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Olympic commentator fired for stating female athletes take time to put on make-up and other bizarre aspects of Paris 2024

Monday, July 29th, 2024

(Official Olympic logo for 2024)


The BBC reported the following:

29 July 2024

A veteran sports commentator has been sacked from his Olympics role after making a sexist remark about Australian female swimmers following their gold medal win.

As the 4x100m freestyle relay team were making their way off the pool deck in Paris, Bob Ballard said they were “finishing up”, adding “you know what women are like… hanging around, doing their make-up”.

The clip quickly went viral and broadcaster Eurosport later said he had been removed from the commentary line-up.

Yes, women tend to wear make-up –and yes that takes many some time.

Apparently that factual and truthful statement was too much for some of the “woke” crowd running aspects of the 2024 Olympics in Paris.

Michael Snyder also made some comments about some other bizarre matters there:

July 27, 2024

The opening ceremony for the Paris Olympics is being called the most anti-Christian opening ceremony in history. Approximately 6,000 athletes, 3,000 performers, 300,000 spectators and numerous celebrities participated in a festival of blasphemy and wokeness that is being widely criticized all over the globe. Most of the criticism has to do with a scene during the opening ceremony that appeared to mimic Leonardo da Vinci’s The Last Supper painting. I am going to get to that in this article, but first I want to discuss something that happened during the opening ceremony that I think is not getting nearly enough attention.

At one point during the opening ceremony, the focus was on a winged white horse that was riding directly in front of the Eiffel Tower.

Obviously the organizers meant for this to be a very noteworthy moment, because the Eiffel Tower is France’s most important national monument.

The winged white horse was being ridden by a mysterious warrior that was arrayed in brilliant armor, and this reminded some people of the white horse in Revelation chapter 6…

And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer.M

Many Christians consider the rider on the white horse to be a symbol that represents the Antichrist.

So could it be possible that either knowingly or unknowingly, the organizers of this opening ceremony were foreshadowing the arrival of the Antichrist?

Of course the organizers will never admit this even if that is what they intended, just like they will never admit that they were purposely copying The Last Supper in another scene

Interestingly, following the very first day of competition at the Olympics, the city of Paris suddenly lost power

Day un of the 2024 Summer Olympics in Paris is in the books, and while the first day of competition was great, heavy storms battered the City of Lights, and it got so bad that overnight, the power appears to have gone out in large portions of the city.

Around midnight, reports started circulating that the City of Lights had gone dark. While the reports and the cause of any blackouts have not yet been confirmed, some videos are floating around social media of what sure looks like a city in the midst of a major power outage.

Of course, people immediately made a connection to the impeccably timed apparent power outage and the opening ceremony which happened about 36 hours earlier and featured what sure looked to most people like a clear-cut mockery of the Last Supper.

Was this just another “coincidence”, or was someone trying to send us a message

In addition to losing power there was sabotage to the train system before the ceremonies began (see CNN: French rail lines disrupted by ‘coordinated sabotage’ ahead of Paris Olympics opening ceremony) plus more sabotage seems to have hit:

Monday, Jul 29, 2024 – 05:20 AM

France has experienced the second sabotage of critical infrastructure in just a few days.

Outage tracking website Netblocks confirmed on X, “Network data show disruptions to multiple internet providers in France amid reports of a fibre sabotage campaign targeting telecoms infrastructure during the Paris 2024 Olympics.” 

Bloomberg reports that fiber lines operated by the telecommunications company SFR were cut during the overnight hours. Internet traffic in the southern and eastern regions of the country was disrupted and has since been rerouted. …

On Monday, French Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin confirmed that far-left extremists carried out the attack on the nation’s train network.

Will French President Emmanuel Macron condemn ultra-left activists for destroying critical infrastructure? When will it be time to label these acts as terrorism?

Speaking of terrorism, there was stabbing terrorism in the UK today with two children killed and nine other people injured (see

That said, I did not watch any of the opening ceremonies–but did report about the ‘Last Supper’ (really last Passover) perverse depiction (see Olympic blasphemy: Opening ceremony mocks Jesus’ last Passover with drag queens–are there any positive Olympic ideals? ).

But what officials are now trying to say is that the ‘Last Supper’ was not the theme, but the whole ceremony was to exalt paganism.

Yet, many do not agree.

Plus, one of the participants admitted the truth as the following article and tweet helps point out:

July 29, 2024

French bishops were outraged at the Olympics’ opening ceremony over its blatant mockery of Christianity – in which transgender men and a child reenacted Leonardo da Vinci’s “The Last Supper” – along with many other sexualized scenes that included a man with his testicles exposed and hanging out of his outfit. The display has led to worldwide outrage, including several corporate sponsors ditching the Olympics.

At the center of this scene was rotund French DJ ‘Barbara Butch,’ a Jewish lesbian who at bragged on social media about mocking Christianity, only to delete the post after controversy erupted.

The Olympics apologized for the ceremony, insisting “There was never an intention to show disrespect to a religious group” with the scene created by artistic director Thomas Jolly – also of Jewish descent, who notably excluded a depiction of, say, Mohammad and his young bride at the table. …

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò – the former papal nuncio to the United States who questioned the legitimacy of Pope Francis and the authority of the Second Vatican Council, and was excommunicated three weeks ago for “his refusal to recognize and submit to the Supreme Pontiff.”

In a scathing rebuke of the Olympics, Viganò called the opening ceremony “the latest in a long series of vile attacks on God, the Catholic Religion and natural Morality by the antichristic elite holds that hostage Western countries.

“We a dystopian dance macabre in Holograms of the horsemen of the Apocalypse alternated with a plump blue Dionysius, served under a bell of various courses; the parody of the LGBTQ+ Last Supper…” the letter continues.

Viganò also pointed to “disconcerting scenes at the 2012 London Olympics, the 2016 of inauguration of the Gotthard Tunnel, and the 2022 Commonwealth Games, featuring infernal figures, goats, and terrifying animals.

The elite who organizes these ceremonies demand not only the right to blasphemy and the obscene display of the foulest vices, but even their mute acceptance by Catholics and decent people, who are forced to suffer the outrage the most sacred symbols of their Faith and the very foundations of the Natural Law desecrated. -Carlo Maria Viganò

According to Viganò, “Satan makes nothing: only he ruins everything. He does not invent: he tampers. And his followers are no different: they humiliate woman’s femininity in order to erase the motherhood that recalls the Virgin Mother; they castrate man’s manhood in order to tear from the image of God’s fatherhood; they corrupt the little ones in order to kill in them and make them victims of the most abject wokeism.”

Yes, many things were corrupt and denying that insults were part of the intent is simply disingenuous.

The Apostle Paul warned:

1 But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: 2 For men will be lovers of themselves, … 3 unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, 4 traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, … 13 … evil men and impostors will grow worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived.  (2 Timothy 3:1-4, 13)

Men pretending that they are women are functioning as imposters in the Olympic ceremony. Stabbing people is brutal. Sabotage is also brutal.

Now, see something related to one of the trans ceremony participants:

July 29, 2024

A drag queen who carried the torch of the Olympic flame in Paris’s opening ceremony told critics, “We ain’t going nowhere” after the theatrics received backlash for appearing to mock Christianity.

French drag performer Karl Sanchez, known by his stage name Nicky Doll, has taken to social media to make fun of “the ones that had their feathers ruffled seeing queerness on their screen” after Christians responded poorly to the ceremony’s portrayal of the iconic painting, the Last Supper:

“The opening ceremony did ruffle some feathers… and I LOVE it,” Doll wrote in a Monday morning Instagram Story that Fox News viewed. “You know why? Because the Olympics are the biggest stage in the world and us queer people have always been the audience of other people’s life and achievement and it is time that we are welcome in the space.”

In an earlier post from Sunday, he said it was his “absolute honor to perform in front of billions of people around the world, and celebrate our olympians.”

“And remember, to the ones that had their feathers ruffled seeing queerness on their screen: WE AIN’T GOING NOWHERE,” he added in capital letters:

The following is applicable to what the Olympics and others have been doing:

9 The look on their countenance witnesses against them, And they declare their sin as Sodom; They do not hide it. Woe to their soul! For they have brought evil upon themselves. (Isaiah 3:9)

Yes, those pushing and tolerating perversion are bringing evil upon themselves.

The Bible warns against the rise of despisers of good in the last days:

20 Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil;
Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness;
Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

21 Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes,
And prudent in their own sight! (Isaiah 5:20-21)

Woe to those that do such things–yet we keep seeing that happen.

To be clear, “Cross-dressing”–which is what drag queens do–is condemned as an abomination in the Bible:

5 A woman shall not wear anything that pertains to a man, nor shall a man put on a woman’s garment, for all who do so are an abomination to the Lord your God. (Deuteronomy 22:5)

The Bible clearly condemns cross-dressing.

Yet, the Olympics put those doing so on display.

That said, the Olympics is a mixture of good and evil, though the evil part looks to be increasing.

As far as symbols of the Apocalypse go, Europe has long had them. To see them, check out the following post from earlier this month: Does the European Union actually use Babylonian symbols?

Having a white horse in the Olympics along with paganism is consistent with some of that.

But yes, it is terrible how perverse the world has become.

Some items of possibly related interest may include:

Europa, the Beast, and Revelation Where did Europe get its name? What might Europe have to do with the Book of Revelation? What about “the Beast”? Is an emerging European power “the daughter of Babylon”? What is ahead for Europe? Here is are links to related videos: European history and the Bible, Europe In Prophecy, The End of European Babylon, and Can You Prove that the Beast to Come is European? Here is a link to a related sermon in the Spanish language: El Fin de la Babilonia Europea.
The European Union and the Seven Kings of Revelation 17 Could the European Union be the sixth king that now is, but is not? Here is a link to the related sermon video: European Union & 7 Kings of Revelation 17:10.
The Great Monarch: Biblical and Catholic Prophecies Is the ‘Great Monarch’ of Catholic prophecies endorsed or condemned by the Bible? Two sermons of related interest are also available: Great Monarch: Messiah or False Christ? and Great Monarch in 50+ Beast Prophecies.
European Technology and the Beast of Revelation Will the coming European Beast power would use and develop technology that will result in the taking over of the USA and its Anglo-Saxon allies? Is this possible? What does the Bible teach? Here is a related YouTube video: Military Technology and the Beast of Revelation.
Must the Ten Kings of Revelation 17:12 Rule over Ten Currently Existing Nations? Some claim that these passages refer to a gathering of 10 currently existing nations together, while one group teaches that this is referring to 11 nations getting together. Is that what Revelation 17:12-13 refers to? The ramifications of misunderstanding this are enormous. A related sermon is titled Ten Kings of Revelation and the Great Tribulation.
Do You Know That Babylon is Forming? How is the final Babylon forming? Are Protestants such as Joel Osteen and Kenneth Copeland are endorsing something dangerous? Could Pope Francis be the ‘False Prophet’ that the Bible warns against? Is an antipope expected to endorse a one-world religion? Here is a link to a related written article In Vatican City: New Babylon more openly forming!
Cross-dressing and other assaults against your children. What should you do? Is there an agenda to turn your children and/or grandchildren away from biblical morality and towards practices promoted by homosexuals? What does the Bible teach about cross-dressing? What should parents do? If there is an agenda, what has been going on? There are also videos related to this, titled Transgender ‘Woe to those who call evil good’, Cross dressing and Other Assaults Against Your Children, Disney’s abominable promotions!, USA pushing gender confusion, and New Transgender Study.
The Bible Condemns Homosexuality “Same-sex marriage” for “gays” and lesbians is becoming more acceptable to many. What does the Bible teach about homosexuality and the LGBTQ agenda?  Can homosexuals change? A related video sermon is titled: What Does the Bible Really Teach about Homosexuality? A short video is available titled: Gay Gene? Born That Way?
Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse What do each of the four horseman of the Apocalypse represent? Have they began their ride? Did Jesus discuss the any of this? Might their rides coincide with the “beginning of sorrows? Do they start their ride prior to the Great Tribulation? Did Nostradamus or any other ‘private prophets’ write predictions that may mislead people so that they may not understand the truth of one or more of the four horseman? There is also a related YouTube video titled Sorrows and the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Here are links to shorter videos: These Signs of the 4 Horsemen Have Begun and Biological Weapons and the 4th Horseman of the Apocalypse.

VOA: China’s Xi calls for cooperation with Italy, evoking ancient ‘Silk Road’

Monday, July 29th, 2024

China’s Belt & Road Initiative
(By Lommes – his own work via Wikipedia)


Five years ago, Italy indicated it wished to be linked to part of China’s One Belt, One Road Initiative (see Italy looking to support ‘Silk Road 2.0,’ the Chinese Belt and Road Initiative). But last year, Italy changed its mind. Now, China is making suggestions:

China’s Xi calls for cooperation with Italy, evoking ancient ‘Silk Road’

July 29, 2024

Chinese President Xi Jinping called for further cooperation with Italy on Monday at a meeting with Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, saying the two countries were the ends of the historical Silk Road trade route.

Meloni pulled Italy out of China’s Belt and Road Initiative — whose name refers to the ancient overland trade route — in December, but signed an agreement Sunday that provides a new path for the two countries to cooperate on trade and other issues.

Meloni is on a five-day state visit, her first trip to China as prime minister.

The Belt and Road Initiative, one of Xi’s signature policies, aims to build power and transportation infrastructure around the world in order to stimulate global trade while also deepening China’s ties with other nations.

“China and Italy are located at opposite ends of the ancient Silk Road,” Xi told Meloni, “and the long-standing friendly exchanges between the two countries have made important contributions to the exchange and mutual learning of Eastern and Western civilizations, as well as human development and progress.”

“If countries are inter-connected, they will advance; if they are closed to each other, they will retreat,” said Xi.

Meloni said Italy could play an “important role” in China’s relationship with the European Union and creating balanced trade relationships.

I continue to believe that China’s Belt & Road Initiative (aka Silk Road project) has prophetic ramifications.

Here is a video we made related to it fsome time ago:


China is working on something known as the ‘Silk Road’ project or the “One Belt, One Road” initiative. NBC reports that China intends to spend one trillion dollars to build roads, bridges, railroads, and maritime facilities to reach from China to Europe and China to the Middle East. Over 60 nations, including Russia, are involved with this. Could this Silk Road project possibly produce thoroughfares that could be used by troops that will amass at Armageddon? Dr. Thiel discusses this project and some of its potential prophetic ramifications in this video.

Here is a link to our video: Is China paving roads to Armageddon?

We could well see the gathering at Armageddon by then AND have the Chinese ‘roads’ (some are actually shipping ports) used to transport soldiers and military equipment to gather at Armageddon.

As posted here in the past, here is what was written during Donald Trump’s presidency.

As far as the timing of Armageddon goes, it will NOT happen during Donald Trump’s presidency (presuming he, if he gets a second term, is re-elected in 2020). We put together the following video on our Bible News Prophecy YouTube channel:


A news article had the following: “Armageddon: Will it come on Trump’s watch?” It then answered that question, but without referring to the Bible. What is Armageddon? What does the Bible teach about it? If US President Donald Trump serves two consecutive terms, can the prophesied gathering at Armageddon take place while he is in office? When is the earliest year that Armageddon can occur? What are some of the events that have to happen prior to the start of Armageddon? Whether or not he can be around for Armageddon, what are some of the ways that US President Donald Trump is apocalyptic? Dr. Thiel addresses these issues and does explain the earliest time when Armageddon can occur. A written article of related interest is available titled “ Armageddon: Will it come on Trump’s watch? Is 2019 going to be the year of the Armageddon?

Here is a link to the sermonette video: Armageddon Will it come on Trump’s watch?

Now, the term Armaggedon is only used once in the Bible. It is the sixth of seven bowls of God’s wrath:

1 Then I heard a loud voice from the temple saying to the seven angels, “Go and pour out the bowls of the wrath of God on the earth.” (Revelation 16:1)

12 Then the sixth angel poured out his bowl on the great river Euphrates, and its water was dried up, so that the way of the kings from the east might be prepared. 13 And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs coming out of the mouth of the dragon, out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet. 14 For they are spirits of demons, performing signs, which go out to the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty.

15 “Behold, I am coming as a thief. Blessed is he who watches, and keeps his garments, lest he walk naked and they see his shame.”

16 And they gathered them together to the place called in Hebrew, Armageddon. (Revelation 16:12-16)

For them to gather, they must cross over land to get to Armageddon.

The kings of the east reference refers to Asian nations, including Russia, whose border extends to the farthest parts of the east–and China which is commonly believed to be part of the ‘far east.’

While the primary road of the BRI/Silk Road project does not go to Armageddon, it will make getting there a lot easier. So, will the naval route.

The pathways to Armageddon are being set.

Now, in one respect the point of the BRI is for all roads to lead to China.

China expects this will help it with trade and international influence. And it certainly appears that it will.

On the other hand, if one goes in the opposite direction, then the roads (including naval routes) go back from Europe to all across Asia and into Africa. There is also an arctic route expected which connects Europe from the north.

Italy’s involvement with the project really puts Europe on the BRI map.

Since the Bible teaches that it will be Europe that will dominate world trade, Italy’s expected involvement in the BRI looks to be a way that Europe will get access to markets in Asia and Africa.

For example, the Bible teaches the following about an end time European power:

2 … Babylon … 3 For all the nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth have become rich through the abundance of her luxury. (Revelation 18:2,3)

The above is referring to the fact that nations of the world are prophesied to get wealthy trading with end time Babylon, which will be a European entity. This European power will have religious ties to the City of Seven Hills–the Church of Rome:

1 Then one of the seven angels who had the seven bowls came and talked with me, saying to me, “Come, I will show you the judgment of the great harlot who sits on many waters, 2 with whom the kings of the earth committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth were made drunk with the wine of her fornication.” (Revelation 17:1-2)

9 Here is the mind which has wisdom: The seven heads are seven mountains on which the woman sits. … 18 And the woman whom you saw is that great city which reigns over the kings of the earth.” (Revelation 17:9,18)

The Bible tells of a trading power arising in Europe that is tied to the City of Seven Hills. Europe, the United Nations, and the Vatican have stated that they have agreed on essentially the same future for the world. Interestingly, the Chinese BRI looks to assist with that.

Remember that nearly all roads go two ways. So, while China will benefit from its project, so will Europe.

Five years ago, the Continuing Church of God (CCOG) put together the following video on our Bible News Prophecy YouTube channel:


China’s Silk Road and Babylon the Great

China has been embarking on a multi-trillion dollar project to build roads and ports to connect more of Asia, Africa, the Middle East, and Europe to it. This has been called the ‘Belt and Road Initiative,’ Silk Road Project, Silk Road 2.0, and the One Belt, One Road Initiative. While this is expected to benefit Chinese trade (as well as provide infrastructure for the gathering at Armageddon), could this also benefit the rise of Babylon the Great foretold in the Book of Revelation and scriptures in the Old Testament? What about the proposed Polar Silk Road? Will the benefits to Europe last or will the end time ‘daughter of Babylon’ possibly face invasion from nations involved with the Silk Road project? Dr. Thiel addresses these issues with scriptures from the Bible.

Here is a link to our video: China’s Silk Road and Babylon the Great.

Back in 1971, the old Worldwide Church of God (WCG) published the following:

Momentous, historic events are transforming Western Europe. But most Americans are “asleep at the switch” to what is happening. It’s time for a self-centered America to wake up – before her allies become her enemies. Envision the startling future of Western Europe. A … union of perhaps 250 million people, surpassing both the United States and the Soviet Union in economic strength, possessing for the first time worldwide political power and influence. One news source recently called it an “enormous, physically powerful beast.” A new Western Europe controlling perhaps half of all world trade, by exclusive arrangements with dozens of nations who produce raw materials. A “United States of Europe” possessing one single currency – a currency so strong that it will replace the U. S. dollar as the kingpin currency of world trade. (Hogberg G. EUROPE’S COMMON MARKET RISING WORLD COLOSSUS. Plain Truth, 1971)

Now we all know that Europe has its own currency–a currency that some see as the logical replacement for the US dollar for world trade. Now, let me add that less than a decade after the above was published, the WCG publicly announced that Eastern Europe would also be part of this European power. And within a decade of that, Eastern European nations began to officially join in with what has become the European Union (more in Eastern Europe have also applied to become members of the EU). And, in population, the European Union already is actually much larger than that of the USA.

To ensure it would have influence related to various roads and ports, the European Union came up with its Global Gateway project.

The Global Gateway project and the EU’s support of the G20 connectivity goals are steps intended to help Europe rise up. And, yes, most Americans are “asleep at the switch” to what is happening.

Related to the ‘Global Gateway,’ the Continuing Church of God (CCOG) put together the following video on our Bible News Prophecy YouTube channel:


EU’s Global Gateway, Trade, and War?

The European Union announced that it planned to spend €300 billion ($340 billion) in a program called ‘Global Gateway.’ According to EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen it is a “true alternative” to China’s Belt and Road Initiative, also known as the Silk Road Project. Both the EU and Chinese projects will improve road, ports, and/or other infrastructure to connect with Europe, Asia, the Middle East, Africa, and Latin America. Will this result in increased trade for Europe and Asia during the time of the Gentiles? Will Babylonian Europe dominate trade for a time? Will devastating war hit Europe with Russian and Eurasian involvement? Would infrastructure these projects are involved in be used for war? What about preparation for Armageddon? Dr. Thiel address these issues and cites biblical prophecies related to these matters.

Here is a link to our video: EU’s Global Gateway, Trade, and War?

That said, while the USA supported and praised the new connectivity initiative from the G20, the connectivity does not really connect the USA.

The Chinese and Europeans are building infrastructure in the Middle East, Europe, Africa, and Asia, like roads and ports. India is also involved.

This will facilitate trade, help set up for the gathering at Armageddon (watch Is China paving roads to Armageddon?), but also help the coming Beast power rise up and prosper.

Some items of possibly related interest may include:

Lost Tribes and Prophecies: What will happen to Australia, the British Isles, Canada, Europe, New Zealand and the United States of America? Where did those people come from? Can you totally rely on DNA? What about other peoples? Do you really know what will happen to Europe and the English-speaking peoples? What about Africa, Asia, South America, and the Islands? This free online book provides scriptural, scientific, historical references, and commentary to address those matters. Here are links to related sermons: Lost tribes, the Bible, and DNA; Lost tribes, prophecies, and identifications; 11 Tribes, 144,000, and Multitudes; Israel, Jeremiah, Tea Tephi, and British Royalty; Gentile European Beast; Royal Succession, Samaria, and Prophecies; Asia, Islands, Latin America, Africa, and Armageddon;  When Will the End of the Age Come?Rise of the Prophesied King of the North; Christian Persecution from the Beast; WWIII and the Coming New World Order; and Woes, WWIV, and the Good News of the Kingdom of God.
Armageddon Who is involved and when will this gathering happen? Here is also a video from Dr. Thiel, from Tel Megiddo in Israel: Armageddon. Other videos include: Armageddon Will it come on Trump’s watch?, Iraq, Armageddon, & Prophecy, Freemasonry, Armageddon, and Rome, Is China paving roads to Armageddon?, and Jordan, Petra, and Armageddon.
China, Its Biblical Past and Future, Part 1: Genesis and Chinese Characters Where did the Chinese people come from? This article provides information showing that the Chinese peoples must have known about various accounts in the Book of Genesis up until their dispersion after the Tower of Babel. Here is a link to a version of this article in Spanish: ¿Prueban los caracteres chinos la exactitud de la Biblia?
China, Its Biblical Past and Future, Part 2: The Sabbath and Some of God’s Witness in China When did Christianity first come to China? And is there early evidence that they observed the seventh day sabbath?
Asia in Prophecy What is Ahead for Asia? Who are the “Kings of the East”? What will happen to nearly all the Chinese, Russians, Indians, and others of Asia? China in prophecy, where? Who has the 200,000,000 man army related to Armageddon? A YouTube video of interest may be Is China THE Threat to the United States of America?
The Times of the Gentiles Has there been more than one time of the Gentiles? Are we in it now or in the time of Anglo-America? What will the final time of the Gentiles be like? A related sermon is available and is titled: The Times of the Gentiles.
Who is the King of the North? Is there one? Do biblical and Roman Catholic prophecies for the Great Monarch point to the same leader? Should he be followed? Who will be the King of the North discussed in Daniel 11? Is a nuclear attack prophesied to happen to the English-speaking peoples of the United States, Great Britain, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand? When do the 1335 days, 1290 days, and 1260 days (the time, times, and half a time) of Daniel 12 begin? When does the Bible show that economic collapse will affect the United States? In the Spanish language check out ¿Quién es el Rey del Norte? Here are links to two related videos: The King of the North is Alive: What to Look Out For and The Future King of the North.
Europa, the Beast, and Revelation Where did Europe get its name? What might Europe have to do with the Book of Revelation? What about “the Beast”? Is an emerging European power “the daughter of Babylon”? What is ahead for Europe? Here is a link to a video titled: Can You Prove that the Beast to Come is European? See also EU’s Global Gateway, Trade, and War?

The Cross and Jesus?

Monday, July 29th, 2024

Jesus and the cross: Jesus’s crucifixion is displayed on the fifth-century C.E. wooden doors of the Basilica of Santa Sabina in Rome. (Wikipedia)


The Biblical Archaeology Society (BAS) had this in one of its weekly newsletters:

Jesus and the Cross

Throughout the world, images of the cross adorn the walls and steeples of churches. For some Christians, the cross is part of their daily attire worn around their necks. Sometimes the cross even adorns the body of a Christian in permanent ink. In Egypt, among other countries, for example, Christians wear a tattoo of the cross on their wrists. And for some Christians, each year during the beginning of Lent, they receive the cross on their foreheads in ash.
Clearly, today the cross is accepted as the most popular symbol of Christianity. But, interestingly, most scholars believe that early Christians did not use the cross as an image of their religion because crucifixion evoked the shameful death of a slave or criminal.1

Scholars believe that the first surviving public image of Jesus’s crucifixion was on the fifth-century wooden doors of the Basilica of Santa Sabina, which is located on the Aventine Hill in Rome.2 Since it took approximately 400 years for Jesus’s crucifixion to become an acceptable public image, scholars have traditionally believed that this means the cross did not originally function as a symbol for Christians.3

… Perhaps the earliest portrayal of the cross by Christians occurred in the iconography of their papyrus manuscripts, specifically the Staurogram, or shape of the cross made by the overlapping of the Greek letters “Rho” and “Tau” ().11 A more obvious depiction of the cross is seen in a third-century gem in the British Museum, which depicts a crucified Jesus with an inscription that lists various Egyptian magical words. …

Undoubtedly, though, Constantine’s adoption of the cross was the most important development that resulted in its becoming the preeminent symbol of Christianity.

According to Eusebius, the day before the Battle of Melvian Bridge, Constantine earnestly prayed for victory against his co-emperor Maxentius. Constantine’s prayer was answered, and a most marvelous sign appeared to him from heaven. Eusebius relates that Constantine saw a cross of light in the sky, above the sun, bearing the inscription, “Conquer by this” (Life of Constantine 28). That night, Eusebius reports, Jesus explained to Constantine the meaning of the vision. Constantine was directed by Jesus to create a new banner with the symbol of the cross created by the Greek letters “Chi” and “Rho.” This well-known symbol in Christianity, which is usually referred to as the Chi-Rho (), became known as the standard of the cross.

According to the fifth-century Christian historian Sozomen, Constantine abolished crucifixion in special reverence for the power and victory he received because of the symbol of the cross (History of the Church 1.8). This abolishment certainly changed the Roman perception of the cross. Simply put, Constantine’s public endorsement of the cross changed its connotation from a repulsive device for executing slaves, foreigners, and Roman citizens of low social standing into a revered, public symbol.

Constantine did not create the symbol of the cross. Rather he adopted it as a new symbol for his empire that had converted to Christianity. Of course, this means that when the artisans depicted the crucified Jesus on the wooden doors of Santa Sabina in the fifth century, the cross was no longer an offensive image. (Jesus and the Cross. Biblical Archaeology Society. February 23, 2020

No, today faithful Christians still do not use crosses as religious symbols, as they clearly were not used as such by early faithful followers of Jesus.

But yes compromisers, Egyptian magi, and Emperor Constantine did. And, the ‘acceptance’ of crosses was pushed by Constantine and many who would follow his lead.

The Continuing Church of God put out the following video on our Bible New Prophecy YouTube channel.

Do you know the origin of the cross? Was Jesus crucified on a cross? What do the Greek words often translated as cross or crucify actually mean? When did crosses get adopted by certain churches? Which groups called crosses ‘the mark of the Beast”? Have Catholic and other writers warned against the cross? Could the Antichrist use crosses to deceive? What do ancient Egypt and Babylon have to do with the cross? Dr. Dr. Thiel answers these questions and more.

Here is a link to the video titled: Origin of the Cross

It may be of historical interest to note the following statements in the article on the Paulicians in The Catholic Encyclopedia (bolding mine):

They honoured not the Cross, but only the book of the Gospel…They were Iconoclasts, rejecting all pictures… The whole ecclesiastical hierarchy is bad, as also all Sacraments and ritual. They had a special aversion to monks…Since Gibbon the Paulicians have often been described as a survival of early and pure Christianity, godly folk who clung to the Gospel, rejecting later superstitions, who were grossly calumniated by their opponents…

the Cathari also renounced priestly vestments, altars, and crosses as idolatrous. They called the cross the mark of the beast, and declared it had no more virtue than a ribbon for binding the hair. (Fortescue, Adrian. Paulicians. The Catholic Encyclopedia. Vol. 11. Nihil Obstat. February 1, 1911. Remy Lafort, S.T.D., Censor. Imprimatur. +John Cardinal Farley, Archbishop of New York. New York: Robert Appleton Company, 1911. 23 May 2010 <>)

So, groups that traced their history to original early Christianity (see also Continuing History of the Church of God) did not use crosses and further claimed, that after the Greco-Romans pushed them, that the cross was a mark of the beast.

Does this claim seem too far-fetched for modern times?

Consider the following report from Ecumenical News:

A Salvadoran Cross that is a now an icon of Christian unity was dedicated and placed in the World Council of Churches’ Chapel in Geneva, Switzerland on the first day of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity.

The 2-metre high cross from Salvador has become known as the Lund Cross from the Swedish city where Lutherans and Roman Catholics met at the end of 2016 to commemorate the 500th Reformation anniversary.

“On behalf of the World Council of Churches, we receive this cross as a gift of communion,” said World Council of Churches general secretary, Rev. Olav Fykse Tveit at the ceremony.

“May the historical step that it symbolizes reminds us that Christ’s cross transforms our conflict into communion, and we are reconciled as one creation, joined by the one sprit {sic} of God and Creator. Behold the life-giving cross.”

A sign of continuous commitment with the one ecumenical movement the Lund Cross was created for that joint Catholic-Lutheran Commemoration of the Reformation in Lund and Malmö, Sweden, on 31 October 2016.

The week of prayer for its part is traditionally celebrated between 18-25 January, between the feasts of St Peter and St Paul. …

Cardinal Kurt Koch, president of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity in his 18 January sermon in the chapel spoke on the message of the cross which is the work of Salvadoran artist Christian Chavarría Ayala, a man who has lived in the shadow of death squads in his country.

The cross is rich with symbols, and shows a baptismal font, branches of the true vine, and Jesus inviting people of all nations to share bread and wine.

The Lund Cross was painted by Ayala, a Lutheran from El Salvador in the typical colorful style of his country.

“People create crosses from their own experiences,” said the artist, who as a child lived through the Salvadoran civil war and grew up in a refugee camp in Honduras. …

In his sermon, Koch reminded those in the chapel that the cross was present during the signing of a Lutheran-Catholic Joint Statement signed by Pope Francis and Bishop Munib A. Younan, who was Lutheran World Federation President on that historic day. …

Dedicating the cross LWF’s Junge said, “In gratitude for the Lutheran and Catholic Joint Commemoration of the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation in Lund, Sweden, we present the Lund Cross to the Ecumenical Centre in Geneva. 01/18/18

So, the head of the World Council of Churches, the head of the Vatican’s Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, and other ecumenists are promoting the cross as an ICON and a symbol of their ecumenical plans.

The Lutherans, which commissioned the Salvadorian cross, reported the following about it:

The cross depicts the Triune God’s creative, reconciling and sanctifying work. …

The cross depicts the Triune God’s creative, reconciling and sanctifying work. At the base of the cross, the hands of God hold all things together, as is recorded in Colossians 1:17 and Hebrews 1:3.

Jesus Christ, Word of God, is at the center of all life, incarnate, redeeming, reconciling, sustaining all creation, and renewing our lives by his death and resurrection made present in the Eucharist. The vineyard and the vine represent both Christ and the people of God. …

The Eucharist represents the visible and full church communion for which we dearly long. At the table, our Lord Jesus Christ offers himself as nourishment for the journey, strengthening the communion of saints established in baptism, reconciling all people as walls of division are broken down. …

The images on this cross embody reconciliation: God’s call to communities of faith to be places of reconciliation and peace, God’s call to all the baptized to be ministers of reconciliation, engaging the path of goodness that offers reconciliation to all humanity and all creation. God embraces this splendid universal communion.

As far as the “Triune God” message, consider that it was not until the Council of Constantinople in 381 A.D. that it was formally adopted by the Greco-Romans, see also the article Did the True Church Ever Teach a Trinity? As far as the eucharist goes, early Christians literally broke unleavened bread to recount Jesus’ final Passover–see also Marcus, the Marcosians, & Mithraism: Developers of the Eucharist?

Does God embrace this “splendid universal communion” that differs from the Bible and the early Christian church?


Consider the following:

23 But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him. 24 God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth. (John 4:23-24)

3 … contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints. (Jude 3)

17 “Come out from among them
And be separate, says the Lord.
Do not touch what is unclean,
And I will receive you.” (2 Corinthians 6:17)

Early Christian leaders did NOT seek unity with those who were heretical and introduced foreign concepts–instead they denounced them (see Continuing History of the Church of God), including specifically the first one who is believed to have introduced the mystical eucharist (see Marcus, the Marcosians, & Mithraism: Developers of the Eucharist?).

The Continuing Church of God has put together the following video on our Bible News Prophecy YouTube channel:


‘The Catholic Encyclopedia’ reported that in the first millennium of the Christian era, there were those who considered that the ‘cross’ would be the ‘mark of the beast.’ Is this too far-fetched to be possible now? As it turns out, in the 21st century, the World Council of Churches, the Vatican, and the Lutherans have embraced the ‘Lund Cross,’ also known as the Salvadoran cross, for purposes of ecumenical unity. Furthermore, writings by various Catholic saints and some claiming to see Marian apparitions have pointed to a group, in the end times, that will wear some type of cross to persecute those that do not. Is the cross an original symbol that early Christians venerated? Could a cross be ‘a’ or ‘the’ mark of the beast or the mark of final Antichrist? Dr. Thiel addresses this as well as other aspects of the ecumenical agenda.

Here is a link to our video: Beware of the ‘Ecumenical Cross.’

Before going further, let me also state that the word “cross” is not actually in the original New Testament. The Greek word stauros, which is often translated as cross, properly means “a stake or post” (Biblesoft’s New Exhaustive Strong’s Numbers and Concordance with Expanded Greek-Hebrew Dictionary. Copyright (c) 1994, Biblesoft and International Bible Translators, Inc.).

Perhaps it should be mentioned that crosses are part of various pagan religions, and hence some type of cross could appeal to many who do not profess Christianity.

Although it is well documented that early Christians DID NOT venerate the cross or use it as any type of icon, in the fourth century the “cross” became a military symbol after a sun-worshiping Emperor claimed to have a vision and a dream:

In 312, the Roman Emperor Constantine I the Great was in Trier, Germany where he had an unexpected vision of a cross that appeared in the sky. Constantine’s soldiers, the majority of whom were pagans, placed the sacred image of the cross on their shields (Mangan C.M. In This Sign You Conquer, 10/15/03 Copyright © 2004 Catholic Online).

He {Constantine} said that about noon, when the day was already beginning to decline, he saw with his own eyes the trophy of a cross of light in the heavens, above the sun, and bearing the inscription, Conquer by this…in his sleep the Christ of God appeared to him with the same sign which he had seen in the heavens, and commanded him to make a likeness of that sign which he had seen in the heavens, and to use it as a safeguard in all engagements with his enemies….At dawn of day he arose, and communicated the marvel to his friends: and then, calling together the workers in gold and precious stones, he sat in the midst of them, and described to them the figure of the sign he had seen, bidding them represent it in gold and precious stones…

Now it was made in the following manner. A long spear, overlaid with gold, formed the figure of the cross by means of a transverse bar laid over it. On the top of the whole was fixed a wreath of gold and precious stones; and within this, the symbol of the Saviour’s name, two letters indicating the name of Christ by means of its initial characters, the letter P being intersected by X in its centre…

The emperor constantly made use of this sign of salvation as a safeguard against every adverse and hostile power, and commanded that others similar to it should be carried at the head of all his armies. (Eusebius. The Life of Constantine, Book I, Chapters 28,30,31).

This type of cross is known as a labarum:

The Labarum (☧) was a vexillum (military standard) that displayed the first two Greek letters of the word “Christ” (Greek: ΧΡΙΣΤΟΣ, or Χριστός) — Chi (χ) and Rho (ρ). It was first used by the Roman emperor Constantine I…

Though modern representations of the chi-rho sign represent the two lines crossing at ninety degree angles, the early examples of the Chi-Rho cross at an angle that is more vividly representative of the chi formed by the solar ecliptic path and the celestial equator. This image is most familiar in Plato’s Timaeus…Of Plato’s image in Timaeus, Justin Martyr, the Christian apologist writing in the second century, found a prefiguration of the Cross (Labarum. Wikipedia, viewed 03/04/09).

So we see that the Chi-Rho existed from at least the time of Plato (a pagan philosopher), but was adopted by Constantine centuries after Christ died. The heretic Justin was probably one who originally encouraged its adoption, and he apparently got it from Plato. Constantine’s mother Helena later claimed to find a piece of Jesus’ ‘cross’ and this helped popularize interest in crosses in the empire.

As far as the end times go, there is a Catholic writer who indicated that the image or perhaps mark of the beast may be something that resembles that Constantinian cross:

Priest P. Huchedé (19th century): Antichrist will further make all men, great and small, rich and poor, freemen and bondmen, bear a sign on their right arm or their forehead. (Apoc. 13:16). What this sign shall be time alone will reveal. Yet there are some {Catholic} commentators of the Holt Writ, who, according to a special revelation pretend to say that it shall be formed out of the Greek letters X and P, interlaced…which resembles the number of Christ. (Cornelius a Lapide in Epis. 2 to Thes.). No one can either buy or sell without this mark, as specified in the Apocalypse (13:17). (Huchedé, P. Translated by JBD. History of Antichrist. Imprimatur: Edward Charles Fabre, Bishop of Montreal. English edition 1884, Reprint 1976. TAN Books, Rockford (IL), p. 24).

If the cross is a symbol of the future Antichrist/Beast power, as Priest P. Huchedé indicates it will be (and it is in a book with an official imprimatur), perhaps those who come from faiths descended from Emperor Constantine should be concerned about their religion now–before it becomes even further removed from the original faith. The Bible indicates that the true Christians will NOT have the symbol/mark needed to buy or sell when the two beasts of Revelation 13 are in power, but only those that will follow those beasts will (Revelation 13:16-17)–and while crosses may not necessarily be required everywhere, other Catholic writings suggest that in certain places, they will be.

Although all real scholars admit that the original Christians would not kill or intentionally participate in military service, after Emperor Constantine claimed to see a spear in the sky with a traverse bar (see Constantine is Why “Christians” War), the group that accepted his authority then allowed him to convene what is known as the Council of Nicea in 325. A.D.

Before going further, let me state that a cross was used by the followers of the militaristic sun-god called Mithraism, which Emperor Constantine supported.

The 20th and 19th century writers Manly Hall and Albert Pike wrote respectively:

Candidates who successfully passed the Mithraic initiations were called Lions and were marked upon their foreheads with the Egyptian cross. (Manly P. Hall Manly P. Hall (Author), J. Augustus Knapp (Illustrator) The Secret Teachings of all Ages. Originally published 1926, reprint Wilder Publications, 2009, p. 45)

Mithras signed his soldiers on the forehead with a Cross. X is the mark of 600, the mysterious cycle of the Incarnations. (Pike A. Morals and dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry. First published 1871. Forgotten Books, 1962, p. 246)

Catholic scholar Cumont wrote:

A curious bas-relief recently published shows us the spectacle of this sacred repast (Fig. 38). Before two persons stretched upon a couch covered with pillows is placed a tripod bearing four tiny loaves of bread, each marked with a cross. … these love feasts are evidently the ritual commemoration of the banquet which Mithra celebrated before his ascension. (Cumont F. The Mysteries of Mithra. Open Court, 1903. Original from Harvard University, Digitized Feb 15, 2008, p. 160)

Crosses were not originally part of Christian worship (for details read What is the Origin of the Cross as a ‘Christian’ Symbol? and/or watch a related YouTube video: Origin of the Cross).

Before going further, it may be of interest to note that a Mithraic temple was in the news some time back:

In central London, seven meters underground, lies an ancient Roman temple to a mysterious god called Mithras.

Nearly 2,000 years after the temple was frequented by the all-male members of an exclusive, enigmatic cult, it has now been faithfully restored and opened to the public.

A light display in the recess of the temple depicts the cult statue of Mithras slaying a bull, an image that was the central icon of the cult. …

It is believed that soldiers and merchants gathered in these secret temples drinking, feasting and performing rituals that may have involved simulating death and rebirth, and even some nakedness. …

Variations of the bull-slaying cult statue — known as the Tauroctony — feature a scorpion on the bull’s testicles, a dog and snake licking the blood, and various zodiac signs and allusions to Sol the sun god.

Now the ancient cult of Mithras is being represented. In fact, there are some 600 people a day visiting a restored temple underneath the London headquarters of the business news outlet Bloomberg. …

“Most people today don’t realize how much of a hold ancient pagan beliefs, practices and images still have on their lives,” said Joseph Farah, author of The Restitution of All Things: Israel, Christians and the End of the Age. “In fact, pagan values and traditions have never left us. Even Jews and Christians are impacted by them. And they are not innocent because the gods of paganism are actually demons, according to the Bible. It’s not something to be played with.

So, this pagan, sun-god cult is officially getting some attention. And attention at a time when the ecumenical types are pushing crosses. Perhaps it should also be emphasized that the professing Christian world has been impacted quite a bit by doctrines once associated with Mithraism (see also Do You Practice Mithraism?).

As far as crosses go, some may be astounded to learn that there are roman Catholic writings that indicate that those who wear crosses will be persecutors in the end times:

St. Francis de Paul (1470): These holy Cross-bearers shall reign and dominate holily over the whole world until the end of time…(Culleton, G. The Prophets and Our Times. Nihil Obstat: L. Arvin. Imprimatur: Philip G. Scher, Bishop of Monterey-Fresno, November 15, 1941. Reprint 1974, TAN Books, Rockford (IL),p. 157-161).

St. Bridget of Sweden (died 1373): …war shall end when an emperor of Spanish origin will be elected, who will, in a wonderful manner, be victorious through the sign of the Cross. He shall destroy the Jewish and Mahometan sects… (Culleton, The Prophets and Our Times , p. 154).

Anne Catherine Emmerich (October, 1820): citizens and peasants, many of whom were marked on the forehead with a red cross. As this army drew near, the captives and oppressed were delivered and swelled the ranks whilst the demolishers and conspirators were put to flight on all sides (Emmerich AC. The Life of Lord Jesus Christ and Biblical Revelations. Schmöger edition, Vol. IV. Nihil Obstat: D. Jaegher, 14 Februari 1914. Imprimatur: A.C. De Schrevel, Brugis, 14 Februari 1914. Reprint TAN Books, Rockford (IL), 2004, pp. 290-291).

Notice what one claimed to be “Mary” allegedly stated in an apparition in Pfaffenhofen, Germany on June 25, 1946:

I am the great Mediatrix of Grace. The Father wants the world to recognize His handmaid…My sign is about to appear. God wills it…I cannot reveal my power to the world as yet…Then I will be able to reveal myself…Chose a sign for yourself so that the Trinity may soon be adored by all! Pray and sacrifice through me!…I will impose crosses on my children that will be as heavy and as deep as the sea because I love them in my sacrificed Son. I pray, be prepared to bear the cross in order that the Trinity may be honored (Culleton, Reign of Antichrist, pp. 217-218).

Real Christians would not pray and sacrifice through Mary.

In 1958, Matous Losuta of Czechoslovakia claimed that “Mary” stated:

All my children will receive and carry the sign of the cross on their foreheads (Flynn, Ted & Flynn, Maureen. Thunder of Justice: The Warning, the Miracle, the Chastisement, the Era of Peace. Signs of the Times Illustrated by Kaleidoscope Graphics Staff Contributor Malachi Martin Published by Maxkol Communications, 1992, p. 331).

This is not something that the Bible advocates. (More on Mary can be found in the article Mary, the Mother of Jesus and the Apparitions.)

Thus, according to various Greco-Roman Catholic mystics and writers, those that follow a persecuting power will wear some type of cross. And according to at least one Catholic priest, it is similar to the type of cross that Emperor Constantine used, and according to that same priest, it may be an important symbol for the beasts of Revelation 13 and their followers.

And now, we are seeing a type of cross being called an “icon” by major leaders in the ecumenical movement and a promoter of a Babylonian ecumenical unity that the Bible warns against (cf. Revelation 17) .

Some type of cross may well be a mark of the Beast or final Antichrist.

Some items of possibly related interest may include:

What is the Origin of the Cross as a ‘Christian’ Symbol? Was the cross used as a venerated symbol by the early Church? A related YouTube video would be Origin of the Cross.
What Did the Early Church Teach About Idols and Icons? Did Catholic and Orthodox “saints” endorse or condemn idols and icons for Christians? A related sermon is available: The Second Commandment, Idols, and Icons.
Marcus, the Marcosians, & Mithraism: Developers of the Eucharist? Marcus was a second century heretic condemned for having a ceremony similar to one still practiced by many who profess Christ, as well as for promoting the ‘eighth day’ ogdoad. Might he also be in the apostolic succession list of the Orthodox Church of Alexandria? Where did the eucharistic host and IHS come from?
Do You Practice Mithraism? Many practices and doctrines that mainstream so-called Christian groups have are the same or similar to those of the sun-god Mithras. December 25th was celebrated as his birthday. Do you follow Mithraism combined with the Bible or original Christianity? A sermon video from Vatican City is titled Church of Rome, Mithras, and Isis?
Sunday and Christianity Was Sunday observed by the apostolic and true post-apostolic Christians? Who clearly endorsed Sunday? What relevance is the first or the “eighth” day? A related sermon is also available: Sunday: First and Eighth Day?
Hope of Salvation: How the Continuing Church of God Differs from Protestantism The CCOG is NOT Protestant. This free online book explains how the real Church of God differs from mainstream/traditional Protestants. Several sermons related to the free book are also available: Protestant, Baptist, and CCOG History; The First Protestant, God’s Command, Grace, & Character; The New Testament, Martin Luther, and the Canon; Eucharist, Passover, and Easter; Views of Jews, Lost Tribes, Warfare, & Baptism; Scripture vs. Tradition, Sabbath vs. Sunday; Church Services, Sunday, Heaven, and God’s Plan; Seventh Day Baptists/Adventists/Messianics: Protestant or COG?; Millennial Kingdom of God and God’s Plan of Salvation; Crosses, Trees, Tithes, and Unclean Meats; The Godhead and the Trinity; Fleeing or Rapture?; and Ecumenism, Rome, and CCOG Differences.
Beliefs of the Original Catholic Church: Could a remnant group have continuing apostolic succession? Did the original “catholic church” have doctrines held by the Continuing Church of God? Did Church of God leaders uses the term “catholic church” to ever describe the church they were part of? Here are links to related sermons: Original Catholic Church of God?, Original Catholic Doctrine: Creed, Liturgy, Baptism, Passover, What Type of Catholic was Polycarp of Smyrna?, Tradition, Holy Days, Salvation, Dress, & Celibacy, Early Heresies and Heretics, Doctrines: 3 Days, Abortion, Ecumenism, Meats, Tithes, Crosses, Destiny, and more, Saturday or Sunday?, The Godhead, Apostolic Laying on of Hands Succession, Church in the Wilderness Apostolic Succession List, Holy Mother Church and Heresies, and Lying Wonders and Original Beliefs. Here is a link to that book in the Spanish language: Creencias de la iglesia Católica original.
Beware: Protestants Going Towards Ecumenical Destruction! What is going on in the Protestant world? Are Protestants turning back to their ‘mother church’ in Rome? Does the Bible warn about this? What are Catholic plans and prophecies related to this? Is Protestantism doomed? See also World Council of Churches Peace Plan.
Why Should American Catholics Fear Unity with the Orthodox? (And the Protestants) Are the current ecumenical meetings a good thing or will they result in disaster? Is doctrinal compromise good? Here is a link to a related video Should you be concerned about the ecumenical movement?
Will the Interfaith Movement Lead to Peace or Sudden Destruction? Is the interfaith movement going to lead to lasting peace or is it warned against? A video sermon of related interest is: Will the Interfaith Movement lead to World War III? and a video sermon is also available: Do You Know That Babylon is Forming?
The Mark of Antichrist What is the mark of Antichrist? What have various ones claimed? Here is a link to a related sermon What is the ‘Mark of Antichrist’?
Mark of the Beast What is the mark of the Beast? Who is the Beast? What have various ones claimed the mark is? What is the ‘Mark of the Beast’?
Who is the Man of Sin of 2 Thessalonians 2? Is this the King of the North, the ten-horned beast of Revelation 13:1-11, or the two-horned Beast of Revelation 13:12-16? Some rely on traditions, but what does the Bible teach? Here is a related link in Spanish/español: ¿Quién es el Hombre de Pecado de 2 Tesalonicenses 2? Here is a version in Mandarin: 主编: 谁是’大罪人’?Here is a link to a related YouTube video, in English, titled Who is the Man of Sin?
Persecutions by Church and State This article documents some that have occurred against those associated with the COGs and some prophesied to occur. Will those with the cross be the persecutors or the persecuted–this article has the shocking answer. There is also a YouTube video sermon you can watch: The Coming Persecution of the Church. Here is information in the Spanish language: Persecuciones de la Iglesia y el Estado.
The Spanish Inquisition and Early Protestant Persecutions Was the Church of Rome really responsible for this? What happened? A video of related interest is titled: The Past and Future Inquisition.
Continuing History of the Church of God This pdf booklet is a historical overview of the true Church of God and some of its main opponents from Acts 2 to the 21st century. Related sermon links include Continuing History of the Church of God: c. 31 to c. 300 A.D. and Continuing History of the Church of God: 4th-16th Centuries and Continuing History of the Church of God: 17th-20th Centuries. The booklet is available in Spanish: Continuación de la Historia de la Iglesia de Dios, German: Kontinuierliche Geschichte der Kirche Gottes, French: L Histoire Continue de l Église de Dieu and Ekegusii Omogano Bw’ekanisa Ya Nyasae Egendererete.
Some Doctrines of Antichrist Are there any doctrines taught outside the Churches of God which can be considered as doctrines of antichrist? This article suggests at least three. It also provides information on 666 and the identity of “the false prophet.” Plus it shows that several Catholic writers seem to warn about an ecumenical antipope that will support heresy. You can also watch a video titled What Does the Bible teach about the Antichrist?

ABC: UK is ‘broke and broken,’ new government says amid shortfall in public finances

Sunday, July 28th, 2024

Original 1611 KJV leaf of parts of Habakkuk chapters 2 & 3
(It was a gift to me from a reader)


ABC reported the following:

UK is ‘broke and broken,’ new government says amid shortfall in public finances

July 28, 2024

LONDON — Britain’s new left-leaning government said Sunday that the nation is “broke and broken,” blaming the situation on its predecessors ahead of a major speech on the state of the public finances that is widely expected to lay the groundwork for higher taxes.

In a sweeping assessment three weeks after taking power, Prime Minister Keir Starmer’s office professed shock at the situation they inherited after 14 years of Conservative Party rule, while releasing a department-by-department analysis of the perceived failures of the previous government.

The critique comes a day before Treasury chief Rachel Reeves is expected to outline a 20-billion-pound ($26 billion) shortfall in public finances during a speech to the House of Commons. …

“The assessment will show that Britain is broke and broken — revealing the mess that populist politics has made of the economy and public services,” Downing Street said in a statement.

Yes, the UK is in debt and in various ways it is broke.

Yet, in certain ways, it is in better shape than the US is in.

The Bible shows national debt is a curse and it also clearly warns that an indebted people will be destroyed by people whose language that they do not understand, and that the destruction will be fairly total:

43 The alien who is among you shall rise higher and higher above you, and you shall come down lower and lower. 44 He shall lend to you, but you shall not lend to him; he shall be the head, and you shall be the tail. 45 Moreover all these curses shall come upon you and pursue and overtake you, until you are destroyed…47 “Because you did not serve the LORD your God with joy and gladness of heart, for the abundance of everything, 48 therefore you shall serve your enemies, whom the LORD will send against you, in hunger, in thirst, in nakedness, and in need of everything; and He will put a yoke of iron on your neck until He has destroyed you. 49 The LORD will bring a nation against you from afar, from the end of the earth, as swift as the eagle flies, a nation whose language you will not understand, 50 a nation of fierce countenance, which does not respect the elderly nor show favor to the young. 51 And they shall eat the increase of your livestock and the produce of your land, until you are destroyed; they shall not leave you grain or new wine or oil, or the increase of your cattle or the offspring of your flocks, until they have destroyed you. 52 They shall besiege you at all your gates until your high and fortified walls, in which you trust, come down throughout all your land; and they shall besiege you at all your gates throughout all your land which the LORD your God has given you (Deuteronomy 28:42-45,47-52).

7 The rich rules over the poor, And the borrower is servant to the lender. (Proverbs 22:7)

13 And the Lord said, “Because they have forsaken My law which I set before them, and have not obeyed My voice, nor walked according to it, 14 but they have walked according to the dictates of their own hearts…16 I will scatter them also among the Gentiles, whom neither they nor their fathers have known. And I will send a sword after them until I have consumed them.” (Jeremiah 9:13,14a,16)

12 One-third of you shall die of the pestilence, and be consumed with famine in your midst; and one-third shall fall by the sword all around you; and I will scatter another third to all the winds, and I will draw out a sword after them. (Ezekiel 5:12)

Most will not believe, but that was expected:

6 “Don’t say such things,” the people respond. “Don’t prophesy like that. Such disasters will never come our way!” (Micah 2:6, New Living Translation)

16 … You say, ‘Do not prophesy against Israel, And do not spout against the house of Isaac.’ (Amos 7:16)

People will not want to hear! See also Preparing for the ‘Short Work’ and The Famine of the Word.

Habakkuk was a Hebrew prophet.

Around 605-625 B.C. Habakkuk wrote a short book of the Bible that has a lot of implications for the time that we are now in.

Here are some passages from it (italics are not inspired but were headings in the translation):

1 The burden which the prophet Habakkuk saw.

The Prophet’s Question

2 O Lord, how long shall I cry, And You will not hear? Even cry out to You, “Violence!” And You will not save. 3 Why do You show me iniquity, And cause me to see trouble? For plundering and violence are before me; There is strife, and contention arises. 4 Therefore the law is powerless, And justice never goes forth. For the wicked surround the righteous; Therefore perverse judgment proceeds.

The Lord’s Reply

5 “Look among the nations and watch — Be utterly astounded! For I will work a work in your days Which you would not believe, though it were told you. 6 For indeed I am raising up the Chaldeans, A bitter and hasty nation Which marches through the breadth of the earth, To possess dwelling places that are not theirs. 7 They are terrible and dreadful; Their judgment and their dignity proceed from themselves. 8 Their horses also are swifter than leopards, And more fierce than evening wolves. Their chargers charge ahead; Their cavalry comes from afar; They fly as the eagle that hastens to eat. 9 They all come for violence; Their faces are set like the east wind. They gather captives like sand. 10 They scoff at kings, And princes are scorned by them. They deride every stronghold, For they heap up earthen mounds and seize it. 11 Then his mind changes, and he transgresses; He commits offense, Ascribing this power to his god.” (Habakkuk 1:1-11)

Notice that the above states that the end time work will not be believed by many even though God will reveal it–which He does through His prophets, like Habakkuk. While some claim that this was only for the past (like many in LCG) or that the entire book is really related to the Chaldeans and Chaldean debt (like HOI) and have despised my quoting of this, they seemingly forget that this is in the New Testament:

41 ‘Behold, you despisers,
Marvel and perish!
For I work a work in your days,
A work which you will by no means believe,
Though one were to declare it to you.‘” (Acts 13:41)

I believe that the Continuing Church of God is helping fulfill that. No xWCG group has had the type of growth in the 21st century that the CCOG has had–and this happened despite not having the large amounts of money like many groups have had available. Nor have any had the amount of signs that God promised (for details, check out the article: Does the CCOG have the confirmed signs of Acts 2:17-18?).

Now, getting back to Habakkuk:

The Prophet’s Second Question

12 Are You not from everlasting, O Lord my God, my Holy One? We shall not die. O Lord, You have appointed them for judgment; O Rock, You have marked them for correction. 13 You are of purer eyes than to behold evil, And cannot look on wickedness. Why do You look on those who deal treacherously, And hold Your tongue when the wicked devours A person more righteous than he? 14 Why do You make men like fish of the sea, Like creeping things that have no ruler over them? 15 They take up all of them with a hook, They catch them in their net, And gather them in their dragnet. Therefore they rejoice and are glad. 16 Therefore they sacrifice to their net, And burn incense to their dragnet; Because by them their share is sumptuous And their food plentiful. 17 Shall they therefore empty their net, And continue to slay nations without pity? (Habakkuk 1:12-17)

Notice that in the above the one getting punished will be punished by someone who, in certain ways, is worse than the one who will be punished. So while some believe that in certain ways the USA and its Anglo-allies are more “righteous” than the Beast power that will destroy it, the reality is that this is part of God’s plan.

2:1 I will stand my watch And set myself on the rampart, And watch to see what He will say to me, And what I will answer when I am corrected.

The Just Live by Faith

2 Then the Lord answered me and said: “Write the vision And make it plain on tablets, That he may run who reads it. 3 For the vision is yet for an appointed time; But at the end it will speak, and it will not lie. Though it tarries, wait for it; Because it will surely come, It will not tarry. 4 “Behold the proud, His soul is not upright in him; But the just shall live by his faith. (Habakkuk 2:1-4)

Notice that the prophecy that is being discussed is for the appointed time of the end. It is a prophecy for our time–and will affect the proud. What will happen is so bad “That he may run who reads it.”

Yet, most do not take it seriously enough, and that includes most Christians:

Woe to the Wicked

5 “Indeed, because he transgresses by wine, He is a proud man, And he does not stay at home. Because he enlarges his desire as hell, And he is like death, and cannot be satisfied, He gathers to himself all nations And heaps up for himself all peoples. 6 “Will not all these take up a proverb against him, And a taunting riddle against him, and say, ‘Woe to him who increases What is not his — how long? And to him who loads himself with many pledges’? 7 Will not your creditors rise up suddenly? Will they not awaken who oppress you? And you will become their booty. 8 Because you have plundered many nations, All the remnant of the people shall plunder you, Because of men’s blood And the violence of the land and the city, And of all who dwell in it. (Habakkuk 2:5-8)

Actually, with an admitted debt of $35 trillion dollars and plans to increase that much further, the USA has increased pledges more than any nation in the history of the planet–it is plundering nations by issuing debt it will not repay. And on a per capita basis, the United Kingdom is one of the most indebted nations on the earth itself. The above is NOT a prophecy of Chaldean debt, nor was it fulfilled in its entirety thousands of years ago.

Please pay attention to the fact that that above is a prophecy for the appointed time of the end–essentially the time of the Great Tribulation (Matthew 24:21; watch also Great Tribulation: 2026 or 2027?). The USA has been accumulating pledges in the form of US Treasury bonds and notes, and is the most indebted nation of all time. It is descendants of Israel, like the USA, that are prophesied to have debt issues with foreigners if they turn from God’s laws (cf. Deuteronomy 28:43-44)–that is consistent with Habakkuk 2:6-8. The above prophecy is NOT a reference to the nation calling itself Israel as it has nothing compared to USA debt. Nor is it a prophecy for the European Beast power  (which will include Chaldeans) as it will not be destroyed because of debt.

That debt prophecy in Habakkuk will be fulfilled at the time of the end (cf. “The message was true, but the appointed time was long…in the latter days, for the vision refers to many days yet to come”, Daniel 10:1,14). Daniel 8:19, 11:27, 29,35 uses the same Hebrew term for “appointed time” as Habakkuk 2:3, while Daniel 10, using a different term, ties the latter days to the time in Daniel 8:19. Habakkuk 2 was not fulfilled in its entirety anciently. Also, it makes little sense that Habakkuk would be directed towards the modern nation of Israel as it does not have enemy creditors. It must be a nation or group of nations with some prominence at the appointed time of the end. As far as “violence of the land” as a contributing factor, this would seem to include crime, military missions, and perhaps riots/civil unrest, but might it also include promotion of violent sports? Is the USA government not giving shameful counsel regarding matters such as homosexuality and abortion?

Notice also the following from the Commentary on Habakkuk from the ancient Dead Sea Scrolls (roughly 2000 years old; translated in the 1950s by F.F. Bruce):

God commanded Habakkuk to write the things that were coming upon the last generation, but the fulfilment of the epoch he did not make known to him. (1Q p Hab. vii 1-5)

While ancient commentaries like this are NOT scripture, this particular one shows that those who understood the Hebrew language around 2000 years ago believed that Habakkuk’s words had NOT then been fulfilled and were for the time of the end.

The official US government debt nearly doubled under the Obama Administration:

According to the US Treasury, the debt of the USA as of 01/19/2009 (the day before Barack Obama took office) was 10,628,881,485,510.23 (

According to the US Treasury, the debt of the USA as of 01/19/2017 (the day Barack Obama left office and the day before Donald Trump took office) was 19,944,429,217,106.77 (

Those who thought that the Trump Administration would fix that are in error as the following shows:

According to the US Treasury, the debt of the USA as of 01/19/2021 was $27,752,835,868,445.35 (

And these debt figures do not include state and local government debt, nor consumer or corporate debt.

Furthermore, the debt has risen by over 7 trillion dollars in less than four years under the Biden-Harris Administration:

According to the US Treasury, the debt of the USA as of 07/25/2024 was $34,997,540,505,103.33 (

The USA has been setting itself up for the penalties prophesied by Habakkuk.

Raising debt, not cutting spending, remains the US government’s plan.

How bad is the current situation?

Notice something from last week:

‘America is going bankrupt’: Elon Musk issues dire warning as interest on US debt was equal to 76% of income tax collected in June — and is expected to exceed $1.14 trillion this year

July 23, 2024

Rising national debt has long been a pressing issue in America, and it has caught the attention of Tesla CEO Elon Musk.

“America is going bankrupt btw,” Musk wrote in a recent post on the social media platform X. He was responding to a post by Billy Markus, the creator of Dogecoin.

Markus’ post included a screenshot of a headline reading, “Interest Payments on US National Debt Will Shatter $1,140,000,000,000 This Year – Eating 76% of All Income Taxes Collected: Report.”

Musk added a comment expressing his dismay: “I am glad 76% of the income tax I pay goes directly to important things like interest on past government incompetence.” …

The headline originated from an article on The Daily Hodl, which featured an analysis by economist E.J. Antoni.

Antoni, a research fellow in the Heritage Foundation’s Grover M. Hermann Center for the Federal Budget, delved into the latest Monthly Treasury Statement from the Bureau of the Fiscal Service.

He pointed out a striking detail: in June 2024, the U.S. government spent $140.238 billion on interest for Treasury debt securities. For context, the government collected $184.910 billion in individual income taxes that same month.

This means that an amount equivalent to 76% of June’s individual income tax revenue was used solely for interest payments on the national debt, not including principal repayment.

Antoni expressed his concern about America’s fiscal challenge in a post on X, writing, “Interest on the federal debt was equal to 76% of all personal income taxes collected in June – that’s the Treasury’s largest source of revenue and three-quarters of it gets consumed just by interest; does Congress know? Do they even care?”

If interest rates ever rise to the level that they were in the US in the early 1980s, that will trigger a spiral that the US possibly could not recover from.

Perhaps it should be pointed out that the old Radio Church of God did teach that Chaldeans were essentially Europeans who would punish the US and its English-speaking allies, that Habakkuk 1 had future fulfillment, and also tied it in with Isaiah 10:

One whole book of the Bible — Habakkuk — is entirely devoted to a prophecy concerning the Chaldeans in these latter days! …

The reason that some Chaldeans were later associated with Babylon in Daniel’s time is that a small part of them was later settled by the Assyrians near Babylon. The original inspired Hebrew of Isaiah 23:13 explains this: “Behold, the land of the Chaldeans — this is the people that was not, when Asshur founded it for shipmen”. How clear. The Chaldeans were divided, not an organized nation. A part of them was transplanted to Babylon. … Where are they today?

When we next find them, they dwell on the shores of the Baltic Sea in Northern Europe!  … Some of the sons of Asshur are these: Kharmen, or Germanni — meaning men of war; Khatti; Akkadians; Almani, or Halmani; and Kassites, or Cossaei. (For these names see any article on “Assyria”, or these separate names, in Biblical encyclopaedias).

Where are these tribes today? They are no longer in ancient Assyria! Where did they go? The entire tenth chapter of Isaiah pictures the power that Asshur — the Assyrians — shall wield in these latter days. …

Read Isaiah 10 and Habakkuk 1, together with Isaiah 48. Notice that the children of Israel are delivered into the hands of the Whites of Europe! … Christ Himself will have to put a stop to that attempt of Satan to crush Israel. Then the White, English-speaking world, with the other tribes of Israel will really begin to shoulder the “White Man’s Burden” and bless the world with peace instead of cursing it. (Hoeh H. The Race Question. Plain Truth, July 1957 p. 22).

And, “the White, English-speaking world,” obviously includes the USA and UK.

That said, the ‘Chaldeans’ will be punished per Isaiah 10:12 and verses such as Habakkuk 2:9-19 also look to apply.

Furthermore, the old WCG did clearly teach that Habakkuk 2 had future application:

Habakkuk … God also said that this vision was to be written for our benefit today. … (Habakkuk 2:3). God showed Habakkuk that He will punish all the unrighteous at the end-time. … (Habukkuk 2:8, 10, 16-17) (Armstrong HW, editor in chief. THE MINOR PROPHETS SPEAK TO US! Youth Bible Lessons, Level 7, Lesson 9, 1986, p. 4)

So, yes, the old WCG understand that Habakkuk 2 was prophetic for the end time–not that it was full fulfilled thousands of years ago (which many in certain COGs wrongly believe). And since it is for the end time, the woes associated with debt/pledges must apply to some nation or group of nations now. And, the most indebted nation now is the USA.

Do you believe the words that God inspired Habakkuk to write? If so, do you really understand what is going to happen to the USA, UK, and their Anglo-descended allies relatively soon?

There is also a YouTube video related to this: Was USA debt and destruction predicted 2,600 years ago?

Here is something that was written in 1973 for the old Ambassador College by Dean Blackwell:

Why do you think in Habakkuk, God said that He’d “revive His work in the midst of the years”? Would this be said if they were doing the work in all the time of the New Testament Church?

You might note that in Habakkuk 3:2, he says: O Eternal, I have heard thy speech and was afraid: O Eternal, revive thy work in the midst of the years, in the midst of the years make known; in wrath remember mercy.

He is referring to God reviving His work in the midst of man’s last century. He said that God would make known what is happening and what’s going to happen in man’s last years, in the day of His wrath. He requested that God remember mercy and hide His people in a place of safety.

The work needs to be done in the 21st century. Will you truly support it?

Much of Habakkuk’s message is for the appointed time of the end, hence is applicable today.

The rising US and UK debts cannot continue indefinitely–there is a major price to pay.

While those nations do not show any interest in repenting, you personally can.

To learn even more, please, with your Bible, check out the following:

When Will the Great Tribulation Begin? 2024, 2025, or 2026? Can the Great Tribulation begin today? What happens before the Great Tribulation in the “beginning of sorrows”? What happens in the Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord? Is this the time of the Gentiles? When is the earliest that the Great Tribulation can begin? What is the Day of the Lord? Who are the 144,000? Here is a version of the article in the Spanish language: ¿Puede la Gran Tribulación comenzar en el 2020 o 2021? ¿Es el Tiempo de los Gentiles? A related video is: Great Tribulation: 2026 or 2027? A shorter video is: Tribulation in 2024?
Watch also: Great Tribulation Protection.
Does the CCOG have the confirmed signs of Acts 2:17-18? Does any church have the confirmed dream and prophetic signs of Acts 2:17-18? Should one? Here is a link in the Spanish language: ¿Tiene la CCOG confirmadas las señales de Hechos 2: 17-18? Here is a link in the French language: Est-ce que l’Église Continue de Dieu confirme les signes d’Actes 2:17-18? A related sermon in the English language is also available: 17 Last Days’ Signs of the Holy Spirit.
USA in Prophecy: The Strongest Fortresses Can you point to scriptures, like Daniel 11:39, that point to the USA in the 21st century? This article does. A related sermon is titled: Do these 7 prophesies point to the end of the USA?
CCOG.ORG Continuing Church of God The Philadelphian organization striving to be most faithful amongst all real Christian groups to the word of God. This page has links to materials in over 200 languages. To watch what has been happending in the CCOG so far, here are links to two sermons Continuing Church of God (CCOG) first year anniversary: What has been accomplished? and Continuing COG’s 10 Unique Years.
Who is the King of the West? Why is there no Final End-Time King of the West in Bible Prophecy? Is the United States the King of the West? Here is a version in the Spanish language: ¿Quién es el Rey del Occidente? ¿Por qué no hay un Rey del Occidente en la profecía del tiempo del fin? A related sermon is also available: The Bible, the USA, and the King of the West.
Should the Church Still Try to Place its Top Priority on Proclaiming the Gospel or Did Herbert W. Armstrong Change that Priority for the Work? Some say the Church should mainly feed the flock now as that is what Herbert W. Armstrong reportedly said. Is that what he said? Is that what the Bible says? What did Paul and Herbert W. Armstrong expect from lower level leaders? A related sermon is available titled Priority of the Philadelphia Work.
Preparing for the ‘Short Work’ and The Famine of the Word What is the ‘short work’ of Romans 9:28? Who is preparing for it? Will Philadelphian Christians instruct many in the end times? Here is a link to a related video sermon titled: The Short Work. Here is a link to another: Preparing to Instruct Many.
The Final Phase of the Work What is the final phase of the work? Who will lead it? Do you have the courage to support it? Here are two related YouTube videos titled Final Phase of the Work: Need and Background and The Final Phase of the Work. The written article has been translated into Spanish La Fase Final de la Obra.
Leading the Final Phase of the Work Matthew 24:14 teaches “And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come ” will be fulfilled and RCG is not the group doing this. Who is leading the final phase of the work? What did Herbert Armstrong and the old WCG teach about that and about prophets? Does Bob Thiel meet the criteria that the Bible and the old WCG set? What is the proof? What has the Continuing Church of God been doing? This is a sermonette length video.
Who is the King of the North? Is there one? Do biblical and Roman Catholic prophecies for the Great Monarch point to the same leader? Should he be followed? Who will be the King of the North discussed in Daniel 11? Is a nuclear attack prophesied to happen to the English-speaking peoples of the United States, Great Britain, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand? When do the 1335 days, 1290 days, and 1260 days (the time, times, and half a time) of Daniel 12 begin? When does the Bible show that economic collapse will affect the United States? In the Spanish language check out ¿Quién es el Rey del Norte? Here is a link to a video titled: The Future King of the North.
Is God Calling You? This booklet discusses topics including calling, election, and selection. If God is calling you, how will you respond? Here is are links to related sermons: Christian Election: Is God Calling YOU? and Predestination and Your Selection; here is a message in Spanish: Me Está Llamando Dios Hoy? A short animation is also available: Is God Calling You?
Christian Repentance Do you know what repentance is? Is it really necessary for salvation? Two related sermons about this are also available: Real Repentance and Real Christian Repentance.

Just What Do You Mean — Repentance? Do you know what repentance is? Have you truly repented? Repented of what? Herbert W. Armstrong wrote this as a booklet on this important subject.
When You Sin: Do You Really Repent? This is an article by Charles F. Hunting. A related sermon is Confess to God and truly repent.

Israel attacks and says Hezbollah crossed ‘all red lines’

Sunday, July 28th, 2024

Logo of Hezbollah (via Wikipedia)


The conflict between Hezbollah and Israel has been getting worse:

July 28, 2024

Israel’s military said Sunday that they had launched a series of airstrikes against Hezbollah targets within Lebanon, one day after a rocket attack on a soccer field in Israel-controlled Golan Heights killed at least 12 children and teens.

“Overnight, the IAF struck a series of Hezbollah terror targets both deep inside Lebanese territory and in southern Lebanon, including weapons caches and terrorist infrastructure in the areas of Chabriha, Borj El Chmali, and Beqaa, Kfarkela, Rab El Thalathine, Khiam, and Tayr Harfa,” said Israel Defense Forces in a statement.

The airstrikes were apparent retaliation for Saturday’s rocket strike, which Israeli military’s chief spokesman, Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari, said was the deadliest strike against Israel since the Oct. 7 attack. Hagari said 20 others were wounded.

Israel placed blame for the attack on Hezbollah, which denied responsibility. U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken, traveling in Japan, told reporters on Sunday that “every indication is that indeed the rockets were from or the rocket was from Hezbollah.”

Saturday’s attack raised fears that the conflict between Israel and Hamas would lead to a broader regional war. A U.S. official told CBS News that Saturday had been a busy day of “almost all-out war” between Israel and Hezbollah.

28 July 2024

Israel‘s Foreign Ministry said Saturday’s rocket strike in the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights confirmed that Hezbollah is a “terrorist organization.” Israel has blamed the deadly attack on the Iran-backed militia, which is based in Lebanon.

“Saturday’s massacre constitutes the crossing of all red lines by Hezbollah. This is not an army fighting another army; rather, it is a terrorist organization deliberately shooting at civilians,” the ministry said in a statement.

According to the ministry, “an Iranian rocket” caused the deaths of “our boys and girls,” with Hezbollah being “the only terror organization that has those in its arsenal.”

By stating that “Saturday’s massacre constitutes the crossing of all red lines by Hezbollah,” Israel is stating that it is willing to conduct major military actions against Hezbollah.

The BBC put out the following:

What is Hezbollah in Lebanon and will it go to war with Israel?

28 July 2024

A rocket attack blamed by Israel on Hezbollah which killed 12 children and young adults on the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights has sharply heightened fears of an all-out war between the two sides.

It was the deadliest incident in and around Israel’s northern border in nine months of near daily exchanges of fire between Israel and Hezbollah.

What is Hezbollah…?

Hezbollah is a Shia Muslim organisation which is politically influential and in control of the most powerful armed force in Lebanon.

It was established in the early 1980s by the region’s most dominant Shia power, Iran, to oppose Israel. At the time, Israel’s forces had occupied southern Lebanon, during the country’s civil war.

Hezbollah has participated in national elections since 1992 and has become a major political presence.

Its armed wing has carried out deadly attacks on Israeli and US forces in Lebanon. When Israel withdrew from Lebanon in 2000, Hezbollah took credit for pushing them out. …

In 2006, a full-blown war broke out between Hezbollah and Israel, triggered when Hezbollah carried out a deadly cross-border raid.

Israeli troops invaded southern Lebanon to try to eliminate the threat from Hezbollah. However, it survived and has since increased its number of fighters and obtained new and better weapons. …

Hezbollah is one of the most heavily-armed, non-state military forces in the world. It is funded and equipped by Iran. …

It has an estimated 130,000 rockets and missiles, according to the Center for Strategic and International Studies think tank.

Most of its arsenal is made up of small, unguided surface-to-surface artillery rockets.

But it also thought to have anti-aircraft and anti-ship missiles, as well as guided missiles capable of striking deep inside Israel.

I remain of the belief that Hezbollah will reign a volley of bombs on Israel relatively soon. Those in Jerusalem, and not just in the northern portion of Israel, should be concerned. I also believe that Iran and Syria will also become more directly involved against Israel.

The Bible shows that God will allow the nation of Israel to be hit as shown in the Israel Bible translation:

5 For my Lord God of Hosts had a day Of tumult and din and confusion— Kir raged in the Valley of Vision, And Shoa on the hill; 6 While Elam bore the quiver In troops of mounted men, And Kir bared the shield— 7 And your choicest lowlands Were filled with chariots and horsemen: They stormed at Yehuda‘s* gateway.

8 And pressed beyond its screen. You gave thought on that day To the arms in the Forest House,9 And you took note of the many breaches In the City of David. And you collected the water of the Lower Pool; 10 and you counted the houses of Yerushalayim and pulled houses down to fortify the wall; and you constructed a basin between the two walls for the water of the old pool. But you gave no thought to Him who planned it, You took no note of Him who designed it long before. (Isaiah 22:5-10)

Yehuda above means Judah, which is the modern nation called Israel. And Yerushalayim is commonly known as Jerusalem.

The old Worldwide Church of God published the following related to Elam:

Iranians comprise nearly 70 percent of the country. Iranians, though Islamic, are totally distinct from the neighboring Arab peoples of the Middle East. They are a mixed people of the remnants of Media and Elam and other ancestors of Semitic and Hamitic stock. (Stump K. South Asia in Prophecy. Plain Truth, July/August 1986, p. 5)

Let me add that, according to the late Dr. Hoeh of the old Radio/Worldwide Church of God:

Madai is the father of the Medes. The Medes used to be associated with the Persians. You will read about them especially in the book of Daniel. But by the time of Nehemiah the Persians were much more prominent. Today there are no Medes left in Persia. (Hoeh H. The TRUTH about the Race Question! Plain Truth, July 1957)

Persia, the modern Iran, (Hoeh H. Compendium of World History – Volume 2. 1969)

Hence, this seems to support more from Elam than Media in Iran.

Kir looks to include Syrians and others in the region. For example, the Bible tells that after Tiglath-Pileser king of Assyria took over Damascus, he moved Syrians to Kir. While this does not mean that Kir must (or must only) be a reference to Syria, the fact that Syria is an ally of Iran is interesting. Some believe Kir is an area in the south of Iran (which could then include some in Iraq), while others suggest closer to the Black Sea (which Turkey borders). God’s word has the expression “the Syrians from Kir” (Amos 9:7), which is basically confirmation that Kir of Isaiah 22 would include Syrians. The prophecy that “Kir uncovered the shield” suggests that Syria will have somehow reduced the effectiveness of Israel’s ‘Iron Dome’ and/or other defensive equipment the nation of Israel will use.

The “House of the Forest” was anciently located in Lebanon (e.g. 1 Kings 7:2, 10:17,21; 2 Chronicles 9:16,20)–see also A Discourse on the House of the Forest of Lebanon, pp: 111-134 in Bunyan J. Stebbing H. The Entire Works of John Bunyan, Volume 4. Virtue and Company, 1860.

Here is the Catholic Public Domain Version translation of Isaiah 22:8:

8 And the covering of Judah will be exposed, and in that day, you will see the weaponry of the forest house. (Isaiah 22:8, CPDV)

A way for Judah to “see the weaponry of the forest house” would be a massive attack by Hezbollah. In Isaiah 22:8, “Judah” is a reference to those in the land commonly called Israel–God will allow Israel to be attacked!

In Isaiah 22:1-14, the Bible shows that God will allow something that appears to be an Iranian-Syrian-Southern Lebanese confederation, to strike the nation of Israel.

In my view, Iran, Hezbollah, and Syria are most likely consulting with each other to determine how and when to launch a major attack against Israel.

Israel’s ‘Iron Dome’ and other defenses will not be able to protect Jerusalem against enough of the coming attack to prevent great damage.

I have been reporting that for years on this COGwriter Church of God News page (e.g. Thiel B. ‘Israel Reveals it is Now Targeting Iranian Forces Militarily’. COGwriter, February 20, 2020 and Thiel B. ‘Hezbollah chief vows retaliation for future Israeli strikes in Lebanon’ ‘Bennett: Israel won’t accept rocket attacks from Lebanon’. COGwriter, August 8, 2021).

That said, IF Jesus is to return in 2031, then I expect a regional war involving Israel will occur this summer, beyond what we have seen with Israel and Gaza and Hezbollah so far, or a proposed peace plan that will be confirmed by the “prince” of Daniel 9:26-27 this fall.

Some items of possibly related interest may include:

The ‘Peace Deal’ of Daniel 9:27 This prophecy could give up to 3 1/2 years advance notice of the coming Great Tribulation. Will most ignore or misunderstand its fulfillment? Here is a link to a related sermon video Daniel 9:27 and the Start of the Great Tribulation.
Iran in Prophecy Is Iran in Bible prophecy? If so, what does the Bible teach? What names, other than Persia, may be used to describe Iran? There are also two related videos: Iran In Prophecy and Iran and Israel Conflict.
Gaza and the Palestinians in Bible Prophecy What does the Bible teach about Gaza and the fate of the Palestinians? Here is a link to two related videos: Gaza and Bible Prophecy and Gaza and Palestine in Prophecy.
Damascus and Syria in Prophecy Will Bashar Assad hold power as he has it? Does the Bible show that Damascus, the capital of Syria, will be destroyed? What will happen to Syria? Will the Syrians support the final King of the South that the Bible tells will rise up? Which scriptures discuss the rise and fall of an Arabic confederation? Does Islamic prophecy predict the destruction of Syria. This is a YouTube video.
When Will the Great Tribulation Begin? 2023, 2024, or 2025? Can the Great Tribulation begin today? What happens before the Great Tribulation in the “beginning of sorrows”? What happens in the Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord? Is this the time of the Gentiles? When is the earliest that the Great Tribulation can begin? What is the Day of the Lord? Who are the 144,000? Here is a version of the article in the Spanish language: ¿Puede la Gran Tribulación comenzar en el 2020 o 2021? ¿Es el Tiempo de los Gentiles? A related video is: Great Tribulation: 2026 or 2027? A shorter video is: Can the Great Tribulation start in 2022 or 2023? Notice also: Can Jesus return in 2023 or 2024?
Could God Have a 6,000 Year Plan? What Year Does the 6,000 Years End? Was a 6000 year time allowed for humans to rule followed by a literal thousand year reign of Christ on Earth taught by the early Christians? Does God have 7,000 year plan? What year may the six thousand years of human rule end? When will Jesus return? 2031 or ? There is also a video titled: When Does the 6000 Years End? 2031? 2035? Here is a link to the article in Spanish: ¿Tiene Dios un plan de 6,000 años?
The Arab and Islamic World In the Bible, History, and Prophecy The Bible discusses the origins of the Arab world and discusses the Middle East in prophecy. What is ahead for the Middle East and those who follow Islam? What about the Imam Mahdi? What lies ahead for Turkey, Iran, and the other non-Arabic Muslims? An item of possibly related interest in the Spanish language would be: Líderes iraníes condenan la hipocresía de Occidente y declaran que ahora es tiempo para prepararse para el Armagedón, la guerra, y el Imán Mahdi.
Is the Future King of the South Rising Up? Some no longer believe there needs to be a future King of the South. Might Egypt, Islam, Iran, Arabs, or Ethiopia be involved? Might this King be called the Mahdi or Caliph? What does the Bible say? Two videos of related interest are: The Future King of the South is Rising and The Rise and Fall of the King of the South. Here is a version the Spanish language: ¿Esta Surgiendo el Rey Del Sur?
Islamic and Biblical Prophecies for the 21st Century This is a free online book which helps show where biblical and Islamic prophecies converge and diverge. Here are links to related sermons: Seeing Christianity Through Islamic Eyes, Imam Mahdi, women, and prophecy, and Terrorism, Iran, and Fatima, Dajjal, Antichrist, Gold, & Mark of the Beast?, and Jesus and God’s Plan for Muslims.


BibleNewsProphecy: Russia and Mexico to Receive US Land?

Sunday, July 28th, 2024


The Continuing Church of God is pleased to suggest the following video on our Bible New Prophecy YouTube channel:


Russia and Mexico to Receive US Land?

Shortly after US President Joe Biden told Ukraine it could use certain long-range weapons to attack inside of Russia, Russian President Vladimir Putin suggested that two can play at that game. He said that the Kremlin would consider putting ICBMs and/or other missiles in nations that are hostile to the USA. Kremlin television showed Cuba, Nicaragua, Venezuela, and Mexico, and pointed to damage coming to places like Alaska. Russians have long suggested that Mexico could/should get back lands from Texas to California that the US gained at the point of a gun. Many Russians consider that Alaska should again be part of Russia. Did the Germans propose giving Mexico lands from the US during World War 1? Are there scriptures that point to the strongest fortresses of the US being conquered and having its lands divided by the European King of the North Beast power? Did Russian Igor Panarin point to the US breaking up in many pieces with Mexico getting the land back (that some Mexicans have called the ‘reconquista’), China or Japan getting Hawaii, Russia regaining Alaska, and Europe ending up with other parts of the US? Might Russia and Mexico one day cooperate when Europe wants to take over the US? Might Russia end up with at least parts of Alaska and possibly parts of Canada? Steve Dupuie and Dr. Thiel cover these matters.

Here is a link to our video: Russia and Mexico to Receive US Land?

Anyway, there is a history this century of Russians stating that Russia will or should end up with Alaska and Mexico ending up with lands that the USA controls.

Look for the USA to one day be conquered and its lands divided. That will NOT end well for the USA (cf. Daniel 11:39).

Some items of possibly related interest may include:

Mexico, Central America, South America, Brazil, and the Caribbean in Prophecy [Español: México, América central, Suramérica, Brasil y el Caribe en la profecía] [Português: México, América Central, Ámérica do Sul, e Brasil na profecia] What will happen to those of Latin America? Will they have prosperity? Will they cooperate with Europe? Will they suffer in the future? What role might the various Caribbean nations/territories play?
Russia and Ukraine: Their Origins and Prophesied Future Russia in prophecy. Where do the Russians come from? What about those in the Ukraine? What is prophesied for Russia and its allies? What will they do to the Europeans that supported the Beast in the end? There is also a video sermon available: Russia in the Bible and in Prophecy as are two video sermonettes Russia, Ukraine, Babylonian Europe, and Prophecy and Ukraine in Prophecy?
Lost Tribes and Prophecies: What will happen to Australia, the British Isles, Canada, Europe, New Zealand and the United States of America? Where did those people come from? Can you totally rely on DNA? What about other peoples? Do you really know what will happen to Europe and the English-speaking peoples? What about Africa, Asia, South America, and the Islands? This free online book provides scriptural, scientific, historical references, and commentary to address those matters. Here are links to related sermons: Lost tribes, the Bible, and DNA; Lost tribes, prophecies, and identifications; 11 Tribes, 144,000, and Multitudes; Israel, Jeremiah, Tea Tephi, and British Royalty; Gentile European Beast; Royal Succession, Samaria, and Prophecies; and Asia, Islands, Latin America, Africa, and ArmageddonWhen Will the End of the Age Come?, and Rise of the Prophesied King of the North.
World War III: Steps in Progress Are there surprising actions going on now that are leading to WWIII? Might a nuclear attack be expected? Does the Bible promise protection to all or only some Christians? How can you be part of those that will be protected? A related video would be Is World War III About to Begin? Can You Escape?
USA in Prophecy: The Strongest Fortresses Can you point to scriptures, like Daniel 11:39, that point to the USA in the 21st century? This article does. A related sermon is titled: Do these 7 prophesies point to the end of the USA?
Biden-Harris: Prophecies and Destruction Can the USA survive two full presidential terms? In what ways are Joe Biden and Kamala Harris apocalyptic? This book has hundreds of prophecies and scriptures to provide details.  A Kindle version is also available and you do not need an actual Kindle device to read it. Why? Amazon will allow you to download it to almost any device: Please click HERE to download one of Amazon s Free Reader Apps. After you go to your free Kindle reader app (or if you already have one or a Kindle),  you can go to: Biden-Harris: Prophecies and Destruction (Kindle) to get the book in seconds.

‘Thousands of Bug Eaters Are Getting New Incurable Diseases, Doctors Warn’

Saturday, July 27th, 2024

Black Soldier Fly larva
(Photo public domain via Wikipedia)


Various ones have promoted the consumption of insects as a source of protein.

However, this is not wise.

Notice the following:

Thousands of Bug Eaters Are Getting New Incurable Diseases, Doctors Warn

Thousands of bug eaters around the world are developing rare and incurable diseases, according to doctors who warn the act of eating insects is harmful to humans.

As the consumption of eating bugs has risen in popularity in recent years thanks to the push by the WEF to replace meat with insects, people who dine on bugs are increasingly being diagnosed with horrific illnesses as a result. reports: The Bible instructs us in Leviticus 11: 20-23, not to eat insects, with the exception of orthopterans, specifically, locusts, crickets, and grasshoppers. Even so, permission to eat these is not instruction to do so, and there certainly isn’t reference to the Israelites making insect offerings, or of Jesus encouraging his disciples to eat them.

Eating these in a survival situation — like that of John The Baptist — is one thing, but to have insects discreetly added to our foods, or touted as the future of the human diet, as is happening in Europe, North America, and abroad, is a threat to our health, and is disgusting. …

Contamination of Insect-based Foods

Bioaccumulation of poisonous heavy metals such as lead, arsenic, cadmium and others, and of pesticides including herbicides, has been documented to occur in insects used for food. This means that as insects grow and develop in a contaminated environment, or if they eat contaminated plant matter, toxic heavy metals or other toxins build up in their bodies over time. Therefore producers must carefully source insect feed, and ensure the rearing environment is free of contaminants. …

Mealworms (Tenebrio molitor) larvae, full of feces, and supposedly suitable to eat.

One of the most alarming potential problems of food insect production is pre-or-post-processing contamination by Aspergillus, a common fungus that releases the mycotoxin known as aflatoxin. Cooked and dried insects can reabsorb humidity, and could grow Aspergillus, as could pre-processed insects. Aflatoxin is heat stable and cannot be eliminated by cooking insects contaminated by AspergillusMpuchane et al. (1996) identified aflatoxin in edible grasshoppers at a concentration of up to 50 micrograms/kg. The European Union [EU] allows a maximum of 15 micrograms of aflatoxin per kilogram in plant based foods***, but disturbingly, the EU does not have regulations for aflatoxin in animal based foods including insects. Aflatoxin is the one of the most carcinogenic chemicals known to man. This problem must be addressed, but unfortunately, anyone encouraging you to eat insects is not looking out for your health in the first place. …

A 2017 paper published in Clinical Toxicology presented evidence of histamine poisoning from insects, in three cases in Thailand, including an outbreak affecting 118 patients, and another incident involving 19 students. The paper focused on direct evidence in another case in which 28 out of a group of 227 students were sickened, and concluded the cause was histamines present in grasshoppers and silkworm pupae they ate at a seminar. The researchers analyzed the leftover foods, and what the 28 sickened and other 199 students ate, and alleged that the histamines were implicated, which like tropomyosins, are heat-stable (resistant to degradation by cooking). The sick students’ symptoms included hives, headache, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and breathing problems (bronchospasm and dyspnea). …

Insect exoskeletons feature sharp protuberances made of chitin, including spines, spurs, and rigid ‘hairs’ called setae. As noted by Mézes (2018), the pointy shape of these protuberances may cause them to be mechanically toxic, by damaging the digestive tract. This is not the chitin per se causing toxicity; instead, it’s the shape of the structures formed by chitin leading to toxicity.

Spines are narrowly conical, rigid, fixed projections, found on grasshopper legs, for example. Spurs are similar to spines but are on a socket allowing movement. Setae are hair-like, and contain nerve endings for sensory perception. The hairs on the legs of a fly are an example of setae. …

It also seems reasonable to surmise, and even hard to ignore, that chewing an insect exoskeleton would produce sharp fragments that could damage the lining of the esophagus, stomach, and intestines. Similarly, sharp particles could result from grinding insects during food processing. …

God had a reason to command us not to eat crustaceans and most insects. It’s misguided to believe that science is likely to fully elucidate the medical reasons for God’s instructions regarding food, especially considering the plethora of factors involved in human health that complicate dietary scientific analysis, and the sometimes-delayed health effects attributable to various factors.  … the idea of eating insects is disgusting. The best thing to do is to refuse to heed World Economic Forum head Klaus Schwab’s exhortations to “Eat ze bugs.”

Some lawmakers do not seem to want consumers to know about the use of bugs as part of the food supply as the following suggests:

Democrats Push to Hide Insects in American Food Supply

April 8, 2024

In Minnesota, state Senate Democrats blocked an amendment that would have required foods containing insects to be labeled.

Republicans are arguing that insects should be listed in the ingredients of food products to inform consumers.

However, for reasons that are not immediately clear, Democrats are pushing to keep bugs a hidden ingredient.

Last week, the Minnesota Senate passed S.F. 4225 – an omnibus agriculture policy bill. …

However, before the bill was passed, Sen. Torrey Westrom (R-Alexandria) introduced a commonsense amendment for food labeling.

The amendment would require food to be properly labeled if it contains either insect products or artificial “cell-cultured” food like lab-grown meat. …

However, the bill’s Democrat author Sen. Aric Putnam,(D-St. Cloud) shot down the proposal.

Putnam insists that, although “consumers should know what they are consuming,” the issue of labeling insect parts in products was a “future problem.”

He falsely claimed that insect-based “foods” and lab-grown “meats” are not available yet, and therefore, do not need to be addressed.

Before getting to “lab-grown meat,” notice that last year, Singapore approved 16 insects for human consumption, including the black soldier fly larva shown at the beginning of this post.

America’s Future Being Tested in Singapore With Approval of 16 Insects for Human Consumption

April 29, 2023

It’s not uncommon for insect parts to accidentally make it into processed foods in plant production. However, Singapore has gone one step further and approved the packaging and sale of 16 species of insects as foodstuff.1 In this short video, actress Nicole Kidman demonstrates her secret talent — eating fried insects and live worms. …

April 7, 2023, The Straits Times8 reported that 16 species of insects had received the green light from the SFA and would be released for human consumption in the last half of 2023. The companies importing the insects must provide proof that the insects are farmed under food safety controls and that the substrate used to feed the insects is not contaminated.

Additionally, the insect products will also be subjected to food safety testing and treatment to kill pathogens. Food inspections will also be done to determine if the insects were packed and stored to prevent contamination.

The 16 species of insects approved for consumption could be either eaten directly or used to make snack items. In addition to the insects, the SFA is allowing silkworm cocoons, with the explanation that they are currently consumed in Malaysia and China. Insect species without a history of human consumption, no matter how recent the history, will be considered novel and approval must then go through a different framework.

One of those insects is the black soldier fly larvae that are currently used in Singapore to process food waste. The Straits Times writes, “The larvae consume up to four times their body weight in waste and, in turn, excrete frass, which is used as fertilizer. The larvae are used as fish and shrimp feed.” …

The idea of eating insect-based foods is cloaked in “sustainable” rhetoric by globalists, which they hope to elevate to foods “the cool kids” eat as Nicole Kidman demonstrates in the video …

This is exactly what the globalists would like you to do — there are no problems, don’t worry about it, globalists will take care of your food supply. You only have to learn how to eat bugs and drink sewer water. …

Although it sounds crazy, they have already started trying to normalize cannibalism. Lab-grown human steak was introduced in December 202018 and featured as “art” at the Design Museum in London, U.K. The creator of the “Ouroboros Steak” — a reference to the ancient symbol of a snake that devours its tail and is reborn from itself — claimed the installation was a critique against the meat industry.

Taking this one step further, a company called BiteLabs claimed to plan to sell artisanal salami made from lab-grown celebrity flesh. On their website,19 which appears to have been taken down in late 2022, they stated the intention to collect biopsy samples from celebrities, isolate the muscle cells and then grow the celebrity meat using a proprietary bioreactor. The flesh would then be cured, dried, aged and spiced according to Italian tradition.

In January 2022, IFLScience20 followed up on the story and noted that “it’s perfectly possible” to create salami from cloned celebrity meet. While the website has been taken down, the Facebook page21 remains where the company claims “We’ve never been so close to celebrities — until now.”

Another example of an ongoing effort to normalize cannibalism is a 2018 article published in the journal Nature,22 which promoted the rejuvenating effects of drinking young people’s blood.

In a bit of predictive programming, the 1973 film “Soylent Green” — in which the protagonist realizes the government food being handed out is made from humans — was set in the year 2022.24

Another gross answer that globalists have proposed is drinking reclaimed sewage water.

While the Bible seems to allow for the consumption of crickets and grasshoppers, black soldier flies, mealworms, and silkworms are biblically unclean–thus should not be consumed by Christians (see also The New Testament Church, History, and Unclean Meats). Let me also add that it is almost 100% certain that COVID became a problem because of people consuming biblically-unclean meats along with the viral research that was done in the lab at Wuhan (watch also: COVID, Pandemics, and Unclean Meat).

The Bible also warns about cannibalism and we have an article (see Cannibalism is Wrong, But it is Coming!) and video about it (watch  Cannibalism is prophesied!).

We made a video that mentioned GMO salmon and lab grown meat a few years back:


GMOs, Lab meat, Hydrogenation: Safe or Dangerous?

Genetically-modified organisms (GMOs) have been in the US food supply for over 20 years. Are they safe? Which ten GMO plants are now widely commercially available? What about laboratory-grown ‘meat.? Hydrogenated trans-fatty acid products have been consumed for over 100 years. Are they safe? Certain scientists claim that the data proves the safety of GMOs and lab-meat. But do they have enough data? Are the proponents of GMOs and lab-meat driven by data or greed? How long is long enough to test these ‘foods’? Can overly processed foods lead to type 2 diabetes or dementia? Are there allergy, gene-transfer, and outcrossing risks with GMOs? What risks does the World Health Organization say that GMOs pose? Do studies involving animals show real dangers with GMOs? On June 11, 2019, US President Donald Trump signed an executive order reducing government oversight over GMO plants and animals. Was this wise or dangerous? Is the food supply at any risk? What did Jesus teach? What does the Bible teach that God’s people should eat?

Here is a link to the video: GMOs, Lab meat, Hydrogenation: Safe or Dangerous?

Frightening, ‘frankenstein-monsters,’ are being worked on in labs. We also made a video related to that, including the use of simian species:


BBC reported about what it called an animal that would be half-human and half-pig. Is such a thing possible? Are chimeras for real? What about a “humanzee”? Are scientists really working on these type of creatures? Is this good? Can something truly be half human and half animal? How are humans different from animals? What is the ‘spirit in man’? What is man? Dr. Thiel addresses these issues and more with biblical-based responses.

Here is a link to our video: Half human, half pig: What’s the difference?

Related to so-called lab-grown meat, we also put out the following video:


Lab grown chicken?

In November 2022, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) gave its initial approval (with two almost automatic approvals to come) for the sale and consumption of what is called ‘lab-grown chicken.’ The FDA said that this material was safe and part of what it termed a ” food revolution.” Is what was approved actually a chicken? Is this consistent with those who are “inventors of evil things” (Romans 1:30)? Have lab-grown meat and genetically-modified organisms (GMOs) been proven to be safe in all ways and for sufficient lengths of time? Should human-animal chimeras be encouraged? Are there scriptures in the Bible that warn about love of money and that point to not eating something just because it may appear good to eat? Does the Bible mention that living organisms were to reproduce after their own kind? Does the Bible say to eat that which is good in Isaiah? Steve Dupuie and Dr. Thiel go over these matters.

Here is a link to our video: Lab grown chicken?

Last September, we put out the following sermon about the food supply:


Evil is Affecting the Food Supply

God gave humans food and said what He made was good. What about unclean animals? What about genetically-modified organisms (GMOs)? What about ‘bioengineered foods’? What about lab meat? What about human-cloned salami? What about ‘Piggy Sooy’? Are Christians supposed to eat what is good according to Isaiah 55:2? What should we eat? What should Christians avoid eating? Dr. Thiel addresses these matters and more.

Here is a link to the following: Evil is Affecting the Food Supply.

While the consumption of small amounts of GMO ‘foods’ does not appear to be harmful, I personally do not consider that long-term consumption of GMOs by humans is neither wise nor safe. And it most certainly is not proven to be healthy by science. And as far as insects go, most are not supposed to be eaten.

The Bible warns about the “ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness” (Romans 1:18) and not letting people know that biblically-prohibited insects are in packaged foods is wrong suppression of the truth. Hopefully, the lawmakers in Minnesota will realize that.

However, the reality is that many in the whole, overly-processed food industries continue to push for things that are not good.

Some items of possibly related interest may include the following:

Christian Health Matters Should Christians be concerned about their health? Does the Bible give any food and health guidelines? Here are links to three related sermons: Let’s Talk About Food, Evil is Affecting the Food Supply, and Let’s Talk About Health.
The New Testament Church, History, and Unclean Meats Are foods considered to have been unclean in the Old Testament considered to be food in the New Testament? This article discusses this from the perspective of the New Testament. It also has a list of clean and unclean animals. It also answers the question, is pork healthy or is pork dangerous? There is also a sermon-length video on this: Christians and Unclean Meats; two short videos are also available: Did Jesus declare all animal flesh food? and COVID, Pandemics, and Unclean Meat.
Cannibalism is Wrong, But it is Coming! Is it logical to eat human flesh? Or is it a curse that will return? Here is a link to a related video: Cannibalism is prophesied!
GMOs and Bible Prophecy What are GMOs? Since they were not in the food supply until 1994, how could they possibly relate to Bible prophecy? Do GMOs put the USA and others at risk? Here are some related videos: GMO Risks and the Bible and GMOs, Lab meat, Hydrogenation: Safe or Dangerous?
Chimeras: Has Science Crossed the Line? What are chimeras?  Has science crossed the line? Does the Bible give any clues? A video of related interest is Half human, half pig: What’s the difference?  and Human-Monkey Embryos and Death.

Olympic blasphemy: Opening ceremony mocks Jesus’ last Passover with drag queens–are there any positive Olympic ideals?

Saturday, July 27th, 2024

(Official Olympic logo for 2024)


The opening ceremonies of 2024 Olympic games hit a new low:

July 27, 2024

Sports spectacles like the Olympics, the Super Bowl, the Commonwealth Games and a host of other events have become increasingly political in their messaging and their pageantry in recent years. Furthermore, the symbology on display during these performances has become more and more bizarre.

As we noted in May, the signs were not good for the Summer Games when it was revealed that drag queens and trans activists would be carrying the Olympic Torch in preparation for opening ceremonies.  Olympic torch bearers are supposed to be chosen from a list of people with significant contributions to their communities.  It’s hard to say what contributions trans activists have made to any community, but the announced “theme” of the Summer Games held in Paris helps to explain their presence.

The stated tenets for Olympics 2024 are: Community, Diversity and The Collective.  In other words, the theme of this year’s Olympic Games is woke.

The event was planned by “queer artistic director” Thomas Jolly  …

The ceremony in Paris features strange performances from a horde of drag queens, including sexualized dancing and an LGBT recreation of The Last Supper. …

Make of this what you will, but it’s clear that major national and international games have changed dramatically in the past decade.  The spectacle is no longer meant to entertain, but to propagandize.

July 27, 2024

Russian … Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova on Saturday … called the opening ceremony “ridiculous.”

Drag queens who performed at the Opening Ceremony of the Olympics are under fire for mocking The Last Supper — one of Christianity’s most sacred moments.

“Queens everywhere! We couldn’t be happier about this huge moment for drag performers breaking through mainstream and showing their talents to the entire world,” Out magazine tweeted. …

One X user said the act was blasphemous. Another asked, in response to the performance, “What is wrong with the French?”

Drag was also on display as three of the 10,000 torchbearers who held the Olympic flame were drag queens.

Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker responded to the act in an Instagram story, calling it “crazy” before citing Bible verse Galatians 6:7 — “Be not deceived, God is not mocked,” reports MSN. …

Riley Gaines, a former collegiate student-athlete who has advocated against transgender women competing in women’s sports, wrote on X: “Men in wigs front and center at the Olympic games. No one ever tell me this group is ‘oppressed’ or ‘marginalized’ again.”

I did not watch any of the opening ceremonies, but did see the following tweet, which I did not watch the video of:

That, of course, is perverse, abominable, and blasphemous.

The Apostle Paul warned:

1 But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: 2 For men will be lovers of themselves, … 13 … evil men and impostors will grow worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived.  (2 Timothy 3:1, 13)

Men pretending that they are women are functioning as imposters.

The following is applicable to what the Olympics and others have been doing:

9 The look on their countenance witnesses against them, And they declare their sin as Sodom; They do not hide it. Woe to their soul! For they have brought evil upon themselves. (Isaiah 3:9)

In Genesis 19:24-25, we read that Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed by God.

And why did it happen?

7 as Sodom and Gomorrah, and the cities around them in a similar manner to these, having given themselves over to sexual immorality and gone after strange flesh, are set forth as an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire. (Jude 7)

Homosexuality is a form of sexual immorality that involves going after “strange flesh.”

Notice that God turned:

6…the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah into ashes, condemned them to destruction, making them an example to those who afterward would live ungodly (2 Peter 2:6)

Thus, the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah were to serve as an example to those who would live as they did.

Yet, those who point out what the word of God says about this are often despised by the main press and politicians.

The Bible warns against the rise of despisers of good in the last days:

20 Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil;
Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness;
Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

21 Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes,
And prudent in their own sight! (Isaiah 5:20-21)

Woe to those that do such things–yet we keep seeing that happen.

To be clear, “Cross-dressing”–which is what drag queens do–is condemned as an abomination in the Bible:

5 A woman shall not wear anything that pertains to a man, nor shall a man put on a woman’s garment, for all who do so are an abomination to the Lord your God. (Deuteronomy 22:5)

The Bible clearly condemns cross-dressing.

Yet, the Olympics put them on display.

That said, the Olympics is a mixture of good and evil, though the evil part looks to be increasing.

As far as the good, here is something that the old Worldwide Church of God published:

God’s Word shows us many spiritual lessons we can learn from the Olympic Games.

 Excitement is now rapidly mounting worldwide as hundreds of millions of people look forward to viewing, either in person or on television, one of the world’s greatest sporting events, the Summer Olympic Games. …

During the days of the early Church, the Olympic Games were an important and famous event every four years, just as they are today.

The apostle Paul used these Games, with which most everyone of his day was familiar, to help him explain vital spiritual principles. The same principles apply to God’s people today! …

The Isthmian Games took place every two years in Corinth, and would have been familiar to Church members living there in Paul’s time. So Paul pointed out some striking spiritual lessons to the Corinthians by referring to these Games.
When we understand this background to these passages, they take on added light and meaning.

Strive for the prize

Let’s notice, for instance, Corinthians 9:24-27. “Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but one receives the prize?” (verse 24). Only one person in each race at the Games received the victor’s wreath or garland.

“Run in such a way that you may obtain it.” Paul compares our Christian life to a race and urges us to run earnestly, with the comforting knowledge that although only one person in an Olympic race can win, everyone who runs well in the Christian race can win.

In verse 25, Paul shows that every successful athlete at the Games had to exercise rigorous self-discipline. So it is at the modern Olympics, too. The athletes who will succeed at the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics will be men and women who have sacrificed many of the pleasures other people enjoy to devote countless hours of exhausting struggle, sweat and toil in training for their events.

It is interesting that the Greek word translated “competes” in verse 25 is agonizomenos, which literally means “agonizes.” Yet these athletes went through all this just to obtain a “perishable crown.” The winner’s crown at the Olympic Games was made up of olive leaves, which began to wither away as soon as they were plucked.

How much more, then, ought we as Christians to discipline ourselves spiritually and agonize for our prize, a “crown of righteousness” (II Timothy 4:8), a “crown of glory that does not fade away” (I Peter 5:4)!

The life of a true Christian isn’t a simple matter of coasting or cruising along effortlessly, merely “believing in Christ” and thinking we are already saved.

Rather, living God’s way is a constant struggle. It’s a continuing effort to keep sin out of our lives, to seek God and be close to Him in a materialistic world that hates His ways and hurtles along in the opposite direction. It’s something we have to strive for with great zeal and energy, something to “contend earnestly for” (Jude 3).

We need to drive ourselves forward with every ounce of spiritual strength and, determination we have, just as an Olympic-class athlete urges and pushes his body on to achievement.

In I Corinthians 9:26, Paul alludes to the boxing events at the Games, and says that he doesn’t fight like a shadow boxer, beating the air without purpose. We know our purpose — we know our goal of entering God’s Kingdom. We need to keep our eyes on that goal and never deviate from it.

The word translated “discipline” in verse 27 (“But I discipline my body and bring it into subjection”) literally means “give a black eye to.” Paul realized he needed to box and “pommel” (Revised Standard Version) his own body, with stringent self-discipline, in order to ensure he stayed on the right track in his personal spiritual life.

Once again we see that a carefree and complacent attitude will not gain us entry into God’s Kingdom. God wants to see that we really mean business in following His way of life. He wants to see us straining and striving to really build tough, resilient spiritual character. Paul realized that he had to discipline himself strictly in this way “lest, when I have preached to others, I myself should become disqualified” (I Corinthians 9:27).

The word translated “have preached” refers to the office of the “herald” at the ancient Greek Games. The herald had the job of proclaiming the rules of the Games and calling the competitors together and exhorting them. The word translated “disqualified” refers to a person whom the judges would reject as not having deserved the prize. See also Galatians 2:2 and Philippians 2:16.

Similarly, everyone of us is urgently warned, in the message to the Philadelphia church, not to run our race in vain and end up losing our crown (Revelation 3:11).

Consider past champions

Hebrews 12:1-2 portrays another aspect of the ancient Greek Games in order to bring us further vivid spiritual lessons.

Olympic athletes receive added motivation from the awareness that they are surrounded by stadiums full of spectators spurring them on to success.

Particularly in ancient times, when success at the Games was even more highly prized than today, all the principal leaders of the nation, as well as past heroes and champions, would be at the arena, supporting the competitors. Those in the audience would seem like a vast cloud because of the athlete’s blurred vision when running as fast as he could.

Paul comments that we also “are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses” (Hebrews 12:1). In our Christian effort, we can look to the outstanding examples set by the men and women of faith, the heroes and champions who have preceded us, such as those cataloged in the previous chapter, Hebrews 11. Meditating on these examples, keeping them in our mind’s eye as we run our race, should spur us on.

Cast off the weight of sins

An Olympic athlete can’t afford to carry any unnecessary weight. Heavy clothing is a slowing, hindering burden. Runners in the original Games even went so far as running naked to avoid any unnecessary encumbrances.

Hebrews 12:1 encourages us to “lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us.” Sin is the heavy burden that holds us back and thwarts us from doing our best in our Christian endeavor. Proverbs 5:22 compares sins to strong cords binding us down. So sins of any sort must be discovered and cast off as we speed forward in our race for God’s Kingdom.

Hebrews 12:2 shows the importance of having a goal to strive for in our life, just as Olympic competitors fix their eyes on the finishing tape or the goal they have to reach. We need to always look to Jesus as “the author and finisher of our faith.”

He was there at the start of our individual race, showing us the way to go, and He will be there at the finish, awarding the prizes to the conquerors.

Jesus Christ is the great champion who endured in His life on earth, striving against sin “for the joy that was set before Him.” He kept His eyes on the great goal of reigning in glory with His Father. Considering the example of Jesus, who “resisted to bloodshed, striving against sin,” helps us avoid growing weary and faint in the strenuous, grueling contest in which we’re engaged (verses 3 and 4).

Paul gives another vivid description of the intense effort we need to employ as we drive ourselves toward the goal of God’s Kingdom in Philippians 3:13-14: “Brethren I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.”

Instruction to Timothy

Paul makes frequent references to the Olympic Games in his epistles to Timothy.

In I Timothy 4:7 he tells Timothy to “exercise yourself rather to godliness.” The Greek word rendered “exercise” here is gumnaze, referring to the gymnastic exercises used by the Greeks of Paul’s time in preparation for the Games. Paul goes on to show in the next verse that physical exercises only profit the body for a little while, but the dedicated spiritual training we undertake — the exercising of our bodies and minds after godliness — living God’s way of life — is “profitable for all things, having promise of the life that now is and of that which is to come.”

In I Timothy 6:12, Paul refers again to the boxing and wrestling contests at the Games, and to the crowd of witnesses in the on-looking audience: “Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, to which you were also called and have confessed the good confession in the presence of many witnesses.”

Yet another allusion to the Games is in II Timothy 2:5: “And also if anyone competes in athletics, he is not crowned unless he competes according to the rules.”.

Athletes have to strive and work hard, to “endure hardship” (verse 3), for their success, and they have to abide by the rules of the contest.

In the same way, we as God’s people must labor diligently to enter God’s Kingdom, and we must be obedient to the laws of the greatest judge of all — God (Genesis 18:25).

Nearing the end of his life, Paul used an Olympic Games analogy to graphically sum up his life’s endeavors: “I have fought the good fight [the Greek words refer to a wrestling bout], I have finished the race, I have kept the faith” (II Timothy 4:7).

Paul was able to look back with satisfaction that he had run the race right to the finish and had kept the rules. Are we able to look at our spiritual lives with that feeling? Are we putting out as much effort as we can in our bold bid for the glorious prize of God’s Kingdom?

In verse 8, Paul concluded, “Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness,” not just a wreath of fading leaves or a gold medal subject to tarnishing (see Matthew 6:19-20), “which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing.”

Will you be numbered among the group of conquering heroes who mount the dais along with the apostle Paul to receive the glorious reward of entrance into the universe-ruling Kingdom and Family of God?

Run to win in your personal spiritual “Olympic Games”! (Morgan RJ. Your Spiritual Olympics! Good News, June-July 1984)

So, while many of organizers of the 2024 Summer Olympics have perverse propaganda objectives, there are still some positive ideals we can glean from the Olympics.

The New Testament says that bodily exercise can help (1 Timothy 4:8), yet most Americans do not get enough physical activity. The Continuing Church of God (CCOG) has the following video on our Bible News Prophecy YouTube channel:


A 2019 report shows that Americans are becoming sedentary. Since it is a physical thing, should Christians be concerned about exercise? Could not exercising possibly be a sin? What did the ‘Plain Truth’ magazine report about exercise? What is the US CDC reporting about exercise? Can exercise help prevent diabetes, heart disease, and obesity? Can exercise help sleep, endurance, and aging? Are there scriptures about exercise and health? What about laziness? What are some of the risks and benefits of exercise? Dr. Thiel addresses these subjects and more.

Here is a link to our video: The Plain Truth About Exercise.

Anyway, while there can be some good from the Olympics, it is terrible how perverse the world has become.

Some items of possibly related interest may include:

Should Christians Exercise? What does the Bible teach? What are some of the benefits and risks of exercise? Here is a link to a related video: The Plain Truth About Exercise.
Obesity, processed foods, health risks, and the Bible Does the Bible warn about the consequences of being obese? Is overeating dangerous? Is gluttony condemned? What diseases are associated with eating too much refined foods? Two related videos would be: Is Obesity OK with Scripture? and Eating Right, Eating Too Much, and Prophecy.
Ten Simple Rules that Lead to Health Herbert Armstrong gives his opinions on this.
Christian Health Matters Should Christians be concerned about their health? Does the Bible give any food and health guidelines? Here are links to three related sermons: Let’s Talk About Food, Evil is Affecting the Food Supply, and Let’s Talk About Health.
Cross-dressing and other assaults against your children. What should you do? Is there an agenda to turn your children and/or grandchildren away from biblical morality and towards practices promoted by homosexuals? What does the Bible teach about cross-dressing? What should parents do? If there is an agenda, what has been going on? There are also videos related to this, titled Transgender ‘Woe to those who call evil good’, Cross dressing and Other Assaults Against Your Children, Disney’s abominable promotions!, USA pushing gender confusion, and New Transgender Study.
The Bible Condemns Homosexuality “Same-sex marriage” for “gays” and lesbians is becoming more acceptable to many. What does the Bible teach about homosexuality and the LGBTQ agenda?  Can homosexuals change? A related video sermon is titled: What Does the Bible Really Teach about Homosexuality? A short video is available titled: Gay Gene? Born That Way?
Building Character: Going on to Perfection Once you have accepted Jesus, do you need to strive for perfection and build character? Two related videos sermon are available: Believe Jesus: Obey and Build Character and Going on to perfection and building character.There is a Spanish language video on this titled E Construyendo el carácter: avanzando hacia la perfección–here is a link:

Sermon: End Time Persecutions and the Love of God

Saturday, July 27th, 2024

Artist depiction of Roman Catholic saint Dominic presiding over burning two at the stake


The Continuing Church of God put together this sermon on its ContinuingCOG channel:


End Time Persecutions and the Love of God

We are fast approaching the end of this age. Jesus will be here soon. Prior to His return, there will be a final chastisement on the remaining Christians that belong to the church Jesus built. Why would God allow His children to be chastised? Because God chastises those He loves. If we are not chastised God considered us to be “illegitimate”. What form will this chastisement take? Will it be more than we can bear? What is the Biblical example of the chastisement God may allow to come to His end time children? Might our chastisement by physical, or mental, or both? Will we be able to withstand the chastisement? If so, how? These answers and the answers to other questions are discussed in this sermon.

Here is a link to the sermon: End Time Persecutions and the Love of God.

Persecutions by Church and State This article documents some that have occurred against those associated with the COGs and some prophesied to occur. Will those with the cross be the persecutors or the persecuted–this article has the shocking answer. There are also three video sermons you can watch: Cancel Culture and Christian Persecution, The Coming Persecution of the Church, and Christian Persecution from the Beast. Here is information in the Spanish language: Persecuciones de la Iglesia y el Estado.
Prophecies Showing Persecution of Sabbath Keepers Are Sabbath-keepers going to be persecuted in the 21st century? Are there biblical and non-biblical prophecies that point to this type of persecution?
Preparing for the ‘Short Work’ and The Famine of the Word What is the ‘short work’ of Romans 9:28? Who is preparing for it? Will Philadelphian Christians instruct many in the end times? What about modern censoring, censorship, and shadow banning? Here is a link to a related video sermon titled: The Short Work. Here is a link to another: Preparing to Instruct Many.
What is the Synagogue of Satan? David Pack falsely claims these are leaders in what he considers to be “splinter” COGs. What is the truth about this?
The Spanish Inquisition and Early Protestant Persecutions Was the Church of Rome really responsible for this? What happened? A video of related interest is titled: The Past and Future Inquisition.
Universal OFFER of Salvation, Apokatastasis: Can God save the lost in an age to come? Hundreds of scriptures reveal God’s plan of salvation Will all get a fair chance at salvation? This free book is packed with scriptures showing that God does intend to offer salvation to all who ever lived–the elect in this age, and the rest in the age to come. Here is a link to a related sermon series: Universal Offer of Salvation 1: Apocatastasis, Universal Offer of Salvation 2: Jesus Desires All to be Saved, Mysteries of the Great White Throne Judgment (Universal Offer of Salvation part 3), Is God Fair, Will God Pardon the Ignorant?, Can God Save Your Relatives?, Babies, Limbo, Purgatory and God’s Plan, and ‘By the Mouth of All His Holy Prophets’.
Is God Calling You? This booklet discusses topics including calling, election, and selection. If God is calling you, how will you respond? Here is are links to related sermons: Christian Election: Is God Calling YOU? and Predestination and Your Selection. A short animation is also available: Is God Calling You?

Beliefs of the Original Catholic Church. Did the original “catholic church” have doctrines held by the Continuing Church of God? Did Church of God leaders uses the term “catholic church” to ever describe the church they were part of? Here are links to related sermons: Original Catholic Church of God?, Original Catholic Doctrine: Creed, Liturgy, Baptism, Passover, What Type of Catholic was Polycarp of Smyrna?, Tradition, Holy Days, Salvation, Dress, & Celibacy, Early Heresies and Heretics, Doctrines: 3 Days, Abortion, Ecumenism, Meats, Tithes, Crosses, Destiny, and more, Saturday or Sunday?, The Godhead, Apostolic Laying on of Hands Succession, Church in the Wilderness Apostolic Succession List, Holy Mother Church and Heresies, and Lying Wonders and Original Beliefs.
Preparing for the ‘Short Work’ and The Famine of the Word What is the ‘short work’ of Romans 9:28? Who is preparing for it? Will Philadelphian Christians instruct many in the end times? Here is a link to a related video sermon titled: The Short Work. Here is a link to another: Preparing to Instruct Many.

Who Gave the World the Bible? The Canon: Why do we have the books we now do in the Bible? Is the Bible complete? Are there lost gospels? What about the Apocrypha? Is the Septuagint better than the Masoretic text? What about the Textus Receptus vs. Nestle Alland? Was the New Testament written in Greek, Aramaic, or Hebrew? Which translations are based upon the best ancient text? Did the true Church of God have the canon from the beginning? Here are links to related sermons: Let’s Talk About the Bible, The Books of the Old Testament, The Septuagint and its Apocrypha, Masoretic Text of the Old Testament, and Lost Books of the Bible, and Let’s Talk About the New Testament, The New Testament Canon From the Beginning, English Versions of the Bible and How Did We Get Them?, What was the Original Language of the New Testament?, Original Order of the Books of the Bible, and Who Gave the World the Bible? Who Had the Chain of Custody?

Proof Jesus is the Messiah This free book has over 200 Hebrew prophecies were fulfilled by Jesus. Plus, His arrival was consistent with specific prophecies and even Jewish interpretations of prophecy. Here are links to seven related sermons: Proof Jesus is the Messiah, Prophecies of Jesus’ birth, timing, and death, Jesus’ prophesied divinity, 200+ OT prophecies Jesus filled; Plus prophecies He made, Why Don’t Jews Accept Jesus?, Daniel 9, Jews, and Jesus, and Facts and Atheists’ Delusions About Jesus. Plus the links to two sermonettes: Luke’s census: Any historical evidence? and Muslims believe Jesus is the Messiah, but
Hope of Salvation: How the Continuing Church of God Differs from Protestantism The CCOG is NOT Protestant. This free online book explains how the real Church of God differs from mainstream/traditional Protestants. Several sermons related to the free book are also available: Protestant, Baptist, and CCOG History; The First Protestant, God’s Command, Grace, & Character; The New Testament, Martin Luther, and the Canon; Eucharist, Passover, and Easter; Views of Jews, Lost Tribes, Warfare, & Baptism; Scripture vs. Tradition, Sabbath vs. Sunday; Church Services, Sunday, Heaven, and God’s Plan; Seventh Day Baptists/Adventists/Messianics: Protestant or COG?; Millennial Kingdom of God and God’s Plan of Salvation; Crosses, Trees, Tithes, and Unclean Meats; The Godhead and the Trinity; Fleeing or Rapture?; and Ecumenism, Rome, and CCOG Differences.
The MYSTERY of GOD’s PLAN Why Did God Create Anything? Why did God make you? This free online book helps answers some of the biggest questions that human have, including the biblical meaning of life. Here is a link to three related sermons: Mysteries of God’s Plan, Mysteries of Truth, Sin, Rest, Suffering, and God’s Plan, and The Mystery of YOU.

Christians: Ambassadors for the Kingdom of God, Biblical instructions on living as a Christian This is a scripture-filled booklet for those wishing to live as a real Christian. A related sermon is also available: Christians are Ambassadors for the Kingdom of God.
The Ten Commandments: The Decalogue, Christianity, and the Beast This is a free pdf book explaining the what the Ten Commandments are, where they came from, how they develop love, how early professors of Christ viewed them, and how various ones, including the Beast of Revelation, will oppose them. A related sermon is titled: The Ten Commandments and the Beast of Revelation.
The Gospel of the Kingdom of God This free online pdf booklet has answers many questions people have about the Gospel of the Kingdom of God and explains why it is the solution to the issues the world is facing. Here are links to three related sermons: The World’s False Gospel, The Gospel of the Kingdom: From the New and Old Testaments, and The Kingdom of God is the Solution.
Where is the True Christian Church Today? This free online pdf booklet answers that question and includes 18 proofs, clues, and signs to identify the true vs. false Christian church. Plus 7 proofs, clues, and signs to help identify Laodicean churches. A related sermon is also available: Where is the True Christian Church? Here is a link to the booklet in the Spanish language: ¿Dónde está la verdadera Iglesia cristiana de hoy? Here is a link in the German language: WO IST DIE WAHRE CHRISTLICHE KIRCHE HEUTE? Here is a link in the French language: Où est la vraie Église Chrétienne aujourd’hui?
Continuing History of the Church of God This pdf booklet is a historical overview of the true Church of God and some of its main opponents from Acts 2 to the 21st century. Related sermon links include Continuing History of the Church of God: c. 31 to c. 300 A.D. and Continuing History of the Church of God: 4th-16th Centuries and Continuing History of the Church of God: 17th-20th Centuries. The booklet is available in Spanish: Continuación de la Historia de la Iglesia de Dios, German: Kontinuierliche Geschichte der Kirche Gottes, and Ekegusii Omogano Bw’ekanisa Ya Nyasae Egendererete.
CCOG.ORG Continuing Church of God The group striving to be most faithful amongst all real Christian groups to the word of God. There are links to literature is about 160 different languages there.


Could God be creating something beautiful with you?

Friday, July 26th, 2024


A reader sent me a link to the following by Jared Dyson:

God is creating something beautiful in you

March 9, 2023 …

Each and every one of us is unique. We are all different, with different challenges, different circumstances, and different experiences in life. Yet, we all have one unique thing about us. We will never be the beautiful vessel that God wants us to be until we have been through the fire of life.

God has a design and purpose for each of us. It’s to be a vessel used by Him for His glory and honor. But we can never be that beautiful vessel until we have been put through the fire. Maybe you find yourself discouraged and downhearted from the trials you face. Don’t give up. Realize that God has you in the fire and is creating something beautiful in your life.

That is true.

Before going into what God’s purpose for you actually is, let’s look at something from a secular source:

Does life have a purpose?

Nobody expects atoms and molecules to have purposes, so why do we still think of living things in this way?

There’s no sense for most scientists that a star is for anything, or that a molecule serves an end. But when we come to talk about living things, it seems very hard to shake off the idea that they have purposes and goals, which are served by the ways they have evolved.

As I have written about before in Aeon, the chemist James Lovelock got into very hot water with his fellow scientists when he wanted to talk about the Earth being an organism (the Gaia hypothesis) and its parts having purposes: that sea lagoons were for evaporating unneeded salt out of the ocean, for instance. And as Steven Poole wrote in his essay ‘Your point is?’ in Aeon earlier this year, the contemporary philosopher Thomas Nagel is also in hot water since he suggested in his book Mind and Cosmos (2012) that we need to use teleological understanding to explain the nature of life and its evolution.

Some have thought that this lingering teleological language is a sign that biology is not a real science at all, but just a collection of observations and facts. Others argue that the apparent purposefulness of nature leaves room for God. Immanuel Kant declared that you cannot do biology without thinking in terms of function, of final causes: ‘There will never be a Newton for a blade of grass,’ he claimed in Critique of Judgment (1790), meaning that living things are simply not determined by the laws of nature in the way that non-living things are, and we need the language of purpose in order to explain the organic world.

Why do we still talk about organisms and their features in this way? Is biology basically different from the other sciences because living things do have purposes and ends? Or has biology simply failed to get rid of some old-fashioned, unscientific thinking — thinking that even leaves the door ajar for those who want to sneak God back into science? accessed 05/16/20

Yes, life has a purpose and there really is a God.

Before getting to that it should be pointed out that REAL scientists, those actually willing to believe the facts of biology, realize that evolution is NOT science.

Those who claim that evolution is the origin of life are not being logical as that is impossible.

Consider the following admission from Nobel Prize winner Dr. George Wald, from Harvard University:

The reasonable view was to believe in spontaneous generation (life from nothing); the only alternative, to believe in a single, primary act of supernatural creation. There is no third position . . . One has only to contemplate the magnitude of this task to concede that the spontaneous generation of a living organism is impossible. Yet here we are, as a result I believe, of spontaneous generation. (Scott I. The God Solution: Are You Ready? Xlibris Corporation, 2013, p. 41)

This is an astounding admission. Dr. Wald is saying that he chose to believe the impossible. And “scientists” claim that those who believe in a Creator have blind faith with no proof, but instead believe the impossible!

Merriam-Webster’s dictionary defines impossible as “incapable of being or of occurring.”

It is a falsehood to believe in something that is impossible–it is illogical.

Consider the following from the Bible:

14 Blessed are those who do His commandments, that they may have the right to the tree of life, and may enter through the gates into the city. 15 But outside are dogs and sorcerers and sexually immoral and murderers and idolaters, and whoever loves and practices a lie. (Revelation 22:14-15)

Would not professing belief in something you know is impossible be loving and believing a lie?

The fact is that evolution functions as a false religion that many cling to. Therefore, many who hold to it do not bother to look into the truth about why they are on this planet nor what their life really is supposed to be about.

The Continuing Church of God put out two short animations related to this general topic on our CCOG Animations channel:


Big Bang: Nothing or Creator?

Colleges and universities teach variations of a godless ‘Big Bang theory’ as science. But is it scientific or simply the musing of scientists? The late Dr. Stephen Hawking stated that there was nothing before the Big Bang. Is it logical that nothing became everything? What should have happened then according to scientists? What happens to radioactive materials like uranium? What does the Bible teach about errors called science? Is God’s existence more logical than a godless ‘Big Bang’? Which has more actual proof? In this animation, a university student asks a professor questions and provides information that students and those out of school should know. A free online booklet is also available:

Here is a link to our video: Big Bang: Nothing or Creator?


Did life just spring up on its own? Is this possible according to a Nobel-prize winning scientist who believes in ‘spontaneous generation’ and other aspects of evolution? Is there any possibility that life could have just started on its own and thrived to the point of being able to reproduce? Is the academic community biased against those who believe in a Divine Creator God? Does it make scientific sense to believe in the atheistic position? Is there more proof of God’s existence than there is for ‘spontaneous generation’? What about DNA and Charles Darwin? What about the RNA first hypothesis? What about matter, entropy, biogenesis, and abiogenesis? Is evolution possible, probable, or impossible? Dr. Thiel addresses these issues and more.

Here is a link to our animated video: A Lifegiver or Spontaneous Evolution?

The Apostle Paul warned:

20 O Timothy! Guard what was committed to your trust, avoiding the profane and idle babblings and contradictions of what is falsely called knowledge — 21 by professing it some have strayed concerning the faith. (1 Timothy 6:20-21, NKJV)

20 O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called: 21 Which some professing have erred concerning the faith. (1 Timothy 6:20-21, KJV)

Problems of contradictions of what is called ‘knowledge/science’ exist to this day. If there ever is an apparent contradiction between the Bible and what is called ‘science’ remember that the Bible teaches:

4 … Indeed, let God be true but every man a liar. (Romans 3:4)

The Bible is scientific and reliable. Not all scientists are. Nor are all theologians.

The Apostle Paul also wrote the following to Timothy about some who were:

7 always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. 8 Now as Jannes and Jambres resisted Moses, so do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, disapproved concerning the faith; 9 but they will progress no further, for their folly will be manifest to all, (2 Timothy 3:7-9)

Believe the truth. Belief in God is logical (see also Is God’s Existence Logical?).

But God’s plan is a mystery to most.

God’s purpose for His creation is for eternity to be better.

Because God exists, yes, it makes perfect sense that He has a purpose for EACH and EVERY human life.

The Apostle Paul wrote:

28 And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. (Romans 8:28)

What is His purpose?

His purpose for individual human beings is for them to be able to give love in a unique way to make eternity better for themselves and everyone else.


Here is some information about God’s plan for you from our free online booklet The MYSTERY of GOD’s PLAN Why Did God Create Anything? Why did God make you?:

God’s plan takes into account what has happened to you. Notice Old Testament teachings related to that:

11 The counsel of the Lord stands forever, The plans of His heart to all generations. 12 Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, The people He has chosen as His own inheritance. 13 The Lord looks from heaven; He sees all the sons of men. 14 From the place of His dwelling He looks On all the inhabitants of the earth; 15 He fashions their hearts individually; He considers all their works. (Psalm 33:11-15)

1 For I considered all this in my heart, so that I could declare it all: that the righteous and the wise and their works are in the hand of God. (Ecclesiastes 9:1a)

9 A man’s heart plans his way, But the Lord directs his steps. (Proverbs 16:9)

24 A man’s steps are of the Lord; How then can a man understand his own way? (Proverbs 20:24)

73 Your hands have made me and fashioned me; (Psalm 119:73)

17 … “God shall judge the righteous and the wicked, For there is a time there for every purpose and for every work.” (Ecclesiastes 3:17)

Notice, now, passages in the New Testament:

11 But the one and the same Spirit is operating in all these things, dividing separately to each one as God Himself desires. … 27 Now you are the body of Christ, and you are all individual members. (1 Corinthians 12:11, 27, AFV)

7 Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. 8 For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life. (Galatians 6:7-8)

10 For God is not unjust to forget your work and labor of love which you have shown toward His name … (Hebrews 6:10)

God has a plan for ALL! That includes YOU INDIVIDUALLY whether you are called in this age or not. And He considers ALL OF YOUR WORKS.

All that you have been through, all that you have suffered, all of which you accomplished, etc. is preparing YOU to make eternity better (unless you will ultimately refuse to support God’s Kingdom). Everything you have been through has been preparing you for the calling and work God has for you! YOU will be able to give in a unique way and help make eternity better!

The Bible mentions that just like the body has parts like hands and eyes and parts for smelling, hearing, and other things (1 Corinthians 12:12-26), we all have our unique part in the eternal plan God has. Yes, your role could be quite different from the other billions of humans—don’t think God does not have a real plan for YOU.

Furthermore, you are accountable for what you do (Romans 14:12). God will judge based on what you do (Ecclesiastes 12:14; Revelation 20:12) as well as what you fail to do (Matthew 25:24-30). The more you do what you should do, the more you will make eternity better for your own self and others. The more you do not do what you should not do, you will make eternity better for your own self and others. God is a righteous judge (2 Timothy 4:8).

The Bible teaches that we shall be rewarded according to our works (Matthew 16:27; Romans 2:6; Proverbs 24:12; Jeremiah 17:10; Revelation 22:12)! And we will be able to help more people because of that (cf. Luke 19:15-19). The Bible says that after death, our works follow us (cf. Revelation 14:13)—which basically means that what we learned and developed while physical will shape how we will be able to give and work throughout eternity.

Everything God has done He has had a reason for (Ezekiel 14:23). Including the length of our lives, which is usually a mystery for us (cf. Ecclesiastes 9:12).

“Have faith in God” (Mark 11:22) as He has fantastic reasons for everything He does—even when it does not always seem that way to us (cf. Hebrews 12:11; Romans 8:28).

Many have erroneously judged God based on their own conclusions, yet the Bible also teaches:

5 Therefore judge nothing before the time, until the Lord comes, who will both bring to light the hidden things of darkness and reveal the counsels of the hearts. Then each one’s praise will come from God. (1 Corinthians 4:5)

Some things have been hidden. We also do not know everything about any human.

All people are not the same. God has an individual plan for each of us (1 Corinthians 12:4-12).

God is working with all so that each of us can have our part in eternity! As scripture teaches:

17 The work of righteousness will be peace, And the effect of righteousness, quietness and assurance forever. (Isaiah 32:17)

11 You will show me the path of life; In Your presence is fullness of joy; At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore. (Psalm 16:11)

Peace and pleasures forevermore. A better eternity!

What is something YOU SHOULD DO?

11 Come, you children, listen to me; I will teach you the fear of the Lord. 12 Who is the man who desires life, And loves many days, that he may see good?  13 Keep your tongue from evil, And your lips from speaking deceit. 14 Depart from evil and do good; Seek peace and pursue it. (Psalm 34:11-14)

3 Trust in the Lord, and do good; Dwell in the land, and feed on His faithfulness. 4 Delight yourself also in the Lord, And He shall give you the desires of your heart. (Psalm 37:3-4)


What does all this mean?

It means that God created what He did so His creation could do good.

Or more specifically, God created everything He did so that eternity would be better!

Isn’t that great?

3 … Great and marvelous are Your works, Lord God Almighty! (Revelation 15:3)

19 Oh, how great is Your goodness, Which You have laid up for those who fear You, Which You have prepared for those who trust in You In the presence of the sons of men! (Psalm 31:19)

God’s goodness is great because of what He has prepared for us to come. …

God MADE humanity in order to give love (cf. 1 John 4:7-12) and so that there would be more love in the universe (cf. Matthew 22:37-39). That is the meaning of life.

What is the mystery of God’s plan? Why did God create anything?

God created what He did so eternity would be better (cf. Hebrews 6:9, 11:16; Philippians 1:23).

That is why He created the universe and that is why He created men and women. He specifically created the universe as a heritage/inheritance for Jesus and all humankind.

Humans who are granted eternal life will make eternity better.

God’s plan includes all who will heed His call in this age (see also the free online booklet Is God Calling You?), and others in the age to come (see also
Universal OFFER of Salvation, Apokatastasis: Can God save the lost in an age to come? Hundreds of scriptures reveal God’s plan of salvation ).

Christian or not, why did God make you?

Your purpose in this life is to build character so you can maximize your potential and increase how much better you can improve eternity.

God made YOU so that you will be able to use your unique talents (Matthew 25:14-23; Luke 19:11-19) to give love in order to make eternity better!

That is why God created what He did. That is why God made YOU.

More scriptural and other details are in the free online book: The MYSTERY of GOD’s PLAN Why Did God Create Anything? Why did God make you?

Regarding why this world needs you, you might find the following Continuing Church of God sermon helpful:


Why did God make YOU? What is the biblical meaning pf life? Are you supposed to do good? Is there a place for works? What will you be rewarded for? What about love and the commandments? Does God have a specific role for you personally? Do you really trust God? Will you be able to give love in a unique manner in order to make eternity better for yourself and others? What about character and deification? Why did God create anything? This is third part of a three-part sermon series by Dr. Thiel.

This sermon series is based on the following free online book: The MYSTERY of GOD’s PLAN Why Did God Create Anything? Why did God make you?

Here is a link to the sermon: The Mystery of YOU.

Yes, life has a purpose!

And if you are willing, you can make eternity better for yourself and all who will later hear God’s call.

That is beautiful!

We also have the following video:


Could God be Creating Something Beautiful in You?

A report based on CDC data showed a massive increase in hopelessness and sadness in American teenage females. Plus, 30% reported considering suicide. Does God have a plan for you? Jared Dyson asserted that God is creating something beautiful in you.” Is that possible? Is there really a God? Can you prove if God exists? If so, does His purpose for you involve something beautiful? Do all the tests, sufferings, and trials you have been through in this life have any eternal purpose? Could they be preparing you to give love in a unique manner in order for you to make eternity better for yourself and everyone else? Does God actually consider all the works and issues you have faced? Do you, as an individual, have a unique role that God knows? Can Jesus help you when you are facing difficulties? Could your purpose in this life be to build character so that you can maximize your potential and increase how much you can make eternity better? Steve Dupuie and Dr. Thiel address these issues.

Here is a link to our video: Could God be Creating Something Beautiful in You?

Some items of possibly related interest may include:

Is God’s Existence Logical? Is it really logical to believe in God? Yes! Would you like Christian answers to give atheists? This is a free online booklet that deal with improper theories and musings called science related to the origin of the origin of the universe, the origin of life, and evolution. Two animated videos of related interest are also available: Big Bang: Nothing or Creator? and A Lifegiver or Spontaneous Evolution?
The MYSTERY of GOD’s PLAN Why Did God Create Anything? Why did God make you? This free online book helps answers some of the biggest questions that human have, including the biblical meaning of life. Here is a link to three related sermons: Mysteries of God’s Plan, Mysteries of Truth, Sin, Rest, Suffering, and God’s Plan, and The Mystery of YOU.
Why Were You Born? Why did God make you? Herbert W. Armstrong wrote this as a booklet on this important subject. You may also wish to read the article What is Your Destiny? or watch the video, also titled What is Your Destiny?
Building Character: Going on to Perfection Once you have accepted Jesus, do you need to strive for perfection and build character? A related video sermon is available:
Going on to perfection and building character.
What is the Meaning of Life? Who does God say is happy? What is your ultimate destiny? Do you really know? Does God actually have a plan for YOU personally? If you would like to watch videos covering subjects of this article, you can click on the following links: Why YOU? Why Do YOU Suffer? and What is the meaning of your life?
Is God Calling You? This booklet discusses topics including calling, election, and selection. If God is calling you, how will you respond? Here is a link to a related sermon: Could God be Calling You? A short animation is also available: Is God Calling You?
Physical Preparation Scriptures for Christians. We all know the Bible prophecies famines. Should we do something? Here is a version in the Spanish language Escrituras sobre Preparación física para los Cristianos. Here is a link to a related sermon: Physical preparedness for Christians.
Persecutions by Church and State This article documents some that have occurred against those associated with the COGs and some prophesied to occur. Will those with the cross be the persecutors or the persecuted–this article has the shocking answer. There is also a YouTube video sermon you can watch: The Coming Persecution of the Church. Here is information in the Spanish language: Persecuciones de la Iglesia y el Estado.

Does the CCOG have the confirmed signs of Acts 2:17-18? Does any church have the confirmed dream and prophetic signs of Acts 2:17-18? Should one? Here is a link in the Spanish language: ¿Tiene la CCOG confirmadas las señales de Hechos 2: 17-18? Here is a link in the French language: Est-ce que l’Église Continue de Dieu confirme les signes d’Actes 2:17-18?
Continuing Church of God, Elijah, and Restoring All Things Have all things been restored? Is there restoration going on? Is there supposed to be a 21st century Elijah? Here is are links to two related sermons: 21st Century Elijah and CCOG: Restoring All Things. Here is a link to a related sermon in the Spanish language: La restauracion de todas las cosas.