2015

[xiii] Tzima Otto, p. 64

Iran may very well decide to strike Israel “preemptively.” On the other hand Iran likely also has plans for a massive response should Israel hit it “preemptively”–which is something Israel has suggested it will do.

More on what is prophesied to occur is in the following Bible News Prophecy video:


Iran and Israel Conflict

European Union foreign policy chief, Josep Borrel, has been brokering the nuclear negotiations involving Iran and said that he thinks the deal is “in danger.” Iran blames the United States, whereas the USA says they are not delaying it. Israeli sources stated that Israel will stop Iran from getting a nuclear bomb. Joe Biden says the USA would use its own military power to prevent Iran from getting such a bomb if need be. In 2021, Iranian lawmakers have submitted a bill seeking the government by law to commit to Israel’s destruction by the year 2040. Does the 22nd chapter of Isaiah point to damage coming to Israel from Iran and possibly Syria? Might Iran be concerned enough about limited progress with the USA to launch some type of attack? Is Iran the prophesied ‘King of the South’? Is it reasonable to think that the prophesied peace deal of Daniel 9:27 will not happen until after a military conflict. like a regional war? Should Christians watch the Middle East? Dr. Thiel and Steve Dupuie discuss these matters.

Here is a link to our video: Iran and Israel Conflict.

As the Ayatollah continues to age, he may well decide that 2024 is the year for him to attempt to fulfill his desire to eliminate Israel.

This is something to watch for (cf. Mark 13:37).

Some items of possibly related interest may include:

Iran in Prophecy Is Iran in Bible prophecy? If so, what does the Bible teach? What names, other than Persia, may be used to describe Iran? There is also a YouTube video titled Iran in Prophecy. Here are links to two related videos Iran In Prophecy and  Iran and Israel Conflict.
Islamic and Biblical Prophecies for the 21st Century This is a free online book which helps show where biblical and Islamic prophecies converge and diverge. Here are links to related sermons: Seeing Christianity Through Islamic Eyes, Imam Mahdi, women, and prophecy, and Terrorism, Iran, and Fatima, Dajjal, Antichrist, Gold, & Mark of the Beast?, and Jesus and God’s Plan for Muslims.
Seeing Christianity Through Islamic Eyes This article has information from the book, Islamic and Biblical Prophecies for the 21st Century, as well as from the old WCG and other sources. Here is a related sermon in the Spanish language: El cristianismo visto a través de los ojos islámicos.
The ‘Peace Deal’ of Daniel 9:27 This prophecy could give up to 3 1/2 years advance notice of the coming Great Tribulation. Will most ignore or misunderstand its fulfillment? Here is a link to a related sermon video Daniel 9:27 and the Start of the Great Tribulation.
Gaza and the Palestinians in Bible Prophecy What does the Bible teach about Gaza and the fate of the Palestinians? Here is a link to a related video: Gaza and Palestine in Prophecy.
Damascus and Syria in Prophecy Will Bashar Assad hold power as he has it? Does the Bible show that Damascus, the capital of Syria, will be destroyed? What will happen to Syria? Will the Syrians support the final King of the South that the Bible tells will rise up? Which scriptures discuss the rise and fall of an Arabic confederation? Does Islamic prophecy predict the destruction of Syria. This is a YouTube video.

Could God Have a 6,000 Year Plan? What Year Does the 6,000 Years End? Was a 6000 year time allowed for humans to rule followed by a literal thousand year reign of Christ on Earth taught by the early Christians? Does God have 7,000 year plan? What year may the six thousand years of human rule end? When will Jesus return? 2031 or ? There is also a video titled: When Does the 6000 Years End? 2031? 2035? Here is a link to the article in Spanish: ¿Tiene Dios un plan de 6,000 años?
The Arab and Islamic World In the Bible, History, and Prophecy The Bible discusses the origins of the Arab world and discusses the Middle East in prophecy. What is ahead for the Middle East and those who follow Islam? What about the Imam Mahdi? What lies ahead for Turkey, Iran, and the other non-Arabic Muslims? An item of possibly related interest in the Spanish language would be: Líderes iraníes condenan la hipocresía de Occidente y declaran que ahora es tiempo para prepararse para el Armagedón, la guerra, y el Imán Mahdi.


BibleNewsProphecy: Will there always be an England?

Sunday, August 25th, 2024

1939 Sheet Music Cover via Wikipedia


Saw the following yesterday:

When I grew up, Great Britain was exotic. There were the red telephone booths, Buckingham Palace, black cabs, and, of course, the Bobbies (police) and the Beefeaters. England was the land of Shakespeare, Queen Elizabeth I, and Henry IV. For me, Britain was history incarnate. …

Although the Magna Carta would have a rough beginning, it was an enormous step in the drive towards liberty. The document would set the stage for Parliament to evolve from councils that advised the King into a representative body that began taking a more active and powerful role in governing.

It was just the first in a line of steps that would make Britain the freest nation on the planet for centuries. …

The genesis of today’s dystopia began almost three decades ago when immigration took off in the late 1990s and early 2000s. The number of non-EU immigrants averaged over 200,000 per year for a decade and then skyrocketed after 2020. A nation of 55 million in 2000 is today over 65 million, with almost all of that growth coming from immigration, a majority from non-EU nations, particularly from the Middle East and Africa, countries that don’t share British culture or, importantly, religion. …

London has become a killing ground for knife attacks, the overwhelming number being committed by minorities. Indeed, the country has become beset with machete attacks, a crime that was historically unheard of in Britain but which is common in the third world.

In July, the 17-year-old son of Rwandan immigrants knifed ten little girls, killing three of them. With the government withholding information on the killer, online posts asserted he was an immigrant. Tensions rose, and, across the UK, Brits protested the unfettered invasion of immigrants, the violence being perpetrated by immigrants and Muslims, and the system’s seeming duplicitous, two-tiered approach to justice when it came to immigrants and Muslims vs. white Brits, all of whom the government and the state-run media invariably characterize as “far right.”

These protests drew the new Labour government’s ire, and it launched a wave of arrests and a propaganda campaign against the “far right” anti-immigration “racists.” People were sentenced to prison for chanting “who the f*** is Allah” (although they were neither violent nor making threats), shouting “You’re not English anymore” at the police, or selling stickers that say “It’s OK to be white.”

Seeking to curtail what it claims is misinformation and incitement, the government warned the British citizenry, “You may be committing a crime if you repost, repeat or amplify a message which is false, threatening, or stirs up racial / religious hatred.” They also warned potential anti-immigration protesters, “We’re watching you.”

So basically, the government decides what’s false, threatening, or hate speech, and if you post anything about it online, you could end up in jail. And if threatening Brits’ freedom of speech wasn’t enough, the government threatened online platforms (and Musk) if they allowed prohibited speech. 08/23/24

With that in mind, there was an article recently titled: ‘Will There Always Be an England?’

Related to that, the Continuing Church of God put together the following video on our Bible News Prophecy YouTube channel:


Will there always be an England?

Although there is a British song from 1939 that has the line “There will always be an England,” is that true? Some have noted cultural dissolution, enough so that they have wondered if England will remain. Does the Bible point to the end of England? While the British Empire was the world’s largest, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland has less than 1% of its 1920 empire. Will the UK lose more land such as Northern Ireland, Gibraltar, and the Falkland Islands? Will it be conquered? Do biblical and Greco-Roman Catholic prophecies point to the end of the UK? Could the British people be descendants of Joseph’s son Ephraim? Why does the Bible show it will be conquered? Dr. Thiel and Steve Dupuie go over these matters.

Here is a link to our video: Will there always be an England?

There will not always be an England as it has been, as it will one day be conquered.

Some items of possibly related interest may include:

Lost Tribes and Prophecies: What will happen to Australia, the British Isles, Canada, Europe, New Zealand and the United States of America? Where did those people come from? Can you totally rely on DNA? Do you really know what will happen to Europe and the English-speaking peoples? What about the peoples of Africa, Asia, South America, and the islands? This free online book provides scriptural, scientific, historical references, and commentary to address those matters. Here are links to related sermons: Lost tribes, the Bible, and DNA; Lost tribes, prophecies, and identifications; 11 Tribes, 144,000, and Multitudes; Israel, Jeremiah, Tea Tephi, and British Royalty; Gentile European Beast; Royal Succession, Samaria, and Prophecies; Asia, Islands, Latin America, Africa, and Armageddon;  When Will the End of the Age Come?Rise of the Prophesied King of the North; Christian Persecution from the Beast; WWIII and the Coming New World Order; and Woes, WWIV, and the Good News of the Kingdom of God.
Brexit and the fate of Northern Ireland, Gibraltar, the UK, and the USA On April 29, 2017, 27 of the nations of the European Union agreed to certain guidelines for the negotiations with the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland which gave its notice to leave on March 29, 2017. These guidelines are contrary to what the UK wants. Does the EU intend the UK to pay a price for leaving the EU? What does Spain want? What does the Republic of Ireland want? Will Northern Ireland and Gibraltar eventually fall under European control? Will the UK and USA be conquered? What does the Bible teach? Dr. Thiel answer these questions and more in this video.
Brexit Happened: Now What? At 11:00 pm January 31, 2020, the United Kingdom formally left the European Union. Many celebrated, while many mourned. Nigel Farage stated, “This is the greatest moment in modern British history.” What will happen to the United Kingdom? Will the UK be involved in trade deals with the United States of America and the Europeans? Will the UK regret the BRitish Exit (Brexit) from the EU?What will happen with the European Union? Is Europe prophesied to have a great army and many ships? Does the Bible prophesy a reorganization of Europe? Does it prophesy that the Europeans will become a conquering military power? Is the United Kingdom prophesied to be conquered? How does the Bible name the British-descended peoples? Was the British Empire the largest in world history? Was Brexit predicted by Church of God leaders in 1970 and the early 1990s? Will the European Union be negatively affected financially by the departure of the UK? Will this turn out well for the UK or the Europeans? Dr. Thiel addresses these issues and more in this video.
Will the UK Lose Gibraltar and the Falkland Islands? Spain wants Gibraltar and Argentina wants the Falklands (also known as the Malvinas). Does the Bible give clues as to what will happen with these ‘sea gates’? A version of the article in the Spanish language would be ¿Perderá el Reino Unido a Gibraltar y las Islas Falkland (Malvinas)?
Anglo – America in Prophecy & the Lost Tribes of Israel Are the Americans, Canadians, English, Scottish, Welsh, Australians, Anglo-Saxon (non-Dutch) Southern Africans, and New Zealanders descendants of Joseph? Where are the lost ten-tribes of Israel? Who are the lost tribes of Israel? What will happen to Jerusalem and the Jews in Israel? Will God punish the U.S.A., Canada, United Kingdom, and other Anglo-Saxon nations? Why might God allow them to be punished first? Here is a link to the Spanish version of this article: Anglo-América & las Tribus Perdidas de Israel. Information is also in the YouTube sermons titled Where are the Ten Lost Tribes? Why does it matter? and British are the Covenant People. A short YouTube of prophetic interest may be: Are Chinese threats against Australia for real?
Will the Anglo-Saxon-Celtic Nations be Divided and Have People Taken as Slaves? Will the lands of the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand be divided? What about Jerusalem? What does Bible prophecy teach? Are there non-biblical prophecies that support this idea? Who will divide those lands? Who will end up with the lands and the people? Here is a link to a video titled Will the USA and other Anglo-nations be Divided and Their People Made Slaves? Here is a related item in the Spanish language ¿Serán divididas las naciones anglosajonas?
British are the Covenant People What do ‘British’ and ‘Britain’ mean in Hebrew? Are the descendants of the Anglo-Saxons people of the covenant? Does the British royal family connect to the throne of David? What does the Bible teach? What does history show us? Is there any DNA evidence related to British-Israelism? When did Christianity make it to the British Isles? Could Jeremiah have made it to the British Isles? What type of Christians made it to the British Isles? Did the last King of England believe in British Israelism?
Canada in Prophecy: What Does Bible Prophecy, Catholic Prophecy, and other Predictions Suggest About the Future of Canada? There are prophecies that suggest involvement with Canada. And many are not positive about its future. A sermon of related interest is also available: Canada in Prophecy.
Australia and New Zealand in Prophecy Do biblical prophecies help explain the wealth blessings for Australia and New Zealand? Might cursings from disobedience come in the 21st century? Here is a link to a related sermon: Australia and New Zealand: Origins and Prophecy.
Canada in Prophecy: What Does Bible Prophecy, Catholic Prophecy, and other Predictions Suggest About the Future of Canada? There are prophecies that suggest involvement with Canada. And many are not positive about its future. A sermon of related interest is also available: Canada in Prophecy.
Australia and New Zealand in Prophecy Do biblical prophecies help explain the wealth blessings for Australia and New Zealand? Might cursings from disobedience come in the 21st century? Here is a link to a related sermon: Australia and New Zealand: Origins and Prophecy.
Greco-Roman Catholic Prophecies: Do They Mirror, Highlight, or Contradict Biblical Prophecies? People of all faiths may be surprised to see what various Roman and Orthodox Catholic prophets have been predicting as many of their predictions will be looked to in the 21st century.
USA in Prophecy: The Strongest Fortresses Can you point to scriptures, like Daniel 11:39, that point to the USA in the 21st century? This article does. A related sermon is titled: Do these 7 prophesies point to the end of the USA?
Who is the King of the West? Why is there no Final End-Time King of the West in Bible Prophecy? Is the United States the King of the West? Here is a version in the Spanish language: ¿Quién es el Rey del Occidente? ¿Por qué no hay un Rey del Occidente en la profecía del tiempo del fin? A related sermon is also available: The Bible, the USA, and the King of the West.
When Will the Great Tribulation Begin? 2024, 2025, or 2026? Can the Great Tribulation begin today? What happens before the Great Tribulation in the “beginning of sorrows”? What happens in the Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord? Is this the time of the Gentiles? When is the earliest that the Great Tribulation can begin? What is the Day of the Lord? Who are the 144,000? Here is a version of the article in the Spanish language: ¿Puede la Gran Tribulación comenzar en el 2020 o 2021? ¿Es el Tiempo de los Gentiles? A related video is: Great Tribulation: 2026 or 2027? A shorter video is: Tribulation in 2024?

Suspected Islamic terrorism hitting France and Germany–‘Islamic State’ claims involvement

Saturday, August 24th, 2024


It looks like a terrorist hit at a synagogue in France today:

Police officer injured in explosion outside synagogue in France

The country’s Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin said the incident was “clearly criminal”

24 August 2024

A police officer was injured when a car exploded outside the Beth Yaacov synagogue in the French town of La Grande-Motte on Saturday morning, police have confirmed.

Shortly before the blast, two vehicles had been set alight; one of them reportedly contained a gas canister.

“An attempted arson, clearly criminal, affected the synagogue in La Grande Motte this morning,” France’s Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin said in a post on X, formerly Twitter, adding that all efforts are being made to locate the perpetrator.

The mayor of La Grande-Motte, Stephane Rossignol, said surveillance cameras had captured an individual setting fire to vehicles in front of the synagogue, according to French newspaper Le Figaro.

A police source told the media the suspected perpetrator was seen leaving the area’s premises and was apparently wearing a traditional keffiyeh scarf and carrying a Palestinian flag.

French authorities open terror probe after police officer injured in synagogue blast

August 24, 2024

French authorities are treating a blast outside a synagogue that injured a police officer as a possible terror attack, the latest in a series of incidents in recent months that have unsettled France’s large Jewish community. …

French anti-terrorism prosecutors confirmed in an email to CNN that they had taken charge of the investigation. It said an initial investigation indicated that the perpetrator was carrying a Palestinian flag and a gun.

La Motte’s mayor, Stephan Rossignol, said in an interview with French radio Franceinfo that the incident began with what appeared to be a diversionary tactic: a suspect setting cars on fire in a parking lot under an office building across the street from the synagogue.

When emergency services arrived, there was a powerful explosion that injured one police officer, knocking the individual to the ground, Rossignol said.

A statement from the anti-terrorism prosecutor said that the explosion was caused by a bottle of gasoline inside one of the vehicles set alight.

The statement added that five people were inside the synagogue at the time, including the synagogue’s rabbi. Rossignol said the perpetrator’s goal was “clearly” to get inside the building, but the individual was unable to do so. The suspect then unsuccessfully tried to set fire to the outside of the synagogue.

There was also a terrorist incident in Germany yesterday:

‘Festival Of Diversity’ Horror: Manhunt For ‘Arab-Looking’ Man After 3 Killed, 8 Wounded In Mass Stabbing In Germany

August 24, 2024

A major manhunt is underway after a Friday night mass stabbing attack killed three people and wounded eight more at a “Festival of Diversity” in Germany. Living up to the event’s billing, witnesses to the bloodshed in the western German city of Solingen say the attacker was Arab in appearance — a detail every major US news outlet is omitting from its coverage as our report is written.

“This evening we are all in shock, horror and great sadness in Solingen. We all wanted to celebrate our city’s anniversary together and now we have dead and injured people to mourn,” said Solingen Mayor Tim-Oliver Kurzbach. “I pray for all those who are still fighting for their lives.” While the festival was indeed being held on the occasion of the city’s 650th anniversary, rather than emphasizing German heritage and history, the organizers were apparently determined to put “diversity” front and center. 

Their goal was accomplished in way they didn’t intend, with the attacker himself reportedly infusing his own strain of “diversity.” According to the German newspaper Bild, witnesses say the knife-wielding murderer looked like a young Arab man. At around 9:45 pm, he lashed out at an apparently random assortment of victims at the Fronhof, a market square that was being used as a venue for live musical performances. …

After fatally slashing three people and wounding eight more — five seriously — the attacker was said to have fled toward a main street and is still at large. The evening’s events were called off shortly after 10 pm as sirens wailed throughout the city of about 160,000 residents and a police helicopter circled above, Solinger Tageblatt reported. Special forces units from across the North Rhine-Westphalia state were deployed to Solingen as part of a large search operation, according to The Times of London.

While the Festival of Diversity was slated to extend all through the weekend, organizers opted to cancel it altogether shortly after midnight. …

As if it weren’t ironic enough for a “diversity” festival in Germany to be terrorized by someone apparently of foreign heritage, Solingen is also known as the “City of Blades,” owing to its long history as a center of scissor- and knife-making that stretches back to the Middle Ages. …

Serious knife attacks in Germany are up 9.7% year-over-year. The Alternative for Germany (AfD) party thinks blades per se aren’t the problem:  “We have exploding foreign crime, youth crime, migrant violence, because we have open borders,” said party co-leader Alice Weidel in July.

August 24, 2024

SOLINGEN, Germany, Aug 24 (Reuters) – A stabbing rampage in which a man killed three people and wounded eight others at a festival in the western German city of Solingen was “a possible act of terrorism”, an official said on Saturday, as the search for the unknown assailant continued. Police said they had detained a 15-year-old individual and were investigating whether there was a possible link to the attacker, who is still at large.
Markus Caspers, an official with the public prosecutor’s office in Duesseldorf, told an afternoon news conference that “terrorism” couldn’t be ruled out …

Well, the group calling itself the Islamic State has taken credit for the attack in Germany:

Islamic State claims responsibility for deadly stabbings in Solingen

August 24, 2024

The so-called Islamic State terror group has claimed responsibility for the deadly stabbing in Solingen, claiming that the culprit was a member of of the group and carried out the attack as “revenge for Muslims in Palestine and elsewhere,” according to a statement on the group’s mouthpiece Amak.

The perpetrator of the attack remains at large, after stabbing three people at a festival in the city on Friday night and wounding eight.

Many in Europe are opposed to more migrants, particularly Islamic ones. These incidents are part of a collection that is impacting Europe.

Consider also the following:

18 December 2023

Italy PM Giorgia Meloni News: Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni has stirred controversy by asserting, “There is no place for Islam in Europe,” citing concerns over the ongoing promotion of Islam on the continent. The first woman to hold the position of Prime Minister in Italy, Meloni, who leads the far-right party ‘Brothers of Italy,’ has expressed unease about the compatibility of certain interpretations of Islamic culture with the rights and values of European civilization.

In a bold statement, Meloni accused Saudi Arabia of financially supporting Islamic cultural centers in Italy, emphasizing the clash between the values of European cities and the promotion of Islam. …

Meloni addressed the compatibility issue, stating, “There is a problem of compatibility between a certain interpretation of Islamic culture and the rights and values of our civilization.” Her remarks add fuel to the ongoing debate on cultural integration and the challenges posed by religious diversity in Europe.

It should be noted that although the above is a recent news report, it was reported elsewhere that this was not a recent statement, but instead came from a video recording of Giorgia Meloni back in 2018 (

Anyway, Giorgia Meloni is not the only one who has seen issues in compatibility between Europe and Islam.

Notice something from over a decade ago from Germany’s then Chancellor Merkel:

October 18, 2010

BERLIN—German Chancellor Angela Merkel joined her country’s increasingly acrimonious debate about immigration over the weekend, declaring that multiculturalism in Germany had been a “total failure.”…

Ms. Merkel’s party has railed against multiculturalism for years, arguing for the primacy of German Leitkultur, a term that evokes the country’s Judeo-Christian traditions, as well as the principles of the age of the enlightenment.

Yet the timing of Ms. Merkel’s comments, which come in the midst of a public debate over what Germany can do to better integrate immigrants, many of whom are Muslim, has drawn attention. Polls indicate that a growing number of Germans believe that too many of the country’s foreigners live in what are often referred to as “parallel communities” with little or no connection with German culture …

Notice a later report from Germany:

Majority Support For Muslim Migration Ban As 3 In 4 Germans Say Newcomers Hate Western Society

November 5, 2023

Some 61 percent of Germans no longer want any migration from Islamic nations, new polling shows…

Nearly two-thirds of all German citizens want the country’s federal government to impose a ban on migration from predominantly Muslim nations, a damning survey has revealed.

Polling conducted by INSA on behalf of the Bild tabloid newspaper showed that 61 percent of respondents now advocate refusing any more migrants from Islamic countries with many explaining they no longer feel safe in their own country and believe an increasing number of new arrivals despise German society.

A majority of voters from every political party except for the German Green Party supported a ban on Muslim immigration.

Germany will eventually do more than attempt to restrict Islamic migrants.

It hopes to cast them out.

As it turns out, Greco-Roman Catholic also have private prophecies that tell of a time of civil war in Europe–and pushing out Islam. Notice that the first one considers civil war is a major sign of end time events and the second one mentions Germany:

Desmond Birch (20th century): Civil war breaks out in France and Italy at almost the same time. This is the sign given by many prophets that the Chastisement has begun.. (DA. Trial, Tribulation & Triumph: Before During and After Antichrist…The Great King will establish Peace and justice in civil matters on a worldwide basis, and protect the primacy of the Church in spiritual matters. Queenship Publishing Company, Goleta (CA), 1996, p. 554)

Old English Prophecy (On a tombstone at the Kirby cemetery, Essex). When pictures look alive, with movements free, (T.V. and movies) When ships like fish swim beneath the sea, (Submarines) When outstripping birds can soar in the sky (Jets and rockets) The half the world drenched in blood shall die…In Germany begins a dance, Which passes through Italy, Spain, and France, But England shall pay the piper. (Dupont, Yves. Catholic Prophecy: The Coming Chastisement. TAN Books, Rockford (IL), 1973, pp. 21-22)

Pope John Paul II (March 1993), as reported by Monsignor Mauro Longhi on October 22, 2017: ‘Tell this to those whom you will meet in the Church of the third millennium. I see the Church afflicted by a deadly scourge. Deeper, more painful and more deadly than those of this millennium’, referring to … communism and Nazi totalitarianism. ‘It’s called islamism. They will invade Europe. I saw the hordes coming from the West to the East’, and he described to me the countries one by one: from Morocco to Libya to Egypt, and so on to the eastern parts. The Holy Father added, ‘They will invade Europe, Europe will be like a cellar, old relics, shadowy, cobwebs. Family heirlooms. You, the Church of the third millennium, will have to contain the invasion. Not with armies, armies will not suffice, but with your faith, lived with integrity.’ ” (McLean DC. Newly revealed vision of St. Pope John Paul: Islam will invade Europe. LifeSite News, November 23, 2017.

Birch Tree Prophecy (Old German) “When the world becomes Godless: revolutions will break out against kings; fathers will be against sons and sons against fathers; dogma will be perverted; men will try to overthrow the Catholic Church…A terrible war will find the north fighting against the south. The south will be led by a Prince wearing a white coat with a cross on the front…” (Culleton, R. Gerald. The Prophets and Our Times. Nihil Obstat: L. Arvin. Imprimatur: Philip G. Scher, Bishop of Monterey-Fresno, November 15, 1941. Reprint 1974, TAN Books, Rockford (IL), p. 143).

Monk Hilarion (d. 1476): The people of the Peninsula of Europe will suffer by unnecessary wars until the Holy Man comes … That Lion will come from a high mountain in the enlightened nation. Then the people of the Half-Moon {Islam} of the tribe of Agar overrun many nations. toward midnight (North) and commit depredations. Three years will they reign destroying all. Yet in the third year will be one of the unconquerable Eagles who reign over the Enlighted Nation between the Rhine and the North Sea, with a great army meet them at the mouth of the River Rhine and in a fearful battle almost entirely annihilate them (Culleton, pp. 137-138).

Brother Louis Rocco (19th century): Terrible wars will rage all over Europe. God has long been patient with the corruption of morals; half of mankind He will destroy. Russia will witness many outrages. Great cities and small towns alike will be destroyed in a bloody revolution that will cause the death of half the population. In Istanbul (Constantinople) the Cross will replace the half-moon of Islamism, and Jerusalem will be the seat of a King. The southern Slavs will form a great Catholic Empire and drive out of Europe the Turks (Mohammedans), who will withdraw to North Africa and subsequently embrace the Catholic faith. (Dupont, p.76)

Brother Louis Rocco (19th century): All over Europe there will rage terrible civil wars…The German sections of Austria will join Germany, so will also the commercial cities of Belgium and Switzerland. A Catholic descendant of a German imperial house will rule a united Germany with peace, prosperity and great power, for God will be with this sovereign (the Great Monarch?)…A Great Monarch will arise after a period of terrible wars and persecutions in Europe. He will be a Catholic; he will not be a German (Culleton, p. 195).

St. Francis de Paul (d. 1507): A new order will be founded, that of the Cruciferi, because its members will carry the cross on their banners…The Crusaders will lead the Mohammedans, the teachers of heretical doctrines and bad Christians back to Christ…the power of Islam {was} destroyed by the Great Monarch. (Culleton, The Reign of Antichrist, p. 142).

Saint Marie-Bernarde Soubirous also known as Saint Bernadette of Lourdes (19th century): On the eve of the year 2000, a final clash between the followers of Mohammed and the Christian nations of the world will take place. A furious battle will be waged in which 5,650,451 soldiers are killed and a bomb of great power will fall on a city in Persia. But in the fullness of time, the sign of the cross will prevail and all of Islam will be forced to convert to Christianity. (Cain M. Oh what a Triumph it will be!!! Daily Catholic. Catholic PewPoint. May 14, 1998 vol. 9, no. 94. viewed 11/09/10)

John of the Cleft Rock (1340): The White Eagle (Great Monarch), by order of the Archangel Michael, will drive crescent from Europe where none but Christians will remain–he himself will rule from Constantinople. An era of peace and prosperity will begin for the world. There will no longer be Protestants {there were no “Protestants” then and author Connor of that book suggests that perhaps this word should have been translated as heretics} or schismatics…God will raise up a holy Pope (Connor, pp. 33-34)

The reference to “the crescent” is pointing to eliminating Islam from Europe.

The Bible shows that the European beast leader, also called the King of the North, will arise promising peace.

21 And in his place shall arise a vile person, to whom they will not give the honor of royalty; but he shall come in peaceably, and seize the kingdom by intrigue. 22 With the force of a flood they shall be swept away from before him and be broken, and also the prince of the covenant. 23 And after the league is made with him he shall act deceitfully, for he shall come up and become strong with a small number of people. (Daniel 11:21-23, NKJV)

25 And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes; but he shall be broken without hand. (Daniel 8:25, KJV).

(To prove this leader will be European, please watch the video: Can You Prove that the Beast to Come is European?)

But he will, as alluded to in Daniel 8:25 and as stated in Revelation 13:3-4, be a man of war.

He will push out Islam (cf. Daniel 11:40-43) and lead a powerful European military (cf. Revelation 13:3-4; Daniel 11:39-43)! This will reduce migrants in Europe.

Related to Islam’s future in Europe, we made the following video on our Bible News Prophecy YouTube channel:


Will Islam be Pushed Out of Europe?

On June 8, 2018, Austria’s Chancellor Sebastian Kurz announced the closing of seven Islamic mosques in an effort to reduce “political Islam.” In the past several years, at least 6 European nations have banned the wearing of a commonly used garment by Islamic females. Heinz-Christian Strache (later Vice Chancellor of Austria) has declared that Islam has no place in Europe. Did Germany’s Angela Merkel call multiculturalism a failure? Will there be deals between the Muslims and the Europeans? Will a European Beast leader rise up after a reorganization that will eliminate nationalism? Will Europe push out Islam? What does Catholic prophecy teach? What does the Bible teach in Daniel and Revelation? Is Islam prophesied to be pushed out of Europe? Dr. Thiel addresses these issues and more.

Here is a link: Will Islam be Pushed Out of Europe?

The mood in Europe is not pro-Islam, despite some protests that may suggest otherwise. Expect steps and the rise of various ones who will claim to put a stop to it.

We are in the time before the Great Tribulation (Matthew 24:21-22) that Jesus referred to as “the beginning of sorrows” (Matthew 24:4-8).

Steps leading to the Great Tribulation, as well as reactions in Europe against Muslims are taking place.

“Watch” (Mark 13:37).

Some items of related interest may include:

Europa, the Beast, and Revelation Where did Europe get its name? What might Europe have to do with the Book of Revelation? What about “the Beast”? Is an emerging European power “the daughter of Babylon”? What is ahead for Europe? Here is are links to related videos: European history and the Bible, Europe In Prophecy, The End of European Babylon, and Can You Prove that the Beast to Come is European?
Lost Tribes and Prophecies: What will happen to Australia, the British Isles, Canada, Europe, New Zealand and the United States of America? Where did those people come from? Can you totally rely on DNA? Do you really know what will happen to Europe and the English-speaking peoples? What about the peoples of Africa, Asia, South America, and the islands? This free online book provides scriptural, scientific, historical references, and commentary to address those matters. Here are links to related sermons: Lost tribes, the Bible, and DNA; Lost tribes, prophecies, and identifications; 11 Tribes, 144,000, and Multitudes; Israel, Jeremiah, Tea Tephi, and British Royalty; Gentile European Beast; Royal Succession, Samaria, and Prophecies; Asia, Islands, Latin America, Africa, and Armageddon;  When Will the End of the Age Come?Rise of the Prophesied King of the North; Christian Persecution from the Beast; WWIII and the Coming New World Order; and Woes, WWIV, and the Good News of the Kingdom of God.
War is Coming Between Europeans and Arabs Is war really coming between the Arabs and the Europeans? What does Bible prophecy say about that? Do the Central Europeans (Assyria in prophecy) make a deal with the Arabs that will hurt the USA and its Anglo-Saxon allies? Do Catholic or Islamic prophecies discuss a war between Europe and Islam? If so, what is the sequence of events that the Bible reveals? Who does the Bible, Catholic, and Islamic prophecy teach will win such a war? This is a video.
Will Islam be Pushed Out of Europe? On June 8, 2018, Austria’s Chancellor Sebastian Kurz announced the closing of seven Islamic mosques in an effort to reduce “political Islam.” In the past several years, at least 6 European nations have banned the wearing of a commonly used garment by Islamic females. Heinz-Christian Strache (later Vice Chancellor of Austria) has declared that Islam has no place in Europe. Did Germany’s Angela Merkel call multiculturalism a failure? Will there be deals between the Muslims and the Europeans? Will a European Beast leader rise up after a reorganization that will eliminate nationalism? Will Europe push out Islam? What does Catholic prophecy teach? What does the Bible teach in Daniel and Revelation? Is Islam prophesied to be pushed out of Europe? Dr. Thiel addresses these issues and more in this video.
Can the Final Antichrist be Islamic? Is Joel Richardson correct that the final Antichrist will be Islamic and not European? Find out. A related sermon is titled: Is the Final Antichrist Islamic or European? Another video is Mystery Babylon USA, Mecca, or Rome?
Who is the King of the North? Is there one? Do biblical and Roman Catholic prophecies for the Great Monarch point to the same leader? Should he be followed? Who will be the King of the North discussed in Daniel 11? Is a nuclear attack prophesied to happen to the English-speaking peoples of the United States, Great Britain, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand? When do the 1335 days, 1290 days, and 1260 days (the time, times, and half a time) of Daniel 12 begin? When does the Bible show that economic collapse will affect the United States? In the Spanish language check out ¿Quién es el Rey del Norte? Here is a link to a video titled: The Future King of the North.
The Great Monarch: Biblical and Greco-Roman Catholic Prophecies Is the ‘Great Monarch’ of Greco-Roman Catholic prophecies endorsed or condemned by the Bible? Two sermons of related interest are also available: Great Monarch: Messiah or False Christ? and Great Monarch in 50+ Beast Prophecies.
Could God Have a 6,000 Year Plan? What Year Does the 6,000 Years End? Was a 6000 year time allowed for humans to rule followed by a literal thousand year reign of Christ on Earth taught by the early Christians? Does God have 7,000 year plan? What year may the six thousand years of human rule end? When will Jesus return? 2031 or 2025 or? There is also a video titledWhen Does the 6000 Years End? 2031? 2035? Here is a link to the article in Spanish: ¿Tiene Dios un plan de 6,000 años?
Islamic and Biblical Prophecies for the 21st Century This is a free online book which helps show where biblical and Islamic prophecies converge and diverge. Here are links to related sermons: Seeing Christianity Through Islamic Eyes, Imam Mahdi, women, and prophecy, and Terrorism, Iran, and Fatima, Dajjal, Antichrist, Gold, & Mark of the Beast?, and Jesus and God’s Plan for Muslims.